
subota, 31.05.2008.

X-102 re-discovers the Rings Of Saturn


Mad Mike Banks i Jeff Mills, osobe koje su 1989. godine zajedno udarile kamen temeljac Underground Resistanceu i time promijenili naličje techna, ponovo su se odlučili na zajednički pothvat želeći oživjeti kultno izdanje “X-102 discovers The Rings of Saturn”. Album je izvorno napravljen u suradnji s Robert Hoodom pod okriljem UR-a, a objavljen 1992. godine na kultnom berlinskom labelu Tresor.

Danas, petnest godina nakon zadnje zajedničke suradnje, Banks i Mills se vraćaju upravo njemu želeći kroz live nastup prikazati novi pogled na taj album za kojeg se, bez imalo susprezanja može reći kako je to jedan od onih albuma koji su ključni za razumijevanje detroit techna.

Prvi takav live će zabilježiti na ovogodišnjem Sonar festivalu, 21. lipnja 2008. godine, a nastupi će biti popraćeni video projekcijama Saturna i njegovih prstenova.

Više informacija na www.axisrecords.com

31.05.2008. u 09:24 • 5 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

četvrtak, 14.02.2008.

Cristian Vogel (Station55, Tresor)

"I've been through many philosophies and ideologies," … "When I was a student it was all 'let's do acid', but now, considering the problems facing the planet, like the energy crisis, I think differently. You can't change the world but you can have your eyes open. I've tried to maintain a lot of my ideas and right now I feel stable. I have a good idea of how much I want out of the industry. With all the stuff I'm doing at the moment I feel completely balanced... and completely knackered."… Sound Matters: Cristian Vogel (Clash, 2005)

cristian vogel

Cristian Vogel je još jedno od poznatijih i cjenjenijih imena na polju eksperimentalnog techna. Kao jedan od pionira takvog zvuka poznat je u svijetskim razmjerima, a kao kompozitora i producenta prepoznaju ga po njegovim eksperimentalnim live i dj nastupima. Također je jedan od rijetkih techno producenata koji su u stanju kombinirati svoj, vrlo jedinstveni, eksperimentalni stil s plesnim grooveom što rezultira neobičnom, ali ipak plesnom glazbom. Do sada je on bio jedan od glavnih opskrbljivača tržišta elektronske glazbe takvim zvukom čime je učinio techno još zanimljivijim. Isto tako valja spomenuti kako Vogel ima glazbeno fakultetsko obrazovanje, što baš i nije uobičajeno među njegovim kolegama. Do sada je, uglavnom pod svojim imenom, izdao nekoliko albuma i mnoštvo drugih izdanja na poznatim labelima kao što su Tresor, Novamute ili Mille Plateaux. Uz sve to pokrenuo je i svoja četri labela, Mosquito, Station 55 Records, Rise Robots Rise Records i Sleep Debt Records. U dosadašnjoj karijeri je produkcijski ili na masteringu surađivao s imenima kao što su Radiohead, Juan Atkins, Panico, Astrud, Chicks on Speed, No Heads, Badly Drawn Boy, Super_Collider, Maximo Park, Las Perras del Infierno, Virüs, Scratch Massive, Cane141.

Rođen je u Čileu 1972. godine, odrastao u Velikoj Britaniji, a danas živi i radi u Barceloni. U Veliku Britaniju se sa svojom obitelji doselio kasnih sedamdesetih, gdje su pobijegli od diktatorskog Pinochetovog režima koji je tada vladao u Čileu. Njegova opčinjenost glazbom datira još iz razdoblja djetinjstva koje je proveo zanimajući se za nju. Kasnih osamdesetih je počeo eksperimentirati sa skladanjem, a početkom devedesetih postaje dio Cabbage Head kolektiva čiji je član bio i Si Begg. Prve Si Beggove demo snike su uvelike doprinjele Vogelovom razvoju kao glazbenika. Za razliku od mnogih njegovih kolega Vogela je opčinjenost elektronskom glazbom 1992. godine odvela na studij “20th Century Music” pri Sussex sveučilištu u Brightonu gdje je kasnije diplomirao pod mentorstvom britanskih kompozitora Johnathan Harveya i Martin Butlera.

Eksperimentirajući s glazbom Vogel se brzo probio kada su neki njegovi radovi nekako procurili u tada underground techno scenu. Prvo je bio zapažen od strane Luke Slatera koji je tada bio poznati bringhtonski glazbenik, dj i voditelj dućana s pločama. Preko njega su Vogelovo ime i rad dospjeli do ušiju Dave Clarkea. Nakon kratkog poznanstva Vogel i Clarke izdaju zajednički “Infra” EP za Clarkeov Magnetic North label (rujan 1993.). Ploču su snimili u studiju sveučilišta Sussex. Stvar "Sub-Version" je postigla veliki uspijeh u Europi i Americi. Ta je ploča za Vogela bila veliki izlazak u svjet techna i s njom je napravio svoj prvi proboj na techno scenu.

Iduća godina (1994.) je bila godina kada se stvari vezane uz Christiana, a i techno uopće, počinju brže odvijati. U rano ljeto te godine izdaje zadnje izdanje (“Lambada”) za Dave Clarkeov label Magnetic North. Nakon njega on i Dave Clarke odlaze različitim putevima. “Lambada” je ploča na kojoj se osjeti jak utjecaj Detroita (Mills, Hood, UR), ali i sada prepoznatljive Vogelove uvrnute techno vizije. To ljeto je Vogel dignuo svoje glazbeno izražavanje na jednu višu razinu. Želeći promicati svoju viziju techna pokrenuo je Mossquito label, a zbog određenog zasićenja na brightonskoj sceni zbog prevelikog broja dj-a koji su puštali jednu te istu glazbu počeo je održavati svoje klupske večeri “The Box” u Brightonu želeći time ojačati techno scenu u gradu, a ujedno kroz njih predstavljati svoju ideju što je to zapravo techno.

Nije na odmet spomenuti kako je u tom razdoblju, na početku svoje karijere, Neil Landstrumm imao dosta koristi od poznanstva s Cristian Vogelom. Nedugo nakon početka rada u klubu Sativi Landstrumm je počeo izdavati na Vogelovom labelu Mosquito gdje je do sada izdao nekoliko EPa. Njih dva su, također na Mosquitu, izdavali i zajedničku produkciju pod pseudonimom Blue Arsed Fly, te im je upravo pod tim imenom bilo prvo zajedničko izdanje “Starfish / Responder” iz 1994. godine. Vogel je pokrenuo label Mosquito uz pomoć Si Begga, a sam label je do sada stekao dobar ugled u svijetu elektronske glazbe. Na njemu su do sada izdavala imena kao što su: Neil Landstrumm, Tobias Schmidt, Justin Berkovi, Jamie Lidell, Ibrahim Alfa, Si Begg, Stewart Walker, Dave Tarrida i naravno sam Cristian Vogel.

U studenom 1994. godine je izdao album “Beginning to Understand” za Mille Plateaux koji je inače bio podružnica poznatog njemačkog labela Force Inc.. Album pokazuje tadašnju Vogelovu viziju eksperimentalnog danceflooru okrenutog techna. U istom je razdoblju izdao još neke ploče za Force Inc., Ferox Records i svoj Mossquito label, te nešto u suradnji s Si Beggom pod imenom Inevitable Technology i, kao što sam već spomenuo, u suradnji s Neil Landstrummom pod imenom Blue Arsed Fly.

“I'm going through a back-to-mid-nineties Chitown jacking phase. I'm always checking out what Neil Landstrumm is doing, what Jason from House Of Fix is up to. I prefer techno that’s perfectly in tune with an authentic freak attitude, I don't like the eastern-toy-hammer-puke-rush or plastic-crap-house or self-absorbed-pseudo-hypnosis music. Sets I heard recently that have turned me on gotta be DJ Miki B from Zurich and also DJ Justin Harris from London.” … CRISTIAN VOGEL Interview 2005. for themilkfactory.co.uk ::::::

Dobro prihvaćena izdanja za njemačke labele su označila početak jednog posebnog odnosa Vogela i njemačke techno scene, a njegov dotadašnji rad je bio odlično prihvaćen i cijenjen u toj zemlji. Recimo, oba izdanja koja je Vogel izdao na Force Inc. su se našla na prvom mjestu Frontpageove top ljestvice. S takvim ugledom u njemačkoj postao je prvi britanski umjetnik koji je nešto izdao za berlinski Tresor, dom najkvalitetnijeg techna na tlu Europe. Bio je to album “Absolute time” (Tresor022) koji je izašao u proljeće 1995. godine . To je bio drugačiji uradak od onog na Mille Plateauxu. Puno više je usredotočen na istraživanje mogućnosti plesnih podija, gdje se strukture stvari albuma poklapaju jedna s drugom čineći ih izvrsnim materijalom za neki dj set.

Svoj odlično prihvaćeni rad je nastavio izdavanjem novog albuma, također na Tresoru. Bio je to album “Body Mapping” (Tresor045.). Njegovo dj iskustvo se osjeti na svakoj stvari albuma, a tekstura stvari su kompleksne i jedinstvene s inovativnim efektima. Ovo izdanje ima širu uporabu, može ga se slušati doma, u krevetu, u autu, na bilo kojem drugom mjestu i odlično će se uklopiti u okruženje. Brzina stvari se kreće između 140 i 150 bpma s izuzetkom jedne sporije stvari.

Iste godine (1995), u studenom, Vogel je imao i svoj prvi nastup kod John Peela (R.I.P), koji je konstantno podupirao Vogelovu glazbu. Kasnije je “The Session” stvar uvrštena na “Brighton's Solid” ploču, te na Vogelov slijedeći ambijentalni, apstraktno eksperimentalni techno album "Specific Momentific" (MP 027 LP - Mille Plateaux, 1996).

Naslovom svog slijedećeg uratka je iskazao određeno nezadovoljstvo stanjem na sceni. Album je također izdan 1996. godine i zvao se "All Music Has Come To An End" (Tresor 66). Bio je natopljen gorčinom, te je kroz njega srušio, do tada, ustaljenu strukturu stvari koristeći novu formulu stvaranja. Album je putovanje u Cristianovu stvarnost, način razmišljanja i ponašanja. Na njemu ima svega i svačega, od techno/house do trippy, electro i hip hop utjecaja.

U idućem razdoblju je izdao par ploča za različite labele (Primevil, Solid Recordings, Sativae), te se, uz produciranje, puno više posvetio djingu. Također je 1997. pokrenuo No Future organizaciju želeći osigurati sebi, a i nekim drugim nadarenim glazbenicima infrastrukturu koja bi im olakšala rad.

Iduću godinu (1998.) je obilježilo Vogelovo drugo gostovanje kod John Peela (R.I.P) i studijska suradnja s No Future pridošlicom, Jamie Lidellom. Lidell i Vogel su zajedno izvodili live nastupe, te su 1998. izdali jednu ploču za Loaded Records, a 1999. godine album “Head On”, također za Loaded. S ovim albumom su pomaknuli glazbene granice, ali unatoč njihovoj eksperimentalnosti istodobno zadržavaju zanimljivost. Tu svoju produkcijsku i live suradnju izvode pod imenom Super Collider. Projekt je mješavina je Lidellovog pjevušenja i specifičnog Vogelovog ambijentalnog zvučnog okruženja koje stvara nekakvu monotonu atmosferu. Radom pod ovim imenom unose dozu živosti na eksperimentalnu scenu.

“We both know that experimental music generally is pretty unaccepted on the whole, but ironically it’s completely necessary to the progress of all music. I mean, if people aren’t pushing edges forward, then what’s gonna happen?” …Cristian Vogel With DJ Frigid and the Best of Chris Cunningham presentation at Usine C on Saturday,

Pod tim imenom su njih dvojica do sada izdala 2 albuma, “Raw Digits” (2002., Rise Robot Rise) i “Head On” (1999., Loaded Records), te nekoliko ep-a za različite labele. Težeći promjenama i nečemu svježem u te albume su ugradili, svaki od njih dva, svoje osobne vizije i ideje o glazbi. Upravo iz takve potrebe za izdavanja alternativnijeg zvuka, nego što je recimo bio zvuk labela Mosquito, Vogel je pokrenuo label Rise Robots Rise. Za pokretanje ovakvog labela se najviše javila potreba kada je s projektom Super Collider trebao izdati već spomenuti album “Raw Digits” (2002.).

Prije toga, 2000. godine, Vogel je otvorio online shop na adresi no-future.com, preselio je svoj studio i izdao album za Tresor, “Busca Invisibles” (Tresor.110). Ovaj album je njegov šesti solo album i više je ritmičniji, te otvoreniji plesnim podijima nego prethodni. Album isijava ono što u biti Vogel jest i ono što je njegovoj glazbenoj pozadini; funk, soul, jazz, čudni zvukovi i nemilosrdni groove. Njime definira svoj posebni stil, a neki ga spominju kao i njegovim najboljim dosadašnjim izdanjem.

"I've always experimented," … "I've always been into fucking with machines, trying to make them squeak and bleep." … Sound Matters: Cristian Vogel (Clash, 2005)

U isto vrijeme Nova Mute je izdala njegov slijedeći solo album, “Rescate 137”, koji je isproduciran u njegovom brightonskom studiju, a naslov je preuzet od jedne čileanske plaže. Album se od početka do kraja razvija i prolazi kroz mnoštvo stilova. Sa slijedećim albumom, “Dungeon Master” (Tresor.192) iz 2002. godine, se vraća na svoj specifični stil. Taj album je izdan kao vinil te kao cd izdanje. Cd je izašao na ljeto 2002. godine kao dvostruko izdanje. Na prvom cd-u se nalaze sve stvari kao na vinyl izdanju jedna bonus stvar koja do tada nije bila nigdje objavljena. Drugi cd sadrži “Cristian Vogel LIVE PA SOLO”. Stvari s tog livea do sada se nikada nisu mogle čuti u takvoj live izvedbi. Live je izvorno snimljen 2001 godine i sadrži njegove najbolje stvari ("Shoe Renounced Soul", "Body Mapping", "They Bought You At The Party" …).

Vogel trenutno živi i radi Barceloni, točnije dijelu Barcelone zvanom Poble Nou. Tamo mu se nalazi studio imena “Station 55” kojeg je sam opremio i instalirao 2005. godine. U studiju kao glavni producenti surađuju on i Joe Robinson. Isprva je Studio55 zamišljen samo kao studio, a tek kasnije se javila potreba za pokretanjem i pripadajućeg labela. Kasnije pokrenuti Station 55 Records je nezavisni label koji je nastao kao evolucijski slijed Rise Robots Rise Recordsa koji je prestao s radom 2004. godine. Takva struktura organizacije je omogućila Vogelu jedinstvene suradnje i eksperimentiranja na studijskoj razini, što je kasnije stvaralo platformu za daljne produkcijske i mastering suradnje.

Iste godine, kada je pokrenut label “Station 55”, na NovaMute mu je izašao i istoimeni album. Njime se možda udaljio od svojih techno korijena i iako na prvi pogled netipičan može se reći kako je to ipak prepoznatljivi Vogelov artwork; neumjeren, proturječan, čudan, ali i zabavan s dosta apstraktnog zvučnog okruženja, kompleksnih tematika i sci-fi elemenata.

"I guess [the album] is similar in some ways to my last one Rescate 137," … "It's more similar to that than to previous albums anyway. I tried to write songs this time though, and to take a long time writing them, to follow through with ideas. I don't think I'm a good enough artist to know what I intend to do from the beginning. I tend to finish something and then learn what I've done in retrospect rather than know beforehand. Even now I'm not certain what I've created."… Sound Matters: Cristian Vogel (Clash, 2005)

“This might be a potential future for this kind of music. You may dance to it, but be aware of its fragility, its loose structure. It sounds like being on the edge of falling apart any moment. “ …Christian Vogel

Inspiriran glazbom na after partyima 2005. godine je pokrenuo label Sleep Debt s jedinom namjerom kako bi na njemu izdavao upravo takvu glazbu koja bi bila odlična za after partye. Kroz godine rada kao dj osjetio je i spoznao kakav je točno tip zvuka i groovea potreban djima kako bi se party ujutro nastavio u dobrom zvučnom okruženju i na dobroj razini zabave. Znači nešto što nije agresivno, ali i ne nešto što je dosadno. Do sada su na Sleep Debtu izdavali Dave Tarrida, Black E, Spandex i Intercooler.

“Sleep Debt is a label that needed to happen because I'm still out there on the road hearing underground music and playing it. It’s important to keep in touch with the scene that you're coming from, to give something back, without trying to prove anything.“… CRISTIAN VOGEL Interview 2005. for themilkfactory.co.uk

Nije na odmet spomenuti kako je Vogel od 2001. godine počeo raditi kao mix majstor i album producent za grupe kao što su Chicks On Speed, Las Perras del Infierno, Scratch Massiv ili pak underground punk rockere Panico. Također, 2003. godine se posvetio i electro-akustičnoj kompoziciji snimajući neke materijale za švicarskog koreografa Gilles Joblina koji su kasnije bili izvođeni po kazalištima u raznim gradovima (Lisbon, Geneve …). Sudjelovao je i na mnogim drugim art projektima s poznatim multi-media izvođačima; Roland Olbeterov “Sound Cluster” za Sonar Barcelona 2003, zatim nešto za jedan montrealski muzej (2003. godine) i još za neke druge projekte što u konačnici pokazuje njegovu širinu i otvorenost prema raznim idejama i suradnjama među kojima je i već spomenuti Black E, projekt iza kojeg stoje on i Ben Mallot.

Zadnje od njega što se može čuti je “Music For The Creations Of Gilles Jobin” (2xCD), te Wear This World Out (CD) projekta Night Of The Brain iza kojeg se kriju Merche Blasco, Cristian Vogel, Cristobal Massis i Mike Hermann. Oba izdanja su izašla na Station55 labelu 2007. godine. Zatim, tu je i njegov zadnji album "The Never Engine" (Tresor231) kojeg je izdao za Tresor, također 2007. godine.

”I guess working solo is the longest lasting role, if that makes sense. Collaborations involve another set of people, and so depend upon many factors to continue. I enjoy studio work most, and studio work with other artists is my most favourite and most satisfying. I love creating music, and doing that with someone else to vibe off and to inject ideas into the mix is the bees knees. “… CRISTIAN VOGEL Interview 2005. for themilkfactory.co.uk ::::::



CRISTIAN VOGEL Interview 2005. for themilkfactory.co.uk ::::::
Funky techno “mentalists” Super_Collider tear techno a new one by RAF KATIGBAK

---> ---> Cristian Vogel sets <--- <---

14.02.2008. u 21:52 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

utorak, 18.12.2007.

Neil Landstrumm (Scandinavia, Tresor)

“Techno is best when it combines song structure, groove, abstract sound and clever production, not some pish sampled drum loop, distorted with a ride cymbal coming in over a 5 minute period. I mean. come on… You can do better than that.“ … Avionix Recordings - Interview: Neil Landstrumm

Neil Landstrumm

Neil Landstrumm je osoba koja je koketirajući s ”prljavim” zvukovima i pravcima, kao što su bass-tech beats, electro-techno, broken-beat, miami bass, stvorila svoj jedinstveni i prepoznatljivi zvučni izričaj. On, kao pionir takvog zvuka, uz još par imena na sceni, kao što su Christian Vogel, Dave Tarrida, Si Begg i Tobias Schmidt, je postao njegov glavni nositelj. Landstrumm je u svojoj srži live artist, a takvu reputaciju je izgradio na odličnim live izvedbama širom svijeta (Unit-Tokyo, Rex-Paris, Tresor-Berlin, electrowerkz-London…). Do sada je izdavao za mnoge utjecajne labele na polju elektronske glazbe (Tresor, Peacefrog, Scandinavia, Mosquito, Music Man, Sonic Groove i Planet Mu) na kojima je objavio zapažena izdanja. Surađivao je s imenima kao što su Cristian Vogel, Si Begg, Dave Tarrida, Mike Fellows, Bill Youngman i Tobias Schmidt, a uz sve to pokrenuo je i uspješno vodi label Scandinavia na kojem izdaje kvalitetnu glazbu s kojom zalazi u nove i još neistražene glazbene teritorije. Scandinavia je još u svijetu poznat kao jedan od par labela koji su inovativni u glazbenom smislu, a Landstrumma se smatra za jednog od vodećih eksperimentalnih techno producenata. Svojim djelovanjem na sceni, što kroz Scandinaviu, što kroz nastupe, puno je pomogao u razvoju škotske techno scene. Do sada se sam pojavljivao još pod imenima Navario Sauro i Polaris. Također je zabilježio dosta suradnji s drugim producentima (Blue Arsed Fly, Shit And Cheap, The Verticals) od kojih je najpoznatija Sugar Experiment Station s Tobias Schmidtom.

Pravo ime mu je Neil Sutherland, rođen je u Škotskoj (Edinburgh), a glazbenu karijeru počinje u razdoblju 1993. i 1994. godine kada se lagano počeo baviti produkcijom i kada je počeo raditi u klubu Sativa iz Edinburgha. Budući kako su zajedno radili u klubu Landstrumm je stvorio odnos na prijateljskoj i radnoj osnovi s Tobias Schmidtom, Dave Tarridaom i Shandyem. Zajedno su pod okriljem kluba imali odličnu priliku usavršavanja svojih jedinstvenih live izvedbi i dj vještina, a Landstrumm je pod utjecajem rane acid house scene i britanskog bleep techna pomalo stvarao svoj karakteristični zvuk kojeg će kasnije ovjekovečiti kroz izdanja na raznim labelovima.

Jedno od važnijih poznanstava u njegovoj karijeri je bilo ono s Cristian Vogelom. Nedugo nakon početka rada u Sativi Landstrumm je počeo izdavati na Vogelovom labelu Mosquito gdje je do sada izdao nekoliko EPa. Njih dva su, također na Mosquitu, izdavali i zajedničku produkciju pod pseudonimom Blue Arsed Fly, te im je upravo pod tim imenom bilo prvo izdanje “Starfish / Responder” iz 1994. godine. Tijekom tog perioda Landstrum je već pomalo razvio i oblikovao svoj zvuk, a ubrzo je preko Vogelovog poznanstva s Luke Slaterom počeo producirati za Slaterov label Peacefrog. Na njemu je 1995. godine izdao svoj prvi album imena “Brown for August” koji je bio dosta nabrijan, minimalan, kaotičan s živčanim zvukovima i u određenim trenutcima bizarne atmosfere.

Već iduće godine (1996.) je započeo suradnju s berlinskim labelom Tresorom kada mu je na njemu izašao album naslova “Understanding Disformation” (Tresor.053). Taj njegov prvijenac na Tresoru je bio lagani odmak od dotadašnjeg Chicago Peacefrog stila. Neki bi rekli kako je to možda bila svojevrsna proba njegovog novog bass techno zvuka u kojem se osjećao utjecaj klasičnog detroit techna i apstraktnog sheffildskog bleep techna. Sam album je eksperimentalnog karaktera i dosta je nabrijan, ali također pokazuje dubinu i širinu Landstrummovog stvaralaštva. Svoju laganiju stranu Landstrumm pokazuje kroz stvari "Twisted in New York" i "Range Rover Traxx", dvije omamljujuće vožnje. Agresivniji pristup glazbi izražava kroz stvari "The Glasvegas Experience" i "S. Board/ZX-81", a dvije najlaganije stvari na albumu su “Invasion of the Bovine Snatchers" i "Nasty and Suspicious Nature". Nedugo zatim, kao nastavak na ovaj album, uslijedila je ploča “Paraline Horse” (Tresor.054). Na njoj se nalazi najapstraktnija stvar s albuma “Understanding Disformation” koja je obrađena rukama Jay Denhama i Christian Vogela. Oba remixa zadržavaju Landstrummu svojstvene zvučne značajke.

Iste godine je pokrenuo Scandinavia label na kojem je prvo izdanje bilo “AJ 37 Viggen” Adam X & Navario Sauro. Scandinavia se kasnije od eksperimentalnog techno labela pretvorila u label koji je razvijao te istraživao mnoge elektronske glazbene pravce. Znači, nije se zadržao unutar jednog ograničenog okvira. Do sada je na njemu zabilježeno oko 26 izdanja od kojih su neka bila u iznimno ograničenim nakladama, a producenti koji su izdavali na njemu do sada su Stephen Brown, Sugar Experiment Station, Adam X, Tobias Schmidt, Bill Youngman i još neki. Nije loše spomenuti kako se nakon osnivanja podružnice Scandinavia NYC za Ameriku taj dio labela specijalizirao za multimediju, obradu zvuka te video produkciju.

“I also have the Scandinavia Wear clothes label which sells direct to people through the website or though various shops in the UK, Germany, Japan, Sweden and the US. I am also kept pretty busy with motion graphics and design jobs for various clients including MTV, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group and others…”… Avionix Recordings - Interview: Neil Landstrumm

Iduću 1997. godinu su također obilježila izdanja objavljena na Tresoru. Jedno od tih izdanja je bio album “Bedrooms and Cities” (Tresor.082) koji je tada bio njegov treći po redu album, a drugi na Tresoru. Njega također karakterizira nekakav apstraktni zvuk free-style techna kojeg je Landstrum već bio počeo promovirati kroz svoj Scandinavia label. Dosta je temeljen na UK bleep zvuku iz ranih devedesetih, sadrži dosta bass linija i electro zvukova. Bilo je to najprodavanije Landstrumovo izdanje do danas i koje je, u to vrijeme, učinilo veliki proboj za Scandinavia Records. Drugo izdanje za Tresor te godine je bila ploča “Scandinavia Sessions” (Tresor.081). Na njoj se nalaze 4 stvari koje su remixirali Navario Sauro (on), Adam X, Tobias Schmidt i Stephen Brown. Sve ove obrade također pokazuju jednako shvaćanje Landstrummovih ideja.

U kolovozu 1997 godine, kako sam već spomenuo, preselio je studio i sjedište Scandinavie u New York, točnije u Brooklyn, svoju novu bazu za istraživanje. Par mjeseci poslije, 1998. godine, na Tresoru mu je izašao album "Pro Audio" (Tresor.103) koji je bio minimalnijeg karaktera od prethodnih. “Pro Audio” je u cijelosti napravljen u Brooklynu koristeći mnoge nove alatke što je za njega bilo osvježenje jer je otkrivao nove načine rada i eksperimentiranja. Na albumu se osjeti dašak NY kulture koja se očituje preko mnogočega pa i po hip hop strukturi stvari. Ritmički je možda i predvidljiv, ali je album u cijelosti eksperimentalnog karaktera i iznenađuje slušatelja kroz svih 12 stvari koliko ih se nalazi na ovom albumu.

“I have always tried to reflect a feeling of the times in my records and also environment. A record made in Edinburgh is never going to sound like a record made in New York for example. I feel passionately about techno and electronic music in general, but sometimes you just want a break from it or to listen to something else for inspiration. I really don’t see anything wrong with that. In fact, listening to other music and creating hybrids is what it’s all about - cross breeding music.” … Avionix Recordings - Interview: Neil Landstrumm

Vrijeme je da nešto kažem i o projektu Sugar Experiment Station. SES je live projekt iza kojeg stoje Neil Landstrum (Navaro Sauro) i Tobias Schmidt koji su dobri prijatelji od samih početaka njihovih glazbenih karijera. Pokrenuli su ga 1996. godine, a pod tim imenom su zajedno producirali, izdavali (uglavnom na Scandinavia Recordsu) i nastupali po raznim festivalima, recimo na Sonaru (Barcelona) 1998. godine. Godinu ranije, 1997. godine, su izdali, na Scandinavia Recordsu, "Ultramonotone CD" koji je čista preslika njihovih energičnih live setova. Nakon posjeta Tresoru i drugim techno središtima tokom 1997 godine, 1998. godine su posjetili Japan gdje su snimili “Ultramonotone live”. Još je zanimljivo spomenuti kako se u live izvedbi koriste pravom opremom izbjegavajući uporabu softwaera, te da su zajedno još surađivali i na down tempo projektu The Verticals u koji su bili uključeni i razni vokalisti.

“Hardware gear all the way. I use Macs for mastering and recording but I have always been a fan of dedicated boxes and synths…” … “Collaboration is a good way to make music making more fun, drawing on other people influences and talents.” … Avionix Recordings - Interview: Neil Landstrumm

Prvo izdanje na Tresoru nakon albuma “Pro Audio” je bio “Glamourama EP” (Tresor.170) koje je izašlo 2001. godine. Ovo izdanje odiše s puno više melankolične atmosfere nego njegovi prethodni uradci koji su bili mnogo mračniji i nabrijaniji. Bilo je to manje apstraktno, više melodično izdanje, ali i dalje s prepoznatljivim Landstrummovim značajkama. Nakon njega je iste godine usljedio album “She Took a Bullet Meant for Me” (Tresor.177). Bio je to još jedan u nizu albuma apstraktnog ozračja i prestavlja nekakvu šizofrenu kombinaciju Landstrummovog Peacefrog stila, eksperimentalnog Scandinavia label stila i synth popa. Na prvo slušanje dosta čudan zvuk budući kako je u njemu spojio dosta techno, electro, breakbeat i hip hop elemenata. Album je u cijelosti snimljen u Brooklynu (NY), te je s njim još jednom svratio pogled na sebe.

“I think having a heavy dose of history and old skool values in contemporary music is a good thing. If you don’t know where you have been you wont know where to go next. Music is very much a cycle based thing.”… Avionix Recordings - Interview: Neil Landstrumm

Bilo je tu još njegovih zapaženih izdanja od kojih bi možda jedino spomenuo "The Factory Revival EP” (Scandinavia25) koji je inovativna obrada stvari slavnih bendova Joy Division i Happy Mondays. Također je zanimljivo spomenuti kako su mu 2 stvari s albuma "Bedrooms & Cities" objavljene i na Robert Hoodovom albumu "Internal Empire" (Tresor77). Ove godine (2007.) je u svibnju izdao album “Restaurant Of Assassins” na labelu Planet Mu.

“I wouldn’t say that there are more types of techno than ever before. The Schranz sound from Germany is shit in my opinion. It’s all the same and a bit of a joke now in Germany - dead dead dead. Loopy techno is also pretty devoid of ideas and talent. How many of those records will stand up in a few years time? Very few, as you cant tell the difference between them. That kind of techno choked the scene. They are OK in small doses, but not all night. In most cases those labels were distributor-driven labels, which is a massive conflict of interest and pushed the more creative cool labels off the scene and out of the shops. Loop techno also caused shops to stop buying in as many techno records as they couldn’t tell the difference between the good and bad records and they ended up with a glut of records they couldn’t sell.“ … Avionix Recordings - Interview: Neil Landstrumm

Iako je u razdoblju od 1994. do 1998. godine Landstrumm izdao svoje najznačajnije i najutjecajnije radove, činjenica je kako on i dalje svojim eksperimentiranjem krši ustaljena pravila i pomiče granice stvarajući svoj osobni zvuk koji odvodi elektronsku glazbu na neka nova i dosada neistražena naelektrizirana glazbena polja.

“Techno fans and lovers tend to want the same record over and over again, the “repeat shag”, and if you get known for a particular sound they only want that or think it isn't good. Sometimes people who claim to be open-minded techno fans but are the most closed minded people. Originally techno wasn’t like that and I think it’s for the worse that it fell into that trap in the late ‘90s and early ‘00s. I have a strong feeling that the scene is pulling itself out of that fug now as the wannabes and losers have been caste off in the clearances of the last few years as techno is no longer the "new" music to go out to.”… Avionix Recordings - Interview: Neil Landstrumm

---> Neil Landstrumm sets <---


18.12.2007. u 17:02 • 1 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

subota, 15.12.2007.

Diego (Kanzleramt, K20 / SUI)

Diego je producent čiju je glazbenu karijeru najviše obilježila suradnja s legendarnim berlinskim labelom Kanzleramtom. Odmah na početku svog glazbenog djelovanja pri tom labelu proglašen je za njegovog najmlađeg i velikog talenta koji je impresionirao svojim raznolikim i posebnim zvukom. Na Kanzleramtu je Diego izdao neke od svojih najboljih radova, kao što je to, recimo, album „Instant Reality“. Izdavao je on, osim na Kanzleramtu, i na drugim labelima kao što su Phont Music, Kazumi, Speaker Attack, K20 i Emergence, na kojima je također izdao zapažene naslove. Pri objavljivanju je koristio i različite pseudonime poput Persuasion Channela, Invexisa, Futada Kitsukia, Echelon Networka, Trans Am i Shapes & Formsa. Svirao je i u dosta poznatih klubova i festivala diljem Europe (Tresor, U60311, The Rex, Awakenings, Ostgut, Boomerang, Dornroosje...), a njegove stvari su se nalazile i nalaze se u setovima poznatih dj-a kao što su Jeff Mills, Laurent Garnier, Sven Väth, Robert Hood, Adam Beyer, Chris Liebing, Ben Sims ili Dave Clarke.


Pravo ime mu je Diego Hostettler, a rođen je 23.07.1980. godine u švicarskom glavnom gradu Bernu. Budući da mu je otac profesionalni jazz glazbenik Diego je kao djete rastao uz zvuke jazza. S 6. godina je počeo svirati klavir, a u dobi od 11-12. godina sve je više počeo slušati rap glazbu, Public Enemy i Ice T-a, ali i rane HipHouse uratke Todd Terry-a.

Nakon što si je kupio mixer i dva gramofona počeo je puštati glazbu kao dj (1994.g). Godine 1996. složio si je svoj prvi studio. Nakon dosta rada u njemu, 1998.godine, počeo je okolo slati demo snimke. Iste godine je upoznao Stefan Riesena iz Phont Musica što je rezultiralo Diegovom prvom pločom (Trans Am / Instinctive Codes EP / Phont Music 03). Negdje krajem 1999. godine Diego dolazi u kontakt s Heiko Lauxom, te na Kanzleramt-u izdaje Superposition Ep (KA37). S tim izdanjem kreće njegova suradnja s tim poznatim labelom koja je do danas rezultirala s nekoliko albuma i još više ep-a.

U to vrijeme upoznaje još jednog svog budućeg kolegu, sudionika u „zločinu“, Dave Ellesmerea (aka Voco Derman). Dave je prije toga bio bubnjar koji je svirao u hard core bendovima kao što su Discharge i Flux of Pink Indians. Njih dva su se upoznala preko mp3.com stranice gdje su obojica uploadala neke svoje stvari. Stvorili su zajednički ukus što se tiče glazbe, te su dijelili iste poglede o slobodnoj distribuciji iste. Naravno, sve rezultate su konstantno uploadali na stranicu čineći ih javnim. Diego je Heiko Lauxu dao neke od njihovih zajedničkih stvari koji ih je Laux kasnije izdao na Kanzleramtu pod imenom Diego & Voco Derman (Raster Ep), te nakon toga na K2o pod imenom Shapes and forms. Glazbu koju stvaraju najlakše je opisati kao zvuk Basic Channel-a. Sam Shapes and Forms projekt daje drugačiji pogled na dub utjecaje u technu, a duboko i iskreno poštovanje Basic Channel-u iskazuju kroz stvari „Hexadron“ i „Dodecagonal“.

Za njihovu ploču “Raster” (ka51) bi bilo dovoljno reći kako je bila jedna od najprodavanijih ploča u 2001. godini. Nakon malo više od godinu dana kasnije dvojac (Diego & Voco Derman) je, i dalje slijedeći ideju minimalizma, izdao ploču “Raster II” (KA90) koja je bila još jedan korak dublje unutar polja laganijeg i deep techna. Uspoređujući prvu i ovu drugu ploču, sve stvari na ovoj drugoj su sporije i svedene na osnovne elemente, ali ne umanjujući njihovu zvučnost, dubinu i groove.

Tokom 2000.-2001. godine Diego je počeo svirati po mnogim klubovima i karijera mu naglo kreće uzlaznom putanjom. Godine 2001. izdaje album „Mouthful of Fresh Cut Flowers“, a album „The Persuasion Channel“ 2002. godine. Slušanjem The Persuasion Channela osjeti se kako se u njemu sve više osjeti glazbena zrelost. Manje agresivan, mnogo više osjećajniji, ali ne i manje energičan nego što je njegov prvi album Mouth full of fresh cut flowers. Stvari sdržavaju jače izraženi echo s odličnim poliritmičnim beat paternima zarezanim preko svakog dijela. Recimo, stvar ‘Intentional Blip’ razara sa svojim prljavom bass linijom dovodeći svaki mix u totalni warehouse style. Ukratko, techno sa sadržajem koji nadmašuje čistu drum programiranost.

Uskoro izdaje i ploču Two Times High (ka076-3), također za Kanzleramt. Na njoj Diego kombinira energičnu i surovu snagu techna s dubokom melodijom i okusom albuma The Persuasion Channela.

U 2002. godini se skoncetrirao na svoj novi projekt imena Echelon Network. Rad na tome projektu se odmah svidio ljudima iz labela K20, te je došlo do izdavanja Directions EP-a na istoimenom labelu. Sa svojim stvarima sudjeluje na mnogim kompilacijama, a u siječnju 2003. godine, opet za Kanzleramt, izdaje svoj peti (treći solo) album Instant Reality. Instant Reality sadrži tvrđi, ali i funky techno, te lagani i ugodni nu-jazz. Lp izdanje sadrži 8 techno stvari s kojim se više koncentrirao na dj aspekt, dok CD izdanje sadrži i par finih stvarčica koje se nisu pojavile na vinilu. Sve na Instant Reality-u je toplo i pozitivno, pogotovo te laganije stvari. Ovaj album je po meni jedna od najsvijetliji točaka uglednog Kanzleramt labela, a to nešto znači uzme li se u obzir koliko je toga dobroga proizašlo iz Kanzleramta.

Nakon toga slijedeća ploča na Kanzleramtu je bila "Me Fragments" (KA92). “Me Fragments” je jedna od boljih stvari s albuma “Instant Reality” (ka85 CD/2xLP), a ovo izdanje sadrži četri odlične obrade te stvari od strane Heiko Lauxa (Kanzleramt), Soul Designera (F-Com) i Diega (2 stvari). Lauxova obrada je svela orginal na minimalniju i detroit technu okrenutu stvar s funky ritmom i finom harmonijom. Soul Designerova obrada je jako kvalitetna i obilježena je groovy minimal techno zvukom dok nam Diego svojim obradama pokazuje dvije različite strane svog uratka. Jedna je agresivnija dok je druga više deep karaktera s finom melodijom

Godinu i pol nakon izdavanja “Instant Reality” (ka85), točnije 2004. godine, Diego Hostettler je izbacio novi album, „Open“ (KA111) s 10 odličnih stvari na cd izdanju i 9 stvari na vinyl izdanju. U cijelosti je napravljen softwareskim sintisajzerima i samplerima, ali zvuk uopće nije previše digitalan. Može se reći kako je Diego, korak po korak, iza svakog novog izdanja, rastao i razvijao se kao producent što je bilo vidljivo i ovoga puta. Album „Open“ je odličan spoj, na prvi pogled nespojivih stilova, tako da se naslov albuma (Open) odlično poklapa sa sadržajem istog.

Uz sve ovo još bih spomenuo neke meni zanimljiva izdanja, a to su: «Reasons» (KA 80) cd koji su zajedno snimili i izdali Alexander Kowalski, Diego Hostettler i Dennis Desantis u Berlinu 2002. godine za Kanzleramt. Zatim, ploča "Mind Detergent - Robert Hood Remixes" (KA104 – 2004.). Na njoj se nalaze dvije Robert Hoodove obrade stvari s Diegovog albuma “Mind Detergent”, te Diegov club mix stvari “Quarter Inch Squares”. Onda, tu je ploča "Fear And Tension" (UT18 – 2003.) koja je izdana na Uturn (podetiketa Kanzleramta) i koja razvaljuje podij bez obzira koju stvar s nje pustili. Na kraju, tu je i ploča limitirane naklade "Pillow Rocker Bundle" (KA130ltd – 2006.).

Njegovu produkciju možete poslušati OVDJE

---> Diego sets <---

My Space - Diego



15.12.2007. u 09:01 • 7 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

utorak, 30.10.2007.


“... I think my sound has always been a kind of deep mentality and acidic. Not meaning using a 303 but to take the listener on some kind of journey. Some days I am into some hard stuff, others deeper I guess it is the moods of everyday life that inspire what I will make"... Interviju s Damon Wildom za "11th Hour Technology"


Damon Wild, pravog imena Jan P. Stegemann, je rođen u američkom gradu Luisiani. Produkcijom se počinje baviti 1991.g. (u dobi od 19. godina) kada se preselio u New York. Do sada je objavio preko stotinu izdanja na vinilu i nekoliko albuma što dovoljno govori o kakvom je producentu riječ.

Prije nego što se počeo i sam baviti glazbom slušao je Front 242, Nitzer Ebb, Section 25, New Order, Depeche Mode, chicago acid (DJ International, Chicago Traxx …) i još dosta toga. DJingom se počinje baviti u dobi od 15 godina na lokalnoj college radio postaji WTUL, u vremenu od ponoći do 6h ujutro. Naravno, nitko nije htio puštati u to vrijeme, a pogotovo ljeti, što je Damonu omogućilo slobodu puštanja svega što je u tom trenutku osjećao da može pustiti. Puštao je glazbu u rasponu od Pink Floyda, Klaus Nomia, Cocteau Twinsa, Kraftwerka, Cabaret Voltairea pa sve do ranog acid housea, a svoj prvi klupski nastup je imao s 17. godina.

Godine 1990., sa svojih 18. godina, seli u New York gdje je u narednom vremenu postao ključna osoba tadašnje New York underground techno scene. Počeo je raditi u prodavaonici ploča "Sonic Groove" Frankie Bonesa i za to vrijeme izdaje "Unleash the Groove" za Strictly Rhythm. Nakon nekoliko daljnjih izdanja za različite labele, Wild je pod svojim imenom počeo producirati hard, dark i acid techno.

Iduće godine (1991.) se poslovno povezuje s Northcott distribucijom i pokreće Experimental Records(EX) za koji su snimali Acid Masters (on i Ray Love), Lazer Worshippers (Tim Taylor), Aurabora i Rising Sons. Dok je 1992. radio na svom prvom labelu, Experimental Records-u (EX), na velika vrata se probio s rave himnom "Rave generator" koju je snimio sa svojim cimerom Ray Loveom pod sinonimom Toxic Two. Stvar je došla na Britansku Top 10 ljestvicu i donjela Wildu njegov najveći komercijalni uspjeh. Može se reći da je to bio početak njegove producentske karijere. Također je imao uspjeha i sa stvari "Night Stalker", izdanoj pod imenom Sonic Assault II, te full-length izdanjem "Stormwatch" koje je izdao kao Morph. Iako je Experimental bio relativno kratkog vrijeka, imao je značajnu ulogu u stvaranju i poticanju talenta poput umjetnika Freddie Fresha, Tima Taylora (s kim će kasnije Wild nebrojno puta surađivati) i Woodya McBrida.

„In the start, I have to give a lot of thanks to Joey Beltram who helped produce a few titles/remixes etc., as well as Steve Stoll..“… Interviju s Damon Wildom za "11th Hour Technology"

Wild se 1994/95. razilazi s Northcott distribucijom, odlazi i otvara svoj drugi po redu label, Synewave, kojeg još i danas uspješno vodi i za kojeg snima. Wild je pod Synewave-om izdao neke svoje najveće underground hitove. Stvari poput "Bang the acid" i "Afghan acid" (obje snimljene u suradnji s Tim Taylor-om), te “Avion” i "Equinox" tresle su techno klubove širom Engleske i Europe. Za Synewave su potpisivali i drugi producenti kao što su Steve Stoll i Morgan Geist, te Woody McBride, Freddie Fresh i Dan Curtin.

“New York was actually a strong force of techno at that time. Jeff Mills was playing weekly at The Limelight, Sonic Groove records was in full force and there was a lot of great productions also coming out from guys like Beltram, Mundo Muzique, Lenny D etc..”... Interviju s Damon Wildom za "11th Hour Technology"

Damon je 1998. godine izdao svoj prvi album za Synewave UK. Kako se acid zvuk polako gasio tako se i Damonov stil mjenjao, sve je više postajao dublji s minimalnim groovoeom što se vidi i na dubby izdanjima na Synewaveu koje je izdao pod imenom Blue Max project. Album “Somewhere in Time LP” je kolekcija njegove dotadašnje produkcije sa Synewave labela. Isto tako je izdao Synewave DJ Mix, Vol. 1 kao mixanu label retrospektivu. Tijekom svog dugogodišnjeg rada Damon Wild surađivao je s mnogim umjetnicima kao što su Jeff Mills, Mark Bell, DJ Hell, Adam Beyer, Joey Beltram, Hideyuki Eto (Japan), Mederic Nebinger (Francuska), Echoplex, The Advent, Cloude Young i još mnogi drugi među kojima je i naš Petar Dundov koji je napravio remix stvari “GPS” izdanoj na TRAVEL Ep-u (Music Man 2001.).

Nakon više od 15 godina produciranja i djinga po Americi, Damon se 2001. godine preselio u Europu gdje je za belgijski label Music Man dovršio svoj apstraktni album "Color Theory" kojim je pomaknuo granice minimalnog ritmičnog techna. Serija izdanja "Subtractive Synthesis", izdana za Music Man i Synewave, te album "Downtown Worlds", izdan za Kanzleramt Records u veljači 2004. godine, govore nam kako je riječ o vrlo kvalitetnom producentu što potvrđuje i činjenica da se njegova izdanja nalaze u torbama gotovo svih techno dj-a. Slušanjem minimalističkog albuma "Downtown Worlds" dolazimo i do spoznaje zašto je to tako.

Osvrnuo bih se i na njegovu suradnju s Peter Sliwinski-m koji je u svijetu techna poznatiji kao Echoplex. Njih dva su se upoznali 2001. godine i tada počinje Echoplex-ova suradnja s Synewave records-om, odnosno suradnja njih dvojice. Echoplex na Synewave-u debitira s “Classify as Unclassified” EP-om, a nedugo zatim se Damon i Peter udružuju i stvaraju projekt Niteworks. Zvuk Niteworka odiše Damonovim acid, chichago i minimalnim zvukom, te Echoplex-ovim detroit grooveom, ritmom i atmosferičnošću što kao rezultat ima jedinstven zvučni izražaj. Do sada su izdali nekoliko (5-6) Niteworks ploča. S Echoplexom je surađivao i na albumu izdanom za Kanzleramt. Iako su bili iz različitih glazbenih sredina glazbeni ukusi su im jako slični što im je ujedno olakšavalo suradnju.

“We wanted to make music that wasn’t necessarily to be accepted by the masses. We were thinking more in terms making a deep spiritual project that would last for years to come and would past the tests of fashion.” ….Interviju s Echoplexom - paul LiveSets.com

Od 2004. godine na ovamo je izdao još par ploža za Synewave (Wish Box, 2006.; Subtractive Synthesys VIII, 2006.; Beta, 2006.; Niteworks Pt. V – Don’t Sell Your Soul, 2005.; Fried Grooves 01, 2005.; Images - 2004.) i jednu za Pseudo Records (Smoked Grooves, 2004.). Osim što producira, Damon uživa nastupajući kao DJ širom svijeta i kao što sam osjeća, to je izvrstan način da skupi nove inspiracije i isproba nove materijale, a da time ujedno i zabavlja ljude. U zadnje vrijeme nastupa i kao live act.

“ Music is my life. If I no longer had music I would be very depressed, as it is a huge outlet for energy and expression. I also like the freedom it gives me. I find it is very good for one's health as well - it almost cleanses out a lot of negative energy. I mean look at a lot of older rock stars they still look better than a lot of old business men, who did not even do many drugs.”... Interviju s Damon Wildom za "11th Hour Technology"

----> Damon Wild sets <----


Section 25-" Looking From a Hilltop" (Factory)
New Order -"Blue Monday" (original) (Factory)
Depeche Mode-"Strange Love" (Mute)
Armando-"I00 Dissin"- (WareHouse)
Underground Resistance-"Seawolf" (UR)
Manual Gotching-"E2E4" (Racket)
Club MCM-"Club MCM" (Rhythm Beat)
DAF -"The Gun" (Germany)
Final Exposure-"Vortex" (+8)
Fix-"Flash" (KMS)
Run DMC-"Beats to a Rhyme" (Jive)
Art Of Noise-"Moments In Love" /" Beatbox" (China)
"Red Light District"-Anthony Rother (PSI,Germany))
Laisons Dangerous-Los Ninos De Park (GEMA)
Anne Clarke-"Sleeper In Metropolis" (Virgin, Germany)
Visage- "Pleasure Beats"(Polydor)
Eurithmics-"Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This" (Dave Angel Excorcist Rmx) (RCA,UK)
Acid Junkies -"Give Me Body" (Djax Up Beats)
Carl Craig-""Suspiria"(Planet E)
Low Res "Amuck" (Metroplex)
Marshall Jefferson-"House Music Anthem"(Trax)
Derrick May-"Icon"(Transmat)
Laisons D-"He Chilled Out"(USA Import ,Belgium)
Mike Dred-"Macromism" (R&S)
Resse & Santonio -"Rock to The Beat (FFRR/KMS)
Hardflloor -"Hardflloor Acid Experience" (Hardthouse)
Bomb The Bass-"Beat Dis"(Rhythm King,UK)
Boards Of Canada-"Alpha & Omega" (Warp)
Unique3-"The Theme" (10,UK)
D Shake-"Yahhh" (Go Bang)
Mike Dunn-"Magic Feet" (Djax)
Georgio Moroder-"The Chase"/"I feel Love" (Casablanca)
Regis-"Speak to Me" (Downwards)
Speedy J-"Pullover" (+8)
Green Velvet-"Perculator"/Preecher Man (Relief)
Planetary Assault Systems-Booster"(Peacefrog)
Suburban Knight-"By Night Ep (UR)
Final Cut -"Take Me Away" (10)
Brother From Another Planet-"Planet Earth"(7th City)
Sven Van Hees-Endomorphine E.P. (Elektron)
Sulfurex EP-"Point Break"(Extortion)
Eon-"Dead Eye"(Ifach)
Quadrant (Planet E)
LFO vs FUSE-"Loop" (Intellinent)
Major Problems-"Overdose" (Nugroove)
Royal House-"Can You Party (Warlock)
Yellow-"Bostiche" (Vertigo)
Baby Ford-"Ford Traxx"(Rhythm King,UK)
Choice-"Acid Aiffle" (Fnac / Transmat)
Spawn-"Infiltrator (Probe)
Phuture-"Slam"/"Spank Spank"/"We are Phuture" (Trax)
The Advent-"Mad Dog" (Internal)
3 Phase-"Der Klang Der Famile" (Tresor)
Frank De Wulf -"The B-Sides Series"(Music Man)
Blackdog-"Balil" (Planet E)
Aphex Twin-"Digeredoo (R&S)
DHS -"The House Of God"(HangMan)
PCP-"Mesculinium United"(Industrial Strength)
Ministry -"Everyday Is Holloween" (Geffen)
Dan Bell-" Losing Control" (Peacefrog)
Kevin Saunderson-"The Sound" (KMS)
How & Little-"Engineers Dream" (Nugroove)
Resse-"Grab the Beat (KMS)
Cabaret Voltaire- "Sensoria" (Geffen)
Pump Panel-"Ego Acid" (Synewave)
Todd Terry-"Bango"(Warlock)
Chip E-"Like This" (DJ International)
Nitzer Ebb-"Let Your Body Learn" (Mute)
Kenny Larkin-"War Of The Worlds"(Transmat)
Alexander Robotnik-"Problems De Amour"
Rhythm Is Rhythm-"Strings Of Life" (Transmat)
Slam-"Positive Education"/Snapshots"(Soma)
Happy Song Or Dance (NY White)
Bam Bam -"Give It To Me" /"Where's You'r Child?" (WestBrook)
Morgan-"Flowerchild" (original) (Geometric)
Basic Channel Series
Revelation-First Power"/"Synth It" (Atmosphere)
Kenny Dope-"Finger Trips Vol.1"/ "The Bomb" (Henry Street)
45 King -900 Number (Acebeat)
Nighmares on Wax- "Dextrous" (Warp)
Mundo Muzique- "Andromeda" (R&S)
Surgeon-"Magneze" (Downwards)
The Source- (R&S Blue Ltd.series)
Jeff Mills-"Humana /Waveform Transmissions"(Axis / Tresor)
Ron Trent-"Altered States (Warehouse)
Joey Beltram -"Energy Flash" /"Mentasm" (Transmat / R&S)
World 2 World- "Jupiter Jazz" (UR)
Robert Hood -"Minmal Nation" (MPlant)
Front 242-Masterfront (Wax Trax)
33 & 1/3 Queen-"Searchin" (Nugroove)
Damon Wild & Tim Taylor-"Bang The Acid" (Synewave)
EON-"InnerMind" (VS)
Earth People-"Dance" (NuGroove)
Innercity-"Mahogany"/"Goodlife" (Virgin)
Model 500-"No UFO's" (MetroPlex)
Kevin Saunderson "Uptempo"/"Powerbass" (KMS)
Digital Boy -"This Is Motherfucker" (Flying)
Frankie Bonz-"Bonzbreaks Series" (Apexton)
Toxic Two-"Rave Generator" (Dancefloor / PWL)
Speed Jack-"Storm" (R&S)
DJ Hell-"My Definition Of House Music"(R&S)
Dave Clarke -"Red Series" (Bush)
Direct-"Let It Ride(Alibis / R&S)
Adonis-"The Poke" (Traxx)
Carl Craig-"The Beginning" (Planet E)
K.Alexi Slelbi -"Vertigo" (Transmat)
Orbital-"Chime" (FFRR)
A Guy Called Gerald "Voodoo Ray" (Warlock)
FUSE-"Circuit Breaker"(+8)
Suburban Knight-"The Art of Stalking" (Transmat)
Black Riot-"A Day In The life" (Fourth Floor)
The Morning After- "FallOut" (Fourth Floor)
Red Planet-"StarDancer"- (UR)
Kraftwerk "Trans Europe Express"/"Numbers" ...ALL! (Warner)
Robert Armani -"Circus Bells"(Djax)
Steve Pondexter -"Work That Motha Fucka"/"Computer Madness" (Muzique)
Polygon Window-"Quoth" (Warp)
Code 6-"Codes" (NuGroove)
Bobby Konders-"Nervous Acid" (Nu Groove)

Njegovu produkciju možete poslušati OVDJE

A conversation with Damon Wild by walt miller
Interviju s Damonom Wildom, "11th Hour Technology"
Interview with Damon Wild by Scottie Blazin'


30.10.2007. u 18:06 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

nedjelja, 30.09.2007.

Area Code 313: Anthony "Shake" Shakir (Frictional Recordings – Detroit)

“Sometimes I feel like the invisible man of techno.” … Techno innovator Anthony "Shake" Shakir battles MS and obscurity by Robert Gorell


Detroitski producent Anthony "Shake" Shakir je jedan od neopjevanih detroit techno heroja i možda jedna od najpodcjenjenijih osoba američkog techna. Sastavni je dio detroitske techno scene od njenih najranijih dana u kojoj je bio jedna od značajnijih osoba u ranom razdoblju otkrivanja i razvoja detroit techna. Bio je i jedan od producenata koji se našao na kultnoj kompilaciji ”Techno: The New Dance Sound of Detroit” iz 1988. godine koja je pomogla širenju detroit techna u Europu. Na razne načine je bio povezan s većinom ranih detroitskih labela i u to vrijeme poznanstvo s Shakir-om je mnogim detroitskim dj-ima i producentima bilo od koristi. Shak je istinski ljubitelj glazbe i veliki kolekcionar ploča koji se ne zadržava samo na jednom stilu glazbe. Kroz njegova izdanja zrači određena vizija, vjerovao je u oslobađajuću snagu techna i bio je glazbeni čistunac. Glazbeno i stilski je bliži drugom valu detroit techno producenata poput Mad Mike-a ili Cloude Young-a. Do sada je izdavao pod svojim imenom te pseudonimima Da Sampla, Schematics i Shake te se pojavio se na nekoliko velikih kompilacijskih albuma. Izdavao je na labelima kao što su Puzzlebox Records, 7th City, KMS, Metroplex, Interface Records, Frictional Recordings, International Deejay Gigolo Records, Klang Elektronik i Sublime Records (Japan).

“In America, they never want to give [black artists] credit for anything. When I met Karl Bartos from Kraftwerk, I told him the Detroit guys are all attitudinal because we just want some credit — we ain’t tryin’ to sound big-headed. Then he told me that when he was doin’ the drums for Kraftwerk, he was tryin’ to sound like James Brown. If you listen to Man Machine, or “Numbers” on Computer World, you’ll know what he’s talkin’ about.” … Techno innovator Anthony "Shake" Shakir battles MS and obscurity by Robert Gorell

Rođen je i odrastao u Detroitu. Kao i mnogi drugi dj-i Anthony je prvo počeo s dj-ingom negdje u srednjoj školi, a puštao je electro, R & B i funk. Produkcijom se počinje baviti 1981. godine, odnosno tada se počeo rekreacijski baviti time. Jednom prigodom je preko dj-a Mike Huckaby-a i Eric Sims-a upoznao Juan Atkins-a i Derrick May-a. Budući da je u to vrijeme Shakir malo eksperimentirao s produkcijom odlučio je neke od tih svojih demo stvari snimiti na kazetu i dati May-u na preslušavanje. Stvari na kazeti nisu bile baš nešto, ali jedna stvar, kojom je pokazao da ima glazbenog potencijala u sebi, je privukla pozornost May-a. Prva stvar mu je objavljena 1988. godine na sada već legendarnoj kompilaciji “Techno! The New Dance Sound Of Detroit” (Virgin). Stvar se zvala ”Sequence 10”. Surađujući s Juan Atkins-om i Derrick May-om je imao značajnu ulogu u razvoju ranog Detroit zvuka. Jedno vrijeme je bio ključna osoba unutar Atkins-ovog Metroplex-a. Surađivao je s Derrick May-om i Carl Craig-om na mnogim njihovim ranim stvarima.

“Detroit DJs have an identity problem,”…“They say ‘I play house, but my thing is techno.’ It all works and if they’re good, they already know that.” … Techno innovator Anthony "Shake" Shakir battles MS and obscurity by Robert Gorell

Od Shakir-ovog talenta i te njegove veze s Atkins-om i May-om su mnogi imali koristi. Recimo Octave One su izbacili singl "I Believe" na kojem je također radio Shakir. Tu stvar su Lenny, Lawrence i Lynell Burden snimili u Atkins-ovom studiju, na mixu stvari je radio Shakir, a vokal je dala Lisa Newbury. Pošto su bili jako bliski s Anthony Shakir-om, a on s Derrick may-om, koji je u to vrijeme bio blizak s Neil Rushton-om, stvar su nabrzinu poslali preko u Veliku Britaniju i ona je izašla na toj kultnoj kompilaciji, te kao singl na Derrick-ovom Transmatu. Isto tako je Jay Denham preko Shakira upoznao detroitsku techno scenu. Shakir je imao klavijature, a Denham je imao drum mašinu te su počeli zajedno producirati. Tu opet dolazi do izražaja Shakir-ovo poznanstvo s Derrick May-om kojem je Shakir dao neke stvari na preslušavanje, nakon čega Denham seli u Detroit i izdaje svoju prvu stvar pod pseudonimom Vice za kompilaciju “Techno 2: The Next Generation”. Također je i Claude Young svoje prve dj/producentske korake započeo uz Shakir-a.

“We didn’t copy each other back then. I didn’t want to sound like Derrick [May]. Jay [Denham] didn’t sound like Juan [Atkins]. You just did y’own thang. When John Coltrane’s playin’ the saxophone, you know it’s the saxophone, but he sounds like Coltrane. Nowadays, the younger people in Detroit are all copycats — But I don’t get out much, so. ... But I don’t [want to go on the] ‘Techno Pterodactyl’ tour either. I don’t want to look like some dinosaur … I won’t go for it.” … Techno innovator Anthony "Shake" Shakir battles MS and obscurity by Robert Gorell

1992. godine Shak izdaje svoj prvi EP “5% Solution” na Metroplex-u, a poslije izdaje nešto i za KMS, Trancefusion i Peacefrog. U narednim godinama je otvorio dva labela. Prvi jer bio Frictional Recordings kojeg je otvorio 1995. godine s Claude Young-om. Prvo izdanje na njemu im je bio “Begin EP” (FRCT 001) koji je sadržavao po dvije stvari od svakog od njih i koji je kasnije bio vrlo tražen. Zajedno su izdali još jedno izdanje za Friction Recordings (FRCT 003). Iduće godine (1996.) je pokrenuo label Puzzlebox s detroitskim techno/electro producentom Keith Tucker-om (osnivačem Aux88). Trenutno je Keith Tucker preuzeo punu kontrolu nad Puzzlebox-om, a Shakir je sam nastavio raditi s Frictional Recordings-om na kojem je izdao seriju različitih izdanja kao što su "Mood Music for the Moody", "Club Scam II", "The Revisionist's Theory", "Convalescence" i "The Unsterilized Sessions ".

Uz svoje djelovanje na polju techno glazbe surađuje i s lokalnim hip-hop artistima kao što je Scarelly Moe. Tokom karijere je remixirao Inner City i belgijsku techno-pop grupu Telex., ali jedan od najvažnijih događaja u njegovoj karijeri je bila koprodukcija na Urban Tribe (Sherard Ingram) albumu “The Collapse of Modern Culture” (1998.) izdanom na Mo' Wax-u. Na tom prvom Urban Tribe-ovom albumu su tada zajedno surađivali on, Carl Craig, Kenny Dixon, Jr. aka Moodyman i Sherard Ingram aka Drexciyan DJ Stingray. U narednom razdoblju je izdao više ploča na različitim labelovima. “Systematic Advancing” EP (Gigolo, 1998.), “Tracks for My Father” EP (7th City, 1999.), “Songs for My Mother'” EP (Frictional, 2000.), down-tempo “Mr. Shakir’s Beat Store” EP (Klang, 2000.), Lost & Found 1 (12") (Dust Science Recordings, 2005) i kao Da Sampla “Samplaholic” (Moods and Grooves).

Uz to što je Anthony "Shake" Shakir poznat kao veliki techno čistunac poznat je i kao veliki brbljavac bez dlake na jeziku. Svjesno ili nesvjesno se držao podalje od europske scene iako trenutno većina stare Shakir-ove ekipe putuje svijetom i Europom zarađujući kruh kao dj-i. Claude Young trenutno živi na relaciji Glasgow-Tokyo, Jay Denham živi u Munich-u, a Dan Bell, kojem je Shakir pomagao oko 7th City labela je u Berlinu. Nažalost, 2000. godine mu je dijagnosticirana neizlječiva bolest, multiple sclerosa, koja mu stvara jako velike probleme u svakodnevnom životu.

“I’m OK. I’m not stoppin’ till God says ‘Time’s out.’” … “My affliction has made me take things more seriously,” … “I’ve got a lot to be thankful for.” … Techno innovator Anthony "Shake" Shakir battles MS and obscurity by Robert Gorell

Od njegove produkcije posebno bih izdvojio slijedeća izdanja:
Anthony Shakir “The 5% Solution” (Metroplex 1992),
Da Sampla “Aura - Piece Of Ice” EP,
Shake “Iconoclassic Diaries” EP (Frictional frct002, 1995)

Diskografija: Frictional Recordings, Shake, Anthony Shakir, Da Sampla, Schematics

Produkcija za poslušati: ANTHONY SHAKIR, da sampla, Shake

Shaken and stirred - Techno innovator Anthony "Shake" Shakir battles MS and obscurity.

----> Anthony "Shake" Shakir sets <----

30.09.2007. u 10:17 • 3 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

četvrtak, 27.09.2007.

Phuture / Phuture303 (Trax records / Chicago)

...The originators of Acid House!


Phuture je skupina u elektronskoj glazbi koja je krajem osamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, pokretanjem vala acid house-a, korjenito promjenila lice house glazbe. Grupu su oformili DJ Pierre, Spanky (Earl Smith Jr.) - synthesizer fan, i Herb Jackson 1985. godine. Dvije godine kasnije, 1987., su sa singlicom "Acid Trax" svjet plesne glazbe okrenuli naglavačke. S njom su stvorili veliku ostavštinu u razvoju Chicago house-a jer je ta stvar odredila i bila početak nastajanja zvuka acid house-a koji je u to vrijeme zaista bio revolucionaran.

Svoje slobodno vrijeme su provodili radeći stvari koje bi DJ Pierre puštao u svojim setovima po poznatim Chicago klubovima. Nakon što su se malo bolje upoznali s radom na Roland TB-303 sintisajzeru (napravljenom kao bassline generator za solo gitariste), trio je završio stvar koju su isprva nazvali "In Your Mind". Po prvi puta je široj javnosti prestavlja DJ Ron Hardy u legendarnom klubu Music Box, gdje ju je u istoj noći pustio 4 puta i tako je novi fenomen bio rođen. Stvar je napravila veliki bum i među ekipom postala poznata kao "Ron Hardy's Acid Track". Nakon toga su je ponovo obradili u suradnji s Marshall Jefferson-om. Singl je izdan na Trax Records-u 1987.godine i biva točka koja dijeli Chicago zvuk na vrijeme prije i vrijeme poslije singla “Acid Track". Stvar je postala jedna od najvećih house stvari ikada, a poslije njenog izlaska i uspijeha tržiste je bilo preplavljeno stotinama imitacija. Nakon proboja na britansko tržište singl izaziva ludilo po klubovima koje do kraja desetljeća prelazi u rave pokret. Može se slobodno reći kako je “Acid Track" imao jako veliki utjecaj na dancefloroove diljem svjeta.


Sa svojim drugim hitom "We Are Phuture" status grupe raste te postaju lideri acid house scene. Nakon što su izdali "We Are Phuture", Herb Jackson napušta grupu, a njega zamjenjuje Roy Davis. Godinu poslije grupa je u stanju mirovanja, Dj Pierre odlazi u New Jersey nakon svog klupskog hita 'Pfantasy Girl'. Od tad se nije ništa čulo od njih sve do 1990. godine kada izdaju 'Rise From Your Grave'. Nakon uspjeha te stvari Dj Pierre napušta grupu i koncentrira se na solo karijeru, te se seli u New York, a umjesto njega u grupu dolazi Damon Neloms (aka Professor Trax). Phuture u sastavu Spanky, Roy Davis, DJ Skull (Ron Maney) i Damon Neloms 1992. godine snimaju "Inside Out", a nakon toga grupa opet postaje neaktivna par godina.

Godine 1996. Phuture se vraća kao Phuture 303, a godinu nakon toga izdaju album Alpha & Omega (1997) na etiketi Perspective nakon čega Roy Davis i Dj Skull također napuštaju grupu gradeći svoje solo karijere. Album Alpha & Omega je njihov debi album, koncentriran je na funk koji je svojstven klasičnoj house glazbi. Spanky i Professor Trax su odlučili zadržati grupu, te kao duo su izdali moćnu stvar 'Acid Soul' (1997) na Djax Up Beats-u.

Također su, za najpopularniji belgijski label Music Man, izdali album 'Survivals Our Mission' (2001). Taj album je obilježen suradnjom DJ Pierre-a s grupom radeći na novoj verziji legendarne Lil Louis (acid-house pionir) stvari 'Blackout'. Album odiše i ostaje na liniji izvornog duha i zvuka njihovog početnog stvaranja. Survivals Our Mission je sadržavao najbrojniju Phuture produkciju do tad. Minimalni i tribalni ritmovi stvari ‘Pro-Traxx Rhythm’ ‘Metal Percussions’ i ‘Tribal Tek’ čine jedinstveni Phuture stil i kreativnost, dok ‘2001’ i ‘Northern Lights’ pokazuje njihovu dublju stranu, ali ne gubeći osjećaj za plesne podije. Ovaj album pretače mnoge europske linearne elemente u Chicago okvir. Mogu reći da je to vrlo uspješan hibrid što se može vidjeti u stvarima 'Riden' i 'Vintage Drums'. Album sadrži 15 stvari koje su na vinilima izdane u tri djela (mmlp11-1, mmlp11-2, mmlp11-3).

Nesto od produkcije mozete poslusati OVDJE

PHuture will survive!

27.09.2007. u 13:13 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

subota, 01.09.2007.

Area Code 313: Trackmasta Lou / Scan 7 (Underground Resistance, Tresor, Elypsia)


Lou Robinson, poznat kao TrackMasta Lou ili još kao SCAN 7, rođen je i odrastao u Detroitu. Trenutno je jedan od rijetkih techno glazbenika koji i dalje drži do stare Detroit underground tradicije nastupanja pod maskama, kojima se skriva identitet čime se dobija na određenoj umjetničkoj slobodi. Bio je svjedok nastajanja i rasta detroitske techno scene koju je i on sam obogaćivao svojim radom. Bliskost s detroitskim label kolektivom Underground Resistance-om i berlinskim labelom Tresor-om su jedne od važnijih značajki njegove karijere. Da bi održavao svoju glazbu i ime u underground-u Trackmaster Lou se skriva iza raznih imena; Unknown Force, The Specialist, Black Man, XZILE, The Shadow, Allergy, a najpoznatiji njegov pseudonim je Scan 7. Svaki taj od pseudonima ponekada znači i različit pristup glazbi, ali ljubitelji Trackmaster Lou-a i Scan 7-a znaju kako od njega mogu očekivati mračan i tvrd zvuk s tvrdim grooveom. Do sada je imao izdanja na labelovima kao što su Underground Resistance, Tresor, Soma, Fcom, End to End, Elypsia, Btrax Records, 430 West, S.I.D., Pow Wow Records, Direct Hit, FFRR i Makin’ Madd. Također se sa svojim stvarima pojavljivao na mnogim kompilacijama, te je radio i neke remixe (Shari Vari - The Way Of The 7 Remix, Recyver Dogs Jack Prt. 1 – Scan 7 remix…).

The Preps, Separate Minds, Allergy…
Svoju glazbenu karijeru počinje sredinom osamdesetih s David McMurray-om u grupi The Preps, kada su radili na izdanju “Hot Box” (Express Records 1986.). Prema technu se usmjerio 1988. godine kada je s Marc Kinchen-om i Terrence Parker-om, pod imenom Separate Minds, snimio “We Need Somebody” Ep za Express Records iz Detroita. S njima je te godine izdao i popularne stvari "Can You Feel The Difference" i "You Ask For It". Zajedno su još pod imenom Separate Minds snimili “Untitled” (KMS, 1988.) i “Troubled World” EP (Direct Hit Entertainment Inc., 1993.). Unatoč raspadu Separate Minds-a Trackmaster Lou je zadržao svoju prisutnost na sceni. U daljnjem razdoblju je nastavio producirati pod raznim imenima kao što je recimo Allergy. To je bio projekt kojeg je Robinson pokrenuo s detroitskim dj-om Reggie-om. S njime je napravio dva EP-a za Soma label ("Intuition" i "No Boundaries").

Scan 7, Underground Resistance, Tresor…
Ipak, najpoznatiji i najuspiješniji pseudonim od svih pod kojim je producirao je Scan 7. Kao Scan 7 se prvi puta pojavljuje na Submerge-ovoj kompilaciji “Escape Into To Woid”. Nakon toga, kada je od strane Mad Mike Banks-a pozvan da bude dijelom UR kolektiva, počeo je izdavati za Underground Resistance. Prva izdanja na UR-u su bila "Introducing SCAN 7" (1993.) i "Undetectable EP" (“to infiltrate ...and knock out”) 1995. godine. U tom razdoblju mu je bio izašao i ekskluzivni "Invisible Thoughts" EP na labelu Somewhere In Detroit (S.I.D.-004). Preko te svoje povezanosti s Underground Resistance-om je došao u kontakt s berlinskim Tresor Records-om. Tu se sprijateljuje s Dimitri Hegemann-om, šefom Tresor-a i čovjekom koji nosi velike zasluge za proboj detroit techna u Europu. Ekipa iz Tresora je uvidjela Robinson-ovu kvalitetu, te se on ubrzo kao Scan 7 pojavljuje na Detroitskoj newcomer kompilaciji “313” koju je skupio Blake Blaxter za Tresor 1995. godine. Bilo je to njegovo prvo pojavljivanje na tom kultnom berlinskom labelu. Slijedeći korak na Tresoru je bilo objavljivanje prvog Scan 7 albuma, "The Dark Territory" (Tresor 57). Album je izdan u studenom 1996. godine i polučio je veliki uspijeh. Zvuk albuma je bio tvrd, te dubokog i mračnog detroit techno karaktera. Svoj drugi album “Resurfaced”(Tresor 121) je također izdao na Tresor-u 1999. godine. Dupla vinyl verzija albuma sadržavala je 8 stvari za razliku od cd-a koji ima 10 stvari. Karakter ovog albuma je kao i kod albuma “The Dark Territory”. Nakon toga TrackMasta Lou ide korak dalje i pod imenom Scan 7 počinje nastupati kao live act! Na nastupima Scan 7 live act-a članove obilježava crna odjeća, crne maske za lice, crne kape (kao ninje) i korištenje kodnih imena (zbog zaštite pravog identiteta). U technu nije bitno ono što vidiš nego je bitno ono što čuješ, to je njihov stav. Jedna od osoba koja tako nastupa s Trackmaster Lou-om je žensko i krije se iza imena One Of 7, a pravo ime joj je Michelle Elias aka MICHELLA. Ona je prva i jedina žena koja je do sada nastupala sa Scan7.

Techno Brings People Together...
Trackmasta Lou je povezan i s projektom “Techno Brings People Together” koji je pokrenut 2003. godine. Projekt je zamišljen tako da ujedini ljude iz cijelog svijeta koji su poklonici detroit techna i elektronske glazbe u jednu zajednicu. Ideja projekta je da se ljudi sa sličnim ukusima zbliže i razmjene ideje, sve s ciljem napretka elektronske glazbe, ali s glavnim fokusom na detroit technu.

Cratesavers Muzik...
Važno je spomenuti i Trackmasta Lou-ovu suradnju s Posatronix-om aka B.J, članom electro grupe Aux88. Posatronix je jedan od glazbenih pionira na Direct Beat labelu. Radio je na mnogim projektima, te je recimo remixirao za Underground Resistance i Laurent Garnier-a. Do sada je imao izdanja na Direct Beat-u (kao AUX88 i Posatronix), Underground Resistance-u i Puzzle Box Records-u. Trackmasta Lou i on su ujedinili snage i pokrenuli Cratesavers Muzik. Ideja o Cratesavers Muzik labelu je rođena negdje oko 1999. godine, a label je pokrenut 2004. godine. Pokretanjem Cratesavers Muzik-a žele ojačati pokret elektronske glazbe i pokušat ga održati neovisnim (Move into the future, realize the present & don’t forget about the history). Label vode na način na koji oni smatraju kako bi trebao izgledati neki record label jer su tokom godina skupili dovoljno znanja i umijeća za tako nešto. Obojica imaju mnogo godina iskustva u radu s glazbom, pločama, produkcijom, distribucijom i cijelom tom industrijom tako da im to uvelike olakšava posao. Ideja je, također, da umjetnici koji su dio labela nastupaju live, s analognom opremom, što po njihovom mišljenju omogućuje kvalitetniju izvedbu. Do sada su na Cratesavers-u izdavali Arthur Oskan, Scan 7, Dj Surgeon i Posatronix.

Detroit Techno Militia...
Cratesavers Muzik, pa tako i Lou Robinson, blisko surađuju i s dj/producentskim kolektivom “Detroit Techno Militia” čija je zadaća promicanje detroitske elektronske glazbe diljem svijeta. Svi članovi su duboko inspirirani Detroitskom techno poviješću i surađuju s nekim od najutjecajnijih detroitskih dj-a i producenata. Pripadnici Detroit Techno Militie su Annix, Dan Lucas, Darkcube, Doc, Neil V., Sougon, Dj Psycho, Loner9 i The Mercenary.

“We strongly believe this partner ship will continue the solid Detroit tradition”… Trackmasta Lou

Do sada najslavnija i najpoznatije Scan 7 izdanje je "I AM FROM DETROIT" EP (ELY028). Dotična ploča je izašla na belgijskom labelu Elypsia 2001. godine i na njoj se nalaze dvije, možemo ih tako nazvati, Detroit himne: "I AM FROM DETROIT" i "YOU HAVE THE RIGHT" (you have the right to get down tonight). Ploča je također bila izložena u Detroitskom povijesnom muzeju, na izložbi “Detroits Gift to the World”, kao jedan od artefakata techno kulture. Uz tu ploču bila je izložena i Scan 7 RX5 drum mašina.

Cratesavers Muzik
615 Griswold, Suite 215
Detroit, MI 48226
(313) 234-9200


Diskografija: Scan 7, Lou Robinson, Black Man, The Shadow, Unknown Force, Xzile, Separate Minds, Cratesaver Records

01.09.2007. u 09:38 • 12 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

utorak, 28.08.2007.

Tresor (Berlin)


Priča o Tresoru je priča o je jednom jedinstvenom labelu i klubu, koji su nastali u prašini starog podruma i koji su upijajući energiju ujedinjenog grada s vremenom postali institucije berlinske, ali i svijetske techno scene. Ukratko, Tresor je najpoznatiji njemački underground techno klub/label. Slobodno ću reći da je on (bilo kao klub ili kao record label, svejedno je) bio, a i ostao uz Detroit, najutjecajnija institucija techno glazbe.

Sam klub je osnovan u ožujuku 1991. godine, a sami počeci njegove priče sežu do tamo negdje 1988. godine, kada je elektronski label Interfisch otvorio house/techno klub UFO. Zbog financijskih problema Ufo je zatvoren 1990. godine. Nakon njegovog zatvaranja, šef Interfisch-a, Dimitri Hegemann i neki investitori u klub, nalaze novu lokaciju u istočnom Berlinu. Bilo je to samo par mjeseci prije njemačkog ujedinjenja. Prostor koji se nalazio ispod jedne stare napuštene zgrade se pokazao kao odlična lokacija za jedan takav underground klub. Budući kako je Berlin u to vrijeme bio plodno tlo za nove, inovativne i underground projekte, ubrzo nakon pokretanja kluba je došlo i do pokretanja labela Tresor Recordsa, listopada 1991. godine.

Bila su to vremena složenih političko-socijalnih gibanja, raspada istočnog bloka i ujedinjenja Njemačke. Situacija je bila takva da su se rušenjem berlinskog zida širom otvorila vrata prema istočnom Berlinu, proširile su se granice i gomile mladih ljudi iz istočnog i zapadnog dijela Berlina, željni slobode i dobre zabave, tražili su nekakvo utočište. Većina nadarenih berlinskih glazbenika i dj-a je to utočište našla u tom berlinskom klubu, a kasnije i labelu. Klub Tresor je, počevši od 1991. godine, postao jedno od najznačajnijih techno lokacija na karti svijeta. Bio je to prvi berlinski techno klub i mjesto gdje se kontinuirano moglo upoznavati s techno i house glazbom. Atmosferu i apokaliptičko okruženje kluba, ruzinave željezne šipke koje razdvajaju posjetitelje od bara, strobe i glazba je nešto što se trebalo doživjeti. Mjesto gdje se elektronska glazba u potpunosti stopila s okruženjem. Nažalost, 16. travnja 2005. godine je došlo do zatvaranja kluba jer je grad prodao zemljište, na kojem se nalazio klub, investitorima koji su imali drugačiju viziju za taj proctor. Novi Tresor klub je otvoren 24. svibnja 2007. godine na novoj lokaciji.

Što se tiče labela, prvo izdanje na njemu je bilo „Sonic Destroyer“ (Tresor 1) projekta X-101, koji je bio Underground Resistance projekt iza kojeg su se krili Jeff Mills, Mike Banks i Robert Hood. Drugo izdanje je također bilo detroitskog porijekla. Bio je to Blake Baxter sa svojim “Dream Sequence” (Tresor 2). Otprilike prvih petnestak Tresor izdanja je bilo obilježeno suradnjom između ova dva grada čime je Tresor prvi pružio priliku detroitskim producentima da pokažu svijetu svoju viziju glazbe, tako da je to stvorilo jaku povezanost među glazbenicima Berlina i Detroita. Pokušat ću nabrojati detroitske producente koji su do sada izdavali na ovom labelu: Blake Baxter, Jeff Mills, Mike Banks, Robert Hood, Eddy Flashin Fowlkes, Juan Atkins, Anthony Shakir, Optica Nerve, Scan 7, Jay Denham, Alan Oldham, Drexciya, Terrence Dixon, Daniel Bell, K. Hand, Shifted Phases (James Stinson), Octave One…. Zadnje od suradnje između Tresora i producenata s područja Detroita je izdavanje odličnog Random Noise Generation albuma naslova "Off The Grid" (Tresor.227), Millsovog Blue Potential (Live With Montpellier Philharmonic Orchestra) DVD/CD izdanja (Tresor 223), te Juan Atkinsovog “The Berlin Sessions” (Tresor 215) albuma i Metroplexove retrospektive “20 Years Metroplex: 1985 – 2005” (Tresor 216).

Lista ostalih producenata koji su izdavali za Tresor nije nimalo manje impresivna od ovih gore navedenih; Thomas Fehlmann, Moritz von Oswald, Cristian Vogel, Joey Beltram, Neil Landstrumm, Pacou, Si Begg, Tobias Schmidt, Surgeon, Sender Berlin, 3ST, Leo Laker, Dave Tarrida, The Advent, Alexander Kowalski, Stewart S. Walker, Rok, Savvas Ysatis, Diskordia, Steve Rachmad, James Ruskin, Matthew Herbert, DJ Shufflemaster, Fumiya Tanaka, Ben Sims, Chester Beatty, Todd Bodine, Bill Youngman, Rumenige, Recyver Dogs, Regis, …

Sva ova imena govore sama za sebe. Za mene osobno Tresor je sinonim za techno. Iako je na njemu izdavano i ne-techno projekata, za mene je on fundamentalna utvrda techno glazbe, a Tresorov logo mi je dovoljan jamac kako bih si kupio nosač zvuka koji ga posjeduje na sebi. Još bih spomenuo kako je 2004. godine je izašao dokumentarni film "Tresor Berlin: The Vault & the Electronic Frontier" (redatelj: Mike Andrawis). Nisam ga pogledao, ali ne sumljam da je jako zanimljiv.


----> Tresor Tributes Sets <----


28.08.2007. u 13:21 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

subota, 25.08.2007.

