Ratni Čekić

četvrtak, 22.03.2012.

Caelasthil's Doom

As he acquired his blades, Calasthil and his kin continued their journey through far north. There was smell of spoiled milk and rotten meat in the air, the stench of Chaos. Red bladed sword become hot in it's scabbard it's gemstone shining angrily as if it could feel wrongness in the air.
Elves had a moment to react before large beasts were among them cleaving and goring frail elvish bodies. Elves might be obliterated if they were mere mortals, though they were Asrai, blessed ones every one of them. And they were blessed by Loec, god Trickster. They weren't easy prey. As beasts tumbled among them, dance began. Like opne elves jumped and tumbled in different directions leting their blades sing through the air. Despite their prowess beasts were to many and soon blessed blood of Asrai stained forest floor mixing with poluted blood of beastkin.
Only one warrior of Asrai still stood, blades of Loec grasped firmly in his hands. It was Caelasthil, chosen of Loec as he liked to think of himself. His right arm gripping sword with shining red blade, while his left held cold silvery blade. No beast could stand in his way as he cleaved through their flesh, bone and armour as if it was nothing more than thin sheet of paper. Despite their numbers they found themself in dire straits, and remains of moments ago large herd of gors ran as fast as they could. Stricken by grief young Caelasthil pursued them for an hour slaying couple of them before rest arrived to the outskirts of large beastman camp. Curious sight as beastman usually didn't raise structures as tents. It was camp of chaos army that spread as far as eyes could see. Elf ducked to cover stricken by sight in front of him and as soon as he was certain noone was watching he retraced his steps south where he took care of bodies of fallen, burying them with their weapons taking only water and food for a week because he would have to travel light and fast if he was to outrun chaos army.
As he uttered silent prayer to Loec for the souls of his kin he belted his blades and continued his journey south. Second night of trip he stumbled upon several elves accompanied by a human and decided to warn them of danger. There will be no going north, south was only option.

Ovo je susret Caelasthila i ostalih likova... Caelasthilova priča, tj dio priče koji će još biti objavljen direktno prethodi ovoj priči...nisam obraćao pažnju na greške tako da ukoliko ih ima ispričavam se...

22.03.2012. u 18:47 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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