Saskia Slegers aka Miss Djax (Djax Records / Nizozemska)

“The name Djax was already my DJ name before I started my label. It sounds very good, I think. The letter X is my favorite letter and Djax rhymes very well at ‘wax’ (is vinyl), ‘trax’ and ‘sex’.” …Miss Djax (Published in Backspin, Germany May 2002)


Osoba koja se krije iza pseudonima Miss Djax je Saskia Slegers koja se rodila i odrasla u Eindhovenu (Nizozemska). Ona je osnivač Djax Recordsa koji je devedesetih godina bio, a i sada je, jedna velebna utvrda acida, techna, ali i drugih elektronskih pravaca. Izdavajući neprestano kvalitetnu glazbu, taj njen label je stvorio nevjerojatan ugled na sceni, te je pobrao mnoge nagrade. Ukratko, Djax se smatra jednim od ključnih i najvažnijih labela na svijetskoj elektronskoj sceni. Na njemu su izdavala imena kao što su: Acid Junkies, Alan Oldham, Claude Young, DJ Rush, DJ Skull, Felix da Housecat, Luke Slater, Mark Verbos, Mike Dearborn, Miss Djax - naravno, Pacou, Random XS, Steve Stoll i mnogi drugi. Sama Saskia je kao osoba počela od nule i na kraju je postala uspiješna glazbenica i poslovna žena, a svoj rodni grad Eindhoven (Acidhoven) je duboko ucrtala na svjetskoj glazbenoj karti. Osim što je poznata po pokretanju Djaxa Saskia Slegers je poznata i kao dobar dj. Svirala je diljem svijeta i na svim najvažnijim svijetskim festivalima (Maydayu - šest puta, Nature One - četri puta, I Love Techno, Innercity, a svirala je i zagrebačkom Future Shocku).

Rođena je 1965. godine, a u dobi od 12 godina počinje dublje razmišljati o glazbi. Uskoro je sav svoj džeparac trošila na ploče. U dobi od 16 godina počinje puštati glazbu u jednom disko klubu u Eindhovenu u koji je stalno zalazila. U međuvremenu je napustila roditelje i odselila se u iznajmljeni stan. Također se okušala u sviranju gitare u jednoma lokalnom ženskom bendu.

“Music means everything to me. It is a basic necessity of life. I communicate by way of music. I could not think of a life without music.” …Miss Djax interview - Penthouse 1999 Blonde gazelle in a men's world

Vrijeme je pomalo prolazilo i tako dođosmo do 1989. godine. U to je vrijeme ona već radila u jednom dućanu s pločama. Radom u njemu upoznala je veliki broj nadarenih producenata koji nisu imali prilike nigdje objaviti svoju glazbu zbog toga što su nizozemski labeli smatrali kako njihova glazba nije komercijalna. Na tim demo snimkama koje su joj mnogi davali nalazilo se mnogo kvalitetne glazbe. Pitajući se kako to da nitko ne trza na kvalitetnu glazbu, Saskia sama odlučuje nešto napraviti po tom pitanju i tako joj je sinula misao o pokretanju njenog nezavisnog labela Djax Recordsa na kome bi izdavala glazbu nadarenih glazbenika. Prvo izdanje na Djax Recordsu je bio album “No Enemies” hardcore rap banda 24K (Eindhoven) 1989. godine. Novac za izdavanje tog albuma na Djaxu u 1000 primjeraka posudila je od svoje majke i to je jedna od najvažnijih odluka u njenom životu. Label je počeo s nizozemskim hip hop-om, ali se ubrzo prebacio na techno, acid, breakbeat itd.

”I also had the luck that I started in the right period. In 1989 there were not many independents like today. Especially in the techno scene there are many now. So, on the one hand I was lucky but on the other hand I also had a good nose for the right music. But I never planned anything, it simply happened to me.” …Miss Djax (Published in Backspin, Germany May 2002)

Par mjeseci nakon pokretanja Djax-a pokrenula je i jedan njegov sub label, Djax-Up-Beats, koji je bio okrenut techno, acid i house producentima. Prvo 12” izdanje na njemu je bilo Terrace “916 Buena Avenue” (1990.).

Saskii je posebno bila bitna vanjština labela i dojam koji time ostavlja Djax-Up-Beats. Po tom pitanju od 1990. godine surađuje s Alan Oldham-om. Suradnja je počela kada je Alan pod pseudonimom Signal to Noise Ratio izdao svoj prvi EP na Djaxu. Budući da se Alan bio već proslavio kao dobar ilustrator svojim stripom "Johnny Gambit" (1987.), te nekim ilustracijama za Transmat label Saskia ga je već 1991. godine pozvala da osmisli grafički izgled Djaxa. Do sada je Alan za Djax oslikao stotine ploča i par (tri???) Miss Djax romana za Djax-Up-Beats.

“Over the years they have became an interesting part of the Djax appearance. I don’t like it if every release looks the same and has the same label on it so his work lets our releases appear more individual.” …Miss Djax interview for Resident Advisor

Ta suradnja s Oldham-om je pokrenula snažnu povezanost Djaxa s producentima iz Detroita i Chicaga. Na ljeto 1992. godine Saskia je odlučila otputovati i posjetiti ta dva grada kako bi upoznala svoje najomiljenije producente i da svojim očima vidi gdje je to sve počelo. U Detroitu je odsjela kod Carl Craiga doma koji ju je iz prve ruke upoznao s Detroit scenom i ljudima koji ju čine (Mad Mike, Underground Resistance, Derrick May…). U Chicagu upoznaje Armanda i Felix da Housecata te mnoge druge s kojima je obišla klub Warehouse, Trax Records i Traxlabel štampariju ploča.

“It was a terribly old building that seemed to be about to collapse and the record press itself was a prehistoric machine too. The records just tumbled out of it and all fell on the floor. In the meantime someone was chipping away labels from discarded records in order to reuse the vinyl. Not surprising that many of the earliest Chicago house records sounded extremely bad. On the other hand, this was the place where all the excellent music came from.”….Miss Djax for ID&T Magazine 2004

Ovo putovanje je za nju bilo odlično iskustvo. Nakon dva tjedna boravka u ta dva grada vratila se doma s torbom punom acid i techno ploča, te sa snimkama raznih producenata koji su željeli da se njihove stvari objave na njenom labelu. Dosta tih stvari je poslije objavljeno na Djax-Up-Beatsu kao recimo Steve Poindexter “Work that mutha fucker”. Nakon toga Djax-Up-Beats sve više počinje izdavati ploče producenata iz Chicaga, a počeo je i surađivati s Warehouse labelom. Ta posebna veza imeđu Saskie i tog grada postojala je od samih početaka. Saskia je kao dj preferira/la stvari iz Chicaga pa je bilo logično da će taj stil biti najzastupljeniji na Djax-Up-Beatsu. Tako je Djax-Up-Beats postao europska odskočna daska za nadarene producente iz Chicaga poput Mike Dearborn-a i DJ Skull-a kao i za tada malo iskusnije tipove poput Steve Poindexter-a i DJ Rush-a.

“Everybody was very nice to me. Most of the producers were very eager to give their music to me as to release some tracks on a European label was a great possibility for them to earn some extra hard needed cash.” ….Miss Djax for ID&T Magazine 2004

Nisu samo producenti iz Chicaga potpisivali za Djax, kasnije je tu bilo i mnogo drugih poput Claude Young-a, Luke Slater-a, Pacou-a ili Steve Stoll-a kao i domaćih (nizozemskih) snaga poput Random XS-a.

U to vrijeme je Saskia mnogo nastupala po Njemačkoj, a vrhunac je bio njen nastup na Maydayu 1992. godine koji se održao u Berlinu. Taj nastup se pokazao kao pun pogodak jer su joj nakon nastupa pristupali mnogi organizatori i promotori i nudili gaže. Prvi svoj nastup van Nizozemske je imala godinu dana ranije u Parizu pred 6000 ljudi. Njemački časopis Frontpage je 1993. godine proglašava za dja godine, a drugi njemački časopis Tendance proglašava Djax label za label godine. Iduće godine (1994.) Miss Djax izdaje svoje prvo 12" izdanje “X-Factor”. Drugi nastup u Njemačkoj od velikog značenja za nju je bio nastup na Love Paradeu 1995. godine na kom je nastupala na svom vlastitom kamionu. Naši raveri su Miss Djax mogli čuti 09. prosinca 1995. godine kada je nastupila u Zagrebu u Domu sportova na Future Shock-u (Rave Imperium). Ako se ne varam to je bio jedini nastup Miss Djax na tlu naše države.

U Nizozemskoj 1997. i 1998. godine Djax Records dobija nagradu kao najbolji nizozemski record label. Također 1999. godine Saskia dobija nizozemsku nagradu ‘De Veer’ zbog svog rada u nizozemskoj glazbenoj industriji. Nakon toga 2000. godine za desetu obljetnicu labela Saskia objavljuje knjigu “1989-1999 Djax Records - The Power of the Underground”. Te godine počinje voditi svoju radio emisiju na KINK FM-u.

Povodom petneste obljetnice postojanja (2004.godine) Djax Recordsa Miss Djax objavljuje svoj prvi miksani album koji je sadržavao 24 njoj omiljene stvari s Djax-Up-Beatsa (Steve Poindexter, Claude Young, Random XS, Mike Dearborn, Robert Armani...). Izdan je na United Recordings-u, a uz cd je priložen i strip “Welcome To The Future” kojeg je ilustrirao, a tko drugi nego Alan Oldham.

Njezina produkcija nije brojna, nabrojat cu samo neke ploče “X-Factor” (1994.), “Spiderwoman” (1996.), “The Analog Sessions Of Darkness” (1998.)… Većina tih singlova koje je prije napravila bile su stvari koje je napravila nakon povratka s nekog svog dj nastupa. Nakon mnogo godina provedenih po nastupima 2005. godine napokon nalazi vremena da izda svoj prvi album "Raw” (DJAX-UP-CD 20) CD i 3LP. Razlog zašto je čekala toliko za izdavanje albuma nalazi u tome što jednostavno nije imala vremena za to zbog svoje dj karijere i poslova vezanih uz label.

“It's kind of like the very early style of techno, the '90s style. I didn’t try to do something different; in a way I tried not to be innovative. I just did what came out of my heart. I put my big love for techno on vinyl and that’s what I will always do. I don’t care what’s hip & trendy. I don’t let myself be put under pressure, to force myself to change to something compatible to minimal house or trance. Anyway, I don’t like pigeonholing people or tagging their music style. Over all these years I still love that harder Detroit/Chicago stuff. And that’s what you will hear on my album.” …Miss Djax interview for Resident Advisor

„Raw“ sadrži 12 pumpin oldskool techno stvari, a za izradu nekih je surađivala s Dj Rushom čije je vokale koristila u svojoj produkciji (“Club Hammer”, “Sick of U”, “My Mind”). Rush nije boravio s njom u studiju nego joj je već ranije ustupio te vokale koje je ona kasnije iskoristila za svoj album.

U zadnje vrijeme ju se sve češće može uhvatiti kako nastupa live izvodeći svoju produkciju koristeći Ableton. Prvi live nastup održava 2005. godine u Q-Baseu i od tada je sve češće bukiraju kao live act. Njen live nastup obogaćuju 2 Vj-a.

Uz sve ovo, Djax Records je poznat po tome što je prvi label koji je počeo izdavati (1991.) nizozemsku rap glazbu (Nederhop) surađujući s nizozemskom rap grupom Osdorp Posse. Saskia 1997 godine pokreće još dva ogranka svoje kompanije, Djax-X-Beatz i Djax-Break-Beatz. Na njima miješa bigbeat, drum ‘n bass i triphop s pop i rock glazbom. Svi ti sub labeli (Djax-Up-Beats, Djax Break-Beatz, Djax-X-Beatz) s različitim zvučnim zmačajkama su sastavni dijelovi velikog Djax Recordsa.

“Techno still has a strong position and unlike trance, it has never become very common or extremely commercial. So it can remain alive. It Is rather dangerous when a style of music suddenly becomes highly popular. From being public property first, it will soon run down. Techno has never been the latest fad, that is why it has always managed to survive.” ….Miss Djax for ID&T Magazine 2004


Djax Records BV.
PO Box 2408.
5600 CK Eindhoven.
The Netherlands
Phone: +31(0)40 - 2115547
Fax: +31(0)40 - 2115004


Diskografija: Miss Djax, Saskia Slegers, Djax-Up-Beats, Djax-X-Beats, Djax-Break-Beatz

interviews - Backspin 2002
ID&T Magazine 2004 DJAX-IT-UP
Interview by Rosemary de Boer for Penthouse Holland, February 1999
interviews - Essensie 2003

Mixevi: http://www.djax.nl/missdjax/mixes.html

----> Miss Djax live sets <----


25.08.2007. u 15:44 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

petak, 17.08.2007.

Area Code 313: Alan D. Oldham aka DJ T-1000 [Generator, Pure Sonik]


Alan D. Oldham aka DJ T-1000 je čovjek s mnogim i različitim talentima, a znaju ga još nazivati i “Detroit Techno’s Renaissance Man”, što također govori o njegovoj veličini. Kao producent uspješno kombinira i pretače svoje životno iskustvo u glazbu što je rijetka sposobnost u svjetu loopova i sampleova. Može se slobodno reći da je on jedan od najtalentiranijih i najpoštovanijih detroitskih techno producenata i dj-a.

Prije nego što je stupio na techno scenu bio je crtač stripova, grafički dizajner i urednik radio emisije "Fast Forward" na lokalnom radiju WDET-FM (1987.), te je studirao na “Wayne State University”. Nakon popularnosti njegovog stripa "Johnny Gambit" (1987.) dobija ponudu od Derrick Maya (starog školskog prijatelja) da napravi par ilustracija za njegov Transmat label, što je ovaj prihvatio i od tada se Oldham sve više počinje zanimati za detroitsku elektronsku scenu.

Sve ga je više preplavljivala strast za lokalnom i internacionalnom elektronskom scenom, što dovodi do toga da je svoju radio emisiju “Fast Forward”, koju je imao na radio WDET, postepeno transformirao iz industriala, jazz-a i rocka u techno. Bila je to tada jedina radio emisija u Detroitu koja je je bila isključivo posvećena house i techno glazbi. Emisija je bila ključna u razvoju techna u Detroitu, a kroz nju Oldham od 1987. do 1992. upoznaje tisuće slušatelja s tom glazbom. Neke prve demo kazete i uratci, relativno nepoznatih umjetnika, su po prvi put u ovoj emisiji puštani u eter. Sada su to već poznati umjetnici: Derrick May, Kevin Saunderson, Juan Atkins, Underground Resistance, Carl Craig, Kenny Larkin, Octave One, Anthony Shakir i Richie Hawtin, a neki od njih su i svoj prvi nastup imali baš u toj emisiji. Također, na gostovanja je dovodio i druge internacionalne izvođače kao što su Moby, Joey Beltram, 808 State, LFO, Front 242 i Nitzer Ebb.

U prijateljevom studiju 1990. godine napokon završava svoj prvi EP. Prodao ga je malom nizozemskom labelu (broj faxa tog labela, ako se ne varam, našao je u kanti za smeće nekog dućana s pločama), a pseudonim za taj projekt bio mu je “Signal to Noise Ratio”. Taj mali, do tada nepoznati, nizozemski label se zvao, a i danas se zove, Djax Records! Nakon tog izdanja šefica labela, Saskia "Miss Djax" Slegers, poziva Oldhama kako bi joj on osmislio cijeli grafički izgled labela. Za Djax Up Beats Record je radio više od sedam godina i bio je mastermind za crteže koji su se nalazili na Djax-Up izdanjima. Petnestak godina poslje njihove prve suradnje taj nekada mali label Djax dominira na nizozemskoj techno sceni, a Oldhamov vizualni trademark i dalje obilježava taj label.

Emisija “Fast Forward” se ugasila 1992. godine, kada je Alan dobio ponudu za world tour 92-93 s Underground Resistance-om (UR dj). Te je godine Jeff Mills napustio Underground Resistance i posvetio se svojoj solo karijeri. Tražeći dj zamjenu za nadolazeću turneju Mad Mike Banks je pozvao Oldhama, koji je bez ikakve probe prihvatio ponudu i tom si je odlukom promjenio život. Napustio je WDET i počeo nastupati uz druge UR assault dj-e, Rolanda i James Penningtona. Ime pod kojim je nastupao bilo je DJ T-1000 (ime je uzeo po tekućem metalnom kiborgu iz filma “Terminator 2”).

“I think it's well-known that I love SF and comics. And if you watch "T2" again it will become apparent why I chose that DJ name.”

Iskustvo iz te njegove prve turneje s Underground Resistance-om je bilo od velikog značaja za njega, što će se i pokazati u njegovom daljnjem razvoju kao glazbenika. Odmah nakon povratka s te vrlo uspješne australske turneje Banks je počeo koristiti mnoge Oldhamove talente. Ovaj puta ga je tražio da stvori label za kojeg bi distribuciju vodio Submerge. Ta distribucija, kojoj je na čelu bio Mike Banks, je nakon par godina dominirala u Detroitu.

Sva ta događanja vezana uz njegovu suradnju s Banksom navode Oldhama da te 1992. godine pokrene svoj vlastiti techno label Generator. Bio je to njegov drugi i najuspješniji pokušaj stvaranja labela. Prvi pokušaj je bio pokretanje labela Technika Records 1989. godine, ali je to ispao kao katastrofalan pokušaj sa samo jednim izdanjem (TEK 001).

“Oh, and if Jeff hadn't left UR in '92, and I hadn't taken his place, there would be no DJ T-1000 today. No Generator, no Pure Sonik, no Tresor, nothing. So I always credit Mills and Mike Banks for getting me started.”

Generator je bio izvorište njegovih ključnih projekata kao što su X-313 ("Interferon," "World Sonik Domination") i TXC-1. Osim njega na Generatoru su još izdavali Woody McBride, Dave Clarke, Marco Passarani i Mind Desing (Japan).

Oldham 1996. zatvara Generator i otvara novi i manji label “Pure Sonik”, a prvo izdanje na njemu je bio dupli vinyl “Pure Sonik Manifesto” (PURE1). Za razliku od Generatora, gdje je predstavljao svoju glazbu, ali i glazbu drugih producenata, na Pure Sonik-u izdaje samo svoju produkciju pod dj/producentskim pseudonimom Dj T-1000. Zvuk labela je surov, grub, stripped-down i minimal, zvuk koji je okrenut djima. Ubrzo nakon toga dolazi do suradnje između njega i berlinskog techno labela Tresor Records-a 1997. godine. Prvi plod te suradnje je bio njegov debi nastup u istoimenome klubu, te EP “Jetset Lovelife” (tresor87) kojeg je objavio pod pseudonimom Dj T-1000. Na dotičnom labelu 1999. godine izdaje i svoj prvi album pod nazivom “Progress” (tre128.).

Album “Progress” je kombinacija hard, dark i nesvakidašnjeg melankoličnog techna, koji podsjeća na neke uratke Carl Craiga ili Underground Resistancea iz ranih devedesetih, kao i na njegove ranije uratke. Mješavina je atmosferičnog techna (Marina, Progress, Locomia) i malo tvrđeg techna (Supernatural (Bangin'), Push, Pure Code…).

Uskoro je zabilježio jako uspješni nastup u Tresoru, koji je trajao četri i pol sata i prenosio se uživo preko interneta. Iste je godine za Pure Sonik, pod pseudonimom Dj-T1000, izdao CD/2x12” “A Pure Sonik Evenin” (PURE10). Nakon toga izdaje “Codes and Structures Vol.1.” (PURE11), a ubrzo potom i “Codes and Structures Vol.2.” (PURE12), također na Pure Sonik-u.

Počeo je nastupati širom svijeta s reputacijom jednog od najboljih Detroit dj-a što je i dokazivao tim svojim nastupima i mixanim kompilacijama. Kao DJ T-1000 izdaje mix album Supercollider (Generator label retrospektiva) i Live Sabotage: Live in Belgium na kojim pokazuje svoju genijalnost mixanja.

“Neutra” (PURE17) mu je treći album i izdan je 2002. godine, neki kažu da je to njegov najbolji album do tada. Album je mješavina puno zvukova, od bangin techna (Neutra, Karma 2), do electra (Elektroberlin), preko ambijenta (Cold Sleep), do njegovog prvog drum-and-bass eksperimenta (The Five Fighting Styles of the Four Elements). Stvar “Bout To Bang It” oživljava rane dane Pure Sonik-a; hard i u jednu ruku minimalistička i odlična za umiksavanje. Sve u svemu jako dobar album jako dobrog producenta.

Izdavao je još za Djax-Up-Beats, Matrix i Communique, te je radio remixe za Terry Lee Browna, Jr. i the Punishera.

Kao što sam već rekao, osim svog umjetničkog rada vezanog uz glazbu, Alan D. Oldham je tvorac/crtač kultnih serija stripova, "Johnny Gambit" i “The Sexy Adventures Of Orietta St. Cloud”. Njegov umjetnički rad za legendarni nizozemski techno label Djax Records ima globalni kultni status. Ploče na kojima su njegovi crteži imaju veliku kolekcionarsku vrijednost, te dostižu velike cijene na eBay-u. Crtao je strip “Danger Girl” za Muzik (UK), omot za album “Beyond the third Wave” Astralwerks-a i omot za svoju debi retrospektivu “Detroit’s Cement Space Gallery”. Osim za gore navedene projekte crtao je i za New Religion (UK), Theory (UK), Plus 8 (CAN), !K7! (GER), Gold Und Liebe (GER), Transmat (USA) itd….

Oldhamov umjetnički rad je također bio prikazan i u knjigama: "Techno", "Localizer 1.0", "Djax Records: The Power of the Underground" i "Techno Disc Guide" (Japan). Otvorio je svoj art shop Cafeshops.com, prvi online shop koji je u potpunosti posvećen umjetničkom radu Alan Oldhama.

Spomenuo bih još njegovu knjigu stripova u boji, “The Sexy Adventures Of Orietta St. Cloud” za koju je izdan soudtrack cd na Pure Sonik-u (PURE13) 2001. godine. Pod inspiracijom same knjige, stvari za taj cd su radili Jeff Mills, The Advent, Stewart Walker, Bryan Zentz, Marco Passarani, Terrence Dixon, Plastikman i Alan Oldham. Budući da Plastikman zbog svojih obaveza nije mogao za ovu prigodu napraviti posve novu stvar onda je ustupio jednu svoju staru stvar “PKamb” koja do tad nije bila objavljena na cd-u.

“This Is World Sonik Domination”


Diskografija: Alan Oldham, DJ T-1000, X-313, Signal To Noise Ratio, Hardsignal

Interview: Alan Oldham 24 October, 2005 by koma (jacbri.com)
Tresor - Interview with Alan Oldham

T-1000 vs. T-1000 - What happens when Alan Oldham takes on Robert Patrick?


----> Alan D. Oldham live sets <----

17.08.2007. u 17:23 • 6 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

srijeda, 15.08.2007.

Sender Berlin (Tresor, unGleich; Berlin)

Diverse, unique, sound senders from Berlin...


Sender Berlin je kolektiv berlinskih dj-a i producenata, a osnovali su ga Hendrik Vaak (HendriX), Torsten Litschko (Stassy) i Alexander Lukat (Luke) 1998. godine. Prvo počinju kao organizatori, producenti i dj-i kultnih Headquarters noći koje su se održavale svaki tjedan u berlinskom klubu Tresor. Nedugo nakon toga objavljuju svoju prvu stvar, koja se zajedno s stvarima drugih mladih nadolazećih berlinskih umjetnika, pojavljuje na "Headquaters-The Album" kompilaciji izdanoj na Tresor labelu 1998 godine. Izdanje postiže veliki uspjeh što ih je učinilo još odlučnijim u zajedničkom radu i u radu s drugim mladim berlinskim producentima.

Godinu dana poslije, u ožujku 1999., trojac objavljuje svoj debi album naslova "Spektrum Weltweit" (Tresor.111). Stvari na albumu su izvanredno posložene u kontetst cijele priče i zvuka kojim album odiše. To debi izdanje, tada još zagonetnog kolektiva berlinskog techna, mnoge je podsjetilo na neke druge inovativne projekte koji su pomalo bili obavijeni velom tajne, recimo Underground Resistance, Basic Channel ili Drexciya. Sender Berlin razvija sasvim različit zvuk od ta tri kolektiva fokusirajući se na lagane perkusivne ritmove i melodije koje u pozadini teku gotovo neprimjećene, te s progresivnom strukturom pjesama. Tih 12 stvari na tom albumu nije klasični minimalni zvuk, slušajući ih konstantno koz stvari čujemo lagano prelaženje u nove ritmove i melodije. Nikada ne primjenjuju istu ideju u dvije različite stvari, ali koriste istu paletu zvukova dobijajući različite rezultate u svakoj stvari. Uz Spektrum Weltweit cd izdanje drugi cd je mixani cd by Luke (Alexander Lukat) sastavljen od stvari producenata kao što su Surgeon, Pacou, Vice, Infiniti, Blake Baxter, Christian Vogel... Također su izbacili maxi EP „Spektrum Weltweit Remixes“ (Tresor.140).

Mnoge ideje koje su im kolale glavama, te različiti glazbeni interesi ponukali su ih da pokrenu svoj label. To su učinili 1999. godine s namjerom izbjegavanja stvaranja stalno iste glazbe, ali da ipak izdaju svoj rad zajedno, a i u kombinaciji s drugim artistima. Label su nazvali unGleich i iza njega stoje Torsten Litschko i Hendrik Vaak. UnGleich je otvoren prema svim pravcima elektronske glazbe (Electro, Jazz-Hybrids, Ambient, House, Intelligent Techno & Dub-Tracks), a za njih nema dobrog ili lošeg stila nego dobre i loše glazbe. Do sada je na unGleich records-u izašlo 19 različitih 12" izdanja i jedna CD kompilacija sve u produkciji njihovih prijatelja i simpatizera (Double x, Mad Max, Alexander Kowalski, Agent Cooper & DisX3, Tollstoi… ).

Pokušavajući se vratiti nazad do orginalne ideje techna i izbacivati takva izdanja, otvaraju novi sub-label kojeg nazivaju ROOT-music.

"We want and have to carry on. The musically freedom of our artists was and is the most important thing. We have so much good -and at the same time very different- music surrounding us, that it would be a shame not to release it."

Godine 2002. izdaju svoj drugi album, "Gestern Heute Morgen“ (Tresor.189), koji je atmosferičan, dubby i s laganim pozadinskim grooveom, a 3 godine kasnije su izdali Sender Berlin - Unequal Arts album za svoj unGleich label, koji je još jedan iskorak u razvoju njihovog zvuka. Jednu stvar s albuma, koja u sebi ima vokale, su radili u suradnji s berlinskim minimal techno producentom Jay Haze-om. Uz CD izdanje je izašao i prigodni DVD s prigodnim video klipovima kao nekakva retrospektiva njihovog postojanja; "SENDER BERLIN in Japan", "JOHN PEEL Session" i "in good memory - the TRESOR Club in Berlin".

Postoji jedna zanimljivost iz 2000. godine vezana uz njih i John Peel-a, legendarnog britanskog voditelja na radiju BBC Radio 1, koji je nažalost u međuvremenu umro. John Peel je obično pozivao artiste da dođu njemu u njegov BBC studio i tamo održe svoj session, ali budući kako je John bio veliki fan berlinske scene želio je emitirati emisiju iz Berlina. Pošto je također želio imati emisiju s novim nadolazećim mladim artistima došao je u Berlin, na gostujući teritorij, gdje su ga dečki iz Sender Berlin-a ugostili i održali Sender Berlin's John Peel Session.

Još bih spomenuo projekt DOUBLE X iza kojeg se kriju Alexander Kowalski i Torsten Litschko (jedan od članova Sender Berlin-a). Izdali su album "A:LIVE" na Kanzleramt-u (KA 113) i jos neka izdanja na unGleich-u.

Sender Berlin je složna ekipa dj-a i producenata koja pristupa glazbi s jakim osjećajem za melodiju i eksperimentiranje s ritmovima. Bez obzira bio to dj set ili produciranje, svaki pojedinac u taj kolektiv pokušava ugraditi svoj jedinstveni stil i kreativnost, stvarajući od njega nešto jedinstveno, kao što je jedinstven osjećaj slušati njihovu glazbu. Zbrajajući sve ovo mogu reći da je Sender Berlin još jedan u nizu uspješnih projekata poniknutih iz Tresor Berlin institucije.

Web stranica: Sender Berlin, ungleich

Nešto od produkcije možete poslušati OVDJE

----> Sender Berlin live sets <----

15.08.2007. u 10:25 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

četvrtak, 02.08.2007.

Area Code 313: Eddie "Flashin" Fowlkes (City Boy / Detroit)

"The whole essence of Detroit is working class. The people are working, working, to get to the top. Disco came in and it was soft but Clinton's funk was hardcore and it suited the attitude of the people and the environment. The origin of the hardness in Techno is funk." … Eddie Fowlkes Story by Heiko Hoffmann - The Origins of Detroit Techno and Chicago House


Eddie Fowlkes je rođen u Detroitu 1962. godine. Uz Juan Atkins-a, Derrick May-a i Kevin Saunderson-a Fowlkes je jedno od najznačajnijih imena ranog detroit techna. Premda je bio jedan od aktivnih sudionika i svjedoka stvaranja techna može se reći da je Fowlkes pomalo zapostavljen. Nije bio toliko utjecajan kao gore navedeni trojac, ali i dalje ostaje nezaobilazna osoba kada govorimo o povijesti i razvoju techno glazbe. Tokom svoje karijere je surađivao s mnogim imenima elektronske glazbe, kao što su Moritz von Oswald, Thomas Fehlman, Westbam, Juan Atkins, Blake Baxter, Niko Marks i Bandulu. Izdavao je na izdavačkim kućama poput KMS Records-a, 430 West Records-a, Infonet Records-a, Back To Basics-a, Peacefrog-a, Tresor-a, Sony-a, Virgin-a, Elektra, Polygram-a, EMI-a i Warner Bros-a, te je pokrenuo svoj label City Boy. Također je remiksirao stvari za The Petshop Boys-e, Moby-a i Goldie-a.

U dobi od 14 godina je počeo raditi prve mix snimke. S 18 godina se upisao na College u Kalamazoo-u, koji je udaljen 2 sata vožnje od Detroita i 2 sata vožnje od Chichaga. Tako je kod jednog prijatelja, koji je imao dobar prijemnik, mogao slušati radio postaje iz Chichaga. Jedna od emisija koje su posebno slušali je bila “Hot Mix 5” na WBMX-u, u kojoj su se puštali chichago house i disco glazba, što je jako utjecalo na njega. Iste te godine (1981.) je na nekom školskom partyu imao svoj prvi dj nastup. Ubrzo je po prvi puta posjetio Chichago kada ga je jednom prilikom Ken Collier, poznati detroitski disco dj i dobar prijatelj s Frankie Knuckles-om, pozvao da ide s njim i s još par ljudi posjetiti poznati Warehouse klub u Chichagu i poslušati svirku Frankie Knuckles-a. Bio je to i prvi Fowlkes-ov izlazak u neki gay klub pa je pomalo bio šokiran okruženjem, ali je glazbom bio oduševljen.

“This was my first time at a gay club and I was shocked. But the music was so good!” … Eddie Fowlkes Story by Heiko Hoffmann - The Origins of Detroit Techno and Chicago House

U to je vrijeme većina tadašnjih i budućih detroitskih dj-a (od K. Hand do Derrick May-a) izlazila u Chicago jer su tamo bili najbolji klubovi i dobra underground scena. Chichago je tada osim dobre scene i klubova imao i najbolje dućane s pločama tako da je Eddie od tamo počeo nabavljati ploče. Obično ih je naručivao preko nekoga jer on nije imao svoj auto da se vozi do tamo. Tako je tih ranih osamdesetih već uspio skupiti popriličnu kolekciju ploča s kojom si je počeo graditi ugled kao dj. U narednim godinama je s prijateljema Juan Atkins-om i Derrick May-om počeo puštati na Deep Space partyima, a malo kasnije i u poznatom detroitskom klubu Music Institute. S Derrick May-om je jedno vrijeme bio cimer sve dok May nije prestao raditi i plaćati svoj dio najamnine.

"One day I get home and Juan was there. I was tired and wanted to get to sleep. Then Juan wakes me up and says: "Fowlkes, Fowlkes! You know what this motherfucker did? Derrick went and gave away the fucking sound! He couldn't pay his rent and sold his 909 to Frankie Knuckles in Chicago!" Juan was very protective of his sound and Derrick didn't understand this. That's how the 909 sound came to Chicago. This is how the sound between Detroit and Chicago merged." … Eddie Fowlkes Story by Heiko Hoffmann - The Origins of Detroit Techno and Chicago House

Producentski debi je imao 1986. godine na Atkins-ovom Metroplex-u sa singlom "Goodbye Kiss". Negdje u tom razdoblju kada je izdao "Goodbye Kiss" dobio je svoje srednje ime "Flashin" (Eddie "Flashin" Fowlkes).

“Juan asked me about the name and I realized that I hadn't thought about it. So I came up with "Flashin" because all the Chicago DJs had a middle name that started with the same letter as their last name as well.” … Eddie Fowlkes Story by Heiko Hoffmann - The Origins of Detroit Techno and Chicago House

Pozornost šire javnosti je na sebe još više privukao 1987. godine sa stvari "Time to Express" koja je izdana na povijesnoj kompilaciji " Techno! The New Dance Sound Of Detroit" (Virgin-London), a već tokom 1990. godine je redovito puštao u poznatom Detroitskom The Alley klubu. Iskra techna je već 1991. godine bila potpalila Europu pa se Fowlkes odselio u Berlin u kome je vladalo drugačije ozračije nego u Detroitu. U Berlinu je došao u kontakt s Tresor-om gdje je počeo surađivati s Tresor-ovim in-house projektom 3MB iza kojeg se kriju Thomas Fehlmann i Moritz Von Oswald. Za Tresor je 1992. godine snimio svoj debi LP "3MB feat. Eddie 'Flashin' Fowlkes" (Tresor.003LP ). Bilo je to tek treće Tresor-ovo izdanje, a prva dva su također bila detroitskog porijekla (X-101 i Blake Baxter). Glazbu tog Fowlkes-ovog prvog albuma bi se moglo opisati kao techno u kombinaciji s free-jazz synthovima, experimentalnom elektronikom i funkom. Iduće izdanje za Tresor, također u suradnji s 3MB, je izdao 1993. godine. Bio je to “Technosoul” (Tresor.008 2x12"). U zvuku ovog albuma se mogu osjetiti utjecaji američkog garage-a, detroit techna i berlinskog zvuka. Sadržavao je u sebi jazzy, groovy, tribal-funky i soulful elemente. Ljudima iz Tresora se svidjela Fowlkes-ova vizija, te su s njim nastavili i dalje surađivati. Idući korak na Tresor-u je bio izdavanje kompilacije "Detroit Techno Soul" (Tresor.014) koju je kompilirao sam Fowlkes i na kojoj se nalaze dvije njegove stvari. Ubrzo je počeo izdavati i na drugim labelovima poput Infonet-a, Back to Basics-a, Pow Wow-a i Peacefrog-a.

Negdje u to vrijeme je pokrenuo i svoj label City Boy na kojem je kasnije izdavao on i njegov kolega Niko Marks. Izdanja na City Boy labelu su više house karaktera. Od tih izdanja koja je izdao na njemu izdvojio bih “The Originator” (12"CBR 014, 2002.) i “Detroit Beat Down Sounds&Grooves Vol. 1” (12"CBR 016, 2003.).

Svoj treći album, "Black Technosoul", je izdao 1996. godine, ponovo za Tresor (Tresor.049CD). Ovim izdanjem Fowlkes još jednom prestavlja svijetu svoj techno soul hibrid. Cd je jedna velika mješavina, deep funk-a ("Groovin", "Move to Detroit"), house-a i disca ("You Make Me", "Music Is Hypnotising") i techna ("C.B.R.", "On the D.L.") čime je potvrdio svoj status kao jednog od inovatora u techno glazbi.

Fowlkes je bez imalo straha kroz svoju cijelu glazbenu karijeru spajao techno s jazz-om, vokalima i melodijama što je glazbi koju je radio davalo nekakav poseban osjećaj. Svojom je produkcijom uspio spojiti dva glezbena pravca koja su se razvijala u Detroitu, techno i detroit (motown) soul. Taj svoj zvuk on ga je nazvao "Black Technosoul". Budući da je od mladih dana veliki ljubitelj soula taj utjecal soula na njegovu glazbu je bio očekivan.

2002. godine na Tresoru izdaje ploču “My Soul” (Tresor.190), kojom još jednom baca svijetlo na svoje već legendarne projekte. Na ploči su tri stvari. Prva na ploči je Mark Broom-ova obrada jedne Fowlkes-ove stvari dok su druge dvije odlične bezvremene stvari ("My Soul" i "Tribal Joy") uzete s "Technosoul" (Tresor 008) LP-a. Iste godine na izložbi "Detroit's Gift to the World: Techno" u Detroitskom povijesnom muzeju Eddie je naveden kao jedan od zaslužnika za nastanak detroit techna i kao tvorac technosoul-a. 2006. godine je izašao DVD “High Tech Soul - The Creation Of Techno Music” (Plexi Limited). DVD je dokumentarac koji sadrži mnogo intervjua s osobama koje su zaslužne za razvoj techno glazbe. Sudionici dvd-a objašnjavaju kako je nastao techno, zašto baš u Detroitu, kakvo je okruženje bilo tada u Detroitu, odnose među sudionicima dokumentarca, te objašnjavaju mnoge druge stvari vezane uz techno glazbu. Sudionici dokumentarca su Juan Atkins, Derrick May, Kevin Saunderson, Jeff Mills, Richie Hawtin, Carl Craig i naravno Eddie Fowlkes.

“For me my first record was more of a house record even though it was hard. But back then you didn't think too much about how to call it. When Neil Rushton put this compilation together (Techno! The New Dance Sound of Detroit) Derrick wanted to call it "The Best of Detroit House". But then Juan said: "You can all call your music house but what I do is techno music.” … Eddie Fowlkes Story by Heiko Hoffmann - The Origins of Detroit Techno and Chicago House


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02.08.2007. u 13:18 • 1 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

ponedjeljak, 30.07.2007.

Area Code 313: Carl Craig (Planet E Communications, Detroit)

"My whole outlook isn't to make a pop record. My outlook is to make a classic, timeless piece of music that I could pick up thirty years from now and be proud of. Everyone has tried this integration of jazz with electronics on this crazy pop level.“…Carl Craig


Mali je broj ljudi u elektronskoj glazbi koji imaju takvu raznovrsnost svojih izdanja, takav smisao za umjetnost i takav utjecaj kakav ima Carl Craig. Nakon što je tokom osamdesetih šegrtovao kod Derrick May-a, Craig se 1989. godine odlučuje na solo produkciju. Isprva na Derrick-ovom labelu Transmat, a zatim na svom Planet E Communications-u. U godinama koje su usljedile izdavao je pod svojim imenom, ali i pod pseudonimima Designer Music, BFC, Paperclip People, Psyche, 69 i Innerzone Orchestra. Može se slobodno reći da je njegova glazba uvelike obilježila razdoblje koje je iza nas.

Odrastao je slušajući različite vrste glazbe, od Prince-a do Led Zeppelin-a. Malo je učio svirati gitaru, ali poslije se javlja sve veće zanimanje za plesnom glazbom i to pod utjecajem rođaka koji je radio osvjetljenja za mnoge partye na područiju Detroita. Sredinom osamdesetih je prvi val detroit techna već bio stasao i negdje u to vrijeme Craig počinje sve više slušati Derrick May-ovu radio emisiju na WJLB radiju. Počeo se zanimati za tehnike snimanja i nakon nekog vremena je uspio nagovoriti roditelje da mu kupe synthesizer i sequencer. Upisao se na kurs elektronike gdje je upoznao ključnog prijatelja, Derrick Maya. To je bila odlična prigoda da mu Craig da kazetu s nekim svojim demo uradcima, što je i učinio. Derricku se svidjelo ono što je čuo, te je pozvao Carl-a u svoj studio kako bi ponovno snimio jednu stvar, "Neurotic Behavior", budući da Carl doma nije imao drum mašinu. Prvi singl kojeg je izbacio bio je “Elements”, a izdao ga je pod pseudonimom Psyche za May-ov Transmat Records (1989.).

Negdje u to vrijeme (1989.) je počela opčinjenost britanske publike detroit technom, te je Craig, budući da je bio svojevrsni asistent Derrick May-u, imao prigodu ići s May-om (Rhythim Is Rhythim projekt) na turneju u V. Britaniju. Tako je Craig pomagao pri snimanju May-ovog klasika "Strings of Life" i novog Rhythim Is Rhythim singla "The Beginning". Također je našao vremena kako bi snimio par stvari za R&S studio u Belgiji. Po svom povratku u SAD Craig od tih R&S stvari izdaje svoj ključni “Crackdown” EP (Transmat, 1989). Tu svoju prvu ploču, “Crackdown”, je također snimio pod pseudonimom Psyche, a sadržavala je četri odlične stvari za koje možemo reći da su klasici. Craig-ov groove, deep strings i synth zvukovi obilježavaju ovo izdanje, a sa stvari “Neurotic Behavior” glazbeno odaje počast Derrick Mayu i May-ovom utjecaju na njega.

Craig tada s Damon Booker-om pokreće Retroactive Records na kom je u razdoblju 1990. – 1991. izdao šest singlova kao BFC, Paperclip People i Carl Craig. Label se ugasio 1991. godine. Te iste godine Craig pokreće label Planet E Communications radi izdavanja svog novog EP-a “4 Jazz Funk Classics”, ali sada pod pseudonimom 69. Prvo izdanje pod imenom 69 je bilo "Ladies And Gentleman" koje datira iz 1991. godine. Kasnije su, osim Craiga (pod svim njegovim pseudonimima), za Planet E izdavala imena kao što su Kevin Saunderson, Alton Miller ili Moodymann.

Na svom Planet E labelu 1992. godine, pod pseudonimom Innerzone Orchestra, izdaje stvar "Bug in the Bassbin" s kojom je imao, moglo bi se reći, ključni utjecaj na rani britanski drum'n'bass pokret. Mnogi su dj-i i producenti ubrzavali tu stvar s 33 na 45 rpm kako bi dobili jungle breakbeat. Stvar je prvo izašla na kompilaciji “Intergalactic Beats” (vinyl verzija), a kasnije su remixe te stvari napravili Peshay i 4 Hero (Mo'Wax, 1996.).

“It got more hype through the drum & bass outlets in the UK to where it actually got picked up by Mo Wax (in 1996). It was funny because I didn't realise what was going on in that scene. I had met Goldie years ago when he used to do a lot of tagging. Goldie decided he was getting into making music and wanted to do a mix of it. And at the time when he had called I wasn't so interested in doing any remixes of any of my material. When I agreed to do the remixes for the Mo Wax reissue Goldie was onto some other project, so his version didn't happen."…Carl Craig

1993. godine kao 69 izdaje “Sound on Sound” na belgijskom R&S. Izdanje sadržava neke eksperimentalne techno stvari kao što su “If Mojo Was AM”, “Jam the Box”, “My Machines and Microlovr”.

Ubrzo Craig kao Paperclip People radi stvar "Throw" koja je naišla na dobar odjek, te uskoro postaje jedno od značajnijih imena u svijetu techna. Usporedno s tim je njegova reputacija rasla i na mainstream dance sceni. Prirodan sljed događaja je bio da se baci na remixiranje pa je tako tih godina napravio remixe za Inner City (Good Life, Ahnonghay), Maurizia (Domina - C. Craig's Mind Mix) i La Funk Mob. Također je radio remix stvari "God" od Tori Amos. Zahvaljujući velikim dijelom tom Amos remixu Craig je bio potpisao i svoj prvi ugovor s nekom velikom izdavačkom kućom, Mute Records-om.

1995. godine pod svojim imenom izdaje i svoj prvi album, sjajni “Landcruising” (Planet E). S ovim albumom se malo udaljio od plesnih podija. Album, međutim, oslobađa Craigov zvuk i daje mu osjećaj koji je blizu duha njegovih ranijih uradaka ili Atkinsovih Model 500 uradaka, kao što je recimo "Night Drive". Stvari „Mind Of A Machine” i “Einbahn” su istinsko odavanje počasti njegovim velikim uzorima, grupama Kraftwerk i Tangerine Dream. Tu su još romantične i ambijentalne stvari poput “Wonderful Life” i “One Day Soon”. “Landcruising” je Craigu ujedno otvario tržište, a nekoliko mjeseci poslje belgijski R&S Records izdaje, pod Craigovim pseudonimom 69, kompilaciju “Sound of Music”. Bila je to kompilacija dva EP-a koje je Craig prethodnih godina objavio na tom belgijskom labelu. Slijedeće 1996. godine britanski house label Ministry of Sound izdaje novi očaravajući Paperclip People singl, imena "The Floor".

Te 1996. godine provodi u Londonu nekoliko mjeseci, te snima DJ Kicks miksani album u !K7 studiju. Nakon povratka iz Londona posvećuje se radu na Planet E-u i poslije na njemu izdaje Paperclip People album/kompilaciju imena “The Secret Tapes of Dr. Eich” (1996 Planet E / 1997 Ministry Of Sounds OPEN cd003). Paperclip People je njegov više danceflooru okrenut projekt i pod njim je izdao hitove kao što su “Throw”, “The Climax” i “The Floor”. Upravo te njegove stvari su skupljene na toj “The Secret Tapes of Dr. Eich” kompilaciji. Iste godine, 1996., skuplja ranije singlove poput “Elements” i “Crackdown” i objavljuje ih na kompilaciji “Elements 1989-1990”, koja izlazi za Planet E (Psyche/BFC retrospektiva).

Iduća godina donosi drugi Craigov LP, “More Songs About Food & Revolutionary Art” (Planet E, 1997). Album je sadržavao stvari poput, sada već himne, “At Les” (romantičnog elektronskog jazza), "Televised Green Smoke", "Suspiria" i "Red Lights" u kojima se ogleda Craig-ova jedinstvena sposobnost stvaranja. Na albumu se nalazi i stvar "Frustration" koju je radio u suradnj s Derrick May-om. Ovim albumom je očito pokušao i uspio spojiti jazz i techno.

Craig je oduvjek nalazio inspiraciju u jazzu, soulu i rap-u i upravo je tim duhom odisao njegov najambiciozniji projekt, Innerzone Orchestra, s kojim je izdao utjecajni singl “Bug In The Bassbin”. Pod tim imenom 1999. godine radi album “Programmed” (Planet E i Astralwerks). Ovaj puta Craig upravlja orkestrom, koji je uključivao jazz svirače Paul Randolph (bass), Craig Taborn (klavir) i Francisco Mora (jazz bubnjar). Usprkos suradnicima bio je to najčišći Craigov art. Album je sadržavao stvari kao što su “Galaxy”, “At Les”, “Manufactured Memories” i “Bug In The Bassbin”. Sa ovim LP-om brojka Craigovih albuma se penje na sedam – samo su tri glasila na njegovo ime. Craig i jazzy trio su pod imenom Innerzone Orchestra održavali i live nastupe.

“Doing material on my own got boring. I wasn’t fully expressing myself by doing all electronic music. People see me as a DJ, a producer, or whatever. If I’m really going to be a producer, I would like to get the experience of actually producing with others and being able to be the best that I can be at what I do. Working by myself in the studio allows me to become the best at part of it [producing] — but not all of it.” … De-Programming Carl Craig Interview

Carl Craig je također bio u službi artist direktora Detroit Electronic Music Festivala 2000. i 2001. godine. Poslije je od strane organizatora eventa dobio otkaz što je uzrokovalo snažne polemike među Detroit techno zajednicom. Usprkos svemu, 2003. godine Craig dobija parnicu protiv organizatora, Pop Culture Media, zbog nepoštivanja ugovora.

Izdao je i dosta mixanih kompilacija, nabrojat ću samo neke: House Party 013 - A Planet E Mix (Nextera, 1999.) Onsumothasheeat (Shadow Records, 2001.), Abstract Funk Theory (Obsessive, 2001.), The Workout (React 2002.) i Fabric 25 (Fabric, 2005.). Stvari s ovih kompilacija su jako bliske onomu što Carl pušta tokom svojih nastupa po klubovima i u čemu nalazi inspiraciju.

“I look for music that’s interesting. It’s difficult to say what’s interesting and what’s not because something can be as minimal as a Basic Channel track and still be interesting; others can be very complex and boring as hell. I wanted to use tracks that I felt you could listen to over and over again; things that have some suspense and surprises to them.” … IDJ magazine - Issue 30 / November 2002

2005. godine vrši generalni remont “Landcruising” albuma. Album je obrađen, sekvenciran, dodane su mu tri bonus stvari i na kraju izlazi kao trostruki LP naslova “The Album Formerly Known As...”

Spomenut ću još projekt “The Detroit Experiment” koji je jedan level više od njegovog ranijeg projekta Innerzone Orchestra. Iza tog projekta se kriju basisti Jaribu Shahid i Al Turner, bubnjari Karriem Riggins i Ron Otis, klavijaturisti Geri Allen, Amp Fiddler i Jeremy Ellis, gitarist Perry Hughes, violinistkinja Regina Carter, saksofonisti Allan Barnes i Bennie Maupin, te na udaraljkama Francisco Mora Catlett i na synthesizeru Carl Craig. Zajedno su izdali The Detroit Experiment dupli LP za Planet E 2003. godine.

Dio koji Craiga čini tako jedinstvenim i koji ga odvaja od “normalnog” detroit techno zvuka su njegovi remixi i jazz uratci, što uvelike osvježava elektronsku glazbu. Craig provodi mnogo vremena u studiju radeći svoju predivnu glazbu, ali također provodi dosta vremena putujući svjetom nastupajući kao dj u raznim klubovima. Kroz sve ove godine stvaranja čovjek je stvorio svoju prepoznatljivu i jedinstvenu viziju techna. Jednostavno je uzeo pionirski zvuk Juan Atkinsa i Derrick May-a i odveo ga tamo gdje do tada još nije bio. On je producent koji pokazuje kako su inovativnost i individualnost svojevrsni preduvjeti za razvoj elektronske glazbe u 21. stoljeću.

Par brzinskih preporuka:
Bfc - It's A Shame
Bfc - Galaxy
Psyche - Elements
Psyche - Neurotic Behavior
Psyche - Andromeda
Paperclip People - The Floor
Paperclip People - Throw
Paperclip People - The Climax - Pcp Ver.
Carl Craig - A Wonderful Life - Epic Mix
Carl Craig - At les

Diskografija: Paperclip People, 69, Innerzone Orchestra, Carl Craig

Dio produkcije možete poslušati OVDJE

----> Carl Craig live sets <----

30.07.2007. u 13:27 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

četvrtak, 26.07.2007.

Peter Sliwinski aka Echoplex (Soleil, Synewave / Poljska-Kanada)

“In few words Techno is for me, feeling, rush, energy, invention, movement, free mind, dance, controlled chaos, breaking the barriers, technology, yesterday, today and tomorrow.” …INTERVIEW: PETER SILWINSKI AKA ECHOPLEX “Maxi” – Argentina


Peter Sliwinski je rođen u Poljskoj, a odrastao je u kanadskom gradu Windsor. Čak ga neki smatraju za jednog od pripadnika trećeg vala Detroit producenata. Pokretač je labela Soleil, a uz Soleil pokrenuo je još tri druga labela: Deaf (digitalni label), Forward i Soundlite Recordings. Do sada je izdavao na mnogim poznatim labelima kao što su Synewave, Black Nation, Sonic Mind, M_nus, Kanzleramt, Mosquito, Nova Mute, Tresor, Torema. Peter se, pored imena Echoplex, krije iza još par imena i iza kojih se krije različita glazbena priča; Niteworks (s Damon Wild-om), Del Sud, Vocodic Sfera, Les Autres Circuites i Digital Princezz.

“I can only say that constant improvement is part of my nature. “Searchin” , “Goin” Is part of me. I feel that this is a natural way for an artist or producer to follow his creative path in order to search unknown fields and to discover new and inspiring directions.” ….Interview with Echoplex by paul LiveSets.com

U teenagerskoj dobi je sudjelovao u radu crkvenog zbora, a kasnije je krenuo s učenjem sviranja klavira i udaraljki. Živeći u blizini Detroita pao je pod veliki utjecaj lokalne Detroit scene, te biva oduševljen glazbom što dolazi iz tog smijera. Ukratko, nakon što je jednom prilikom 1989. godine, pretražujući radio stanice, čuo Electryfying Mojo show sve ga više počinje zanimati elektronska glazba pa se i on pomalo okreće ka ispunjenju svojih vizija odnosno stvaranju glazbe. Kao svoje velike uzore u to vrijeme ističe Derrick May-a, Juan Atkins-a, Kevin Saunderson-a, grupu Kraftwerk, LFO, a poslije i Jeff Mills-a i UR Crew.

Uskoro počinje s pokušajima puštanja na dva gramofona (bez pitcha) i postaje veliki zaljubljenik u glazbu, kolekcionar iste, te se potpuno posvećuje svom budućem poslu sastavljajući svoj prvi studio. Ispočetka počinje puštati glazbu kao DJ VC po raznim skladistima u Kanadi i SAD-u. Kasnije je svoje dj setove sve više kombinirao s live elementima.

“Definitely Live performances thought me of how people react to certain sounds. I feel that this knowledge is a great tool to be used in my following studio sessions. Its just like coming back late night from a great event, fully inspired and ready to create. This past summer had a great time when playing at the Wax Sessions in Barcelona. I wished I was in my studio day after as I was so full of energy, ready to explode and ready to create something wicked.” ….Interview with Echoplex by paul LiveSets.com

Godine 1994. se seli na zapadnu obalu Kanade u Vancouver, te na Port Moody sveučilištu upisuje studij “electronic music composition and sound designing” što otvara vrata stvaranju njegovog osobnog zvuka. Tu po prvi puta upoznaje osnove stvaranja glazbe, upoznaje se s radom na synthesizeru i drugim spravicama, te jednostavnim načinima snimanja. Nekoliko mjeseci poslije završenog studiranja, gdje je naučio osnove produkcije, izbacuje full length album na X-Wave Records-u i par singlova na One Records-u (Seattle) i Union records-u (Vancouver). U to vrijeme također počinje izvoditi live nastupe i biva jedan od nekolicine techno producenata na zapadnoj obali.

Ubrzo se odlučuje preseliti u Europu gdje je počeo misiju širenja utjecaja Detroita i soulful techno groovea na svoju rodnu grudu. Godine 1996. Peter odlazi u Varšavu (Poljska). Tamo počinje raditi nešto pod imenom Moulin Magnetique (Echoplex&Maja). Također počinje izvoditi svoje live nastupe na nekim od prvih techno događaja u Poljskoj i postaje nositelj rastuće Poljske scene. Širi Detroit vibru na lokalnu scenu, educira buduće umjetnike i potiče ih na kvalitetnije stvaranje. Iduće godine (1997.) Echoplex izdaje seriju singlova i album (Shuffle Bus) za poljski elektronski label Trans Rec.

U 1999. godini izdaje “Searchin” EP za Pacou-ov LL Records. Stvari izdane na LL Records-u nailaze na dobar odjek među techno zajednicom tako da jedna od njh završava na Dj kompilaciji pod nazivom “Techno Funk-by DJ Cajmere aka Green Velvet” za 303 Recordings (USA). To LL izdanje je 2000. godine ponukalo Jay Denham-a da na svom Black Nation Rec. objavi Echoplex-ov "Straight structure" (2x12inch). Također, za LL Records je izdao i "Divisible" EP. Stvar s te ploče je uzeo Ritchie Hawtin i uvrstio je na svoju kompilaciju Dj Compilation by Plastikman “DE9-Closer to the edit” (Novamute/M_inus).

Godine 2001. upoznaje Damon Wild-a i tada počinje Echoplex-ova suradnja s Synewave records-om. Na Synewave-u debitira s “Classify as Unclassified” EP-om, a nedugo zatim se udružuje s Damon Wild-om i stvara projekt Niteworks. Zvuk Nitework-a odiše Damon-ovim acid, chichago i minimalnim zvukom, te Echoplex-ovim detroit grooveom, ritmom i atmosferičnošću što kao rezultat ima jedinstven zvučni izražaj. Do sada su izdali pet Niteworks ploča. S Damon-om je surađivao i na njegovom albumu za Kanzleramt. Iako su bili iz različitih glazbenih sredina glazbeni ukusi su im jako slični što im je ujedno olakšavalo suradnju.

“We wanted to make music that wasn’t necessarily to be accepted by the masses. We were thinking more in terms making a deep spiritual project that would last for years to come and would past the tests of fashion.” ….Interview with Echoplex by paul LiveSets.com

Iduće godine (2002.) Peter pokreće Soleil Records, koji je u godinama koje su slijedile postao Echoplex-ova fundamentalna-umjetnička utvrda (kako on sam jednom reče: „Soleil is my first “electronic baby”). Predavanja koja je imao tokom studiranja pomažu mu u stvaranju posebnog i njemu svojstvenog zvuka. Njegov zvuk, koji je “dubok”, ritmičan, melodičan i atmosferičan, predstavlja njegovu viziju elektronske glazbe.

”The goal of the Soleil label is to bring out the sounds that are meant mostly for the dance floor, baring in mind a home listener, but mostly aiming towards dancer and seeking, absorbing, sharing and releasing of energy. “….Interview with Echoplex by paul LiveSets.com

Prvo izdanje na Soleil records-u mu je izašlo u srpnju 2003. godine. Iduće godine (2004.) isto na Soleil-u izlazi ploča Echoplex “Soleil Live Episodes Part 1” (SOL 004). Na ploči se nalaze četri stvari snimane live tokom njegovih nastupa u Japanu. Stvari na A strani (A1 & A2) su snimane uživo na nastupu u Decay Midnightroundtable (Tokyo), a stvari na B strani (B1 & B2) su snimane uživo u klubu Brilliant Rockets (Osaka). Drugi dio te Soleil live episode, koji je također izdan na Soleil-u (Echoplex - Live Episode Part 2 - SOL 009), sniman je uživo na Rebirtherate night u Oslu (Norveška) 2005. godine. Na Soleil-u je do sada surađivao s producentima kao što su Pacou, Damon Wild, Hiroaki Iizuka, Archetype i Taakaki Itoh, koji su sa svojim stvarima sudjelovali na nekim od Soleil ploča.

Kao što već rekoh, osim Soleil-a još je pokrenuo Forward Records, Soundlite Records (podlabel Soleila) i Deaf Recordings. Svaki od njih ima drugačije zvučne značajke. Glazba koju izdaje na Deaf-u je eksperimentalna elektronika. Osnovni smisao pokretanja tog projekta je mogućnost izdavanja eksperimentalne produkcije. Pokrenuo je i projekt BSJ. BSJ je down tempo trio kojeg čine on, kanadski blues vokal (S. Neale) i poljski jazz klavijaturist (P. Sawicki).

”Furthermore BSJ project is something I have been always dreaming about - a true band project with a full on live performance and live musicians now Iým trying to make this dream a reality.” ….Interview with Echoplex by paul LiveSets.com

Nedavno je napravio jednu stvar (So far so close) za “Tsunami Aid 4” kompilaciju namjenjenu pomoći žrtvama razornog tsunamija. U ožujku 2006. godine je dovršio svoju prvu LOOP CD kolekciju na kome se nalazi 511 loop koje je Petar napravio u svom Soleil studiju. U travnju je napravio jedan remix za Oscar Mulera i njegov Warm Up Spain label, te remix Scan7 stvari "You have the right to get down tonight". U petom mjesecu 2006. je izdao “Invasion of the Light” EP (Soleil 11), “Turning point” EP (Soundlite 01), a “2091” EP (Forward 01) je izašao krajem godine.

Echoplex je odličan producent, karakteriziraju ga energični dj setovi i jaki i intenzivni live setovi. Njegove stvari su nailazile na podršku ljudi kao što su Richie Hawtin i Fumiya Tanaka, koji ih uvrštavaju na svoje kompilacije. Nezaobilazan dio njegove opreme je 909 drum mašina pa se kroz njegove stvari može opaziti kako je njemu jako bitan ritam, ali isto tako i melodija. Na live nastupima za sobom vuče hrpu opreme; drum mašine, synthesizere, samplere, effect processore itd., što nekada zna biti otegotna okolnost, pogotovo ako se radi o većim udaljenostima pa može doći do raznih oštećenja te iste opreme. Nadam se kako to neće biti prepreka nekom njegovom budućem gostovanju u Hrvatskoj. Do sada je puštao u mnogim zemljama (Japan, Kanada, SAD, Norveška, Nizozemska, Švicarska, Austrija, Njemačka, Francuska, Češka, Slovačka, Belgija, Španjolska, Rusija, Island, Danska i Poljska).

“I don’t think I will ever stop making techno, I’m sure on the other hand that the techno that I will make in the near future will evolve into a whole different direction and become a totally new concept that I’m not capable of describing at this time.“ ….Interview with Echoplex by paul LiveSets.com


Produkciju možete poslušati OVDJE

All timers [ what's always on my decks ]:
Moulin Magnetique - Un septieme ciel - [ Moulin Magnetique ]
Various - From our mind to Yours - [ Plus8 ]
Jeff Mills - x313 - [ UR ]
Digital Princezz - every crime is to be justified - [ Semi Automatic ]
Plastikman – spastik - [ Plus8 ]
Joey beltram - Energy Flash - [ RS ]
UR - Revolution for Change - [ M.Detroit ]
Inner City – Big Fun

---> www.peterechoplex.com <---

----> Echoplex live sets <----

26.07.2007. u 15:15 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

utorak, 10.07.2007.

Mad Max i Stevie D aka Recyver Dogs (Tresor / Berlin)


Recyver Dogs je techno live act iza kojeg se kriju Mad Max i Stevie D, dvojica njemačkih dj-a i producenata, koji su na sceni aktivni od ranih devedesetih, a kao Recyver Dogs počinju zajedno nastupati 1999. godine. Točka u kojoj su se životi ova dva dj-a i producenta spojili je bio berlinski klub/label Tresor. Od tog trenutka kada su se našli pod okriljem Tresora rade zajedno na mnogim projektima vezanim uz taj berlinski klub/label. Iako su par godina nastupali kao live act Recyver Dogs u mnogim klubovima diljem Europe nisu imali niti jednu izdanu ploču što je jedna od posebnosti ovog dvojca.

“The good thing is that we get bookings without records and if the crowd likes it (mostly) we get rebooked to the same club, which happens now a lot of times.”… Mad Max

Steve D je već od 1993./1994. godine stalni dj u klubu Tresor dok je Mad Max po prvi put svirao u Tresoru 1995.. Steve D. je popularnost stekao sa svojim legendarnim “After Hour” setovima koje je imao u tom klubu u periodu do 1999. godine, a među berlinskom ekipom je poznat kao “The Marathon Man”; setovi od 4 do 8 sati su za njega bili normalnost. Zahvaljujući njima zabilježio je dosta dobrih bookinga, a njegova reputacija kao Tresorovog underground dj-a odvodi ga na nastupe diljem Njemačke i svijeta (Ultraschall/ Munchen, U60311/ Frankfurt, Prag/ Stuttgart, Phonodrome/ Hamburg, Distillery/ Leipzig, Bunker Club/Brazil, Space Club/Ibiza, Moog+Nitsa/Barcelona …).

Mad Max-u je pravo ime Raik Eschrich, a svoju dj karijeru je počeo 1983. godine u klubu 370 iz Pforzheim (Njemačka). U tom klubu je bio rezident do 1985. godine, a puštao je razne stilove glazbe; funk, jazz, rock, reggea, new wave, punkrock, electro, soul i house. Preselio se u Barcelonu 1988. godine i postaje rezident dj u Fibra Optica klubu. Tokom 1991. godine vratio se u Njemačku i pokrenuo klub Opera u Pforzheim-u i u njega je dovodio tada još nepoznate dj-e poput Sven Vaeth-a ili Paul van Dyk-a. Postaje voditelj techno radio emisije "Stunde Null" 1994. godine. Kada se emisija ugasila 1997. godine iza nje je ostalo oko 200 emisija u kojima su gostovala razna imena poput Laurent Garnier-a, Sven Vaeth-a, Dr Motte-a, Luke Slater-a, Robert Hood-a i još mnogo drugih techno velikana. Mad Max je kao dj do sada zabilježio preko 2300 nastupa, a produkcija mu se pojavljuje na labelima kao što su Acacia Rec (Detroit), Definite Rec (Canada), Gold Plate Rec (Berlin) i Ungleich Rec (Berlin).

I tako je Steve D na jednom nastupu u Leipzig-u čuo Mad Max-a kako svira, a pošto je bio rezident u Tresoru, pozvao ga je da dođe vrtiti u Tresor što je ovaj prihvatio. Taj svoj prvi nastup u Tresoru Mad Max je zabilježio 1995. godine nakon kojeg je uskoro postao i rezident dj u njemu. Tom su prilikom Steve D. i Dimitri Hegemann (šef Tresora) nagovarali Mad Max-a da se doseli u Berlin što je ovaj i učinio 1997. godine kada je ostao bez posla u Leipzig-u. U Berlinu mu je Dimitri ponudio da radi za Tresor label i tako je Mad Max u siječnju 1998. godine počeo raditi za Tresor na raznim poljima djelovanja; promocija, proizvodnja, razvoja web stranice itd.

“And whenever we release a records for the label, we always have a release parties, in Tresor of course. Knowing all the bartenders and other people for many years now, it mostly feels like I'm at home with friends."…Mad Max

Te 1998. godine Steve D. i Mad Max si odlučuju urediti studio gdje bi se zajednički bavili produkcijom. Njihov Live projekt počinje nakon što su upoznali Thomas Ryschawi-a koji se bavi programiranjem raznih glazbenih kompijuterskih programa, ali korištenje istih mu nije bila jača strana. Spajanje njegovog znanja i njihove kreativnosti, odnosno sposobnosti stvaranja glazbe, korištenje tih programa (da li u live nastupima ili u njihovom studiju) bio je pun pogodak. S tim softwerom razvijenim samo za njih počinju raditi glazbu i izvoditi svoje live nastupe (u Tresoru, naravno) pod imenom Recyver Dogs. Koristeći te programe oni su ih ujedno i usavršavali tako da je to također jedna od posebnosti ovoga dvojca.

"When we're in our studio we love to play and jam but we don't like to record our stuff, that's why."…Mad Max

Taj njihov prvi nastup kao live act pod imenom Recyver Dogs desio se 1999. godine u Tresoru. Od tada su puštali u mnogim klubovima širem Europe iako jedno vrijeme svog postojanja nisu uopće imali izdanu niti jednu ploču. Nastupili su i na našem Future Shock-u 24.11.2001. godine na Tresor Floor-u gdje su izveli svoj live act, a Mad Max je odsvirao i svoj dj set.

Glazba koju stvaraju je mješavina svega onoga što je utjecalo na njih u proteklih dvadesetak godina. Oni svoje stvari uvijek snimaju live što je još jedna značajka Recyver Dogs-a. Prvo službeno izdanje im je izašlo 2004. godine u veljači za nizozemski label FINGERS LTD.02, a bilo je pod imenom RECYVER DOGS - JACK PART 1 (uključujući Dave Tarrida i Scan 7 remixe). Prije toga su (2001. i 2002. godine) izdali dva EP-a koji su bili u ograničenoj nakladi od po 100 komada (Grundgebühr EP - RD 01 i Live EP- RD 02)

“I think we're still an absolute underground act because we haven't made any records, till now. We're doing interviews without showing photos of us, only our logo and we love to play for underground promoters like yourself.“…Mad Max

Iza odluke da izdaju svoju prvo ploču je bila želja da jednog dana nastupaju na većim festivalima u kombinaciji s još 2-3 glazbenika. Bez svojih izdanja ta želja im je bila teško ostvariva. Evo i razlog zašto tu svoju prvu ploču nisu izdali za Tresor nego na do tada nepoznatom labelu:

"It's strange when you work for a label and are listening to productions by others and have to tell many people that we can't release their music and then I release my own stuff, I don't want that.” …Mad Max

Nakon toga, 2003. godine, na Tresor-ovoj kompilaciji “Tresor Never Sleeps” (Tresor.205/ Tresor.205.5) uvrštena je i njihova stvar "Böses Boot" (Pacou Remix); odlična stvar. Slijedeće izdanje je kao i njihovo prvo izdanje izašlo na do tada nepoznatom labelu Duoala Trax-u. Bilo je to 2004. godine, a ploča se zove “Dreher”. Na ploči se nalaze i dva Pacou-ova remixa. Iduće godine im je izašla stvar “Taucher” na Tresor kompilaciji (Tresor Rec.220 2xCD). Jedan svoj nastup koji su imali u Tresor-u su snimili i izdali 2005. godine na DVD-u (Recyver Dogs “Live at Tresor Berlin” - Catzilla). Na DVD-u je snimljeno 72 minute njihovog live nastupa. Glazba koju stvaraju je techno koji odiše onim tipičnim Tresor zvukom. Dosta neočekivanih zvukova i neuobičajenih melodija. Za one koji žele čuti kako to sve zvuči u live izvedbi mogu si OVDJE (megaupload) skinuti njihov live set Live at Dogs on the Rocks (Tresor, Berlin) 04-09-2004.

Recyver Dogs dvojac je stvorio pomalo čudan odnos s javnošću, nema puno fotografija i nisu dugo imali nikakvih izdanja. To je jako težak put, ali je zato u jednu ruku i zanimljiv jer nemaju baš puno izdane produkcije pa ekipa koja ih dolazi slušati u klub nezna što očekivati od njih. Njihove nastupe čini posebnim i to što oni sviraju na svom vlastitom softweru koji se ne može nabaviti nigdje u prodaji. U većini slučajeva poslije prvog nastupa u nekom klubu nakon nekog vremena dolazi im poziv da ponovo održe nastup u tom klubu što dovoljno govori o njima, njihovoj glazbi i njihovom live nastupu.



Interview with Recyver Dogs - Tresor
Interview with Mad Max by: paul LiveSets.com

Diskografija: Mad Max, Recyver Dogs

10.07.2007. u 21:42 • 3 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

Area Code 313: Claude Young (7th City, Friction, Cynet:Media)

“If you live in Detroit, you have a common drive to be unique and I think that's what brings us as artists together. At the same time we all have different musical philosophies, and this is evident in the various styles that come from Detroit. I am constantly changing and I try to bring this out in everything that I work on.” …claude and de-vice hack andrez bergen, (1998.) for zebra mag, melbourne


Jedan od najslavnijih dj-a koji dolazi iz Detroita. Poznat je po jedinstvenom dj stilu kao i po svojim jakim plesnim, mračnim i minimalnim stvarima. Claude Young je kao kakva hobotnica koja na svom odlasku s dj pulta ostavlja skršen mixer. Njegov stil puštanja glazbe je brz, inovativan i kompleksan s puno scratceva i efekata te s akrobatskim vještinama, a djelovi tjela koje sve koristi prilikom puštanja glazbe su: nos, lakat, usta itd….Neki bi to nazvali hip hop djing s techno pločama. Glazba koju pušta je techno s okusom Detroita. Produkcijski se može reći da je Claude u tvrde i minimalističke okvire, koje su stvorili Jeff Mills i Robert Hood, ubacio određenu dozu melodičnosti. Stvarao je pod mnogim pseudonimima: Brother From Another Planet, De-Yang Crew, Dub Street Posse, Low Key, Rhythm Formation, Golem Craft i Project 625., te izdavao na mnogim labelovima: 7th City, Djax ili Axis.

Claude Young Jr. je rođen srpnja 1970. godine u Detroitu. Odrastajući je bio pod velikim utjecajem svoga oca, legendarnog radijskog dj-a Claude Young-a Sr. i majke Janice koja je bila član najveće gradske record distribucije tokom sedamdesetih i osamdesetih godina. Otac mu je ujedno bio i suosnivač radio postaje WJLB. Tako mladi Claude preko svojih roditelja došao u doticaj s glazbom u najranijim danima. Nakon završene škole okreće se poslu radijskog dj-a gdje se rodila ljubav za elektronskom glazbom. Mnogo je toga naučio promatrajući Jeff Mills-a i njegov naporni rad, te počinje raditi na radiju puštajući uživo glazbu petkom i subotom navečer. Glazba koju je puštao bila je u rasponu od techna, housea, soula, hip hopa i disca. Uskoro je počeo puštati i po lokalnim partyima gdje Claude definira svoj jedinstveni stil djinga. Taj njegov talent iza gramofona poslije gradi od Claudea jednog od najtraženijih techno dja.

Claude Young je sastavni dio techno glazbe od trenutka kada je dublje ušao u samu bit (1991.). Svoju obrađivačku i producentsku vještinu u studiju (koju je naučio od svoga oca i sa godinama eksperimentiranja) omogućuju mu da počne s remixiranjem nekih poznatih detroit techno producenata poput Kevin Saunderson-a, Jay (Vice) Denham-a i Random Noise Generation. Nakon pomoći od strane njegovog dobrog prijatelja Anthony 'Shake' Shakir-a, Claude počinje producirati i stvari za sebe.

Prvo solo izdanje je napravio kao Brother From Another Planet 1992. godine na labelu 7th City Records kojeg je pokrenuo zajedno s dugogodišnjim prijateljem Dan (DBX) Bell-om. Bio je to “Planet Earth / Trance Missions”. Surađuje i s The Vision (Robert Hood-om) na projektu Missing Channel. Pod tim imenom njih dva izdaju “Atomic Whirlpool” EP za Hardwax 1992. godine. Na Dow Records-u iz Detroita izdavao je pod imenom Project 625 (“Solar Flair” EP i “Mood Swing” EP, 1993.) te u suradnji s Terence Parker-om (“The 4 Play” EP, 1994.). Iste godine na Utensil Records-u izdaje “One Complete Revolution” EP.

Claude 1995. godine pokreće Friction Recordings zajedno s Anthony (Shake) Shakir-om koji mu je bio dugogodišnji prijatelj i osoba koja mu je puno pomagala u produkciji. Prvo izdanje im je bio “Begin EP” (FRCT 001) koji je sadržavao po dvije stvari od svakog od njih i koji je kasnije bio vrlo tražen. Zajedno su izdali još jedno izdanje za Friction Recordings (FRCT 003). Iste godine mu na 7th City izlazi poznati “Acid Wash Conflict”, EP kojeg je također stvarao pod imenom Brother From Another Planet.

Njegovo prvo pojavljivanje na nekom europskom labelu je bilo za DJAX-UP-BEATS 1995. godine. Bilo je to “Nocturnal” EP. Usprkos njegovim ranijim izdanjima na 7th City Claude Young izlazi na globalnu pozornicu tek nakon tog njegovog prvog izdanja na DJAX-Up-Beats-u. Tokom te 1995. godine je remixirao stvari mnogih umjetnika kao što su Inner City, Astral Pilot, Carl Craig (Bug In The Bassbin 31st Century Jazz Mix, 1996.), Random XS, Gary Numan, DJ Skull, Acid Junkies i Joey Beltram.

Da je Claude Young najbolji dj proizašao iz Detroita nakon Jeff Millsa pokazuje svojom “DJ Kicks” mixanom kompilacijom 1996. godine. Bio je to po mom mišljenju jedan od najboljih mixeva iz dj kicks serije kojeg sam uspio poslušati. Na njemu se nalaze neke Claude-ove stvari ("Acid Wash Conflict", "Joe 90" i “DJ-Kicks” stvar), te još Maurizio ("M5"), Surgeon (“Badger Bite”), Random XS (“Frantic Formula”) i Dopplereffekt (“Speak + Spell”). Za razliku od nekih drugih mixanih cd-a ovaj mix je snimljen uživo, u jednom komadu kako bi se prikazala spontanost mixanja.

“I still call it free-form and expect the unexpected; most of the time I don't know what I'm going to do during a set, and that's what keeps it fresh for me.”…claude and de-vice hack andrez bergen, (1998.) for zebra mag, melbourne

Godinu poslje Claude potpisuje za novoosnovani belgijski label Elypsia i na njemu prvo izdaje “The Dexit” EP (ELY006), a zatim svoj prvi album “Soft Thru” (ELY014LP). Album je više orijentiran na mračniji i minimalniji techno, ali i eksperimentalniji zvuk sa dobrim efektima i atmosferičnošću. Po meni najbolje stvari s ovog albuma su “Quicksand” i “Things Look Better Now”.

”My album material is more experimental and not as dance floor oriented as my 12" projects and remixes - I want to explore atmospheres with my album projects.” …claude and de-vice hack andrez bergen, (1998.) for zebra mag, melbourne

Na Djax labelu 1998. godine izdaje “Presents Pattern Buffer 01 - The Darker Places...” EP koji je bio prvi od osam “Presents Pattern Buffer” izdanja koja je Claude Young realizirao u razdoblju 1998. – 2003. godine. Na istom labelu je 2000. godine izdao album “Patterns The Album” LP.

Zbog jako puno produkcijskih i dj obaveza 1997. godine se preselio u London te 2003. godine u Japan, a trenutno živi na relaciji Glasgow (Škotska) - Tokyo (Japan).

“I try my best to keep in touch with all my friends from home, and I return as often as I can to hear what's going on. I always look out for Carl Craig and Mad Mike productions as they're always of the highest quality.” …claude and de-vice hack andrez bergen, (1998.) for zebra mag, melbourne

Uz “Dj Kicks” je izdao još nekoliko mixanih kompilacija, spomenut ću samo jednu od njih: “Essential Underground Vol. 03: Berlin / Detroit” dupli cd koji sadrži 40 stvari od kojih je prvih 20 smixao berlinski dj Rok a drugih 20 Claude Young.

Njegov talen nije završio samo u studiju jer je u međuvremenu postao jednim od najtraženijih dj-a na svijetu. Dobija rezidenciju u klubu “Orbit” u Leedsu (UK), te klubu “Voodoo” u Liverpoolu (UK). Svirao je i u mnogim zemljama svijeta, nabrojat ću neke: Njemačka, Japan, Austrija, Svicarska, Irska, Španjolska, Italija, Canada, Australija, Nizozemska, Belgija i Hrvatska.

ZA Mills-ov Axis 2003 izdaje “Thoughts Of Phutura” EP a 2004. “The Altamirian” EP za label MB Selektions iz Belgije. Te godine (2004.) u prosincu Young objavljuje umirovljenje od daljnjeg bavljenja djingom radi pokretanja Cynet:Media od strane njega i H.G. Wells-a (bliskog prijatelja iz Glasgowa), te njegove žene Yukiko Young iz Tokya koja je pokrenula Cynet:Media Japan (cynet:media - sounds focusing on the future). Kompanija se trebala usredotočiti na prezentaciju elektronske glazbe u najmodernijim mogućim oblicima i bez ikakvih ograničenja.

"I'm a bit older now and i want to spend this part of my life working on projects close to my heart."...Claude Young

2005. godine izdaje eksperimentalni “Electronic Dissident” koji je izašao na DUST SCIENCE label-u. Iste godine je izdao cd album “One.Nine.Eight.Four” za svoj novootvoreni label Cynet:Media. Bilo je to ujedno i prvo izdanje na Cynet:Media. 2006. godine je održao tour po Španjolsko, te po Japanu što je značilo da nije došlo do potpunog umirovljenja što se tiče njegove dj karijere nego se radilo o malenom predahu.

“I'm always changing my views as I experience more of life, and my music changes with this.” …claude and de-vice hack andrez bergen, (1998.) for zebra mag, melbourne

Diskografija: discogs

U sekciji Musik Links - Downloads...!!! također imate za skinuti par njegovih live setova --->

----> Claude Young live sets <----

10.07.2007. u 21:01 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

subota, 30.06.2007.

Area Code 313: Robert Hood (M-Plant, Detroit)

“Before I got into this music I wanted to be an originator ; I wanted to be original” … Robert Hood


Zajedno s Jeff Mills-om i Mad Mike Banks-om, koji su otkrili njegov talent i pozvali ga u svoj studio, Robert Hood je jedan od tvoraca najkreativnijeg i kultnog techno label/kolektiva Underground Resistance-a. Pripada drugoj generaciji Detroit umjetnika među koje još spadaju Jeff Mills, Mike Banks i Carl Craig. Kao član izvorne UR postave, čija su izdanja imala veliki utjecaj početkom i sredinom devedesetih, Hood pomaže u mjenjanju lica modernog detroit techna i njegovog preporoda. Nakon suradnje s Banks-om i Mills-om na mnogim UR i X-101, X-102 projektima Hood napušta Underground Resistance i usredotočuje se na stvaranje svoje producentske i dj karijere, nakon čega s Jeff Mills-om pridonosi uspjehu i širenju techno zvuka u Europi. Svojim učešćem u stvaranju Underground Resistance-a (kao 'Minister Of Information :) ), a kasnije svojim poticajnim i plodonosnim radom na Mills-ovom Axis-u, te na svom M-Plant-u, Robert Hood popločava put i postavlja standarde za minimalni zvuk koji se počeo širiti devedesteih godina. Kao što jednom prilikom Surgeon reče:

”When Hood released his pivotal “Minimal Nation” in 1993, it was like a bomb went off.” …Surgeon

U početku, u svom radu pod okriljem Underground Resistance-a dobija punu potporu Jeff Millsa i Mad Mike Banks-a, a Hood njih dvojicu naziva svojim mentorima. Svoju premijeru kao autor (The Vision) ima sa stvarima „G-Force“ i "Rave New world“ na UR albumu X-101 koji je izdan na Tresor-u (Tresor.1) 1991. godine. Iduće godine (1992.), također na Tresoru, pod imenom X-102 u suradnji s UR izdaje album “Discovers the rings of saturn” (Tresor.4). Iste godine Hood je odlučio s Mills-om napustiti Detroit, a time i Underground Resistance, te njih dva odlaze u New York od kud su snimili seriju Ep-a. Hood je sve više napredovao u svom samostalnom radu, ali je i s Jeff Mills-om surađivao na nekim od prvih Axis izdanja. Bio je to projekt H&M (Hood & Mills) s naslovima “Tranquilizer” EP (AX-001, 1991.) i “Drama” (AX-006, 1993.). Za berlinski Tresor je, također s Jeff Mills-om, surađivao na projektima Waveform Transmission (Jeff Mills Vol.1, Vol.3; Robert Hood – Vol.2) gdje su spojili elemente acida i industriala i pomiješali ih s neodoljivim zvukom chicago housea i detroit techna. S Mills-om je isto tako pokrenuo i projekt X-103 pod kojim su izbacili nekoliko izdanja u razdoblju 1992.-1995.

U navedenom razdoblju Hood je otkrio da je bilo vrijeme za pokretanje svog vlastitog labela gdje bi se on mogao usredotočiti na svoje ideje, viđenje glazbe i kreativnost. Tako je 1994. godine pokrenuo M-Plant Records, te je na njemu odmah izdao singlice “The Protein Valve” (MP301), „Internal Empire“ (MP302) i "Moveable Parts" (MP304). Na M-Plant-u kasnije izdaje većinu svojih materijala.

"M-Plant is what I've always wanted to hear: the basic stripped down, raw sound. Just drums, basslines and funky grooves and only what's essential. Only what is essential to make people move. I started to look at it as a science, the art of making people move their butts, speaking to their heart, mind and soul. “It's a heart-felt rhythmic techno sound. M-Plant is just M. minimal. “… Robert Hood

Na Tresor-u je 1998. godine izdao solo album „Internal Empire“ (Tresor77) na kojem je redefinirao techno, te je zvuk sveo na njegovu osnovu koja se cijelo vrijeme ponavlja i minimalno razvija. Godine 2000. na M-Plant-u izdao je “Nighttime World Volume 2” CD/3X12” (MP319). Prvi dio “Nighttime World”-a je izdao 1995. godine na austrijskom Cheap labelu. Oba ta izdanja je radio kombinirajući jazz, soul, hip hop, techno i house. 2002. godine je izbacio jedinu svoju mixanu CD kompilaciju, “Robert Hood Mix - Rare Species”, koja je izdana na Logistic Records-u. Cd je odličan, dinamičan, dosta brz, s dobrim prijelazima i izborom stvari te je meni jedan od najboljih izdanih miksanih kompilacija koje sam slušao. Iste te godine (2002.) svojim debi albumom na Peacfrog-u, "Point Blank" (PFG027LP), Hood pomiče svoj hipnotički minimalizam ka potpuno novoj dubini i širini zvuka. Ovaj album je jedan komad čistog techna (techno for those who know).

"Point Blank is my in-your-face techno album. It's to show that I'm still here.”… Robert Hood

Slijedeći album je bio “Wire To Wire” (PFG042) i izdan je 2003. godine, također na Peacfrog-u. Ovo izdanje je diglo njegovu produkciju na višu razinu sofisticiranosti i glazbenog izražavanja u svijetu elektronske glazbe. S njime je pokazao da eksperimentiranje nije nužno u kontradikciji s plesnom glazbom – “intelligence and feeling can be fused together, a statement which is valid through the present”... Dosta melodija, synth dionica i stringova. Ukratko, odlično putovanje kroz razne mutacije detroit techna. “Wire To Wire” albumom je ujedno i potvrdio seriju dobrih izdanja na Peacefrog-u.

”My main aim was to show how diverse I can be creatively. It was important for me to prove that I am not just about the minimalist which I'm known for. Although, this is not the first time I've done an album like this. I try not to force whatever it is I'm trying to achieve.”… “For "Wire To Wire" I focused on more of what the mind can do. From the brain vessel to the speaker wire, human arteries to circuit boards.”… Robert Hood - stronger than techno interview

Iste godine je pod imenom Monobox na francuskom labelu Logistic izdao album “Molecule”. Album je kolekcija nekih njegovih novih, ali i starih Monobox stvari. Od novije produkcije još bih posebno istaknuo ploču “Hoodmusic 01” (mm118) koju je izdao na Music Man-u 2004. godine. Bilo je to njegovo debi izdanje za Music Man. Na ploči se nalazi stvar “Razr” koja je na tragu albuma “Wire To Wire”. Odlična i očaravajuća stvar koju kada krenem slušati ne izlazi mi iz glave. Slijedeće dvije stvari na ploči (“Special Heat”, ”Radio Active”) predstavljaju onaj izvorni čisti Hood-ov dinamični minimalni techno zvuk, dok je zadnja stvar (“Needles”) lakšeg karaktera za razliku od prethodne dvije.

Tokom svoje karijere je izdavao mnogim labelovima kao što su Axis, Cheap, Logic, Logistic, Metroplex, Music Man, Peacefrog, Tresor i Underground Resistance, a uz Hardwax (1991.) i M-Plant (1994.) pokrenuo je još Drama (1996.) i Duet (1999.) labele na kojima je također izdavao svoju produkciju. Producirao je i pod raznim pseudonimima kao što su Dr. Kevorkian (Hardwax), Floorplan (Drama, Duet), Hood Scientific (M-Plant), Inner Sanctum (Axis), The Mathematic Assassins (Hardwax), Missing Channel (Hardwax), Monobox (M-Plant, Logistic Records), Robert Noise (Vibe Records – Detroit, 1990), The Vision (UR, Hardwax, Tresor, Metroplex). U suradnji je producirao pod imenima H&M (s Jeff Mills-om za Axis), Missing Channel (s Claude Young-om za Hardwax), Underground Resistance (s Mad Mike-om i Jeff Mills-om), X-101, X-102 (s Mad Mike-om i Jeff Mills-om za Tresor i UR) i X-103 (s Jeff Mills-om za Axis i Tresor).

“The spirit is telling me to keep techno alive”… Robert Hood

Odrastajući u Detroitu Robert Hood se susretao s mnogo nepravdi, od rasizma do raznih nepravdi u međuljudskim odnosima, što je uvijek teško podnosio. Budući da je Robert u privatnom životu jako religiozna osoba on u takvom svijetu glazbu smatra svojom misijom. Po meni on tu misiju odlično odrađuje. U zadnje vrijeme unutar svog trosatnog dj seta ubacuje live elemente stvarajući jedinstvene ritmične dionice što čini odličan spoj između live-a i dj-inga. Također izvodi i čiste live nastupe koje ćemo, nadam se, jednoga dana moći čuti i u Hrvatskoj.

”So you could say, that I love doing live. And you will be seeing more of that side of Robert Hood in the future. Just wait and see." … Robert Hood

1486 Gratiot Avenue,
Detroit, Mi 48207, USA.

Discografija: Robert Hood
wolf's kompaktkiste . robert hood .
Većinu njegove produkcije možete preslušati OVDJE

U sekciji Musik Links - Downloads...!!! također imate za skinuti par njegovih live setova --->

----> Robert Hood live sets <----

30.06.2007. u 17:44 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

Area Code 313: Underground Resistance sets


O kultnom Underground Resistance-u i čovjeku koji stoji iza te kultne label/grupe možete više saznati iz mog ranijeg teksta: Area Code 313: Mad Mike Banks / Underground Resistance (Detroit), a u ovom postu su vam neki setovi osoba koji su dio današnje Underground Resistance postave --->

Buzz Goree aka DJ Clandestine (2)
Dj 3000 (4)
Dj Dex, aka Dan Caballero, aka Nomadico (4)
Dj S2 aka Santiago Salazar (3)
Underground Resistance (8)

Možete si skinuti i nekoliko nastupa grupe Los Hermanos koju čine Dan Caballero aka Dj Dex, Gerald Mitchell aka The Deacon i Santiago Salazar aka DjS2, koji su sva trojica članovi Underground Resistancea. Los Hermanos je većinu svojih izdanja, uglavnom zapaženih, objavio na istoimenom labelu, te na Submerge-u i Soundscape-u (Japan). Sam label Los Hermanos je zamisao DJ Rolando-a (bivšeg člana UR postave), Gerald Mitchell-a i Mike Banks-a koji su kroz ovaj label rušili granice između techno i house glazbe. Sama glazba Los Hermanosa spaja funk i soul detroit techna, te u sebi nosi mnoštvo latino ritmova. Za one koji neznaju kako to sve zvuči ovdje se nalaze za skinuti 3 njihova nastupa (dijela) --->

Los Hermanos (3)

U nastavku su i 2 mixa s glazbenom tematikom Underground Resistance-a --->
Kaur Kareda - UR Unexploitable (Underground Resistance Classics Mix)
Pacou-UR Mix (Detroit Digital Vinyl / Submerge) [DDV-002]

30.06.2007. u 07:55 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

nedjelja, 10.06.2007.

Area Code 313: Octave One / Random Noise Generation (430 West Records, Detroit)

Priča o Octave One i Random Noise Generation zapravo je priča o braći Burden; Lawrence, Lenny, Lynell, Lance i Lorne.
Octave One: Lawrence Burden , Lenny Burden , Lynnell Burden
Random Noise Generation: Lawrence Burden , Lenny Burden
Kaotic Spacial Rhythms: Lorne Burden

Octave One (430 West Records, Detroit)

Octave One

"It's just like brothers do, we tangle a lot. Leonard might start something and I might say, 'Hey, man, let me put something to that, let me add some percussion.' Then Lynell might say, 'Let me throw some hats and effects and the rest of the drums in there.' So it's a collage…”

Detroit techno trio, Octave One, je zamisao i projekt braće Burden koji žive i odrastaju u Detroitu gdje su i rođeni. Osnivači grupe su Lenny, Lawrence i Lynell Burden. Obitelj Burden ima petoro braće, tri gore spomenuta (Lawrence, Lenny i Lynell) te Lance-a koji se bavi dizajnom i najmlađeg Lorne-a koji je također ušao u obiteljski biznis i krije se iza projekta Kaotic Spatial Rhythm..

Braća Burden ne potječu iz glazbene obitelji nego su tek na “poticaj” svoje majke išli na satove klavira ("we didn't have a choice") u dobi od šest godina(Lawrence), a poslje prelaze na puhačke instrumente i bubnjeve. Najstariji od njih, Lawrence, prvi biva zaražen novim urbanim zvukom koji je puštan po gradskim klubovima i na radiju (Wizard, Jeff Mills, WDRQ-FM (93.1).), te počinje kao dj u kolektivu zvanom VLE Nu AGE 1987. godine, a sljede ga Leonard i Lynell. Nakon toga dolazi do kupovine njihovog prvog dijela opreme.

"We had like a Kawai R50 and a Korg DDD1," … "and once they bought those pieces, they were pretty much hooked."

1988. Burdeni su sa svojim VLE Nu AGE kolektivom postavljali rasvjetu u slavnom klubu Music Institute.

"Anyway we had a mutual friend and she introduced me to those guys when they were building the club and putting it together. They didn't have any lights so we just kind of networked We had already been doing lights and things when we were doing frat parties with our DJ company, so we spun a lighting company off of the DJ company. They were really cool guys, we got to know each other and we offered our services, man, and it was a nice marrige at that time."

Taj rad u Music Institute-u ostavlja na njih veliki utjecaj. Iste godine rade nešto s Juan Atkins-om na njegovom Metroplexu, a godinu poslije debitiraju sa svojom stvari “I Believe” na monumentalnoj kompilaciju “Techno 2: The Next Generation” izdanoj na 10 Records, zajedno s uratcima drugih artista kao što su Carl Craig, Marc Kinchen i Jay Denham. Zanimljivo je da je Neil Rushton radeći tu kompilaciju u zadnji tren izbacio s liste jednu drugu stvar, a umjesto nje ubacio Octave One “I Believe”. Priča ide ovako nekako: stvar “I Believe” su Lenny, Lawrence i Lynell Burden snimili u Atkins-ovom studiju, na mixu stvari je radio Anthony "Shake" Shakir, a vokal je dala Lisa Newbury. Pošto su bili jako bliski s Anthony Shakir-om, a on s Derrick may-om, koji je u to vrijeme bio blizak s Neil Rushton-om, stvar su nabrzinu poslali u Veliku Britaniju i ona je izašla na toj kultnoj kompilaciji, te kao singl na Derrick-ovom Transmat-u.

Stvar je postigla velik uspjeh, na kompilaciji i kao singl, te se jako dobro prodavala, ali oni nisu baš previše vidjeli tog novca od prodaje, te su revoltirani time odlučili pokrenuti svoj vlastiti label pod kojim oni, a i drugi umjetnici koji budu izdavali za njih neće imati takvih problema.

"It was hunger, man, it was a real hunger. Things were selling, but money wasn't hitting our bank accounts, and that's kind of what stemmed us to go start on our own. We were like, 'Hey, man, we can be broke by ourselves, producing records that aren't selling and not making money…”

Tako je došlo do pokretanja njihovog 430 West Records-a (ime uzeto po lokaciji na kojoj se nalaze; 430 West 8 Mile Road in Detroit) u želji da na njemu promoviraju sebe i druge techno artiste iz Detroita i njihova izdanja. Na njemu su do sada radili mnogi producenti kao što su Jay Denham (Vice), Terrence Parker, Eddie 'Flashin'' Fowlkes, Carl Craig, Mike Huckaby i mnogi drugi.

Nedugo što su pokrenuli 430 West Records, krajem 1991. godine, Burdeni početkom 1992. pokreću Direct Beat label želeći nešto napraviti vezano za još popularni electro zvuk i svjetu pružiti priliku da čuje tu stranu Detroita. Prvo izdanje na njemu je bilo 'Rock So Hard' Rich MacMillan-a.

Kad govorimo o Octave One može se reći da je Lawrence osovina grupe, Lenny je tech momak zadužen za tehničke aspekte produciranja, a Lynell je pomalo od svega toga pomažući u produkciji i idejama. Od njihovog prvog izdanja pa sve do danas elementi tribal-a su sastavni dio njihove glazbe, ritmovi i zvukovi udaraljki su stvari koje ih obilježavaju. Mogli bi ga još okarakterizirati kao dark i funky.

"cos we come from the era where techno and house used to always be spun in the same set. I'm still living back in that time zone.
Now there are techno DJs and there are house DJs. Techno went so far away from house that seldom can you put them into the same set. I think that's where we really come into play, generally we're the music that DJs use to go from house to techno. We're in between the two worlds somewhere…”…”… but I do like elements from both worlds. There are pieces from house that I like, there are pieces from techno that I like. Again, it's just that natural progression for us because of the two elements which we like when we like to dance. We like hearing both of those."

Svoj debi album izdaju 1997. godine i zvao se "The Living Key" (To Images from Above). Album je dobar balans laganih melodija, jazzy i dance-flooru okrenutih stvari koje nakon svakog ponovnog slušanja sve bolje zvuče.

“The Collective” je Octave One retrospektiva koja uključuje njihove najbolje radove objavljene na 430 West labelu od početka njihove karijere 1990. godine. Za svaku stvar s te retrospektive možemo reći da je klasik. Stvari "I Believe", "Empower", "DayStar Rising", "The Symbiont" najbolji su primjer prvorazrednog, inventivnog techno funka iz Detroita. Na ploči OCTAVE ONE - Somedays (430 West) pojavljuje se i Anne Saunderson (Kevinova žena) kao vocal.

Kao grupa s live nastupom se prvi put pojavljuju 1999. godine na Electric Entourage turneji. Sada održavaju svoje live na raznim mjestima i zamljama širom svijeta (Njemačka, Španjolska, Nizozemska, Grčka, Belgija, Austrija, Velika Britanija, Irska, Malezija, Japan, Amerika, Rusija…).
Produkcijski, kada govorimo o Octave One onda govorimo o trojici braće, dok su na live nastupima samo njih dvojica, Lawrence Burden i Lenny Burden. U svojoj glazbenoj karijeri surađivali su sa mnogim umjetnicima kao što su Derrick May, Underground Resistance, Eddie Fowlkes, Juan Atkins, Anthony ‘Shake’ Shakir, Members of the House, Terrence Parker i The Martian (Red Planet). Remixirali su stvari za Massive Attack, Akabu (Joey Negro), DJ Rolando, Steve Bug, John Thomas, The Trampps, Rhythm is Rhythm i Inner City. Vode uspješno i svoj detroitski record label, 430 West Records, i izdaju na njemu (osoba koja stoji iza labela je Lawrence Burden). Od 1990. godine do sad braća Burden su izdala preko stotinu izdanja.

2000. godine Octave One izdaje najuspješniju ploču koju su ikad izdali, "Blackwater”. Stvar Blackwater je objavljena na preko 30 kompilacijskih albuma diljem svijeta, također biva jednom od najomiljenijih stvari na deckovima mnogih svjetskih dj-a kao što su Jeff Mills, Richie Hawtin, Kevin Saunderson, Derrick May, Jonathan Peters, Laurent Garnier, Danny Teneglia i mnogih drugih.

Usporavajući s radom na labelu, 2002. godine, braća se još vise posvećuju radu u studiju. Napravili su album, “The Theory of Everything” na kojem su ponovo surađivali s vokalom Ann Saunderson (glas u Blackwater remixu). Album je izdan na Concept Music labelu 2004. godine. Krajem 2006. godine su za Tresor izdali "Off The Grid", album na kojem su obradili svoje stare stvari, ali tu su i neki neobjavljeni materijali do tada. Na njemu surađuju i s ostalom braćom.

Oni također izdaju i pod drugim imenima; Never on Sunday, Random Noise Generation (RNG) i Metro D.

Nešto od produkcije možete poslušati OVDJE
Octave One Diskografija

Evo između da kažem nešto i o ostaloj braći obitelji Burden. Četvrti po starosti, Lance Burden, je grafički dizajner i radio je sve što je vezano uz 430 West, Direct Beat i Submerge web site, te još neke stvari vezane uz label pod nickom Mook-Fu, dok Lorne (najmlađi od njih) producira za Direct Beat label i na dobrom je putu da postane jako uspješan, uzme li se u obzir da je producirao još dok je imao 12. godina. Radio je i na Underground Resistance-ovom remixu Kraftwerk-"Expo 2000" i snimio nekoliko ploča za svoj projekt Kaotic Spacial Rhythms (KSR)

Random Noise Generation (430 West Records, Detroit)

RNG/Octave One

“Random Noise is just our 'I'll try it, and I don't really care if it works' type of mood….”

Nastavljajući putovanje koje su započeli s Octave One 1990. dva najstarija brata Burden klana, Lenny i Lawrence, osnivaju Random Noise Generation.
Prva stvar koju su napravili pod tim imenom bila je “Falling in Dub” s vokalima u prvom planu. To je bilu ujedno i drugo izdanje na njihovom 430 West Recordsu sredinom 1991.godine i još je simultano objavljena u tri različite zemlje, u Velikoj Britaniji na Outer Rhythm Records-u, na Buzz-u u Belgiji i u Njemačkoj na Low Spirit-u gdje su je remixirali Claude Young, Terrence Parker i Westbam.

Random Noise Generation je bio njihov novi zvuk i novi način pristupa stvaranju glazbe. Zvuk RNG, za razliku od Octave One, je bio više apstraktniji, minimalniji ali atmosferičniji. Pod tim pseudonimom (RNG) su izbacili mnoge klasike koji su naišli na dobru reakciju publike širom svijeta, kao što su recimo “Instrument of change”, “Systemize” i “Echelon”. 2000. godine je izdan "The Links In The Chain" LP (430 West) na kojem se između ostalog nalaze “Instrument of change” i “Echelon”.

Godine 2004. Jeff Mills poziva Lawrence i Lennya da budu dio njegovog novog DVD projekta, “The Exhibitionist”, što su naravno prihvatili te su na tom DVDu izveli svoj specijalni live nastup sa svoje tri nove stvari.

Rad s Mills-om ih inspirira da napokon završe tri godine ranije započet full length album “Reign”. Materijale s tog nedovršenog albuma su već ranije koristili u svojim nastupima, a sada su tim materijalima dodali nove, “PMP - Power, Money, and Pain” (s “The Exhibitionist” DVD), “Rock My Soul” i “The Playground” već objavljenoj na Planet E kompilaciji “All Access (to Detroit's Music Festivals)”.

"No matter what's going down," Lenny says, t's gonna make you move."

Nešto od RNG produkcije možete poslušati OVDJE
Random Noise Generation Diskografija

430 West Records; Detroit
Phone: 313.342.6425
Fax: 313.342.3587
Label Manager: Lawrence Burden

------> Octave One Sets <------


Octave One by Andrew Duke
Lawrence Burden by John Osselaer 2000.
Octave One Tresor Interview
Octave One for Clash magazine, January 2007

10.06.2007. u 12:18 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

četvrtak, 07.06.2007.

Joey Beltram (STX, Nova Mute, Tresor / NY)

Joey Beltram

Joey Beltram je poznat kao jedan od vodećih inovatora u razvijanju rane underground plesne glazbe. Bez njega plesna glazba kao i ova scena sigurno ne bi bile iste. Njegov rad se ne može lako kategorizirati ili strpati u određenu zvučnu shemu i u određeni okvir. Kroz godine je fascinirao svojom glazbenom nezavisnošću i zato nikada nije pripadao nekoj određenoj (gradskoj) sceni. Iako ga mnogi svrstavaju pod Detroit, on nikada nije živio u Detroitu ali u njemu nalizi inspiraciju, to je očigledno, kao i u Chicagu.

“I’m not from Detroit, I like that stuff very much and I respect what they do, but with my productions I have to have my own sound”

Isto tako ga se ne može ubrajati ni kao čistog pripadnika New York scene. Njegove stvari predstavljaju ono što on vidi, ono što osijeti, ono što mu prolazi kroz glavu, iskustvo koje je stekao dugogodišnjim nastupanjem po svijetu, uspone i padove te neobuzdanost i zbrku. Spektar njegove glazbene karijere je jako širok i s mnogo različitih tonova. Radi glazbu različitih stilova, od techna, house-a pa do ambijenta. Radio je pod pseudonimima Final Exposure, Open Mind, Disorder, Nu-NRG, Vice Triben, Odyssey Nine i JB3 a izdavao je za mnoge labele kao što su Atmosphere Records, Easy Street, Trax Records (Chicago), Transmat (Detroit), R&S (Belgija) i Tresor (Berlin).

Joey Beltram je rođen 6. studenog 1971. godine i odrastao je u Queens-u (New York) kao sin oca Meksikanca i majke Talijanke. Frustriran klaustrofobičnim okruženjem New York-a, Beltram pronalazi mir u crtanju grafita. Kao “subway surfer” pripada generaciji djece koja oslikavaju prolaze podzemne željeznice te je u okruženju u kojem je živio zadobio poštovanje sa svojim grafitima. Njegov pseudonim pod kojim je crtao grafite, “Poes”, još se može naći kao potpis na nekim crtežima u New York-u.

"We always used to hang out in the train yard late at night" … "because you wouldn't be able to hit the trains until two in the morning. So we'd sit by a bonfire, tell graffiti tales and listen to the biggest, loudest boom box on the block."

U dobi od 12 godina (1983.) prvi puta staje iza gramofona (u svojoj sobi) i uglavnom je volio vrtiti hip hop i electro. Kada je prvi val chicago housea zapljusnuo New York, Beltram se prebacuje na house glazbu. Inspiriran zvukom Tony Humphries-a (slušao ga putem njegovih radio emisija) šesnestogodišnji Beltram okreće svoj urbani art u drugom smjeru, smjeru elektronske glazbe i produciranja iste. U dobi od 17 godina radi svoj prvi maxi singl za Nu Groove iz New York-a. Nakon toga slijedi serija izdanja pod pseudonimom Cold Six (“Forgotten Moments” - 1989) za Atmosphere Records i Easy Street iz New York-a te Trax Records iz Chicaga za kog je napravio stvari kao što su "Fuzz" a zatim "Flashcube" i "The Start It Up”.

Iste te godine (1989.) Beltram putuje u Gent (Belgija) gdje takoreć započinje svoju dj karijeru. Njegov prvi službeni EP je bio za belgijski R&S Records s kojim je potpisao ugovor. Bio je to “Let It Ride” napravljen pod imenom Direct. Jedan od najvećih plodova suradnje s tim labelom je stvar koja je napravljena u R&S studiju, stvar se zvala “Energy Flash”. Ta stvar je prvo izdana na detroitskom Transmat labelu 1990. godine, a poslije na R&S labelu iz Belgije (1991.). "Energy Flash" je stvar koja se zlatnim slovima upisala u povijest elektronske glazbe. Ona je sa svojim sampleom u kojem se ponavljaju riječi "ecstasy, ecstasy" uzdrmala plesne podije diljem svijeta. Ovaj klasik je bio njegov konačni izlazak na svijetsku scenu.

Na R&S labelu je izdavao i pod pseudonimom Second Phase iza kojeg se krio on i Mundo Muzique. Rezultat njegove suradnje sa Mundo Musique su “Vortex” i “Mentasm” koje je napravio kao Final Exposure i Second Phase. S ovim izdanjima je također polučio veliki uspjeh, a stvar "Mentasm", techno klasik, je bila jako dobro prihvaćena među belgijskim hardbeat techno djima i dosegla kultni status u rave kulturi. Beltram i taj njegov "mentasm riff" iz te stvari je usko povezan s drum&bass-om, belgijskom techno scenom kao i s hard core-om u svim oblicima koji su se pojavili 1991. godine, a "Mentasm" je postao standard za dosta techno produkcije koja je počela izlaziti u to vrijeme (prljavi, glasni i hrapai šum te lupajući industrijska buka) te je doživio nebrojeno mnogo imitacija. Na stvari “Vortex” uz Mundo Muzique je zabilježena i Beltram-ova suradnja s Richie Hawtin-om. Stvar su napravili za Plus 8 Records ali je objavljena i na R&S Records-u.

Zbog drugačijih pogleda na glazbu između Beltrama i šefa R&S labela dolazi do razdvajanja Beltrama i R&S Records-a. Nakon toga se Beltram više koncentrira na dj karijeru te održava turneje duž Europe i Amerike. Na Trax Records-u 1993. godine izdaje “Dance Generator” LP koji je bio mješavina acid house-a i techna, a 1994. godine na istom labelu izdaje “The Beltram Re-Releases 1989-1991” 2xLP, mješavinu techna i acida. Nekoliko sljedećih izdanja koja postižu uspijeh stabiliziraju njegov položaj u brzu mjenjajućoj sceni.

Ranih devedesetih je nastavio otkrivati horizonte house-a i ambijenta realizirajući eksperimentalna izdanja poput albuma iz 1994. godine koji se zvao "Aonox" (2xLP) i koji je izdan za eksperimentalni label Visible iz San Francisca te na Barramundi-u. Iako je Beltram bio poznat po svome techno radu nije se ograničavao samo na jedan stil glazbe te s ovim albumom pokazuje kako se jako dobro snalazi i na polju house i ambientalne glazbe. Ipak, Beltram se konstantno vraćao klasičnom techno zvuku u kome se najbolje i snalazio. Te 1994. godine izdaje i “Calibre” EP na Warp Records-u (WAP 49). Na tom izdanju se nalazi, po meni, jedna od najjačih Beltram-ovih stvari – “Drome”!

Tokom 1995. godine uspostavlja dugu i stabilnu vezu s berlinskim Tresor Records-om na kojem je izdao odlične i uspješne maxi EP naslove (“Gameform“, “Instant“, “Metro“) te legendarni album “Places“ (Tresor.078 LP) kojim se vraća na tvrđi i minimalniji zvuk. Album je kasnije reizdan 1998. godine, a 1996. godine ga je Muzik Magazin proglasio albumom godine. Svojom minimalnošću i jednostavnošću Beltram još jednom ruši granice u plesnoj glazbi. Tko god sluša techno i imalo drži do sebe mislim da je morao čuti za stvari poput “GameForm”, “TenFour”, “Floaters” i “Oval” koje se nalaze na ovome albumu. Nakon tog albuma Beltram je imao jednu konstantu u izdavanju svojih materijala, što na Tresoru, što na drugim labelima. Iste te godine (1995.) izdaje “Ball Park“ za Tresor (Tresor.090) koji se nalazio u torbama mnogih dj-a.

Njegov prvi album pod pseudonimom JB3 je bio “Close Grind” izdan za NovaMute 1996. godine. Album je bio više okrenut dance flooru a na njemu se nalaze stvari kao što su minimalni i pomalo šizofreni “Time” ili “Loose Kick” - duboki, mračni, tvrdi techno u svojoj najčišćoj formi.

Te 1996. godine mu na Nova Mute pod pseudonimom JB3 izlazi i “Beliver” EP a na R & S Records-u mu pod njegovim imenommu izlazi kompilacija njegovih ranijih stvari izdanih na labelima kao što su R&S, Atmosphere, Easy Street i Rythmatic Rage. Kompilacija se zvala “Classics” i sadržavala je stvari poput “Energy Flash”, “Psycho Bass”, “Mentasm” i “Mind To Mind”. Iduće godine (1997.) s Marshall Jefferson-om na Trax Records-u izdaje 10" naslov “Move Your Body / The Start It Up”.

1999. Beltram pokreće svoj STX label na kojem nastavlja producirati pod svojim imenom i pod imenom JB3. Prvo izdanje na tom njegovom labelu je bila njegova “Arena”. Iste te godine izdaje miksanu kompilaciju “Joey Beltram Live - The Sound of 2 AM” koja je objavljena na Moonshine Music labelu. Iduće godine (2000.) Muzik Magazin njegovu stvar “Energy Flash” proglašava za stvar desetljeća.

Nakon toga je uslijedila određena stanka od produciranja te se par godina prije izdavanja njegovog albuma “The Rising Sun” (2004.) rijetko što moglo čuti od njega.

"In the last year or so I've got my second wind. Around 1999 I got a little bored and started changing things. You need new ingredients to mix into the pot, and luckily in the past year a lot of new producers have started pushing the envelope a bit, which is exciting--and inspiring!"

Šest godina nakon zadnjeg izdanja na Tresor labelu, na ljeto 2004. godine, izdaje “The Beyonder“ (Tresor.213), a nakon toga u listopadu, također za Tresor, izdaje trostruki LP album “The Rising Sun“ (Tresor.214). "The Rising Sun" odiše svježinom koje je definitivno falilo u tih par posljednih godina u elektronskoj glazbi. Na albumu se nalaze stvari poput Resurgence ili Beyonder - Edit (mislim da vas je većina čula za nju).

Prošle godine (2005.) u ožujku na Trax Records-u mu izlazi CD kolekcija njegove diskografije - “Joey Beltram - Trax Classix”. Za Trax je Beltram počeo producirati vrlo rano sa stvarima poput "Fuzz", "Flashcube" i "The Start It Up”, a glazba s ovoga cd-a je skup stvari koje je Beltram producirao za Trax label. To je čisti techno iz vremena dok je techno glazba bila još jako mlada, a Joey Beltram je jedno od važnih imena techna i ovaj cd pruža uvid u dio njegovog ranog stvaralaštva. Neki Beltrama nazivaju i najvažnijim stvoriteljem zvuka hardcore techna, a ovaj cd je idealna prilika da se čuje kako je sve to počelo.

Iste godine izdaje i live mix kompilaciju koju je snimio ranije, 19. studenog 2004. godine, u tokyskom klubu Womb. Cd "Live At Womb 02" je izdan na Womb Recordings-u koji je produžena ruka tog tokyskog Womb kluba. Ta miksana kompilacija se snimala uživo u tom klubu prilikom njegovog nastupa u njemu a na njoj se nalaze stvari producenata poput Player-a, WJ Henze-a, Thomas Krome-a te njega samoga.

"The gig was great,"… "It was a fantastic crowd that really got into it, which fuelled me as a deejay. And the mix makes you feel like you were really there!" … "It's my favorite place to deejay; it's definitely different. It's a city of the future. And you haven't made it as a deejay unless you play there - they understand what good music is, and if you're not on top of your game they know it!" … "So a good reaction really means something."

Uz produciranje Beltram se također bavio i remixiranjem, pa da nabrojim neke: Human Resource ("Dominator", 1991.), Lords of Acid ("Rough Sex"), The Prodigy ("Charly") i Smart E ("Sesame's Treet"). Također su i njegove stvari mnogi remixirali; Robert Armani i Mike Dearborn (“Game Form”), Paul Johnson i Juan Atkins (“Instant”), Steve Bicknell i Rush (“Ball Park”), Luke Slater i Damon Wild (“Forklift”) itd…

Joey Beltram je jedan od artista koji stvari koje izdaje prvo dugo vremena dorađuje pa ih tek onda izdaje što za rezultat ima to da je njegova produkcija uvijek bila pri vrhu, često imitirana od strane drugih i uvijek razvaljivala plesne podije. I dan danas neka njegova produkcija iz ranih devedesetih gura techno revoluciju naprijed.

"I´m not only pushing buttons. When I make music it´s an emotional thing"

Produkciju možete poslušati --> OVDJE

Joey Beltram interview by Andrez Bergen

Diskografija: Joey Beltram, JB3

Par brzinskih preporuka:
Second Phase - Mentasm
JB3 - Believer
JB3 - Curb
JB3 - Loose Kick
Joey Beltram - Energy Flash
Joey Beltram - GameForm
Joey Beltram - TenFour
Joey Beltram - Floaters
Joey Beltram - The Infinite Wisdom
Joey Beltram - Drome

----> Joey Beltram live sets <----

07.06.2007. u 10:51 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

utorak, 22.05.2007.

Delsin Records (Amsterdam; Nizozemska)

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Delsin Records je nizozemski label za koji su do sada izdavali Optic Nerve (Keith Tucker), Redshape, Dynarec, Vince Watson, Taho, Quince i drugi znani i neznani junaci čija se glazba kreće od atmosferičnog, deep, soulful detroit techna pa sve do downtempo jazzy techno zvuka i electra. U nastavku možete skinuti dva reprezentativna Delsin mixa -->

Delsin new season mix Autumn
Delsin New Season Mix Autumn 2006 Mixed by Tim Nieburg
Mix je sastavljen od izdanja koja su objavljena na Delsin label-u. Neka od imena koja se kriju iza tih izdanja su Redshape, Shed, Quince, Vince Watson, Starfighterz i New World Aquarium.....

Delsin New Season Mix Summer 2007
Delsin Summer 2007 Mix Mixed by Raymon Hollander
01. Quince - The Freak [51dsr/qnc1]
02. Vince Watson - Fragment 7 [60dsr/vws-lp1]
03. D5 - Future Sense [62dsr/dms4]
04. Taho - Forest Of Wonders [65dsr/tah1]
05. Redshape - Misc Usage [59dsr/rds2]
06. Peel Seamus - Seducer [50dsr/var-lp1]
07. Quince - Go Bang! [66dsr/qnc-lp1]
08. Taho - Detroit [65dsr/tah1]
09. Quince - Rockit [66dsr/qnc-lp1]
10. Redshape - Plush [64dsr/rds3]
11. Quince - Sole Trader [63dsr/qnc3]
12. Vince Watson - The Way It's Meant To Be [50dsr/var-lp1]
13. D5 - Run [54dsr/dms3]
14. Redshape - Cashmere [59dsr/rds2]


22.05.2007. u 07:35 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

petak, 18.05.2007.

Pacou (Cache Records, Tresor, Music Man, Djax Up Beats)!!!

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Dole niže se nalazi par setova berlinskog dj/producenta Pacou-a, te informacije vezane za njega i njegovu glazbenu karijeru....uživajte....

Special Jacbri.com guest mix by PACOU
Oscar Mulero - Altered State EP
Faceless Mind - Datacat
Age - Return To The Force
Jay Denham - Black Power
Reeko - Methodical
Oliver Ho - Fusion
Morganistic - Crimes & Misdemeanours
Drivetrain - Detroit Tronic
Paul Mac - Anything But
Wise Caucasian - Uno
Surgeon - whose bad hands are this
Sterac - Tresor 143
Pacou- X-Factor
Advent - Tresor West (dubplate mix)
Makaton/Lankyskills - 2jags remixes
Haiku - Ed Chamberlain mix
Regis - Delivered into the hands of indifference
James Ruskin - warm Up 14
Pacou - Imagerie remix (unreleased)
Steve Bicknell - Content 1 remix2
Archae - Genealogy
Inigo Kennedy - Token 1
Exium - Maldavian
Regis - Penetration
JB3 - Believer EP
Paul mac - Shot Through EP
Pacou - Kozzmozz live (unreleased)
UR - Killer Whale
Ben Sims - Flux 7
Robert Armani - Cache 2

Pacou - "Somewhere in Detroit" / Underground Resistance
1. UR - Spirits speak SID 003 Soundpictures EP
2. Mad Mike - Attack Of The Sonic Samurai (Intro) SID 010
3. UR - Lunar Rhythm SID 003 Soundpictures EP
4. Andre Holland - Intangible SID 002 Abstract EP
5. Andre Holland - Journey to Nowhere SID 002 Abstract EP
6. Suburban Knight - Cargo Cult SID 012
7. UR - Sweat Electric (Vocal) SID 001
8. Drexciya - Dr. Blowfins Experiment SID 005 Uncharted EP
9. Mad Mike - Attack Of The Sonic Samurai SID 010
10. Underground Resistance - E.R.P. - Enhanced Rhythm Perception SID 006
11. UR - Transition UR7-3000
12. Drexciya - Hi-Tide SID 005 Uncharted EP
13. 044 aka The Deacon - Fuji SID 010
14. UR - Subversive Communications SID 007
15. The Illustrator - Beautiful Boxer SID 011
16. 044 aka The Deacon - Soulsaver SID 006
17. 038 aka Mad Mike - Soul Power UR7-55
18. UR - A Thousand Questions SID 007
19. UR - Radioactive Rhythms SID 007
20. Mad Mike & The Trinity - Burning Spear ISF 2
21. Andre Holland - Intangible SID 002 Abstract EP
22. Andre Holland - Invisible Pathways SID 002 Abstract EP
23. UR - Killer Whale network URLP 1

Pacou - Technomix Nov 2005
1 Jeff Mills - Zenith (whitelabel)
2 Jeff Mills - Infinitespecial (Axis limited 7")
3 ESP - Idiom (Synewave)
4 Basement Jaxx - FlyLife (Multiply)
5 Sebastian Kramer - Content#1 (Steve Bicknell Mix)
6 Function - Broken Glass (Infrastructure)
7 Jeff Mills - Axis 16 blacklabel
8 Robert Armani - Load (Subvoice)
9 Robert Armani - Blow That Shit out (Joey Beltram Mix) (ACV)
10 Fanon Flowers - Trackmodes (Exalt)
11 DJ Shufflemaster - Psychomaniacs (Housedust/Disq)
12 UR 012 - Fuel for the Fire (UR)
13 Carl Craig - The Climax - Original Mix (Planet E - white vinyl)
14 Aphex Twin - Quoth (Warp - clear vinyl)
15 Dave Gahan - Hidden Houses (Alexander Kowalski RMX) (Mute DJ only Promo)
16 Ectomorph - The Haunting (IT white label promo)
17 Paul Mac - At last (Subconcious Elements)
18 Ben Sims - Symbolism 3
19 Surgeon - Death Before Surrender (Downwards promo)
20 Sebastian Kramer - Fetish (Content whitelabel)
21 Robert Armani - Ambulance (Dance Mania)
22 Joey Beltram - Intermission (Chris Liebing Remix) (Tresor whitelabel)
23 Orlando Voorn - Planet Ultra (Minifunk whitelabel)
24 Joey Beltram - Signal Path (Tresor/ STX whitelabel)
25 Carl Craig (69) - Jam The Box/ Heavy (R+S)
26 Pacou - X - Factor (Cache - clear vinyl)
27 Leandro Gomez - Limbo (Intec whitelabel)
28 Dave Clarke - Just Ride (James Ruskin Mix 1)
29 Oscar Mulero - Altaria (Tresor whitelabel)
30 Joey Beltram - Into Battle (Synewave Whitelabel)
31 Monolake - Plumbicon Live In Osaka (white vinyl)
32 Unique 3 - Activity (Ten)
33 Carl Craig - At Les (R+S limited 5x12" Box)

Pacou LivePA - Promo

Pacou - Mix 20.02.07. - mediafire

Pacou - Promo Mix May 2007 - mediafire

Pacou-UR Mix (Detroit Digital Vinyl / Submerge) [DDV-002]

Pacou (Tresor, Cache; Berlin)

Pacou, rođen 1972, cijeli svoj život proveo je u Berlinu. Završio je školu i upisao studij na lokalnom sveučilištu. Ranih 90-ih počinje kupovati neke od ploča koje je slušao u klubovima svaki vikend. 1993. kupuje prvu malu muzičku opremu i par godina kasnije njegovi materijali počinju se pojavljivati na Tresor labelu i Raw Musique. Bile su to materijali izdani pod imenima "Agent Cooper" (Raw Musique) i “Pacou” (Tresor Music) . U tom periodu (1996-e ) postaje rezident dj u slavnom Berlinskom klubu TRESOR za program zvan “Headquarters” a ubrzo nakon toga 1997. izdaje svoj prvi LP album "Symbolic Language" izdan za Tresor. To isto ljeto ispisao se s faxa i otišao na 3 tjedni put u Detroit i Kalamazoo gdje se upoznaje s Black nation Crew-om. Taj put znatno utječe na njegovu daljnju produkciju.

Sljedeće njegovo izdanje je bilo u "eksperimentalnom techno" stilu, LP album "No computer involved" izdan za Tresor u kom se dublje fokusira na svoj zvuk i ideju. Svaka "stvar" je stvarana s potpuno različitim studijskim postavkama i bez posredstva kompijutera. Na kraju je "No computer involved" bio shvaćen kao soundtrack za trenutnu Berlinsku techno-scenu.

Naredna godina, 1998-a označila je bitan napredak u oba pogleda njegova rada, kao DJ-a i kao producenta. DJ-irao je po cijeloj Europi, Japanu i Australiji. U rujnu 1998 Pacou osniva svoj vlastiti label “LL Records” za koji izdaju Echoplex, Tollstoi, Christian Bloch, Jeroen, Roger23 te sam Pacou. 1999 nastavlja s svojim radom i izdaje 12” singl pod nazivom "A Universal Movement". Tkođer radi i neke remixe za Ben Sims-a i Access 58 iz Velike Britanije.

Još jedan LP album, treći po redu, "State of mind" izdao je u ožujku 2000. i bio je puno više dance flooru okrenut uradak nego "No computer involved". Nakon toga izdaje još tri 12” singla za poznati Nizozemski label Djax-up-beats. Dani turneje ponovo su bili u rasponu od Rio de Janerioa do Melbournea. Obišao je neka mjesta u Brazilu, Ujedinjenim Emiratima, Japanu, Americi....u biti potovanje je za njega postalo od većeg značaja. Učenje o drugim kulturama i ozračjima, iz prve ruke, mijenja njegov pogled na život... U proljeće 2001 Pacou izdaje "Mechwar E.P." i za Black Nation i to je njegovo prvo izdanje na nekom Američkom techno labelu. Te iste godine izdaje za njemacki label Konsequent (singl i album) te za Music Man, Djax i Speaker Attack labelove. Za Music Man je također u 2003. izdao i trece izdanje svoje serije uradaka “Rio Sketches”. Tokom te godine zapocinje i novi Livemusic/performance projekt "AUTOFOKUS" (Pacou + Angela Flame), pod kojim tokom 2004. i 2005. izdaje 3 singlice. U veljaci 2004. izdaje jos jedan singl za Tresor, "Last Man Standing" a 2005. godine također je izasao album na Tresor-u (The Berlin Sessions_Tresor 215) kojeg je koproducirao u Berlinu s techno legendom Juan Atkins-om!

Raskinuvši suradnju s Angelom na uspješnom Autofokus projektu otvara Cache label koji je nastavag njegovog kontinuiranog rada te je, glazbeno gledajući, nastavak njegovog prepoznatljivog zvuka kojeg je izgradio kroz "X-Men", "LL Records” i Autofokus. Prvo izdanje na Cache Recordsu izašlo je u listopadu 2005. godine. Bio je to Pacou “Solid Ground EP” (CACHE 001) koji ima 4 stvari od kojih je jedna "Phoenix Steve Rachmad Mix". Drugo izdanje na dotičnom labelu bilo je CACHE 002 - Robert Armani "Classic Acid Trax" izdano prošlog mjeseca (veljača 2006.). Ovim re-press izdanjem dva acid klasika, te Pacou-ovim remixom istih, Cache odaje počast Robert Armani-u. Orginalno izdanje Acid Trax-a je izdano 1992. godine na ACV.

Sa stvari "Flex"sudjeluje na Tresorovoj kompilaciji "Its not over" (Tresor 220). Također je završio stvar s kojom će sudjelovati na "Techno for Tsunami" kompilaciji koja je trebala biti izdana u ožujku 2006. godine.

Do sada, Pacou je nastupao po mnogim zemljama među kojim je i Hrvatska (Future Shock 2001; Tresor Floor). Trenutno je okupiran radom na svom novom labelu "Cache" kojeg je pokrenuo u svibnju 2005. godine.

Web stranica: www.pacou.com
"LL Records" (1998-2001): http://www.ll-store.de/
Cache Records http://www.cacherecords.com/

18.05.2007. u 15:45 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

srijeda, 16.05.2007.

Area Code 313: Cratesavers Muzik (Detroit)...

Arthur Oskan (cratesavers) LIVE SET recorded LIVE 022506 at Tempo
Arthur Oskan (cratesavers) LIVE SET recorded LIVE 022506 at Tempo, Toronto 70MB

Ovo je jedan jaako dobar techno set od Arthur Oskan-a, koji je dio Cratesavers labela, čiji je jedan od osnivača Trackaster Lou aka Scan 7. Nešto više o Cratesavers Muzik labelu možete pročitati u daljnjem tekstu...

Cratesavers Muzik...
Važno je spomenuti i Trackmasta Lou-ovu suradnju s Posatronix-om aka B.J, članom electro grupe Aux88. Posatronix je jedan od glazbenih pionira na Direct Beat labelu. Radio je na mnogim projektima, te je recimo remixirao za Underground Resistance i Laurent Garnier-a. Do sada je imao izdanja na Direct Beat-u (kao AUX88 i Posatronix), Underground Resistance-u i Puzzle Box Records-u. Trackmasta Lou i on su ujedinili snage i pokrenuli Cratesavers Muzik. Ideja o Cratesavers Muzik labelu je rođena negdje oko 1999. godine, a label je pokrenut 2004. godine. Pokretanjem Cratesavers Muzik-a žele ojačati pokret elektronske glazbe i pokušat ga održati neovisnim (Move into the future, realize the present & don’t forget about the history). Label vode na način na koji oni smatraju kako bi trebao izgledati neki record label jer su tokom godina skupili dovoljno znanja i umijeća za tako nešto. Obojica imaju mnogo godina iskustva u radu s glazbom, pločama, produkcijom, distribucijom i cijelom tom industrijom tako da im to uvelike olakšava posao. Ideja je, također, da umjetnici koji su dio labela nastupaju live, s analognom opremom, što po njihovom mišljenju omogućuje kvalitetniju izvedbu. Do sada su na Cratesavers-u izdavali Arthur Oskan, Scan 7, Dj Surgeon, Posatronix, a od nedavno i Aaron Carl.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Cratesavers Muzik
615 Griswold, Suite 215
Detroit, MI 48226
(313) 234-9200


16.05.2007. u 06:57 • 2 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

Area Code 313: Drexciya (UR, Tresor; Detroit)

Evo tu su dva miksa čije su playliste sastavljene od stvari iza kojih se kriju James Marcel Stinson i Gerald Donald, poznatiji kao Drexciya. Ispod linkova za mikseve je i tekst vezan uz ovaj kultni dvojac.

Der Drexciyan Effekt
der zyklus - der tonimpulstest - CLONE 17.5
duplex - autosug [heinrich mueller rmx] - CLONE 43
arpanet - wireless internet - RECORD MAKERS 05
der zyklus - biometry - DJAK-UP-BITCH 11
abstract thought - me want woman's punani - KOMBINATION RESEARCH 02
the other people place - running from love - WARP 90
japanese telecom - character maps - IntuitSolar 002
tuxedomoon - what use [heinrich mueller rmx] - GIGOLO 59
dopplereffekt - voice activated - DATAPHYSIX 002
station rose - dave [heinrich mueller stanley kubrick's vision mx] - GIGOLO 46
arpanet - EPR effect - REPHLEX 161
elecktroids - kilohertz - WARP 65
flexitone - nausicaä - PLANET E 65231
transllusion - do you want to get down? - SUPREMAT 02
lab rat xl - lab rat 1 - CLONE 31
drexciya - andreaen sand dunes - TRESOR 129
dopplereffekt - z-boson - GIGOLO 99
japanese telecom - virtual origami - GIGOLO 67

Drexciya (UR) mix (3h)
Welcome to Drexciya
Bubble Metropolis
Powers of the Deep
High Tech Nomads
Dr Blowfin's Black Storm Stabilizing Spheres
You don't Know
Z-Turbine (Clarence G)
Dimensional Glide (Transllusion)
Isotopic Balance (Arpanet)
Future Tone (Elecktroids)
Nipponese Robots (Japanese Telecom)
4-Data Transfer (Clarence G)
Polymono Plexusgel
Undersea Disturbances
Sea Snake
Fusion Flats (Chaos 43 mix)
Black Sea
Shatterprone (Glass Domain)
Lake Haze
Polar Coordinates (Der Zyklus)
P2101V (Arpanet)
Lonely Journey of the Comet Bopp (Shifted Phases)
Memories of Me (Transllusion)
Gravity Waves
Drexcyen R.E.S.T Principle
Hydro Theory
Making of Ultraman (Japanese Telecom)
Aquabahn (remix)
Wave Jumper
Digital Tsunami
Crossing of the Sun-Ra Nebula (Shifted Phases)
Andrean Sand Dunes
Lifestyles of the Casual (The Other People Place)
Cascading Celestial Giants
Wireless Internet (Arpanet)
Vampire Island
Bottom Feeders
Doctor Blowfin's Water Cruiser
Japanese Animation (Japanese Telecom)
Orbital Wavelengths (Arpanet)
Walking with Clouds (Transllusion)
It's Your Love (The Other People Place)
Sighting in the Abyss
Neon Falls
Bermuda Triange (Abstract Thought)
The Last Transmission

Drexciya (UR, Tresor; Detroit)

“Water is the cutting edge of creativity. We approach our music the same way.”

Drexciya je electro-techno grupa iz Detroita i bez sumnje je jedna od najutjecajnijih grupa na elektronskoj glazbenoj sceni. Osnovana je 1989. godine od strane James Marcel Stinson-a i Gerald Donald-a a njihov stvarni identitet je dugi niz godina bio nepoznanica. Oni su jedna od par grupa koja koristi glazbu kao političko oruđe za kritiziranje rasnih nepravdi i drugih negativnih pojava u društvu. Blisko surađuju s "Mad" Mike Banks-om i njegovim label/kolektivom Underground Resistance-om (“vodeni” poslanik Underground Resistance organizacije). Grupa je također kao i UR radila u nekakvoj vrsti anonimnosti u kombinaciji s anti korporacijskim stavom, mitologijom i sci-fi pripovjedanjem što je davalo dramatičan učinak na njihovu glazbu. Premda su izdali samo nekoliko EP-a u prvih deset godina njihovog zajedničkog stvaranja i postojanja, Drexciya je postala jedna od najproslavljenijih i najutjecajnijih imena u eksperimentalnom technu i electru.

Osoba koja stoji iza samog koncepta Drexciye je James Stinson. On je nažalost umro 03.09.2002. u mjestu Newnan blizu Atlante zbog srčanih komplikacija. Stinson, koji je tada imao 32 godine, je bio bolestan neko vrijeme a prije nego je umro je radio kao vozač kamiona, posao u kome je uživao. Njegova smrt je veliki gubitak za electro i techno scenu ali on će i dalje živjeti među nama kroz svoju produkciju.

Stinson je kao dijede odrastao je u istočnoj strani Detroita. Prvi put se susreo s electrom slušajući Cybotron-ov “Alleys Of Your Mind” te je uskoro postao stalni slušatelj radijskog dj-a The Electrifyin' Mojo-a.

“I got my first taste of techno around 1980-1981. I was a kid riding my bike with a small radio and ‘Alleys Of Your Mind’ by Juan Atkins came on. I stopped my bike to get a better listen. It was the sweetest sound I had ever heard at that time. I was hooked and for the next eight years I would be programmed by some of the best electronic music on the planet by the Electrifying Mojo.”
… James Stinson on TechnoTourist.org

Godine 1989. je pokrenuo projekt Drexciya (tvrdio je da je ideju za to dobio u snovima) a suradnik u “zločinu” mu je bio Gerald Donald. Bilo je to par godina prije nego su izdali bilo kakav materijal (prvo izdanje dvojca bilo je, ne pod imenom Drexciya nego pod imenom Glass Domain i L.A.M., ranih devedesetih). Prvo izdanje pod imenom Drexciya bilo je “Deep Sea Dweller” EP” (12") - SW1007 na Shockwave-u (Detroit) 1993. godine s kojim su ustoličili mitologijske podvodne motive koji su poslje karakterizirali sva njihova izdanja objavljena tokom devedesetih na labelovima kao što su Rephlex (UK), Shockwave (Detroit), Somewheare In Detroit – S.I.D. (Detroit), Submerge (Detroit), Tresor (Berlin), Underground Resistance (Detroit) i Warp Records (UK).

Kroz svoju glazbu Drexciya kreira fantastični podvodni svjet temeljen na Stinson-ovom opčinjenošću oceanom i afričko-američkom povjesti te njegovom živahnom maštom. Njih dvojica stvaraju mitologiju o "Drexciyan" rasi, rasi podvodnih stanovnika koji su potomci trudnih robinja koje su bačene s broda tjekom preko atlantske deportacije. Sljedom te maštarije njihova glazba je zamišljena kao "dimensional jumphole" između njihovih crnih afričkih korijena i njihove USA svakodnevnice.

“It (the inspiration for the underwater world) came from deep inside my mind. God gave me this vision and I’m building on it bringing it to life for the whole world to see.” … James Stinson on TechnoTourist.org

Sva elektronska glazba koja dolazi iz Detroita ima u sebi nekakvu crtu bježanja od stvarnosti. Za mnoge crne (Afro-American - da budemo politički korektni Very Happy ) glazbenike elektronska glazba je način da pobjegnu od tegoba s kojima su suočeni u Detroitu. Undergroun Resistance kao Drexciya također poseže za mitologijom i u njoj nalazi inspiraciju. Primjer za to je singl “Knights Of The Jaguar”.

Sam Stinson nije Drexciyu isključivo vezivao za Detroit, govorio je da je to što je on u Detroitu samo slučajan događaj.

“What if I lived in Alaska for the past 5 or 10 years? My music would still be produced the same way that I am doing here. People would still be thinking it’s a Detroit sound, but if I’ve been living in Alaska for 10 years how can one say that?”…”Drexciya is a whole different plane of reality and I don’t like to inter-tangle it, because within the next month or so we re relocating offices down to Atlanta. Are people going to still be calling it Detroit techno? I’m not going to tell anybody I’m in Atlanta, but are they still going to be calling it that? Probably nine times out of ten, yes. If that’s the stigma that’s on it, I m not going to change it. I was born and raised here in Detroit. Whatever people want to think, I let them think that. I believe in a free thought, a free mind. If you want to call it electro, techno or space music, that’s up to you.” … James Stinson

Na Submerge-u im 1994. godine izlazi “The Unknown Aquazone” (2x12") - SVE-3 a 1995. godine “Molecular Enhancement” - SVE-6 koji je izdan i na Rephlex-u.

Na S.I.D. (Somewheare In Detroit) labelu izdaju Drexciya – “Uncharted” EP - S.I.D-005. Ideja izdanja na ovome labelu je bila ta da se ploča može kupiti samo u Submerge-ovom “Somewhere In Detroit” dućanu. Znači ako ste željeli posjedovati ova izdanja morali ste se fizički pojaviti u Detroitu i posjetiti zgradu Submerge-a te osobno kupiti tu ploču. Bilo je tu nekih nikad neobjavljenih stvari od Drexciye, UR-a i još nekih drugih producenata.

Usprkos njihovom čvrstom underground stavu, njihova izdanja se mogu naći na mnogim internacionalnim labelovima kao što su Rephlex ili Warp (The Journey Home EP (12") - WAP57 - 1995 - reprezentira klasični detroit electro). Također su se pojavljivali na mnogim kompilacijama raznih drugih labela. Zvuk im se može opisati kao kombinacija ranog electra i techna s elementima acida i industriala i može se reći da je taj njihov zvuk jedan od eksperimentalnijih zvukova u suvremenoj elektronskoj glazbi. Njegova glazba je jako utjecajna, mračna i zadivljujuća a Drexciya je bila jedan od važnijih čimbenika koji ponovo oživljava electro glazbu u devedesetim.

Prilikom snimanja Stinson se težio izolirati od ostale elektronske glazbe koliko god je mogao iz jednostavnog razloga da ne bi neke tuđe ideje utjecale na njega. Još jedna zanimljivost vezana uz Drexciyu je to da oni svoje stvari snimaju uživo što njihovoj glazbi daje taj neki određeni osjećaj.

“By recording live you capture a moment in time that can never be done again. It’s a piece of art, like the Mona Lisa, never meant to be remixed. There is no disadvantage for us making music this way.” … James Stinson on TechnoTourist.org

Oni su bili pravi perfekcionisti, da bi napravili jednu stvar mnoštvo drugih bi odbacili što objašnjava zašto je veliki razmak između dva njihova izdanja.

“Our work has to be the best we can come up with at that time, hard work, long hours. Sometimes, at the start, we would be up for two days going to a job then work on the music and back to the job. We loved every minute of it. The time gaps between releases are time to experiment and perfect our sound. We try not to pile onto whatever is the hot sound at a given time, I really do not like that. We have to cut a new path. If we are going to be leaders on the cutting edge we can not follow someone else’s current work. That would make us followers and not leaders.” … James Stinson on TechnoTourist.org

Na Rephlex-u (UK) 1996. godine izlazi im Drexciya “Molecular Enhancement” EP (12") (CAT017EP) koji je također izdan i za Submerge (SVE-6) ali s drugačijom track listom.

Iste godine im na Underground Resistance-u izlazi Drexciya - The Return Of Drexciya (ur-037). Bilo je to klasično electro izdanje. Stvar “You Don’t Know” s jednostavnim electro beatom i minimalnom synth melodijom čine ovu stvar jednim odličnim klasikom electra kao što je i ova ploča.

Izbjegavanjem uobičajenog vida promocije (intervjua, slikanja i live nastupa) Drexciya se nehotice obavija određenom dozom mističnosti te postaju jedni od prvorazdednih techno actova. Takav pristup Drexciyi daje određenu umjetničku slobodu.

“I have a weird way of doing things and one of my ways is not to look at what is going on in the music world. For me this (way of working) is good, for others it might not be.”…”At times I don’t have a lot to say so I don’t do interviews until I have something to say. Plus, we are working all the time so those two reasons are why we don’t do all the time.” … James Stinson on TechnoTourist.org

Upravo je to postojanje jako malo informacija o njima i njihovim aktivnostima te njihova orginalna i kvalitetna glazba glavni razlog njihovom divljenju. Još kad k tomu dodamo cijelu legendu stvorenu o mitskim bićima koja obitavaju ispod površine mora, mit o njima je morao biti stvoren.

1997. godine na Submerge-u izdaju best of kolekciju “The Quest” (2x12" / 2-CD) satavljenu od njihovih UR izdanja.. Duplo cd izdanje sadržavalo je 28 stvari a vinyl izdanje 9 stvari. Za to izdanje se govorilo da je zadnje i oproštajno izdanje Drexciye. Te su glasine opovrgnute dvije godine kasnije (1999.) kada su na Tresoru izdali “Neptune’s Lair” koji je bio trijumfalni povratak i kojim pokazuju da je govor o njihovom odlazaku bio preuranjen.

“We take breaks to get away from everything and come back fresh. Basically, during that time where we took a break, inspiration, with the way things were going around here, it just wasn't right, you know. But it just came to a point where it was like 'we can't give it up'. We couldn't do that because it's in our blood, it's in our veins, we can't just get out of it, we can't stop doing what we do. So we decided 'Hey, we've got to go for it, we've got to do it, we've got to pick up the pace and come back and do what we do best." … James Stinson (2001)

Upravo je Tresor privolio Drexciyu da se ponovno vrate na scenu s “Neptune’s Lair”. Ta njihova suradnja s tim njemačkim labelom je jedna od najistaknutijih u njihovoj karijeri.

“Tresor is one of those labels I was speaking of. They are easy to work with, they will work with you, meet you half way and their word is good. They won’t smile in your face and say ‘yes’ to everything and then do the opposite. If something is not good they will say so, but they still will try to make it work.” … James Stinson on TechnoTourist.org

"Neptune's Lair" (2-LP/CD) - Tresor 129 je bilo prvo Drexciya izdanja za Tresor-u. Cd je sadržavao 21 stvar a 2LP 13 stvari. Lp je totalno emotivni spoj freestyle electra, techna, jazz-a i funka s velikom dozom atmosferičnosti. Ja bih posebno izdvojio stvari: “Andreaen Sand Dunes”, “C To The Power”, “Surface Terrestrial Colonisation” i “Universal Ecement”.

Na Tresoru su izdali i album “Harnessed The Storm” (Tresor-181) 2002. godine. Ovaj album predstavlja prošlost i budućnost Drexciye (o stilu govorim). Na njemu se nalaze stvari kao “Lake Haze” koja bi se mogla svrstati u bilo koje razdoblje njihovog stvaranja. Stvar “Song Of The Green Whale” je u kratkom vremenu postala klasik. “Mission to Ociya Syndor and back”, uznemirujući izlet u dubine uznemirenog mora, mračna stvar. “Under Sea disturbances” je stvar koja je odličan balans između bass tutnjave, warm melodije i odličnih efekata a meni najviše prirasla srcu je “Digital Tsunami”.

Posljednih godina Stinson je napokon počeo davati povremene intervjue govoreći o svom konceptu “seven storms” – realizaciji sedam albuma u istoj godini koji bi bili izdani na različitim labelima diljem svijeta. Prvi je bio album Drexciya “Harnessed The Storm”. Drugo i treće izdanje je bilo Jamesovo solo izdanje pod pseudonimom Transllusion i The Other People Place. Pod pseudonimom Transllusion je izdavao svoju produkciju na Tresor-ovom podlabelu Supremat.

Zadnje solo izdanje koje je James Stinson izbacio neposredno prije smrti bilo je “L.I.F.E” LP pod imenom Transllusion a posljednje izdanje Drexciye prije njegove smrti je “Grava 4” LP (label Clone). Mislim da je to bilo finalno izdanje koncepta “seven storms”. S ovim albumom Drexciya je prešla na novi level a postoji i jedna zanimljivost vezana uz ovaj album. Svako njihovo izdanje nosi određenu priču sa sobom o njihovim podvodnim bićima. U ovome albumu njihova podvodna bića svoju vodenu postojbinu zamjenjuju novim teritorijem i sada se nalaze u svemiru - Drexciyanci su putovali 700 milijuna svjetlosnih godina kroz svemir i osnovali svemirsku koloniju pod nazivom Drexciya. Najbizarnije je to što su oni (Drexciya) u stvarnosti kupili tu zvijezdi (na koji način, neznam ali znam da novac čini čuda Very Happy )! Zvjezda je registrirana u međunarodnom registru zvijezda a koordinate su joj ra18h35m37.73 d3'22'31.12"Very Happy !

Malo je poznato da se drugi član Drexciye, Gerald Donald, u suradnji s Kim Karli-om, Rudolf Ellis Klorzeiger & William Scott-om krije iza još jednog tajanstvenog electro projekta – Dopplereffekt-a!

Navest ću pseudonime pod kojim su članovi Drexciye (svaki od njih zasebno) još izdavali: Abstract Thought, Arpanet, Der Zyklus, Dopplereffekt, Dr. Finn, Dr. Otto Henke, Elecktroids, Glass Domain, Japanese Telecom, Lab Rat XL, LAM, The Other People Place, Shifted Phases, Transllusion, Flexitone, X-Ternal Pulse, Ultradyne…

Evo da završim s nečim o tome kako je počela cijela ova priča o Drexciyi.

“When it was time I started hooking up with friends trying different styles until one night I could not sleep, cold sweat, tossing and turning and around 3 am September 18, 1989 I stood up and said ‘Drexciya’. It felt like a tidal wave rushing across my brain. All kinds of ideas were coming out. I could not stop it and I would not stop it. For the next three years we worked hard to perfect Drexciya before we would release it onto the world. Getting into production was not quick. It took a year of experimenting.” … James Stinson on TechnoTourist.org

James Marcel Stinson, glazbenik, rođen 14.09.1969. godine; umro 03.09.2002. godine. Iza njega je ostala ogromna glazbena ostavština te njegova žena Andrea i sedmero djece. Nakon Stinson-ove smrti Donald nastavlja producirati ali pod drugim imenima.

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“Negative evolution cycle completed. Now in sonic infinitum mode.” ...UR

Zanimljivi članci i intervjui:
Drexciya research lab
Drexciya Interview from Melody Maker, 1995
Arpanet Interview
Drexciya by Andrew Duke
James Stinson In Memoriam


Produkciju možete poslušati ovdje

16.05.2007. u 06:52 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

subota, 12.05.2007.

Area Code 313: JUAN ATKINS (Infiniti, Model 500, Model 600, Triple XXX, Channel One) - THE GODFATHER OF TECHNO!

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"well... why do so many people say that you're the Godfather of Techno?". His answer was sharp and clean: "Maybe because I am". Brussels 1994]

Juan Atkins je rođen u Detroitu (SAD) 12. rujna 1962. godine (otac mu je bio koncertni promotor). Atkins se od samog početka osamdesetih počinje baviti produciranjem i iza njega stoji preko dva desetljeća duga karijera i vjerojatno najutjecajniji rad na polju techno glazbe. Kreirajući svoju viziju futurističke glazbe inspiriran je djelima sociologa Alvin Toffler-a (autor sf djela “The Third Wave” i “Future Shock”) i iz njegovih djela uzima ime Cybotron (projekt iza kojeg se krije Atkins i Rick Davis). Krijući se iza pseudonima Cybotron, Model 500 i Infiniti Juan Atkins stvara mnoge klasike koji oplemenjuju techno i elektronsku glazbu uopće.

U tenagerskoj dobi počinje svirati bass, a poslje se prebacuje na klavijaturu i synthesizer. Krajem sedamdesetih je preko dva lokalna dj-a, Ken Collier-a i Electrifyin' Mojo-a, po prvi put čuo za grupe i glazbenike kao što su Kraftwerk, Telex, Gary Numan, Prince i B-52. Pohađao je Belleville Junior High School i tamo upoznaje dvojicu prijatelja s kojima je kasnije pokrenuo techno revoluciju, bili su to Derrick May i Kevin Saunderson-a. Kupuje si prvi synthesizer, Korg MS10, i počinje raditi neke snimke s nekakvim kazetarom i mixerom.

"That introduced me to the whole scene, the whole thing", says Juan. "You don't really know a synthesizer unless you own one, I guess. I learned about oscillators and waveforms, and things of that nature."

Nakon sto je završio high-school Atkins počinje studirati na Washtenaw County Community Collegu u obližnjem Ypsilanti-ju. Tamo upoznaje dvanest godina starijeg Rick Davis-a, vijetnamskog ratnog veterana, vrsnog poznavaoca synthesizera te velikog poklonika glazbe Electrifyin' Mojo-a. Juan Atkins (naoružan s Roland R-8 i Korg MS10 i pod velikim utjecajem Kraftwerka) i 3070 (Rick Davis) 1980. godine pokreću grupu Cybotron. Bio je bio prvi glazbeni projekt u kojem je sudjelovao Juan Atkins. Pod tim imenom su njih dvojica u Davis-ovom studiju producirali experimentalnu elektroniku.

“Man, when I saw his studio I thought I had walked onto a spaceship”

Prvo izdanje im je bilo "Alleys of Your Mind" 1981. godine koje je izašlo na Deep Space Records-u. Bio je to pametan balans između urbanog groove-a i synthesizer futurizma s kojim započinju novi electro val u crnačkoj glazbi. "Alleys of Your Mind" je odmah puštena u "The Electrifying Mojo" (WJLB-FM) radio emisiji DJ Charles "The Electrifying Mojo" Johnson-a te postaje veliki lokalni hit i prodali su oko 15000 kopija dotičnog singla iako tada većina slušatelja radija nije ni slutila da stvar dolazi iz Amerike ili iz Detroita.

“That was one of the highest points of my life” … “I can’t even describe the feeling. That’s something that you dream about all your life. And once that happens — little do you know that your work has just begun.”

Slijedeće godine (1982.) rade singl "Cosmic Cars" koji je također dobro prošao kod publike. Uskoro izdaju i svoj debi album “Enter”, a nakon njihovog brzog uspjeha kontaktira ih Fantasy Records s kojim sklapaju posao i reizdaju dotični album.

Njihova instrumentalna stvar "Clear" je najbliža zvuku kojeg će poslije nazivati techno i zvuči jednako kao i mnoge techno i electro stvari danas. Umjesto kombiniranja mnogih elemenata Kraftwerk-a u hip-hop kontekst, što je bila osnova za mnoge electro stvari, "Clear" je bila fuzija techno-popa i klupske glazbe kao produkt mračne atmosfere post industrijskog grada uz koketiranje s Kraftwerk-ovim zvukom.

Sama riječ techno ulazi u upotrebu tek kada je Neil Rushton objavio kompilaciju ”Techno! The New Dance Sound Of Detroit” za Virgin UK 1988. godine na kojoj je bila stvar “Techno City”. Postoji jedna zanimljivost vezana uz stvaranje kompilacije ”Techno! The New Dance Sound Of Detroit”. Kada je Neil Rushton skupljao tu kompilaciju Derrick May ju je ispočetka htio nazvati "The Best of Detroit House". Tome se usprotivio Atkins i rekao May-u da May svu svoju glazbu koju radi može nazvati house-om, ali ono što on (Juan) radi će se zvati techno glazbom. Tako je uz Atkinsovo inzistiranje zaživio naziv techno!

Sav Atkins-ov rad na Cybotron-u je bio više orijentiran u groove smjeru. Slušajući neke neobjavljene materijale kao “Dreammaker” iz 198?, vidi se da je prisutna borba između njih dva te da Atkins i Davis ne djele istu viziju glazbe.

“I got tired,” Juan recalls. “In my heart I felt that we should have stayed along the course [that ‘Clear’ laid out]. I made the decision to go ahead and keep the sound and go along that avenue — and if it took creating my own group and label to do it, than so be it.”

Ubrzo je Atkins napustio projekt Cybotron, najviše zbog sve veće razlike u ukusima između njega i Rick Davis-a. Juan je htio nastaviti u stilu stvari "Clear" dok je Davis imao neke svoje ideje. Nakon toga Rick Davis i novi član Jon 5 nastavljaju izdavati pod imenom Cybotron, ali za ljubitelje techna i electra grupa Cybotron se gasi onog trenutka kada je Atkins otišao iz nje.

Nakon odlaska iz Cybotron-a Atkins kreće u solo karijeru i u razdoblju od 1985. do 1989. godine kao Model 500 ostvaruje svoja ključna izdanja. Godine 1985. pokreće svoj Metroplex Records i na njemu izdaje po prvi put pod imenom Model 500 singl "No UFO's", minimalistički high-tech klasik ("they say 'no ufo'... maybe you see them fly!"). Bilo je to prvo izdanje na njegovom Metroplex-u.

“When I started the label [Metroplex], we still had Cybotron” … “There was still
the chance of releasing more records. As soon as I made the final decision, I took the track that I thought would work — one on which I had more influence and made it a Model 500 track.”

U to vrijeme Derrick May živi u Chicagu te poziva Atkinsa kod sebe i govori mu da ponese sa sobom snimku te stvari što im se na kraju i isplatilo. Dvojac uskoro prodaje tisuće snimki, te "No UFO's" postaje veliki hit. Drugo izdanje na Metroplex-u snimano u TC Speakeasy studiju, “Night Drive (Thru Babylon)”, izašlo je malo prije nego se bio rastao s Cybotron-om.

“It was going to be the release after ‘Techno City,’” … “I wasn’t happy with that record — I campaigned to not release [‘Techno City’] right after ‘Clear.’ Although I liked the record, I just felt ‘Night Drive’ would have been
the perfect follow-up.”

Nakon odlaska iz Cybotron-a Juan nastavlja suradnju s Deep Space Soundworks kolektivom, kolektiv kojeg je pokrenuo 1981. godine zajedno s May-om i Saundersonom i s kojim je našao klub u kojem će moći prestavljati svoju glazbu. Bio je to Music Institute u samom srcu Detroita. Klub je postao središte rastuće Motor City underground obitelji te je to bilo mjesto gdje su May, Atkins i Saunderson puštali glazbu zajedno s drugim pionirima poput Eddie "Flashin" Fowlkes-a i Blake Baxter-a. Music Institute osvježava osjećanje zajednice u Detroitu te inspirira i pokreće drugi val techno producenata kao što su Carl Craig, Stacey Pullen, Kenny Larkin i Richie Hawtin (Plastikman).

"Detroit is still a post-industrial city, and still somewhat boring. I think that leads to a lot of creativity, because there's no clubs to go to, there's not a lot of things to do, so folks just sit home and make music."

Naravno, sve to vrijeme Atkins nastavlja producirati, a razdoblje između 1985.-1987. biva njegovo najutjecajnije razdoblje. Singlovi kao "Night Drive", "Interference" i "The Chase", izdani na Metroplex-u, također se vrlo brzo prodaju i postaju obrazac za detroit techno; tamna i oplemenjenjena glazba strojeva inspirirana brujanjem automatiziranih tvornica i putovanja I-96 freeway-om (Detroit).

Negdje u razdoblju 1988. godine, Engleska je već bila “zagađena” zvukom koji je dolazio iz Chicaga i Detroita, a May, Atkins i Saunderson su počeli ići na svoja prva putovanja preko Atlantika te posredstvom njih trojice novi zvuk se počeo širiti Europom, a poslije i cijelim svijetom. Atkins cijelo vrijeme istražuje nova prostranstva i ruši granice, ne u fizičkom svijetu nego u svijetu techna, a kroz stvar “Ocean to Ocean” 1990. godine zamišlja harmonični svijet. Bile su to dinamične godine za techno i acid house, zvuk je počeo evoluirati u raznim smjerovima – neki su bili logični i jedinstveni, a neki kaotični i strani.

Singl “The Passage” je snimio 1992. godine u skromnom studiju u Nottinghamu u Engleskoj i izdao na Apollo labelu. Stvar je nevjerojatno nabijena movingom sa srceparajućim cordom i baslinijom koja izravno komunicira s tvojom dušom.

“It was a place that looked like an elementary school,” Juan recalls. “I was there for like four days straight. Over there they start the sessions like early to get a full day’s work in. You don’t have the luxury of working at your leisure. Normally, I work at night. But because we were on the clock, you have to get in there no later than noon. So me and the engineer would play ping pong to loosen up before the session.”

Tražeći inspiraciju Atkins iz Engleske odlazi u Berlin. Negdje u to vrijeme belgijski R&S Records počinje izdavati uradke techno umjetnika kao što su Joey Beltram-a (NY), C.J. Bolland-a i Speedy J-a., a berlinski Tresor Records (1993. godine) izdaje naslove mnogih američkih projekata drugog vala Detroit producenata, Underground Resistance (kao X-101), Jeff Mills-a, Blake Baxter-a i Eddie Fowlkes-a. Te godine Atkins posjećuje Tresor label studio i surađuje s 3MB (“3 Men in Berlin”). 3MB je in-house produkcijski tim Thomas Fehlmann-a i Moritz Von Oswald-a (za one koji neznaju, Moritz Von Oswald (Maurizio) zajedno s Mark Ernestus-om se krije iza kultnog Basic Channel-a). Snimaju (3MB) “Jazz is the Teacher” zajedno s Atkinsom, a Von Oswald također surađuje s Atkinsom i dvije godine kasnije na “Starlight”-u (metroplex M-024) i albumu “Deep Space”.

“I recorded that in Moritz’s (VonOswald) studio. Moritz was the engineer,”
Juan clarifies. “It wasn’t collaboration. I recorded 60-70% of the Deep Space album in Berlin. To be honest, Dimitri inspired me on that record — he suggested that I just do something “real quick” in the studio, to come up with like a three-minute song. It just came out; it took me all of a half an hour to finish it.”

“Deep Space” je bio njegov prvi album nakon što je prekinuo s projektom Cybotron, a izdao ga je 1995. godine na belgijskom R&S Records-u pod imenom Model 500. Isti label izdaje ključnu kompilaciju Model 500 singlova izdanih na Metroplex-u, a kompilacija je nosila naslov “Classics”. Također i s “Sonic Sunset” EP-om na R&S Records-u Atkins polučuje veliki uspjeh.

Druga retrospektiva “Tresor's Infiniti Collection” prati Atkinsov rad pod imenom Infiniti snimljen u razdoblju 1991. do 1994. godine i koji je objavljen na različitim labelovima uključujući Metroplex i Radikal Fear (Chicago). Na njoj se nalazi i stvar “Game One” koju je producirao u suradnji s Orlando Voorn-om i to je jedna od najzapamćenijih Atkinsovih stvari. Nakon toga je prošlo nekoliko godina prije nego je objavio neki dodatni rad.

U rujnu 1998. godine Tresor objavljuje “Skynet” koji je radio pod imenom Infiniti, a mjesec dana kasnije Američki label Wax Trax Izdaje Juan Atkins-ov mix album “Juan Atkins: Wax Trax! Mastermix Volume 1” koji je sastavljen od njegovih stvari izdanih pod imenima Model 500 i Infiniti, te od stvari drugih producenata kao što su Robert Hood, Pacou, Maurizio, Dj Assault itd…. Početkom 1999. godine na R&S Records-u izlazi drugi Model 500 full album pod nazivom “Mind and Body”. Iste godine na Kickin Records-u objavljuje mixani cd “Juan Atkins - MasterMix No. 1”, a kao Infinity izbacuje Never Tempt Me (EFA, 1999). Godine 2001. na OM Records-u izlazi "Legends: Volume 1 - Juan Atkins" miksana kompilacija laganog house karaktera te mu na Metroplex-u 2002. godine izlazi mixana kompilacija “Timeless” sastavljena od probranih Metroplex izdanja.

Nakon nekoliko zasebnih putovanja u Kaliforniju (uključujući i putovanje kada je radio remix na stvari “Cosmic Cars” 1987.), Atkins se za stalno seli na zapadnu obalu 200?.

“I really hadn’t intended on moving out here” … “I had a booking, and when I got finished I was here for a couple extra days. And I realized this is where I needed to be — I just felt it.”

Zadnji album je izdao 2005. godine za berlinski Tresor pod nazivom “The Berlin Sessions”. Na album je surađivao s berlinskim techno producentom Pacou-om. Također je u travnju 2005. godine za Tresor povodom 20 godina Metroplex-a izdao “Juan Atkins - Metroplex 1985-2005” (2XCD Tresor 216).

Istaknuo bih još njegovu suradnju s Underground Resistance-om i Mike Banks-om pomažući im pri stvaranju nekih klasika kao što su Underground Resistance - Galaxy 2 Galaxy i Red Planet serija izdanja. Također je radio remixe za grupe i izvođače kao što su Inner City, Dr. Robert & Kym Mazelle, Coldcut, Yazz, Fine Young Cannibals, Seal, Tom Tom Club, The Beloved, Style Council, Dave Clark i Carl Cox.

Kad nekome kazeš za Juan Atkins-a da je “The Godfather of Techno”, čovjek bi pomislio da Juan uživa veliki ugled u mainstream glazbenoj industriji. No, ne bih se noglo reći da je tako. Vjerojatno zato što Juan niti jednoga trenutka nije odstupio od svoje vizije, razlika između zadnjih Model 500 izdanja i njegovog rada pod Cybotron-om je jako mala. Dva desetljeća nakon singla "Clear" Atkinsov utjecaj se osjeća svugdje oko nas; u zvuku rave-a, u chilly electru Pan Sonic-a, u UK acid house-u, u glazbenom izričaju grupe Faithless i naravno u mnogim Detroit umjetnicima kao što su Aux 88, Robert Hood, Mike Banks i njegovom Underground Resistance-u.

So, who's the originator of techno? Just ask Atkins.

What is Techno?
-Music that sounds like technology
Greatest Techno record?
-Home Computer - Kraftwerk
Do you love machines?
-I don't love anything that can't love me back
Favourite machine?
-Roland R-8
What would you do if you had the chance to make a record with Kraftwerk?
-Take plenty of notes
Kevin Saunderson is...
-A go getter
Derrick May is...
Juan Atkins is...
-A man with vision
Who is the originator?
-Juan Atkins
Who is the innovator?
-Derrick May
Who is the elevator?
-Kevin Saunderson
Will you ever stop making music?
What is music?
-Sound painting
Is there a future for this world?
-Yes. But not as we know it now.

From the liner notes to Retro Techno/Detroit Definitive/Emotions Electric, Nettwork, 1991

Ovdje mošete skinuti jedan mix sastavljen od Juan-ove produkcije (model 500, cybotron, channel one) --->

Xed & N_ter - Tribute 2 Juan Atkins mix (56 mb)
01. model 500 – the passage
02. model 500 – no ufo's (d-mix)
03. cybotron – r9
04. cybotron – cosmic cars
05. cybotron – clear
06. model 500 – off to battle
07. model 500 – time space transmat
08. cybotron – alleys of your mind
09. model 500 – the future
10. model 500 - night drive
11. channel one – technicolor
12. model 500 – it's time
13. cybotron – cosmic raindance

12.05.2007. u 08:52 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

Area Code 313: Mad Mike Banks / Underground Resistance (Detroit)

"No hope, no dreams, no love, my only escape is underground [...]somewhere in Detroit"

Nemoguće je nešto pisati o Mad Mike Banks-u a ne ući dublje u tematiku samog Underground Resistance-a ili pisati o Underground Resistance-u a ne obraditi život i djelo Mad Mike Banks-a. Zapravo životno djelo Mad Mike Banks-a je Underground Resistance i nemoguće je jednu priču odvojiti od druge.

UR je glazbeni kolektiv koji je nastao u Detroitu i izdanja izdana pod istoimenom etiketom imala su veliki utjecaj u početcima svog stvaranja kao što ga imaju i danas. UR je vjerojatno najmilitantnije uporište moderne urbane glazbe u Americi s jasnim političkim stavovima. Resi ih mnoštvo kvalitetne glazbe s porukom, "do-it-yourself" biznis filozofija, beskompromisnost, neovisnost o velikim diskografskim kućama i militaristički duh. Nešto kao Public Enemy samo što oni svoje negodovanje ne izražavaju kroz riječi nego kroz glazbu. Članovi UR su se dugo odbijali fotografirati bez poveza na glavi koji bi prikrili njihov identitet. Producirajući bezkompromisnu glazbu kojom promiču svjesnost potrebe za političkim promjenama, oni koriste početni zamah detroit techna te ga prilagođavaju složenim socijalno-političko-ekonomskim okolnostima koje su počele s erom Regana i koje su ubrzale propadanje grada. Rani UR glazbeno je tipična kombinacija detroita i chicago soula te techna, acida i electra.

"Mad" Mike Banks pravog imena Michael Anthony Banks glavni je nositelj Detroit undergrounda te jedan od glavnih pokretača novog vala Detroit techna. Može se reći da je on duša detroitskog techna, urbani gerilac i čisti proizvod detroitske crnačke kulture. Kroz njegov rad se provlači određeni politički program, borba protiv američkog sustava segregacije i beznađa geta. Kao ključni član Underground Resistance kolektiva, doprinjeo je preporodu detroit techna devedesetih te u proces stvaranja novog zvuka uvlači mnoge druge umjetnike kao što su Drexciya ili Jeff Mills.

Sredinom osamdesetih Banks je bio član lokalne garage grupe koja se zvala Members of the House s kojom je izdao seriju izdanja prije nego ju je napustio i osnovao Underground resistance. Upravo preko te grupe su se upoznali Mills i Banks dok im je Mills pomagao u uređivanju nekih stvari. Obojicu je inspirirao crnačka hip hop grupa Public Enemy zbog svojih političkih poruka. Pošto su dijelili isti duh pokreću koncept Underground Resistancea preko kojeg su htjeli sve izraziti zvukom, bez ikakvih tekstova, deklaracija i izgovorenih riječi.

“….music from our label can without words or explanations knock down all the barriers (racial,economic,religous,etc) that the programmers have cleverly set before us in order to keep us from understanding that categories and definitions separate and with separation comes exploitation and profit!”

Tako su Mills i Banks slijedeći svoj kreativni duh osnovali UR zajedno još s Robert Hood-om kojeg su pozvali u njihov studio da radi s njima. Bilo je to negdje kasnih osamdesetih. Jeff Mills i Mike Banks dijelili su istu ljubav, isti entuzijazam prema chicago soulu i mračnijem alternativnijem detroitskom techno. Osnivajući UR Banks zajedno sa svojim partnerima Jeff Mills-om i Robert Hood-om od UR gradi internacionalno, prepoznatljivo i poštovano ime. Njih trojica definiraju novi zvuk techna koji spaja najbolje elemente house-a i klasičnog techno zvuka stvorenog od strane njihovih prethodnika (Juan Atkins, Derrick May i Kevin Saunderson) i još ga više populariziraju naglašavajući njegovu surovu, minimalističku i grublju stranu. Njihovom zvuku Mills donosi prizvuk chicago industriala i EBM electro-techna a Banks i Hood svemu tome dodaju house i techno pozadinu. Mnoga rana izdanja UR labela su bila proizvod raznih eksperimentiranja sa zvukom od strane njih trojice, bilo u suradnji ili samostalno.

Prva ploča na UR recordsu je izdana 1990. godine i bila je to Time is Up EP (ur-001) napravljena u suradnji Banksa, Millsa i vokala Yolanda Reynolds. Nakon što je techno zvuk postajao sve više globalna pojava (nakon stvari “Big Fun” Kevin Saundersona) to prvo izdanje na UR recordsu bilo je najbolja mješavina housea, techno beatova i ritmova što je postalo sinonim za Detroit.

Banksov underground status i njegova filozofija dovodi do toga da on postane ključni igrač preporoda detroit techna. Njegova filozofija je duboko ukorijenjena u njegovoj glazbi i teško da se može odvojiti jedno od drugog. Militantne poruke ukrašavaju skoro svako izdanje a mnogo njegove rane produkcije nosi određenu dozu agresivnosti i ljutnje. Izražena je frustracija zbog ljudi i vodećih labelova koji trče samo za profitom kojeg techno pruža.

Pojava Europske rave i hard techno scene osigurava Undergroun Resistance-u idealno probno polje, scenu izvan Detroita gdje mogu puštati i isprobavati svoju glazbu.

The Punisher (ur-017) iz 1992. godine je bila prva ploča koju je Mills napravio sam za UR. Blagoslovljen zapanjujućim dj talentom Jeff Mills uskoro počinje razmišljati o samostalnoj internacionalnoj dj karijeri. On i Robert Hood napuštaju UR 1992. godine i svatko od njih otvara svoj label, Axis i M Plant.

Mad Mike Banks ostaje vjeran svojoj ideji i preuzima punu kontrolu nad UR organizacijom i počinje da živi legendu techna kroz svoju produkciju i kroz obveze prema svojoj zajednici. Nastavlja producirati (Return of Acid Rain, Message to the Majors …) pod UR-om te nastavlja svoju borbu i regrutira nove umjetnike kao što su Drexciya, James Pennington aka Suburban Knight, Aux 88, Dj Rolando itd….

S izrazitim političkim programom Banks odrasta i istražuje svoju zajednicu u potrazi za talentiranim producentima. Uskoro postaje živa legenda underground zajednice u Detroitu. Neka njegova produkcija kao što je bezvremeni Galaxy 2 Galaxy (ur-025) je primjer mješanja političkog programa - prikazanog u likovima Geronima i Bruce Lee-a - i moćne glazbene produkcije. Sva dobra koja je stekao preko UR-a Banks je uložio u lokalnu zajednicu te u stvaranje lokalnih labela. U glazbenom izričaju Mad Mike-a je duboko ukorijenjen zvuk ranog detroit techna i chicago house-a sredine osamdesetih te pod jakim utjecajem acida i industriala ali s tvrđim i driving osjećajem. Recimo da je mješavina Derrick May-a, Juan Atkins-a i Marshall Jefferson-a kao i eksperimentalnog synth-popa Kraftwerka, Gary Numan-a i Yellow Magic Orchestra.

" A lot of people ask me what I feel about all these white boys making Techno and I say to them : What are you talking about ? The first Techno I listened to was Kraftwerk and they're white. Techno to me is one music that is truly a global music[...] I think it's a galactic music"

Poslje njegov stil postaje sve mračniji a neka izdanja podsjećaju na rane electro stvari od Cybotron-a i Channel One, recimo na stvari Clear ili Technicolor. Stvari kao što su Codebreaker, Ambush i Beyond The Dance s nevjerojatno vještom produkcijom su više zrelije nego što su njegove ranije ljutnjom nabijeni techno uradci. Ta zrelost sada obilježava sva UR izdanja. U zadnje vrijeme Mike sve manje izdaje svoje solo produkcije ali je zato aktivan na drugim poljima. Glavni je i odgovorni pokretač takozvanog trećeg vala Detroit techno izvođača. Na svom UR labelu izdaje produkciju mnogih artista kao što su Dj Rolando, Charles Gibson i Andre Holland. Svi oni rade glazbu koja se podudara s Banks-ovom vizijom i filozofijom. “Music for those that know”.

Osnovao je i sestrinsku kompaniju Underground Resistance-a, Submerge, koja je prerasla u globalnu nezavisnu glazbenu kompaniju koja se bavi distribucijom i produkcijom elektronske glazbe. U biti ona se bavi svačim: snimanjem, managementom, distribucijom, licenciranjem i izdavanjem. Submerge i Banksov militantni elektronički glazbeni kolektiv Underground Resistance su u nešto više od desetljeća postojanja postali sinonimi za svjetski Detroit urban-future-funk-techno zvuk. Submerge nosi istu crtu okrenutosti prema zajednici u Detroitu kao i UR te pod sobom ima mnoge nove labelove pokrenute od strane ambicioznih poduzetnika/umjetnika. Jedna konstanta Submerge-a i UR su aktivnosti posvećene gradu, njegovim četvrtima i njegovom vizualnom i glazbenom artu. Druga konstanta je Banks-ovo stalno izbjegavanje fotografiranja i uobičajenih javnih nastupa. Kada UR ima nastupe negdje u inozemstvu ili doma, Banks i kompanija su poznati po tome da znaju voditi glazbene i dj radionice za djecu u domovima. Jednostavno, Mad Mike Banks radi u praksi ono o čemu govori u svojoj glazbi.

“Music can help them transcend their seemingly inescapable surroundings.”

UR je surađivao s berlinskim techno labelom Tresor koji je reizdao neka stara UR izdanja. Također su surađivali s labelom React na kompilaciji koja je sadržavala ekskluzivne stvari Banksa i ostalih UR izvođača.

Prvi UR full-length album izdan je 1998. godine i zvao se Interstellar Fugitives (ur-045). Na njemu Mad Mike redefinira zvuk UR kolektiva i naziva ga "High-Tech Funk". Zvuk se kretao od hard, minimal techna do breakbeata, electra, drum and bass-a i down-tempo hip-hopa. Ubrzo je newcomer u UR kolektivu, Dj Rolando izdao komercijalno najuspješniji EP, "The Knights of The Jaguar" (ur-049). Nakon što je 1999. na UR izašao taj maxi singl Knight of Jaguar Dj Ronalda (The Aztec Mystic) Banksu se javio Sony Music i zatražio od njega dozvolu da objave tu stvar na jednoj kompilaciji što je Mike odbio. Bez obzira na odbijanje Sony je ipak objavio obradu te stvari što je bio veliki udarac za Mad Mike Banksa i UR. Zbog brojnih reakcija istinskih ljubitelja glazbe Sony je povukao tu ploču iz prodaje. Bio je to dogadjaj koji je nanjeo nevjerojatnu štetu Underground Resistance-u ali je također pokazao snagu Banksovog snažnog nezavisnog položaja te tu nije bilo dvojbe da su se pravi ljubitelji glazbe distancirali od “onih koji su ukrali dušu” techno glazbi.

Kraftwerk je 2002. godine izdao remix EP svog soundtracka Hannover Expo 2000 u čijem su stvaranju sudjelovali dečki iz UR-a te su postali jedini producenti koji su imali privilegiju remixiranja Kraftverka.

Imena osnivača znamo a imena ostalih koji su producirali ili puštali glazbu pod UR kolektivom ili su na njemu izdavali su: Drexciya, Marc Floyd, DJ Rolando, James Pennington aka Suburban Knight, Blake Baxter, Alan Oldham, Chuck Gibson (Perception/Hi-techfunk) i Gerald Mitchell. DJ Rolando je 2005. godine napustio kolektiv, a trenutno Underground Resistance (uz Mad Mike-a) čine DJ Buzz "Banging" Goree, DJ 3000, 1V141Funx$#!n, Agent Chaos, Boots, Fix, Perception, Spawn, The Ancient, The Deacon, The Illustrator, The Infiltrator, Suburban Knight, The Unknown Soldier i Unknown Writer.

Od 1991. godine brojni UR live nastupi svugdje po svijetu daju labelu čvrstu poziciju u povijesti elektronske glazbe. Oni su u biti bili jedni od prvih izvođača iz Detroita koji su svirali techno i prva grupa koja je uzela dj-a kao člana grupe. Glazbena vještina, disciplina i inteligentni intervjui prave od njih i labela najpoštovanije ambasadore detroit techna svuda po svijetu a svojim pažljivo proračunatim intervjuima Mad Mike širi poruku UR-a diljem svijeta.

Long live the underground...



UR produkciju možete poslušati: ovdje
Inervju: Mad Mike Banks Interview on WDET - 11/2004

Mad Mike Banks
Gene Type: Z
Fugitive ID: #038 AKA Mad Mike
Race: Mutant
Status: Unknown
Unit/Division: Shadow Warrior
Weapon of Choice: Unknown
Method of Operation: Unknown
Crimes Committed: Resistance
Current Charges: Unknown
Last Seen: See Fugitive ID#040 AKA Analog Assassin

Classification: Production company
Primary product: Music
Current location: 3000 East Grand Boulevard, Detroit, MI 48202
Founded: November 2, 1989
Owned and Operated by: Michael Anthony Banks (aka: Mad Mike)
Areas of influence: Worldwide

Operating with military precision and detail, UR's iron grip on product marketing and press has made them the definition of what underground techno music is worldwide. Through their music they made the city of Detroit a magical place of global inspiration for thousands of people throughout the world.

UR - we created tomorrow and live in your imagination - we will never die

12.05.2007. u 08:46 • 1 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

Moritz Von Oswald & Mark Ernestus (Maurizio, Basic Channel, Burial Mix / Berlin)

Moritz Von Oswald i Mark Ernestus, dvojica berlinskih umjetnika, imali su jako veliki utjecaj na techno glazbu tokom devedesetih, te su vjerojatno jedni od najutjecajnijih i zagonetnijih producenata u elektronskoj glazbi. Ernestus i Von Oswald unutar svojih labela (M, Basic Channel) predstavljaju zvuk temeljen na dub-u i techno minimalizmu koji i dan danas zvuči svježe. Bez obzira na minimalističku strukturu i jednostavnost taj njihov zvuk ima nekakvu dubinu i toplinu, te u sebi ima taj nekakav hipnotički osjećaj. Glazba koju su objavljivali na tim labelima se može smatrati nekakvom poveznicom berlinskog i detroitskog techna i svojevrsnim techno klasicizmom.

Veći dio zasluga za sve ovo ide Moritz Von Oswald-u koji je živeći u Berlinu postao dio scene koja se stvorila oko kluba Tresor i oko istoimenog labela kao i oko dućana s pločama Hardwax-a. U prvoj polovini osamdesetih Von Oswald je bio bubnjar u njemačkom post-punk/electronic-pop bendu Palais Schaumburg iz Hamburga kojeg su sačinjavali F.M. Einheit, Holger Hiller, Moritz Von Oswald, Ralf Hertwig i Thomas Fehlmann. Nakon odlaska iz benda dolazi do njegove preobrazbe od svirača do producenta, te nastavlja raditi s prijateljem Thomas Fehlmann-om kao 3MB (3 Men in Berlin). Fehlmann je Moritz-a početkom devedesetih po prvi put uveo u svijet techno glazbe, a on sam (Fehlmann) je kasnije postao član britanske elektronske ambijentalne grupe The Orb.

Taj ulazak Moritz-a u scenu se poklapa sa početkom složenih političko-socijalnih gibanja, ujedinjenja Njemačke i raspada istočnog bloka, kada su gomile mladih ljudi iz istočnog i zapadnog dijela Berlina željni slobode i dobre zabave tražili nekakvo utočište. Većina tih nadarenih berlinskih glazbenika i dj-a je to utočište našla u berlinskom klubu Tresor, a kasnije i labelu Tresor (1991.).

Upravo je projekt 3MB, iza kojeg stoje Fehlmann i Von Oswald, in-house projekt berlinskog Tresor Records-a. Ta Von Oswald-ova povezanost s Tresorom mu je omogućila rad s pionirima detroit zvuka koji su u to vrijeme bili toplo primljeni u Berlinu, Blake Baxter-om, Eddie Fowlkes-om i Juan Atkins-om. S Blake Baxter-om 1991. godine Von Oswald i Fehlmann rade na Baxter-ovoj ploči “Dream Sequence” (Tresor), te 1992. godine samo Von Oswald kao koproducent na ploči “The Project” (Tresor). S Eddie 'Flashin' Fowlkes-om 1992. godine kao 3MB surađuju na “3MB Featuring Eddie 'Flashin' Fowlkes” 2xLP, a 1993. godine surađuju na “The Birth Of Technosoul” 2xLP (tri stvari). Te iste godine njih dva s Atkinsom rade na ploči “Jazz is the teacher” (Metroplex), a 1994. godine Moritz sam na Infiniti stvari "Think Quick" (Moritz Von Oswald Remix/Metroplex) te na stvari “Starlight” (Moritz Mix/Metroplex 1995.). Iste je godine Moritz također surađivao s Atkinsom na njegovom albumu “Deep space” (RS). Von Oswald je s Fehlmann-om radio i pod imenom Schizophrenia (1995, Tresor)

No vratimo se ponovo negdje na početak devedesetih kada je Moritz upoznao Mark Ernestus-a koji je u to vrijeme vodio poznati berlinski dućan s pločama Hard Wax. Moritz je kao stalni kupac u dućanu razgovarao s njim o svojim glazbenim idejama te su se ubrzo sprijateljili. U podrumu dućana je bio studio i u tom studiju njih dva počinju snimati prve Maurizio stvari za M label kojeg su sami pokrenuli. Prvo izdanje za taj kultni M label je bilo “Ploy” EP (1992.) na kojem se nalazi i Underground Resistance remix. Drugo izdanje (M02) je bio Vainquer (Rene Lowe) “Lyot” (1992.) čiji je remix objavljen na Basic Channelu (BC-03 “Lyot Reshape” 1993.), a treće (M03) je bilo “Domina” iz 1993. godine na kome se nalazi Carl Craig-ov Mind mix i Maurizio mix. Tokom razdoblja 1995.-1997. izdaju i preostala četri M izdanja.

M diskografija:
M01 Maurizio “Ploy” [EP] 1992
M02 Vainquer “Lyot” 1992
M03 Maurizio “Domina” 1993
M04 “M 4” 1995
M04.5 “M 4.5” 1995
M05 “M 5” 1995
M06 “M 6” 1996
M07 “M 7” 1997
MCD 1997

Zadnje izdanje iz te kultne M serije je bilo M07, a iza svake ploče stoje Moritz von Oswald i Mark Ernestus s izuzetkom M02 ploče. Ta serija M1-M7 ima sličnu strukturu stvari, bila je to mješavina minimal techna s dub-om, izraženi echo, skoro isti sub bass na svakoj ploči, stalni bassdrum, hi-hat i tu i tamo pokoji handclaps. Niti više niti manje, ali to bi otprilike bilo to s tim da je prvo izdanje bilo malo tvrđe od ostalih. Kasnije M ploče (od M3) su sadržavale po jednu različitu verziju određene stvari na svakoj strani ploče. Iako su bili privrženi pločama 1997. godine su ipak izdali kompilacijski CD tih M izdanja.

Basic Channel
Opet ću se malo vratiti u nazad, u 1993. godinu. Usporedno s radom na Tresor i M labelu Moritz von Oswald je te godine s Mark Ernestus-om pokrenuo još jedan projekt/label, Basic Channel. Na njemu su njih dvojica pod različitim pseudonimima (Cyrus, Quadrant, Octagon, Phylyps, Radiance) izdali seriju ploča. Prva ploča na Basic Channel-u im je bila pod imenom Cyrus “Enforcement” (BC-01/1993.). Na toj prvoj ploči surađuju s Jeff Mills-om koji radi Mills Mix stvari “Enforcement” koja je kao i ta Mills-ova obrada bila snažna acid stvar dok je treća stvar na ploči bila čisti i izvorni acid bassline i odmah se dalo vidjeti da će BC biti nešto posebno. U razdoblju 1993.-1995. su uslijedila i slijedeća Basic Channel izdanja (bilo ih je dvet + kompilacijsli CD).

Basic Channel diskografija:
BC-01 Cyrus “Enforcement” 1993
BC-02 Phylyps “Trak” 1993
BC-03 Vainqueur “Lyot (Reshape)” 1993
BC-04 Quadrant “Q 1.1” 1993
BC-05 Cyrus “Inversion” 1994
BC-06 Quadrant “Dub” 1994
BC-07 Basic Channel “Octagon / Octaedre” 1994
BC-08 Radiance “I / II / III” 1994
BC-09 Phylyps “Trak II” 1994
BCD Basic Channel: BCD 1995

Treće izdanje “Lyot Reshape” (BC-03/1993.) je obrada Vainqueur “Lyot” stvari koja je godinu ranije objavljena na M02. Iza svih tih izdanja stoje Moritz Von Oswald i Mark Ernestus, a koncept objavljivanja na pločama je bio isti kao i kod M serije. Tih devet Basic Channel izdanja bila je jedna mješavina stilova gdje su njih dvojica otkrivali nove teritorije unutar techna i dub-techna. BC stvari, kao i kod M serije, u sebi nose duboke basslinije te izraženi echo i dobar ritam, a strukture zvukova su s minimalnim promjenama čija je osnova uzeta iz detroit techna, ali s velikim utjecajem dub-a. Njihove stvari možete pustiti od bilo kojeg trenutka trajanja i stvar neće izgubiti smisao, i dalje će zvučati kao da svira od uvjek. Nakon što su 1995. godine izdali “Basic Channel” kompilaciju svojih materijala koje su izdavali prethodnih godina na BC-u, label se ugasio. Iako je BC postojao samo dvije godine (1993. - 1995.) ostavio je duboki trag u techno glazbi te je postao jedan od najslavnijih techno labela.

Main Street/Burial Mix/Rhythm & Sound
Nakon gašenja Basic Channel-a pokreću Burial Mix label 1996. godine koji je također bio rezerviran, kao i M i BC, samo za njihovu produkciju pod imenom Rhythm & Sound. Pod tim imenom stvaraju glazbu kojom mješaju techno, dub i reggae gdje jamajkanski vokalist pjeva ili priča preko techno beata; duboka basslinija, puls ritam mašine, metallic organ riff kao pozadinski ritam i reggae vokal, to bi bilo obilježije Rhythm & Sound-a. Iduće godine (1997.) su pokrenuli i Rhythm & Sound label na kome također izdaju Rhythm & Sound produkciju. Prvo izdanje na Burial Mix-u je bila 10" ploča (BM 01) s dvije stvari na kojoj su jednu stvar radili u suradnju s vokalom Paul St.Hilaire (Tikiman). Isti koncept je zadržan i na svakom slijedećem izdanju Burial Mix-a, a stvari se kreću od 110 do 128 bpm-a. Zvuk je drugačiji nego zvuk Basic Channel-a ili M izdanja, ali i dalje sa sličnim obilježjima. Na Rhythm & Sound “W/ The Artists” (BMD2/2003.) albumu surađuju s reggae pjevačima poput Cornel Campbell, Jennifer Lara, Love Joy or The Chosen Brothers (aka Lloyd "Bullwackie" Barnes). Tim tragom je išao i njihov slijedeći CD/LP album pod imenom Rhythm & Sound, “See Mi Yah” (BMD4/2005.).

Pokrenuli su i house label Main Street (1995.–1999.) na kojem izdaju pod imenima Round One, Round Two, Round Three, Round Four i Round Five. Na njemu su surađivali s Ron Trent-om, Chez Damier-om i Tikman-om.

2002. godine Scion (Pete Kuschnereit aka Substance i Rene Löwe aka Vainqueur) uređuju stvari Basic Channel-a koristeći Ableton "LIVE" i bacaju ih na “Scion: Basic Channel” kompilaciju koja je izdana na Tresor-u. Mark i Moritz su takoreć mentori Kuschnereit-u i Löwe-u koji su pod velikim utjecajem njih dvojice pokrenuli Chain Reaction label kao platformu za izdavanje glazbe svojih prijatelja. Ovaj mix u biti pokazuje koliko je glazba Basic Channel-a uistinu bezvremenska. U njemu se usredotočuju na stvari poput Cyrus (Enforcement, Recall, Inversion), Phylyps (Trak I, Trak II), Quadrant (Q 1.1, Infinition), Octagon/Octaedre uključujući i The Climax (basic reshape).

Stvar The Climax (basic reshape) je reizdana 2004. godine na ploči Basic Channel “Basic Reshape” koja sadržava dva jako slobodna pristupa Carl Craig-ovim stvarima (Remake - Basic Reshape i The Climax - Basic Reshape). Stvar "The Climax" (Carl Craig) je izdana 1991. godine na Planet E label-u a Mark Ernestus i Moritz von Oswald su je obradili 2001. godine za Planet E i bila je to jedna od naj hipnotizirajućih stvari koje je dvojac izdao od gašenja Basic Channel-a. Iste godine su izdali Quadrant “Infinition” koji je već ranije bio izdan na Planet E labelu (1993.). Izdanja dvojca pod imenom Quadrant kao i većina drugih s Basic Channel-a zvuče potpuno izvan vremena.

Moritz Von Oswald i Mark Ernestus je još jedan misteriozni dvojac koji se krije iza više projekata. Poniknuli su u Berlinu ali s jakim vezama s Detroitom. Ne daju intervjue, ne zato što žele sebe mistificirati nego zato što to jednostavno ne žele. I ne, nisu pobudili toliko zanimanje među techno zajednicom zbog svoje tajanstvenosti nego zbog svoje glazbe. Veliki su obožavatelji dub-a što se vidi po njihovom nekadašnjem radu kao i po njihovom današnjem radu na labelu Burial Mix. Njihov rad je bio jako utjecajan za Thomas Brinkmann-a, Robert Henke-a (aka ˝ Monolake), Wolfgang Voight-a, te za sve umjetnike koji su kasnije izdavali na jednako utjecajnom Chain Reaction labelu. Za svaku ploču Ernestus i Von Oswald su se vraćali svojim korijenima, dub-u, chicago houseu i detroit technu. Spajajući te zvukove s berlinskim stanjem uma doveli su Basic Channel do toga da postane jedno od najcjenjenijih imena unutar techno zajednice što se može vidjeti i po tome što mnoštvo današnje minimalne elektronike ima u sebi Basic Channel DNK.


12.05.2007. u 08:42 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

Area Code 313: Charles "The Electrifying Mojo" Johnson

"Will the members of the Midnight Funk Association please rise. Please go to your porch light and turn it on for the next hour to show us your solidarity. If you're in your car please honk your horn and flash your lights, wherever you are. If you're in bed, get ready to dance on your back, in Technicolor. And get ready for the MFA. The word is... Don't say no, say triple-whammy-whoa. Hold on tight, don't let go. Whenever you feel like you're nearing the end of your rope, don't slide off. Tie a knot. Keep hanging, keep remembering, that it ain't nobody bad like you. This session of the International Midnight Funk Association is being called to order. Electrifying Mojo presiding. May the Funk be with you. Always..." … The Electrifying Mojo at The Midnight Funk Association

Charles "The Electrifying Mojo" Johnson je legendarni detroitski dj koji je svojim radijskim djelovanjem odgojio generacije ljubitelja glazbe u Detroitu, te je jednim dijelom doprinjeo nastanaku techna. Može se slobodno reći da je on bio jedna od oskrica koje su potpalile vatru iz koje se rodio detroit techno. Tisuće mladih ljudi je odraslo uz njegove radio emisije, te je na taj način privikao generacije slušatelja na neobičniji zvuk, čime je odškrinuo vrata nekim novim vjetrovima. Mojo sam nije sudjelovao u razvoju techna kao glazbenog stila, ali je njegov utjecaj na ljude koji su stvarali tu glazbu bio jako veliki. Prvi techno pioniri poput Juan Atkins-a ili Derrick May-a navode da su slušajući njegove emisije po prvi puta došli u doticaj s nekim grupama ili glazbenim vrstama koje su jako utjecali na njih, te uvijek spominju utjecaj toga na njihov glazbeni razvoj. Također i druge generacije detroit umjetnika, poput Richie Hawtina ili Carl Craiga-a, navode da je Mojo bio čovijek koji ih je upoznao s glazbom grupe Kraftwerk kao i glazbom drugih inovativnih grupa iz tog razdoblja. Nije zgorega spomenuti kako je Jeff Mills, kao "The Wizard", počeo svoju karijeru u Mojo-voj emisiji pokazujući svoje vještine za gramofonima. Svi oni navode kako zasluge za ono što su postali i napravili jednim djelom snosi i The Electrifying Mojo. Recimo isto tako, neki veliki techno hitovi, poput stvari "Good Life", najprije su se zavrtili u njegovim emisijama. Iz svega toga se može isčitati važnost ove osobe za nastanak scene kojoj svi mi jednim dijelom pripadamo.

"I've always been a music lover,"…"Everything has a subconscious effect on what I do. In the 1970s I was into Parliament, Funkadelic; as far back as '69 they were making records like Maggot Brain, America Eats Its Young. But if you want the reason why that happened in Detroit, you have to look at a DJ called Electrifying Mojo: he had five hours every night, with no format restrictions. It was on his show that I first heard Kraftwerk." …Juan Atkins.

Charles Johnson je rođen u saveznoj američkoj državi Arkansas, točnije u njenom glavnom gradu Little Rock-u. Služio je vojsku u zrakoplovstvu i upravo se tokom te službe, u vojnoj bazi na Philippinima, počeo baviti djingom. Kada se vratio doma radio je par godina na radiju prije nego je upisao pravo na University of Michigan. Tu je počeo raditi kao college dj gdje je bio popularan zbog širokog spektra glazbe koju je puštao. Nakon završetka škole preselio se u Detroit i počeo raditi na radiju. Svirao je po klubovima i privatnim partyima širom Detroita, a puštao je glazbu blisku zvuku koji će se kasnije nazivati elektronska glazba.

Godine gospodnje 1977. počinje s emitiranjem na WGPR (107.5) radiju iz Detroita. Ova radio postaja je još poznata i po “Deep Space” emisiji koju je vodio Dj Mink i u kojoj su kasnijih godina puštani mixevi Juan Atkins-a, Derrick May-a, Kevin Saunderson-a, Eddie Fowlkes-a. Pet godina kasnije, 1982. godine, Mojo je prešao na WJBL radio gdje je pozornost šire javnosti zaokupio emisijom "Landing of the Mothership" koja je počinjala svaku večer u 22 sata.

“My grandparents had a cottage on the canadian side of lake huron...and, i would stay with them over the summer, and you could get all the detroit radio stations. when i first started listening, around 15 or 16, there was one guy i started listening to, his name was electrifying mojo. he did this show on, i think it was WJLB at that time... the stuff he used to play...just really opened my eyes because i had heard kraftwerk, and knew all their stuff, i had heard "planet rock," and then one night when i was going round...he used to start his shows at 12 o'clock midnight, and one night i came across it and i was like, "holy shit." he was playing cybotron, afrika bambaata, a LOT of kratwerk, a lot of model 500, and stuff like that, that i had never heard before. plus, he played a lot of parliament, funkadelic, and a lot of funk like zapp and all that stuff. i really wanted to do music after i heard those shows...i listened the whole summer. and the reception was kind of weak, so i had to hook the back of the radio, the antenna, up to a clotheshanger and everything...so i could get the station (laughs). but it was just...man, i loved that show. and it influenced a lot of people.” …Dan Bell

Od trenutka kada je počeo voditi svoje radio emisije primjenjuje svoju filozofiju ignorirajući uhodane i šablonske radio postaje iz okruga. Ljudi koji su svjedoci tog razdoblja spominju različitost njegovih emisija. Puštao je glazbu koja se u to vrijeme u Detroitu nije nigdje drugdje puštala osim kod njega, a spektar glazbenika koje je puštao je bio šarolik; Jimi Hendrix, Visage, J. Geils Band, a posebno je obožavao Prince-a tako da je satima znao puštati njegov glazbeni opus što je na kraju dovelo do jednog intervjua u živo s njim u eteru 1986. godine. Isto tako je je puštao glazbu nekih od elektronskih pionira poput Kraftwerk-a, Philip Glass-a, New Order-a, Afrika Bambaataa-e, što je vjerojatno imalo utjecaja na ono što će se razviti u Detroitu kasnije. Recimo, tih ranih osamdesetih, kada je izašao Kraftwerk-ov “Computer World” (1981.), Mojo je u svojoj emisiji “Midnight Funk Association” mjesecima puštao cijeli album, gotovo svaku večer, čineći time veliki utjecaj na tada mlade slušatelje poput Juan Atkins-a. Isto tako kada je izašla Atkinsovu stvar “Technicolor” mjesecima ju je puštao, kao i Atkins-ove druge stvari poput stvari Cosmic Cars.

Njegove emisije tokom noći su se sastojale od raznih dijelova. Koncepcija je bila takva da je Mojo katkad zaustavljao glazbu kako bi pričao o raznim temama, o onome što mu je u glavi u tom trenutku. Također je primao pozive da sasluša prijedloge slušateljstva. Taj njegov koncept, koji je bio jako popularan među ekipom, poslije je doživio mnoga kopiranja od strane drugih radijskih postaja i drugih radijskih voditelja. Jedna tipična Mojo noć je izgledala ovako nekako:

22:00 - The Landing of the Mothership
Ovo je bio uvod u svaku njegovu emisiju s specijalnim efektima i prigodnim govorom. Katkad je glazba tokom tog uvoda navodila u kom smijeru će ići glazba tokom noći, ali nekada je bila različita.

23:00 - Awesome '84, '85.
Sredinom osamdesetih je u ovo vrijeme znao puštati novu glazbu, ono što je sviježe, uz prestavljanje autora glazbe.

23:30 - Lover's Lane.
Pola sata za laganih melodija zaljubljene.

00:00 - The Midnight Funk Association.
Dio gdje je pušao glazbu bendova iz tog razdoblja.

01:00 do 3:00
U ovom vremenu Mojo je svaku večer bio različit. Znao je primati prijedloge slušateljstva i glazbenika te birao tri najpopularnije grupe iz te večeri (35-35-35). Prestavljao različite grupe ili umjetnike za koje bi onda slušateli glasali za svoje favorite (Star Wars). Ili je znao puštati samo pjeme jednog artista ili grupe prolazeći kroz cijeli opus što je značilo da je vrtio mix hitova dotičnog umjetnika ili grupe (Journey). Također je u ta 2 sata znao odsvirati svoj live mix ili dovesti lokalne dj-e da sviraju. Tako je i Jeff Mills počeo puštati kod njega kao "The Wizard".

Što je to bilo toliko posebno u tome što je Mojo radio? Njegova posebnost, pogotovo ako ga se smjesti u odgovarajući vremenski i geografski kontekst, je u tome što se nije zadržavao u jednom određenom formatu i cijelo to razdoblje je bio ispred svog vremena jer je slušateljstvo uvijek upoznavao s novom i svježom glazbom. Spektar grupa i izvođača s njegovih playlista je bio šarolik. Nije puštao samo pojedine popularne singlove nekih producenata nego cijele albume i to skoro svaku noć. Ako bi mu se neka stvar svidjela ona nije silazila s njegove playliste, za razliku od drugih radio postaja koje su prestajale puštati određene stvari nakon što bi ispale iz Top 40 liste. Recimo, tokom osamdesetih je puštao Jimi Hendrix-a kao da mu je tek tada izašao novi popularni album.

“He's doing a radio show now. He took a lot ... he took some time off, disappeared for a while. He's back now, but he's still ... you know, in the mid-eighties he was playing cutting edge music -- really really pushing the envelope. Now he's still playing the same records. So it's not so much ... it's not so interesting anymore.” … … Richie Hawtin 6.November 1998.

Mojo je jedno od nadahnuća za nastanak detroit techna. Nije to bilo ključno nadahnuće, ali njegov jedinstveni stil i odabir glazbe i predstavljanje grupa poput B-52, Depeche Mode, Prince i Kraftwerk-a donijelo je osvježenje u detroitski radijski prostor što je uvelike utjecalo na slušateljstvo tog vremena. S svojom emisijom "Midnight Funk Association" Mojo je imao sposobnost da uzme mainstrem i gurne ga u underground. Bila je to jedina emisija gdje su mnogi po prvi puta upoznali i čuli detroit techno. Tu su po prvi puta u eter puštene stvari kao što je Cybotron-ov “Alley’s of Your Mind”. Nažalost, Mojo se stalno selio s postaje na postaju, najviše zbog svoje posebnosti ne popuštajući pred pritiscima da promijeni koncept svojih emisija. U jednom je razdoblju pustio puštanje glazbe malo na stranu i posvetio se pisanju. 1995. godine je objavio opus na 539 stranica naslova “The Mental Machine”. Bio je to skup poema i eseja objavljen na na njegovom J-Stone Audio Books imprint-u. Kasnije se ponovo vratio u radijski prostor, ali nije više bio snaga kakva je nekoć bio. Bez obzira na to Charles "The Electrifying Mojo" Johnson je svoju misiju obavio kada je to bilo potrebno.

“… As much as they say I inspired them — it was definitely a reciprocal response.” ...The Electrifying Mojo (High Tech Soul - The Creation of Techno Music (2006))

The Electrifying Mojo (Charles Johnson) on 92-3 The Mix, WMXD, 1991


12.05.2007. u 08:36 • 0 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice

Musik Links - Downloads...

Ovaj post sam zamislio kao odlagalište uglavnom za direktne i rapidshare linkove na dj setove i promo mixeve. U najvećem broju su tu techno, a zatim electro i house setovi koji su meni zanimljivi, što zbog glazbe, što zbog izvođača, što zbog godine proizvodnje:). Post ću s vremena na vrijeme nadopunjavati s novim linkovima koji mi se učine zanimljivim. Uz rapid i direktne likove ima i drugih (mediafire, sendspace, filefront, megaupload), ali oni su u manjem broju. --->

-- 0-10 -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- K -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- X -- Y -- Z --


2 Many DJ's:
2007-06-24 - 2 Many DJ's - Mix Party Four, Contact FM - rapidshare


Aaron Carl:
Submerge Podcast - Show 1 with Aaron Carl
Tweak FM 040205 - feat Aaron Carl

Adam Beyer:
02-05-1998 - Adam Beyer & Jeff Mills @ Tresor

Adam Jay:
Adam Jay - Promo mix, June 2007
Track list:
1 - Lusine - Make it Easy (John Tejada Remix)
2 - Super Flu - She
3 - Hertz - Arsenic A1
4 - Jens Mahlstedt & Andre Winter - Kinky 24B
5 - Roberto Bardini - Take it Again
6 - KiKo - 30.1
7 - Goldfish & Der Dulz - Hobby
8 - Jeff Bennett - Snow Diving (Mosquito Mix)
9 - Tony Rohr - Marriot Acid
10 - Chris Liebing - D
11 - Par Grindvik - Nand-Grind
12 - A. Paul - Outta Space (Davide Squillace Remix)
13 - Mauro Picotto - Maybe, Maybe Not
14 - Mr. G - Re-Kidz
15 - Carl Falk & Darkrow - Love Italia
16 - Carl Falk - Sort (Intro)
17 - Adam Jay & Brian Kage - Meridian
18 - Luke Hess - Omniscient (Falko Brocksieper Remix)

Adam Jay - live @ Therapy 23.08 2007 (59.9 MB)
Adam Jay - live @ Therapy 24.08 2007 (60.4 MB)
Adam Jay - Promo Mix June 2007 (104 MB)
The Vault Featuring Adam Jay - klik
Adam Jay @ Colosseum,Opatija (15.05.2004) - rapid

Adam X:
Adam X - Acid Mix 1994 - megaupload
Tweak FM 210406 feat dj-mix Adam X
Adam X Live at club Love in NYC 2007
Adam X - Live at club Love in NYC 2007 (106 MB)
2007-09-14 - Adam X - Live @ Bomb O Matic presents Magic Places, Antwerp - rapidshare

Afrika Bambaata:
Afrika Bambaataa @ Jack Fridays - Zentra - Chicago 28-9-2007 - rapid

Akufen Model One Traffic 26-11-2004
Akufen & Dimbiman Model One DEAF 05 Traffic 29-10-2005 pt1
Akufen & Dimbiman Model One DEAF 05 Traffic 29-10-2005 pt2
Akufen - Live PA at 5 Days Off, Belgium 14-07-2005 - rapidshare

Alan Oldham:

Dj T-1000 @ The Orbit 1992 - megaupload
DJ T-1000 - Supercollider Mix 1997 - zshare
Dj T-1000 @ Motor Detroit 2005
Alan Oldham @ Purity Control, Detroit 2006
Alan Oldhan aka DJ-T1000 - Supercolider Mix 1997 - zshare
Alan Oldham aka T-1000 - Pure Sonik Radio July 2007

Alexander Kowalski:
Alexander Kowalski, Joris Voorn & Luke Slater - Live at Tresor Berlin 08-05-2004 part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6
Alexander Kowalski - Live at Monegros 15.7.2006 (75 MB)
Alexander Kowalski live @ Monegros 15-07-2006
2003-02-01 - Heiko Laux, Diego & Alexander Kowalski @ Kanzleramtnacht, Tresor - uploaded
2006-07-29 - Alexander Kowalski feat. Khan @ Ostfunk Open Air, Spreenhagen - rapidshare
Alexander Kowalski - Live PA @ Waagenbau Hamburg - 16-12-2006 - rapid
Alexander Kowalski @ Monegros desert festival (23.07.2005) - rapid

Alexander Robotnick:
Alexander Robotnick DJ-Set @ CODA Glasgow Dec 2005
Alexander Robotnick - Pig Radio Mag present: History by Robotnick - open i new window
Alexander Robotnick - 802 Electro-Disco
Alexander Robotnick - Electro-House
Alexander Robotnick - Acid House
Alexander Robotnick - Electronation 23.02.2008 - rapid

Alton Miller:
Alton Miller - Movement '06 Mix
Rock praise - Chez Damier /Atal music
Tama Felise - samba funk experience /Obliqsound
Bria's offering - Boddi Satva / Yoruba records
ICU - anada project /DJ spinna dub / king Street
Crazy life - Zap mama / Big moses and Quentin Harris mix / shelter
Its probably me - Sting / Quentin Harris and Timmy Regisford mix
Restricted access
??????? - Amp Fiddler /Kenny dope remix / Promo
No one else ak - Jon Cutler remix / King street
The one that got away - Automagic feat . aswan / chilli funk
Stuck - Peven Everett / Phil asher mix / soul heaven
Secrets of ancestry - Zoetic / Promo
Factory - sumo feat . rigas / heya hifi
S2 - DJ Gregory /fayacombo
Brand new feeling - Roy Ayres / phil asher mix / BBE

Alter Ego:
Roman Flugel [Alter Ego] - Higher Frequency Mix Show 16-11-2007 - uploaded

Andrew Duke:
Andrew Duke - CKUT Montreal22Mar05

Andy Düx:
1994-11-26 - Andy Düx @ MayDay - The Raving Society - megaupload

Anton Banks:
Anton Bank’s radio show 04.04.07 - klik
Extrawelt, Patrick Zigon Rmx, Gdoch Doch, Traum
Riley Reinhold, Light In My Eyes, Light In My Eyes, My Best Friend Ltd
Todd Sines, Multiplexor, 7th City
Aquilina & Venturi, Disco Bus, 3 Hours, Trapez
Martin Eyer & Oliver Klein, Tiflis, My Best Friend

Baby Ford & Eon, Dead Eye, Plus 8
Frankie Bones, House Of God Remix, Profile Produce, The Last Label
Dj Misjah, Numphia, X-Trax
Joel Mull, During Sleep, Episodes Of Intense Meaning, Inside
Takaaki Itoh, How Brilliant You Hate Me, E-World, Disclosure
Neil Landstrumm, Gigolos Trapped In Retro Hell, Pro Audio, Tresor
Go Hiyama, Transcendency, Realization EP, AR
Re:Group, Left, Infrastructure
Green Velvet, Surgeon Rmx, Abduction Remixes, Music Man
Joey Beltram (Jb3), Luke Slater’s Filtered Rmx, Forklift, Novamute
Takaaki Itoh, Taurus Woman, How The F**K Can I Relax, Sheep
Steve Bicknell, Karakter Rmx, How Can We Know? Redefined, Lost
Fumiya Tanaka, In The Darkness, Unknown Possibility Vol.1, Torema
OR, Duncan Idaho, Reverse
Rue East, Birmingham (Ben Sims Hardgroove Mix), Pureplastic
Mark Williams, A Djs Groove, Adventures Of Flux Vol 1, Flux
Cari Lekebusch, Return, Enter The Dragon, H.Prod
Paul Mac, Untitled A, Vol. 9, C-Side

Recloose, Four Ways Of Saying Goodbye, Spelunking, Planet-E

2007-08-01 - Anton Banks, Samuel L. Session @ The Vault, 88.1 FM- rapidshare

Anthony Rother:
Anthony Rother live@ Hessentag,Germany 09.06.2007 - rapidshare
Anthony Rother @ Radio 538 Dance Department 23-06-2007. - rapidshare
Anthony Rother - Hardwired-SAT-07-08-2007 - depositfiles
2007-08-18 - Anthony Rother - Live @ Lowlands Festival - White Noise, 3FM (2007-09-01) - rapidshare
2007-09-07 - Anthony Rother - Live @ Datapunk Special, Patronaat, Haarlem, NL uploaded, rapidshare

Anthony “Shake” Shakir:

Anthony “Shake” Shakir & Lester & Kottan @ Rote Sonne Club 30.4.2007 part1, part2, part3 - megaupload
2007-05-04 - Anthony 'Shake' Shakir @ La Boum Deluxe, FM4 - rapidshare
Anthony 'Shake' Shakir @ Movement Detroit 2007 - mega

2000 - Aphex Twin & Luke Vibert @ Ultrasound - divshare
2003-04-18 - Aphex Twin, Venetian Snares, DJ Stingray (Drexciya) @ All Tomorrow Parties, One World

Aril Brikha:
Aril Brikha @ Fuse-In 2005
Aril Brikha - Live at Fuse In Festival Detroit January 20, 2006 - klik
Aril Brikha @ Goa, madrid14.5.2006 - megaupload
Aril Brikha @ Creamfields Buenos Aires 10-11-2007
Aril Brikha - Live from Detroit - megaupload
Aril Brikha @ Creamfields - Buenos Aires - Argentina 10-11-2007 - rapid

Arthur Oskan:

Aural Float:


Aux88 Live Distillery Leipzig 051002
Auxmen (Live) @ DEAF 2002
Tweak FM 310806 with AUX88 Detroit
2002-10-05 - Aux 88 - Live @ Distillery, Leipzig
2006-09-30 - Aux 88 - Live @ Distillery, Leipzig

1996-04-30 - AWeX @ MayDay - The Day X - megaupload


Baby Ford:
2004 - Baby Ford @ Digital Gadget, 10-01-2004
2007-09-06 - Baby Ford - Ibiza-Voice.com Podcast Direct DL, rapid1, rapid2

Ben Long:

Ben Sims:
Ben Sims & Chris Finke - Split Radioshow 25.01.2005.
Ben Sims @ Fuse-In Detroit - Underground Stage 05.29.2005
Ben Sims & Alex Downey, Split Radio Show 06-05-2007
1. Patrice Scott - Atmospheric Emotions - Sistrum
2. Frivolous - Sooo Savvy - Scape
3. Polder - Secondhand Smoke - [Intacto]
4. Joris Voorn - Minor - [Green]
5. Rennie Foster - Falling Skyward [Gary Martin Remix] - [Teknotika]
6. Paul Mac - A Certain Era - [Pure Plastic]
7. Freestyle Man - This Side Of The Moog - [Sunday Music]
8. Convextion - Premiata - [Downlow]
9. Gideon - Undercover - [Lessismore]
10. Denis Krami - Realtime Island -[Smallville]
11. Aril Brikha - To Begin - [Poker Flat]
12. Donato Dozzy - Fazah - [Dozzy]
13. Abe Duque - Trying To Stay Underground - [Abe Duque]
14. Portable - Speak Out - [S.U.D. Electronic]


Made in Essex - Jesus Loves the Bubbles - CDR
1. Mr. G - You Askin - [Rekids]
2. Redshape - Dog Days - [Millions of Moments]
3. Traxx - Mysterio - [Nation]
5. Mantra - The Second Age - [Bunker]
6. Redshape - Munch - [Delsin]
7. Mihalis Safras - Sabbath [Mark Broom Jack Mix] - [Mikrowave]
8. Gaiser vs Heartthrob - Nasty Girl - [Minus]
9. Audion - Noiser - [Spectral Sounds]
10. J.T.C. - Take Em Off - [Crčme Jak]
11. Theo Parrish - Synthetic Flem - [Sound Signature]
12. Reese - Baseline [Joris Voorn 1st Remix] - [CDR]
13. Deetron Featuring DJ Bone - Life Soundtrack [Redshape Remix] - [Music
14. Par Grindvik - Attack - [Stockholm Ltd]

1. Event Related Potential - Alsoran - [Frantic Flowers]
2. XDB - Descap EP - [Metrolux]
3. Heartthrob - Baby Kate [Sascha Funke remix] - [Minus]
4. Marko Fürstenberg - Surphased EP - [A.R.T.Less]
5. Luca Bacchetti - What Ever - [Wagon Repair]
6. Davide Squillace - Sukkin Mutik - [Ovum]
7. Joris Voorn - When It Was Day We Made It Night - [Green]
8. Convextion - Miranda - [Matrix - Detroit]
9. Echoplex - Next Step Into The Future EP - [Hertz]
10. DNCN  Nec  Future Days

Systemic [Rick Miller] - Lios - [CDR]

Mixed by Alex Downey
1. Paul Mac - Outerspace Obsessive EP: Untitled Track B1 - [Fracture]
2. Function - F3 - [Synewave]
3. Marco Carola - 4th Question: Untitled Track A1 - [Question]

1. Shed - Opulence [Substance Remix] - [Soloaction]
2. James Ruskin - Untitled - [Music Man]
3. Surgeon - Bad Hands Break Part II - [Dynamic Tension]
4. Messenger AKA Kelli Hand - Wanderer [Ritzi Lee Remix] - [Underground
5. Pacou - All It Takes - [Cache]
6. Steve Rachmad - Moog On Acid - [Music Man]
7. Radial - Dynamo - [Palicavonzvreca]
8. Kazu Kimura - Native Rhythm (Remix) - [CDR]
9. Various Artists - Track B2 - [Dinner002]
10. Shudder Sounds - Untitled - [Theory CDR]
11. Voltaic - Oxidize - [Point One]
12. Mhonolink & Tor Lowkrantz - Nonphixion - [MH Records]
13. DJ3000 - Balkan Bridge - [Motech]

Ben Sims - Global Alliance Guestmix - 19-01-2008 - rapid

Bill Youngman:
Bill Youngman - live @ Zoom Nürnberg 23.12.01 - filefront
Bill Youngman @ Digital Gadget 2002
Bill Youngman @ Strasse E Dresden 2003
Bill Youngman @ Bass INvaders 2004
Bill Youngman Live @ Brandenburg Allstars Tour 2005
Bill Youngman Live @ M25 (27.05.2006)
Bill Youngman - Live Set @ Brandenburg Allstars Tour Altes Salzwerk Wilhelmhall
Bill Youngman @ Synchrotronic 2005
Bill Youngman @ Yard Leipzig
Bill Youngman @ GK-Crew meets Tresor Berlin 25.12.2004

Billy Nasty:
part1, part2 - rapidshare
1994-12-31 - Billy Nasty @ EVLO, Amsterdam - rapidshare
1998 - Billy Nasty & Darren Emerson @ Glastonbury Festival - megaupload
1998-06-27 - Billy Nasty & Darren Emerson in Glastenbury part1, part2 - megaupload

Blake Baxter:
Blake Baxter @ Snowtronix 19-05-2000 - divshare
Blake Baxter & Buzz Goree @ Globus - Tresor Never Sleeps 12-7-2003 - klik
Blake Baxter - DJ Set at Rave On Snow 04-05-2002 - rapidshare
2000-05-19 - Blake Baxter, Eva Cazal @ Snowtronix - divshare

Bleep Radio Show:
Bleep Radio e19 - Guest mix on Bleep - mixed and recorded by Philip Ryan
01 Drexciya - Depressurization (UR)
02 Dan Curtin - 3rd from the Sun (Peacefrog)
03 Donnacha Costello - Clipper (D1)
04 Mind Phase One - Work (Sounds)
05 Yoshihiro Sawasaki - Magic Dome (Music Mine)
06 Visitor - After the Weekend (D1)
07 Purveyors of Fine Funk - This is a Track (Peacefrog)
08 Sean Deason - The Shit (Art of Dance)
09 Electronic Home Entertainment - Morph 09 (Federation Of Drums)
10 Monrella - Studio 7 (Zet)
11 Oliver Ho - Heart of Darkness (Meta)
12 Female - Exotica [O/V mix] (RSB)
13 Elekrabel - 77Hz (6277)
14 Claude Young - Twine [Ian J Richardson mix] (Surface)
15 Jeff Mills - Deckard (Axis)
16 Robert Hood - Electric Nigger Pt 1 (Cheap)
17 Scan X - Bleu (F Comm)
18 Headroom - Ride the Threshold (Synewave)
19 David Donohue - Lather Hands (D1)
20 B.C. - Stronghold (ITP)
21 Metroneem - Monologic (Satamile)
22 Misc - People Won't Blame (Sender)
23 Decal - D*Shock (Trama)
24 Electronic Home Entertainment - Morph 02 (Federation Of Drums)

Bleep Radio e45 - Trevor Wilkes - 30-11-2006. - Bleep Detoured Through Chicago
01 - Essit Muzique "Essit Muzique 1" Aciiieeed 04 [Acid Can Save The World EP 2006]
02 - Random Access "Deeper" Relief 713 [DJ Tools Volume 3 EP 1994]
03 - Johnny Fiasco "Jack Tha Bass" Nine Records 20 [Footnotes Volume 1 EP 2006]
04 - Natural Rhythm "Chicago Tower (Vocal Mix)" .dotbleep 10 [Chicago Tower EP 2006]
05 - Juice Omatic "Untitled" Lask 06 [Juice Omatic EP ]
06 - Shakedown "At Night" Defected 50 [At Night EP 2002]
07 - Dj Pierre "Fall" Strictly Rhythm 199 [Give Me What I Want EP 1993]
08 - Beckett & Taylor "Hand On The Plow" Hand On The Plow 03 [Hired New Hands EP 2006]
09 - Dublex Inc. "Slack Society (Swag's Asbo Voco Mix)" Sugarcane Recordings 07 [The Swag Remixes EP]
10 - Subspecies "From Da East" Strictly Rhythm [The Next Generation LP 1996]
11 - Mike Dearborn "New Dimension" House Music Records 04 [Back To The Future EP 2006]
12 - Random Access "Miomi" Relief 724 [Dj Tools Volume 4 EP 1995]
13 - Mike Dunn "Set Me Free" Clone Classics Cuts 01 [Face The Nation EP 2006]
14 - Hardfloor "Screwdriva" Kill Brique 06 [Screwdriva EP 2006]
15 - Blak'n'Spanish "Kik Da Bucket" Mousetrap [Spanish and Blak EP 1995]
16 - Thomas Bangalter "Spinal Scratch" Roule [Spinal Scratch EP 1996]
17 - Tyree "Do The Do" Renegade Records 05 [Don't Trip EP ]
18 - Dj ESP "Basketball Heros" Communique 20 [Basketball Heros EP 1996]
19 - Dj Hyperactive "Chicago" Contact 03 [Chicagoan EP ]
20 - Mike Dunn "Magic Feet (Like A Time Mixx)" Djax [Magic Feet Remixes EP 1992]
21 - Johnny Fiasco "Celebrate" Cajual Records 275 [De Facto LP 1995]
22 - Anton Mitchell "Simple Life" Chicago Underground 01 [Sex Chants EP 2005]
23 - Dj Sneak "The Music In Me" Strictly Rhythm [Dj Sneak EP 1996]
24 - Dj ESP "I Like To Get Down (Mr. E-Tones Mix)" Communique 38 [I Like To Get Down EP 1999]
25 - Venet Joki "Cheap Heat" Om Records [Juan Atkins Legends: Volume 1 LP ]
26 - Fast Eddie "Hip house" s12 230 [Hip House EP 2006]

Bleep Radio e48 - Trevor Wilkes - 01-11-2007. - Detroit
01 - DBX "Spock's Brain" Accelerate 102 [I'm Losing Control EP 1994]
02 - Run Stop Restore "Gateways And Galaxies" Minus 25 [Minimize To Maximize LP 2005]
03 - Studio 1 "Untitled" Studio 1 [Rosa EP 1996]
04 - DBX "I'm Losing Control" Accelerate 102 [I'm Losing Control EP 1994]
05 - Todd Sines "Awk" Residual 09 [Static EP 2000]
06 - Stewart Walker "Amateur Surrealism" Matrix 06 [Stoic EP 1998]
07 - Unknown "Untitled" Blue Train 08 [Factory Dubs EP 2000]
08 - Savvas Ysatis "Bull Walk" Tresor 171 [Select LP 2001]
09 - R Tyme "R Theme (Mayday Mix)" Loaded 02 [Subversion EP 2000]
10 - Jake Mandell "The Prince And The Palm" Carpark 08 [Love Songs For Machines LP 2000]
11 - Cabanne "Can't Stand" 7th City 18 [Can't Stand EP 2001]
12 - Dj Valium "Running In October" Teknotika 15 [Dj Valuim EP 1996]
13 - Stephen Brown "I Am Someone" Transmat 27 [EP #2 2002]
14 - Kit Clayton "Nothing But Nothing" 7th City 09 [New Horizons EP 1999]
15 - Plastikman "Elektrostatik" Novamute 25 [Krakpot EP 1993]
16 - Dwarf "Percussion Electrique" Accelerate 02 [The Silicon Ghetto EP Volume 2 1993]
17 - Rob Hood "Explain The Style" Metroplex 25 [The Vision EP 1996]
18 - KSR "Headrush (Octave One Mix)" 430 West 505 [Down From The Sky EP 2002]
19 - Dirk Jones "Simple Mind" Slavery 2000 01 [What Would Dirk Do EP 2001]
20 - Dj T-1000 "Sexy Little Homewrecker" Pure Sonik 11 [Codes And Structures Volume One EP 1999]
21 - Punisher "Mechanism" Reload 992103 [Mechanism EP 1998]
22 - Punisher "Unknown" Seismic/White 001 [Extinction EP 1999]
23 - Lil Louis "Blackout" FFRR reesp01 [Blackout EP 1989]

Bleep Radio e49 - Trevor Wilkes - 01-25-2007. - Cari Lekebusch Tribute Mix
Cari Lekebusch Tribute Part 1 of 2 Extended Tracklist:
00 -Mr. James Barth "Tight As Can Be" Trainspotter's Nightmare 13 [One Side Each EP 1997]
01 - Mr. Barth & The Persuader "Untitled" Svek 16 [Snorkelmannen O Hans Vanner EP 1997]
02 - A.D.C.L. "Jolt" Railyard Records 03 [The Shadow Boxers Round 2 EP 2006]
03 - Bob Brewthbaker "Need This" Plumphouse 31 [Songs From Abroad EP 1998]
04 - Cari Lekebusch "Reverted" Hybrid 1204 [Reverted/Aterkommen EP 1997]
05 - Mr. James Barth "Straight' Barth Stripped" Svek 33 [Remixed For The Lords EP 1999]
06 - Cari Lekebusch "Skarume Max Peezay" Kaun Trax 05 [Understanding Of Nothing EP 2006]
07 - Puente Latino "Takes U There" Primevil 03 [Coming Back EP 1998]
08 - Cristian Vogel "Never Too Late (Cari Lekebusch Remix)" Primevil 01 [Two Fat Downloads EP 1997]
09 - Cari Lekebusch "Omslaget Motiverat" Hybrid 1203 [Vet Dom Som For Att LP 1998]
10 - The Pump Panel "To The Sky" Missile 09 [To The Sky Remix EP 1998]
11 - The Advent "Overseeya (Cari Lekebusch Remix)" Internal LP08 [Shaded Elementz LP 1996]
12 - Mystic Letter K "Caprilectro" Eletrix 05 [Caprilectro EP 2001]
13 - Mr. James Barth "Live Feelin's" Svek LP01 [Stealin Music LP 1998]
14 - Cari Lekebusch "Deepest Thought" 430 West LP02 [Detroit Calling LP 2001]
15 - Cari Lekebusch "Fusion" Loop 22 [Untitled EP 1995]
16 - Fred 2 "Monoflight" Missile LP02 [Launches 2 LP 2000]

---> Bleep Radio: All Archives <---

Boris Divider:

Boris Dlugosch:
Boris Dlugosch @ N-Joy The Mix (1), ~1996
Boris Dlugosch @ N-Joy The Mix (2), ~1996
Boris Dlugosch @ N-Joy The Mix (3), ~1996
Boris Dlugosch @ N-Joy The Mix (4), ~1996

British Murder Boys (DJ Surgeon & Regis):
2007-06-30 - British Murder Boys @ Awakenings Festival, 3 FM - rapidshare
British Murder Boys live @ Awakenings 30-06-2007
British Murder Boys Live @ Solar Weekend Festival 11-8-2007 - rapidshare
British Murder Boys @ Awakenings Festival 30-6-2007
British Murder Boys @ I Love Techno - Flanders Expo - Gent - Belgium 10-11-2007 - rapid


Buzz Goree (UR):

Buzz Goree '2005 Bookings Mix'
Buzz Goree - Jan 2006 Mix Down


Cari Lekebusch:
Cari Lekebusch - Live @ Phryl Progress [04-18-98] - A
Cari Lekebusch - Live @ Phryl Progress [04-18-98] - B
Cari Lekebusch @ Solar Weekend Festival 11-8-2007 - rapidshare
Cari Lekebusch @ Awakenings Festival 30-06-2007 - rapidshare
Cari Lekebusch @ Awakenings Festival 30-06-2007 rapidshare
1991 - Cari Lekebusch @ Acid Test, Stockholm
Cari Lekebusch @ Fever 5 @ Tunnel, Vienna, 1999-09-04 - uploaded
2007-04-06 - Cari Lekebusch @ CU Base, Tartu, Estonia - rapidshare
Cari Lekebusch - Live @ Apokalypsa 25 - 23-02-2007 rapid1, rapid2

Carl Craig:

Carl Craig on Hardwired Radio - klik
Derrick May on Carl Craig's Detroit Technology -> klik
Carl Craig @ Glashaus Berlin 22-02-1999 Part 2 - rapidshare (Pass:lostinlivesets.)
Carl Craig - Workout Tour 2003
Carl Craig - Harpune Dusseldorf March2006
Carl Craig & Laurent Garnier - On The mix
Carl Craig @ Radio Beats in Space 15-11-2005
Carl Craig - Live at PS1 Contemporary Art Center New York 02.09.2006
Carl Craig @ 10 Days Off Gent 22-07-2006 - rapidshare
Beats in Space November 15th (part 1 with Carl Craig)
Carl Craig - Live at Electric Picnic Festival, Ireland 03-09-2006 - rapidshare
Carl Craig - Live at Harpune Duesseldorf Feb2006 part1, part2, part3, part4
2000-01-19 - Carl Craig @ Fuse - divshare
2005-11-15 - Carl Craig - Beats In Space
2006-07-22 - Carl Craig @ 10 Days Off - rapidshare
2006-09-02 - Carl Craig & Damon Daze @ PS1 Warm Up part1. part2
2007-07-29 - Carl Craig @ Tomorrowland (Boom, Belgium) - rapidshare

2005-10 - Carl Craig @ Kindergarten, 6th Birthday - divshare
01.The Detroit Experiment - Think Twice
02.The Godson - City Bar Reopen
03.Theo Parrish - Falling Up (Carl Craig Remix)
04.DJ Kent - In The Bush
05.Trickski - Sweat
06.Ricky L Feat. Mck - Born Again (Pastaboys Rmx)
07.Moodymann - Shades Of Jae (Part I)
08.Marc Houle - Borrowed Gear
09.Instant House - Awade (Joe's Jungle Sounds Dub)
10.Cesaria Evora - Angola (Carl Craig Rmx)
11.Carl Craig - Darkness (Max Mix)
12.Yoav B - Energize
13.Beanfield - Tides (Carl Craig Remix)
14.Rhythim Is Rhythim - Strings Of Life (Claude Young Unreleased Mix)
15.Designer Music - Good Girls (Orginal Mix)
16.Tiger Stripes - Amphytrion
17.Sound Stream - 3rd Movement
18.Dark Comedy - Good God
19.Jeff Mills - The Lovely Assistant
20.The Aztec Mystic - Knights Of The Jaguar (Rmx)
21.Tres Demented - Demented (Or Just Crazy) [Laurent Garnier Remix]
22.69 - Rushed
23.Splinterfaction - Ultraism (Fabrice Lig Rmx)
24.Los Hermanos - Quetzal
25.Ame - Rej
26.Carl Craig - Sandstorms
27.Galaxy 2 Galaxy - Hi Tech Jazz (Live Version)

Cedric T:
Cedric T - Vortex Mix
1.Johannes Heil: Introduction - Art Of Perception 01
2.Steve Rachmad: Legacy Of The New World - MusicMan 100
3.Anthony Rother: Art Is A Technology Part VI - Stahl Industries 1
4.David Holmes: Johnny Favourite - Warp 42
5.The Optic Nerve: Darkworld - Psycho Thrill 2105
6.The Black Dog: Remote Viewing - Dust Science SND 002
7.Ryuichi Sakamoto: The End Of Europe - Alfa Records 28003
8.Jeff Mills: Fantasia (After The Trip Mix) - Axis 040
9.Zachary Lublin: Love Function - 6277 Mission 06
10.The Sabres Of Paradise: Clock Factory - Warp LP34
11.Johannes Heil: Born To The Light - Kanzleramt 49
12.Thomas Fehlamnn: With Oil - Kompakt 97
13.Aphex Twin: Shottkey 7th Plan - Apollo 3922

Cedric T - Aquatic Resistance mix
1.Dopplereffekt: Nyon-Neutrino - Gigolo 99
2.Drexcyia: Drexcyen r.e.s.t. Principle - Clone 25
3.Drexcyia: Andreaen Sand Dunes - Tresor 129
4.Drexcyia: Sighting In The Abyss - Underground Resistance 030
5.Der Zyklus II: Elektronisches Zeitecho - Gigolo 63
6.Dopplereffekt: Plastiphilia - Dataphysix 01
7.Alden Tyrell: Disco Lunar Module - Clone 37
8.The Hacker: Fadin' Away (Heinrich Müeller Remix) - GoodLife 07
9.Drexcyia: Aquatic Cataclysm - Tresor 182
10.Aquanauts: Cruiseship Killa - Underground Resistance 056
11.Dopplereffekt: Scientist (Album Version) - Gigolo 66
12.Detroit.In.Effect.: U Can't See Us - Clone 29
13.Drexcyia: Bubble Metropolis - Underground Resistance 026
14.Aquanauts: Spawn - Underground Resistance 060
15.Drexcyia: Bottom Feeders - Tresor 182

Charles Webster:
Charles Webster @ Movement - Detroit Electronic Music Festival 26-5-2007 - rapidshare
Charles Webster - Bodytonic Podcast Sept 2007
Charles Webster @ Detroit Electronic Music Festival 26-05-2007 - rapidshare
2007-08-10 - Charles Webster, Ken @ Harry Klein Club, Munich part1, part2, part3 - rapidshare

Chris Liberator:

Chris Liebing:
Chris Liebing @ ZONE13 - Völklingen - Germany May 1999 - uploaded
1999-05-21 - Chris Liebing @ Zone 13, Völklingen rapidshare, uploaded
2000-12-13 - Chris Liebing @ Rave On Snow - rapidshare
2001-08-1X - Chris Liebing @ SonneMondSterne - rapidshare
2004-07-10 - Chris Liebing @ Fritz LoveRadio - rapidshare

Christian Bloch:
christian_bloch_-_15-06-2001. - rapidshare

Christian Varela:
Cristian Varela- Live @ Bachatta Techno Factory 26-12-1998 - rapidshare

Cine Climatics:

CJ Bolland:
Unknown CJ Bolland Mix (Full of older Techno from the '95-98 era)
CJ Bolland - Guest Mix on Global Radio Kiss 100 17-02-2007 - rapidshare
CJ Bolland & Mark Spoon @ Universe Tribal Gathering 1993 - rapidshare

Claude Young:

Claude Young – ActionV
Claude Young - Minimal Imput Mix 16 July 2006
Claude Young - Different World Live Mix 26-01-2007 - rapid
Different World - Live Mix 1-26-2007
Claude Young & Takasi Nakajima - Different World Mix 12-07-2007
27-09-1997 - Claude Young Liveact at Gigolo Tour Stammheim - rapid
2007-01-26 - Claude Young & Nakajima @ Different World, Fukui, Japan part1, part2

Craig Richards:
Craig Richards @ Creamfields - Buenos Aires - Argentina 10-11-2007 - rapid

Cristian Vogel:

Cristian Vogel at Privat_Warehouse_Party - rapidshare
Cristian Vogel - Live at Little Heaven Heidelberg, Germany 01-06-1997 (Part 1) - rapidshare
Cristian Vogel - Live at Little Heaven Heidelberg, Germany 01-06-1997 (Part 2) - rapidshare
Cristian Vogel and Dave Tarrida - Live at Neue Heimat Stuttgart 1997 (Part1) - rapidshare
Cristian Vogel and Dave Tarrida - Live at Neue Heimat Stuttgart 1997 (Part2) - rapidshare
Cristian Vogel @ Altes kino Roemhild 2000
Cristiain Vogel @ Nature One 2001
Christian Vogel live @ NatureOne 2001 Century Circus
Cristian Vogel @ BeatKlinik 03-04-03
Cristian Vogel @ Springsix Festival Postgarage Graz 27-05-06.
Cristian Vogel @ Tresor Reopening Weekend - Back in May 07 27-5-2007 - rapidshare
Cristian Vogel @ bomb o matic 07.07.07
Crisrtian Vogel @ Neue Heimat 2002
Cristian Vogel: Live @ Bombomatic
Cristian Vogel Video: Live @ Tresor Club, 21 September 2007

Codam - minimal deep techno mix

Computer madness - mixes
Computer madness I - open in new window
lfo: millionaire dogs
autechre: play weissensee against im glück
flexitone: nausicaä
robert hood: minus
der zyklus: formenverwandler
arpanet: devoid of wires
polygon window: ut1-dot
dez williams: no mean feat
the mover: program your fate
wasteland: shadow line
chevron: emails and viruses
nautilis: 888
afx: elephant song
brothomstates: kava
plastikman: disconnect
bandulu: wetlook
william basinski: disintegration loop 6
autechre: dial
shifted phases: scattering pulsars
drexciya: living on the edge
dez williams: when nature calls
made: vear one
claro intellecto: section part 2
silicon scally: deep dissolve
bitstream: anno domini
human league: the dignity of labour 2
lfo: ultra schall
human league: black hit of space

Computer madness II - open in new window
biosphere: poa alpina
disjecta: k- bop
orbital: sad but true
dopplereffekt: scientist
bizzare inc: playing with knives (quadrant mix)
altern8: move my body
joey beltram: caliber + drome
the klf: what time is love (1988 pure trance original)
autechre: second bad Vilbel
plastikman: spastik
underground resistance: final frontier
seefeel: tied
jesus jones: zeroes & ones (aphex twin reconstruction #1)
lfo: tied up
speedy j: drill
phuture: we are phuture
autechre: reniform puls
carl craig: science fiction (kenny larkin remix)
lab rat xl: lab rat 1
b12: cymetry
space djz: celestial funk
air liquide: theme from robot wars
robotman: do da doo (david holmes remix)
meat beat manifesto: mindstream (aphex twin remix)
front 242: religion, the prodigy bass under siege mix
atari teenage riot: redefine the enemy 97
fire on high: floating in a dream of ex-tc
sourmash: pilgrimage to paradise
cls: can you feel it?
clark: re- scar kiln
afx: afx acid 04
drexciya: bottom feeders
brothomstates: jak got stuck in canada and this sounds like
quinoline yellow: cyriack parasol
kraftwerk: nummern
gescom: keynell4
the black dog: further harm
plastikman: lasttrak
higher intelligence agency: ketamine entity
disjecta: here
biosphere: antennaria

Computer madness III - open in new window
billy ocean-get out my dreams get into my car
davy dmx-the dmx will rock (scratch mix)
davy dmx-the dmx will rock (master mix)
bug kann & the plastic jam-made in two minutes
shut up and dance-here comes a different type of rap track not the usual 4 bar loop crap
patrick pulsinger-construction tool
liaisons dangerouses-put ętre…pas
afx-naks 11 mono
todd terry project-made by the man
steve poindexter-computer madness
man parrish-hip hop be bop
hashim-al naafiysh (the soul)
lory d-9 tracks 4 a fine road hog track a2
the sweat boys-do you want to percolate
sleeparchive-galactic blob
phylyps-track II-I
vex’d-lion vip
curve-falling free (aphex)
sub love-and then more (remix)
joey beltram-psycho bass
second phase-mentasm
mescalinum united-we have arrived
tipper-unlock the geometry
eurythmix-sweet dreams
radioactive man-twisty boomkart
mantra-age of aquarius b1
space djz-nice vibes
erotek-computer aided poetic funk
front 242-umen (ectomorph fixmix)
my life with the thrill kill kult-days of swine and roses
ultradyne-lardossen search squad
coil-things happen
gosub-darkness modulations
kavinsky-arpanet nightdrive
scorn-falling (ae fr 13 mix)
kraftwerk-musique non stop
squarepusher-schizm track #2
mark one-stargate
technasia-final quadrant
technasia-2 the floor
aphex twin-digeridoo
foul play-ricochet
the mover-invite the fear
dopplereffekt-myon neutrino
lfo-what is house
a guy called gerald-auto rebuild
dj seduction-you can dance
a guy called gerald-space 1999
arpanet-event horizon
brothomstates vs blamstrain-ketku 9000
syche-how the west was won
lionel richie-hello

Cosmic Baby:
1992-04-30 - Cosmic Baby - Live @ MayDay - A New Chapter Of House And Techno - megaupload

Cyborg K:


Daft Punk:

Damon Wild:

Damon Wild @ Oxa - Zurich 12-07-2002 - sexuploader
Damon Wild @ Alkmaar - Holland (july 2006)
Damon Wild @ Warsaw - june 2006
Damon Wild @ Bodyworx - Atlantis - Alkmaar 8-7-2006 - klik
Damon Wild & Echoplex Live @ Awakenings 2007
Damon Wild & Echoplex as Niteworks@ Horyzont 26-01-2008 - rapid

Dan Curtin:
Dan Curtin Interstellar Groove Mix 1
Dan Curtin Interstellar Groove Mix 2
Dan Curtin Interstellar Groove Mix 3
Dan Curtin @ Deeper Moods L.A. 11-05-2007
Dan Curtin - Resident Advisor Podcast #68 3-9-2007 - klik
01. Michal Ho feat. Jonjon - Take Away - Tuning Spork
02. Dennis Ferrer feat. Mia Tuttavilla - Transitions (Sasse Edit) Defected
03. Fuckpony - Cold Slave - Get Physical
04. Innersphere aka Shinedoe - Phunk (Ricardo Villalobos rmx) Intacto
05. Freak 7 vs Critical Phase - Pitch Black (Orlando Voorn rmx) New Religion
06. Einzelkind - Maferefumeco - Kindisch
07. Falko Brocksieper - Black Box - Sub Static
08. Reboot - Clear Motion - Below
09. Bushwacka! - Long Distance - Olmeto
10. Selway+Vincenzo - Dream Stealer (Joe Mull rmx) CSM
11. Sleeper Thief - Vaja de Suba Te - Mobilee
12. Bart Skils & Anton Pieete - The Shining - 100% Pure
13. Gemini - In My Head (Derrick Carter rmx) Classic
14. Gourachandra - Show You The Way (Dan Curtin rmx) It Is What It Is

Dan Curtin - Resident Advisor Podcast #68 3-9-2007 - klik
2007-01-27 - Dan Curtin @ Fuse (Switch, 2007-02-18) - rapidshare
2007-05-11 - Dan Curtin @ Deeper Moods, L.A. directDL

Daniel Bell:
2001-07-20 - Daniel Bell @ True Spirit 1991-2001, Tresor, Berlin - divshare
Daniel Bell @ Bleep Radio (Juin 2007)
Daniel Bell & Jan Denham & Beatnik @ Rote Sonne Club 28-7-2007 - klik
Daniel Bell @ Silo Club - Leuven 23-6-2007 - klik
2003-02-27 - Daniel Bell vs Cabanne - Novamix - divshare
2006-12-30 - Daniel Bell @ Substatic Club - divshare
2007-11-24 - Daniel Bell @ STRP Festival, Eindhoven - filefactory
Daniel Bell @ STRP Festival - Klokgebouw Philips - Eindhoven 24-11-2007 - filefactory

Danilo Vigorito:
Danilo Vigorito @ The Candy Factory, Slovenia 15-10-2005 - megaupload

Darren Emerson:
Darren Emerson - I Love Techno 1999 - megaupload

Dash @ Tresor Reopening Weekend - Back in May 07 26-5- 2007 part1,
part2 - rapidshare

Dave Angel:
DAVE ANGEL - MASTER TRANCE MIX 1992 A - megaupload
DAVE ANGEL - MASTER TRANCE MIX 1992 B - megaupload
Dave Angel - Rezerection Feb 1993
1993 - Dave Angel @ Mastertrance filefront1, filefront2
Dave Angel @ Beat Box 3, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, 05-04-2007 directDL1, directDL2

Dave Clarke:
Dave Clarke - Jeff Mills vs Dave Clarke
Dave Clarke - Radio 1 rave day may 95 - megaupload
1996.05.06 - Essential Mix - Dave Clarke part1, paret2 - rapidshare
Dave Clarke, Jay Denham & Lester Jones @ Rote Sonne Club 12-10-2007 4,5 hrs.! - uploaded
1998 - Dave Clarke & Umek @ Cube Club, Neaples (Italy) - rapidshare
2001-02-17 - Dave Clarke @ Impulz rapidshare
2001-07-21 - Dave Clarke @ Extrema Fesitval - rapidshare
2002-04-28 - Dave Clarke @ Shockers - rapidshare
1996-05-06 - Dave Clarke - Essential Mix uploaded, rapid1, rapid2
1. Dave Clarke - "Southside" (deConstruction)
2. Dave Clarke - "Southside/Protective Custody [Live Edit]" (deConstruction)
3. Dave Clarke - "Wisdom To The Wise" (deConstruction)
4. Suburban Knight - "Nocturbulous Behaviour [Special Edition]" (UR)
5. Surgeon - "Pet 2000" (Downwards)
6. Space DJz - "Return To Earth EP" (Infonet)
7. Jeff Mills - "Purpose Maker 1" (Purpose Maker)
8. Kareem Smith - "Killer Beez" (Djax-Up-Beats)
9. Lester Fitzpatrick - "L Trax" (Relief)
10. Dynamix II - "Don't Touch That Dial" (Dynamix II)
11. UR - "01 [Hi Tide]" (Sold In Detriot)
12. Foreveraction - "U People" (Streetwave)
13. Dopplereffeckt - "Voice Activated" (white Label)
14. Dynamix II - "Ignition" (Debonarie)
15. Model 500 - "I Wanna Be There [Juan Atkins Remix]" (R&S)
16. The Vision - "Explain The Style" (Metroplex)
17. The Launch - "Montreal/Maastrict Connection" (Trip)
18. Group X - "Thunder In Drums" (Djax-Up-Beats)
19. Tyree Cooper - "Sounz In My Head" (Dance Mania)
20. Cari Lekebush - "Mecano" (POF)
21. Mantronix - "Sing A Song [Dub]" (Ten)
22. Tackhead - "Mind At The End Of The Tether" (white Label)
23. Afrika Bambaataa - "Bambaataa's Theme" (Tommy Boy)
24. Thomas Bangalter - "What Do You Do" (Rule)
25. Jeff Mills - "Axis 11" (Axis)
26. D Knox - "Chanting" (Sonic Mind Records)
27. Aztec Mystic - "The Shining Path" (UR)
28. The Mind Drum - "It Is What It Is" (white Label)
29. Regis - "Ital" (Downwards)
30. Raoul Delagardo - "Distant Adventures EP" (Sheep)
31. Mike Dearborn - "Fuckin' Chaos" (Djax-Up-Beats)
32. Surgeon - Untitled (Kick 64)
33. Dean & Deluca - Untitled (M Plant)
34. Lockstep - "Ce Soir" (Soiree)

2000-01-16, 2000-10-29 - Dave Clarke - Essential Mix - divshare
1. Drexciya - "Temple Of Dos De Aqua" (Tresor)
2. Riuichi Sakamoto - "The End Of Europe" (Plexus)
3. D J Rush - "Sessions" (white label)
4. Adam Beyer - "Lost & Found" (Conform)
5. Mike Dearborn - "Battle [Advent Remix]" (Majesty)
6. Alan Barrat - "Part Deux" (Red Frame)
7. Chris Mccormack - "Space DJz [Remix 1]" (Materials)
8. Chris Mccormack - "Space Djz [Remix 2]" (Materials)
9. Richie Hawtin - "Minus Orange" (white label)
10. Underworld - "K.O.Snake [Dave Clarke Remix]" (Junior Boys Own)
11. Joey Beltram - "Arena" (S.T.X)
12. Technasia - "Sino" (white label)
13. Turning Point 1 - "Jamie Ball" (Turning Point)
14. Felix Da Housecat - "In The Dark [Dave Clarke Remix]" (Emotive)
15. Turning Point 1 - "Jamie Ball" (Turning Point)
16. W.P.A - "Seawolf" (U.R)
17. D J Rush - "Smoke" (white label)
18. Lighter Thief - "Zippo King Two" (Ifach)
19. Jeff Mills - "Tango" (Purpose Maker)
20. Russian Roulette - "Look'n Like A Man" (High Octane)
21. DJ Funk - "Run Remix" (Projex)
22. Umek vs Valentinp - "untitled" (white label)
23. S.L.S - "untitled" (white label)
24. G Force - "untitled" (white label)
25. Oliver Ho - "Awakening" (white label)
26. Spank 3 - "untitled" (white label)
27. D.O.T.G - "Hope E.P" (Black Nation)
28. UR - "Knight Of The Jaguar" (UR)
29. Detroit Grand Pu Bahs - "Sandwiches" (Throw)
30. The Hacker - "untitled" (white label)
31. Anthony Rother - "Machines" (white label)
32. X-Ile - "Colours" (Direct Beat)
33. Di-Jital - "360 Degrees" (white label)
34. Keith Tucker - "Speak Worshipping" (Dream Hunter)
35. Aaron Carl - "Down" (Metroplex)
36. Dre Brown - "Rejuvinated Rhythm" (Direct Beat)
37. DJ Godfather - "From Detroit Via Sat" (white label)
38. Mr Velcro Fastener - "Assasins" (Tie)
39. Zombie Nation - "Kerndraft 400" (white label)
40. D J Hyperactive - "Reptillian Tank" (Morpheus)
41. D J Bold - "untitled" (white label)
42. D J Rush - "One Two Zero" (acetate)
43. Space Djz - "Ak 47 [Gaetek Remix]" (white label)
44. Surgeon - "Over Kosovo" (white label)
45. Ben Long - "Ergonomic 3" (white label)
46. Surgeon - "Over Kosovo" (white label)
47. Leftfield - "Phat Planet" (Higher Ground)
48. Surgeon - "Credence" (Dynamic Tension)
49. Space Djz - "Ak 47 [Inigo K Remix]" (Potential)
50. Russian Roulette - "Rough Trade" (High Octane)

Dave Clarke & Jay Denham & Lester Jones @ Rote Sonne Club - Munchen 12-10-2007 - uploaded

Dave Ellesmere:
Dave Ellesmere - SOS all night Kiosk Lille France (21-04-2007)

Dave Tarrida:
Dave Tarrida Live at Basterdized - First ever recorded Dave Tarrida Live set
Cristian Vogel and Dave Tarrida - Live at Neue Heimat Stuttgart 1997 (Part1) - rapidshare
Cristian Vogel and Dave Tarrida - Live at Neue Heimat Stuttgart 1997 (Part2) - rapidshare
Dave Tarrida @ Transmission 4 (07-10-2005)
Dave Tarrida - Live at Tresor Closing Berlin, Germany 04-07-2005 - rapidshare
Dave Tarrida @ Basterdized Session 07-2005
Dave Tarrida @ Tresor Bonito House Club Special 27.12.2006. - megaupload
Dave Tarrida at edukando area in LH Festival (BCN)
Dave Tarrida @ Tresor's Bonito House Club
Dave Tarrida @ Tresor night, Brazil
Dave Tarrida Live Radio Session Pt 1
Dave Tarrida Live Radio Session Pt 2

RA.072 - live set from Canadian dub techno producer Deadbeat - klik

Decal (D1) Model One Traffic 10-12-2004
Decal (Live) - Crawdaddy DEAF 5'06 28-10-06

Deetron @ Planet Rose (Nijmegen) 21-04-2007 - rapidsafe
Deetron(live), Gregor Tresher, Flynn @ Rote Sonne 17.03.2007 - 1 - megaupload
Deetron @ Free Your Mind Festival Holland 02-06-2007 - megaupload
Deetron @ SOS VS HTX #2 part1, part2
Deetron @ Smile Home Singapore 11.08.07
Deetron @ Goa - Madrid - Spain 1-1-2008 - rapid
Deetron @ Goa (Madrid) 01.01.08 - rapid
Deetron@Club Goa (Rome) 01.01.2008 - rapid

Delsin Records:
Delsin New Season Mix Autumn 2006 Mixed by Tim Nieburg
Delsin Summer 2007 Mix Mixed by Raymon Hollander
Delsin Says Woof! - Mixed by Peel Seamus

Der Dritte Raum:
Der Dritte Raum - Live at Alte Giesserei Heilbronn (Unknow Date) - rapidshare
Der Dritte Raum - Live at Hafentunnel Frankfurt 28-07-2001 - rapidshare
Der Dritte Raum - Live at Gerberei , Schwerin Germany 26-04-2003 (Part 1) - rapidshare
Der Dritte Raum - Live at Gerberei , Schwerin Germany 26-04-2003 (Part 2) - rapidshare
Der Dritte Raum - Live PA at Lovefields Festival, NL 28-08-2004 - rapidshare
Der Dritte Raum - Live PA at Blade Club Budapest 13-05-2006 (Part 1) - rapidshare
Der Dritte Raum - Live PA at Blade Club Budapest 13-05-2006 (Part 2) - rapidshare
Der Dritte Raum - Liveact at Alte Blechnerei Konstanz 26-05-2007 (Part1) - rapidshare
Der Dritte Raum - Liveact at Alte Blechnerei Konstanz 26-05-2007 (Part2) - rapidshare

Derrick Carter:
Derrick Carter - Live at Back2Basics 5th Birthday Party 1996 part 1 - megaupload
Derrick Carter - Live at Back2Basics 5th Birthday Party 1996 part 2 - megaupload
Derrick Carter - Live @ Focus [24.04.2007]
Derrick Carter - DJ Set at NRJ DanceBase 10-02-2007 - rapidshare
Derrick Carter @ Jack Fridays Chicago 08-02-2008 rapid
Derrick Carter @ The Doghouse 1997
Derrick Carter @ Jack Fridays - Chicago - USA 21-12-2007 - rapid

Derrick May:
Derrick May Mixes
Derrick May @ The Final Frontier Club UK 1994 A - megaupload
Derrick May @ The Final Frontier Club UK 1994 B - megaupload
Derrick May @ Printemps de Bourges 18.04.1998
Detroit Technology by Carl Craig, set by Derrick May --> (klik)
Derrick May - Radio Mix
Derrick May @ Bus Palladium Paris 2002 Part 1 - divshare
Derrick May @ BOM on XM80 4.5.2007
Derrick May @ JJJ Mixup 09-06-2007 - megaupload
Derrick May @ Distillery Leipzig 12-05-2007 Part 2 - megaupload
Derrick May @ Space Sessions Radioshow 07-08-2007 - rapidshare
Derrick May @ Creamfields Andalucia Spain 11-08-2007 - rapidshare
Derrick May @ Atak - Enschede 4-12-1993 - klik
Derrick May @ Fuse - Brussels 3-3-1999 - klik
Derrick May @ Creamfields Andalucia 11-8-2007 - rapidshare
Derrick May @ Space Sessions - Radioshow 7-8-200­7 - rapidshare
Derrick May @ Deep Space Radio on R&S Republica 1994 - rapidshare
ERIC BORGO & DERRICK MAY @ WEETAMIX 25-12-1998 part1, part2, part3, part4

Derrick May @ Awakenings Detroit Weekend - Amsterdam 29-9-2007 uploaded
01. 00:00 Joris Voorn - Revelation
02. 03:02 Paperclip People - Throw
03. 07:02 Aardvarck - Cult copy (2000 And One's chicago dirt remix)
04. 11:07 ID
05. 12:58 Cobblestone Jazz - Dump truck
06. 15:15 Adam Proll - Adamantido
07. 18:58 ID
08. 21:09 Cobblestone Jazz - India in me (Mix 1)
09. 23:03 ID
10. 24:44 ID
11. 27:23 Audion - Mouth to mouth
12. 30:10 Autotune - Dirty (Woody mix)
13. 34:52 Dennis Ferrer - Transitions (Sasse edit)
14. 36:58 ID
15. 39:16 ID
16. 41:11 ID
17. 43:05 ID
18. 46:15 Julien Jabre - War
19. 49:44 Beroshima - Horizon (Funk D'Void Remix)
20. 52:03 ID
21. 54:22 Rennie Foster - Falling Skyward (Gary Martin remix)
22. 58:22 Robert Hood - Still hear
23. 61:15 ID
24. 64:30 Robert Hood - School
25. 67:15 Joris Voorn - No revolution
26. 70:45 DJ Rush - Look and see (Original mix)
27. 72:52 Vince Watson - Parallels
28. 77:50 ID
29. 81:27 ID
30. 83:16 ID
31. 86:11 ID
32. 91:14 ID
33. 94:29 Rhythm Is Rhythm - Icon (MS-21)

Derrick May - Music Institute, 1988 - mediafire
Derrick May @ Electric Picnic Belfast (Switch Stubru) 08-09-2007 - rapid
Derrick May @ Zenzero Club Bari Italy 05-01-2007 mediafire1, mediafire2, mediafire3
Derrick May & Dimitri 1994 rapid1, rapid2
Derrick May @ Electric Picnic - Belfast - Ireland 8-9-2007 - rapid

Detroitdancer - A Soulful house Journey Part 3 - rapidshare

Detroit Grand Pubahs
Detroit Grand Pubahs @ Electronation KinkFM 23-02-2008 - rapid

Did Low:
Did Low @ K-Bar - Electro Love 4 (12-11-2005)
Did Low - FDLM Ile Rousseau 2006
Did Low - Basic Radio 06.04.2007
Beroshima - Horizon - Muller Records
Alex Bau - Smile - Credo
Artificial Latvamaeki - Se Tuli Aavikolta - Curle Recordings
John Dahlback - Late Night Worries (Guy Gerber Special K Mix) - Litmus Recordings
Lissat & Voltaxx - Arschkatzen (Asscats In Sight Mix) - Perc Trax
Len Faki - My Black Sheep - Podium
Phil Kieran - Skyhook 2 - Novamute
Radioslave - Secret Base - Rekids
Steve Rachmad - Levigi - Sino
Samuel L Session - Can You Relate - Klap Klap
D.Diggler - Acid Blain - Raum Musik
Grooveyard - Watch Me Now - Ec Records
Egyptian Empire - The Horn Tracks (Luke Slater's Khufu Rmx) - Missile
Guy Gerber - Belly Dancing - Cocoon
Luke Solomon - Ghouls (Claude VonStroke's) - Rekids
Guido Schneider - Halo - Pokerflat
Fausto Messina & Dariush - Compulsive Disorder - Maschine
Tom Pooks - Amande Douce - Kompakt
Richie Hawtin - Minus Yellow - Minus
Steve Barnes - Cosmic Sandwich (Eulberg mix) - My Best Friend
Midfield General - Coatnoise (Dave Clarke Rmx) – Skint

D. Diggler:
2002-10-26 - D. Diggler @ Clubnight - megaupload
1. 21:00 Uhr Fabrice Lig - Gualapagos (Ray Gun - RG 010)
2. 21:05 Uhr Syphon - Trapped (Wave Music - WM 50098-1)
3. 21:11 Uhr Ada - Blindhouse (Areal - 10)
4. 21:14 Uhr Modomonomusik & Bee - Quäl Mich, Mir Ist So (Ringelbeatz - 3)
5. 21:19 Uhr Destillat - Super G (Klang Elektronik - KLANG 73)
6. 21:28 Uhr John Selway - Stealing Moves (Spectral - SPC 3)
7. 21:34 Uhr Tikataka - Organa (Phono Elements - PHO 11)
8. 21:39 Uhr Earth Deuley - Decomposition (LP - LP LTD 015)
9. 21:45 Uhr Unitary - Tea Time (Playmade Minus - PLAYMADE 002)
10. 21:50 Uhr David Duriez - Get On Down (20:20 Vision - VIS 078)
11. 21:57 Uhr Moby - Extreme Ways (Junior Jack's After Electro Anthem) (Mute - PL 12 MUTE 270)
12. 22:03 Uhr Alka - Mifa (Resopal - RS 002)
13. 22:08 Uhr Danilo Vigorito - Psychedelic Rain (Episode - 9)
14. 22:14 Uhr Paul Brtschitsch - On The Road (Frisbee - FT LP 009)
15. 22:18 Uhr D. Diggler - Acid Blain (Raum...Musik - MUSIK 036)
16. 22:23 Uhr Coordinates - Magnetics (Sub Static - SUS 20)
17. 22:27 Uhr Drexciya - Drexcyen R.E.S.T. Principle (Clone - C X 9)
18. 22:31 Uhr D. Diggler - C 23 (Raum...Musik - MUSIK 036)
19. 22:35 Uhr Audibelle - Kranglefant (Azurite - AZ 07)
20. 22:40 Uhr Croon Inc. - Schloßallee (Force Inc Music - FIM 229)
21. 22:46 Uhr Gennaro Le Fosse - In Motion (Convolute - CON 005)
22. Adam Jay - 50 Uhr Maximum Sin (Zync - 25)
23. 22:54 Uhr Petar Dundov - Feelings (Music Man - MM 093)
24. 23 Uhr Uhr Oxia - Contrast (Monoid - 30)
25. 23:05 Uhr Samuel L. Session - Tribe Cutz Vol. 1 (Cycle - 8)
26. 23:10 Uhr Leandro Gamez - The Maze (Monoid - 29)
27. 23:13 Uhr Adam Beyer - Sthlm (Truesoul - TRUE LP 01)
28. 23:16 Uhr Marco Carola - Sunrise (Design - DES 13)
29. 23:21 Uhr Pascal F.E.O.S. - Communicate (PV - PV LP 07.4)
30. 23:25 Uhr The Advent - Promo (Kombination Research - KR 002 LP)
31. 23:29 Uhr Andrew Richley & Ryan Rivera - Promo (Analog Movement Creations - AMC 014)
32. 23:33 Uhr Secret Cinema - Pure Tek (EC - 52)
33. 23:37 Uhr W. Jörg Henze - Aurora Borealis (Federation Of Drums - FOD 033)
34. 23:44 Uhr Alexander Kowalski - Optometry (Kanzleramt - KA 80)
35. 23:49 Uhr Alexander Kowalski - Hybrid Minds (Kanzleramt - KA 80)
36. 23:54 Uhr MAS 2008 - Punished By Machines (Mikrolux - MKX LP 03)


Dj 3000 (UR):

DJ 3000 and Suburban Knight Live At Maida Vale 2006 - megaupload
DJ 3000 vs. Mr O (Detroit Grand Pubahs) @ Kiosk 27-04-2007 part1, part2
DJ 3000 -Blood And Honey 2007 - rapidshare
01 Gjeloshaj 1862 (feat Gerald Mitchell) (02:14)
02 Ottoman March (06:12)
03 Subotica Night (05:35)
04 Illegal Allien (04:40)
05 The People Have Spoken (04:20)
06 Lost Generation (05:23)
07 Doldrums (feat Diametric) (01:14)
08 Balkan Bridge (07:59)
09 Berimbau Battle (05:10)
10 Song For Kastrioti (05:23)
11 My Sunday Afternoon (feat Ursula Rucker) (04:59)
12 Safe House (feat Diametric) (05:41)
13 Tolerance Is Freedom (02:49)

DJ 3000 (U.R.) @ 3voor12 White Noise Radio 3FM 15-9-2007 - rapidshare
Underground Resistance' DJ 3000 @ White Noise 15.09.2007

DJ Assault:
2007-07-08 - DJ Assault - Seclusias Radio files-upload, directDL, rapid1, rapid2

DJ Bam Bam:
DJ Bam Bam - Merry Christmas Mix 1996 - rapidshare
DJ Bam Bam - In Qontrol 2005 - rapidshare

DJ Bone:
DJ Bone @ Rythm Workshop 15-08-2003 part1, part2 - megaupload
DJ Bone new promo mix -> klik
DJ Bone - Attack Mix #40 2007
DJ Bone - Attack #42 - rapidshare
DJ Bone @ Mysteryland 26-8-2006 - rapidshareDJ Bone @ Hardwired 16-9-2007 - klik
DJ Bone @ Mysteryland 26-8-2006
DJ Bone - Attack #40 - klik
DJ Bone - Attack #42
DJ Bone @ Mysteryland 3voor12 White Noise 26-08-2006 - rapidshare
DJ Bone @ Rogue Dublin Ireland 05-10-2007 part1, part2
DJ Bone-Live @ Fuse-Detroit 1995 - rapidshare
DJ Bone @ Awakenings Detroit Weekend - Amsterdam 28-9-2007 - uploaded
01. 00:00 DJ Bone - Music
02. 02:34 Birdland - Jack my edit
03. 05:27 Dajaé - Time (Rush's My Two Sistas From Outer Space Mix)
04. 08:15 Mark Williams - Shake It
05. 11:23 Samuel L Session - Flipmode
06. 15:11 Kehso - Silly Salsa [Kingdom Of Drums Vol. 1]
07. 18:06 Oliver Ho - Sing
08. 21:12 Joey Beltram - Aumento
09. 24:23 Mark Broom - Sudden (Deetron remix 1)
10. 28:27 User - User 008
11. 30:04 ID
12. 31:20 Terry Mitchell - Eat The Meat (Mark Williams mix)
13. 33:00 Paul Mac ?
14. 34:47 Oxia - Fresh
15. 37:46 Jay Denham - Pride (It's Time) [Synthesized Society]
16. 38:34 K-Alexi - My Medusa
17. 41:23 ID
18. 44:36 Mark Broom & Percy X - Addicted (Mark Broom remix)
19. 48:40 DJ Bone - Body bags
20. 52:20 Robert Hood - Museum
21. 54:46 ID
22. 57:57 Ben Sims & Vincent Davis - Voyage
23. 59:37 ID
24. 62:53 Diego - Mind detergent (Robert Hood remix 1)
25. 64:43 ID
26. 67:22 Stephen Brown - Digital boogie (B1)
27. 69:16 DJ Bone - Struggle 1
28. 75:20 Jeff Mills - Alarms (Ben Sims remix)
29. 76:53 ID
30. 78:29 Birdland - Can u dance to my edit
31. 82:30 Rhythim Is Rhythim - Icon
32. 84:35 ID
33. 86:02 ID
34. 88:38 Vince Watson - Everything changes
35. 92:13 Dj Skurge - Shut It Down
36. 95:35 ID

1997 - DJ Bone @ Kiss 100 FM - rapidshare
2004-05-06 - DJ Bone @ Fluid, Eindhoven - divshare
2006-06-06 - DJ Bone @ Inner Rhythm, Edinburgh (attack 038) part1, part2 - rapidshare
2007-09-29 - DJ Bone @ Klubnacht, Berghain, Berlin (Attack Mix) - uploaded
2007-09-29 - DJ Bone @ Klubnacht, Berghain, Berlin (Attack Mix) part1, part2rapidshare
Every single DJ Bone Attack - klik
DJ Bone @ Cavern Club Liverpool 26-12-2007
DJ Bone @ Rogue - Dublin - Ireland 5-10-2007 pt1
DJ Bone @ Rogue - Dublin - Ireland 5-10-2007 pt2
DJ Bone @ Indigo Inc. Radio Show 29-11-2007 - rapid
DJ Bone @ Klubnacht Berghain - Berlin 29-9-2007 - uploaded
DJ Bone - Actual Emotion Mix 1 House
DJ Bone - Actual Emotion Mix 2 KDJ Records
DJ Bone - Actual Emotion Mix 3 UR Records

Dj Daborman:
Dj Daborman - Frequencies From A Distant Planet - 108MB - Detroitdigitalvinyl.com

DJ Dex (UR):

DJ Dex a.k.a. Nomadico - For Those Who Know
DJ Dex (Underground Resistance) @ Beats in Space 07-08-2007
Beats in Space January 3rd 2006. (part 2 with DJ Dex and Tim Sweeney)
dj Dex - Beats in Space December 20th 2005 (part 1)
dj Dex - Beats in Space December 20th 2005 (part 2)
Dj Dex @ Beats in Space Mix 03-01-2006 part1, part2
Shit Robot - Wrong Galaxy - DFA
Guest DJ set from DJ Dex (Los Hermanos/UR)
1. Nomadico "Angkor Wat" (tense mix) - UR
2. Nomadico "Tazumal" - UR
3. Orlando Voorn "Boxing Game" - Ignitor
4. DJ Dex "Lowrider Psycho" - Motech
5. The Martian "Starchild" - Red Planet
6. Seldom Seen "Fabulous" - UR
7. Mr. De' "On the Floor" - Electrofunk
8. The Body Mechanic "Peace of Mine" - Electrofunk
9. Unknown Soldier "Babylon's Gifts" - UR
10. Fix "Shaftism" - Electrofunk
11. The Martians "Sunchaser" - Red Planet
12. Analog Assassin "Subsonic Shadow" - UR
13. Aquanauts "Man O'War" - UR
14. The Sentinel and Miss Memory "110v" - Southern Outpost
15. Mad Mike "UR-046" - NSC
16. Mad Mike "Basecamp Alpha 808" - UR
17. Underground Resistance "Aguila" (Fix mix) - UR
18. Santiago Salazar "Tzolkin" - Los Hermanos
19. Los Hermanos "Tescat" - Los Hermanos
20. Nomadico "Madrugada" - UR
21. Portable "The World Unwinds" - Sud Electronic
22. Mad Mike "Final Frontier" (Nomadico Re-edit)
23. Analog Fingerprints "I Drive You Home" - Final Frontier
24. Nomadico "Angkor Wat" (tense mix) - UR
* Part 2 with DJ Dex and Tim Sweeney:
25. Francisco - Big Love Mega Love - Nature
26. Francisco - Malinco - Nature
27. Orgue Electronique - Texas Brooklyn Heaven - Clone
28. Derrick May - R-Theme - Transmat
29. Reese & Santonio - Structure - KMS
30. UR - Hi Tech Funk (Sonic Grits Mix) - UR
31. Reese - Bassline - KMS
32. Lil Louis _ The Conversation (Why'd U Fall) - Epic
33. Los Hermanos - Sun Dial - Los Hermanos
34. S2 - Mama Paz - Los Hermanos
35. Carl Craig - Angel (Caya Dub) - Planet E

Nomadico aka DJ Dex - WPA 2 mix 26.02.2007
01. Santana "Future Primitive" Columbia
02. Nomadico "Living UR" UR test
03. Phil Kieran "Skyhook 1" Novamute
04. UR "Beauty of Decay" UR-004X
05. Los Hermanos "Direccion" LH-04
06. Decoy "Your Eyes" (Mark Broom's Dublin Remix) D1 Recordings
07. Jeff Mills "Leader Rouge" Purpose Maker
08. Kevin Reynolds "Afrik" Todhchai Records
09. Raudive "Get Off" Klang Elektronik
10. Acid Circus "Minimal Junk" Droid Recordings
11. Bodycode "Exciting Ride" Spectral Sound
12. Marcus Intalex "Red 7" (John Tejada remix) Revolver010
13. John Thomas "Deepen" Logistic Records
14. Galaxy 2 Galaxy "Uplifted" Submerge Recordings
15. Glory B "Multiple Sums" Minifunk
16. The Deacon "Multi-Dimensional Drama" UR-069
17. Gary Martin "Boredom Or Babylon" Teknotika
18. Ian O'Brien "Les Cordes Sensibles" Peace Frog
19. Dark Energy "Aurora" UR-031RE
20. DJ Dex "Electrico" Phases 001
21. Archetype "The Quest" Black-Nation Records
22. UR "Low Tech Reality" UR-071

DJ Di'jital:
DJ Di'jital - DJ'sInTheMix.
1996-04-30 - DJ Di'jital @ MayDay - The Day X mediafire, rapidshare

Dj Esp:
DJ ESP - MindSafari 1993
ESP Live at Intellect Chicago 1995
1995 - DJ ESP @ Intellect, Chicago - rapidshare

DJ Ed:
1992 - DJ Ed @ For Those Who Like To Groove mediafire, rapidshare
Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam - Let the beat hit 'em
Jestofunk - I'm gonna love you
Inner City - Pennies from heaven (Reese dream-a-loot mix)
Gat Decor - Passion
Radical Rob - Monkey wah
Xpansions - Elevation (move your body)
FPI Project - Dancing feet
Todd Terry - Jazz anthem
MK - Burnin'
Todd Terry - House is a feeling
Sonic Solution - Get on the move
33 1/3 Queen - Searchin'
MK - Burnin'
Cyclone - Sonic cycology EP

DJ Funk:
1999-12-27 - DJ Funk - Ghetto Olympics - megaupload

Dj Heather:
DJ Heather - 2003-04-20 - Essential Mix
DJ Heather - 2006-04-11 - Party News Master Mix
Dj Heather @ The So Very Show 08-mar-2007
2003-04-20 - DJ Heather - Essential Mix uploaded, rapid1, rapid2
2004-03-27 - DJ Heather, DJ Diz @ Spring Sessions, DNA Lounge, San Francisco part1, part2, part3, part4 - rapidshare
2006-04-11 - DJ Heather - Party News Master Mix - rapidshare
2007-07-18 - DJ Heather @ Spy Bar, Chicago - rapidshare
200X - VA @ Space 5th Birthday, Bar Rumba, London part1, part2, part3, part4, part5
2003-12-14 - DJ Heather, Yousef @ Circus, Liverpool - Essential Mix - filesupload
DJ Heather
1. Leg Truth (White)
2. ECB Thinkin' Of You (White)
3. ECB Love Loud (White)
4. Unknoown Unknown (White)
5. Jinx So Soul (So True)
6. Andreas Hanson Physics Under The Top (remix) (4th Floor Records)
7. Tony Senghore San Fran (Disco Dub) (Brique Records)
8. Grant Arrard Hot Mamma (Acme Vinyl)
9. Unknown - Unknown
10. Guided Methods Cool Like X
11. JT Prummer Gets A Little (White)
12. Jasper Street Co. - Smile (Basement Boys Records)

1. Unknown Unknown (White)
2. Unknown Unknown (White)
3. Soul Furic Dub Mix (Deep)
4. BMQ When I Get You Alone (White)
5. Phil Weeks - Candela (White)
6. Aaron Ochaa - Boom Shabba (Brique Rouge)
7. Style Of Eye Right Now (Classic)
8. Unknown So Far (In A Time) (Herbal)
9. Mista D Unknown (White)
10. DJ Sense Alienz On The Moon (Dub) (Color Recordings)
11. Harri & Papa Deep Canned Heat (Deep Freeze)
12. For Waistlines & Hips Marry Mary (Bush)
13. Black Rat Feat. Tyra Everybody Computer (White)
14. Tyra - Other Women (White)
15. Unknown Unknown
16. Unknown Do What You Feel Like (remix) (White)

2004-03-27 - DJ Heather, DJ Diz @ Spring Sessions, DNA Lounge, San Francisco part1, part2, part3, part4 - rapidshare
2002-12-28 - Mark Farina, DJ Heather @ Om Night, DNA Lounge, San Francisco part1, part2, part3 - rapidshare

DJ Hell:
DJ Hell - Live @ Mayday 1992 (A new Chapter of House and Techno)
Dj Hell - Live @ Fuse 21.10.2001
DJ Hell - live 31.08.2002 @ Wire
DJ Hell - Wire '03
DJ Hell - Essential Mix 18.12.2005
DJ Hell - 2006-05-27 - Live at Spring Six Festival, Austrai - Part 1
DJ Hell - 2006-05-27 - Live at Spring Six Festival, Austrai - Part 2
DJ Hell - 2006-07-09 - Mix for In The Mix, Big City Beats, Big FM
DJ Hell - 2006-11-05 - Mix for In The Mix, Big City Beats, Big FM
DJ Hell - 2006-11-17 - Mix for Mish Mash on StuBru
DJ Hell - live @ Watergate, Berlin 20.04 2007) (62.2 MB)
DJ Hell - Live at TDK Timewarp 2007
DJ Hell @ Radio 538 Dance Department 19-8-2007 - rapidshare
2006-04-30 - DJ Hell @ MayDay - Worldclub
1994 - DJ Hell @ Beat Box / Radio City - megaupload
1996 - DJ Hell @ Euphoria, Dorian Gray rapidshare1, rapidshare2
1999 - DJ Hell @ Distillery - megaupload
199X - DJ Hell @ Evosonic Radio - megaupload
2000-11-11 - DJ Hell @ I Love Techno rapidshare
2001-08-10 - DJ Hell @ SonneMondSterne - rapidshare
2003-12-05 - DJ Hell @ Harry Klein Club, Munich - megaupload
2003-12-09 - DJ Hell @ Flex, Vienna rapid1, rapid2
2005-04-16 - DJ Hell @ Globus, Tresor Closing Party - uploaded
2005 - DJ Hell @ La Riviera, Spain, 01-10-2005 - rapidshare
2006 - DJ Hell @ Gerberei, Schwerin - rapidshare
2006 - DJ Hell @ International Gigolo Night, Creme 21, Heilbronn, 01-12-2006 - filesupload

2001-12-16 - DJ Hell @ 12 Jahre Groove, MTW, Clubnight - rapidshare
1. 01:27 Uhr Steve Rachmad - Energetix (Scoop - 4)
2. 01:29 Uhr Green Velvet - La La Land (Rmx) (Music Man - MM 079 R)
3. 01:31 Uhr Paul Brtschitsch & Andre Galuzzi - Schneesturm (Plus 8 - PLUS 8077)
4. 01:32 Uhr Urban Groove Alliance - Centrifugal Force (Plink Plonk - PLK 030)
5. 01:35 Uhr Vitalic - La Rock (International Deejay Gigolos - GIGOLO 69)
6. 01:39 Uhr A.F.A. - Being Boiled (Elektro Komfort - 2)
7. 01:41 Uhr C Denza - BBQ (Dancefloor Killers - DK 004)
8. 01:43 Uhr Mr. Sliff - Rippin' & Dippin' Pt. 2 (Jericho - JEL 014)
9. 01:46 Uhr David Caretta - Punishment Song (International Deejay Gigolos - GIGOLO 81)
10. 01:49 Uhr Christian Boree - Untitled (Propaganda – PRG 011)
11. 01:52 Uhr Mick Wills - Kill! Kill! (International Deejay Gigolos - GIGOLO 77)
12. 01:54 Uhr Depeche Mode - Freelove (Rmx) (Mute - 12 BONG 32)
13. 01:57 Uhr Air - Promo (Promo - Promo)
14. 02:00 Uhr Green Velvet - Promo (International Deejay Gigolos - Promo)
15. 02:03 Uhr Vitalic - Poney Pt. I (International Deejay Gigolos - GIGOLO 69)
16. 02:06 Uhr Octave One feat. Ann Saunderson - E-Dancer (Blackwater - BWP 2)
17. 02:10 Uhr Frank Hunter - Promo (Mono - 9)
18. 02:12 Uhr Promo - Promo (Promo - PN 02)
19. 02:15 Uhr Promo - Promo (Baby Burns - BURNS 02)
20. 02:18 Uhr Si Begg - Welcome (Rmx) (Feis - Promo)
21. 02:23 Uhr The Spider - Bodyrocker (Lasergun - 13)
22. 02:27 Uhr Frank Hunter - Strings (Mono - 9)
23. 02:29 Uhr Fix - Flash (International Deejay Gigolos - GIGOLO 72)
24. 02:33 Uhr Tiga & Zyntherius - Sunglasses At Night (Rmx) (International Deejay Gigolos - Promo)
25. 02:37 Uhr Detroit Grand Pu Bahs - Dr. Bootygrabber (Intuit Solar - ITU 016)
26. 02:41 Uhr Funk D'Void - Diabla (Soma - 112)
27. 02:44 Uhr Green Velvet - La La Land (Music Man - MM 79)
28. 02:48 Uhr The Eternals - The Andromeda Gate (Diamond - DIAM 602 EP)
29. 02:50 Uhr Force Legato - System (Zyx - 6216-12)
30. 02:54 Uhr Vitalic - You Prefer Cocaine (International Deejay Gigolos - GIGOLO 69)
31. 02:56 Uhr Samuel L. Session - Deetron Playmate (Rmx) (Phont Music - PM 018)
32. 03:00 Uhr Paul Brtschitsch & Andre Galuzzi - Schneesturm (Plus 8 - PLUS 8077)

2005-12-18 - DJ Hell - Essential Mix directDL, rapid1, rapid2
1. Ecstasy- 'Jesus Loves The Acid' (Swordfish)
2. Motor- 'Sweatbox' (Novamute)
3. Curan Stone- 'Come Back' (Clone)
4. Robert Babicz- 'Mover' (White)
5. Uncut- 'Devotion' (White)
6. Thomas Anderson- 'Numb' (BPitch Control)
7. Joey Beltram- 'Disorder' (Rhymatic Rage)
8. Ricardo Vs Jay- 'Contexterrior' (White)
9. Lopazz- 'Blood' (Tiefschwarz Remix) (Output)
10. House Of Fix Ft Circa- 'Lust Pellets' (Fix)
11. Jake Fairley- 'Nightstick' (Rough Trade)
12. Tiefschwarz- 'Ghosttrack' (Continue)
13. Kiko & Stephane D- 'Traxxes' (White)
14. Marc Mirroir- 'Theme Park' (Paso)
15. Black Strobe- 'Chemical Sweet Girl' (Output)
16. Dick Voodoo- 'Wan' (White)
17. Les Mox- 'Ball De Plage' (White)
18. 2raumwohnung- 'Spiel Mit' (Klang Electronik)
19. Fuse- 'F U 2' (White)
20. Dominatrix- 'Sleeps Tonight' (Streetwise)
21. Humanoid- 'Stakker Humanoid' (Westside)
22. Peter Grummich- 'Motorized' (Kompakt)
23. Gigi Galaxy & Magnum Johnson- 'Lips So Sweet' (Time WArp)
24. Gabriel Polomo- 'Lunar Conoisseur' (Edensonic)
25. Outlander- 'THe Vamp' (R&S)
26. Mick Willis- 'War Of The Nations' (Gigolo)
27. DJ Emerson Vs Dave Shokh- 'Stylerockets 1' (White)
28. Hell- 'Bounce My Body' (White)
29. Play Paul- 'La La Land' (International Deejay Gigolo)
30. Funky Funky Music- 'The Highway Stairs' (White)
31. BWH- 'Livin Up' (White)
32. Charlie- 'Spacer' (White)
33. Donna Summer- 'I Feel Love' (White)
34. Experimental SOunds- 'Glowing In The Dark' (White)
35. Digital Emotion- 'Don't Stop' (White)
36. Klapto- 'Mister Game' (White)
37. KLein & MBO- 'Dirty Talk' (White)
38. Mr Flagio- 'Take A Chance' (White)
39. Giorgio Moroder- 'Chase' (White)
40. Alexander Robotnick- 'Problemes D'amour' (White)
41. Cerrone- 'Supernature' (White)

1998-10-18 - Sven Väth, DJ Hell, Marco Carola @ Omen Closing Party, Frankfurt (14 hours) uploaded1, uploaded2, uploaded3, uploaded4, uploaded5
dj hell at watergate - berlin
DJ Hell @ Flex Club - Vienna - Austria 9-10-2007 - rapid

DJ Hooligan:
1995-08-12 - DJ Hooligan @ Tunnel Rave (FFM) - rapidshare

Dj Hyperactive:
Dj Hyperactive @ SHOCKA (AcidHouseNite) 09.20.03.

DJ Mad Wax:
April 2001 Electro Showcase - Mad Wax
February 2001 Electro Showcase - Mad Wax
December 2000 Electro Showcase - Mad Wax
October 2000 Electro Showcase - Mad Wax
Mad Wax versus Lex - Live @ Afrodiziak Afterparty
Drexciya Megamix - Mad Wax
Dynamixx II Megamix - Mad Wax
Kraftwerk Megamix - Mad Wax

March 2006 Electro Showcase - DJ Mad Wax
[1] Kraftwerk - The Model - Capital
[2] Red Flag - Russian Radio (Tremont & Webster Remix) - Synthicide
[3] Computer Rockers - Computer Wars - Breakin' Records
[4] Westbam - Terminator - Low Spirit
[5] Bose - Bass Overdrive (Euro Remix) - Rock Well Records
[6] Sem - Area 5 - Electron Industries
[7] Saw Tooth - White Water D'Mixed - Immoral Records
[8] Aaron Carl - Down (Eastside Mix) - Metroplex
[9] Netzwerk Frankfurt - Hot Body (Instrumental) - Psi49net
[10] Memory Boy - There is No Electricity (Disco Mix) - Memory Boy Records
[11] Felix Da Housecat - Glitz Rock - City Rockers
[12] Advent - Visualize - Kombination Research Records
[13] Netzwerk Frankfurt - Hot Body (Accepella) - Psi49net
[14] Corey Hart - Sunglasses at Night - EMI
[15] Netzwerk Frankfurt - Hot Body (Accepella) - Psi49net

Dj Mary:
DJ MARY - "Maximal Archive Vol.1" - uploaded
01. David Keno - Liquid (original mix)
02. Boris Brejcha - Push to play
03. AgnŐs - Hi Murda (LP Edit)
04. Chris Barratt - Red
05. Claudio PRC - Leaving (original mix)
06. Gregor Tresher - A thousand nights
07. Marc Antona - One more sugar
08. Boris Brejcha - Verstaubter fruchtzucker
09. John Gaiser - Withdrawal (original mix)
10. Plastikman - Panikattack (second attack remix)
11. Christian Smith & John Selway - transit time (dubfire remix)
12. Pig & Dan - k-os
13. Teflon - The Wombat
14. Robert Babicz - Milo's groove
15. Shenoda - Okt 31
16. Phunklarique - Introspective (davis and mays other side perspective)
17. Robert Babicz - Sin (Gui Boratto remix)
18. Trentemoller - Physical Fraction
19. Kollektiv Turmstrasse - Milieu
20. Andrew Technique - Be ray ya book hey

DJ MARY – Brija Dot Com Sessions 034 – promo techno set
01.Pratap - Maraka (Peppelino rmx)
02.Deeroy & Miller - Half Second
03.Spiros Kaloumenos - Renegade
04.Roman Zawodny - Underground (Bryant Baker rmx)
05.Stephane Signore - Insane
06.Wehbba - Another Story re-work bootleg rmx
07.Matt Darey - Animal (Pedro Delgardo & James Alexander rmx)
08.Peppelino - Nexus (Reaky rmx)
09.Guayo aka Bryant Baker - Meta La Locura
10.Wehbba & Dj Link - Baggage Excess
11.Adrenaline - Sexmachine
12.Soul Preacher - Coelinha (Axel Karakasis rmx)
13.Hybrid Players - Rock da Beat
14.Killian's - Burn

DJ Misjah:
DJ Misjah - Live @ Mayday 1995 (The Great Coalition)
1995-04-30 - DJ Misjah @ MayDay - Reformation

Dj Ogi:
Ogi live PA Technikola 2 Tesla 07.09.07

Dj Pierre:
DJ Pierre Get Down Saturday Night (March 11, 2006) part1, part2
Dj Pierre - Get Down Saturday Night (March 11, 2006) part1, part2
Dj Pierre - Live @ Werkzeug Kombinat Schmalkalden 28.05.1999.
Dj Pierre Essential Mix 2007-01-14
Rhythm Republic Vs Marshall Jefferson "Move Your Body (Soul Avengerz Mix)"
Simply Recordings
Akabo "Im Not Afraid Of The Future"
DJ Pierre Vs Green Velvet "Acid Traxx 2" DJP Records/Simply Recordings
Thomas Schumacher "The Magician"
DJ Pierre "Time 4 Acid" DJP Records/Simply Recordings
Unknown "Nasty-Dirty"
Marc Houle "Bay Of Flags" Original Mix
Lil Louis "7 Days" Diamond Corp
Lil Louis "Why Fall" Diamond Corp
DJ Craig Alexander "Beautiful"
Rejected "For The People" SA004
Raj Mastered - Unknown
Craig Loftis "Mary Don't You Weep"
Lolita Holloway "Sensation Track" Todd Terry Re-Edit
DJ Pierre Vs Louie Vega "Que Viva Chango" DJP Records/Simply Recordings
Jamie Lewis "Dancin"
Coracao - Unknown
Stephanie MicKray "Tell It Like It Is" Astral Werks
Dennis Ferrer "Church Lady"
Harrison Crump Feat. Ron Carrol "Hold You Close" Hump Records
DJ Pierre Feat. Dawn Tallman "The Spirit" Simply Recordings
MartijnTen Velden & Lucien Foort "Bassification" LF Mix Toolroom Trax
DJ Pierre Feat. DJ Eman "Tha Muzik" DJP Records/Simply Recordings
Thomas Schumacher - Unknown
DJ Remo "Day Bass" Jamayka Records
Master DJ's Vs Housemaster Boyz "House Nation (Max Graham Mix)" Simply
Recordings Promo

2007-01-14 - DJ Pierre - Essential Mix - divshare
1994-02-12 - DJ Professor, RAF, DJ Pierre & Clock - Essential Mix (Media Records Special) - uploaded
DJ Professor
Janet Jackson - Becaue Of Love
Capella - Move On Baby
Spiritual Experience - Stretch My Hand
Jomanda - I Cried The Tears
Zhane - Groove Thang
Simone Angel - Walk On Water
Rozalla - I Love Music
Rrick Morillo - Feeling Hot
Aretha Franklin - Deeper Love

Anticapella - Move Your Body
Bass Bumpers - The Musics Got Me
DJ Pierre - We Gonna Funk
Cultue Beat - Anything
RAF - Just Take Me Higher
Fits Of Gloom - Heaven
Ramirez - El Gallinero
DJ Pierre - Music Is My Life

DJ Pierre
Clubhouse - Light My Fire
Urban Cookie Collective - Sail Away
The Fog - Been A Long Time
Staxx - Joy
East 17 - Alright

Hypnotic Fish - Koyannisquatsi
Spank Spank - Freak It
Deckition - Love Rush
Ramirez - Orgasmico
Visa - Let Me See You Move
Ramirez - El Gallinero
Moratto - La Pastilla Del Fuego
Massive - Heaven In Mind
DJ Scott - Do You Wanna Party

1992 - DJ Pierre @ Kiss 100 FM - megaupload
01 DJ Pierre - Muzik (The Tribal Wild Pitch Mix)
02 Inner City - Praise (Mayday Mix)
03 DJ Pierre - Muzik (The Siren Mix)
04 Joint Venture - Master Blaster (Turn It Up) (Tha Wild Pitch Mix)
05 Phuture - Rise From Your Grave (Wild Pitch Mix)
06 Acid Junkies - Sector 9
07 Robert Armani - Ambulance Two
08 Bizarre Inc?..a Todd Terry dub ...?
09 Rhythim Is Rhythim - The Dance
10 ID
11 Phuture - Acid Tracks

Dj R2:
DJ R2 - Best of X-Trax 001-005 Mixed [1995] - rapid
01. DJ Misjah & DJ Groovehead - X-Pact
02. DJ Misjah & DJ Groovehead - The Club
03. DJ Misjah & DJ Groovehead - Trippin'Out
04. DJ Misjah & DJ Tim - Access
05. DJ Misjah & DJ Tim - Keep Your Love
06. DJ Misjah & DJ Groovehead - Acid Energy
07. DJ Misjah & DJ Groovehead - Psycho City
08. DJ Misjah & DJ Tim - The Switch
09. DJ Misjah & DJ Tim - Purple Road
10. DJ Misjah & DJ Tim - Extravaganza
11. DJ Misjah & DJ Groovehead - Frozen Memories
12. DJ Misjah & DJ Groovehead - Man, Woman, Love

DJ Rolando:
DJ Rolando @ Loft Club Lausanne 25-04-1998
Rolando - The Aztec Mystic Mix ( UR)
BOA Radio Show featuring DJ Rolando
DJ Rolando Club11 Planet Delsin Amsterdam 07-07-2007_Part1. - rapidshare
DJ Rolando @ Planet Delsin - Club 11 - Amsterdam 07-07-2007 part2
1998-07-03 - DJ Rolando - La Boum De Luxe - rapidshare
2001-11-24 - DJ Rolando @ Groove Club, Detroit - megaupload
2002 - DJ Rolando @ DEMF - UR After Party - megaupload
2002-07-14 - DJ Rolando @ Solid LoveParade - Tresor, Berlin - uploaded
2003-08-16 - DJ Rolando @ Stammheim Phönix Festival at Kraftwerk Borken - divshare
2004 - DJ Rolando @ DEMF - megaupload

Dj Rush:
1990 - DJ Rush - Disco And House Mix (DHP 1077) rapid1, rapid2
1996-12-31 - DJ Rush @ Pleasuredome Fantasy - rapidshare

DJ S2 (UR):

Mix de SANTIAGO SALAZAR membre de Uderground Resistance & Los Hermanos
UR DJ S2 (Santiago Salazar) - House mix Sept. 2006
Dj S2 aka Santiago Salazar - March 2007
01. Ican - El Sereno - Ican Productions
02. Kerri Chandler - Oblivion - Soul Heaven
03. Trackheadz - Our Music - NRK
04. Ican - Si Se Puede(Album Version) - Ican Productions
05. Thought Criminal - The Machine - Plan Recordings
06. Drumcell - Brain Wreck - Droid Recordings
07. Studio X - Los Kings Del Mambo - N Fusion
08. Esteban Adame - Maravilla13 - Ican Productions
09. Diego - Pillow Rocker - Kanzleramt
10. Santiago Salazar - Plastic People - Ican Productions
11. Robert Hood - Still Hear - Music Man
12. Teste - The Wipe - Probe Records
13. Roy Ayers - Tarzan (Âme Mix) cd-r
14. Quince - Americana - Delsin
15. Santiago Salazar- Nite Owls - Los Hermanos
16. Ican - Northend (dedicated to Submerge) - Ican Productions

DJ S2 (Planet_e, Los Hermanos, LA) - Trucha Mix
1. Carl Craig - At Les (Paris Live) - Planet E
2. Rennie Foster - Uncharted Quadrants - Xplor Music
3. T. Linder - No Retreat No Surrender - DTM
4. Acid Circus - Deep Deeon - Droid Behavior CD
5. G. Mitchell/DJ 3000 - Alia (Akutour Gaijin RMX) - Motech Limited
6. Peter Horrevorts - Birth - Kanzleramt
7. Aji - Aji - Kif Recordings
8. Marcus Intalex - Red 7(John Tejada RMX) - Revolve:r
9. UR - Technology Gap - UR
10.Kerri Chandler - Vector Graphics - Deeply Rooted House
11.Ican - Trucha - Planet E
12.Hawkeye - Undub - Headinghome Recordings
13.JohNick - Creation - Henry Street Music
14.Santonio - Homilies - Cyren
15.Man Made - Space Wreck - Fragile Records
16.Kerri Chandler - The Machine - Max Trax
17.Robert Hood - Rhythm - Axis
18.As One - Germanium(Revival Mix by Los Hermanos) - Archive
19.UR - Kill My Radio Station(Acapella) - UR
20.Chateau Flight - Baroque - Innervisions

Santiago Salazar Done for RED BULL MUSIC ACADEMY RADIO - megaupload
1. Carl Craig - At Les (Paris Live) - Planet E
2. Rennie Foster - Uncharted Quadrants - Xplor Music
3. T. Linder - No Retreat No Surrender - DTM
4. Acid Circus - Deep Deeon - Droid Behavior CD
5. G. Mitchell/DJ 3000 - Alia (Akutour Gaijin RMX) - Motech Limited
6. Peter Horrevorts - Birth - Kanzleramt
7. Aji - Aji - Kif Recordings
8. Marcus Intalex - Red 7(John Tejada RMX) - Revolve:r
9. UR - Technology Gap - UR
10.Kerri Chandler - Vector Graphics - Deeply Rooted House
11.Ican - Trucha - Planet E
12.Hawkeye - Undub - Headinghome Recordings
13.JohNick - Creation - Henry Street Music
14.Santonio - Homilies - Cyren
15.Man Made - Space Wreck - Fragile Records
16.Kerri Chandler - The Machine - Max Trax
17.Robert Hood - Rhythm - Axis
18.As One - Germanium(Revival Mix by Los Hermanos) - Archive
19.UR - Kill My Radio Station(Acapella) - UR
20.Chateau Flight - Baroque - Innervisions

Santiago Salazar (UR, ICAN, Los Hermanos) - Drama mix
01. Portable - Frizz Buster - Süd Electronic
02. Nubian Mindz vs. C.L. - Love House(dub) - Disco3000
03. Silent Servant - Doom Deferred - Sandwell District
04. Aardvarck - Cult Copy (2000 And One's Chicago Dirt Mix) - Rush Hour
05. Nubian Mindz - Afrika Man - Delsin
06. Corrugated Tunnel - One Night In Barcelona - Elevation
07. Melvin Oliphant - Solara(epic version) - M>O>S Recordings
08. James Kumo - Fluid - Ann Aimee
09. The Pig - Are You...? - Rush Hour Recordings
10. Infiniti - Game One (Orlando Voorn Remix) - Night Vision
11. Etiku Dancer - Soul - Dependent - Etiku World
12. Quince - Sub-01 - Delsin
13. Silent Servant - Disciple to Master - Sandwell District
14. Yuro & Trago - Primary Roots (Redshape remix) - Rush Hour Recordings
15. Clemens Neufeld - Polaris - Giant Wheel
16. Djinxx - Revolver - Delsin
17. Slam Mode - Platonic - Desvio
18. Carl Craig - Future Love Theme - Warner Music (Japan)

DJ Seoul:
DJ Seoul - Spirit of Detroit Mix - detroittechnomilitia.com

DJ Shufflemaster:
1999-06-12 - DJ Shufflemaster @ Fuse - megaupload
2002-05-11 - DJ Shufflemaster @ Tresor rapid1, rapid2, rapid3

DJ Sneak:
199X - DJ Sneak, Roy Davis Jr., L.A. Williams - 91.5 FM WPRK, Orlando (DHP 920) part1, part2, part3, part4
DJ Sneak @ @ Home Cookin' 27-12-2007 - rapid

Dj Sou:
Dj Sou: Real Techno mix
1.Paradroid-Bacteria Peepshow
2.Ibrahim Alfa-Oscub301
3.Daniel Benavente-Buscamos Cornudos
4.Tobias Schmidt-Ping Pong
5.Syntax Error-Florivocal Flapdoodle
6.Bill Youngman-U5
7.Rotorik-(To Ride) Streethawk
8.Michele Fasano-Das Nachher
9.Subhead-Butkins Rage
10.The Aphorism-Sickness
11.Attuk-8 Ball
12.Rotorik-We Shall Overheat
13.Paul Birken-Romper
14.tube Jerk-The Grimp
15.Fugo-One More Time One Or Six
17.Esther Ofei-Da Radio
18.Paul Birken-Grease Trap
19.Mark Hawkins-Stress Head
20.Mark Hawkins-Anon (Michael Forshaw Mix)
21.Bob Brown-Dx

DJ Stingray:
DJ Stingray (Drexciya) - Live @ Bootleg DJ Cafe (19.07.2003)
2003-04-18 - Aphex Twin, Venetian Snares, DJ Stingray (Drexciya) @ All Tomorrow Parties, One World - divshare

Dj Taka:
Taka - 060507 - open in new window
Taka - eatinpeachmix 20060720 - klik
Taka - nopeachextendedmix 20060720 - klik
Taka - formyhommiedreamin 20060822 - klik

Dj Xed:
Dj Xed's Ultimate Megamix Volume 2
00:00 Afrika Bambaataa & Family  Bambaataa's Theme
01:53 Paul Hardcastle  Panic
03:48 Anthony Rother _ Maschinenwelt
05:27 Dopplereffekt  Infophysix
07:19 Dark Vektor  Cyan
08:55 Atomic Nation  Atomic Nation (Parallaxed!)
10:45 Carl A finlow  Ghetto Server
12:18 Dynamic Bass System - Express To Jupiter
14:27 Chris "The Glove" Taylor  Tibetan Jam
15:43 Knightz Of Bass  Da M-Pire (Sideshow Remix)
17:43 Mandroid  Microswitch
19:28 Newcleus  Computer Age (Push The Button)
21:27 Scape One  Retropolitan
22:56 Unn  Reality (Sniper Mode Remix)
25:11 Cli-N-Tel  2030
27:09 Claro Intelecto - Peace Of Mind
28:52 Mas 2008  Straight Into The Future
30:33 Elektronation  Woman-Machine
32:25 Rogue Electric - Subphonic
33:56 Kraftwerk  Expo 2000 (Kling Klang MIx 2002)
35:23 Posatronix  Step Into My Groove
37:04 Arpanet  Illuminated Displays
38:56 Anthony Rother  Describe Reality
40:44 Voigt Kampff  Skinny Cap (Freak Electrique Recap)
42:10 Drexciya  Andrean Sand Dunes
43:43 Klystron  Airvalves
45:09 Boris Divider  Take My Beat
46:34 Dexter  Senderwahl
47:45 Humanoid  Stakker Humanoid (Krafty's Radio Cut)
49:38 Dynamix II  Pledge Your Allegiance To Electro Funk
51:02 Oliver Dodd  Janitorial Bandsaw
52:40 Sbassship  Pre-Existent Future
54:32 Dagobert  On The Run (Sbassship Encryption Remix)
56:17 I.F.O.  Agartha (The City Of Shambala)
57:55 Dr. Break  1983 (Rewish Reminisce)
59:49 Rezult  Spectrtal Subspace
01:55 Keith Tucker  Back From Future
03:44 Transparent Sound  Three Fifty Short
05:59 DMX Krew  Showroom Dummies (part II)
07:49 Mr. Velcro Fastener  Moonbase
10:04 Aux 88  Electro/Techno (Microknox Remix)
12:05 N-Ter & Compound  Space Funk
14:19 Computor Rockers  Green Screen
16:05 Cybernet Systems  First Contact
17:25 Sir Real  Distant Sun
18:44 Outro

Xed & N_ter - Tribute 2 Juan Atkins mix (56 mb)
01. model 500  the passage
02. model 500  no ufo's (d-mix)
03. cybotron  r9
04. cybotron  cosmic cars
05. cybotron  clear
06. model 500  off to battle
07. model 500  time space transmat
08. cybotron  alleys of your mind
09. model 500  the future
10. model 500 - night drive
11. channel one  technicolor
12. model 500  it's time
13. cybotron  cosmic raindance

Xed - Anthony Rother mix
00:00 intro - past represents the future
00:36 biomechanic
04:48 maschinenwelt
09:42 sex with the machines
14:03 basic level
16:44 sven vath  schubduse (a.r.rmx)
19:47 psi city
22:32 trance-europe express
27:51 darkness
30:20 destroy him my robots
34:18 nummeren/computer welt 2
38:19 dude on the street
41:41 hacker
47:21 genstruktur
51:14 little computer people  little computer people
54:22 describe reality
58:20 little computer people - electro pop
61:05 netzwerk florida  earth.wind.fire
65:30 krieg
68:34 don't stop the beat
72:49 dualis
79:31 outro

Xed - Aux 88 mix (70.3mb)
00:00 break it down
02:28 black planet
04:26 technology
07:07 my mind goes into programming
10:00 the countdown
14:49 welcome to avolon
18:05 x-ile
20:43 algorithm
23:33 my a.u.x. mind
27:05 control
30:37 rise of the phoenix
35:25 xeo-genetic
37:56 don't stop it
40:54 play it loud
45:15 electric light
49:32 rhythm by numbers
52:27 i hear rhythms
57:11 synthesizers
62:09 electro/techno
66:52 i need to freak
71:51 computer speaks

Xed - Detroit is the Party Place!
00:00 intro
00:03 model 500 - night drive
02:41 model 500 - the future
05:10 ur - electronic warfare (aux 88 remix)
06:53 cybotron - clear (96 remix)
08:58 aux 88 - technology
12:10 elecktroids - japanese electronics
14:31 le car - fony
16:58 aux 88 - electro/techno
19:38 drexciya - funk release valve
22:29 dj k1 - erase the time
25:08 der zyklus - der tonimpulstest
27:31 posatronix - step into my groove
30:25 d.i.e. - out with the old
33:43 dopplereffekt - technic 1200
35:57 ur - hesitation
38:18 autobot 1000 - dream time space
42:16 dj godfather - future shock
44:36 sekter 17 - communication breakdown
47:22 microknox - transmission
49:37 aux 88 - play it loud
52:10 keith tucker - back from future
54:14 aux men - time travel
56:54 kt-19441 - phenomenon
58:44 posatronix - 142 mph
02:48 x-ile - r u ready
07:05 electric soul - x2
10:26 di'jital - telephatic
12:39 sole tech - back to the future
15:08 mr de - y2k bug
time: 78:19
size: 89,6 MB
rate: 160 kbps

DJ Xed - Exit's Elektrana Stage - klik
00:00 Afrika Bamb. & Westbam pres. I.F.O. – Agartha (The City of Shambala)
04:20 Shiver – Dr. Break
08:04 Anthony Rother – Nummern/Computerwelt 2
10:50 Electro Nation – Fist-man
14:29 Electronic Corporation – Save Your Life
17:33 Dynamik Bass System – Don’t Stop Compute
20:05 Anthony Rother – Don’t Stop The Beat
22:05 Boris Divider – People Love Machines
25:43 Burufunk – Midnight Run
29:37 Dynamix II – Sedona
33:20 Mystic Letter K – Dust
35:25 Little Computer People - Little Computer People
37:20 Marco Bailey & Redhead – Futuristic Elements
40:21 Imatran Voima – Techno Slut (Exzakt vs. Dynamik Bass System Mix)
43:13 DMX Krew – Showroom Dummies part 2
45:03 Aaron Sigmon – Thumpin’ (DJ Fixx Remix)
47:36 Mr. Velcro Fastener – Electric Appliances (Plump DJ’s Vocal Remix)
50:20 Umwelt – Delikant
53:32 Blotnik Brothers – Meta Data
56:15 Sbassship – Time Shadows
59:20 Paul Blackford – Simple Tings
61:16 Blotnik Brothers – In Technology We Trust

DJ Xed - Ultimate megamix vol 2 - klik
00:00 Afrika Bambaataa & Family – Bambaataa’s Theme
01:53 Paul Hardcastle – Panic
03:48 Anthony Rother _ Machinenwelt
05:27 Dopplereffekt – Infophysix
07:19 Dark Vektor – Cyan
08:55 Atomic Nation – Atomic Nation (Parallaxed!)
10:45 Carl A finlow – Ghetto Server
12:18 Dynamic Bass System _ Express To Jupiter
14:27 Chris «The Glove» Taylor – Tibetan Jam
15:43 Knightz Of Bass – Da M-Pire (Sideshow Remix)
17:43 Mandroid – Microswitch
19:28 Newcleus – Compute Age (Push The Button)
21:27 Scape One

DJ Xed - Electric Chill Pill - klik
00:00 Z-Boson – Dopplereffekt
03:13 The Light of Other Days – Scape One
05:08 Starlight – Unn
08:55 Your Trophy – Claro Intelecto
12:18 Passengers – Unn
15:14 Machine – Scape One
18:59 Eniac’s Revenge – Audiowerk
21:50 Basic Level – Anthony Rother
25:58 Infophysix – Dopplereffekt
29:28 Seashell – Subtonal
31:51 Rendered – Silicon Scally
36:23 Life – Unn
38:58 Anomaly – Carl A. Finlow
44:18 Conflict – Carl A. Finlow
49:36 Equilibrium – Carl A. Finlow
53:23 Atom 312 – Dron
59:47 Tetra-Novice – Tevatron
02:35 Peace of Mind – Claro Intelecto
07:12 Parallel Array – Silicon Scally
10:19 Dimensional Glide – Transllusion
16:26 Digits – Scape One
20:46 Andrean Sand Dunes – Drexciya
26:03 Lonely Journey of the Comet Bopp – Shifted Phases
29:35 Le Mouvement – Sterac Electronics
36:00 C To The Power Of X + C To The Power Of X = MM = Unknown – Drexciya

DJ Xed - Lookout Freestyle Mix Vol. 3 - rapid
00:00 - Intro
00:08 - Joyce Sims - Walk Away
02:22 - Monet - My Heart Gets All The Breaks
05:28 - Sa-Fire - Gonna Make It
08:19 - John Jellybean Benitez - Mexican
10:47 - India - Dancing On The Fire
12:18 - Shannon - My Heart's Divined
14:43 - Cover Girls - Inside Outside
16:23 - GT - Not A Second Time
18:18 - Freeez - Pop Goes My Love
20:03 - Sweet Sensation - Take It While It's Hot
25:47 - Neneh Cherry - Kisses On The Wind
27:37 - Connie - Funky Little Beat
30:35 - George Lamond - Bad Of The Heart
32:54 - Information Society - What's On Your Mind
35:28 - Information Society - Walking Away
37:46 - Cynthia - Change On Me
40:27 - Eileen Flores - Touch Me With Your Heart
42:03 - Tony Moran - Who's Sorry Now
44:03 - Giggles - Hot Spot
46:27 - Expose - Come Go With Me
47:47 - Will To Power - Say It's Gonna Rain
49:21 - TKA - X-Ray Vision (Latin Rascals Club Vocal)
52:24 - Johnny O - Highways Of Love
53:59 - Olga - Play Another Song For Me
56:03 - Quadrant 6 - Body Mechanic
58:00 - Jeanie Tracy - Let's Dance
60:08 - Trinere - I Know You Love Me
62:26 - Freestyle - The Party Has Begun
64:20 - Planet Patrol - Play At Your Own Risk
66:06 - Nice & wild - Diamond Girl
68:14 - Rock Force - I Can't Hide
70:30 - Freak Style - Electric Boogie
73:02 - Netzwerk - Robotronic
75:23 - Rockwell - In A Dream

DJ Xed - Mission: Electro MixXed - rapid
00:00 - Intro
00:03 - Silicon Scally - Electrocide
02:11 - Dominance Crushing Crew - Dominance Electricity
04:04 - Midnight Star - Electricity
05:39 - Kraftwerk - Elektro Kardiogramm
07:24 - Twilight 22 - Electric Kingdom
09:39 - DJ I.C.O.N. - Electric Move
11:38 - Music Instructor - Electric City
13:25 - Flying Steps - We Are Electric (BassHeadz Remix)
15:38 - Maggotron - Mission: Electro
19:02 - Autobot 1000 - Electro
21:27 - Aux 88 - Electro/Techno
23:50 - Subphonic - Rogue Electric
26:46 - Members Of Mayday - Electropolis
29:10 - Klangkontakt - Elecktroshock
32:17 - Boris Divider - Electro Invader
35:23 - Little Computer People - Electro Pop
37:31 - Blotnik Brothers - Electro Manifesto
41:48 - Sbles3plex - Under Electro Sound
44:54 - Cybernet Systems - Planet Electro
47:00 - Cybernet Systems - Elektrotek
49:06 - Dynamic II - Pledge Your Allegiance to Electro Funk
51:54 - DJ Xed - Elektro Rays
55:19 - Keith Tucker - Electro Lights
58:06 - Mas 2008 - Electro Caleidoscope
61:08 - TollStio - Unique Summer Electro 2001
63:53 - Scape One - Electro Plasma System
65:29 - Bytecon - Elektroland
68:17 - Aux 88 - Electro Muzik
71:29 - Aux 88 - Electric Light
74:50 - Voice Stealer - Electromotive Force

DJ Xed - Blotnik Brothers MixXed - rapid
00:00 - don't worry you won't dissolve @
04:41 - skit
04:50 - she does the maximum *
07:44 - elapse current loop +
09:25 - taxi simulator 2000 *
12:02 - electro manifesto #
14:53 - this is how it works *
17:58 - tin can @
20:49 - robot kingdom #
23:39 - undualation @
27:39 - depth of field @
30:44 - future visions @
34:15 - ergo +
37:45 - starforce exodus @
41:13 - le monde #
44:52 - masheen song +
48:58 - love song @
52:52 - works original @
57:26 - schlag prallz auf rmxX @
60:34 - meta delta @
64:48 - uranium angels +
69:13 - words of yogi *
72:18 - attention attention #
75:19 - in technology we trust @

DJ Xed - I Am a Masheen - rapid
00:00 - Kraftwerk - The Man-Machine
02:29 - EMS - Rhythmus Machine
04:58 - Aux 88 - Man Or Machine
07:53 - The Hacker - Sleeping Machines
09:48 - DJ Xed - Man Machine
12:28 - Scape One - Machine
14:34 - Anthony Rother - Maschinenwelt
18:40 - Anthony Rother - Sex With The Machines
20:48 - Herbie Hancock - Perfect Machine
22:46 - FPU - In The Future With Machines
24:36 - Dynamix II - Machine Language
26:10 - Bass Potato - Bass Machine (Remix)
27:43 - Novo - The Machine In Love?
29:59 - Mas 2008 - Machine Soul
33:56 - Silicon Scally - Mr. Machine
33:54 - Two Lone Swordsmen - Machine Maid
38:36 - Rude 66 - Machine
41:09 - Gosub - Her Machine
43:30 - Elektronation - Woman/Machine
45:48 - Alpha 606 - The Way Of The Machine
47:29 - Deliquent Dialect - Humanoid Machine
50:08 - Boris Divider - People Love Machines
52:05 - Bass Junkie - Dark Machine
53:45 - Novo - The Machine To Kill!
55:11 - Scape One - Simple Machines
57:01 - Marco Bailey & Redhead - Machinerei
58:44 - Boris Divider - La Hora De Las Maquinas
61:32 - Dynamik Bass System - Robotmachine
64:36 - Mas 2008 - Punished By Machines
67:13 - TecRoc - Boogie Machine
69:13 - Mandroid - Machine Made
71:40 - The Advent - M-Machine
75:11 - Blotnik Brothers - Masheen Song

DJ Xed - Freedom Of Pitch - open i.n.w.
1. Silicon Scally – Rendered
2. Newlceus – Jam On It (Claude VonStroke & Galen Disco Kryptonite Remix)
3. Computor Rockers – Computor Interface
4. Omega II - Sonic Boom (Original Capsule Classic)
5. Cybotron – Clear (Cobblestone Jazz Remix)
6. Dynamik Bass System – We Are Binary
7. General Midi presents Y4K – F.U.N.K.
8. Sound Chasers – Records To Wreck
9. Dark Vektor – Sat
10. Gosub – Fuck Satan
11. Zenobite – Madrid My Beat
12. Mas 2008 – G*E*R
13. Blotnik Brothers – Depth Of Field
14. Boris Divider – Remote Operator
15. DJ Xed – Spectral Subspace
16. Braincell – Cognition
17. Dynamix II – A-5 Style
18. Imatran Voima – Notnin’ But Leechin
19. Deekline & Wizard – Make Your Girl Feel The Bass
20. Volsoc - Easy Edit (My Shoes Hz Too Bad)
21. Nymate Assosiation – Press Stress (Synapse Remix)
22. Stinkworx – Northside Aquapolis
23. N-Ter – Spacefunk
24. Eon – Non Doctor
25. Utilizer – Krypton 85
26. Paul Blackford – Back to Basics
27. Fastgraph – Vsat

Drexciya (UR) mix (3h)

Drexciyan Stingray:
Drexciyan Stingray @ Samurai FM 28-09-2007

Dr. Motte:
Dr. Motte @ Retro Acid Ghent 16.02.2008 rapid1, rapid2

Dry @ Tresor Reopening Weekend - Back in May 07 26-5-2007 part1, part2 - rapidshare



Echoplex @ Rizumu 19-03-2005
Echoplex Live PA 2006 (62 MB)
Niteworks (Echoplex + Damon Wild) Live@Awakenings 2007
NITEWORKS Live Awakenings 2007 - VIDEO 119MB
ECHOPLEX Live Mekka January 2007
Echoplex: {promo} Electro set
Echoplex: {promo} House | Tribal set
Echoplex: {promo} Techno set
Echoplex: Live PA 2006 | 64mb

Eddie 'Flashin' Fowlkes:
1994-06-11 - Deep Space Radio - Supermix Six megaupload1, megaupload2, megaupload3, megaupload4
1994-07-17 - Deep Space Radio - Supermix Six megaupload1, megaupload2, megaupload3, megaupload4
2003-10 - Eddie Fowlkes, Theo Parrish and Norm Talley @ Paradise Massage, Rex Club, Paris megaupload1, megaupload2


2007-10-02 - Electrixx - Live @ VIP Fabrik, Kino International, Berlin uploaded, rapidshare

Dernier mix partagé : Deeper In June (Detroit Techno)
00:00 : Joris Voorn - Revelation
03:10 : Vince Watson - Renaissance
06:05 : The Soul Monkey aka Djinxx - Dirty Pants
09:20 : Martin Buttrich - Full Clip
15:15 : Akabu - Phuture Bound (Ame remix)
21:02 : Faze Action - In The Trees (Carl Craig C2 Remix)
27:20 : Blackfeet & The Soul Monkey - Old fashion love (Blackfeet's Vision)
31:30 : Michel De Hey - Snert (Djinxx's Moods Remix)
36:45 : Hardfloor - Soulful Spirit (Josh Wink Remix)
40:50 : Joris Voorn - The Deep
45:54 : Rennie Foster - Starchild
52:10 : Vince Watson - Everything Changes
57:50 : Matt O Brian - End of the beginning
64:00 : Electronic Resistance - Marvelous night
69:45 : Christian Boree - I against I (Sterac remix)
72:10 : Adam Jay & Brian Kage - Emergence

Emmanuel Top:
Emmanuel Top - Autumn Technomix 01-06-1999
2002 - Emanuel Top - DJ Set E.T. - megaupload



Fabrice Lig:
2007-04-28 - Fabrice Lig @ Les Musiques Synthétiques, Charleroi, Belgium rapid1, rapid2, rapid3

Farley Jackmaster Funk:
Farley Jackmaster Funk - Live On WBMX radio (chicago) - 1987
1984-11-24 - Farley 'Funkin' Keith - S.N.L.A.N.J.C.D.P. (WBMX), Chicago (DHP 1361)
2006-06-30 - Farley 'Jackmaster' Funk @ Jack Fridays, Chicago (feat. Darryl Pandy) - divshare
198X - Farley 'Funkin' Keith - WBMX, Chicago, early 1980's (DHP 1)
1. Billy Frazier & Friends - Billy Who?
2. Skatt Bros - Walk The Night
3. Loleatta Holloway - Love Sensation (Instrumental)
4. Loleatta Holloway - Love Sensation (Acappella)
5. Diana Ross - Love Hangover
6. First Choice - Let No Man Put Asunder (Instrumental)
7. First Choice - Let No Man Put Asunder (Acappella)
8. Phreek - Weekend
9. Tony Cook & The Party People - Get On The Floor (Rock It)

Feebles - Technophilia Type B. Fall 2005 | 74:11 min.
Feebles - Technophilia Type D. Spring 2007 | 79:28 min.

Felix Da Housecat:
1998-08-22 - Felix Da Housecat @ Time Warp 3, Liquid Adrenaline, Toronto directDL1, directDL2
2006-05-24 - Felix Da Housecat @ Springsix Festival, Graz, Austria - uploaded
2007-07-07 - Felix Da Housecat @ Oxegen Festival, Punchestown, Ireland - rapidshare
2007-08-04 - Felix Da Housecat @ Virgin Festival, Baltimore - rapidshare
2007-09-29 - Felix Da Housecat @ The Warehouse Project Launch, Essential Mix - rapidshare
2006-07-16 - Felix da Housecat @ Sensation White - rapidshare
2007-11-17 - Felix da Housecat @ NRG Superclub, Roma - mediafire
2007-07-15 - Felix da Housecat @ We Love Space, Space, Ibiza - rapidshare
2006-08-26 - Felix da Housecat @ Mysteryland rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
2007-09-21 - Felix da Housecat @ The Official Popkomm Night, Arena, Berlin - filesupload
Felix Da Housecat @ Summadayze - Melbourne - Australia 1-1-2008 - rapid
Felix Da Housecat @ We Love Sundays - Space - Ibiza 16-9-2007 - deposit
Felix Da Housecat/DJ Hell-Radio538 Dance Department- 24.2.08 - rapid

Franco Cangelli:
Franco Cangelli - Who Tore Down My House

Frankie Bones:
FrankieBones - Factory 4 - A
FrankieBones - Factory 4 - B
Frankie Bones The_House_of_House_Vol_2_Side_A
Frankie Bones The_House_of_House_Vol_2_Side_B
Frankie Bones - Energy Force - A
Frankie Bones - Energy Force - B
Frankie Bones- Live @ Wonderland 01-28-06
Frankie Bones - Radio2000 2006-17-03.
Frankie Bones @ Quadrant Park - Liverpool 09/20/1990
01). Electro Shock - Mysterious - Unlimited/Flying Italy
02). I Need Walking - David X - Zig Zag/Jocks Italy
03). Atmosphere - Lee Lewis - BCR, Italy
04). Sit On The Bass - Autonation - R&S Belgium
05). Ladies With An Attitude - Epitome Of Hype - Blapps U.K.
06). Where Are They Hiding - Mental Mayhem - Atmosphere U.S.
07). Al-Naa-Fysh (Bones 90 Remix) - Hashim - Injection, Holland
0. Synth It - Revelation - Atmosphere U.S.
09). The Question - Noel - Cutting
10). Free Your Mind - Fozbee & Cooz - Another Sphere U.K.
11). Jump - Michael Kidd Gomez - More Music U.S
12). She Aint Nothing But A Hoe - Mark Imperial - House Nation
13). Bang Bang - Bang The Party - Warrior Dance U,K,
14). Death Of A Kamakaze - Genecide II - Jumpin & Pumpin U.K
15). Technoir (Quartz) - Nato - B Tech, Sweden
16). Time 2 Feel The Rhythm - How II House - Bigshot, Canada
17). Make Noise - Only In The Dark - Profile U.S.
1. Force D'Inquisition - Voltage Control - Antler Subway, Belg.
19). Play It Again - Out Of The Ordinary - Abfahrt
20). System - Force Legato - Abfahrt
21). Technoid - Technoid - New Zone, Germany
22). I Fear The Night - Tyree - Underground, U.S.
23). The Bass Girl - Hardhouse/Todd Terry - Easy Street U.S.
24). Can You Feel The Beat - Nexus 21 (Altern - Smokin Beat
25). Faces Of Horror - Liasons D w/ Can You Feel It - Mr. Fingers

Frankie Bones "Discogs's 19 - 80's Freestyle Classics"
01 - dreaming of love - stevie b
02 - tears may fall - tka
03 - january february - tina b
04 - in my eyes - stevie b
05 - one way love - tka
06 - where are you tonight - coro
07 - only in the night - the voice in fashion
08 - silent morning - noel
09 - don't break my heart - sa-fire
10- arabian knights - the latin rascals
11- mandolay - la flavor (latin rascals remix)
12- macho mozart - the latin rascals
13- diamond girl - nice & wild
14- do you miss me - jocelyn enriquez
15- i do both jay and jane - la rissa
16- movin - marathon
17- running - information society
18- shine eye - the ragga twins
19- bostich - yello
20- keep on dancin - garys gang
21- paranoia - illektric
21- dancer - gino soccio
22- native love - devine (high fashion mix)
23- allnaafiysh - bones 1990 remix - hashim
24- set it off - strafe
25- can you feel it - bones freestyle mix - cls

1 - Shatten Der Finsternis - Evil Concussion
2 - Thomas Schumacher - Red Purple
3 - Henrik B - The Wound
4 - Covert - Rockin To The Beat
5 - A Killa Production - Feelin Acid
6 - UR 033
7 - Paul Jackson - The Push
8 - Sterling Void - Its All Right (Insert)
9 - Triebwerk - Turbine
10- Test Lab - Virtual Funk
11- Agoria - Hors Serie EP

1990 - Frankie Bones @ The Eclipse - erapidshare
1998-08-08 - Jeff Mills & Frankie Bones - Panoramix, Paris mediafire, rapidshare
1990-09-20 - Frankie Bones - Quadrant Park, Liverpool U.K. divshare, rapid1, rapid2
01 - Electro Shock - Mysterious - Unlimited/Flying Italy
02 - I Need Walking - David X - Zig Zag/Jocks Italy
03 - Atmosphere - Lee Lewis - BCR, Italy
04 - Sit On The Bass - Autonation - R&S Belgium
05 - Ladies With An Attitude - Epitome Of Hype - Blapps U.K.
06 - Where Are They Hiding - Mental Mayhem - Atmosphere U.S.
07 - Al-Naa-Fysh (Bones 90 Remix) - Hashim - Injection, Holland
08 - Synth It - Revelation - Atmosphere U.S.
09 - The Question - Noel - Cutting
10 - Free Your Mind - Fozbee & Cooz - Another Sphere U.K.
11 - Jump - Michael Kidd Gomez - More Music U.S
12 - She Aint Nothing But A Hoe - Mark Imperial - House Nation
13 - Bang Bang - Bang The Party - Warrior Dance U,K,
14 - Death Of A Kamakaze - Genecide II - Jumpin & Pumpin U.K
15 - Technoir (Quartz) - Nato - B Tech, Sweden
16 - Time 2 Feel The Rhythm - How II House - Bigshot, Canada
17 - Make Noise - Only In The Dark - Profile U.S.
18 - Force D'Inquisition - Voltage Control - Antler Subway, Belg.
19 - Play It Again - Out Of The Ordinary - Abfahrt
20 - System - Force Legato - Abfahrt
21 - Technoid - Technoid - New Zone, Germany
22 - I Fear The Night - Tyree - Underground, U.S.
23 - The Bass Girl - Hardhouse/Todd Terry - Easy Street U.S.
24 - Can You Feel The Beat - Nexus 21 (Altern8) - Smokin Beat
25 - Faces Of Horror - Liasons D w/ Can You Feel It - Mr. Fingers


Frankie Knuckles:
Frankie Knuckles - Live At The Warehouse (1977)
Frankie Knuckles - Live At The Warehouse (August 1981)
Frankie Knuckles Live at Warehouse Chicago 1982
1986-11-26 - Frankie Knuckles - S.N.L.A.N.J.C.D.P. (WBMX) (DHP 1467)
1993-01-31 - Frankie Knuckles, Hot 97 All Night Dance Party directDL1, directDL2
2004-04-18 - Frankie Knuckles - Def Mix Show - uploaded
2006-07-20 - Frankie Knuckles - Def Mix Show - uploaded
2006-08-17 - Frankie Knuckles - Def Mix Show rapid1, rapid2
2007-01-01 - Frankie Knuckles @ Shine, South Beach, Florida uploaded1, uploaded2
2007-07-14 - Frankie Knuckles @ Exit Festival - EXIT 007, Serbia rapid1, rapid2

1992 - Frankie Knuckles @ Sound Factory Bar (2) (DHP 1207) directDL1, directDL2
Side A
Nu Shooz - Time Will Tell
Deee Lite - Pussycat
The Daou - Surrender Yourself
Black Sheep - Strobelight Honey (Def Version)
Luther Vandross & Janet Jackson - The Best Things In Life Are Free (Def Version)
??? - "ooh yeah"
Frankie Knuckles feat. Lisa Michaels - Rainfalls

Side B
Frankie Knuckles feat. Lisa Michaels - Rainfalls
MK - Burning
Ten City - My Peace of Heaven
Fourth Measure Men - 4 You (Separate Minds mix)
??? - "here comes the music"
Lisa Stansfield - Set Your Loving Free
Tito Puente - Ran Kan Kan

1992 - Frankie Knuckles @ Sound Factory Bar (1) directDL1, directDL2
Side A
Lil Louis - Club Lonely (LP version)
Lil Louis - New Dance Beat
??? - shoo-be-dub
Inner City - Pennies From Heaven
Juliet Roberts - Caught In The Middle (instrumental)
Ten City - Only Time Will Tell
Earth People - Dance
Frankie Knuckles - The Whistle Song

Side B
Soul II Soul - Back to Life (MAW Mix?)
Helen Bruner - Gimme Real Love
The Daou - Surrender Yourself
Desree - Feel So High (Def Mix)
Ten City - My Peace Of Heaven
Clive Griffin – I’ll Be Waiting
Nu Shooz - Time Will Tell

1991-08-04 - Frankie Knuckles @ Sound Factory (DHP 1192) directDL1, directDL2, directDL3, directDL4
Side 1
Sounds Of Blackness - The Pressure
Soft House Company - What You Need
Susan Clark - Deeper
Mike Hitman Wilson ft. Shawn Christopher - Another Sleepless Night (Redzone Mix)
Basscut – I’m Not In Love (Satoshi Tomie Dub 1)
Shirley Murdock - Let There Be Love (Frankie Knuckles Remixes)
Driza Bone - Real Love
Karyn White - Romantic
Sounds Of Blackness - Optimistic

Side 2
Sounds Of Blackness - Optimistic
Robert Owens – I’ll Be Your Friend (Original Def Mix)
DSK - What Would We Do (Hurleys Dub Mix)
Debbie Gibson - One Step Ahead (Masters At Work Underground Mix)
Loop 7 - The Theme
Frankie Knuckles - The Whistle Song
Trilogy - Love Me Forever or Leave Me Not (C&C Dub Of Doom Mix)
Willie Colon - Set Fire To Me
Black Ivory - Mainline

Side 3
Adonte - Feel It
One Way Feat. Al Hudson - Music
Rare Earth - Happy Song Or Dance (Edit)
Virgo - Mechanically Replayed
Sandee - Love Desire
Fingers Inc. - Never No More Lonely
Sounds Of Blackness - The Pressure
Brainstorm - Lovin Is Really My Game (at -8)
Sounds Of Blackness - The Pressure pt2 (version)
Willie Hutch - Brothers Gonna Work it Out (intro)
Sounds Of Blackness - The Pressure

Side 4
Sounds Of Blackness - The Pressure
Two Tons Of Fun - Just Us
Linda Clifford - Runaway Love
Richard Rogers - Cant Stop Loving You
Keytronics Ensemble - You X Me
Driza Bone - Real Love
Shay Jones - Are You Gonna Be There (Hurleys House Mix)
Womack & Womack - Baby I’m Scared Of You
Diana Ross - Its My House

1991-08 - Frankie Knuckles @ Sound Factory directDL1, directDL2
Side A
Ceybil Jefferies - Open Your Heart/Earth People - Dance
Gypsymen - Daylite
Robert Owens – I’ll Be Your Friend (Def Mix)
Roberta Flack - Uh Uh Ooh Ooh Look Out (Here It Comes) (Steve Silk Hurley Mix)
Chaka Khan – I’m Every Woman
Coro - Where Are You Tonight (? – guess)
??? maybe R.S.H. – Got to Have You Now?
Three Generations - Get it off
A Bitch Called Joanna - Long Distance
Fast Eddie - Lets Go

Side B
Fast Eddie - Lets Go
Frankie Knuckles - The Whistle Song
Crystal Waters - Makin Happy
Colonel Abrahams - Music Is The Answer
Willie Colon - Set Fire To Me (Inferno Dub, Latin Jazzbo Mix)
Helen Bruner - Gimme Real Love
Mixmasters - In The Mix
Helen Bruner - Gimme Real Love
Adonte - Feel It
Madonna - Keep it Together

1991 - Frankie Knuckles @ Sound Factory directDL1, directDL2
Side A
Richard Rogers – Can’t Stop Loving You
Sounds of Blackness - Optimistic
Shay Jones - Are You Gonna Be There?
Clive Griffin – I’ll Be Waiting
Sabrina Johnston - Peace in the Valley
Alexander O’Neal - What is this Thing Called Love? (Dee Red Zone Mix)
??? maybe R.S.H. – Got to Have You Now?
Jomanda - Got A Love For You

Side B
Debbie Gibson - One Step Ahead (Masters At Work Underground Mix)
Safire - Taste The Bass (Red Zone Dub Mix)
Robert Owens – I’ll Be Your Friend
C+C Music Factory - Things That Make You Go Hmmm (C&C Classic House Mix)
Georgie Porgie - Let the Music Pump U Up
Pizarro - Suelta Me
Mass Order - Lift Every Voice
Royal House - Party People
Gypsymen - Daylite
DSK - What Would We Do (Hurleys Dub Mix)
Ten City - Superficial People
Frankie Knuckles - The Whistle Song

Frank Lorber:
Frank Lorber @ Omen - Frankfurt (1994-06-04) - megaupload
Frank Lorber @ Klubbers’ Day at Telefónica Arena Madrid 7.4.2007
Frank Lorber @ Klubbers FM 20-9-2007 - rapidshare
Frank Lorber @ 2 Years Cocoon - U60311 - Frankfurt 10-11-2000 - rapidshare
Frank Lorber - live at dome, catania italy 14-10-2006 part1, part2
2006-08-13 - Frank Lorber @ SonneMondSterne rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
2007-01-27 - Frank Lorber, Sebbo @ Airport Würzburg (Clubnacht) rapid1, rapid2, rapid2
2007-04-21 - Frank Lorber, Onur Özer, Cess @ Harpune uploaded, rapid1, rapid2, rapid3

1995-04-29 - Frank Lorber @ Clubnight rapid1, rapid2
1. Tvake Control - BKS (Promo)
2. The Climax - Paperclip People (Open - T008)
3. The Bomb - Bucketheads (Positiva - 12 TIV 33)
4. G.O.D. Limited (Chilly 001)
5. Whisper Deep - One In A Billion (Ladomat 2000 - 2012)
6. Technova - Towa Tei (Elektra 066141)
7. Wild Luv - Roach Motel (Junior Boy’s Own - JBO 24)
8. Celtic Cross - Ian Pooley (Force Inc - FIM 085)
9. Supernatural - DJ Wink’s Rhythmatic Acid Journey (Ovum - OVR 106)
10. The Club - Digital Express (X-Trax - X 003)
11. Access - DJ Misjah & DJ Tim (AURA Surround Sounds - SUSSX 014)
12. Soul Hunter (Secret Knowledge Remix) - Pulse (Harthouse - HH 046R)
13. Lifeforce - Shi-Take (ZOOM 022)
14. 3.1 - Humate (Superstition 2031)
15. Luvly Stuff - Sunrise (Think Green - TG 09)
16. Cygnal - Microbots (Sony Dance Division - Dan 660 872 8)
17. Rotation - DJ Drum (FPIG Productions - FPIG 1217)
18. Hit The Bang - Groove Park (Bonzai - BR 95074)
19. I Believe - Celvin Rotane (Volumex - VOL 95-01)
20. The Way - J. Daniel (Question Of Time - QOT 001)
21. A.C.T. - Remould (Out Of A Limb - OOL 12T)
22. Assault - Daft Punk (SOMA 014)
23. Stepback - Slam (SOMA 021)
24. Rotation - DJ Drum (FPIG Productions - FPIG 1217)
25. Promo - Hardfloor (Harthouse - HH-S-008)
26. Meridian - Havana Hitch (Limbo - LIMB 42LP)
27. Tone - Emmanuel Top (Attack - ATT-V-95 001)
28. Confusion - The Pump Panel (FX 860)
29. Changeling - Tan-Ru (Trelik - TR 1)
30. Supernatural - DJ Wink (Ovum - OVR 106)
31. Drive - Trancesetters (Touché - TOU 9408)
32. Passion - ß (Red 08 27293 20)

Freddy Fresh:
Freddy Fresh LIVE PA @ The Dinkytowner Jan 12th 2007
2007-01-12 - Freddy Fresh @ Dinkytower, Minneapolis directDL, rapid1, rapid2

1998-02-01 - Freddy Fresh - Essential Mix mega1, mega2
The same show was aired on EM 1999-05-23 again.
1. Hidden Rhythm - "Sit Back, Relax" (Nugroove)
2. Hidden Rhythm - "Masked Man" (Butterbeat)
3. Hidden Rhythm - "The All Star Master" (Butterbeat)
4. Warp 9 - "Nunk" (Prisim)
5. C.O.D. - "In The Bottle" (Emergency)
6. Nairobi - "Funky Makoosa" (Streetwise)
7. Book Of Love - "Modigliani" (Sire)
8. Mann Parrish - "Techno Trax" (Rame Horn)
9. Mann Parrish - "Boogie Down Bronx" (Superscoop)
10. Freddie Fresh meets Fat Boy Slim - "Sound Of Milwaukee" (Skint)
11. Nitro Deluxe - "Mental Transformation" (Cutting)
12. Anthony Rother - "Sex With Machines" (Kamslerant)
13. Koto - "Visitors" (Memory)
14. Nancy Martin - "Can't Believe" (Atlantic)
15. MFSB - "Love Is The Message/Love Break" (CBS)
16. Facination - "Don't You Think It's Time" (Vinyl Mania)
17. Jive Rhythm Trax - "untitled" (Jive/Arista)
18. Radio - "Fest Outdoor In Humacou Puerto Rico" (DJ Steffan)
19. Frederico Fresh meets Freska All Stars - "Bedroom Breaks" (white label)
20. DJ Louie Lou - "Bronx Scratch Mix" (white label)
21. Lil' - "Jazzy Jay and Cool Supreme" (B Boy Style)
22. Fantasy 3 - "It's Your Rock" (Specific)
23. Dougy Boys - "Fly Guy" (Capitol)
24. Bad Boys - "K-Love" (Gadgets)
25. Invisible Man - "149th Street Groove" (Butterbeat)
26. Freddie Fresh - "Da Bird" (Butterbeat)
27. Freddie Fresh - "Bonus Beats" (Analog)
28. Information Society - "Running" (Wide Angle)
29. Mona Love - "My Hearts Get All The Breaks" (Ligosa)
30. artist uknown - "Acappella VD1" (white label)
31. Soul Sonic Force - "Planet Rock" (Tommy Boy)
32. Kraftwerk - "Nummern" (Kling Klang)
33. Queen - "The Prophet Song" (Elektra B)
34. C.O.D. - "In The Bottle" (Emergency)
35. Mann Parrish - "Hip-Hop Be-Bop" (Ram's Horn)
36. Korean Children's Chior - "Chunan Samkuri" (Urania)
37. B Boys - "Girls" (Vintertainment)
38. Just Four - "Games Of Life" (Express)
39. Majestic Prod. - "Drop Method" (Majestic Control)
40. M.C. Shan - "Beat Biter" (Bridge)
41. Marly Marl - "Marly Marl Scratch" (NIA)
42. Super Kids - "The Tragedy" (NIA)
43. DJ Phantom - "B Boy Break" (Phantom)
44. Keymatics - "Breaking In Space" (Radar)
45. Imagination - "State Of Love" (Elektra)
46. MC Hollywood - "Hollywood's World" (Abdull-Akbar)
47. Jimmy Spider - "Super Rhyme" (Dazz)
48. Crash Crew - "On The Radio" (Bay City)
49. Disco 4 - "We're At The Party" (Profile)
50. Earth People - "Dance" (Apexton)
51. Innercity - "Groovin' Without A Doubt" (KMS)
52. Carl Craig - "My Machines" (Planet E)
53. Future Sound Of Detriot - "untitled" (white label)
54. Freddy Fresh and Friend - "Misc Sound Effects"
55. Aphex Twin - "Phloam" (R & S)
56. Renegade Soundwave - "The Phantom" (Mute)
57. Aphex Twin - "Dodecca-Heedron" (R & S)
58. Aphex Twin - "Digeridoo" (R & S)
59. Aphex Twin - "Isoprophlex" (R & S)
60. Aphex Twin - "Phloam" (R & S)
61. Aphex Twin - "Quoth" (Warp)
62. Marcus Salon - "Room To Move" (TZ)
63. Subhead 02 - "untitled" (white label)
64. Jeff Mills - "Thera EP" (Axis)
65. P.C.P. - "The Move" (R & S)
66. Joey Beltram - "Energy Flash" (R & S)
67. Air Liquid - "If Ther Was No Gravity" (Rising High)
68. Auto Kinetic - "Googleplex" (Electric Music Foundation)
69. DJ Slip - "Fall Of Jupiter" (Parotic)
70. Aphex Twin - "Polygon Window" (Warp)
71. Joey Jupiter - "Vibe Tribe" (Trick)
72. Mental Overdrive - "Theme Of St. Baffa" (R & S)
73. J.V.C. Force - "Stong Island" (B-Boy)
74. Schooly D - "P.S.K." (Schooly D)
75. Eric B - "My Melody" (Zakia)
76. Dimples D - "Suckapella" (Party Time)
77. Z-3 MCs - "Triple Threat" (Beauty And Beat)
78. Master OC and Crazy Eddie - "Masters Of Scratch" (Next Plateu)
79. Birdsong and Dugout Boys - "The Sucker MC's" (Singh)
80. Troy The Wonderboy And Electric One-Thousand - "Boo Amazing Wonderboy" (Boos Beat-Cobbler Mary Hill Music)
81. Burtis Blow - "AJ Scratch" (Mercury)
82. Spoonie Gee - "Love Rap" (Njoy)
83. Majestic MC's - "Bite On The Duke" (Lemon Twist)
84. KAOS - "Crank Up The Bass - Hobo Scratch" (Island)
85. Jazzy Jay - "Cold Chillin' In The Spot" (Def Jam)
86. Art Of Noise - "Beat Box II" (ZTI)
87. Malcolm McLaren - "World Famous" (Island)
88. Kurtis Blow - "Starlife" (Mercury)
89. Kurtis Blow - "Do The Do" (Mercury)
90. Syl Johnson - "Different Strokes" (7" white label)
91. Pumpkin - "Here Comes That Beat" (Profile)
92. Stady Lattisaw - "Attack Of The Name Game" (Cottillion)
93. M.C.B. - "It's Your Scratch" (Sunnyview)
94. Treacherous 3 - "Get Up!" (Sugar Hill)
95. Malcolm McLaren - "Madam Butterfly" (Carisma)

Future Sound of London:


Ganik - Live @ 1 year MNML.NL 18.06.05 [2005] (171 Mb)
Ganik - Deepmix @ OBO&HOBOS 02.12.05 [2005] (78 Mb)
Ganik - Live @ Deep Mix Residents Party (Mix Club, Moscow, 03.12.05) [2005] (135 Mb)
Ganik - Live @ Exile Light 17.03.06 [2006] (312 Mb)
Ganik - Closing Summer 26.08.06 [2006] (159 Mb)

Gayle San:
1996 - Gayle San & Daz Sound @ Tribal Gathering - megaupload
1999 - Gayle San @ Fuse, 04-09-1999 - rapidshare
2000 - Gayle San @ Nature One - rapidshare
2000 - Gayle San, Steve Mason @ Convex Club, Praque, 08-12-2000 rapid1, rapid2

1996-07-27 - Gemini @ Deep In The Flowers part1
1996-07-27 - Gemini @ Deep In The Flowers part2
1996-07-27 - Gemini @ Deep In The Flowers part3
1996-07-27 - Gemini @ Deep In The Flowers part4

Gene Farris:
1998-06-20 - Gene Farris @ Magic Garden, Paris, Fun Radio
2005 - Gene Farris @ Jimmy Woo, Amsterdam
Gene Farris - Live @ Focus [19.12.2006]
2006 - Gene Farris @ Focus L.A.
2006-12-19 - Gene Farris @ Focus
Gene Farris @ Focus Los Angeles 19-12-2006
Gene Farris @ Jack Fridays - Zentra - Chicago 7-9-2007 - rapidshare
Gene Farris @ Jack Fridays - Zentra - Chicago 7-9-2007 part1, part2, part3 - rapidshare
Gene Farris @ Jack Fridays - Zentra - Chicago 7-9-2007 - uploaded
Gene Farris - Live@MagicGarden200698.
2007-10-10 - Gene Farris @ Stylus, Spy Bar - rapidshare
2002-03-29 - Gene Farris @ iCrunch Mix Show (Soma Records Special) - megaupload
2002-07-19 - Gene Farris @ 5 Days Off, Melkweg, Amsterdam rapid1, rapid2
2003-05-04 - Gene Farris @ Las Palmas, Rotterdam (Partynight) rapid1, rapid2
2005 - Gene Farris @ Jimmy Woo, Amsterdam
2007-10-10 - Gene Farris @ Stylus, Spy Bar - rapidshare
Gene Farris @ Stylus Spybar - Chicago 10-10-2007 - rapid
Gene Farris @ Jack Fridays - Zentra - Chicago 7-9-2007 rapid1, rapid2, rapid3, uploaded

1993 - Gizmo @ Hellraiser - rapidshare
1994-09-03 - Gizmo @ Hellraiser - The Religion - rapidshare

1994-09-03 - Gizmo @ Hellraiser - The Religion rapid1, rapid2
01. The Orb - A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Rules From The Centre Of The Ultraworld (Loving You, Aubrey Mix MK II)
02. Jus' Friends feat Robert Owens - As One (Remix Dub)
03. Willy Morales - Going Back (Garage Zone Mix)
04. TC - 1991 Berry (Re-Fratty Re-Energy Version)
05. The Pleasure Zone - Fantasy
06. Chez Damier - Can You Feel It (New York Dub)
07. Todd Terry - Jazz Anthem
08. KC Flightt - Voices (Original Mix)
09. LDV - Climb The Wall
10. Vision Act - A New Sign
11. Phuture - Rise From Your Grave
12. 909 Bassline - Pleasures
13. Teknoises - Night Warrior
14. Sonik Expander - Introsik
15. DJ Deg - Wax
16. Strong Heads - Frequency Test
17. Face The Bass - Dance 2 The House (Ottomix It Once Again)
18. Cybersonik - Trashing
19. DJ Edge - Compnded
20. Joe Inferno - Tribal Church (Other Mix)
21. [Gizmo live on his sequencer]

Glenn Underground:
Glenn Underground @ Offworld 10-02-2005 part1, part2
Glenn Underground (April 25, 2006) - Retro House Chicago part1, part2, part3
Glenn Underground (June 13, 2006) - Retro House Chicago part1, part2, part3

Glenn Wilson:
2002 - Glenn Wilson - Live @ Z-Bau, Nuerenberg, 08-03-2002 - mediafire
2002 - Glenn Wilson @ Circuito, Brazil, 09-07-2002 - mediafire
2003-11-01 - Glenn Wilson @ Alte Papierfabrik, Rodersdorf
Glenn Wilson - Rhythmlabs Live PA Sampler 2008 - klik

Grandmaster Flash:
Grandmaster Flash - Live @ Zentra, Chicago (6-10-06) - rapid

Green Velvet:
Cajmere aka Green Velvet @ Jack Fridays 03-08-2007 part1, part2 - rapidshare
Green Velvet & Richie Hawtin @ Exit Festival Serbia 15-7-2007 part1, part2, part3 - sendspace
Cajmere @ Jack Fridays - Zentra - Chicago 3-8-2007 part1, part2 - rapidshare
Cajmere @ Jack Fridays - Zentra - Chicago 3-8-2007 - divshare
Cajmere vs Green Velvet @ 15 Years Cajual Records Zentra 14-09-2007 - uploaded
Green Velvet - Live at Awakenings Festival 30-06-2007 - rapidshare
Green Velvet - Live at Automatik Club, Paris France 01-12-2006 part1, part2 - rapidshare
Cajmere Frankfurt Germany_1996 - rapidshare
1998-11-11 - Trevor Rocklciffe, Green Velvet @ Happyland, La Defense, Paris - megaupload
1999-04-23 - Green Velvet, Jeff Mills - Panoramix, Paris
2002-06-21 - Green Velvet - Live @ Acid Wars, Fusion Club, Münster
2006-12-01 - Green Velvet @ Rex Club Paris - Automatik
2007-03-10 - Green Velvet @ Real Tongeren, Belgium - rapidshare

Grovskopa - July 2001 Mix
Grovskopa - Live @ Punish Techno Show (Dublin, Ireland) 25aug2002.
Grovskopa Live PA @ Factory (Valladolid, Spain) 31dec2005.
Grovskopa Live PA @ Conecta (Calahorra, Spain) 22july2006.
Grovskopa Live PA @ Sunstorm (Olomouc, Czech Republic) 26may2006.
Grovskopa Nunc Dimittis MMIV
Grovskopa Re-Emerging
Grovskopa Rodz-Konez Livefeed Set
Grovskopa Live at Radio Akropolis 17-03-2006
Grovskopa live @ Emergence Studios 29jul2002
GROVSKOPA @ Transmission 06 ( 02-12-2005 )


Hardfloor @ Hessentag 2004 - The Techno Edition, 19.06.2004.
Hardfloor @ Nature One - Now Or Never - Poland 18-8-2007 - xirror
2006-11-22 - Hardfloor (Live) - Fusion Radio - rapidshare
Hardfloor Presents X-Mix - Jack The Box - klik

1994-11-19 - Hardsequencer @ Rave Satellite mediafire, rapidshare
1995-06 - Hardsequencer @ Rave Satellite rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
1998-04-30 - Hardy Hard @ MayDay - Sonic Empire - rapidshare
Hardsequencer - Live @ Rave Satellite - 19.11.1994. - mediafire

Heartthrob @ Kiosk 11/05/07. 127mb:
Heartthrob @ Kiosk - Lille - France 11-5-2007

Heiko Laux:
Heiko Laux @ Fuse, 03-04-1999 - megaupload
2001 - Heiko Laux @ Hr-xxl Nightgroove - mediafire
Heiko Laux @ Raumklang - Berlin - 31.05.2006
Heiko Laux - Dj Set at Full Spectrum, Eindhoven NL 07-10-2006 - rapidshare
Heiko Laux - Dance under the blue Moon 25-11-2006 - megaupload
Heiko Laux @ Mysteryland 25-8-2007 - klik
2001-02-17 - Alexander Kowalski (Live), Heiko Laux @ WMF, Berlin
2003-02-01 - Heiko Laux, Diego & Alexander Kowalski @ Kanzleramtnacht, Tresor - uploaded
2004-07-03 - Heiko Laux @ Awakenings - rapidshare
2007-08-14 - Heiko Laux @ Flex, Vienna - uploaded
Heiko Laux @ Anticlub - Rechter - Eindhoven 15-12-2007 - rapid


Ian Pooley:
1996-08-31- Ian Pooley @ Tribehouse, Neuss - filesupload
2001-02-10 - Naughty, Ian Pooley @ Fritz - My House is Your House rapid1, rapid2
2001-02-17 - Ian Pooley, Boris Dlugosch @ German Dance Award (Sputnik) - rapidshare
Ian Pooley @ Club Risk, 12-05-2002 - divshare
2005-02-26 - Ian Pooley - Big City Beats - rapidshare
2007-07-20 - Ian Pooley @ Jack Fridays, Zentra, Chicago - rapidshare
2007-09-21 - Ian Pooley - Warm Up, JustMusic.FM depositfiles, rapid

2007-08-25 - Ian Pooley @ Museumsuferfest, Frankfurt, Clubnight - uploaded
1. 23:24 Uhr Studio R feat. Capitol A - A&R (Llorca Rmx) (Compost - CBLCD002 )
2. 23:28 Uhr Square One - Vesuvius (Justin Martin's 'I Hope It Doesn't Blow Mix') (Freerange - FR 081)
3. 23:31 Uhr Pete Doyle pres. The Rock Solid All-Stars - What God Has Chosen (Jimpster Main Mix) (Defected - DFTD 154)
4. 23:35 Uhr Eddie Amador - House Music (Ian Pooley's Free Spirit Mix) (Urban - URBDJ 2003)
5. 23:40 Uhr Stacy Kidd feat. XL - The Movement (Video Mix) (Defected - DFTD 155)
6. 23:43 Uhr Jamie Anderson - Time Is Now (Radio Slave Panorama Garage Rmx) (NRK Sound Devision - NRK 122)
7. 23:48 Uhr Ian Pooley - Samo Iluzija (Pooley's New Mix) (Pooledmusic - PLD 011)
8. 23:52 Uhr DJ T. - Queen Lucid (Get Physical - GPM 046)
9. 23:55 Uhr Roísín Murphy - Overpowered (Seamus Haji Rmx) (EMI - 12 EM 725)
10. 00:02 Uhr Elmar Schubert - Viladomat (Polyphonics - PR 09)
11. 00:04 Uhr Suite 117 - Smaller (Original Deflect Mix) (Yoshitoshi - YR 129)
12. 00:09 Uhr Feist - My Moon My Man (Boys Noize Classic Rmx) (Polydor - FMOON VP 1)
13. 00:11 Uhr Steve Angello & Sebastian Ingrosso - Umbrella (Happy Music - HAP 070-6)
14. 00:17 Uhr Vorsprung - Worth The Wait (Dave Spoon Rmx) (Brickhouse - BH 030)
15. 00:22 Uhr Kurd Maverick - Let's Work (Dub Mix) (Kontor - K 611)
16. 00:29 Uhr Sono - Blame (Bodzin / Huntemann Remix) (Play It Again Germany - 5564749130)
17. 00:32 Uhr Bobby Peru - Erotic Discourse (Live Style Re-Version) (20:20 Vision - VIS 138)
18. 00:37 Uhr Tonka - Blow Up Tune (Promo - Promo)
19. 00:41 Uhr Ian Pooley - Celtic Cross (T'n'I Revival Mix) (Pooledmusic - PLD 013)
20. 00:47 Uhr Léger & Lake - Aqualight (Royal Flush - RF 057)
21. 00:51 Uhr Chiapet - Westworld (Skylark Mix) (541 - 541416 501297)

1994-02-26 - T'n'I Force Inc DJ Team - Ian Pooley & DJ Tonka @ Clubnight rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
1. If There Was No Gravity - Air Liquide
2. Selurian Sea – Ultrahigh
3. In the City – Ultrahigh (Force Inc – Promo)
4. 0.6.9. (Force Inc – Promo)
5. The revenge of the maya gods – Ultrahigh (Force Inc – Promo)
6. We call it Acid – Mike Ink (Force Inc – Promo)
7. 5 years on acid – Mike Ink (Force Inc – Promo)
8. House arrest (Force Inc – Promo)
9. Bass Terror – Alec Empire (Force Inc – Promo)
10. Just make it fast – Alec Empire (Force Inc – Promo)
11. Gun Fire – Alec Empire (Force Inc – Promo)
12. Digilogic – Russ Gabriel (Force Inc – FIM VS 1)
13. Siege of Darkness – Age (Force Inc – FIM 050)
14. All that I need is to be loved – Moby (Elektra – 066245)
15. The Wipe – Teste (PRO 17)
16. Acid Report – Greyhawks (DJAX 2408)
17. Blanche – Purple Blejade (DJAX 2912)
18. Train Trac – Fuse (Warp 38)
19. Free the feeling – Ellis Dee (New Dimension)
20. Atlantis – Eric Serra (Virgin – 70867)
21. Relapse – Mad Dog II (UDR 002)
22. Confusion – The Razorback (FDR DJ 12-02)
23. Fire & Ice – Mad Axe (WAFT 3)
24. Phophenia – Drax (Trope 005)
25. Like A Tim – Freak Funk (Djax Up 190)
26. Ambulance – Robert Armani (DM 069)
27. Let´s groove – S. Morell (Strictly Rhythm – 122000)
28. Wild times – De-Lite (Circo – YRTX 35)
29. Invertia – Inice Box (Jbox 18)
30. Limited Edition – Ian Pooley (Force Inc – Promo)
31. Edith – Biochip C (Force Inc – Promo)
32. Electrage – Marco Micheli (Ooh)
33. Black moon rising – Scant (Underground Resistance – UR 027)
34. What's function – Sneaky Tim (DM 057)
35. Diatomic (DT 007)
36. Superphreak – DB (PF 015)
37. Minimal Nation – Robert Hood (AX 007)
38. Meditation – DJ Chrystl (DOX 6010)
39. Judgement day – Fusion (KM 008)
40. Let´s go – Kid Andy (BOG)
41. 6 Million Ways To Die – DOX Type (Ramm 008)

Ian Pooley @ You FM Clubnight 29-12-2007 rapid1, rapid2

Inigo Kennedy

Inigo Kennedy - Livefeed Transmission 10
Inigo Kennedy - radio2000.2005-09-09.
Inigo Kennedy @ Invader-30.12.06
Inigo Kennedy - February 2005 Mix
loop - groove station #3
hardcell - zinc lp02
inner city - ahnonghay (dave clarke rmx) - six6
hardcell - zinc lp02
tim taylor & dj slip - fear of music 001
mimetic - on the other side - hands b017
jamie ball - turning point 002
hardcell - zinc lp02
mimetic - on the other side - hands b017
jamie ball - turning point 002
autechre - basscadet (beaumonthannanttwomx) - 10wap044
steve bicknell - lost 001
pump panel - to the sky - missile 002
herod - rodz konez 002
planetary assualt systems - planetary funk vol.1 - peacefrog 012
outline - blueprint 001
suibom serum - insert 002
jamie bissmire - ground 004
inigo kennedy - asymmetric test texture 002
jamie bissmire - ground 004
aphex twin - d-scape - wap39
steve bicknell - lost remixes 001
inigo kennedy - asymmetric 007
inigo kennedy - asymmetric test texture 001
utility plastics 004
inigo kennedy - asymmetric 002
jeff mills - phase 4 - waveform transmissions vol.1
inigo kennedy - asymmetric 001
olga + josef 004
jeff mills - the hacker - waveform transmissions vol.1
ruminege - fast food - uff 003
jamie ball - turning point 007
birdland - the dj edits vol.1 - ed 001
british murder boys - lino 029
birdland - the dj edits vol.1 - ed 001
inigo kennedy - fear of music 004
inigo kennedy - asymmetric 012
inigo kennedy - fear of music 004
inigo kennedy - asymmetric 012

Inigo Kennedy Techno Mix April 2005
reeko - sangre - evidence 001
afx - analord 003
reality or nothing - spares game - housewerk 005
afx - analord 003
fear of music 001
fear of music 002
morganistic - fluids amniotic
fear of music 002
morganistic - fluids amniotic
hiroaki lizuka - coda 006
kenneth graham - spectral 002
morganistic - fluids amniotic
dbx - losing control (carl craig remix) - peacefrog 025
robert hood - minimal nation - axis 007
robert hood - minimal nation - axis 007
jeff mills - contactspecial
phase - inceptive 004
jeff mills - contactspecial
phase - inceptive 004
makaton - rodz-konez 006
phase - inceptive 004
makaton - rodz-konez 006
insert 001
mosquito 005
insert 001
plastikman - helicopter
afx - analord 004
plastikman - gak (remix)
reeko - sangre - evidence 001
funiya tanaka - unknown possibilty vol.2
funiya tanaka - unknown possibilty vol.2
jeff mills - highlightspecial
jamie ball - turning point 005
surgeon - electronically tested

Inigo Kennedy Deep Mix July 2005
monolake - ml014
james t cotton - spectral 018
monolake - ml014
elektrabel - mission 04
monolake - ml014
elektrabel - mission 04
james t cotton - spectral 018
elektrabel - mission 04
james t cotton - spectral 018
mystery - skam 027
james t cotton - spectral 018
mystery - skam 027
polygon window - audax powder
afx - analord 11
polygon window - quoth
kraftwerk - the model
curve - falling free (aphex twin rmx)
kraftwerk - spacelab
deepside - french
mike parker - geophone 010
jeff mills - growth - axis 010
mike parker - geophone 010
jeff mills - growth - axis 010
mike parker - geophone 010
jeff mills - growth - axis 010

Inigo Kennedy Techno Mix August 2005
afx - analord 09
ur - the return of acid rain - ur 024
damon wild - subtractive synthesis ii - synewave 016
jamie bismire - ground plans
deputy dawg (luke slater) - peacefrog 053
chris sattinger - synewave 017
dj powerout - synewave 014
joey beltram - game form
martyn hare - emetic 008
joey beltram - caliber
surgeon - first
james ruskin - blueprint 004
diego hostettler - kanzleramt 048
chris mccormack - locked
bitish murder boys - counterbalance 012
afx - analord 10
elektrabel - mission 04
reducer - instillation 018
diego hostettler - kanzleramt 048
jeff mills - purpose maker 003
reducer - instillation 017

Inigo Kennedy Techno Mix September 2005
heiko laux - there is no return - uturn 008
richard polson - surface 007
apathism - uturn 010
patrick pulsinger - dogmatic sequences vol.ii
system 7 - interstate (exploding plastic main line) - butterfly 030
abelde ep - surface 009
metier - coda 003
apathism - uturn 010
oliver ho - meta 002
inigo kennedy - asymmetric 009
oliver ho - meta 002
inigo kennedy - asymmetric 006
james ruskin - blueprint 008
inigo kennedy - asymmetric 012
inigo kennedy - asymmetric 005
inigo kennedy - asymmetric 012
inigo kennedy - asymmetric 009
inigo kennedy - asymmetric 005
outline meets surgeon - blueprint 007
afx - analord 7
outline meets surgeon - blueprint 007
bauri - evs5:04
jeff mills - very - axis 016

Inigo Kennedy Techno Mix January 2006
lusine - still frame - [gi037]
surgeon - klonk b1 - [dtr010]
monolake - invisible - [ml013]
surgeon - klonk b2 - [dtr010]
joey beltram - caliber - [wap047]
33 1/3 queen - searchin' - [tu003]
dave clarke - protective custody (exar remix) - [rel9403]
armando - untitled - [?]
dave clarke - zeno xero - [rel9403]
armando - world unknown - [?]
depeche mode - world in my eyes (dub in my eyes) - [l12bong20]
curve - falling free (aphex twin remix) - [curved001]
psapp - difficult key - [melo020]
reality or nothing - b1 - [hr005]
surgeon - circles - [tresor096]
oliver ho - the first - [surface001]
surgeon - the heath [tresor096]
james ruskin - the chase - [bp017]
jeff mills - cubango - [pm004]
aphrohead - in the dark we live (dave clarke's 313 remix) - [rel9402]
jeff mills - vertical - [axis008]
inigo kennedy - b1 - [asy007]
ian j richardson - b1 - [dn003]
lusine - ask you - [gi037]
ian j richardson - a1 - [dn003]
lusine - still frame (in reverse) - [gi037]
inigo kennedy - a1 - [fear004]
james ruskin - take control (surgeon remake) - [bpl001]
inigo kennedy - a2 - [asy007]
x102 - dione - [tresor004]
robert hood - untitled - [mplant307-1]
ignitian technician - loop - [ergo003]
dj funk - fuk-u-later (69 mix) - [dj003]
inigo kennedy - untitled - [unreleased]

Inigo Kennedy @ Aixa Galiana - Avila - Spain 14-7-2007 - klik
Inigo Kennedy - Radio 2000 9.9.2005 (73 MB)
Inigo Kennedy - Aixa Galiana, Avila Spain 14.07 2007 (118 MB)
Inigo Kennedy - techno mix 01.01 2006 (71.3 MB)
1996 rapid1Inigo Kennedy - Fosters Ice Breaker, Kiss 102 FM, Manchester, rapid2

Ivan Komlinović:
Ivan Komlinovic Live @ Lazareti, Dubrovnik 29.11.2003


Jacek Sienkiewicz:
2004-07-03 - Jacek Sienkiewicz @ Awakenings - rapidshare
2005-07-26 - Jacek Sienkiewicz @ Project East Goes Crazy @ Flex, Vienna - rapidshare

James Ruskin:
James Ruskin - Live at Discar 05-01-01
James Ruskin @ Fuse 01.09.2001
OVR aka James Ruskin & Regis @ Radio Show 30-11-2005
James Ruskin at Full Spectrum Effenaar 04_11_2006
James Ruskin - Blueprint Mix
James Ruskin & Regis - Master Mix vol.2 - 2007
James Ruskin Live at La Rocca Ballroom Lier 01-05-1999 - rapidshare
2003-02-15 - Oscar Mulero, James Ruskin @ Big Bang Festival - divshare
James Ruskin vs. Regis @ Awakenings Festival, 03-07-2004 - rapidshare
2004-07-03 - Regis, James Ruskin @ Awakenings - rapidshare
2003-02-15 - Oscar Mulero, James Ruskin @ Big Bang Festival - divshare
James Ruskin vs. Regis @ Awakenings Festival, 03-07-2004 - rapidshare
2004-07-03 - Regis, James Ruskin @ Awakenings - rapidshare
James Ruskin - Live at Planet Rose Nijmegen 12/01/2008 rapid1, rapid2

Jamie Lidell:
2001-10-11 - Jamie Lidell - Live @ Neue Heimat, Stuttgart - rapidshare
2002-05-25 - Cristian Vogel & Jamie Lidell @ Tresor - uploaded
2005-06-17 - Jamie Lidell @ Sonar Festival - uploaded
Jamie Lidell:
Jamie Lidell @ Op Lowlands 2002
Jamie Lidell @ Die Lounge 2001

Jason S:
Jason_S - Escape from Chicago part 1
01.Jason S - Intro: Stuck in a timezone part 1
02.Lil' Louis - The original video clash
03.Phuture - Acid trax
04.Bam Bam - Where's your child?
05.Hercules - 7 ways (vocal)
06.Secret Secret - We came to jack
07.Jack E Makossa - The opera house
08.House People - Godfather of house (club version)
09.Steve "Silk" Hurley - Jack your body
10.Adonis - We're rocking down the house
11.Sleezy D. - I've lost control (space mix)
12.Marshall Jefferson & On The House - Move your body (house music anthem mix 1)
13.Phortune - Can you feel the bass (can you groove me)
14.Robert Owens - Bring down the walls
15.Sweet D - Thank ya
16.On The House - Pleasure control
17.The House Master Boyz & The Rude Boy Of House - House nation
18.Slick Master Rick - Halloween house
19.Terry Baldwin - Housemaster
20.Chip E. - Time to jack
21.Julian "Jumpin" Perez - Jack me till i scream (jumpin' mix)
22.Jackmaster Dick - Jack the dick (S.M.M.F.D.)
23.Tyree - Acid crash (house mix)
24.Adonis - No way back
25.Denise Motto - I M N X T C
26.Armando - 100% of disin' You (Mike Dunn's houze mixx)
27.Steve Poindexter - Work that mutha fucker
28.Armando - Land of confusion
29.Mike Dunn - So let it be house
30.Ron Trent - Altered states

Playing time 01:08:35
DOWNLOAD MP3 @ 192 kbps (94.2 MB)

Jesper Dahlback:
Jesper Dahlback - Awakenings Festival Amsterdam 12-04-2004 - rapidshare

Jay Denham:
Jay Denham - Live at Tresor Closing Berlin, Germany 04-07-2005 - rapidshare
Jay Denham @ Awakenings Festival 30-6-2007 - rapidshare
Jay Denham @ Awakenings Festival 30-6-2007 - rapidshare
Jay Denham lugner city vienna 2004 - rapidshare
2000-01-16 - Jay Denham @ Fuse - megaupload
2000-04-08 - Jay Denham @ Time Warp - rapidshare
2005-11-25 - Jay Denham & Robert Hood @ Rote Sonne Club, Munich - klik
2007-07-28 - Daniel Bell, Jay Denham, Beatnik @ Rote Sonne Club, Munich rapid1, rapid2, rapid3, rapid4, rapid5
2007-10-12 - Dave Clarke, Jay Denham, Lester Jones @ Rote Sonne Club uploaded1, uploaded2

Jeff Amadeus:
Jeff Amadeus - Squats Records very own... Tribal Techno at his best

Jeff Benett:
Jeff Bennett @ Taster 25-02-2006
01: Mesak - Perfect Day mesak mix - ?
02: Phonique & Rameau : Good Idea : Poker Flat
03: Josh Wink : Thick As Thieves : Poker Flat
04: Sweno N & Nik Felice - Black Sun (Monoroom Remix) - Parquet
05: Ozgur Can - Escape (Version 8) - Furry Music
06: Trick & Kubic ft. Valeska - Believe - GreatStuff
07: David K - Incoming (Motorcitysoul Mix) - Tsuba
08: Jeff Bennett - MultiPass (Minimix) - Frosty Minimal
09: Pitch & Hold - Ceres - Love Triangle
10: Wacker & Zittrich - Rough Collies - Meerestief

01: Plasmik - Eight to nine - Connaisseur
02: Dub Taylor - Cruiser - Manual Music
03: Komytea - Soldiers Of Karkadu - Laka
04: Mowbray & Sullivan - Lost In The Tropics (Matthias Tanzmann Rmx) - Four Twenty
05: Misstress Barbara - Come Back - Iturnem
06: Jeff Bennett - Ghoramara - Kung Fu Dub
07: Jeff Bennett - Snow Diving - Kung Fu Dub
08: Super Flu - Hallo Zeit - KarateKlub
09: The Viewers - Blank Images - Poker Flat
10: Mikael Weill - Silmarions (Claude Von Stroke Mix) - True To Form

01: Minimal Oddz - 5th Oddz - Kung Fu Dub
02: Dan Berkson & James What - Cantina - Poker Flat
03: Opus Ink - Darkroomboot - Saw Rec
04: Minimal Oddz - 6th Oddz - Kung Fu Dub
05: H-man - 51 Poland Street - Giant Wheel
06: Meissner Heerhorst - Partikelpumpe - Kompass
07: Jeff Bennett - Plumes - Kung Fu Dub
08: Kevin Gorman - Quirk - Mikrowave
09: Jussi Pekka - Let It Go - Audiomatique
10: Da Fresh - Tattoo - Freshin

01: Jeff Bennett - BoneBack - Kung Fu Dub
02: Dan Berksson & James What - Cantina - Mezcaline Circus
03: Roberto Rodriguez - Moonraker (Phonique mix)
04: Shtanga - Minikin - Disoma
05: Jeff Bennett - Sediment - Kung Fu Dub
06: Solee - Impressed (Yassin & Arne mix) - Parque
07: Jeff Bennett - InSpite - Kung Fu Dub
08: Elias Landberg -Loopfunctional - Mezzotinto
09: Jeff Bennett - Reinforcing - Kung Fu Dub
10: Minimal Oddz -3rd Oddz - Kung Fu Dub

01: Steve Bug - Wet - Poker Flat
02: Jeff Bennett - Instant Need - Kung fu Dub Recordings
03: Lissat & Voltraxx - Arschkatzen - Evil Hinko Remix - Perc Trax
04: Lee Burridge & Steve Porter - Dirty Panty Ho Wrestler - Almost Anonymous
05: Jeff Bennett - Permanent - Kung Fu Dub Recordings
06: Holy Ghost Inc - Mad Monks On Zinc (Adultnapper remix) - Reborn
07: Babak Shayak - Azadi (Jussi Pekka Remix) - Pesto
08: Dark Cabin - Thought It Was Madness - Radio Science
09: Williams - The Shivering (Romboy & Bodzin Remix) - Love Triangle Music

01: Diringer - Topolio(Diringer&Namito mix) : Kling Klong
02: Martin Buttrich : Cloudy Bay : Poker Flat
03: Lee Burridge & Dan F : Tream em mean keep : Almost An.
04: Traffic Signs 06 : Back on Crack : Traffic signs
05: Pardoal & Van Hilst : Hello Egg : Manual Music
06: Rbbq : Xhim mix : Meerestief
07: Jeff Bennett : Diverting the Box : Kung Fu Dub Rec
08: Jeff Bennett : Delving : Kung Fu Dub Rec
09: Da fresh : Electronic Supafreak (Robert Babicz mix) : Freshin
10: Stian Klo & Dumb Dan : Burk Chef resilience : Dumber
11: Amox & Atle : A Witch's Kiss (Ink & Needle rmx) : TicTacToe

01: Diringer - Influenza - Kling klong
02: Traffic signs - Inflitrate - Traffic signs
03: Minimal Oddz - 4th Oddz - Kung Fu dub
04: Aril Brikha - Groove la chord - Transmat
05: Alex under - Aditah la granjerita - Trapez
06: Gabriel Ananda - Doppelwhipper - Platzhirsch Schallplatten
07: John Tejada - Asenebo - Poker flat
08: Jussi Pekka - Federal escape - Frozen north
09: Rekorder - rekorder 5.1 - Rekorder

2007-11-25 - Jeff Bennett - Hardwired - rapidshare

Jeff Mills:
Jeff Mills - Live at Roxanne Wars 1985-86 (part 1/2)
Jeff Mills - Live at Roxanne Wars 1985-86 (part 2/2)
Jeff Mills - Live on WJLB4 (1986)
Jeff Mills - Live on WJLB12 (1989)
The Wizard at WJLB
The Wizard at WJLB (disc 9)
Jeff Mills - Live @ Mayday 1993 (Judgement Day)
Jeff Mills Live @ Studio Club Detroit 13.12.1994. - rapidshare
Jeff Mills - mix up vol.2 (live mix @ liquid room Tokyo) part1, part2, part3.
Dave Clarke - Jeff Mills vs Dave Clarke
Jeff Mills - special 1995 set on rave sattelite radio 30 nov 2002 - rapidshare
Jeff Mills Hexagona Bourges France 1997_04_19.
Jeff Mills in Lund, Sweden, 06-05-1999
Laurent Garnier & Jeff Mills - Live @ I Love Techno 06-11-1999
Jeff Mills & Richie Hawtin - I Love Techno 2000 - megaupload
Jeff Mills @ WIRE 01 Yokohama Arena - Japan (08-09-01)
Jeff Mills - Mayday 2001 (30 MB)
Jeff Mills - Live at Hafentunnel (Frankfurt)
Jeff Mills - Essential Mix
Jeff Mills & Laurent Garnier @ Switch 17-09-2004 - megaupload
Jeff Mills @Wire Super Arena Saitama Japan (31-08-2002)
Jeff Mills Live @ Wire 03 Saitama Super Arena,Tokyo 30.08.2003
Essential Mix - Slam, Jeff Mills (Live -2006.07.09 - Part 1: - rapidshare
Essential Mix - Slam, Jeff Mills (Live -2006.07.09 - Part 2: - rapidshare
Jeff Mills - 2006-06-14 - Live @ Sonar, Barcelona ES
Jeff Mills @ urban art forms 2006.08.05
Jeff Mills @ Sonar 2007 - mediafire
Jeff Mills - Live @ Hart Plaza (Main Stage) 28-05-2007 - rapidshare
Jeff Mills @ The Loft Barcelona Three Ages Tour 10-02-2005 - megaupload
Jeff Mills - Live_Innercity_Ii_11-12-99 - rapidshare
Jeff Mills @ Club Studio 13-12-1994 - rapidshare
Jeff Mills @ Metissages Couleur 3 22-01-1997 - klik
Jeff Mills @ Hexagona Bourges 19-04-1997 - klik
Jeff Mills - Essential mix 07-06-1998 - klik
Jeff Mills @ Hexagona Bourges 19-04-1997 - klik
Jeff Mills @ Tresor 14-12-2000 - klik
Jeff Mills @ Rex Club 20-04-2000 - klik
Jeff Mills @ Tresor 27-09-2001 - klik
Jeff Mills @ Skyrock 5-4-2003 - klik
Jeff Mills @ Club Studio 13-12-1994 - rapidshare
Jeff Mills @ Hexagona Bourges 19-04-1997 - klik
Jeff Mills @ Metissages Couleur 3 22-01-1997 - klik
Jeff Mills - Essential mix 07-06-1998 - klik
Jeff Mills @ Hafentunnel-Rave Phase 2 Cocoon Club 13-08-2000 - divshare
Jeff Mills - Live at Kozzmozz 13-04-2001
Jeff Mills - Live At Sonar Festival 2003
01 ID
02 Dr.Martin Luther King Jr [Acapella]
03 Danilo Vigorito - Knap [Relentless - REL 011]
04 Millsart - Step To Enchantment (Stringent) [Axis - AX 004]
05 DJ Rush - Get On Up [Pro-Jex - PROX 037]
06 Headroom - Ride The Treshold [Synewave - SW 53]
07 Joel Mull - Still Here [Spirit Fuel - SF 03.12]
08 Jeff Mills - Actual (B1) [Axis - AX 009 CD]
09 Mark Broom - Sudden (Deetron Remix 1) [Speaker Attack - SP 020]
10 ID
11 Kalpa - Looters [Pure Plastic - PP 045]
12 Rue East - Remove [Rewired - RW 005]
13 ID
14 Jeff Mills - The Extremist (Retro Mix) [Tresor - 23]
15 The Advent - Temptation [Tresor - 195]
16 ID
17 Rumenige ft. Loktibrada - Der Die Das [Tresor - 204]
18 Reducer - Nude (A2) [Instillation - INS 03]
19 Aural Emote - Third Eye (A2) [Symbolism - SYM 003]
20 DJ Funk - Work Da Body [Funk - Test DJ 001]
21 Echoplex - 365 Days [Soleil - SOL 001]
22 Frank Hunter - Act Part 2 [Zet - 014]
23 ID
24 Elektrabel - E02 [6277 - MISSION 01]
25 The Jimmy Castor Bunch - Troglodyte (Cave Man) [Acapella]
26 Second Phase - Mentasm [R & S - RS 9109]
27 X-101 - Sonic Destroyer [Underground Resistance - UR 013.5]
28 Jeff Mills - Changes Of Life [Tresor - 11]
29 Bryan Zentz - D-Clash [Intec - 019]
30 Jeff Mills - 909 Drum Machine Track [Live]
31 Jeff Mills - Cycle 30 (A4) [Axis - AX 008]
32 The Aztec Mystic - Jaguar (Mayday Mix) [430 West - 4W 350]
33 Johan Bacto - Elevation [Zync - 027]
34 Oscar Mulero - CV Is Dead [Warm Up - WU 006]
35 Portion Reform - Still Life (David Sumner Remix) [IM - 002]
36 Jeff Mills - The Bells [Purpose Maker - PM 002]
37 ID
38 Aural Emote - Third Eye (A2) [Symbolism - SYM 003]
39 ID
40 Rino Cerrone - Locked Groove [Rilis]
41 Underground Resistance - Transition [Underground Resistance - UR 3000]
42 Diskordia vs John Thomas - Start Again (Diskordia Mix) [Logistic - LOG 024 B]
43 Jeff Mills - 4 Art [Axis - AX 024]
44 Elektrabel - E03 [6277 - MISSION 01]
45 Morgan - Flowerchild (Adam Beyer Remix 2) [Synewave - SW 36]
46 Echoplex - Magnetic Share Of Wonders [End To End - EE 007]
47 Samuel L - Rico Que Rico [SLS - 009]
48 ID
49 ID
50 DJ Pro One - Kaos Theory (Remix) [Dark House Music - DHM 003]
51 Paul Mac - More Over [Primate - PRMT 081]
52 Marco Bailey - Mojito (Roku Remix) [MB Elektronics - MBELEK 010]
53 Jeff Mills - 909 Drum Machine Track [Live]

Jeff Mills @ Metissages Couleur 22-01-1997
1985 - Jeff Mills aka The Wizard - WJLB Detroit - rapidshare
1989-12 - Jeff Mills aka The Wizard - WJLB - rapidshare
198X - Jeff Mills aka The Wizard - 18 Pieces Of Wizard Mini-Mixes mega1, mega2
198X - Jeff Mills aka The Wizard - WJLB - 86 to 89 - 1
198X - Jeff Mills aka The Wizard - WJLB - 86 to 89 - 2
198X - Jeff Mills aka The Wizard - WJLB - 86 to 89 - 3
198X - Jeff Mills aka The Wizard - WJLB - 86 to 89 - 4
198X - Jeff Mills aka The Wizard - WJLB - 86 to 89 - 5
198X - Jeff Mills aka The Wizard - WJLB - 86 to 89 - 6
198X - Jeff Mills aka The Wizard - WJLB - 86 to 89 - 7
198X - Jeff Mills aka The Wizard - Wizard Mix 1980's, WLJLB, Detroit Radio Broadcast - rapidshare
1993 - Jeff Mills @ Cosmic Club, Münster rapid1, rapid2
1994-11-11 Jeff Mills @ Cherry Moon - megaupload
1995 - Jeff Mills @ Submerge Party, Detroit - divshare
1995 - Jeff Mills @ The Orbit, Morley, Leeds rapid1, rapid2
1998-05-02 - Adam Beyer, Jeff Mills @ Tresor - rapidshare
1999 - Jeff Mills @ Big Warp - rapidshare
1999 - Jeff Mills in Lund, Sweden, 06-05-1999 - mega
2001-02-28 - Jeff Mills aka The Wizard - WJLB Detroit - rapidshare
2001-04-30 - Jeff Mills @ MayDay - 10 IN 01 - uploaded
2001-11-14 - Jeff Mills @ Club Lek, Utrecht - zshare
2003-04-19 - Jeff Mills @ Fuse - divshare
2004 - Jeff Mills @ The Exhibitionist Tour 2004, Flex, Vienna, 04-06-2004 - rapidshare
2004-02-20 - Jeff Mills @ Mazzo, Amsterdam (ID&T Radio) mega1, mega2, mega3
2004-09-17 - Laurent Garnier & Jeff Mills - 'Music - Expect The Unexpected' Tour @ Switch (Studio Brussel) - uploaded
2004-09-23 - Laurent Garnier & Jeff Mills - 'Music - Expect The Unexpected' Tour @ Radio Eins, Germany - uploaded
2004-09-28 - Laurent Garnier & Jeff Mills - 'Music - Expect The Unexpected' Tour @ Couleur3, Switzerland - uploaded
2005-11-24 - Jeff Mills @ Matrix Club, Coccaglio, Italy
2006-05-28 - Jeff Mills @ Skyrave (Blue Potential Promo Session) rapid1, rapid2
2006-07-01 - Jeff Mills @ International Talent, Old River Park mega1, mega2, mega3
2006-07-09 - Slam & Jeff Mills @ The Slam Tent At T In The Park, Kinross, Scotland (Essential Mix) - uploaded
2006-08-05 - Jeff Mills @ Urban Art Forms, Austria - divshare
2007-06-23 - VA @ White Noise Sonar Afterparty rapid1,
2007-09-29 - Jeff Mills @ Fuse rapidshare, sendspace
2003-05-25 - Jeff Mills @ Homelands - Essential Mix - uploaded
01. Antoine Clamaran - 'Rituel Zumbae' (Congos)
02. Felix Da Housecat - 'Tee Madrat Chronicles' (Clas Blac)
03. Joey Beltram - 'Mentasm' (R&S)
04. Jeff Mills - 'At First Sight' (React)
05. DJ ShuffleMaster - 'Tokyo Rose' (Untitled)
06. Joey Beltram - 'Ball Pank' (Tresor Records)
07. Untitled - 'Untitled' (Tresor Records)
08. DJ Pro One - 'Kaos Therapy' (Untitled)
09. Untitled - 'Untitled' (Untitled)
10. UR - 'Transition' (Underground Resistance)
11. Untitled - 'Untitled' (Untitled)
12. Shi-Take (Advent Mix)' Digital Domain/ (Zoom Records)
13. Jeff Mills - 'Growth' (Axis Records)
14. Jeff Mills - 'Preuvieu' (Tomorrow)
15. Untitled - 'Untitled' (Instillation Records)
16. Untitled (Jeff Mills Mix) - 'Enforcement' (Basic Channel)
17. Damon Wild - 'Down Town World' (Kamzle Ramt)
18. Untitled - 'Running' (Untitled)
19. Jeff Mills - 'Lifelike' (Axis Records)
20. United Future Organization - 'Trans World' (Exceptional Records)
21. Rolando Mix - 'Working Night Remix' (Logistic Records)
22. Untitled - 'Untitled' (Hardgroove Recs)
23. Untitled - 'Promo' (Symbolism)
24. Marco Carola - 'Sunrise' (Design 13)
25. Jeff Mills - 'Our Man In Havana' (Purpose Maker)

2004-09-15 - Jeff Mills @ Maida Vale, John Peel Session directDL, rapidshare
00:00 Jackson 5 - I Want You Back
01:20 The Temptations - Cloud Nine
03:35 Octave One - Black Water
04:50 Inner City - Good Life (Magic Juan's Mix)
06:15 Aretha Franklin - Respect
08:20 Aretha Franklin - Rock Steady
11:25 Jr. Walker & The All Stars - Shotgun
13:25 Dark Energy - Midnite Sunshine (UR 029)
16:10 Soul Central - Strings Of Life
19:45 The Temptations - Papa Was A Rolling Stone
21:00 Model 500 - No UFO's
23:35 Funkadelic - One Nation Under A Groove
26:00 George Clinton & Parliament - ?
28:35 Blake Baxter - Sexuality
31:15 Jeff Mills - The Bells
34:10 The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army
41:30 + Underground Resistance - Transition (Accapella)
44:20 Millenium to Millenium - Timeline
46:30 Inner City - Ain't Nobody Better
49:35 Stevie Wonder - Uptight (Everything's Alright) (2x)
54:26 Abe Duque with Blake Baxter - Disco Lights
58:15 Tres Demented - Demented (Or Just Crazy)

Jeff Mills vs Marusha Dance Hall - 1991 - part 1 - rapid
Jeff Mills vs Marusha Dance Hall - 1991 - part 2 - rapid
Jeff Mills @ DJ in Session - Radio 3 28-10-2007 - archiv
Electrosonic_Festival_-_Jeff_Mills_Live_(Burgos)-LINE-08-25-2007 - uploaded
Jeff Mills @ Semifinal, Sweden 18.06.2002 rapid

Jerome - Absolute classic mix (1987-1991) - klik
Panic - voices of energy 1 - ozone - 1990
Eon - Spice - vinyl Solution- 1990
Direct - Techno gone mad (remix) - R&S - 1990
*Jungle Brothers - Houseapella - Idlers - 1988
Rhythmatic - Take me back (extra bass edit) - Network - 1990
Ital Rockers - Ital’s anthem - Bassic - 1990
Autonation - Inside your mind - R&S - 1991
Project 86 - Industrial bass - Nu Groove - 1990
LFO - Nurture - Warp - 1991
Mental Cube - Chile of the bass generation - Debut - 1990
Bleep - A byte of AMC - SSR - 1990
Unique 3 - The Theme (Unique re-edit) - Ten records - 1990
DJ Mink - Hey Hey Can you relate - Ozone - 1990
Homeboy Hippie & a Funky dredd - Total confusion (Heavenly mix) - Tam tam - 1990
Charles B - Lack of love - Desire - 1988
Autonation - Sit on the bass - R&S - 1991
*Hardnoise - Untitled (accapella) - Music of life - 1990
Bobby Konders - Nervous acid - Nu Groove - 1990
Asmo - Music Please - Tek - 1990
Forgemasters - Shall we - Warp - 1989
Lost Entity - Bring that back - Nu Groove - 1990
Looney Tunes - Just as long as i got you - XL - 1989
Bitin Back - She’s breakin up - Fokus - 1991
Little little - Tickle me - MG - 1989
Steve Poindexter/Mike Dunn - Computer Madness - Musique - 1989
The Party Boy - The Twighlight zone - Urban - 1988
Phuture - Your only friend - Trax - 1988/Fierce re-release

Joel Mull:
Joel Mull - Dj Set Minimal - Studio Selection 7 (11-2005)
Joel Mull @ Codec Los Angeles 29-06-2007
Joel Mull - mix @ Codec Los Angeles 29.06 2007
Joel Mull @ Codec - LA 29-6-2007 - klik
Joel Mull @ Electronation 3-11-2007 - rapid

Joey Beltram:

Joey Beltram - Rezerection 29 May 1993
Joey Beltram Live In Germany Side A
Joey Beltram Live In Germany Side B
Joey Beltram @ Fuse 1999
Joey Beltram @ Dance Terminal - Leipzig 02-10-1999 - sexuploader
Joey Beltram - live at tresor (15-03-2002)
Joey Beltram Nandrin Festival 12082006
Joey Beltram - Live @ Awakenings 24112006
JOEY BELTRAM @ JOY, Leeds, 7th October 2006 2 hour set - sendspace
Joey Beltram @ P:Gold, Milan 2007
Joey Beltram - Live @ Crossover NYC (78 MB)
2007-06-30 - Joey Beltram @ Awakenings Festival, 3 FM - rapidshare
Joey Beltram - Live at Rolling Stones Milano 15.04 2007
Joey Beltram Live @ Underground Nation in Albuquerque 1996 - rapidshare
Joey Beltram At Fuse 1999 - rapidshare
Joey Beltram - Mix 1993
1991 - Joey Beltram @ Galactica - megaupload
1991-08-21 - Joey Beltram @ Kiss 100 FM rapid1, rapid2
1992-04-30 - Joey Beltram @ MayDay - A New Chapter of House and Techno - megaupload
1993 - Joey Beltram @ Obsession, New York - rapid
1995-05-05 - Joey Beltram @ Ultraschall, München - mega
1995-09-30 - Joey Beltram @ Tresor Tour, Aufschwung Ost (Clubnight) - mega
1995-09-30 - VA @ Clubnight Spezial - Tresor Tour - mega
1996-07-04 - Joey Beltram @ TresorNight, Hoyerswerda - mediafire
2001-06-01 - Joey Beltram @ Groovetech, London - mediafire
2002-03-16 - Joey Beltram, Sender Berlin (live), Dash @ Globus 'True Spirit 2002' - uploaded
Joey Beltram - Carl Cox' Global Show, 04-01-2004 - divshare
2005-04-15 - Joey Beltram @ Tresor, Tresor Closing Party - uploaded
2007-04-15 - Joey Beltram @ P:Gold, Rolling Stone, Milano - rapid
2007-06-30 - Joey Beltram @ Awakenings Festival, 3 FM - rapid
2007-10-06 - Joey Beltram @ 12 Years Kozzmozz, Vooruit, Ghent - uploaded

1998-05-23 - Joey Beltram @ Fuse rapid, zshare
05:00 Joey Beltram - Energy Flash
06:25 Joey Beltram - My sound
08:40 Second Phase - Mentasm
12:20 Astrospider - Ritmista
15:00 Joey Beltram - Caliber
18:05 Joey Beltram - The start it up
20:15 DJ Funk - Pump It
23:15 Joey Beltram - Floaters
25:25 JB3 - Forklift (Luke Slater rmx)
29:10 Joey Beltram - Believer
32:00 Jeff Mills - Captivater
37:20 Joey Beltram - Game Form
40:15 Dave Clarke - Southside
42:15 Jeff Mills - Reverting
45:00 Equinox - Into battle (beltram rmx)
49:30 H: Pathfinder
52:00 Jeff Mills - Kart race
56:50 Joey Beltam - Verbs
61:30 Aphrohead - Thee light
64:45 JB3 - Forklift
70:00 Joey Beltram - Ball park

Joey Beltram Live @ 12 Years Kozzmozz - rapid
Cajmere @ Jack Fridays Chicago 14-09-2007 - rapid
Joey Beltram @ Area1 - 17-08-2007 rapid1, rapi2
Joey Beltram @ Fuse - 23-05-1998 rapid1, rapid2

Johannes Heil:
Johannes Heil - Live at Hessentag 2007 - Butzbach 09-06-2007 - rapidshare
1998-10-17 - Johannes Heil @ Gazometer, Vienna - rapid
1999-01-23 - Johannes Heil - Live @ Fuse rapid, zshare

John Acquaviva:
John Acquaviva @ Magic Garden 1997
John Acquaviva @ Magic Garden 1997
John Acquaviva @ Room 960 - Hartford 02-07-2005
John Acquaviva - Presents Electronic Podcast June 2007
John Acquaviva - Podcast May 2007
01. Get Dumb - Axwell, Angello, Ingrosso & laidback Luke - DATA
02. Saccharine - Sam Ball & Koss - DEFINITIVE
03. Roadkill - Dubfire - promo
04. Inside the Vault - Novak & Therm - E MOTIONZ
05. Gail in the O [acquaviva& damon jee rmx] - Olivier Giacomotto - DEFINTIVE
06. Pleasure Me - D Ramirez feat Dmitry Bobrov - SLAVE
07. ItalPark - Andy Dabula - ITZAMNA
08. Open Legs - Mobbin - PUMP-KIN
09. Music Box[male model machine] - Cheshire Cats-BLU FIN
10. Its Majik[gui boratto remix] - Mario Fischetti-Promo
11. We Need a Relax - Dandi & Ugo - ARTMINIMAL BERLIN
12. Quarter - Mason - GREAT STUFF

John Acquaviva @ BluFin Radio 26-9-2007 - rapidshare
John Acquaviva & Andrea Doria @ BluFin 26-9-2007 - klik
John Acquaviva @ Rex Mix 2CParis 25-7-2007 - rapidshare

John Acquaviva @ BluFin Radio 26-09-2007 - rapidshare
John Acquaviva @ Amsterdam Dance Event 2007

John Acquaviva @ YouFM Clubnight 26/05/2007 - klik
1. Damon Lee & Olivier Giacomotto - Deep In The Night (Definitive - DEFVIN0701)
2. Sébastien Léger - Little Bug (Pickadoll - 17-6)
3. Deadmau5 - Sex, Lies & Audiotapes (Play Digital - Promo)
4. Axwell / Ingrosso / Angello / Laidback Luke - Get Dumb (Data - 160 P1)
5. Luca Morris - Our Noise (Polar Noise - Promo)
6. Workidz - Work It (Kobbe Remix) (Montini Belgium - MONT 001)
7. Sam Ball & Kos - Saccharin (Definitive - Promo)
8. A2Z - Swimming With Sharks (Olivier Giacomotto Rmx) (Blu Fin - BF 023)
9. D. Ramirez & Dmitry Bobrov - Pleasure Me (Slave - 012)
10. Josh Wink - Higher State Of Consciousness (Dirty South & TV Rock Remix) (Strictly Rhythm - SR 12 630 DJ)
11. Deadmau5 - This Noise (Play Digital - Promo)
12. Marc DePulse - Fahler Fesher (Damon Jee & Olivier Giacomotto Rmx) (Electrochoc - Promo)
13. D-Nox & Beckers - Left Behind (Electribe - ETRIBE CD 002)
14. Dubfire - Roadkill (Global Underground - Promo)
15. Acquaviva, Amo & Navas - Bungee (Fresco - FRE 013)
16. Goodwill & Tommy Trash - Swede Thing (Hustle Black - Promo)
17. Dandi & Ugo - We Need A Relax (Art Minimal - Promo)
18. Mario Fischitti - It’s Magik (Gui Boratto) (Promo - Promo)
19. Olivier Giacomotto - Gale In The O (Acquaviva & Damon Gee Remix) (Definitive - Promo)
20. The Freakz Brothers - Tension (Data - Promo)
21. Ro Garcia - Cosmic Assasins (South American Sounds - Promo)
22. Melleefresh & Deadmau5 - Something Inside Me (Play Digital - PD 1005)
23. John Acquaviva, Madox & Tommy Sunshine - Running (Mantra Vibes - Promo)
24. Mason - Quarter (Great Stuff - Promo)

2001-05-05 - John Acquaviva @ Shockers
2001-07-16 - John Acquaviva - Cocoon At Amnesia rapid1, rapid2
2003-07-10 - John Acquaviva, Luke, Senze @ Globus - Tresor Never Sleeps - filefront
2006-09-01 - John Acquaviva @ Housesession Radioshow - rapid
2007-03-28 - John Acquaviva - BluFin, Proton Radio - rapid
2007-04-25 - John Acquaviva @ BluFin, Proton Radio - rapid
2007-07-19 - John Acquaviva @ Gotham, Zadar, Croatia - uploaded
2007-08-17 - John Acquaviva @ Stars Gathering, Amfiteatar, Rovinj, Croatia - mega
2007-10-12 - John Acquaviva @ iLounge sendspace, uploaded

2007-12-06 - John Acquaviva - Electronic, Proton Radio - youmirror
First episode.
01 - Bass Kleph - Bump Uglies (Dopamine Remix) [Vocation]
02 - Justin Bond - Get Ready [Plush]
03 - Roman Pushkin - Bad Babysitter [Moscow Dancefloor]
04 - One Person - Strip The Teacher [303 Lovers]
05 - Leon Bolier - Future Instructions (Supersub Remix) [Oxygen]
06 - Lxr - Move To My Plan [Blufin]
07 - Adam K - I Can Feel (Original Mix 1) [Hotbox]
08 - DJ Doncho - Groove Selection [Usb]
09 - Alfonso Padilla & Nestor Villareal - Lost In Time [South American Sounds]
10 - Oliver Giacomotto - Sush In S Major [Definitive]
11 - Federico Franchi - Cream (Freak Brothers Remix) [Cr2]
12 - Hatiras - Poppin Beats [Hatrax]
13 - Kid Dub - Future Shock (Acquaviva Edit) [Definitive]

2004-12-04 - John Acquaviva @ Clubnight - uploaded
21:00 / 01:17 Uhr Promo - Booka Shade (Get Physical Music - Promo)
21:04 / 01:21 Uhr I Look Into Mid Air - Rex The Dog (Kompakt - KOM 102)
21:09 / 01:26 Uhr Radiator - DJ T (20:20 Vision - VIS 107)
21:13 / 01:30 Uhr Loverboy (Steve Bug Rmx) - Steve Bug (Poker Flat - PFR 050)
21:16 / 01:33 Uhr 2 Bullets - Michoagan (Promo)
21:21 / 01:38 Uhr My Love Is Systematic - Marc Romboy (Systematic - SYST 0003-6)
21:25 / 01:42 Uhr Friend For A Night - Booka Shade (Get Physical Music - GPM 002-3)
21:29 / 01:46 Uhr Don't Hide It (Josh Wink's Acid Pussy Interpretation) - Alex Kid (F-Communications - F 207)
21:33 / 01:50 Uhr On My Elbows (Hardfloor Rmx) - David Duriez (Duriez - DZ 02)
21:38 / 01:55 Uhr The Sky Was Pink (Holden Rmx) - Nathan Fake (Border Community - 06 BC)
21:46 / 02:03 Uhr I Need Your Love (Ewan's Friends With Girls Vocal Mix) - The Rapture (Vertigo - RAPT DJ 2)
21:52 / 02:09 Uhr Synthetic Symphony - Blendbrank (Bugeyed - FIX 021)
21:57 / 02:14 Uhr Repeat - German Broadcasters (Disko B - DB 125)
22:00 / 02:17 Uhr Under The Stars - C. I. T. (Electric Avenue - EAR 006)
22:04 / 02:21 Uhr Machs Einfach - 2raumwohnung (It.Sounds - IT 34)
22:09 / 02:26 Uhr Remember (Rmx) - Gino Soccio (Promo)
22:12 / 02:29 Uhr The End Of The World - Kiki (Bpitch Control - BPC 093)
22:17 / 02:34 Uhr Rocker (Dub Mix) - Alter Ego (Klang Elektronik - KLANG 91 LTD)
22:22 / 02:39 Uhr Twist (Jacques Lu Cont's Conversion Perversion Mix) - Goldfrapp (Mute - 9230-0)
22:28 / 02:45 Uhr Trick Me (Tiefschwarz Rmx) - Kelis (Promo)
22:34 / 02:51 Uhr Stretch Whupper - Sven Wegner (Lebensfreude - LFV 05)
22:39 / 02:56 Uhr The Real Thing (Cosmonauts From Inner Space Mix) - Terranova (Promo - Promo)
22:42 / 02:59 Uhr Ticka Boom - Nathan G (Promo)
22:47 / 03:04 Uhr Club Element - Alex Neri (Tenax - TNX 001)
22:53 / 03:10 Uhr Promo - Eric Sneo (Terminal M - Promo)
22:59 / 03:16 Uhr Time To Move Right Now - Tyree Cooper (Promo)

2007-07-25 - John Acquaviva - BluFin, Proton Radio - rapid
01 - Futureheadz - Worry About It Later (Switch Mix) [679]
02 - Axwell, Angello, Ingrosso And Laidback Luke - Get Down-good Ending Jacq Edit [CDR]
03 - Paul C & Luca Morris - Our Noise [Our Noise]
04 - Marc Depulse - Fahler Fescher(Olivier Giacomotto & Damongee Rmx) [CDR]
05 - Cheshire Catz - Disco Damaged [CDR]
06 - D'nox & Beckers - Shanghigh [Left Behind]
07 - Dubfire - Dubfire - Roadkill [CDR]
08 - Acquaviva Amo Navas - Bungee [Fresco]
09 - Tim Deluxe Feat. Audio Bullies - Let The Beats Roll [At]
10 - Moodymann - Shades Of Jae [CDR]
11 - Madox Acquaviva Sunshine - Running From (Olivier Remix) [CDR]
12 - Acquaviva & Madox - Feedback (Llp Remix) [Mantra]
13 - Mason - Quarter Master [Great Stuff]
14 - The Freakx Brothers - Tension [Cr2]
15 - Phones - Sharpen The Knifes [Kitsume]

John Acquaviva - In Session Maxima FM 09-02-2008 - rapid

John Acquaviva @ Electronic - Proton Radio 6-12-2007 - youmirror
01 - Bass Kleph - Bump Uglies (Dopamine Remix) [Vocation]
02 - Justin Bond - Get Ready [Plush]
03 - Roman Pushkin - Bad Babysitter [Moscow Dancefloor]
04 - One Person - Strip The Teacher [303 Lovers]
05 - Leon Bolier - Future Instructions (Supersub Remix) [Oxygen]
06 - Lxr - Move To My Plan [Blufin]
07 - Adam K - I Can Feel (Original Mix 1) [Hotbox]
08 - Dj Doncho - Groove Selection [Usb]
09 - Alfonso Padilla & Nestor Villareal - Lost In Time [South American Sounds]
10 - Oliver Giacomotto - Sush In S Major [Definitive]
11 - Federico Franchi - Cream (Freak Brothers Remix) [Cr2]
12 - Hatiras - Poppin Beats [Hatrax]
13 - Kid Dub - Future Shock (Acquaviva Edit) [Definitive]

John Acquaviva - In Session - Maxima FM 9-2-2008 - rapid
John Acquaviva @ BluFin Radio 26-9-2007 - rapid
John Acquaviva & Andrea Doria @ BluFin 26-9-2007 rapid1, rapid2
Tracklist Andrea Doria:
01. Stephan Bodzin - Liebe Ist [Herzblut]
02. Wink - Thick As Thieves [Pokerflat]
03. Robert Babicz - Sin(Gui Boratto RMX) [Systematic]
04. Trentemöller - Killer Kat [Pokerflat]
05. Marc Romboy&Stphan Bodzin - Callisto [Systematic]
06. King&Rock - Wicked-Steve'N King Mix [Tiger]
07. Generalli - Summerstorm [Defected]
08. Savant Garde - Trigger Happy [Defected]
09. Olivier Giacomotto - Gail In The O -John Acquaviva & Damon Gee Remix [Defected]
10. Damon Gee & Olivier Giacomotto - Bump In The Night-John Acquaviva Remix [Defected]

Tracklist John Acquaviva:
01. Generalli - Summer Storm [Definitive]
02. Mecanique - Meta [Slave]
03. Swoop - Black Market (Butch Remix) [GreatStuff]
04. Julio Montes& Luis Fontalvo - Viajelandia [Definitive]
05. Alfonso Padilla - Tornado [South American Sounds]
06. Kid Dub - I'm Your Boogie Man [White]
07. Anthony Rother - Moderntronic 1 [Data Punk]
08. Andrea Doria & Alex D'Elia - Arsenico [BluFin]
09. Adam Beyer - China Girl [Mad Eye]
10. Robot Needs Oil - Defected _Giacomotto Mix [Incentive/Definitive]
11. Greg Kobe - Camouflage [Definitive]

John Dahlbäck:
John Dahlbäck @ Switch - Studio Brussel 16-12-2007 - rapid
John Dahlbäck @ Clubnight 15-9-2007 rapid1, rapid2, uploaded

John Tejada:
John Tejada @ Primordial on Vibeflow 24-01-2002
John Tejada @ Dallas TX 17-07-2004
John Tejada-Bent Crayon 04.04.2004
John Tejada - Set 15.10.2004
John Tejada @ Studio 15-10-2004
John Tejada & Dj TJR @ Vault Radio 28-12-2005
John Tejada @ Compression 29.09.2006
John Tejada Live @ Compression 9/29/06
John Tejada Live on Powertools 12-3-06 Compression & Palette Records Party
John Tejada @ Codec Los Angeles 29-06-2007
John Tejada @ DJ In Session - Radio 3 29-9-2007 - rapidshare
John Tejada @ Codec - LA 29-6-2007 - klik
John Tejada @ DJ In Session - Radio 3 29-9-2007 - rapidshare
2006-11-22 - John Tejada @ iLounge rapid1, rapid2
John Tejada @ DJ In Session - Radio 3 29-9-2007 - rapid

Joris Voorn:
Joris Voorn @ I Love Techno 2004 - open in new window
Joris Voorn @ Techno Garden Party 2005 - open in new window
Joris Voorn @ Splitshow 29-11-2005 - open in new window
Joris Voorn @ Splitshow 29-11-2005
Joris Voorn @ SDJF 14 Ambasada Gavioli Slovenia 15-10-2005 - megaupload
Joris Voorn @ Techno Garden Party 2005
Joris Voorn @ Rekord3r 02.03 2007 (84.2 MB)
JorisVoorn Live @ International Talent Easter Party at
Joris Voorn - Resident Advisor Podcast #62 16-07-2007
Joris Voorn @ Beachfreak Scheveningen Holland 28-07-2007
Joris Voorn - Live at Tomorrowland Festival Boom (B) 29-07-2007
Alexander Kowalski (Live), Joris Voorn, Luke Slater @ Tresor, 05-08-2004 uploaded1, uploaded2
2004 - Joris Voorn @ Tresor, 08-05-2004 - rapid
2004-04-23 - Joris Voorn @ Shapes Of Sound - divshare
2005-12-23 - Joris Voorn @ Awakenings - rapid
2006 - Joris Voorn @ Defqon - divshare
2006-04-07 - Joris Voorn @ Awakenings - 10 Years Anniversary - rapid
2006-05-20 - Joris Voorn @ Dissonanze, Rome, Italy rapid1, rapid2
2006-08-19 - Joris Voorn @ Pukkelpop, Biolerroom, Switch - rapid
2006-10-21 - Joris Voorn @ I Love Techno (Belgium) - rapid
2007-07-22 - Carl Cox - Global, Club FG - Guest Mix by Joris Voorn
2007-08-25 - Joris Voorn @ Electrosonic Festival, Burgos - rapid
2007-07-16 - Joris Voorn - Resident Advisor (RA.062) - rapid
00:00 - 00:01 __ Syncom Data - Beyond the stars [speedy j remix]
00:00 - 04:25 __ Black Devil Disco Club - I Regret the Flower Power (Quiet Village remix)
04:25 - 05:48 __ Agnes - Carbonela (Agnes Remix)
05:48 - 09:41 __ Ben Westbeech - Hang Around (Wahoo Remix)
08:19 - 12:00 __ Louie Vega - V Gets Jazzy [ritual dub]
11:15 - 13:36 __ Sweet Coffee - Keep On Running (Sterac Electronics Remix)
13:36 - 16:10 __ Rodamaal - Insomnia (Ame Remix)
14:39 - 18:42 __ DJ Dozia - Pop Culture [original mix] - Ovum
16:10 - 18:43 __ Akabu - I'm Not Afraid Of The Future (Jimpster Mix)
18:43 - 19:48 __ Mood II Swing - Move Me
19:48 - 22:37 __ I:Cube - Taurus [hot shot edit]
20:16 - 23:55 __ Louie Vega - One dream feat anane [touchdown instrumental]
22:37 - 24:44 __ Jay Shepheard - Pipes N Sneakers
24:44 - 26:26 __ Jay Shepheard - Pipes N Sneakers / Stereotyp - Keepin Me
26:26 - 29:00 __ Styrofoam - Fade out Your Eyes (Live at D+m)
29:00 - 32:00 __ Trentmoeller - An Evening With Bobi Bros
32:00 - 33:25 __ Butane Feat. Abe Chapman - Nowhere near Kansas
32:00 - 33:25 __ Syncom Data - Beyond the stars [speedy j remix]
33:25 - 37:00 __ Ripperton - Farra
37:00 - 42:30 __ K3 - Play To Win (Radio Slave Remix)
38:44 - 41:11 __ Raz Ohara - Whitmey Na
42:30 - 45:15 __ ISAN - Cathart
45:03 - 45:29 __ The Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia - Revelation
45:15 - 52:55 __ The Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia - Sheap
48:28 - 52:13 __ Bugge Wesseltoft & Sidsel Endresen - Names Numbers
52:55 - 55:26 __ Global Communication - The Biosphere

Joris Voorn @ Cocoon NYE - Rotterdam 31-12-2007 rapid1, rapid2
Joris Voorn @ Heroes of Techno 23-09-2006 - part1
Joris Voorn @ Heroes of Techno - 23-09-2006 - part2
Joris Voorn @ Scheveningen Beach 28-07-2007 rapid1, rapid2
Joris Voorn @ Space Ibiza - 24-08-2007 (60:08) - rapid
Joris Voorn vs. Steve Rachmad @ Fresh.fm - 14-12-2007 (106:17) - rapid
Joris Voorn @ Planet Delsin - Club 11 - Amsterdam 1-2-2008 - rapid
Joris Voorn @ Strawberry Blonde - Proton Radio 16-1-2008 - rapid
Joris Voorn & Steve Rachmad @ Hey! Music! - Fresh FM 14-12-2007 - rapid
Joris Voorn @ Planet Delsin Club 11 (Amsterdam) 01-02-08 rapid1, mediafire2
Joris Voorn - Apokalypsa Electronic Carnival, 22.02.2008 Brno, Czech Republic
Joris Voorn & Steve Rachmad, fresh fm 14-12-2007 - rapid
Joris Voorn - Beyond Music Agency 062 on Sense.FM 22-02-2008 - rapid
Joris Voorn - live @ planet , delsin club 11 amsterdam 01-02-2008 rapid, mediafire

Josh Wink:
Josh Wink Live at Unwind 1994 Wisconsin
JOSH WINK – TECHNO 1996 A - megaupload
JOSH WINK – TECHNO 1996 B - megaupload
Josh Wink @ Mix Club Fun Radio 17-05-1998
1995-07-07 - Josh Wink @ Ultraschall, München - mega
1995-08 - Josh Wink @ Cream, Liverpool - rapid
1997-11-22 - Josh Wink @ Time Warp - rapid
1996-11-02 - Josh Wink @ Cybertrance, Fun Radio
1998-05-17 - Josh Wink @ Mix Club, Fun Radio
1999-10-16 - Josh Wink @ Fuse - divshare
2005-04-07 - Josh Wink @ Tresor Closing Party, Globus rapid1, rapid2
2006-10-19 - Josh Wink @ Amsterdam Dance Event rapid1, rapid2, rapid2
2000-09-10 - Josh Wink - Essential Mix mega1, mega2
Underground Resistance - "Amazon [4 Hero Remix]" (white label)
UXB Sessions - "Jungle Rash" (Pure Plastic)
Ski - "Fifths [Jazzanova Mix]" (Columbia)
Les Gammas - "All Of Me [Beanfield Mix]" (Compost)
Vikter Duplaix - "Manhood" (Groove Attack)
Dark Knight - "Sirenas" (Dark Knight)
Future Beat Alliance - "Intruder" (Void)
Resonance 44 - "Summer in Space" (white label)
Kanzleramt #44 - "untitled" (white label (Kanzleramt))
Snooze - "Quiet Alone [Koutoubia Mix]" (SSR)
Round 2 - "untitled" (white label (Tresor))
Domina - "Domina [Maurizio Mix]" (white label)
Stewart Walker - "untitled" (white label (Tresor))
6th Question - "untitled" (white label (6th Question))
Licht - "Insight" (Raum)
John Tegada & Arian Leviste - "untitled" (white label (Immigrant))
Love & Music - "untitled" (white label)
David Alvarado - "Klugh" (Ovum)
Universal Agents - "East of Washington" (Ovum)
Utah Saints - "Lost Vagueness [Wink Interpretation]" (white label (Echo))
SK - "Come Alive" (white label (Azuli))
Photek with Robert Owens - "Mine To Give" (white label)
Kenny Dope - "Brazilica Beats" (Dope Wax)
Rocket People - "People [Jeno Mix]" (Greyhound)
Air Frog - "Bon Voyage" (Svek)
Damon Wild - "Warchild [Adam Beyer Mix]" (Synewave)
Slam - "Positive Education [Wink Deep Interpretation]" (Soma)
Mango Boy - "Control Freak" (white label)
Wink - "Evil Acid" (Ovum)
Wink - "6th Sense" (Ovum)
Aaron Carl - "My House" (Ovum)
Wink - "How's The Music" (Nervous)

josh wink - la boum de luxe - sat 10.06.2007 - rapid
Josh Wink @ House Arrest Radio 17-12-2007 rapid1, rapid2
Josh Wink @ The Past Acid Classics - Studio Brussel 13-10-2007- rapid

Juan Atkins:
Derrick May & Juan Atkins - Detroit Is Jacking The Techno - megaupload
1995-05 - Juan Atkins @ Kiss FM, Berlin - megaupload
1997 - Juan Atkins & Derrick May @ Growth, NYC - megaupload
Model 500 @ Evolution Detroit 1998 - megaupload
1998 - Model 500 - Live PA @ Evolution, Detroit - megaupload
1998-05-12 - Juan Atkins @ Metroplex, Detroit - megaupload
1999-03-13 - Juan Atkins @ Panoramix, Paris - megaupload
2000 - Juan Atkins @ Gavle Concert Hall - megaupload
Juan Atkins - Live at The Docks, Toronto - A
Juan Atkins - Live at The Docks, Toronto - B
Juan Atkins - Live at The Docks, Toronto - C
Juan Atkins - Live at The Docks, Toronto - D
Juan Atkins @ Technodrome 02.08.2002
2002-07-14 - Juan Atkins @ Globus, Tresor, Berlin part1, part2
Juan Atkins - 12 Years Tresor 15.03.2003.
Juan Atkins - RW Vibeflow Radio 07.11.2003
Mad Mike, Suburban Knight & Juan Atkins @ Novamix 22.5.2003 - divshare
2003 - Juan Atkins - Exclusive Mix for Maximum Rotation - megaupload
2003-05-22 - Mad Mike, Suburban Knight, Juan Atkins, Buzz Goree @ Novamix - divshare
2005-07-01 - Juan Atkins @ 013, Tilburg, Netherlands part1, part2 - megaupload
2005-07-16 - Juan Atkins @ PS1
Juan Atkins @ PS1 Warm Up 16.07.2005 p2 - mediafire
Model500 live @ fuse-in 29.05.2005.
Juan Atkins - Movement Radio Detroit 31-12-2006 - rapidshare
Juan Atkins @ Metroplex - Detroit 12-5-1998 - klik
Juan Atkins @ Metroplex - Detroit 12-5-1998 - klik
2002-07-13 - Juan Atkins, James Ruskin @ Globus, Solid LoveParade rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
1988 - Derrick May & Juan Atkins - Detroit Is Jacking The Techno - rapid
1998-09-19 - Juan Atkins @ Flex, Vienna rapid1, rapid2
1998-10-30 - Juan Atkins @ Flex, Vienna divshare, rapid1, rapid2
199X - Juan Atkins @ Villa 65 (3FM) - mega
2002-07-13 - Juan Atkins, James Ruskin @ Globus, Solid LoveParade rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
2002-07-14 - Juan Atkins @ Globus, Tresor, Berlin mega1, mega2
2003-03-14 - Juan Atkins & Mitja Prinz @ Tresor rapid1, rapid2, rapid3, rapid4
2003-11-07 - Juan Atkins @ Vibeflow - mega
2004-03-12 - Juan Atkins @ 13 Years Tresor - uploaded
2007-11-03 - Juan Atkins - 3headz Radio, Berlin - uploaded


Kammy @ Tresor Berlin - 23-02-2008
X-102 - TITAN

Evosonic - Karotte 1998

Kate Simko:
Kate Simko @ Movement - Detroit Electronic Music Festival 27-5-2007 - klik

Kaur KaredaKaur Kareda:

Mixed by Kaur Kareda - Detroit techno - UR Unexploitable (Underground Resistance Classics Mix)
01. Andre Holland - unabomber / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
02. Marc Floyd - the safety is off / Condition Red [UR-043]
03. UR - code red / Acid Rain III [UR-028]
04. UR - nannytown / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
05. Remote - protecting my hive / The Swarm [UR-048]
06. Mad Mike - moor horseman on bolarus 5 / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
07. Perception - mirage / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
08. Mad Mike - metamorphisis / Galaxy 2 Galaxy [UR-025]
09. Andre Holland - I'm in / The Infiltrator [UR-039]
10. Marc Floyd - wobbler / Condition Red [UR-043]
11. Chameleon - re:con / Hidden In Plainsight [UR-050]
12. Drexciya - bubble metropo!
lis / Bubble Metropolis [UR-026]
13. The Infiltrator - thought 1 / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
14. Drexciya - Smokey's illegitimate report / The Return Of Drexciya [UR-037]
15. The Suburban Knight - nocturbulous / Nocturbulous Behaviour [UR-011]
16. Octave One - day star rising [UR-015]
17. The Suburban Knight - infra red spectrum / Nocturbulous Behaviour [UR-011]
18. UR - the mighty asteroids of Jupiter / Acid Rain III [UR-028]
19. Mad Mike - base camp alpha 808 / The Final Frontier [UR-003]
20. DJ Rolando - the shining path / The Aztec Mystic [UR-035]
21. Dark Energy - black strategy / Hidden In Plainsight [UR-050]
22. The Suburban Knight - maroon / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
23. UR - atomic witchdokta / Dark Energy [UR-029]
24. UR - electronic warfare / Electronic Warfare: the mixes [UR-034]
25. Mad Mike - the final frontier / The Final Frontier [UR-003]
26. UR - B2 / Codebreaker [UR-038]
27. Mad Mike - metamorphisis / Galaxy 2 Galaxy [UR-025]
28. The Suburban Knight - nitestrike / Hidden In Plainsight [UR-050]

Kaur Kareda - UR Unexploitable (Underground Resistance Classics Mix) - megaupload
01. Andre Holland - unabomber / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
02. Marc Floyd - the safety is off / Condition Red [UR-043]
03. UR - code red / Acid Rain III [UR-028]
04. UR - nannytown / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
05. Remote - protecting my hive / The Swarm [UR-048]
06. Mad Mike - moor horseman on bolarus 5 / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
07. Perception - mirage / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
08. Mad Mike - metamorphisis / Galaxy 2 Galaxy [UR-025]
09. Andre Holland - I'm in / The Infiltrator [UR-039]
10. Marc Floyd - wobbler / Condition Red [UR-043]
11. Chameleon - re:con / Hidden In Plainsight [UR-050]
12. Drexciya - bubble metropolis / Bubble Metropolis [UR-026]
13. The Infiltrator - thought 1 / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
14. Drexciya - Smokey's illegitimate report / The Return Of Drexciya [UR-037]
15. The Suburban Knight - nocturbulous / Nocturbulous Behaviour [UR-011]
16. Octave One - day star rising [UR-015]
17. The Suburban Knight - infra red spectrum / Nocturbulous Behaviour [UR-011]
18. UR - the mighty asteroids of Jupiter / Acid Rain III [UR-028]
19. Mad Mike - base camp alpha 808 / The Final Frontier [UR-003]
20. DJ Rolando - the shining path / The Aztec Mystic [UR-035]
21. Dark Energy - black strategy / Hidden In Plainsight [UR-050]
22. The Suburban Knight - maroon / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
23. UR - atomic witchdokta / Dark Energy [UR-029]
24. UR - electronic warfare / Electronic Warfare: the mixes [UR-034]
25. Mad Mike - the final frontier / The Final Frontier [UR-003]
26. UR - B2 / Codebreaker [UR-038]
27. Mad Mike - metamorphisis / Galaxy 2 Galaxy [UR-025]
28. The Suburban Knight - nitestrike / Hidden In Plainsight [UR-050]

Kelly Hand:
2005-04-15 - Kelly Hand @ Globus, Tresor Closing Party rapid1, rapid2

Kenny Dope:
Kenny Dope - Live at Pure (Radio FG) part1, part2, part3, part4
Kenny Dope & Ron Trent @ Southport Weekender 11-05-2007. - rapidshare
2005 - Kenny 'Dope' Gonzales @ Fresh FM, 11-10-2005 - rapid
2007-05-11 - Kenny Dope & Ron Trent @ Southport Weekender - rapid
2007-05-18 - Kenny Dope, Terry Hunter feat. Bear Who? @ Jack Fridays, Zentra, Chicago divshare, rapid1, rapid2
2007-09-08 - Kenny Dope - Big City Beats

Ken Ishii:
1998-03-28 - Ken Ishii @ Fuse rapid, depositfiles
2001-01-13 - Ken Ishii @ Fuse 1
2001-01-13 - Ken Ishii @ Fuse 2
2007-06-02 - Ken Ishii @ Free Your Mind Festival, NL - uploaded

Kenny Larkin:
Kenny Larkin - Timezones Classic mix
Kenny Larkin - Wdet mix
Kenny Larkin - Whose the dj
Kenny Larkin - Timezones 2004
Kenny Larkin - Timezone 2005
Kenny Larkin - "Aural Sex Mix" (12-12-2006)
Kenny Larkin - droid life promo mix 2005.
Kenny Larkin - Fuse 2005
Kenny Larkin @ Fuse-in Detroit 29-05-2005
Kenny Larkin - Awake10yr-07-04-2007. - rapidshare
Kenny Larkin @ Spring Seven Festival Graz 18-05-2007 - rapidshare
Kenny Larkin Live@ Dom im Berg 18.5.2007.
Kenny Larkin @ Awakenings Detroit Weekend - Amsterdam 29-9-2007 - uploaded
01. 00.00 ID
02. 02.59 Lazy Fat People - Dark water
03. 05.45 Siobhan Donaughy - Don't give up (Carl Craig remix)
04. 08.06 ID
05. 11.33 ID
06. 14.00 K Alexi Shelby - My medusa
07. 16.00 ID
08. 18.36 ID
09. 21.15 Envoy - Dark manouvres
10. 23.47 Dennis Ferrer - Son of raw
11. 27.25 ID
12. 30.34 2000 And One - Tropical melons
13. 34.15 ID
14. 37.55 Ignacio - Humana-ised
15. 41.02 Dennis Ferrer - Transitions (Sasse edit)
16. 44.00 Shlomi Aber - Freakside (Gel Abri acid remix)
17. 49.13 ID
18. 51.28 Stereotyp - Keepin' me (Remix)
19. 54.43 ID
20. 57.16 DJ Shufflemaster - Re-weekend
21. 60.22 Faze Action - In the trees (C2 remix 2)
22. 62.43 ID
23. 64.00 Audion - Noiser
24. 68.33 ID
25. 70.59 Man With Guitar - Man with guitar
26. 75.07 ID
27. 78.00 ID
28. 80.07 ID
29. 83.06 Bad Pimps - Soul power
30. 85.50 Convextion - Miranda

1992 - Kenny Larkin - DAT from 1992, aired on Rave Satellite (1997-02) - divshare
1996-04-30 - Kenny Larkin @ MayDay - The Day X - mediafire
1997-09-07 Kenny Larkin @ Cyberdôme, Marseille, Fun Radio - rapid
1997-12-28 - Kenny Larkin @ Whippoorwill, Oviedo - mega
1999 - Kenny Larkin @ Detroit Technology Radio Show - mega
1999-09-25 - Kenny Larkin @ Nista, Techno Bam Tour, Barcelona - mega
2001-09-29 - Kenny Larkin @ Techno Flash, Spain - divshare
2003-05-24 Kevin Saunderson vs. Kenny Larkin @ Movement, Detroit - divshare
2005-05-13 - Kenny Larkin @ Raindog Party, Rome
2006 - Kenny Larkin @ Monegros - divshare
Kenny Larkin @ Flex, Vienna, 02-03-2007 - divshare

Kevin Saunderson:
Kevin Saunderson @ Radio Boa 29-03-2006
Kevin Saunderson at nighttown_rotterdam_2002_06_21.
Kevin Saunderson vs. Kenny Larkin @ Movement Detroit 24-05-2003 - divshare
Kevin Saunderson - Guest Mix on Global Radio 29-12-2006 - rapidshare
Kevin Saunderson @ RBOM on XM80 4.5.2007
The Detroit Connection by Kevin Saunderson - rapidshare
kevin-saunderson-boa-radio-show-29-3-2006 - klik
Kevin Saunderson @ Amsterdam Dance Event 2007

Kevin Sauderson @ Oslo 24-10-2007

2001 - Inner City - Live @ DEMF (feat. Byron Stingily) - megaupload
1994 Master Reese @ Deep Space Radio on R&S Republica - rapid
1997-04 Kevin Saunderson - Novamix - mega
1998-12-18 - Kevin Saunderson & Derrick May @ Technoville, Gent
199X - Kevin Saunderson - Mixtape - mega
2000-02-12 Kevin Saunderson @ Fuse - uploaded
2002-06-21 Kevin Saunderson @ Nighttown, Rotterdam rapid1, rapid2
2003 Derrick May & Kevin Saunderson @ Dance Valley - uploaded
2004-02-19 Kevin Saunderson @ TLV, Tel Aviv mega
2004-07-11 - Kevin Saunderson @ Fritz LoveRadio - rapid
2005 - Kevin Saunderson @ Rex Club, Paris, 10-03-2005
2006-05-2X - Kevin Saunderson @ DEMF - uploaded
2007-03-21 - Kevin Saunderson @ Hi-Tek Soul at Pearl, Miami, WMC
2007-10-24 - Kevin Saunderson @ Vivid, Oslo Club, Detroit - rapid
2007-12-01 - Kevin Saunderson - JJJ Mixup - uploaded
Kevin Sauderson @ Vivid Oslo - Detroit 24-10-2007 - rapid

2002-12-22 Kevin Saunderson @ Innercity, Amsterdam - rapid
01 Kevin Saunderson - Taking Me (Kevin Saunderson Edit)
02 Carl Cox - Room 713
03 ID
04 Manu From Newcastle - O Bairo
05 ID
06 Devilfish - Man Alive
07 Tomaz vs Filterheadz - Sunshine
08 Plastikman - Spastik
09 Mark Almaria - The Alarm
10 DJ Rhythm pres. The Soul Visionaries - I'm in Love (Billy Lo Remix)
11 Dirty - Dirty (E-Dancer Remix)
12 Bryan Zentz - By The Code
13 Carl Cox & Christian Smith - Dirty Bass (Carl Cox Original Mix)
14 Oka & Yamazaki ft. Mark Broom Hot Cake (Mark Broom Remix)
15 Bryan Zentz - D-Clash
16 Jaydee - Plastic Dreams (Remix 2003)

Kevin Saunderson @ Extrema NYEve Eindhoven(1.1.2005) - rapid

Kevin Yost:
1999-06-19 Kevin Yost @ Sonar Festival - rapid
2002-10-25 - Kevin Yost @ OTV Club rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
2007-09 - Kevin Yost - Especial, Ibiza Sonica - rapid

Kleez.one "Chicago RAW Mix"
Lloyd Devestating Jackmaster - Mecca Muzik
DJ Skull - Stress EP
DJ Lil' Tal - Mind Games
Morning Glory Seeds, The - Butterflies
Mike Dunn - Magic Feet (The Remixes)
Steve Poindexter - The Remixes
Robert Armani - Bouncing Baby
Mike Dearborn - Intense Muzik
Paolo Zerletti - Re-Activated
Traxx Boy - A Trip Toward Chicago
Rapid Eye vs. Uttoz - Moody Trax
Pilly P. & Stacy Kidd - Doin Thangs Vol. 1
Robert Armani - Invasion
Robert Armani - Ambulance 2
Robert Armani - Ambulance
Windell Storm - Welcome To Chicago
Cajmere - Underground Goodies (Vol. 4)
DJ Rush - Motherfucking Bass
Ron Trent - Altered States
DJ Sneak - Blue Funk II
Akilah Bryant - Urban Electronics
Green Velvet - Flash (Remixes)

kleez.one - the rings of saturn (UR > Kms >BGP)
Ron & Chez D - Untitled
Biotrans - Klente
Transcendence - Concepts Of Higher Dimension
Nick Holder - The Digital Age
Chuck Phulasole - The Jonezin EP
Serotonin Project, The Sidewinder (312 vs. 216 Stomp Mix)
Dark Ages - Masterplan
Cutastrophe - Catastrophic EP
Nick Holder - By All Means Underground
K. Hand* - Project #2
Ian Pooley - Re-Linked
DJ ESP Slow-Mo
Reese & Santonio - Grab The Beat
Ian Pooley - Puppets
Dan Curtin - I'll Take You There Remixes
Program 2 - More Energy
F.U.S.E. F.U.
Calisto Get House
DJ Oz - Technozone
Dino "Blade" Bellafiore - Laughing On Acid
Lee Botix - The Journey
Dino "Blade" Bellafiore - Time Is Running Out
Original Gangsters Of Freestyle, The* - Techno Stratigo
Adam X - Listen
Spawn - Infiltrator
K. Hand* - Rhythm Is Back
Tomahawk - Power Move EP
Liquid Groovy - Supersonic
Esser'ay - Forces
X-102 - OBX-A
The Rings Of Saturn.
150 mb mp3 , 150 minutes.

Kleez.one: Stabbed In The Back
Orbital - Chime
Orbital - Mutations (Part 1)(Ray Keith Mutation)
Lennie De Ice - We Are I.E.
Back From Detox - E.R.B.
Kicksquad - Soundclash (Champion Sound)
Psychopaths, The - Killer Mummy
DJ Doc Scott* - The N.H.S EP
N-Joi - Mindflux
EQ - The EP
Rum & Black - Wicked
EC Groove Society - Volume 1
Zero B - Lock Up
John & Julie - Circles (Round And Round)
Awareness - Religion
Hypnotist, The - This Is My House
Glide - All Right
Ragga Twins, The - Wipe The Needle
Smart Systems Tingler (Meltram Mix)
Tronik House* - Straight Outta Hell
Hypnotist, The - The Hardcore EP
DJ Edge - *1
Mind Of Kane - Stabbed In The Back
Sonic Experience - Protien
Rum & Black - ESQ / Slaves



Kriek @ Monox Feb 6th, 2006
Kriek @ Twstd invites Tresor Amsterdam 10-03-2007 - megaupload
Kriek @ Tresor Opening
Kriek @ Tresor Reopening Weekend - Back in May 07 25-5-2007 part1, part2
2002-03-24 Eva Cazal, Kriek @ Tresor rapid1, rapid2
2003-04-04 Kriek, Mack @ Headquarters, Globus, Tresor rapid1, rapid2, rapid3, rapid4, rapid5
2007-07-28 Kriek @ Maxi Cosi, Leiden, NL rapid1, rapid2

Kriss Kortz:
Kriss kortz - minimal techno mix - march06
Kriss kortz - code316 records - Tribute to Detroit
1 / Ur – Amazon
2 / Martian – Star dancer
3 / Aril Brikha – On and on
4 / Infinity – Game one
5 / Rob Hood – Museum
6 / Jeff Mills – Kat race
7 / Jeff Mills – Alarms (first mix)
8 / Dj Bone – Shut the lites off
9 / Derrick May – Icon
10 / Choice – Acid Eiffel
11 / Ur – Code breaker
12 / Scan 7 – Power
13 / Ur – Electronic warfare (Aux 88 mix)
14 / E-dancer – Pump the move
15 / Rob Hood – The pace
16 / Aril Brikha – Groove la’chord
17 / Sean Deason – The shit (2003 remix 3)
18 / Kenny Larkin – War of the worlds

Kriss kortz - minimal techno mix - april06
1 - Ame - Basic attack - Sonar Kollektiv
2 - Taedo - Granate granate - Cmyk
3 - Steve Rachmad & Joell Mull - Melophobia - Music man
4 - Argy - Poke her flat - Poker flat
5 - Brommage dub - Fettwise - Ad ltd
6 - Marc Romboy - Underground? - Systematic
7 - Dj Bone - Mutiny - Subject Detroit
8 - Ame - Rej - Sonar Kollektiv
9 - Ferrer & Sydenham - Sandcastles - Ibadan
10 - Electronic Resistance - Exposure - Sahkatek
11 - Joell Mull - Osf molten - Kanzleramnt
12 - Davide Cali - Traccia forte - Equilibra rec
13 - John Tejada - Asanebo - Poker Flat
14 - Dave Ellesmere - Standing in line - Intacto
15 - Adult - Hand 2 phone ( Carl Craig dub) - Clone
16 - Erotek - Tek -Slo - Twilight
17 - Sterac - As pure as it gets - 100% Pure
18 - Esoterik - Tau Ceti - Freerange

Parallel 9 - Dominus - Music man
Maurizio - M4 - Tresor
Luis Ortiz - Sines and Crackles - Modelisme
A Guy Called Gerald - Time to Jak - Sender
The Deacon - Multi-dimensional Drama - UR
Blue Mar Ten - Mace - Guidance rec
Dj 3000 - Drume - Motech
Shinedoe - The Peace Maker - 100 % Pure
Solab - Shift - 7th sign
The Nova Dream Sequence - Dream 14 - Compost
The Aztec Mystic - Ascesion - UR
Mr K-Alexi - Club MCM 1 - Deeply Rooted
Rejected - For the people - Sound Architecture
Dave Ellesmere - Ostrava - 100% Pure
Voyager 8 - We left the planet - Synewave
Vince Watson - Everything changes - Fu!fcom
Trevor Rockcliffe feat Blake Baxter - Vision of you (sls remix) - Intec
Life Recorder - Modular Emotion - Code 316

Kruder & Dorfmeister:
1996 - Kruder & Dorfmeister - Back To The Basics (X-003) - rapid
Adolf Noise - "40 Kaninchen" (Plattenmeister)
Tribe Of Issachar - "Fever" (Congo Natty 1996)
Aphrodite - "Woman That Rolls" (Aladdin)
Tribe Of Issachar +. Peter Bouncer - "Junglist" (Congo Natty 1996)
Ben Grim - "Step" (24 Karat)
Roni Size - "Reasons For Sharing (Share The Fall)" (Talkin' Loud)
Lion Of Judah - "Emperor Selassie I" (Congo Natty)
Swabe - "Will O' The Wisp" (Dope Dragon)
Adolf Noise - "Five N." (Plattenmeister)
No Info - "No Info" (No Info)
Alex Reece - "Jazzmaster (K & D Session)" (Blunted)
Count Basic - "Speechless Drum & Bass (K & D Session)" (Spray)
One True Parker - "Bubble Gum (Ray Keith Mix)" (Creation)
Simon & Garfunkel - "Punky's Dilemma" (CBS 1968)


Larry Heard:
Larry Heard Mr. Fingers Music Mix (March 17, 2006)

Laurent Garnier:
Laurent Garnier RaveMAxx @ Maxximum Radio (30th of March 1991)
Laurent Garnier RaveMAxx @ Maxximum Radio (6th of April 1991)
Laurent Garnier RaveMAxx @ Maxximum Radio (13th of April 1991) part1, part2
Laurent Garnier RaveMAxx @ Maxximum Radio (4th of May 1991) part1, part2
Laurent Garnier RaveMAxx @ Maxximum Radio (11th of May 1991) part1, part2
Laurent Garnier RaveMAxx @ Maxximum Radio (25th of May 1991) part1, part2
Laurent Garnier RaveMAxx @ Maxximum Radio (15th of June 1991) part1, part2, part3
Laurent Garnier RaveMAxx @ Maxximum Radio (27th of July 1991)
Laurent Garnier - REVEMAXX1_16031991_part1
Laurent Garnier - REVEMAXX1_16031991_part2
Laurent Garnier - REVEMAXX1_16031991_part3
Laurent Garnier @ Henrys 1992 A
Laurent Garnier @ Henrys 1992 B
Laurent Garnier @ Tribal Gathering 30-04-1993 - megaupload
Laurent Garnier - 93.08.28 energy (zurich)
Laurent Garnier - Final Frontier, Club UK, London - Feb-94
Laurent Garnier Teknoville_Cherry_Moon_27.05.1994
Laurent Garnier @ Wake Up Party, Lanfer Dijon 1994
Laurent Garnier - live @ Radio InterFrance 08.06 2007
Laurent Garnier - Essential Mix BBC - 30-01-2000
2000-06 - Laurent Garnier @ Sonar Festival - divshare
2000.01.30 - Essential Mix - Laurent Garnier (Live) part1, part2 - rapidshare
Carl Craig & Laurent Garnier @ La Boum De Luxe 2000
Laurent Garnier @ Electric Chair - April 2003 pt1 - zshare
2004-01-17 - Laurent Garnier @ Rex Club, Paris
2004-04-15 - Laurent Garnier @ Escape, UK
2005-09-05 - Laurent Garnier @ Electronic Picnic Festival, Dublin
Laurent Garnier - live at eurosonic festival groningen [2005-01-07]
Laurent Garnier - live_at_fuse_brussels-md-20-05-2006
Laurent Garnier - Live_At_Fuse_Brussels-MD-20-05-2006
Laurent Garnier @ Rote Sonne 14-01-2006 p1
Laurent Garnier @ Rote Sonne 14-01-2006 p2
Laurent Garnier - Destination Planetary mix 29.12.2006
Laurent Garnier - Electrochoc (September 18, 2006)
Laurent Garnier - Electrochoc deuxieme emission (October 25, 2006)
Laurent Garnier - Electrochoc troisieme emission (November 25, 2006)
Laurent Garnier - Electrochoc quatrieme (December 24, 2006)
Laurent Garnier - Electrochoc cinquieme emission (January 24, 2007)
Laurent Garnier - Electrochoc sixieme (February 24, 2007)
Laurent Garnier - Electrochoc septieme emission ( March , 2007)
Laurent Garnier @ Radio InterFrance 08-06-2007
Laurent Garnier - Destination Planetary Mix 29-12-2006 - mediafire
Laurent Garnier - eclectic brunch 04-15-2007
Laurent Garnier - Live @ The End, London - 24.03 2007 (100 MB)
Laurent Garnier Live @ Eclectic Brunch (RadioFG)-06-03-SAT-2007 - rapidshare
Laurent Garnier @ Radio InterFrance 08-06-2007
laurent garnier - radio interfrance /jun 2007
Laurent Garnier @ Heineken Open'er Festival Poland 29-06-2007 - sendspace
Laurent Garnier presents "Public Outburst" @ Radio France Inter (08-06-2007)
01 Laurent Garnier feat. Mike Banks : The Battle (F Communications / Pias)
02 Galaxy 2 Galaxy : Journey of the Dragons (Underground Resistance)
03 Christian Prommer's Drumlesson : Strings of life (Sonar Kollektiv)
04 DJ Fresh : The Pink Panther (Breakbeat Kaos)
05 Laurent Garnier : M Bass (F Communications / Pias)
06 Steve Coleman and Metrics : Hyped (BMG)
07 Build An Ark : ??? (Kindred Spirit)
08 Peder : Botan (Lizard Shakedown Records)
09 Laurent Garnier : Le cachot de Marat (promo)
10 Junior Boys : Like a child (Carl Craig Remix) (Domino)
11 Von Südenfed : Flooded (Domino)

Laurent Garnier @ Heineken Open'er Festival Poland 29-6-2007 - sendspace
Laurent Garnier @ It Is What It Is - RadioFG - Paris 24-9-2007 - megaupload
Laurent Garnier @ Nightmare Sandwiches 1997 video 99MB - sendspace
Laurent Garnier - DJ Set at It is what, it is FG Chic 24-09-2007ý - rapidshare
Laurent Garnier - Live at Space Closing Party Ibiza 11-09-2007 - rapidshare
Laurent Garnier - Live at Lowlands 18-08-2007 - rapidshare
Laurent Garnier - Desitnation Planetary Mix 2 - rapidshare
LaurentGarnier-Live@SansConcessions-FunRadio250497. part1, part2, part3
Laurent Garnier - FG Chic @ Radio FG 10.09.2007
Laurent Garnier @ Beats in Space Radio 16-11-2007

1991-11-23 - Laurent Garnier @ Orbit, Ossett - mega
1991-12 - Sasha, Laurent Garnier @ Positivity, Plymouth rapid1, rapid2
1992 - Laurent Garnier @ Kaos, Leeds rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
1993 - Laurent Garnier @ Wake Up Paris, Rex Club divshare, directDL
1994-01-14 - Laurent Garnier @ L'Anfer, Dijon rapid1, rapid2, part3, part4, part5
1994-02 - Laurent Garnier @ Final Frontier Club, London part1, part2
1995-03 - Laurent Garnier @ Cream
1996 - Laurent Garnier @ Skyrock Radio - rapid
1996-01-19 - Laurent Garnier @ L'Anfer, Dijon rapid1, part2, part3, divshare
Laurent Garnier @ Rex Club, Paris, Fun Radio, ~1997 - divshare
1997 - Laurent Garnier @ Space Opening, Ibiza rapid1, rapid2
1997-03-14 - Laurent Garnier @ Sans Concessions, Fun Radio
1997-03-28 - Laurent Garnier @ Sans Concessions, Fun Radio
1997-04 - Laurent Garnier @ Rex Club, Paris - divshare
1997-04-04 - Laurent Garnier - DJ Element, 3FM - rapid
1997-04-04 - Laurent Garnier @ Sans Concessions, Fun Radio
1997-04-25 - Laurent Garnier @ Sans Concessions, Fun Radio part1, part2, part3
1997-05 - Laurent Garnier @ Rex Club, Paris - divshare
1997-07-18 - Laurent Garnier @ Sans Concessions, Fun Radio
1999-10-15 - Laurent Garnier - HR-XXL Nightgroove - rapidshare
2000-05-06 - Laurent Garnier @ Fuse - uploaded
2002-07-07 - Laurent Garnier @ l'Anfer, Dijon direct1, direct2, direct3
2003-03-29 - Laurent Garnier @ Electric Chair, Manchester rapid1, rapid2, rapid3, rapid4
2003-06 - Llorca & Laurent Garnier @ Terrassa, Paris - rapid
2004-01-17 - Laurent Garnier @ Rex Club, Paris - divshare
2004-04-15 - Laurent Garnier @ Escape, UK - divshare
2004-05-22 - Laurent Garnier @ Club Yellow, Tokyo uploaded1, uploaded2
2005-01-15 - Laurent Garnier @ Eurosonic Festival, Groningen - rapidshare
2005-08-13 - Laurent Garnier @ Space Terrace, Ibiza - rapidshare
2005-09-05 - Laurent Garnier @ Electronic Picnic Festival, Dublin - divshare
2005-09-23 - Laurent Garnier - It Is What It Is - rapid
2005-09-31 - Laurent Garnier - It Is What It Is - rapid
2005-10-14 - Laurent Garnier - It Is What It Is (Studio Brussel) - mediafire
2005-12-31 - Laurent Garnier @ Stammheim, Germany - rapidshare
2006 - Laurent Garnier - It Is What It Is, 06-01-2006 - rapid
2006-01-14 - Laurent Garnier @ Rote Sonne, Munich uploaded1, uploaded2
2006-01-27 - Laurent Garnier - It Is What It Is - rapid
2006-04-09 - Laurent Garnier - It Is What It Is - rapid
2006-04-14 - Laurent Garnier - It Is What It Is - rapid
2006-04-16 - Laurent Garnier - It Is What It Is - rapid
2006-09 - Laurent Garnier @ Inauguration New Soundsystem, Rex Club, Paris - mediafire
Laurent Garnier @ Zouk Club, Singapore, 02-03-2007 - rapid
2007-02-18 - Laurent Garnier - Eclectic Brunch, Radio FG - rapid
2007-03-11 - Laurent Garnier - It Is What It Is, Eclectic Brunch, Radio FG
2007-03-18 - Laurent Garnier - It Is What It Is, Eclectic Brunch, Radio FG
2007-03-22 - Laurent Garnier & Lester Jones @ Rote Sonne Club rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
2007-03-24 - Laurent Garnier @ The End, London directDL, directDL
2007-04-02 - Laurent Garnier - Liquid Radio, FM4 - rapid
2007-04-15 - Laurent Garnier - Eclectic Brunch, Radio FG rapid
2007-06-03 - Laurent Garnier - Eclectic Brunch, Radio FG - rapid
2007-06-29 - Laurent Garnier - Live @ Heineken Open'er Festival, Poland - uploaded
2007-07-15 - Laurent Garnier - It Is What It Is, Radio FG - rapid
2007-09-10 - Laurent Garnier - It Is What It Is, FG Chic
2007-09-11 - Laurent Garnier @ Space Closing Party, Global (2007-09-16)
2007-09-24 - Laurent Garnier - It Is What It Is, FG Chic
2007-11-05 - Laurent Garnier - It Is What It Is, FG Chic - rapid
2007-11-19 - Laurent Garnier - It Is What It Is, FG Chic - rapid
2007-12-01 - Laurent Garnier @ 12 Years The End, London mediafire, uploaded, youmirror
2007-12-03 - Laurent Garnier - It Is What It Is, FG Chic
2007-12-15 - Franck Roger, Laurent Garnier @ The 5 Beats, Djoon, Paris rapid1, rapid2, rapid3, rapid4rapid5, rapid6
2007-12-31 - Laurent Garnier @ Zouk, Singapore (It Is What It Is, 2008-01-14) - rapid

2007-11-13 - Laurent Garnier @ Beats In Space, mediafire
Spread as 2007-11-16.
1. - -
2. Black Pocket - Boungie - Exit
3. Freestyleman
4. David Duriez - Red Tool (Scream Bitch) -
5. Luc Reingeisen - -
6. Will Saul - Mbira
7. - -
8. Jet Project - -
9. Radioactiveman - -
10. Octogen - Morpheusised - Sima
11. Suicide Commando - Suicide Commando
12. Taxi Girl - Cher Cher Le Garcon
13. Babylon Breaks -
14. Tempa Allstars Vol. 3 - Tempa
15. Chain of Command -
16. Break & Hydro -
17. - Ghostface Killer -
18. High Contrast -
19. Radio City - The Hop

2007-06-08 - Laurent Garnier presents 'Public Outburst' (Radio InterFrance)
01 Laurent Garnier feat. Mike Banks : The Battle (F Communications / Pias)
02 Galaxy 2 Galaxy : Journey of the Dragons (Underground Resistance)
03 Christian Prommer's Drumlesson : Strings of life (Sonar Kollektiv)
04 DJ Fresh : The Pink Panther (Breakbeat Kaos)
05 Laurent Garnier : M Bass (F Communications / Pias)
06 Steve Coleman and Metrics : Hyped (BMG)
07 Build An Ark : ??? (Kindred Spirit)
08 Peder : Botan (Lizard Shakedown Records)
09 Laurent Garnier : Le cachot de Marat (promo)
10 Junior Boys : Like a child (Carl Craig Remix) (Domino)
11 Von Südenfed : Flooded (Domino)

2005-10-28 - Laurent Garnier @ Gorod, Moscow uploaded1, uploaded2, uploaded3, uploaded4, uploaded5
Part 1
[00:00] unknown
[07:10] unknown
[12:00] unknown
[16:45] HUG - Fluteorgie [K2]
[20:20] Daso - Daybreak [My Best Friend]
[26:25] Fairmont - Gazebo [Border Community]
[29:40] unknown
[35:10] Alaska - At Night [F Communications]
[40:45] Âme - Rej [Sonar Kollektiv]
[46:30] unknown
[49:10] Bam Bam - Where's Your Child [Tresor]
[52:30] Giorgio Moroder - Chase
[59:25] unknown
[64:05] unknown
[67:10] Rekorder - Rekorder 1.1
[71:25] unknown
[76:50] unknown

Part 2
[00:00] Soulwax - E Talking (Soulwax nite version feat: Nancy Whang) [Pias]
[03:40] unknown
[08:35] New Order - Blue Monday
[13:30] unknown
[17:55] Thomas Schumacher - Heat It Up [Spiel-Zeug Schallplatten]
[20:50] unknown
[27:15] unknown
[31:40] Jerome Sydenham & Mikael Nordgren - Stockholm-Go Bang! (Club mix) [Ibadan]
[35:50] Henrik Schwarz - Leave My Head Alone Brain (Mix 2) [Sunday-Music]
[40:35] unknown
[48:05] unknown
[53:20] Laurent Garnier - The Man With Red Face (Version) [F-Communication]
[62:20] Red Astaire - Break On Through
[68:35] The Doors - Soul Kitchen
[72:00] The Cure - Boys Don't Cry

Part 3
[00:00] Mr. Fingers - Can You Feel It [Trax]
[04:30] Kenny "Jammin" Jason & Fast Eddie - Can U Dance [Trax]
[06:50] unknown
[07:50] Marshall Jefferson - Ride The Rhythm
[09:20] Quentin Harris - Lets Be Young [NRK]
[15:00] Gui Boratto - Arquipelago [K2]
[19:20] Michael Mayer - Neve Luthersche Fraktur [White label]
[24:50] unknown
[29:15] unknown
[32:10] unknown
[38:30] unknown
[41:05] unknown
[47:15] unknown
[52:25] Blur - Song 2 (Ivan Gough & Grant Smillie remix) [White label]
[55:35] Nirvana - Lithium [Geffen]
[59:15] The Prodigy - Out Of Space [XL]
[62:20] Max Romeo & The Upsetters - Chase The Devil
[64:25] unknown loop
[66:05] Herbie Hanckok - Rock It!
[71:12] Mr: Fingers - Jack Track [Trax]
[72:10] Reese & Santonio - Rock to the Beat

Part 4
[00:00] Blake Baxter - Sexuality (Trax records)
[05:10] Inner City - Pennies From Heaven (10 Records)
[10:50] Graylock - C:T:M: (Steve Rachmad mix) (EC records)
[20:50] Francesco Farfa - Universal Love [Serial killer]
[27:18] DAVINA - Don't You Want Me [Happy]
[34:00] unknown
[38:10] Dan Hartman - Relight My Fire [Sony Music]
[45:40] DJ Rolando - Knights Of Jaguar [Undergroud Resistance]
[52:05] unknown
[57:15] Scan X - Desire [F:::U fcom]
[60:20] X-Dream - The 1st [Boshke Beats]

Part 5
[00:00] unknown
[06:45] Laurent Garnier - First Reaction (DJ Marky & Drum magik remix) [F-Communication]
[11:15] Roni Size - Brown Paper Bag [Talkin' loud]
[17:40] unknown
[20:45] Missy Elliot - Get Ur Phreak On
[22:05] Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made For Walking
[25:50] Sound Of Blackness - The Pressure (CJ Macintosh Mix) [Perspective]
[31:30] Ron Trent - Altered States
[35:00] Choice - Acid Eiffel [Fragile]
[40:40] Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi Is Dead
[48:05] Orbital - Belfast [FFRR]
[56:20] 69 - Desire [R&S]
[62:40] ESG - UFO [99]

2000-01-30 - Laurent Garnier - Essential Mix - uploaded
Giant Robot - "Spelling Robot" (Hawaii Sound)
Bugge Wesseltofts - "Hymn" (Jazzland)
King Britt & Ursula Rucker - "Circle" (Guidance)
Unknown - "Unknown" (Ladomat)
Charley's Vault - "My Answer" (Twilight)
Der Dritte Ruam - "Hale Bopp" (Virgin)
The Monsters From Id - "Spacial Lobe" (Signal)
Lexicon Avenue - "Here I Am" (Yoshitoshi)
Julien Jabre - "It Feels" (Basic)
Laurent Garnier - "Smart Move" (F Communications)
E B E - "Serenity" (Soma Rec)
artist unknown - "untitled" (Mary)
Oxia - "134" (Good Life)
Trevor Rockcliffe - "untitled" (Tronic)
artist unknown - "untitled" (Cycle)
artist unknown - "untitled" (Ifach)
artist unknown - "untitled" (Figment)
Dj Funk - "Run" (Projex)
Dj Rush - "One Two Zero" (Projex)
Conmelt - "Pop My Body" (Ilc)
Ken Ishii - "Misprogrammed Day" (R & S)
Serge Gainsbourg - "En Melodie" (Philips)
The Swarm - "Protecting My Hive" (U R)
Oxia - "Story" (Good Life)
Africa Bambaataa & Westbam - "Agharta" (Mute)
Model 500 - "No Ufo's" (Metroplex)
Laurent Garnier - "Greed Part 2" (F Communications)
Jeff Mills - "If" (Purpose Maker)
69 - "Desire" (R & S)
Burnt Friedman - "White" (Scape)

1997 - Laurent Garnier @ Rex Club, Paris uploaded1, uploaded2
_08mn00 : Ché - The Incident (TM-005)
_11mn30 : Cassio Ware - I Like You (PAN 003)
_18mn00 : Azymuth - Jazz Carnival (Far Out Recordings)
_24mn30 : Epic Desire - Can't Live Without Your Love (GDR 016)
_51mn00 : Paralllel 9 - Technique (Generations)
_63mn30 : Sean Deason - Detroit 2030 (HS-002)
_68mn30 : Laurent Garnier - Flashback Original Mix (Fcom)
_77mn00 : DJ Rush - Groove Sucker [Djax Up Beats - 279]
_78mn00 : K. Hand - I Can Understand

_0min00 : Chaotik Ramses - Wide Bass on F Com
_08mn30 : laurent ganier - the hoe (nuthin'mix) - F-com 55.
_13mn13 : The Blunted Wonder Boy - Crossroads - NovaMute 58
_15mn51 : Thee Maddkatt Chronicles - Vengeance Is Mine - Clashbackk 01
_32mn30 : dj gilb'r - pressure (laurent garnier remix) - versatile rec.
_41mn00 : Technasia - Descent
_43mn00 : laurent garnier - wake up - F-COM.
_47mn30 : G flame & MR G - Who Knows - Phoenix G rec.
_52mn00 : Le knight club - santa claus - crydamoure rec. 01.
_55mn00 : daft punk - burnin (homework album) - virgin.

_1h03mn : jeff mills - the bells - axis rec.
_1h09mn : Microwave Prince - The Piperoom (Prince 97/50)
_1h34mn : lil'louis - blackout -
_02mn19 : Rhythim Is Rhythim - Salsa Life - Transmat 15
_05mn30 : Phortune : Sting Free (Club LeRay Mix)
_11mn00 : must check @ home, amazing record
_16mn00 : Green Velvet - Destination Unknown (Music Man)
_38mn49 : Phuture - We Are Phuture (Trax)
_41mn00 : Technasia
_47mn00 : Laurent Garnier - Flashback - Laboratoire Mix (Fcom)
_71mn00 : Choice - Acid Eiffel (Fragile)
_81mn00 : Underground Resistance - Amazon (UR)
_86mn00 : Underground Resistance - Seawolf - WPA 02
_89mn43 : Static Drum - Insector - Logistic 02

1992-11 - Laurent Garnier @ Skyrock Radio - rapid
02/ KXP feat. Ceybil Jeffries - Ain't No Mountain High Enough (The Accapella)
03/ Ce Ce Rogers - Brothers & Sisters (Club Dub)
04/ 280 West - Scattered Dreams ("Boom Chocka-Boom" Mix) not recorded
05/ Daydreemer - Jo's Theme (Original Mix)
06/ Audio Assault - Manic
07/ Chestnut - Mixed Moods
08/ Baby Ford - Move - On (Alternate Album Version)
09/ The Groove Corporation & Bim Sherman - Need More Love (In The Ghetto) (Non-Reflective Supertrance Mix)
10/ THK - France (not recorded)
11/ Deepside - Prelusion
13/ Ghetto Brothers - Pumpin' Bass ManSuvres
14/ Futurhythm presents Vein Melter – Hypnotized
15/ Laurent Garnier - Virtual Breakdown (not recorded)
16/ Gipsy - I Trance You (Paradisio Mix)
17/ Pamela Fernandez - Kickin' In The Beat (AIM Dub)
18/ TZ 9 - A side
19/ Mix Factory - Take Me Away (Paradise) (XTC Come Hard Mix)

1992-11-06 - Laurent Garnier @ Wake Up Dijon, L'Anfer rapid1, rapid2
- Intro?
- Piece+Jammin'- Kettle On The Pan - Soma
- ?
- The Reese Project - So Deep (Joey negro's fruit mix)
- Midi Rain - Shine (Pierre's Chicago House Mix)
- ?
- 108 Grand - Te Quiero (Darren Emerson Underworld Remix)
- Indo Tribe - Shrink
- ?
- ?
- Reel 2 Real - Go On Move - Strictly Rhythm
- Reel 2 Real - The New Anthem - Strictly Rhythm
- L.A. Style - I'm Raving / O Si Nene - zyx
- ?
- Kc Flight - Voices
- Todd Terry - Desire-What I Want - tnt
- Moonfou - Shut Up - All That's Art
- Reese - Smooth Groove - Incognito
- Orbital - Farenheit 303
- Armando - 151 (Terrace Mixx)
- K-Alexi - Drugtest
- Nikita Warren - I Need You
- Brainstorm - TZ 9
- Nightcrawlers - Push the feeling on (the dub of doom)
- ?
- XI Rhythm - Seduction
- R.A.C. - Neo Rio
- Ralphie Dee - Till The Clouds Roll By
- Jaydee - Plastic dreams
- Veinmelter - Hypnotized
- Hardfloor - Acperience
- Zero Gravity - Sensorium
- De Lite - Wild Times ( Mayday mix)

1994-09-04 - Laurent Garnier - Essential Mix - uploaded
Laurent Garnier - "The Force" (F.Communication)
The Sunshiners - "Ailleurs" (Gobb 2)
Goldfiner - "All Those Trees" (Superstition)
Laurent Garnier - "Harmonic Groove" (F.Communications)
Joey Beltram - "Flash Cube" (Trax)
Green Velvet - "From Outer Space" (Relief)
Moby - "Move" (Mute)
Luke Slater - "Orient" (Superstition)
Santonia - "Kisses" (Tresor Berlin)
Insatiable - "Your Love" (Big Big Trax)
Darlene Lewis - "Soul Fly Free" (KMS)
Wonders & Signse - "All We Need" (TCB Music)
Sterac - "Sitting on Clouds" (100% Pure)
Pluto - "Pluto's Retreat" (Rare Grooves 02)
Sluts 'N' Strings & 909 - "In Your Pretty Face" (Cheap)
Laurent Garnier - "Astral Dreams" (F. Communication)
RAC - "Oscillator" (Warp)
Feedback Element - "Rainfall" (F.Communication)
Skyman 1 - "Focus" (Dance Mania)
Mark Bernard - "Load" (Dance Mania)
Laurent Garnier's - "Silver String" (F. Communication)
Utah Saints - "Highlander" (ffrr)
DJ Hell - "Hot on the Heels of Love" (Disko B)
Scan X - "Cardia" (F.Communications)
Sound Engineer - "Re-Enforcement" (Rising High)
Iberian - "Boiling Eggs" (F. Communication)
Evolution of Time EP - "Epsilon Nine" (Undefined)
Laurent Garnier - "Bouncing Metal" (F. Communication)
Sole Wave - "The Aftershock" (Detrechno)
Mystic Force - "Mystic Force" (PSY Harmonics)
Laurent Garnier - "Raw Cut" (F. Communication)
DJ Joe Vannelli - "Play With The Voice In USA" (Sorted)

1995-07-19 - Laurent Garnier @ Virtual Kingdom, L'Anfer, Dijon - rapid
- The Irresistible Force - Snowstorm - Astralwerks
- Metal Masters - spectrum - Harthouse
- Rob Acid - Struktur Der Seele - Junkfood
- Carl Craig - experience - Aquarhythms
- King Britt (Dynamic) - Yeadon - Ovum
- Mood II Swing - Freaky instrumental - nite grooves016
- ID
- Jeff Mills - Humana - axis
- Model 500 - Lightspeed - R&S
- Shazz - Lost illusions (masturbation mix) - fnac
- Octave one - ?foundation ep?

Laurent Garnier - Is it what it is? 11-02-2008 - rapid
Laurent Garnier @ It Is What It Is - RadioFG - Paris 8-10-2007 - rapid
Laurent Garnier @ Chic - Radio FG 5-11-2007 - klik
Laurent Garnier @ The End London 26-01-2008 - rapid

Laurent Ho:
Laurent Ho Live At Ancien Palais De Geneve1996 - rapidshare
Laurent Ho f4-Live@Technoparade1999-Paris180999
1999-09-18 - Laurent Hô @ Techno Parade, Paris
Laurent Ho @ Club r_AW - P60 - Amstelveen 29-9-2007 - rapid

Tweak FM 180507 with Legowelt
Legowelt @ Outhouse Festival - Soest 1-9-2007 - klik
Legowelt Live @ Sfinks Sopot Poland 21-7-2007 - sendspace
2003-12-27 - Legowelt - Live @ Pixels 03 Festival @ La Bourse, Strasbourg, France
2006-10-21 - Legowelt - Live DJ Set @ Model Unik, Lyon, France livePA, dj set

Leandro Gamez:
Leandro Gamez - Electro Set 2005

Lennart From Amsterdam:
Lennart From Amsterdam - Kevin Saunderson Tributemix 5-11-2006 - rapidshare
1.Inner City good life (Mike "Hitman" Wilson's Chicago mix)
2.The Reese Project miracle of life (Terrence Parker 313 remix)
3.Inner City big fun (L.A. big big fun mix)
4.Reese Project Edition 2 direct me (Joey Negro disco blend mix)
5.Inner City that man (he's all mine) (techno city uptempo mix)
6.Reese Project Edition 2 direct me (Reese riot mix)
7.Reese inside-out (side b)
8.Reese Project Edition 2 station of the groove
9.The Reese Project the colour of love (deep reese mix)
10.E-Dancer feel the mood
11.Inner City ahnonghay (Carl Craig remix)
12.Inner City praise (Carl Craig remix)
13.E-Dancer velocity funk (Stacey Pullen remix)
14.E-Dancer world of deep
15.E-Dancer pump it up dub (remix)
16.E-Dancer banjo (Funk D'Void remix)
17.E-Dancer warp
18.E-Dancer pump the move (Kenny Larkin mix)
19.Tronik House straight outta hell (Hellbound)
20.Kevin Saunderson deep space intro X-Mix
21.Tronik House unleash the hardcore (Tronik hard mix)

Lennart From Amsterdam - DeepHouseMix 2-1-2008 - klik

Lenny Dee:

Leo Laker:

Lil Tony:

Los HermanosLos Hermanos:

Los Hermanos @ Monegros Festival 15.7.2006. - megaupload
Los Hermanos @ Warehouse Manchester 21-10-2006 - megaupload
Los Hermanos - live @ The Very Existance
Los Hermanos @ Monegros Dessert Radio 3 22-07-2006

2006-10-21 - Los Hermanos - Live @ The Warehouse Project, Manchester - rapid

Luka Baumann:
Luka Baumann @ Transmission 3 (02-09-2005)
Luka Baumann - Spiritualized
Luka Baumann - Live @ Detatched (Leeds, UK) (26/01/2008)

LukeM - M.E.S.P.M -> klik
LukeM - A Night with 2 Moons -> klik
LukeM - Digital Anomaly -> klik
LukeM - House Sessions March 2005 -> klik
LukeM - Deep -> klik

Luke Slater:
1997-12-26 - Luke Slater @ Teknoville, Fuse rapid1, rapid2
1999-05-22 - Luke Slater @ Fuse zshare1, zshare2
1999-09-25 - Luke Slater @ Fuse - rapid
2004 - Alexander Kowalski (Live), Joris Voorn, Luke Slater @ Tresor, 05-08-2004 uploaded1, uploaded2
Luke Slater - Metissages, Couleur3, 05-11-2004
2005-01-15 - Luke Slater @ Autobahn, Padova, Italy directDL, rapid
2006-04-29 - Luke Slater @ Tech Treading, Ambasada Gavioli
2007-01-05 - Luke Slater @ Pure Future Radio

2003-11-22 - Luke Slater @ Clubnight rapid1, rapid2
21:00 / 0:30 Uhr Score One - Luke Slater (Novamute - 12 NOMU 57)
21:01 / 0:31 Uhr Biting My Nails - Renegade Soundwave (Mute - M PRO 7253)
21:04 / 0:34 Uhr Flashback #1 - Traxster (Primate Endangered Species - APE 004)
21:06 / 0:36 Uhr Microtek - Stoned Baby (Primevil - PRVL 021)
21:07 / 0:37 Uhr Fountain Of Blood - Jorge Zamacona (Ingoma - 12)
21:09 / 0:39 Uhr Club M.C.M. (Sterac Rmx) - Club M.C.M. (BNW - 14)
21:14 / 0:44 Uhr Wild World - Co-Fusion (Pro-Jex - PROX 029)
21:17 / 0:47 Uhr Untitled - Danilo Vigorito (Southsoul Appendix - SUD APPX 04)
21:21 / 0:51 Uhr Spider II - D' Wachman & HD Substance (Atlas - AT 004)
21:24 / 0:54 Uhr Promo - Promo (Wet Music - WET 014)
21:26 / 0:56 Uhr Flaunt The Law - Jel Ford (Tortured - PAIN 030)
21:30 / 1:00 Uhr Promo - Promo (Chance - CHANCE 1)
21:33 / 1:03 Uhr How A Bitch Gets Rich - Fengari & Benjamin Sturm (Free Music - FM 013)
21:35 / 1:05 Uhr Low Energy - DJ Funk #1 (Cosmic - COS 006)
21:38 / 1:08 Uhr My Telephone Is Dead - DJ Tonio & David Carretta (Error 404 - XX2)
21:42 / 1:12 Uhr Platinum - Marco Bailey (MB Elektronik - MBELEK 010)
21:44 / 1:14 Uhr Premonition - Adam Jay (Primevil - PRVL 037)
21:49 / 1:19 Uhr The Horn Track (Luke Slater's Khufu Rmx) - Egyptian Empire (Missile - 53)
21:54 / 1:24 Uhr House Of Jealous Lovers - The Rapture (Output - OPR DFA 001)
21:57 / 1:27 Uhr Rekursion (DJ Boss Rmx) - Harald Klotzberg (Collapse - COL 02)
21:59 / 1:29 Uhr L8 - Jeff Mills (Purpose Maker - PM 008)
22:02 / 1:32 Uhr Fiesta Del Sol - Simon Digby (Primevil - PRVL 044)
22:03 / 1:33 Uhr Nummern - Kraftwerk (Kling Klang Schallplatten - 1 C 060-1 46379 6)
22:07 / 1:37 Uhr Digitalis - Teknika (Sodium - 3)
22:11 / 1:41 Uhr All Exhale - Luke Slater (Novamute - 12 NOMU 79)
22:17 / 1:47 Uhr EDBD - Luke Slater (Novamute - 12 NOMU 133)
22:22 / 1:52 Uhr Nothing At All - Luke Slater (Mute - P12 MUTE 261)
22:26 / 1:56 Uhr Love - Luke Slater (Novamute - 12 NOMU 562)
22:32 / 2:02 Uhr Holy Vol. 2 - John Starlight (Television - TELE 07)
22:36 / 2:06 Uhr Indian Voices - Chris Vareland (Primate - PRMT 029)
22:39 / 2:09 Uhr Intensity - Luke Slater (Novamute - 12 NOMU 133)
22:44 / 2:14 Uhr Monstertruckdriver - T.Raumschmiere (Novamute - 12 NOMU 124)
22:46 / 2:16 Uhr Traction Action - Luke Slater (Novamute - 12 NOMU 133

Luke Vibert:
2001 - Mr. Scruff, Luke Vibert, Patrick Carpenter (PC) - One World (Radio 1) - Ninja Tune Special - uploaded
2003-01-12 - Aphex Twin vs Luke Vibert - 626 Mix - rapid
2005-10-17 - Luke Vibert @ Let It Bleep - divshare
2006-03 - Luke Vibert @ Kindergarten rapid1, rapid2
2006-07-28 - Luke Vibert @ 030303, Utrecht rapid1, rapid2

1999-02-26 - Luke Vibert - Back To The Basics (X-072) rapid1, rapid2
BTTBX072a - (aired on Solid Steel 2007-05-25 as well)
1. Luke Vibert - "Splitting The Mind" (No Info)
2. I Gres - "Hot Dog" (Globevision)
3. Fat Boys - "Human Beat Box" (WEA)
4. Henry Mancini - "Slow Hot Wind" (RCA)
5. Gang Starr - "Just To Get A Rep (acapella)" (Chrysalis 1991)
6. Cameo - "Flirt" (Casablanca)
7. Cylob - "Rewind" (Rephlex)
8. Egyptian Lover - "Los Angeles" (Egyptian Empire)
9. Level 42 - "Starchild" (No Info)
10. Yello - "Bostich" (Vertigo)
11. Luke Vibert - "Not Yet Broken" (No Info)
12. Tyree - "Acid Over" (FFRR)
13. Suburban Knight - "The Worlds" (Transmat)
14. Bros - "I O U Nothing (acapella)" (CBS)
15. Meat Beat Manifesto - "I Am Electro (DHS Remix)" (Play It Again Sam)
16. Drexciya - "Bang Bang" (UR)
17. Ryuichi Sakamoto - "Participation Mystique" (Island)
18. Cylob - "Sex Machine" (Rephlex)
19. Kraftwerk - "Numbers" (EMI)
20. Peter Thomas - "Space Patrol" (Bavaria)
21. OC - "Times Up (acapella)" (Wild Pitch)
22. L-Fudge - "Show Me Gratitude (inst.)" (Rawkus)
23. Wagon Christ - "Breakage No. 2" (Virgin)

1. Gang Starr - "Robbin' Hood Theory" (EMI)
2. J-Live - "Braggin' Writes" (Raw Shack)
3. KRS-1 - "A Friend" (Jive)
4. The High & The Mighty - "Mind, Soul & Body" (Eastern Conference)
5. MF Grimm feat. B1 - "Emotions" (Day By Day)
6. Mos Def / Shawn J. / Mike Zoot - "High Drama" (Guesswhyld)
7. Medina Green - "Fly La Lashe" (Rawkus)
8. Mos Def - "If You Can Huh You Can Hear!" (Rawkus)
9. El Da Sensei - "Under Pressure" (Guesswhyld)
10. Wizdom Life - "Stock Exchange" (Fruition)
11. Mos Def / Pharoe Monch / Rah Digga / A Butta & Talib Kweli - "Talkin' To You" (Rawkus)
12. Group Home - "12 o'clock" (Payday)
13. A Tribe Called Quest - "Bustas Lament" (Jive)
14. Blackstar - "Respiration" (Rawkus)
15. KMD - "What A Nigga Know" (Elektra)
16. A Tribe Called Quest - "Hot 4 U" (Jive)
17. Lafayette Afro Rock Band - "Hihache" (Musidisc)


Mad Max:
2008-01-18 - Dave Tarrida, Mad Max, Lester Jones @ Tresor vs Disko B, Rote Sonne rapid1, rapid2, rapid3, rapid4

Mad Mike:
2001-09-22 - Mad Max - Rave Satellite, Fritz rapid1, rapid2
2003-05-22 - Mad Mike, Suburban Knight, Juan Atkins, Buzz Goree @ Novamix directDL

Richie Hawtin & Magda @ PS1, New York, 05-07-2003 - uploaded
2003-11-11 - Magda @ Panacea Bar, Detroit - uploaded
2004 - Magda @ Panacea Bar, Detroit, 04-07-2004 uploaded, rapid1, rapid2
2004-07-10 - Magda @ Fritz LoveRadio - rapid
2007-07-18 - Magda @ 10 Days Off, Belgium - rapid
2007-09-10 - Magda @ Anti-Pop Music Festival, Viana, Portugal rapid1, rapid2
2006-08-19 - Magda @ Clubnight rapid1, rapid2
22:00 / 01:19 Uhr Promo - Bruno Pronsato (Promo - Promo)
22:02 / 01:21 Uhr The Lost Tracks - Promo (Perlon - Promo)
22:07 / 01:26 Uhr The White Room - Microfunk (Remote - 2)
22:10 / 01:29 Uhr Promo - Promo (Promo - Promo)
22:13 / 01:32 Uhr Promo - Rojo (Promo - Promo)
22:16 / 01:35 Uhr Promo - Donnacha Costello (Minimise - MIN 026)
22:19 / 01:38 Uhr Silent Movie - Tractile (Promo - Promo)
22:22 / 01:41 Uhr Promo - Bruno Pronsato (Promo - Promo)
22:26 / 01:45 Uhr Promo - Skoozbot (Promo - Promo)
22:28 / 01:47 Uhr Promo - Promo (Promo - Promo)
22:33 / 01:52 Uhr Echolocation - Skoozbot (Promo - Promo)
22:37 / 01:56 Uhr Promo - Dapayk (Promo - Promo)
22:40 / 01:59 Uhr Promo - Agaric (We Are - WRR 6)
22:44 / 02:03 Uhr If You Can Reach This You're Standing To Close - Miss Fitz (Sushitech Purple - SUSHP 03)
22:48 / 02:07 Uhr Dipthyque - Seuil (Promo - Promo)
22:51 / 02:10 Uhr Misnombre - Tractile (Promo - Promo)
22:54 / 02:13 Uhr Babykate (Rmx) - Magda (Minus - Promo)
22:58 / 02:17 Uhr Omega Shark - Skoozbot (Promo - Promo)
23:02 / 02:21 Uhr Arkachon - Ark (Circus Company - CC CD 01)
23:05 / 02:24 Uhr Moriomelo - Pantytec (Perlon - PERL 53)
23:07 / 02:26 Uhr The Mirror - Barem (Promo - Promo)
23:12 / 02:31 Uhr Promo - Promo (Promo - Promo)
23:17 / 02:36 Uhr Delayed - Troy Pierce (Promo - Promo)
23:20 / 02:39 Uhr Red Door - Ryan Crosson (Promo - Promo)
23:23 / 02:42 Uhr Promo - Mike & Dot (Substatic - SUS 56)
23:29 / 02:48 Uhr Promo - Seth Troxler (Promo - Promo)
23:32 / 02:51 Uhr Believers Goodbye - Headgear (Groovetech - GT LP 003)
23:39 / 02:58 Uhr Promo - Bruno Pronsato (Promo - Promo)
23:42 / 03:01 Uhr Flitzpiepe - Koljah (Sushitech - SUSHI 003)
23:45 / 03:04 Uhr Promo - Tractile (Promo - Promo)
23:49 / 03:08 Uhr Discover The Active Crash Hiss - Slacknoise (Promo - Promo)
23:52 / 03:11 Uhr Promo - Promo (Frankie - 15)
23:55 / 03:14 Uhr Black Leather Wonder - Magda (Items & Things - 1)
23:58 / 03:17 Uhr Love Bezerker - Seth Troxler (Promo - Promo)

Maikol - Detroit Electro Mix
1. Aux 88- Electro Muzik- Creme 12-42
2. Chaos- Afrogermanic- Undergound Resistance 045
3. Posatronix- Shake Dat Thang- Cratesavers 005
4. Boris Divider- Especie Digital- Drivecom 007
5. Aux 88- Break It Down (Will Web Remix)- Direct Beat 026
6. Ectomorph- Malfunction- Interdimensional Transmissions IT No. 2.0b1
7. Dopplereffekt- Speak & Spell- International Deejay Gigolo Records 32
8. Faceless Mind- Save Facelite- Strange Life 011
9. Keith Tucker- I Just Don’t Understand- Crčme 12-32
10. Dynarec- Fluid Leak- Southern Outpost 011
11. K1- Time Travel- Puzzlebox 11
12. Scan 7- You Have The Right (T.Linder Mix)- Cratesavers 006
13. Dj Surgeon- Electro Bass Head- Cratesavers 008
14. Underground Resistance- Subsonic Shadow- Underground Resistance 040
15. DJ Di’jital- Bang- Underground Resistance 070
16. Aux 88- Interstellar Funk- Creme 12-4
17. Mad Mike- Base Camp Alpha 808- Underground Resistance 003
18. Boris Divider- Clone Factory- Satamile 029
19. Dynarec- Office Worker- Electrix 029
20. Mad Mike- Hi Tech Funk (Sonic Grits Mix)- Underground Resistance 042
21. Krafterrk- Numbers- Warner Bros HS 3549

Marco Carola:
Marco Carola - Live @ XS Club (Iasi, Romania) 08.06.2007
Marco Carola @ Amnesia - Milano 2-3-2007 - klik
Sven Väth, DJ Hell & Marco Carola @ Omen Closing Party 18-10-1998 - klik
Marco Carola @ Voltt Loves Summer 26-8-2007 - rapidshare
1998-10-18 - Marco Carola @ HR-XXL Nightgroove - rapid
Marco Carola @ Fuse, 09-04-1999 - rapid
2000-09-08 - Marco Carola vs. Gaetano Parisio @ Tonic, Toronto - rapid
2003-04-20 - Marco Carola & Adam Beyer @ Zenith Label Party - rapid
2003-07-07 - Marco Carola @ Coma Nish Open Air, Serbia - rapid
2005-03-16 - Marco Carola @ Robots directDL1, directDL2
Marco Carola @ Club 4, City Hall, Barcelona, 07-06-2007
2007-02-01 - Marco Carola @ Club 4, City Hall, Barcelona
2007-06-09 - Marco Carola @ Session Club, Bucharest - rapid
2007-09-11 - Marco Carola - Galaktika Records Podcast 054 - uploaded
2007-11-05 - Marco Carola @ After Hours Carnival, Medellín, Colombia - uploaded
Marco Carola @ Shockers - 26-04-2003 - rapid

Mark Spoon:
1995-07-15 - Mark Spoon @ Clubnight rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
1995-10-21 - Mark Spoon @ Clubnight rapid1, rapid2
1995-11-25 - Mark Spoon @ Clubnight rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
1997-04-30 - Marc Spoon @ MayDay - Sonic Empire - rapid

1996-12-07 - Mark Spoon @ Clubnight - uploaded
1. Essential Elements 7 - Bodyjazz Bodyfusion (Carl Craig Mix) (Essential Dance Music - 703019)
2. Dimitri From Paris - Sacrebleu (Yellow - YP CD 011)
3. CJ Bolland - The Prophet (Internal - TRULP 13)
4. CJ Bolland - Sugar Is Sweeter (Internal - TRULP 13)
5. Moby - Come On Baby (Mute - 12 Mute 200)
6. Zend Avesta - South Of Heaven (Versatile - VER 003)
7. Playboy - In Da Jungle (Tag - 001)
8. Tori Amos - Professional Widow (Atlantic - 0-85499)
9. The Fifth Edition - Raod Trip (20:20 Vision - VIS 011)
10. Dynamic - Dynamic (Ovum - OVM 109)
11. DJ Sneak & Armand van Helden - Psychic Bounty Killaz (Hyper Hype - HH 0286)
12. D.J. Tonka - Happiness (Force Inc. - FIM US 18)
13. DJ Pierre feat. Lavette - Jesus On My Mind (Twisted - TW 12-55283)
14. Tata Box Inhibitors - Insane (Touché - TOU 9628)
15. Robo Grooves - Robo Groove (Dirty House - DIRT 06)
16. Thomas Bangalter - Outrun (Roulé - 301)
17. Noise Maker - Moments (Strictly Rhythm - SR 12489)
18. Omni Trio - Tha Haunted Science (Shadow - ASHADOW 6 CD)
19. Dimitri From Paris - Sacrebleu (Yellow - YP CD 011)
20. Digital Mama - Dig This (Overdose - DMD Dose 002 ltd)
21. Ken Ishii - Overlap (R & S - RS 96107)
22. Earth Nation - Educate It (Low Spirit - DMD LS 201 MS)
23. Ken Ishii - Overlap (R & S - RS 96107)
24. Talla 2XLC - Is Anybody Out There (Low Spirit - DMD LS 201 MS)
25. Mysteryman - X-Or (Overdrive - OVER-X-PO 05)
26. Talla 2XLC - Is Anybody Out There (Low Spirit - DMD LS 201 MS)
27. Mysteryman - Vibes (Overdrive - OVER-X-PO 05)
28. Franky Jones - Nightflight (Bonzai - BRLP 96001)
29. Black & Brown - Lick It (D:Tour - DET 120010)
30. Creation (Nuclear EP) - Serious (One Thousand - ots 1002)
31. Pacific Rhythm LP - Track 1 (Harthouse - HH SP 010 CD)
32. Bubblegum Crisis - Syncrasy (Overdrive - OVER 093)
33. Pacific Rhythm LP - Track 2 (Harthouse - HH SP 010 CD)
34. Pili Pili 96 - Psycho Drum Mix (Intercord - INT 128.151)
35. Franky Jones - Funki Bizznizz (Bonzai - BRLP 96001)

1996-10-05 - Mark Spoon @ Clubnight rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
1. Cujo - Cat People (R & S - RS 96102)
2. DJ Food - Mella (Arctic - KOLDCD 016)
3. Fila Brazillia - Pluck Me I'm Ripe (R & S - RS 96102)
4. London Funk Allstars - Tear It Up (Arctic - KOLDCD 016)
5. Drably Froud - Heavily Crated (Verb Audio - VA 003)
6. The Return Of Drexciya - Rublick's Cube (Underground Resistance - UR 037)
7. Pulse & Tango - Feeling Real (Moving Shadow - SHADOW 69 R)
8. Metalheadz - Platinum Breakz (FFRR/Metronome - 828 783.1)
9. Metalheadz - Platinum Breakz (FFRR/Metronome - 828 783.1)
10. Boris Dlugosch pres. Booom! - Keep Pushin' (MAW - 012)
11. Til & Ron - Rellik (Made In Frankfurt - DMD FFM 11)
12. Boris Dlugosch pres. Booom! - Keep Pushin' (MAW - 012)
13. Basco - The Beat Is Over (Deconstruction/Logic - CON 002)
14. Robot Man - Do Da Doo (Definitive - 12 DEF 013)
15. Mike Ink - Club NCN (Force Inc. - FIM 115)
16. Emmanuel Top - Spherique (Nova Mute - 12 NoMu 46)
17. Mark Broom - The Alien Spoke (Plastic - PP 008)
18. Stephen Cinch - Elements Of Inspiration (Advanced Architecture - AVA 001)
19. Mark Broom - Funked Up (Plastic - PP 008)
20. Silvershower - Ice Fractions (Plus 8 - PLUS 8059)
21. Planetary Assault System - Funk Electric (Peace Frog - PF 057)
22. Frozen Sun - The Personal Advertisement (Testtube - 006)
23. Taylor & Zamani - Planet Of Drums, DJ Slip Remix (Planet Of Drums - LC 06)
24. The Advent - Shaded Elementz (Internal - 828 799-1)
25. Axis - The Other Day EP (Axis - AX 015)
26. The Advent - Shaded Elementz (Internal - 828 799-1)
27. Little Jam - The Great Bear (Flex - 014)
28. Future Breeze - Why Don't You Dance With Me (Le Petit Prince - Prince 96/41)
29. DJ Randy - Enter Load (Smoke Free - SMOKE 003)
30. Timo Maas & M-Zone - Friendship EP (Lanka - 3 LAN 021)
31. DJ Randy - Enter Load (Smoke Free - SMOKE 003)
32. De Niro - Mind Of Man (Tetsuo - tet 14)
33. DJ Quicksilver - I Have A Dream (Underdog - UD 004)
34. Nunca - Ballistique (Amato International - AI 12002)
35. Tecmania Rebel - So Get Up (Planet Dance - PD 01)
36. Big Hard Hats - On E (Flex - 012)
37. T.S. Project - So Deep So Precious (Dance Opera - DO 466)
38. E-Zee Possee - Everything Starts With An E (UCA - 041 R)

1996-08-03 - Mark Spoon feat. Stefan Ludley @ Clubnight rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
1. The Terrorist - The Chopper (Dread - 13)
2. Source Lab 2 - Daft Punk (Source - 7243 841 714 2)
3. DJ Duke - The Henry Street Pleasuredome (Henry Street - HS 194)
4. Area 51 - Drive (Suntune - SUT 001)
5. Shades Of Rhapsody - Keep On Dancin' (Jellybean - JEL 2514)
6. Limited - G.O.D. (Chilly - 001)
7. Armand van Helden - Work Me Gadamit '96 (Henry Street - HS 185)
8. Walk - For The Doves (Walk - WR 001)
9. E.H.R. - Enrapture (Waxhead - WH 1103)
10. Roach Motel - The Night (Junior Boys Own - JBO 41 R)
11. Killer Fabre - Damned Fear EP (Sushi - 08)
12. The Big Buddha - Flat Tyre (Tomahawk - TOMA 06)
13. Der Dritte Raum - Narkose (Harthouse - HH LP 017)
14. Ricky Spring - Sunrise Sunset Twilight (Batter - LEEMAN 1)
15. Alex Reece - Candles (Fourth & Broadway - 12 BRW 333)
16. The Dark Master - Dark Rider (Hyper - HYP 018)
17. Funky Elements - Nite Moves (Hard Leaders - HL 006)
18. Spacefunk Remixes - Spacefunk 3 (Timeless - DJ 11 R)
19. Swiith Craft - The Wave (Abstract Dance - AB 002)
20. Zzino - Accelerate (Re-Load - REL 962105)
21. Akilah Bryant - Arachnophobia (Hybrid - HYB 017)
22. Noel - Bright (Nitric - NIT 963609)
23. Moogability - 5000 Horses (Supernova - SNR 007)
24. Komatsu - Watch Out (sfx - 007)
25. Lhasa - Soul Searcher (Expansion/Ohm - ohm e0012)
26. Subnerve - Grey Scale (Cybertronic - DMD CTR 1014)
27. The Bad Hippies - Trip On It (7 Records - Sev 02)
28. Clockwork - Dream (Synchronicity - SC 001)
29. Slinky Wizard - Anytime (BOMM - Divine 17)
30. Sun Project (Spirit Zone - EFA 02863)
31. Intro - Jamais (Quality Madrid - QM 903501.6)
32. Frank Ellrich & Kai Mac Donald - Psychadelic Gate (Cybertronic - DMD CTR 1013)
33. Voodoo Child - Dog Heaven (Trophy - 12 Trophy 5)
34. Athena - Human Vox (Matsuri - MP 14)
35. System 7 - Hangar 84 (Butterfly - BFLT 38)

1996-06-08 - Mark Spoon @ Clubnight rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
1. Fugees - Killing Me Softly (Columbia - 6633435)
2. Alex Reece - Feel The Sunshine (Island - 12 BRW 332/854)
3. Jedi Knights - One For M.A.W. (Evolution - EV0042CO)
4. Promo - Ooh La La La (Promo - CM 003)
5. John Nick - Don't Stop (Henry Street - HS 178)
6. Detroit Techno City II - Octave One (430 West - 4W-270)
7. Eddie S. & The Roosters - I Am Excited (Freeze - 50091)
8. Booka Shade - Work You (Touché - TOU 9622)
9. George Acosta - Way Up To The Sky (Strictly Rhythm - SR 12400)
10. Jedi Knights - May The Funk Be With You (Evolution - EV0042CO)
11. Steve Poindexter - Workz That M.F. (Muzigue - MR-001)
12. Groove Template - Lough Enough (Tart - TAR-0002)
13. DJ Double S. - Feelin' (Digital Dungeon - UGDT 2005)
14. The Future Sound Of Miami - Just Groovin' (Nitebeat - NB 045)
15. Scotti Deep - Pulse (Henry Street - HS 190)
16. Dave Clarke - Southside (Bush - 33538 1)
17. Faithless - Insomnia (Cheeky -)
18. Dave Clarke - No One's Driving (Bush - 380 161)
19. Trancesetters - The Search (Touché - TOU 9624)
20. DJ HMC - Southern Cross (Juice - 012)
21. B.B.E. - Seven Days And One Week (Triangle - TRI-V-96 001)
22. KX Noizsystem - Crash & Burn (KX Teqyo Lab - 012)
23. Supreme Truth - The Supreme Truth (Ongaku - 11)
24. Woody McBride - Come In... (Bush - 1030 064)
25. The Advent - Retreat (Internal - CCCB8)
26. The Advent - New Beginnings (Internal - CCCB9)
27. State Of House - Zoomstone For Atmosphere (Rough Technology RTD175.2128.0)
28. Orbital - Out There Somewhere (Internal - 828 763-2)
29. Antic - Digital Mass (Jinx - JX-500)
30. kinetic A.T.O.M. - Impossible Trigger (Phuture Wax - wax 014)
31. V.R. Volvox - Attend (Overdrive - OVER 088)
32. kinetic A.T.O.M. - Borg Destroyer (Phuture Wax - wax 014)
33. Atom-X - Bomber, Attack One (Re-Load - REL 962103)

Thorax - Exhale (Absense - AB 002)
1. Antic - Copy Cat (Jinx - JX-500)
2. Everything But The Girl - Walking Wounded (Virgin - CDV 2803)
3. Alex Reece - Feel The Sunshine (Island - 12 BRW 332/854)

1995-06-24 - VA @ Hessentag, Schwalmstadt - Clubnight rapid1, rapid2, rapid3, rapid4
1. Acid Energy - DJ Misjah & Groovehead (X-Trax - X 005)
2. Ahnongay - Inner City (6x6 Network - Six T123)
3. 31 Years - Assign (Harthouse - HH 075)
4. Ever Distant - DJ Drum (FPIG 1217)
5. Quo Vadis - G-Man (Swim - Vwm 9)
6. Immunochemical Epoxy - Proprionic (Re-Load - REL 95 2104)
7. Audio Illusion - The Advent (Internal - CCCB 05)
8. Higher - Voodoo Child (Trophy - 12 TROPHY 01)
9. Ninjahead - Pulseman (Frogman - FROG 005R-2)
10. Inhibitor - Accelerator (Re-Load - REL 952103)
11. Promo (STP 003)
12. C5 - DJ Edge (EDGE 16)
13. Deperate - Voodoo Child (Trophy - 12 TROPHY 01)
14. The Siren - The Siren (V-1)
15. Spectra - X-313 (Genrator - GEN 011)
16. Alpha Wave - System 7 (Butterfly - BFLT 25)
17. Climax - Emmanuel Top (Attack - ATT-V-95 002)
18. Promo
19. Trippin‘ Out - DJ Misjah & Groovehead (X-Trax - SUSSX 014)
20. It’s Out Future - AweX (Plastic City - 10 PLAC 01)
21. Merge - Genecom (Planet Rhythm - PRR 008)
22. Access - DJ Misjah & Groovehead (X-Trax - SUSSX 014)
23. Possession (Baby Doc Remix) - Dominatrix (Ascension - ASCUk 15)
24. Limits - V-Trax (Virtual - VR-006 12)
25. The Club - Digital Express (X-Trax - X 003)
26. Cyanide - Baby Doc & The Dentist (Dream Inn - DREAM 03)
27. Let There Be House - Cherrymoon Traxx (Bonzai - BR 94066)
28. Yo Gotta Say Yes To Another Excess / Great Mission - Jam & Spoon’s Hands On Yello (Urban)
29. New Dimension - DJ Hitchhiker & DJ Jaques Dumont (Bonzai - BR 95073)
30. Rave Nation - Hooligan (Ultraphonic - 4509-98050-0)
31. The Milky Way - Aurora Borealis (F-Communication - 137 0003 30)
32. Deperate - Voodoo Child (Trophy - 12 TROPHY 1)
33. Tribute - Friends, Lovers & Family (Lush 02)
34. I Wanna Know - The Bucketheads (Positiva - 12 TIV 33)
35. The Bomb - The Bucketheads (Positiva - 12 TIV 33)
36. A2+ - DJ Edge (EDGE 16)
37. Santana - Ontic (Jinx - JX 420)
38. I Believe (Rosso’s Remix) - Celvin Rotane (Alphabet City - ALPHA 01R)
39. Live Evil Pt. 1 - Mike Inc. (Force Inc - FIM 081)
40. Virgo - E.E.G. (Limbo - LIMB 44T)
41. Ninjahead - Pulseman (Frogman - FROG 005)
42. Acid Energy - DJ Misjah & Groovehead (X-Trax - X 005)
43. Promo
44. Method - Silent Breed (Deep Bass Trance - D.B.T. Min 08)

1994-01-15 - Mark Spoon @ Clubnight rapid1, rapid2, part3
1. Odyssey to Anyoona - Jam & Spoon (Sony Dance Division - 474 928 9)
2. House Nation - Liquid Sky (SPV - 050-10705)
3. Spritual Groove Mix - Voodoo Suite (Round & Round - RR 9226)
4. Slumberland - Solitaire Gee (Warp - WAP 32)
5. One kiss - Pacha (Flying - FIN 133)
6. Kick it - Club Vibes (Strictly Rhythm - SR 12186)
7. Salvador - The Cameleon Project (Guerilla - GREP 003)
8. Ekinoxe - Goa Experience (Doss House 004)
9. Art of Time - Resoraz (Warp - WAP 37)
10. Junction 14 - Soul Escape (Slip’n’Slide - SLIP 5)
11. Acceleration by T.R.A.N.C.E. - Graylock (STV 005)
12. Right in the Night (Rmx) - Jam & Spoon (Sony Dance Division - 659 855 9)
13. Anihilating Rhythm - Ultra Sonic (Low Spirit / Fire 105)
14. Troya Mix 93 - Odyssee of Noises (Eye Q - 4509 95139-1)
15. Reconcile - Baphomte (Trigger - TR 010)
16. Daytona - Jim Clarke (Noom 104)
17. Loops of Infinity - Jam & Spoon (Sony Dance Division - 659 855 9)
18. Friends or Foes - Renegade Legion (FNAC 590279)
19. Unfuture - Sonic Infusion (Eye Q 006)
20. El Gallinero - Ramirez (Dance Floor Corporation - DFC 155)
21. Tales of Mystery - DJ Tom & Norman (Overdrive - OVER 036-12)
22. Discover your innserself - Apreggiators (Harthouse - HH 039)
23. La Casa - Bam-Bam (Bonzai - BR 93024)
24. Right in the Night (Rmx) - Jam & Spoon (Sony Dance Division - 659 855 9)
25. Follow me - Jam & Spoon (Sony Dance Division - 659 855 9)
26. In from the night - Planetory Assault System (Peacefrog - PF 102)
27. Sleepless - Razor’s Edge (Prolekult - KULT 002)
28. Two full moons and a trout - Union Jack (Platipus - PLAT 06)
29. Urban Sea - Sub-Stance (NOW! 17)
30. My house is mine - Outsider (Spacemate - SM 1222)
31. The 5th Dimension - X-Dream feat. Planet B.E.N. (Tunnel - TR 006)
32. Deux petites differences - Marc et Claude (Le Petit Prince 93/07)
33. Magnetic King - Van Basten (Brute 10)
34. Sooner or later - Vernon (Eye Q - 4509-94267-0)
35. Gravity - Terminator Benelux (HOS 013)
36. Rota - 3 Phase (Nova Mute - NOMU 023)

1994-05-28 - Mark Spoon @ Clubnight rapid1, rapid2
1. Two full moons and a Trout - Union Jack (Rising - RSN 81)
2. Oh Superman - Spiritual North (Promo)
3. Bongos & B-Line - Whitestorm (Bedhopper)
4. Hutch Burn - DHSS (Brute 15)
5. Alpha Centauri - Hallucinogen (MMSUKIMPBFLT 14)
6. D-Prelude - Oliver Le Castor (Adam & Eve - CPW 001)
7. The Force - Apogee (Rabbit City)
8. Rabbit in the Moon (Hardkiss - HK 005)
9. In the Dark we live - Aphrohead (Bush 1011)
10. Timeless Altitude - Secret Cinema (EC 005)
11. Red 2 - Dave Clarke (Bush 1015)
12. Stop my Love - Secret Cinema (EC 005)
13. Analog Signal (Tesseract - TES 010-5)
14. The Milky Way - Aurora Borealis (F-Communication)
15. I laugh - Exit Eee (No Respect - NRR 026)
16. The Finest - Mega’Lo Mania (No Respect - NRR 027)
17. The Culture - DJ Hooligan (No Respcet - Promo)
18. The house of house - Cherrymoon (Lighting)
19. Escalation - Infreqeutn Oscilation (Important - IMP 008)
20. Executioner’s Song - Park (Technology - TPK 001)
21. One Rhythm One Mission - Mo-Tune (Hyper-Hype - HH 015)
22. Perpetuum Mobile - Non-Eric (Lunatec - LUNA 006)
23. Down under - Tranceliner (Tesseract - TES 012-5)
24. Subway 26 - V-Tracks (Hotside)
25. Alienated - Earth Nation (Eye Q)
26. Tritop - Phax feat. Steve Bug (Superstition)
27. Firedance - The Sunrise (Eye Q 016)

1994-06-11 - VA @ Clubnight Spezial - Hessentag, Groß-Gerau rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
1. Takin’ Place in you - Ternal Basement (Harthouse - HH 048)
2. Executioners’ Song (Technology Park - TPK 001)
3. Murdoch Most Foul - Twisted Systems Vol.1 (Abstract - AR 001)
4. Performance Tonqiue - Moguai (Important - IMP 011)
5. Firedance - Odyssee of Noises (Eye Q 016)
6. God’s even on Goa - The Overlords (Habana - GOD 1)
7. Two full moons & a trout - Union Jack (Rising High - RSN 81)
8. Infinite Climax - Mo-Tune (Hyper-Hype - HH 12002)
9. Subway 26 - V-Tracks (Hotside 129304)
10. Relx-in - Magma (Wonka 1017)
11. Eclipse - Gamma Loop (Hyper-Hype - HH 12003)
12. V.S. - Virtual Symmetry (Eye Q 017)
13. Testvérem - Valdezz (Sodom - SD 0001)
14. The mystique Culture - DJ Hooligan (No Respect - NRR 023)
15. The Big Bang - Luxor (Lunatec - LUNA 003)
16. Modul - Plixx 2 (Mainframe 09)
17. Loops & Tings - Jens (Superstition 2005)
18. Burning Phibes - Infrequent Oscillation (Important - IMP 008)
19. The Finest - Mega’lo Mania (No Respect - NRR 027)
20. Ready to flow - Nikolai (Le Petit Prince - PP 003)
21. Hold that sucker down - The O.T. Quartet (Club Tools - 0060280CLU)
22. Dreams - Quench (Labyrint - LBR 08)
23. Resonance - Legato (Save the Vynil)
24. Chain Reaction - Chain-Dance (Bonzai - BR 94047)
25. Sub-Stance - Urban Sea (NOW! 17)
26. The House of House - Cherrymoon (Bonzai - BR 94054)
27. Burning Phibes - Infrequent Oscillation (Important - IMP 008)
28. Celebration Generation - Westbam (Low Spirit / Urban)
29. Signs of Life - Meteor Seven (Low Spirit / Fire 108)
30. The Encore - Mandala (Noom 005-12)
31. Promo (No Respect)
32. Schöneberg - Marmion (Superstition 2004-R)
33. Spirit - Diversion (Edge 9)
34. Subway 26 - V-Tracks (Hotside 129304)
35. The last Rites (Rainforest - RF 6)
36. Loops & Tings - Jens (Superstition 2005)
37. The Culture - DJ Hooligan (No Respect - NRR 023)
38. Eclipse - Gamma Loop (Hyper-Hype - HH 12003)
39. The Garden of Life - Dee Rex 3 (Lunatec - LUNA 007)
40. Perpetuum Mobile - Luxor (Lunatec - LUNA 006)
41. Turbulence - Sonic Solution (R&S 94042)

Marcus Stork:
Marcus Stork & Carolina Acosta @ Tweak FM 12-05-2006

Mark Broom:
Mark Broom - Rad1o Mix 2005< (73.8 MB)
Mark Broom @ The Vault Radio Show 15-8-2007 - klik
2002 - Oscar Mulero, Mark Broom @ Industrial Copera, Granada rapid1, rapid2
2002-XX-25 - Mark Broom @ Surface Aniversary, Madrid, Spain mediafire
Mark Broom @ Experience, 04-09-2005, rapid
2006-05-27 - Mark Broom @ Avalon, NYC rapid1, rapid2

Mark Verbos:
Mark Verbos - Live Mix
Verbos - apocalypse ambience/one man's vision (Simple Answer 011)
Jeff Mills - the hypnotist (Tresor)
Verbos - acrobatics (simple answer 011)
Oliver Ho - chasm EP (Drumcode 08)
Verbos - backwards and Forthcoming/world of illusion(Simple Answer 003)
Verbos - disbelief B2 (simple answer 009)
Petar Dundov - butterfly/Libra Ep(Musicman)
Verbos - the invisible man/invisible man (simple answer 010)
Jeff Mills - lock groove from Cycle 30 (axis)
Azazel - unreleased
Verbos - rings in dust/invisible man (simple answer 010)
Gaiden - point blank (Musicman)
Verbos - mechanical process/mechanical process (simple answer 004)
Verbos - identity assumption/license to kill (simple answer 007)
Mark Verbos - the system (drop bass network)
Verbos - disbelief A side (simple answer 009)
Leo Laker - TM2/Tontunmäki EP (Tresor)
Mark Verbos - unreleased
Stigmata - 9/10 (Stigmata)
Verbos - out of the shadows/invisible man (simple answer 010)
Jeff Mills - The Hacker/Waveform Transmissions 1 (Tresor)
Verbos - to see & not be seen/invisible man(simple answer 010)
Mark Verbos - unreleased
Verbos - revision/one man's vision(simple answer 011)

Marshall Jefferson:
1994 - Marshall Jefferson @ Hard Times - uploaded
2001-07-21 - Marshall Jefferson @ Fritz LoveRadio - rapid
2005-08-10 Marshall Jefferson & Jesse Saunders @ Chicago Summer Dance, Grant Park rapid1, rapid2
2007-02-24 - Marshall Jefferson @ Sunshine Club at Passage, Vienna
2007-07-08 - DJ HMC, Marshall Jefferson @ Rocket Bar, Adelaide, Australia - filefront

1994-08-20 - Marusha, DJ Dag - Clubnight Spezial @ Tunnel Rave rapid1, rapid2, rapid3, rapid4, rapid5

1. Headware - Take me away (Weird Beat - WBR 006)
2. Promo
3. Interstate - On the Groove (Evolution - EV 003)
4. Boscaland - A Nice Place To Live (Boscaland - BOSC 07)
5. Blue Alphabet - Cybertrance (Bonzai - BR 94056)
6. Promo
7. DX 13 - Electro Comp (Industrial Strength - IS 020)
8. DJungle Fever - Don’t Fuck With Cologne (DJungle Fever 19)
9. Dream Your Dream III - Mayday Dream (Bonzai - BR 94051)
10. Marusha - It Takes Me Away (Low Spirit - 855 907-1)
11. DJ Dano & Nico - In the Machine (Industrial Strength - IS 025)
12. Firestarter - Burn Motherfucker! (Twisted Vinyl - TV 003)
13. DJ Gizmo - Rave Organ (Dwarf 002)
14. Suspicious - Lovewaves (Low Spirit - 851 589-1)
15. Ramos, Regime & Sunset Regime - Sunshine (Hectic - HECT 006)
16. RMB - Redemption (Low Spirit - 853 485-1)
17. DJ Seduction - Everybody (Impact - IMP 021)
18. Wizards West (Promo)
19. RMB - Universe of Love (Le Petit Prince - PRINCE 94/10)
20. Marusha - Cardinal Points of Life (Low Spirit - 855 907-1)
21. Cherrymoon - The House of House (Bonzai - BR 94054)
22. Alien Factory - Promo (Promo)
23. Acid Heads - Acid Thunder (Evolution - EV 008)
24. Cyril’s Magic Journey - Janet Is Waiting For You (Friends 02)
25. Dance Overdose - Portant (Shoop 15)
26. Jan Pravda - Drummer (Overdrive - OVER 53)
27. Fanatic Cracks - Lost Frenzies of Rhythm (Fire 111)
28. Meteor Seven - Signs of Live (Fire 108)
29. Sunbeam - Outside World (Suck Me Plasma - SUCK 27)
30. Alici and Ralphie D. - Primitive Passions (Mentality - MTL 01)
31. Sulfurex - Point Break (EXtortion - EX 01)
32. Jan Pravda - Drummer (Overdrive - OVER 53)
33. Solar Quest - Analogue Attack (Choci’s Chewns - CC 004)
34. Promo
35. Marusha - It Takes Me Away (Low Spirit - 855 907-1)
36. EQ - Total Xstacy (Formation - FORM 12030)
37. Kid Andy & Nickie Bee - Come Fly With Me (Boogie Beat - BOG R42T)
38. RMB - Redemption (Low Spirit - 853 485-1)
39. Marusha - Over The Rainbow (Low Spirit - 859 887-1)

DJ Dag

1. Breaking Out - Escape of the Light (Angel 1)
2. Temple of Light - Temple of Light (Abfahrt - ABF 0030-12)
3. Luxor - The Big Bang (Lunatec - LUNA 003)
4. Illuminatae - Santiago (XVX 3)
5. Hyperspace - A Higher State (Truelove Electronic Community - TECO 18)
6. Dee Rex 3 - The Garden of Life (Lunatec - LUNA 007)
7. DJ Hooligan - The Mystic Culture (No Respect - NRR 023)
8. Rejuvination - Sychophantasy (Soma 016)
9. Houdini - Braincloud (PS 08/37)
10. Mega’lo Mania - Moonsign (No Respect - NRR 027)
11. Ovation - Everybody Relax (Lunatec - LUNA 002)
12. Moby - Hymn (Mute - 12 161)
13. Voodoo Child - Horses (Mute 12 32)

Massimo - The Legendary Warehouse - High-Noon, Alter Wartesaal, Köln 1994 - rapid
1995-04-01 - Massimo, Pierre, Mate Galic, Perplexer @ Clubnight rapid1, rapid2, rapid3

Masters At Work:
1996 - Masters At Work @ Shindig - uploaded

Mate Galic:
Mate Galic @ Aufschwung Ost, Kassel - 01.04.1995.
Mate Galic @ 1040 Leipzig Bionic Sounds März 1999.
1995-04-01 - Massimo, Pierre, Mate Galic, Perplexer @ Clubnight rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
1995-04-01 - Mate Galic @ Aufschwung Ost, Kassel - megaupload
1997-07-01 - Mate Galic @ Stacker, Evosonic xirror1, xirror2
mate galic collection

Mathew Jonson:
Mathew Jonson @ Wabi 6 Th Birthday 18-02-2005 - megaupload
2006-02-23 - Mathew Jonson @ Haoman 17, Tel Aviv - divshare
2004-11-07 - Mathew Jonson @ Click, Hamburg - divshare
Mathew Jonson - Live PA at 10 Years Of World League Munich 31-10-2006 - rapidshare
Mathew Jonson @ M_nus Sunday Adventure Club - Bar 25 - Berlin 30-7-2007 - rapidshare
Mathew Johnson @ Detroit Movement Opening Party 26-05-2006 - rapidshare
2006-10-31 - Mathew Jonson @ 10 Years World League, Munich - rapid
Mathew Jonson @ Detroit Electronic Music Festival 28-05-2007 - rapid

Matthew Dear:
Matthew Dear @ Newbit Radio, April 2006
Matthew Dear @ Mary Anne Hobbs - Radio 1's Experimental Show - 28-9--2007 - klik
Troy Pierce & Matthew Dear @ M_nus Sunday Adventure Club - Bar 25 - Berlin 29-7-2007 part1, part2
Matthew Dear (Audion), Alex Smoke, Portable/Bodycode Appreciation Mix
Matthew Dear - Room (Spectral Sound US)
Matthew Dear - Machete (Spectral Sound US)
Matthew Dear - Nervous Laughter (Spectral Sound US)
Portable - All Eject (Scape Germany)
Portable - Ebb And Flow (Scape Germany)
Matthew Dear - Huggy's Parade (Spectral Sound US)
Alex Smoke - Never Want To See You Again (Soma UK)
Matthew Dear – Tide (Spectral Sound US)
Alex Smoke - Don't See The Point (Soma UK)
Lusine - Flat For You (M. Dear Remix) (Ghostly International US)
Bodycode - Take Action (Sud Electronic UK)
Bodycode – Bubble World (Sud Electronic UK)
Portable - Down Stream (Scape)
Alex Smoke – Hanged Man (Vakant Germany)
Alex Smoke – Wingnut (Vakant Germany) Audion – Vegetables (Spectral Sound US)

2002-12 - Matthew Dear @ Le Privilege Club, Austin rapid1, rapid2, filefactory, uploaded
2007-07-29 - Troy Pierce & Matthew Dear @ M-nus Sunday Adventure Club, Bar 25, Berlin filefactory
2007-09-10 - Matthew Dear - Live @ Anti-Pop Music Festival, Viana, Portugal - rapid

Matthew Herbert:
2000 - Matthew Herbert @ Tresor - rapid
2001-07 - Matthew Herbert - 2Step, Viva 2 rapid1, rapid2
200X - Matthew Herbert @ Radio One - uploaded

1999-11-30 - Matthew Herbert - Back To The Basics (X-126) - rapid
Matthew Herbert - "BTTB-Intro" (BTTB 1999)
Sybarite - "Myusic" (Emanatel)
Shelby Gaines - "Aquaworld" (Life)
Les McCann - "Django" (Pacific)
Dr. Rockit - "I Met Somebody Else" (Life)
Peggy Lee - "Say It" (EMI)
DBX - "Bleep" (7th City)
Sunshower - "Melody" (Life)
Richard Devine - "C'" (Schematic)
Isaac Hayes - "Body Language" (ABC)
Mr. Oizo - "Last Night A DJ Killed My Dog" (F Com)
Pharao Saunders - "Harlem" (Upfront)
De La Soul - "Da Bizness" (Tommy Boy)
The Music Man - "I Got The Music" (Repap)
Demon - "Midnight Funk (Herbert Rmx)" (20000 ST)
Fred Astaire - "I'm Putting All My Eggs In One Basket" (No Info)

Max Duley:
Max Duley Concreetz 2007 (81 MB)

Maxx-T (mix) : My state of mind at the end of 2006 mix
01 - Courtney Pine - Children of the Ghetto - Island Records
02 - Carl Craig - They Were - Planet E
03 - Furry Phreaks - Soothe (Stacey Pullen remix) - Guidance
04 - Derrick May & Carl Craig (remix) - Sueńo Latino - Buzz
05 - Model 500 - In and Out - R&S
06 - Parliament - Chocolate City - Casablanca Records
07 - Darand Land - Blessing - Deep 4 Life
08 - The Beat Addicts - Imagination - Sweat (UR)
09 - Mr Fingers - What About This Love (dub) - Ffrr
10 - Glenn Underground - Tech Jazz House - Headphoniq
11 - Boo Williams - Mars: 2002 - Headphoniq
12 - Robert Hood - Footsteps of Rage (M Plant First Decision Mix) - Radikal Fear
13 - Jeff Mills - Humana - Axis
14 - Jeff Mills - Starless - Axis
15 - X-313 - Interferon (Mad Mike remix) - Generator
16 - Richard Benson - Fear the Bass - Force Inc
17 - Charles Siegling - Star 20 - Star Tracks
18 - Rennie Foster - Things We Can't Hide - Soiree (promo)
19 - Ron Maney - Reborn Souls - Relief
20 - Rennie Foster - Uncharted Quadrants - XPlor (promo)
21 - Elliott Dodge - Stalker - Snapshot (promo)
22 - Monobox - Downtown - M Plant
23 - Los Hermanos (remix) - Still Hear - Music Man
24 - Detroit Grand Pubahs - Riot 66 - Detelefunk (promo)
25 - Galaxy 2 Galaxy - The Moment (Journey of the Dragon) - Underground Resistance

Maxx-T - 02.12.2006 @ Triptyque (Paris) from the R.U Detroit #2 party
01 - Transition Accapela - Underground Resistance
02 - Maxx-T - Detroit - Code 316 (Promo)
03 - Silent Phase - Psychotic Funk - Transmat
04 - Fudje - Mechouga - Tejal
05 - Los Hermanos - My Mother's Guitarra - Los Hermanos
06 - Suburban Knight - The Warning - Underground Resistance
07 - Vice - Black Nation For Life - Black Nation
08 - Dave Angel - Airborne - White
09 - Shed - Stale - Delsin
10 - Robert Hood - School - Music Man
11 - World 2 World - Jupiter Jazz - Underground Resistance
12 - Model 500 - No Ufo's - Metroplex
13 - Random Noise Generation - Rock My Soul - 430 West
14 - Joey Beltram - Energy Flash - Transmat
15 - Drivetrain - Tronic Lockstep - Soiree (Promo)
16 - Derrick May - Strings Of Life - Transmat
17 - Los Hermanos - Sondos - Los Hermanos
18 - Dave Angel - Down Deep - Outrage
19 - Innercity - Good Life - KMS

MayDay IX:
1995-12-16 - VA @ MayDay IX - The Great Coalition, Frankfurt - Clubnight (9 hours) part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7 - rapidshare
9 hours live broadcast by HR3 (Clubnight special) from 9pm-6am.
Roland Casper
Raver's Nature (Live)
Steve Mason
Carl Cox
Members Of MayDay
DJ Misjah
Armand Van Helden
Cherry Moon Trax (Live)
Dave Davis
Cari Lekebusch
Gamble 202 (Live)
Resistance D (Live)
Talla 2XLC

Michael Mayer:
Michael Mayer @ Moshi Club 13-02-2004 p1
Michael Mayer From Show: Plasmodium 03.07.2005
Michael Mayer @ Robert Johnson Akustikflyer 8.2007
Michael Mayer @ Detroit Electronic Music Festival May 2007 - filefactory
Michael Mayer @ Beats in Space October 24th-2006
Michael Mayer @ Voltt Loves Summer 26-8-2007 part1, part2 - rapidshare
Michael Mayer @ Total Confusion - Robert Johnson Akustikflyer - August 2007 - klik
Michael Mayer @ Movement - Detroit Electronic Music Festival 27-5-2007 - filefront
Michael Mayer @ Movement - Detroit Electronic Music Festival 27-5-2007 - filefactory
Michael Mayer @ Voltt Loves Summer 26-8-2007 part1, part2
2002-02-16 - Tobias Thomas, Michael Mayer @ Kompaktnacht, Ostgut, Berlin - divshare
2003-03-15 - Michael Mayer @ Fuse rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
2005-12-31 - Michael Mayer @ Club Dominica 54 rapid1, rapid2
2007-08-26 - Michael Mayer @ Voltt Loves Summer, Netherlands divshare, rapid1, rapid2

2006-07-29 - Michael Mayer @ Rockit Open Air divshare, rapid1, rapid2
01.[000:00] Adolf Noise - Bäume strahlen Stress aus (Robag Wruhme RMX) [Freude-am-Tanzen - FAT 025]
02.[005:29] ID
03.[011:25] ID
04.[017:54] Frank West - 2nd Booty [Astro Lab Recordings - ALR002]
05.[022:33] Losoul - Cut So Sweet [[Playhouse - PLAY 126]
06.[027:19] Terre's Neu Wuss Fusion - A Crippled Left Wing Soars With The Right (Steal This Record Remix)
07.[031:38] SCSI-9 - Morskaya [Kompakt - KOM 138]
08.[036:35] Gui Boratto - Arquipélago [K2/04]
09.[040:53] Ada - Call The Tune [Areal Records - AREAL 38]
10.[046:26] Crowdpleaser & St. Plomb - 18 Years [Mental Groove Records - MGLTD013]
11.[051:33] Rhythm & Sound w/ Bobbo Shanti - Poor People Must Work (Carl Craig Remix) [Burial Mix BMX-4]
12.[055:41] Davidovitch - Cellophane [Kompakt Extra - KOM EX 36]
13.[062:01] Tim Paris - Edges Of Corrosion [Marketing Music - MKG 01]
14.[068:05] Justus Köhncke - Advance [Kompakt - KOM 141]
15.[074:42] Steadycam - Kidney Issues [K2/14]
16.[079:41] ID
17.[084:17] Martin Landsky - 1000 Miles [Poker Flat Recordings - PFR 73]
18.[089:47] Hot Chip - Boy From School (Erol Alkan’s Extended Re-Work) [EMI Records UK - 12EMDJX 690]
19.[097:07] DJ Silversurfer ft. Kiki - Ace Of Spades [Crosstown Rebels - CRM028]
20.[099:47] Jürgen Paape - Take That [Kompakt - KOM 140]
21.[103:38] Tomas Andersson - Plan Deux [BPitch Control - BPC 123]
22.[107:24] Latex - The Porcupine [REBELONE 007]
23.[112:19] Nass - Track 1 [TEILE 02]
24.[118:22] Depeche Mode - Lilian (Chab Dub) [Mute Records - 12Bong38]
25.[123:26] Wighnomy Bros. - Wombat [Kompakt Extra - KOM EX 31]
26.[127:15] Chelonis R. Jones - Deer In The Headlights (Radioslave Remix) [Get Physical Music - GPM 039]
27.[132:39] Mauro Alpha - Palette (NDKj Remix) [Boxer Recordings - BOXER 039]
28.[137:35] ID
29.[143:03] Geiger - Good Evening (Supermayer Remix) [Firm Records - FIRM 21]
30.[152:24] Dark Comedy - Plankton [Art Of Dance Records - ART-2003]
31.[156:04] ID
32.[160:14] Gui Boratto - Like You (Supermayer Mix) [Kompakt Pop - KOM POP 10]
33.[166:46] Jesse Somfay - Lying In A Bed Of Mist [Archipel Musique - ARCHPL002]
34.[172:32] M83 - Don't Save Us From The Flames (Superpitcher Remix) [Mute Corporation - MUTE 9283-0]
35.[178:40] Lindstrřm - Another Station (Todd Terje Remix) [Feedelity Recordings - FEED 006]

2006-10-24 - Michael Mayer - Beats In Space

1. DJ Koze - Stompin At The Clubfoot - Kompakt
2. Terre Thaemlitz - Fatt Jazz - Mule
3. Skatebard - - Digitalo Enterprises
4. Kontrast - Grey Sky's - Kompakt
5. Fallout - The Morning After - Fourth Floor
6. Forgemasters - Stress - Network
7. Herve Au - The Closer - K2
8. Pantha du Prince - Lichten - Kompakt
9. Justus Kohncke - Faults & FX - Kompakt
10. Unknownmi X - The Siren (Losoul's Hot Edit) - Playhouse
11. SuperMayer - The Art Of Letting Go - Kompakt
12. ThomasMayer - Sweet Harmony - Kompakt
13. Patrick Cowley - Sea Hunt

2007-07-14 - Michael Mayer @ Melt! Festival, Ferropolis - rapid
01.[00:00] Kinky Justice - New Day [iCi Records - ICI 4]
02.[04:20] DJ Koze - Mariposa [Kompakt - KOM 160]
03.[11:15] Code E - Mezzanine [Mule Electronic 33]
04.[15:52] Toni Rios - Psycho Circus [Kompakt Extra - KOM EX 51]
05.[20:27] The Supermen Lovers - The Howling Session [Lafessé Records - LAFESSE 013]
06.[26:32] Jürgen Paape - Nord [Kompakt - KOM 156]
07.[30:36] Kiki - Trust Me (Cowbox Mix) [BPitch Control - BPC141]
08.[36:04] Congo Sound - Say I'm Your Number One (Superpitcher Mix) [Kompakt Pop - KOM POP 11]
09.[43:56] Eyerer & Namito - Quipa (Étienne De Crecy Remix) [Great Stuff Recordings - GSR047]
10.[48:20] Spit - Falling (Daddy's Groove Magic Island Mix) [Net's Work & Songs - NWI 177 Mix]
11.[53:15] LCD Soundsystem - North American Scum (Kris Menace Remix) [DFA/EMI Records - DFAEMI2165]
12.[57:09] Broke - Overthat [Kompakt Extra - KOM EX 44]

Michel De Hey:
2002-02-16 - Tobias Thomas, Michael Mayer @ Kompaktnacht, Ostgut, Berlin - divshare
2002 - Michel de Hey @ Sensation Black rapid1, rapid2
2003 - Michel de Hey @ Mysteryland - rapid
2003-07-12 - Michel de Hey @ Sensation Black - rapid
2006-05-13 - Michel de Hey @ Sala Apolo, Barcelona mediafire1, medifire2
2006-09-17 - Michel de Hey @ Hardwired - rapid
2006-12-31 - Michel de Hey @ Extrema NYE (Eindhoven) divshare, rapid
2007-03-18 - Michel de Hey - Space Of Sound, Madrid, Sala Macumba - uploaded
2007-05-27 - Michel de Hey @ Prinse Theater, Rotterdam rapid1, rapid2
2007-06-16 - Michel de Hey @ Marabů, Giardini Naxos rapid
2007-11-23 - Michel de Hey @ Awakenings rapid
2007-12-07 - Michel de Hey - Hey! Music!, Fresh FM - uploaded
2008-01-04 - Michel de Hey - Hey! Music!, Fresh FM uploaded, rapid1, rapid2
2008-01-11 - Michel de Hey - Hey! Music!, Fresh FM uploaded, rapid1, rapid2
2008-01-18 - Michel de Hey - Hey! Music!, Fresh FM uploaded, rapid1, rapid2

2002-06-09 - Michel de Hey - Essential Mix - uploaded
1. Heiko Laux - "Between The Lines" (Kanzleramt)
2. Human League - "All I Ever Wanted" (Klang Electronic)
3. Michel De Hey Vs Grooveyard - "untitled" (acetate)
4. Marco Corola - "untitled" (Southsoul)
5. Tom Paris - "Trickle Charge" (The End)
6. Mark Williams - "Roots Remix" (Dark House)
7. Air Frog - "Mazuka" (Svek)
8. Michel De Hey Vs Grooveyard - "Compound" (EC Records)
9. Plastika - "Answer" (white Label)
10. Oliver Ho - "Earth" (Meta)
11. Michel De Hey Vs Secret Cinema - "Music Is My Machine" (EC Records)
12. Josh Wink - "Freak" (Ovum)
13. Ignacio - "Chios" (Music Man)
14. Sightdraft - "Coming Soon" (Determination)
15. Rich Dadie - "untitled" (white Label)
16. Damon Wild - "Deetron" (Music Man)
17. Coming Soon - "Determination" (EC Records)
18. Depeche Mode - "Free Love Remix" (Mute)
19. Grain - "Grain" (Fat Cat)
20. Smith - "Planetary Assault System" (Weather Remix)
21. Michel De Hey Vs Secret Cinema - "Da Crabs" (EC Records)
22. Scan7 - "accapella" (Elypsia)
23. Envoy - "Sex Drive" (Soma)
24. Bryan Zentz - "untitled" (Intec)
25. Highrise - "Hope For Peace" (Kanzleramt)
26. Ignacio - "untitled" (acetate)
27. Literon - "Vorpal Blade" (EC Records)
28. Michel De Hey Vs Secret Cinema - "untitled" (acetate)
29. Layo - "Love Story" (End Records)

1991-12-23 - Michel de Hey @ For Those Who Like To Groove - rapid
01. ID
02. One Tribe - What Have You Done (Is This All) (Club Mix)
03. Speedy J – Something For Your Mind
04. ID
05. Mainx - 88 To Piano
06. Sonic Solution - Get On The Move
07. Urban Rhythm - Feel It Baby All Nite (Rhythm Section Mix)
08. The Untouchables – Dance To The Rhythm
09. Intellect - Hypnotising
10. Yvette – Pump Me
11. Exposure - Fulminic
12. Kevin Saunderson - Pump The Move
13. 1st Prodject - Right Before
14. Tronikhouse - Up Tempo
15. ID
16. Carl Cox - I Want You (Forever)
17. E-Dancer - Speaker Punisher
18. Crash Course - After Dark (2 mixes)
19. Intellect - Throw Your Hands Up (Legging Mix)
20. Armando – 100% Of Disin' You

Michel De Hey - Hey Music - fresh.fm - 14-12-2007 rapid1, rapid2

Mickey Finn:
1992-11-27 - Mickey Finn @ Fantazia Showcase - mediafire
1994-03-16 - Mickey Finn @ MC GQ - Give It Up, Kiss 100 FM rapid1, rapid2, rapid3, rapid4
1995 - Mickey Finn @ Amazon - sendspace

Mike Dearborn:
1995-09-01 - Miss Djax, Mike Dearborn @ Palazzo, Bingen - mega
Mike Dearborn & Dave Davis @ Cherry Moon - Power Play 3, Lier, Belgium 1997 mega1, mega2
2006-12-16 - Mike Dearborn @ Acid Wars, Effenaar, Eindhoven uploaded, rapid1, rapid2

Miss Djax:

1995-09-01 - Miss Djax, Mike Dearborn @ Palazzo, Bingen - megaupload
1994-04-30 - Miss Djax @ MayDay - Rave Olympia, Rave Satellite - rapidshare
1996 - Miss Djax @ Gallery of Sound, Geneva, 01-11-1996 - rapidshare
1998-08-29 - Miss Djax @ Big Warp, Clubnight - megaupload
2007-01-19 - Miss Djax - Live @ Integrate, Rotterdam - rapidshare
Miss Djax - LIVE @ JetSet Club - rapidshare
Miss Djax @ Awakenings Festival 30-6-2007 - rapidshare
Miss Djax - Integrate Rotterdam 19-01-2007 - rapidshare
2008-01-26 - Miss Djax @ Awakenings, Klokgebouw, Eindhoven - rapid

1992-02-08 - Miss Djax @ For Those Who Like To Groove - rapidshare
00. Logic - The Warning (Acappella)
01. Rhythm Workshop - Aftershock
02. Underground Resistance - Mercury Berring-10
03. ID
04. Sonic Solution - Get On The Move
05. ID
06. ID
07. World Party II - Forget It
08. Steve Poindexter - Work That Mutha Fucker
09. Terrace - Gratiot
10. ID

Miss Djax @ Awakenings - Eindhoven - 26-01-2008 - rapid
Miss Djax @ Awakenings - Klokgebouw - Eindhoven 26-1-2008 - rapid
Miss Djax - Live at Awakenings, Klokgebouw Eindhoven - 2008-01-26

Miss Kittin:
1995 - Miss Kittin @ Tech EYE, MCM - rapid
1997-06-17 - Miss Kittin - Metissages, Couleur3
2007-07-08 - Miss Kittin @ 5 Days Off, Amsterdam - uploaded
2008-02-01 - Miss Kittin - In The Mix (N-Joy) - rapid
Miss Kittin - Radio 538 Dance Department-23-02-2008 - rapid
Miss Kittin @ Sputnik - Der Mix -Steam- 03.02.2008 - rapid

Mitja Prinz:
1996-11 - Dixon & Mitja Prinz @ WMF, Berlin (Fritz Crazy Club Radio)
1997 - Mitja Prinz @ WMF - Johannes Straße - Finale Fete (Fritz Crazy Club Radio) rapid1, rapid2
1997-03 - Mitja Prinz @ Star Wars After Movie Party, Magic Balloon, Berlin (Fritz Crazy Club Radio) rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
1997-05 Mitja Prinz @ Groove Club Tour Pt.2 @ Department, Berlin (Fritz Crazy Club Radio) - mediafire
2001-07-2X - Mitja Prinz, Disko @ Fritz LoveRadio - rapid
2003-03-14 - Juan Atkins & Mitja Prinz @ Tresor rapid1, rapid2, rapid3, rapid4
2007-10-02 - Mitja Prinz @ VIP Fabrik, Kino International, Berlin uploaded, rapid

Mixmaster Morris:
Mixmaster Morris @ Atmospheric Audio Chair, Chicago 1994. Chill, Ambient
Mixmaster Morris - Chill Out Zone on KISS, 1994-01-09 pt.2. Chill, Electronica
Mixmaster Morris - Connected Tokyo 2000. Chill
2006-09-30 - Mixmaster Morris @ Kumharas, Ibiza 01, 02 - uploaded
1998-02-28 - Mixmaster Morris @ Fiske Planetarium - uploaded
2007-10-28 - Mixmaster Morris @ Calm Down My Selector, Prince, Brixton - uploaded

2007-10 - Mixmaster Morris @ Nubient, Big Chill Bar, London - uploaded
1. Offworld Ensemble - Ups and Downs
2. Wild Rumpus - Teletubby dub (Bitches Brew)
3. Can - I Want More (Virgin)
4. Talking Heads - Life during wartime (Sire)
5. Catalyst - New Found Truths
6. Roy Ayers - Stoned Soul Picnic
7. Brotherly - Searchin 12" (Monumental)
8. LCD Soundsystem new lp t3 (EMI)
9. Sk Radicals - Reaching for the Farside (People)
10. Pavel Kostiak - Brand New Day (2000 Black)
11. Allenko ensemble - Offworld remix
12. Charles Webster - unknown
13. Ron Trent - Time Undefined (village again)
14. Mahavishnu Orchestra - Lotus on Irish streams (CBS)
15. Helios - Ayres t5 (Type)
16. Domu/Nicola Kramer - Last time redux (TrebleO)
17. Cinematic Orchestra - Ma Fleur t9 (ninja Tunes)
18. Enrico Coniglio (Psychonavigation)
19. Pan Electric - Always a way back up again
20. Pushmipulyu T10 (Interchill)
21. Prefuse 73 - Class of 73 bells (WARP)
22. Maps - Dont fear the sun (Mute)
23 Freelance Hellraiser - Want you to Know
24 Ciaran Byrne (Psychonavigation)
25 The Orb = Rolo (Kompakt)

2007-11-03 - Mixmaster Morris @ Nubient, Big Chill Bar, London - uploaded
Including in no particular order:
Benny Sings
Build An Ark
Future Loop Foundation vs Chilled By Nature
The Bird and The Bee
Red Nose Distrikt
AI records
The Cutler
Prefuse 73
Shawn J Period
Spacek x2
Georgia Anne Muldrow & Dudley Perkins
Chico Mann
Nicola Kramer
Benny Sings
Red Nose Distrikt
DJ Minx
Bobby Moto
Strata East
Cannonball Adderley
Adrian A Sherwood
Jah Shaka
Glen Brown
Gregory Isaacs
Staple Singers
Y Sunahara
Fila Brazilia
Future SOund of London
Singers Unlimited
Minnie Ripperton
Cinematic Orchestra
The Bird & The Bee

2007-12-31 - Mixmaster Morris @ MS Stubnitz, Hamburg - uploaded
Jon Hopkins
Alice Coltrane - Translinear Light
Roy Ayers - Vibrations
Benny Sings - Let me in
Domu ft Nicola Kramer - Last Time
Solar Apple Quarkette - Do u love me too?
Boozoo Bajou- The swamp
4 Hero - Play with the changes
Tripswitch- Roll your own
Fat Freddys Drop - Roady
The Cutler - pork promo
Kenny Dixon vs Stephan Vera - Take a ride
Placebo 1972
Patrice Rushen - Kicking back
DJ Marin - Love Fantasy
Ilya - Bliss
Gary Bartz - Celestial Blues
Miles Davis- In a Silent Way
Nicola Kramer - Best in me (dego remix)
nicola kramer - circles(jd73remix)
brotherly - album track
quincy jones
quango - skys the limit
povo - hi fly
Da One Away - trash da junk
? broken track
mr scruff - shrimp
pharoah sanders

1994-07-23 - Moby - Essential Mix - uploaded
Panic - "Voices Of Energy" (Ozone)
Eric B. & Rakim - "Follow The Leader" (Uni)
Time Zone - "The Wildstyle" (Celluloid)
Soulsonic Force - "Remegades Of Funk" (Tommy Boy)
Sundowners - "Jungle Lines" (white label)
Moby - "Next Is The E" (Instinct)
Omegaman - "Happy Organ" (Definitive Boomer)
Tribal Jazz - "Freaky" (Vibe)
Project Sound - "Sweet In The Morning" (Hardtrax)
Nitzer Ebb - "Let Your Body Learn" (Mute)
Seventh Heaven - "In The Mountains" (3 Beat)
Outlander - "Vamp" (R&S)
Ralph Rosario - "You Used To Hold Me" (Hot Mix 5)
Moby - "Hymm" (Mute)
Orbital - "Speed Freak" (ffrr)
Michael Jackson - "Beat It" (bootleg)
Blame - "Music Takes You" (Movin' Shadow)
Afrika Bambaataa & Soulsonic Force - "Planet Rock" (Tommy Boy)
Moby - "Next Is The E" (Instinct)
Rollo Goes Camping - "Get Off Your High Horse" (Cheeky)
Gongo - "Master Blaster" (ffrr)
Luvspunge - "Do You Feel What I'm Feeling" (Spiritual)
Joanna Law - "First Time Ever" (Easy Street)
Schooly D - "Parkside 5-2" (Jive)
Speedy J - "Evolution" (Plus 8)
Orbital - "Chime" (ffrr)
Chuggles - "Thank You" (Prescription Underground)
Peter Parker - "Wow & Flutter" (Deaf, Dumb, Blind)
Baccus - "Romario" (Fullhouse)
Looney Tunes - "Just As Long As I Got You" (Nu Groove)
Fast Eddie - "Yo Yo Get Funky" (DJ International)
The Minutemen - "OK, Alright" (Smokin')
Moby - "Move" (Mute)
Mike Inc. - "Paroles" (Edge)
Audio Two - "Top Billin" (First Priority)
Prince - "If I Was Your Girlfriend" (Paisley Park)
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five - "New York, New York" (Sugarhill)

Moodymann - Live At North Sea Jazz Festival 2005
Moodymann - Live At Liquid Room Ebisu (Tokyo) - 24th July 05
Moodymann - Live at Radio Nova (PARIS) - Novamix
Moodymann - Live At The Detroit's Electronic Music Festival
01. GIL SCOTT HERON - We Almost Lost Detroit
02. THEO PARRISH - Summertime Is Here
UMAR BIN HASSAN FROM THE LAST POETS - Niggers Are Scared Of Revolution
04. CURTIS MAYFIELD - Love Me, Love Me Now
05. WILLIAM DEVAUGHN - Be Thankfull
06. KOOL & THE GANG - Take My Heart
07. MOODYMANN - Shades Of Jae
09. THE BRIDES OF FUNKENSTEIN - Never Buy Texas From A Cowboy
10. ANDRE CYMONE - The Dance Electric
11. THE STRIKERS - Body Music
12. THE RURALS - Headsong

Moodymann @ Gilles Peterson BBC Radio 11-10-2007 - uploaded
2007-10-11 - Moodymann - Gilles Peterson Worldwide - uploaded
Modern Jazz Gang - 'Miles Before and After' (Adventure)
Jay Electronica - 'Voodoo Man' (Test)
Jef Gilson Septet avec Llyod Miller - 'Fable of Gutenberg' (Spirit > Jazz)
Quantic - 'Melodious Wayfarer' (Tru Thoughts)
David Essex - 'Rock On' (J Dilla Ahu Edit) (Test)
Flying Lotus - 'Dolly' (Ahu Edit) (Test)
Jill Scott - 'Crown Royale' (Hidden Beach)
Jill Scott - 'Insomnia' (Hidden Beach)
Linkwood Family - 'Piece of Mind' (Fire cracker)
David Essex - 'Rock on' (Re-edit) (Test)
Unknown (Mark E Edit) (Test)
Cerrone - 'Music of Life' (Malligator)
Moodymann - 'Technolgystolemyvinyl'
Moodymann - 'The City - A Place Where Most Suburban Kids Think Their > From' (Mahogani Music)
Moodymann - 'Black Mahogony' (Mahogani Music)
Amp Dogs Knight's - 'Im Doin Fine' (Mahogani Music)
Moodymann - 'Shades of Jae' (Mahogani Music)

Moodymann Takeover
Moodymann - 'Freaky Lil Mama' (Mahogani Music)
Norma Jean Bell - 'I'm The Baddest Bi**h' (White)
Moodymann - 'No Feedback' (Mahogani Music)
Sly Stone - 'Can't Strain My Brain' (Epic)
Andres - 'Roots' (Mahogani Music)
Moodymann - 'Mama's Hand' (Mahogani Music)
Moodymann - 'One Night' (Mahogani Music)
Moodymann - 'Telephone Blue' (Peacefrog)
Brougham - 'Musicians From the Summer Program for Youthful'
Musicians' (Ubiquity) > Was (not Was) - 'Out Come The Freaks' (Z Records/Island)
Jnerio Jarel - 'It Ain't Dead!!' (Lex)
Josie Stingray Ft J.Davey - 'Doin My Thing' (Test)
Bugz in The Attic - 'After the Dance (Simbad Remix)' (Test)
J R Bailey - 'Just Me'N You' (Passion Music)

Moodymann @ Gilles Peterson - BBC Radio 11-10-2007 - uploaded
Modern Jazz Gang - 'Miles Before and After' (Adventure)
Jay Electronica - 'Voodoo Man' (Test)
Jef Gilson Septet avec Llyod Miller - 'Fable of Gutenberg' (Spirit > Jazz)
Quantic - 'Melodious Wayfarer' (Tru Thoughts)
David Essex - 'Rock On' (J Dilla Ahu Edit) (Test)
Flying Lotus - 'Dolly' (Ahu Edit) (Test)
Jill Scott - 'Crown Royale' (Hidden Beach)
Jill Scott - 'Insomnia' (Hidden Beach)
Linkwood Family - 'Piece of Mind' (Fire cracker)
David Essex - 'Rock on' (Re-edit) (Test)
Unknown (Mark E Edit) (Test)
Cerrone - 'Music of Life' (Malligator)
Moodymann - 'A Place Where Most Suburban Kids Think Their > From' (Mahogani Music)
Moodymann - 'Technolgystolemyvinyl'
Moodymann - 'Black Mahogony' (Mahogani Music)
Amp Dogs Knight's - 'Im Doin Fine' (Mahogani Music)
Moodymann - 'Shades of Jae' (Mahogani Music)

Moodymann Takeover
Moodymann - 'Freaky Lil Mama' (Mahogani Music)
Norma Jean Bell - 'I'm The Baddest Bi**h' (White)
Moodymann - 'No Feedback' (Mahogani Music)
Sly Stone - 'Can't Strain My Brain' (Epic)
Andres - 'Roots' (Mahogani Music)
Moodymann - 'Mama's Hand' (Mahogani Music)
Moodymann - 'One Night' (Mahogani Music)
Moodymann - 'Telephone Blue' (Peacefrog)
Brougham - 'Musicians From the Summer Program for Youthful
Musicians' (Ubiquity) > Was (not Was) - 'Out Come The Freaks' (Z Records/Island)
Jnerio Jarel - 'It Ain't Dead!!' (Lex)
Josie Stingray Ft J.Davey - 'Doin My Thing' (Test)
Bugz in The Attic -'After the Dance' (Simbad Remix) (Test)
J R Bailey - Just Me'N You (Passion Music)

MONOLAKE : mutek : montreal ca : 01.06.03
MONOLAKE : PS1 warm-up : new york us : 27.08.05
Monolake live in Sydney 2006
MONOLAKE - Layering Buddha Live January 2007 --> klik
Monolake - Live Exit Fluc Wanne Vienna, 6/10/07 - rapidshare

Mr. C:
2000.01.02 - Essential Mix - Mr. C part1, part2 - rapidshare
Mr. C @ Decadence, Gent 8-5-2004, part1
http://swagrecords.us/mixes/Mr. C - Decadance - 08 - 05 - 04 - Pt2.mp3

1992 - Mr. C @ MaxParty (Skyrock) - rapid
01 280 WEST - Scattered Dreams (Boom Chocka-Boom Mix)
02 THE SHAMEN - Phorever People (Tommy D's Swing Dub)
03 THE SHAMEN - Phorever People (MK Mix)
04 Sabe Por Que
05 LaTOUR - Blue (Hermes Trance Mix)
06 NATURE BOY - Tobago
07 DJ EFX & DJ DIGIT - Steenkist related
08 TRANSFORM - Transformation
10 Dark
11 RADICAL NOMADS - La Da's Dance (Original Club 57 Mix)
12 RIO RHYTHM BAND - Zoom Soft (Inspiration Dub)
13 DAWN - Heaven
15 YENNEK - Serena "X" (Inner Zone Mix)
16 COFFEE POT - U Must Stop Okay
17 TRANCEY - Batucada Style
19 SHORT SAMPLE - Goes Chinese Style

Mr. X & Mr. Y:
2003-06-20 - Mr. X & Mr. Y @ KuFa, Saarbruecken - rapid

Transmat mixed by Mush - klik
Mush House mix - klik
Mush and Daniel Brothier - dj/laptop + saxophonist - klik


Neil Landstrumm:

A Conversation with Neil Landstrumm
Live performance by Neil Landstrumm & Tobias Schmidt (as Sugar Experiment Station) on John peel 1999.
Live performance by Neil Landstrumm & Tobias Schmidt (as Sugar Experiment Station) at Monox
SES Live Video @ Monox
Neil Landstrumm Live @ Soundslike Chester (Dec 2004)
Landstrumm Live Set - Emergency 2005
Neil landstrumm @ Techstylism 5 year Ann
Neil Landstrumm @ Droid Interface
Neil Landstrumm Audio Interview on B.O.A. Radio
Neil Landstrumm Ravestep Studio Mix
Neil Landstrumm @ Love Parade 2001
Neil Landstrumm @ DEMF 2006
Neil Landstrumm @ DEMF 2006 Video
Neil Landstrumm - Tresor Night @ Cogitatur 18.05.2007 Katowice, Poland - rapidshare
Neil Landstrumm @ Prag 1999. part1, part2
[Part One]
LFO "Mentok 1" Warp
Green Velvet "Help Me" Relief
Cybersonik "Technarchy" Plus 8
33 1/3 Queen "Searchin" Nu Groove
Neil Landstrumm "Pro Audio Lp Track" Tresor
Maurizio "Lyot (Vainqueur Mix)" M
N-Joi ? (not sure)
Adam X ? (not sure)
Mike Dunn "Magic Feet (remix)" Djax
Dj Rush "Crobar" Djax
??? (no clue at all (cool thought!))
Navario Sauro "Lancia De La Integrale" Scandinavia
??? (no clue at all)
??? (no clue at all)
Neil Landstrumm "?" ?? (can't place the track)
Neil Landstrumm "Swing/Jerk" Peacefrog
Neil Landstrumm "Ringbinder" Peacefrog
Sugar Experiment Station "Scandinavia #3 Track" Scandinavia
[Part Two] (nema)

Neil Landstrumm Dj Set @ Palazzo (06-13-2001)
Neil Landstrumm "Toyota Land Crusier" Neue Heimat 07
Tobias Schmidt "Easier" Scandinavia
Trackhead Steve "Gone Madd" Relief
Neil Landstrumm "Ringbinder" Peacefrog/Scandinavia
Neil Landstrumm "on the bedrooms and cities LP" Tresor
Smash T.V. "Electronic Boy" Bpitch 20
Neil Landstrumm "on the bedrooms and cities LP" Tresor
Wyndell Long "Smelly Crotch" Intense
Frankie Bones "Work that shit 2000" Ghetto Technics 14
Hardfloor "Strikeout (Pounding Grooves Mix)" Harthouse
New Order "Blue Monday" Factory
Cj Bolland "Horsepower" R&S
Neil Landstrumm "Ultithmule ep track" Scandinavia
???don't know this track
Neil Landstrumm "Bedrooms and Cities LP" Tresor
Dj Rush "Move Your Body" Tresor
Punisher "mmm" seismic
Vainqeuer "Lyot (maurizio mix)" Tresor/M
Tobias Von Hofsten "??" Dark Disco 001
Tobias Von Hofsten "Count Me In" Dark Disco 001
Neil Landstrumm "Jerk It" Peacefrog
??? si begg
Cristian Vogel "Vome" Tresor
Neil Landstrumm "Praline Horse" Tresor
Navario Sauro "Untitled" Tresor
Navario Sauro "world rallying ep" Scandinavia
Adam X "Eternal Passage Ways" Sonic Groove
Kraftwerk "Numbers" Capitol
Neil Landstrumm "???"
Mike Dunn "Magic Feet (mix)" Djax
Dj Rush "Crobar" Djax
Underground Resistance "Sonic Destroyer" Underground Resistance/Tresor

Neil Landstrumm @ Sputnik Turntable Days
Tracklist for Sputnik:
Smash T.V. "Electronic Boy" Bpitch 20
Wyndell Long "Lowroller" Surface 10
Neil Landstrumm ? I forget which track/record
Dj Rush "Crobar" Djax 296
Neil Landstrumm "New Standard World" Scandinavia 3
Frankie Bones "Work That Shit 2000 remix" Ghetto 14
Neil Landstrumm "Jerk It" Peacefrog
Edit "Buy This Fukkin Record" Don't
Dave Tarrida "Terminally Yours" Tresor
Jamie Lidell "Freely Freekin" Sativae
Angel Alanis and Rees Urban "Work that shit" Tresor
Wyndell Long "Klassic Cut" Surface
Neil Landstrumm "i forgot which lp.." Tresor
Dj Valium "Running October" Teknotika

Neil Landstrumm Spotlight on Bleep Radio 2005.
01[00:00] Cristian Vogel & Neil Landstrumm "Comes" Tresor 22 [Absolute Time Lp]
02[04:20] Neil Landstrumm "Leaving Edinburgh Humour" Tresor 77 [Bedrooms and Cities Lp]
03[07:37] Navario Sauro (Neil Landstrumm) "Untitled" Tresor 81 [Scandinavia Sessions Ep]
04[11:00] Neil Landstrumm "Mallard" Tresor 170 [Glamourama Ep]
05[13:06] Neil Landstrumm A.K.A. The Tokyo Assassin "Acid Revenge" Scandinavia 23 [Life of GrimeEp]
06| [17:23] Dj Slip "Baked Cake (Neil Landstrumm's Rebaked Cake Mix)" Missile Lp02 [Missile Launches2 Lp]
07| [20:30] Neil Landstrumm & Sugar Experiment Station "Ad Agency CreativeSpastics" Iron Oxide 3 [Fighting Spirit Ep]
08| [23:00] Neil Landstrumm "Lager Louts Abroad" Kickin UK Lp38 [Underground UK Lp]
09| [27:37] Neil Landstrumm "Pirate" Tresor 53 [Understanding Disinformation Lp]
00| [30:40] Neil Landstrumm "Praline Horse" Tresor 54 [Praline Horse Remixes Ep]
11| [34:22] Neil Landstrumm & The Horrorist "Help Me" Music Man 98 [Asphyxiated Ep]
12| [39:04] Blue Arsed Fly (Neil Landstrumm & Cristian Vogel) "Big Ron" Tresor 60 [Knackered Ep]
13| [40:57] The Operator "Exemption Song (Neil Landstrumm & Tobias Schmidt Mix)" Scandinavia 22 [The Exemption Song Ep]
14| [43:58] Polaris (Neil Landstrumm) "Deggman" Sonic Groove 9709 [Spread The Web Ep]
15| [46:50] Neil Landstrumm & Bill Youngman "Destroyaz" Input-Ouput 9[Destroyaz Ep]
16| [49:29] Neil Landstrumm "Down On The A" Tresor 103 [Pro Audio Lp]
17| [53:15] Blue Arsed Fly (Neil Landstrumm & Cristian Vogel) "Blue Arse" Mosquito 4 [Untitled Ep]
18| [56:02] Navario Sauro (Neil Landstrumm) "Lancia Dela Integrale 16 V" Scandinavia 6 [World Rallying Ep]
19| [60:03] Neil Landstrumm "Ponytail" Scandinavia 12 [Pro-X-ess Ep]
20| [63:04] Neil Landstrumm"Swing/Jerk" Scandinavia 19 [M Cap Ep]
21| [66:49] Neil Landstrumm & Bill Youngman "Bloody Knuckles" Leitmotiv 10 [Punch Bag Ep]
22| [69:48] Sugar Experiment Station (Neil Landstrumm & Tobias Schmidt) "New Standard World"Scandinavia 3 [Ultimathule Ep]
23| [75:55] Neil Landstrumm "Bullet Proof" Tresor 177 [She Took A Bullet Meant For Me Lp]
24| [79:57] Neil Landstrumm "The Fool" Sativae 10 [Mockba Ep]
25| [83:07] Si Begg & The Tokyo Assassin (Neil Landstrumm) "Unknown Dialect" Mosquito 17 [Restoration Ep]
26| [85:56] Neil Landstrumm "Eaves Dropper" Volume [Trance Europe Express 5 Lp]
27| [88:45] Christian Morgenstern "Ex Machina (Neil Landstrumm Mix)" Forte [Re: Death Before DiscoLp]
28| [92:09] Polaris (Neil Landstrumm) "Advertising" Sonic Groove 9708 [Define The Sonic Groove Lp]
29| [95:00] Neil Landstrumm "Untitled" Donate 1 [Never The Same Again Ep]
30| [98:02] Neil Landstrumm "Full Spectrum Dominance" Sativae 17 [Defiantly Dated Ep]
31| [100:58] Neil Landstrumm "We Are Pleased To Serve You" Tresor 174 [Compilation Volume 9 Lp]
32| [103:57] Sugar Experiment Station (Neil Landstrumm & Tobias Schmidt) "Ultramonotone" Scandinavia 8 [Ultramonotone Ep]
33| [106:00] Neil Landstrumm & Bill Youngman "Subway Amputee" Scandinavia 20 [Shot At Dawn Ep]
34| [108:17] Tobias Schmidt & Neil Landstrumm "Take Thatt" Sativae 2 [Occupation Ep]
35| [112:04] Polaris (Neil Landstrumm) "Arse Magic" Sonic Groove 9602 [The Encryption Factor Ep]
36| [114:36] Neil Landstrumm "Blam The Target" Peacefrog 44 [Inhabit The Machines Ep]
37| [116:48] Subhead "Subtrax (Neil Landstrumm Mix)" Subhead Remixes 2 [Untitled Ep]
38| [119:31] Neil Landstrumm "Piezatric" Sativae 3 [Split Ep]
39| [121:38] Navario Sauro (Neil Landstrumm) "AJ 37 Viggen" Scandinavia 1 [Untitled Ep]
40| [124:29] Neil Landstrumm "Takks" Scandinavia 18 [Index Man Ep]
41| [127:55] Neil Landstrumm "Desert Expedition" Neue Heimat 7 [The Observer Ep]

Neil Landstrumm on BBC - Mary Anne Hobbs' "Experimental" Radio show
Neil Landstrumm Scandanavia Ravestep live session :
Neil Landstrumm & Si Begg - 'Lung Dub' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Assassin Master' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Bleep Biopsy' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Cash Vitamin Dub' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Kids Wake Up' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Saville The Grump' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Wrote Off My Impreza' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Pixel Dribbler' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Waiting' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Cats and Dogs' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Beats for Oil' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Russian Poison' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Auld Jobby Dixon' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Ad Agency Creative Spastics' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'I Love Jap Cars' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Hikikomori' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Bullet Proof' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Indulge Me' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Sufficiently Evil' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'USA Wants More Oil, Thanks' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'The Sentinel' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Jeffrey Wank' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'A Nadir of Decadence' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Energy Flesh' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Split Loyalties' (Scandanavia)
Neil Landstrumm - 'Harlem Shoot Me' (Scandanavia)

Neil Landstrumm @ Sägewerk Neukirchen 13-10-2007
Neil Landstrumm @ KIEVBASS 27.10.2007.
2001-09-16 - Neil Landstrumm, Regis (Live) @ Tresor rapid1, rapid2
2005-02-18 - Neil Landstrumm @ Ugly Funk, Electrowerkz, London - megaupload
2006-02-25 - Neil Landstrumm - Live @ Interface 14, Los Angeles directDL1, directDL2, rapid
2007-01-26 - Neil Landstrumm @ 5 Years Techstylism, Lithuania - rapid
2007-10-13 - Neil Landstrumm @ Sägewerk, Neukirchen - rapid
2007-10-27 - Neil Landstrumm @ Kievbass @ Club Xlib, Kiev - rapid
2007-12-08 Neil Landstrumm, Tobias Schmidt - Live @ Besetztes Haus, Erfurt directDL
2008-01 Neil Landstrumm - Live @ Ivy, Glasgow directDL, shareonal
The Vault featuring Neil Landstrumm - klik
Neil Landstrumm: Radio Broadcast, Interview part1, part2
Neil Landstrumm - Jan 08 Studio Live Set
Sugar Experiment Station Live @ Feinwerk Label Night
Neil Landstrumm Live @ Saegewerk Neukirchen 13.10.07
Neil Landstrumm: Subs and Steel Tour 2007
Neil Landstrumm @ Soundslike video

Neil M:
Neil M - Anger By Resolve [A Limetree Projects Promo Mix]
01. Casual Violence - Briefly Sexual [Limtree Projects DDLT1201]
02. Black Smith Craft - The Cold Shoulder [Limetree Projects DDLTD001]
03. Black Smith Craft - The End Of Everything [Limetree Projects DDLTD001]
04. Error404 - Panic [Limetree Projects DDLTD002]
05. Error404 - Over Unity [Limetree Projects DDLTD002]
06. Black Smith Craft - Harvest Time [Limetree Projects DDLTD001]
07. Mattias Engvall - Missile Crisis [ARMS]
08. Grovskopa - Balamber (Mattias Engvall Remix) [Limetree Projects DDLT1201R]
09. Oscar Mulero - The Damage Done [Pole]
10. DJ Boss - Harmonika [Dole Gate]
11. DJ Boss - Nebulus [Dole Gate]
12. Grovskopa - Strap-On Sunica (Brethren Edit Live @ Conecta) [Emergence]
13. Casual Violence - Briefly Sexual (Grovskopa Remix) [Limtree Projects DDLT1201]
14. Casual Violence & Boyconstrictor - Black Cellular
15. Surgeon - Bad Hands Part II (Autechre Remix) [Dynamic Tension]
16. Go Hiyama - Spacecraft [Asian Dynasty]
17. Error404 - Response [Limetree Projects DDLTD002]
18. Surgeon - Bad Hands Part II [Dynamic Tension]
19. Grovskopa - Balamber (Casual Violence Remix) [Limetree Projects DDLT1201]

Nick Warren:
1997-11-30 - Nick Warren, Paul Oakenfold @ Cream, Liverpool, Essential Mix zshare1
1. Cardigans - "Your New Cuckoo" (white Label)
2. Camisra - "Let Me Show You" (VC White Label)
3. Lay Rue - "I'll Be The Same" (Work)
4. Future Funk - "Dance With Me" (white Label)
5. Byron Stingily - "You Make Me Feel Mighty Real" (Manifesto)
6. Grooveyard - "Mary Go Wild" (Grooveyard)
7. Karen Ramirez - "Troubled Girl [Way Out West Mix]" (Manifesto)
8. Sunset Sky - "Built To Burn" (Pied Piper)
9. Energy 52 - "Cafe Del Mar [Three 'N' One Remix]" (Hooj Choons)
10. Lighthouse Family - "untitled [Matthew Roberts Mix]" (white Label)
11. Sunscreem - "Cover Me" (white Label)
12. Prodigy - "Smack My Bitch Up [Slacker Remix]" (XL)

Nigel Richards:
2007-12 - Nigel Richards @ Next Door, Honolulu, HI - rapid

Nigel Walker:
Nigel Walker @ Orbit, 12-03-1994 directDL

Nightmares On Wax:
1990 - Nightmares On Wax @ Sunny's, Leeds mega1, mega2

Nitzer Ebb:
Nitzer Ebb - 2006-07-15 - Live at Monegros Desert Festival


Octave One:

2001-12-22 - Lawrence Burden - Rave Satellite - megaupload
Octave One - live_at_fuse-in_festival_(detroit) 05-30-2005.
Octave One LivePa - Melkweg Club Amsterdam 19.10.2006. - rapidshare
Octave One LivePa - Melkweg Club Amsterdam 19.10.2006. - megaupload
Octave One @ Shanti Moscow 19-05-2007 - megaupload
Octave One Live @ Movement - Detroit Electronic Music Festival 26-5-2007 - xirror
Octave One feat Random Noise Generation Live @ Anti-Pop Music Festival - Portugal 11-8-2007 - rapidshare
Octave One @ Love Parade - Essen 25-8-2007 - rapidshare
Octave One (RNG) @ Anti-Pop Music Festival Portugal 11-09-2007 - megaupload
1996-07-13 - Lawrence Burden @ Fritz LoveRadio rapid1, rapid2

Octex - Recorded live at Chilli Space in Ljubljana
Octex - DJ mix: Snowscape
Octex - DJ mix: When everything has been...
Octex - Live @ Signal-sever, Futuresonic 04 in Manchester on 30042004
Octex - Live @ live at K4 - Intelligent Clubbing 26.10.2003.

Oliver Ho:
Oliver Ho aka Raudive @ SOS All Night 12-05-2007 part1, part2 - open in new window
Oliver ho @ SOS VS HTX #5 / part1
Oliver Ho @ SOS VS HTX #5 / part2
Oliver Ho - Dj Set at Tresor Closing , Globus Berlin 12-04-2005 - rapidshare
Oliver Ho - DJ Set at Shanti Club Moscow 26-01-2007 part1, part2

Raudive aka Oliver Ho @ The Storm II Zentralmensa 1-9-2007 - rapidshare
1. 00:04 Uhr: Jesse Rose & Oliver $ - Wake Up (Made To Play - MTP 008)
2. 00:07 Uhr: Lighter Thief - Ahead (Ifach - 19)
3. 00:09 Uhr: Raudive - Zeitgeist (Poker Flat - PFR 087)
4. 00:12 Uhr: Pan-Pot - Illuminaten (Agnčs Rmx) (1x1 - 23)
5. 00:16 Uhr: Mathias Kaden - Rhythma (Vakant - VA 015)
6. 00:20 Uhr: Maski - Human Jungle (Mantra Vibes - MTR 2320)
7. 00:24 Uhr: Raudive - Promo (Promo - Promo)
8. 00:27 Uhr: Leroy Styles - Jus Bounce (25 Hertz - 25H 003)
9. 00:31 Uhr: Raudive - Promo (Promo - Promo)
10. 00:35 Uhr: Mikael Stavöstrand feat. Big Bully - No Turning Back (Mo's Ferry Prod. - MFP 028)
11. 00:39 Uhr: James Mowbray & Leiam Sullivan - Tropical Heights (Four Twenty - FOUR:034 W)
12. 00:43 Uhr: Pawas - Katang (Squonk - 3)
13. 00:47 Uhr: Gioco feat. Ratcliff - Promo (Promo - Promo)
14. 00:50 Uhr: Yello - Oh Yeah 'oh Six (Bodzin & Huntemann Rmx) (Universal - 060251701 5067)
15. 00:54 Uhr: Giorgio Gigli - I Can't Breathe (Dumb Unit - DU 026)
16. 00:58 Uhr: Pan-Pot - Illuminaten (Fidget Sonance Mix LeeVan Dowski Rmx) (1x1 - 23)
17. 01:02 Uhr: Substance & Vainqueur - Immersion (Sleeparchive Rmx) (Scion Versions - SV 03)

Oliver Koletzki:
2006-03-06 - Oliver Koletzki - Big City Beats rapid1, rapid2
2006-11-18 - Oliver Koletzki @ Design Music (Hungary)
2007-10 Oliver Koletzki Florian Meindl @ Flash Label Showcase, Milano directDL, uploaded
Oliver Koletzki @ Switch 5-1-2008 - klik
Oliver Koletzki @ La Boum De Luxe 15-9-2007 - rapid

Oliver Rosemann:
Oliver Rosemann: Live @ Alte Senffabrik 25.08.07
Oliver Rosemann Live Set @ Beta Baboon (April 29, 2006)

Omar S:
Omar S - O+N Mix Detroit - sendspace

Optic Nerve:
Optic Nerve (Live) @ DEAF 2002

2001-06-01 - Orbital - Live @ Rock am Ring, Germany directDL
2001-08-04 - Orbital - Live @ Dance Valley directDL
2001-08-05 - Orbital - Live @ Benecassim, Spain directDL
2004-07-28 - Orbital - Live @ Maida Vale, John Peel Session (Final Performance) - mega

1997-07-20 - Orbital - Live @ Phoenix Festival, Essential Mix direct DL
1. Orbital - "Remind" (FFRR)
2. Orbital - "Choice" (FFRR)
3. Orbital - "The Girl With The Sun In Her Hair" (FFRR)
4. Orbital - "The Box" (FFRR)
5. Orbital - "The Saint" (FFRR)
6. Orbital - "Petrol" (FFRR)
7. Orbital - "Satan" (FFRR)
8. Orbital - "Halycon" (FFRR)
9. Orbital - "Impact" (FFRR)
10. Orbital - "Chime" (FFRR)

Oscar Mulero:
Oscar Mulero @ Locked 15-10-2005
Oscar Mulero - Live at Showdown, Székesfehérvár, Hungary 17/11/2006 - 205mb
Oscar Mulero @ Free Your Mind Festival Holland 02-06-2007 - megaupload
2000-06-16 Oscar Mulero & Angel Molina @ Sonar Festival, Barcelona rapid
2001-09-21 Oscar Mulero @ Industrial Copera, Granada rapid
2002 Oscar Mulero, Mark Broom @ Industrial Copera, Granada rapid, rapid2
2002-04-30 Oscar Mulero & Ben Sims @ Flex, Vienna rapid
2002-12-28 Oscar Mulero @ Florida 135, Spain rapid1, rapid2
2003-02-15 Oscar Mulero, James Ruskin @ Big Bang Festival rapid1, rapid2
2003-10-18 Oscar Mulero @ Modular, Mallorca part1, rapid2
2004-04-24 Oscar Mulero @ Family Club, Toledo rapid
2005-04-14 Oscar Mulero @ Tresor, Tresor Closing Party rapid1, rapid2
2006-05-20 - Oscar Mulero @ Traffic, Amsterdam rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
2006-07-15 - Oscar Mulero @ Extrema Outdoor, Eindhoven rapid
2006-11-04 - Oscar Mulero @ 5 Years Heroes Of Techno rapid1, rapid2
2007-02-25 - Dr. Smoke aka Oscar Mulero @ Pagoa - megaupload

Ozgur Ozkan:


Pacou - Mix 3 (1991-1992) - megaupload
2005-04-17 - Pacou @ Tresor, Tresor Closing Party - megaupload
Pacou-UR Mix (Detroit Digital Vinyl / Submerge) [DDV-002] - open in new window
Pacou @ Mal Pais Berlin 17-06-2006. - megaupload
Pacou - Somewhere in Detroit Label Mix - mediafire
Pacou - Promo Mix May 2007 - mediafire
pacou - random august 2007 dj mix - mediafire
Pacou - Random DJ Mix August 2007 - mediafire
Special Jacbri.com guest mix by PACOU
Oscar Mulero - Altered State EP
Faceless Mind - Datacat
Age - Return To The Force
Jay Denham - Black Power
Reeko - Methodical
Oliver Ho - Fusion
Morganistic - Crimes & Misdemeanours
Drivetrain - Detroit Tronic
Paul Mac - Anything But
Wise Caucasian - Uno
Surgeon - whose bad hands are this
Sterac - Tresor 143
Pacou- X-Factor
Advent - Tresor West (dubplate mix)
Makaton/Lankyskills - 2jags remixes
Haiku - Ed Chamberlain mix
Regis - Delivered into the hands of indifference
James Ruskin - warm Up 14
Pacou - Imagerie remix (unreleased)
Steve Bicknell - Content 1 remix2
Archae - Genealogy
Inigo Kennedy - Token 1
Exium - Maldavian
Regis - Penetration
JB3 - Believer EP
Paul mac - Shot Through EP
Pacou - Kozzmozz live (unreleased)
UR - Killer Whale
Ben Sims - Flux 7
Robert Armani - Cache 2

Pacou - "Somewhere in Detroit" / Underground Resistance
1. UR - Spirits speak SID 003 Soundpictures EP
2. Mad Mike - Attack Of The Sonic Samurai (Intro) SID 010
3. UR - Lunar Rhythm SID 003 Soundpictures EP
4. Andre Holland - Intangible SID 002 Abstract EP
5. Andre Holland - Journey to Nowhere SID 002 Abstract EP
6. Suburban Knight - Cargo Cult SID 012
7. UR - Sweat Electric (Vocal) SID 001
8. Drexciya - Dr. Blowfins Experiment SID 005 Uncharted EP
9. Mad Mike - Attack Of The Sonic Samurai SID 010
10. Underground Resistance - E.R.P. - Enhanced Rhythm Perception SID 006
11. UR - Transition UR7-3000
12. Drexciya - Hi-Tide SID 005 Uncharted EP
13. 044 aka The Deacon - Fuji SID 010
14. UR - Subversive Communications SID 007
15. The Illustrator - Beautiful Boxer SID 011
16. 044 aka The Deacon - Soulsaver SID 006
17. 038 aka Mad Mike - Soul Power UR7-55
18. UR - A Thousand Questions SID 007
19. UR - Radioactive Rhythms SID 007
20. Mad Mike & The Trinity - Burning Spear ISF 2
21. Andre Holland - Intangible SID 002 Abstract EP
22. Andre Holland - Invisible Pathways SID 002 Abstract EP
23. UR - Killer Whale network URLP 1

Pacou - Technomix Nov 2005
1 Jeff Mills - Zenith (whitelabel)
2 Jeff Mills - Infinitespecial (Axis limited 7")
3 ESP - Idiom (Synewave)
4 Basement Jaxx - FlyLife (Multiply)
5 Sebastian Kramer - Content#1 (Steve Bicknell Mix)
6 Function - Broken Glass (Infrastructure)
7 Jeff Mills - Axis 16 blacklabel
8 Robert Armani - Load (Subvoice)
9 Robert Armani - Blow That Shit out (Joey Beltram Mix) (ACV)
10 Fanon Flowers - Trackmodes (Exalt)
11 DJ Shufflemaster - Psychomaniacs (Housedust/Disq)
12 UR 012 - Fuel for the Fire (UR)
13 Carl Craig - The Climax - Original Mix (Planet E - white vinyl)
14 Aphex Twin - Quoth (Warp - clear vinyl)
15 Dave Gahan - Hidden Houses (Alexander Kowalski RMX) (Mute DJ only Promo)
16 Ectomorph - The Haunting (IT white label promo)
17 Paul Mac - At last (Subconcious Elements)
18 Ben Sims - Symbolism 3
19 Surgeon - Death Before Surrender (Downwards promo)
20 Sebastian Kramer - Fetish (Content whitelabel)
21 Robert Armani - Ambulance (Dance Mania)
22 Joey Beltram - Intermission (Chris Liebing Remix) (Tresor whitelabel)
23 Orlando Voorn - Planet Ultra (Minifunk whitelabel)
24 Joey Beltram - Signal Path (Tresor/ STX whitelabel)
25 Carl Craig (69) - Jam The Box/ Heavy (R+S)
26 Pacou - X - Factor (Cache - clear vinyl)
27 Leandro Gomez - Limbo (Intec whitelabel)
28 Dave Clarke - Just Ride (James Ruskin Mix 1)
29 Oscar Mulero - Altaria (Tresor whitelabel)
30 Joey Beltram - Into Battle (Synewave Whitelabel)
31 Monolake - Plumbicon Live In Osaka (white vinyl)
32 Unique 3 - Activity (Ten)
33 Carl Craig - At Les (R+S limited 5x12" Box)

Pacou - Random DJ Mix August 2007 - mediafire
UK Gold - arise
Norman Nodge - NN8
Scion - Sleeparchive Remix
Strobe funk - strobe funk
Mr. V - just dance
Ron Trent-love to the world
Aril Brikha-room 337
Phuture - Rise
Steve Rachmad - neo classica
DJ 3000 - motech 12
Lagos Nagoya Players Association - Yaba
some bootleg
Stereofunk - 40+1
Inxs - Disappear
Kenny Black - Elaktic
John Tejada - Beaming Red Oscillator
Parallel 9 - technic
Blaze - Lovely day
DJ Christos + Shanna - Ung Phula Intliziy
Mathew Johnson - Zombie biker
Mountain people 003
Dennis Ferrer - Touched the sky
DJ Qu - airs force
Micha Moor -Space (Deniz Akcakoyunlu Mix)
KMS - Direct me (Marty Hardy remix)

Pacou - Promomix October 2007 - megaupload
2005-04-17 - Pacou @ Tresor, Tresor Closing Party - uploaded
2007-03-21 - Pacou - Jacbri Radio, Croatia - rapid
Pacou - January 2008 - mediafire
Funk D'Void - Misspent Years Remix
Model 500 - The Chase
John Thomas - Ethique
Cajmere - Keep Movin'
Octave One - Strings Remix
Redshape - Life Soundtrack Remix
Sterac - Neo Classica
Joe Claussell - Spiritual Insurrection
DJ Nick - Summer Samba - Andy F Mix
Art Konik - Afro Monkey
C2 - Latin Girl behind Door1
Blu Belly Bandit - The Disco Filtering Mode
3MB - Illumination
KMS - Heavenly
Redshape - ?
Joris Voorn - future history
Robert Hood - Hoodmusic 3
Si Begg - Discoteque
Ian Pooley - ?
Terrace - Southside Mix
DJ Qu - Mixing Room
Modernist - Pop 01

Pascal F.E.O.S.:
Pascal F.E.O.S. - Ibiza Voice Podcast 20-07-2007
Pascal FEOS - DJ Set at Big City Beats on Big FM 07-09-2005 - rapidshare
Pascal F.E.O.S. - Dj Set at Fuse Bruxelles 16-09-2006 - rapidshare
Pascal FEOS - DJ Set at the Rockhall, Esch 03-02-2007 - rapidshare
Pascal FOES - DJ Set at XS Club 23-02-2007 part1, part2, part3, part4 - rapidshare
Pascal Feos - Live at Ibiza Global Radio 10-08-2007 - rapidshare
2005-04-30 - Pascal F.E.O.S., Paul Kalkbrenner @ Airport, Würzburg - uploaded

2007-12-08 - Pascal FEOS @ Clubnight uploaded, rapid1, rapid2
1. 21:59 Promo - Neil Armstrong auf dem Mond (Promo - Promo)
2. 22:00 Ellen Allien - Go (Marcel Dettmann Rmx) (BPitch Control - BPC 160)
3. 22:06 Piece Division - Voodoo (Crosstown Rebels - CRM 038)
4. 22:11 Mark-Henning - Debut (Einmaleins Musik - 26)
5. 22:17 Barem - Ears (Minus - 59)
6. 22:22 Marc Antona - Neurons (Micro Fibres - MF 03)
7. 22:27 Koljah - Mahlzeit (Sushitech - SUSH 05)
8. 22:32 Flinsch 'n Nielson - Korea Tabs (Kiddaz.fm - KIDD 053)
9. 22:37 Fresh Fried - Öslo (Level Non Zero - Promo)
10. 22:44 Mathias Kaden - Rhythma (Vakant - VA 015)
11. 22:49 The Mountain People - Mountain 005 (Mountain People - MOUNTAIN 005)
12. 22:54 Agaric - Goose Step (Raum...Musik - MUSIK 063)
13. 22:59 Jona - Dehydrate (Toys For Boys - TFBR 012)
14. 23:02 Maetrik - Transform (Regular - 32)
15. 23:06 Sebrok - Boob Tube (Paso Music - PASO 012)
16. 23:12 Ink And Needle - Number Eight (Tattoorec.com - TATTOO 004)
17. 23:18 Barem - Censored Elephant (Minus - 59)
18. 23:21 Kabale Und Liebe & Daniel Sanchez - Mumbling Yeah (Arearemote - AREA 001)
19. 23:26 Marco Carola - Step By Step (Minus - Promo)
20. 23:29 Pan-Pot feat. Hugh Betcha - Charly (Mobilee - 30)
21. 23:34 Dubfire - Emissions (SCI + TEC Digital Audio - Promo)
22. 23:38 Pascal FEOS & Marc Miroir - Rezolution (Level Non Zero - LNZ 014-6)
23. 23:45 The Pale - Dementia (Irreversable Edit) (Subtrak - 8)
24. 23:48 Audiojack - Enter The Drum (20:20 Vision - VIS 159)
25. 23:54 Javi Unión - Promo (Pascal FEOS Treatment) (Plain - Promo)
26. 23:57 Promo - Promo (Promo - Promo)

1998-08-29 - Pascal F.E.O.S. @ Big Warp, Clubnight uploaded, rapid1, rapid2
Robbie Tronco - Frighttrain (12 R)
Sign - The Norm (Drugstore Music - DMPE 03)
Insect Jazz - Transmission From Istanbul (Pascal F.E.O.S. Rmx) (Elektrolux)
Mario J & Murat - Untitled (Method - 03)
Richard Bartz - Subway (Kanzleramt - KA 20)
C & G - Southsystem (Conform - CNFR 03)
Promo – Nine (Monoid - 009)
Thomas P. Heckmann - Ton Steine Scherben (Force Inc - FIM 145)
Ricardo Villalobos - Heike (Rmx) (Lo-Fi Stereo - 5)
Delano & Lekebusch - Color Clash (Hybrid - HP 1206)
Clemens Neufeld – Rettung (Thomas Schumacher Rmx) (Confused - Con 18)
Mark Seven - Contagious Paranoia (Primevil - PRVL 004)
Morgan - Flowerchild (Synewave - SW 036)
Quazar - The End (Superstition)
Thomas Schumacher - When I Rock (Rmx) (Bush - 1055)
Strass - Zwei (Force Inc - FIM 147)
Protein - Tata Box Inhibitors (Touche - TOU 9512)
Reck - Titanic (Turtle Trax - TT 02-6)
Percy X - New Ground (Soma - 63)
F.E.O.S. vs. M/S/O – Ideas & Experiences (PV 014)
Cari Lekebusch - Reverted (Hybrid - HP 1204)
Icarus - Let Your Soul Speak (Jericho - Jel 003)
Mijk Van Dijk & Thomas Schumacher - Promo (Superstition - 2090)

Paul Oakenfold:
1997-11-30 - Nick Warren, Paul Oakenfold @ Cream, Liverpool, Essential Mix zshare1, zshare2
Nick Warren
1. Cardigans - "Your New Cuckoo" (white Label)
2. Camisra - "Let Me Show You" (VC White Label)
3. Lay Rue - "I'll Be The Same" (Work)
4. Future Funk - "Dance With Me" (white Label)
5. Byron Stingily - "You Make Me Feel Mighty Real" (Manifesto)
6. Grooveyard - "Mary Go Wild" (Grooveyard)
7. Karen Ramirez - "Troubled Girl [Way Out West Mix]" (Manifesto)
8. Sunset Sky - "Built To Burn" (Pied Piper)
9. Energy 52 - "Cafe Del Mar [Three 'N' One Remix]" (Hooj Choons)
10. Lighthouse Family - "untitled [Matthew Roberts Mix]" (white Label)
11. Sunscreem - "Cover Me" (white Label)
12. Prodigy - "Smack My Bitch Up [Slacker Remix]" (XL)

Paul Oakenfold
1. Tilt - "Butterfly" (acetate)
2. Tilt & Paul Van Dyk - "Rendezvous" (Perfecto)
3. BT - "Remember [Sasha Remix]" (acetate)
4. Koncept - "untitle" (white Label)
5. Krystal - "Burning Flame" (Flex)
6. Y-Traxx - "Mystery Land [Remix]" (Ffrr)
7. Virus - "Hypnotise" (Perfecto Fluoro)
8. Amoeba Assassin - "Roller Coaster" (Perfecto)
9. Mansun - "Wide Open Space [Remix]" (Mercury Acetate)

1994-03-19 - Paul Oakenfold - Essential Mix - shareonall
Bad sound quality.
1. Extasia - Extasia (ZXY)
2. Nightforce - I Want You (UMM)
3. Hypno Party - Still Crash (Calypso)
4. The Lab - 1000 (Round/Round)
5. Illusive - Take Me Higher (Rumour)
6. Joey Beltram - Future Groove (Max Entertainment)
7. Yothu Yindi - Timeless Land (Mushroom)
8. QT Quartet - Hold That Sucker Down (Cheeky)
9. Sultana - Te Amo (Union)
10. Jam & Spoon - Stella (R&S)
11. Genetic - Trancemission (Dragonfly)
12. Parazide - Makin Love' (Suck Me Plasma)
13. Interactive - Koma (React)
14. Nicely - Away The Throttle Pedal Stop' (Union Jack Mix) (Platipus)
15. Unknown - Unknown
16. Poltergeist - Viscious Circles (Platipus)
17. Man With No Name - Paint A Picture (Perfecto)
18. Opal - The Snake (On Off)
19. Quench - Dreams (Mushroom)
20. Man With No Name - Floor Essence[Dayglo Mix](Perfecto)
21. Cardiac Infarction - Moondancer' (Frankfurt Beat)
22. Man With No Name - Voices (Perfecto)
23. Man With No Name - Sugar Rush'[Raw Cane Mix](Perfecto)
24. Perfecto - Rise (Perfecto)
25. Cyprus Hill - Insane In The Brain(Sony)

1993-11-06 - Paul Oakenfold - Essential Mix - shareonall
1. Roc & Kato - "Jungle Kisses" (Slip N' Slide)
2. Darry James/David Anthony Project - "Where Do We Go?" (Freeze)
3. Real To Reel - "I Like To Move It" (white Label)
4. DJ Duke - "Blow Your Whistle" (white Label)
5. Soul II Soul - "Back 2 Life" (white Label)
6. River Ocean Featuring India - "Love And Happiness" (Crysalis)
7. Bjork - "Violently Happy [Remix]" (One Little Indian)
8. Happy Mondays - "untitled" (white Label)
9. Artist Unknown - "untitled" (white Label)
10. Artist Unknown - "untitled" (white Label)
11. U2 - "Lemon [Perfecto Mix]" (Perfecto)
12. Petra & Co - "Just Let Go" (untitled)
13. Ramirez - "Hablando" (Network)
14. Artist Unknown - "untitled" (white Label)
15. Artist Unknown - "untitled" (white Label)
16. Kick Up - "I Do It Naturally" (Flying Records Italy)
17. CYB - "Now" (Blue Flower)
18. Artist Unknown - "untitled" (white Label)
19. Artist Unknown - "untitled" (white Label)
20. Artist Unknown - "untitled" (white Label)
21. The Shamen - "Possible Worlds" (One Little Indian)
22. Artist Unknown - "untitled" (white Label)
23. Artist Unknown - "untitled" (white Label)
24. Artist Unknown - "untitled" (white Label)
25. Slam - "Positive Education" (Soma)
26. Artist Unknown - "untitled" (white Label)
27. Artist Unknown - "untitled" (white Label)
28. Vernon's Wonderland - "Vernon's Wonderlands" (Eye Q)

Paul van Dyk:
Paul van Dyk @ Dorian Gray, 02-10-1995 - rapid
1995-06-23 - Paul van Dyk @ Outer Limits Club, Babylon, USA - uploaded
1998-12-04 - Paul van Dyk @ Fuse zshare

Pedro Delgardo:
Pedro Delgardo August 2007 promomix
1. Stephane Signore ? Back from the End (Promo)
2. Vortechtral ? Infected (Techment)
3. Stephane Signore ? The Hype is Gone (Promo)
4. Axel Karakasis ? Overhang (Relatives Promo)
5. DJ Mika ? Placebo (Yin Yang Promo)
6. DJ Mika - Lost in Music (Pirate audio)
7. Matt Darey ? Animal [Pedro Delgardo & James Alexander Remix] (Darey Products)
8. Marko Nastic? The Risen Statement of Intent (Recon Warriors Promo)
9. Ali Wilson and Lee Osbourne ? Amongst It (Promo)
10. Egyptian Empire ? The Horn Track [Pedro Delgardo Remix] (Missile Promo)
11. DJ Mika ? Evil Dancer (Yin Yang Promo)
12. Gui Boratto - Royal House (Royal House)
13. Mika - Code Red (Mastertraxx)
14. A Paul ? Absolute (Naked Lunch)
15. Disco Night (?)
16. Mladen Tomic ? Ethernet (Promo)
17. Christian Fischer - Garcia?s Life (Patterns)
18. Steve Payne - My Theory [Axel Karakasis Remix] (TCP Promo)
19. Giorgio Moroder ? The chase 2007 [Stephane Signore Remix] (Promo)
20. Java & Jan ? Rana (Vendetta)
21. DJ Delicious ? Let it Drop [Henrik B Remix] (TRSE)


Percy X:
Percy X - Mix Soma 22-07-2002
Percy X Soma @ Loft Barcelona ES

Petar Dundov:
Petar Dundov (Brother's Yard) - Live @ Monvi, Croatia 2004
Petar Dundov @ "fjaka" Plaza Kasjuni 16.06.2007. part1, part2, part3, part4
Petar Dundov - Live @ Barutana Osijek - rapidshare

Philip Ryan:
Philip Ryan - The Axis of Techno -- 72mb - 79:52
01 Smooth Groove - Tronic House (KMS)
02 Matt John - The Rising Scope (Perlon)
03 Misc - Flow Control (Sender)
04 Ratio - Interrupt, Cycle A2 (Central)
05 Kenny Larkin - Track (warp)
06 The Vision - Explain the Style (Metroplex)
07 Jeff Mills - Medusa [Unreleased mix] (React)
08 Diskordia - Flode (Tresor)
09 Rhythim Is Rhythim - Kaos [Juice Bar Mix] (Transmat)
10 Cybotron - Alleys of Your Mind (Fantasy)
11 Monolake - Linear (Imbalance)
12 Auxmen - The Vibe (Puzzlebox)
13 Sender Berlin - Dr. Sorge is Watching the Planet (Tresor)
14 Misc - Wireless (Sender)
15 Stacey Pullen - Juke (Science)
16 Octave One - Eniac (430 West)
17 Bucci - Dude (WMF)
18 Pole - I Can't Hear [Ska Version] (Mute)
19 Rhythm & Sound w/ Paul St. Hillaire - Never Tell You (Burial Mix)
20 Ectomorph - Insert Another Data Disk (Astralwerks)
21 Claude Young - Impolite to Refuse (Astralwerks)
22 Strand - Bloated [Jaggernaunt mix] (Frictional)
23 Blake Baxter - Deep N Da Groove [Greg Stafford mix] (Tresor)
24 Cyrus - Inversion (Basic Channel)
25 3ST - Crunch Time (Tresor)
26 Pacou - Viera Souto (Music Man)
27 Tony Brown - Planet Full of Robots (Dance Dance)
28 3MB feat. Juan Atkins - Die Kosmischen Kuriere (Tresor)

1995-09-30 - Pierre @ Tresor Tour, Aufschwun - megaupload
1998-05-02 - Pierre @ Fuse zshare
1999-05-28 - Pierre @ Werkzeugkombinat Schmalkalden directDL, rapid
2001 - Pierre @ Fuse On Tour part1
2001 - Pierre @ Fuse On Tour part2

1996-09-07 Pierre @ Harthouse Release 100 Label Party, Stammheim - Clubnight divshare
1. Scan X - Earthquake Dry Mix (F-Communication - F 039)
2. Robert Hood - The Pace (M-Plant - M-P 306)
3. Sub-Station - Utility Man (Contact - CON 1011)
4. Studio 1 - Promo (Studio - STU 005)
5. Cari Lekebusch - In Stockholm We Dwell (Hybrid - HYB 020)
6. Head In The Clouds - Inspection Notice (Head In The Clouds - HO 14)
7. Ben Tisdall - Tense, Nervous Headache (Bush - 1033)
8. Dietrich Schoenemann - Decoder (Electric Music Foundation - EF 16)
9. Cab Drivers - Seat Belt (Cabinet - cab 5)
10. Rotor Type - Gimme Head (P-Rhythm - PRR 016)
11. D.H.S. - The House Of God (Missile – 13)
12. Activa - Smooth Cuts (DTM - 002)
13. M:I:5 - Autogen 10 - Motor Funk (Profan – 004)
14. Robot Man - Hypno-Freak (Definitive - DEF 003)
15. Sweet Reinhard - Believe (Profan - 012)
16. Richard Wolfsdorf - M.D.M.A. (Research - M 3000 01)
17. Winc - Thoughts Of A Tranced Love (Limbo/23rd Precinct - LIMB 53T)
18. Der Dritte Raum - Trommelmaschine (Harthouse - HH LP 017)
19. Donna Summer - I Fell Love (Casablanca - Feel 12)
20. F Compilation - 01 Red (F-Communications - 96-4 13 700 45-12)
21. Armand van Helden - Work Me Gadamit '96 (Henry Street - HS 185)
22. Sounds 012 - Boom Box (Sounds - 012)
23. Alter Ego - Lycra (Harthouse - HH 101)
24. Man Train - The Sun (Design Music - DES 001)
25. Subhead - Weird Hair (Subhead - 004)
26. Strange Attractor - Luxor (Schnozza - Phono 1)
27. Speaking In Tongues - Turbulence (Blunted - 12 BLN 19)
28. Yakari & Delano - 6 Lifes Left (Loop - 018)
29. Exotic Sounds II - Mgombo (Teknotika - GG 019)
30. Man Train - Meteot (Design - DES 001)
31. Oxia - Cycle (Ozone - 002)
32. DJ Hyperactive - Venus (Missile - 15)

Placid - Detroit Luv -> klik


Quince Live @ Awakenings Festival 30-6-2007 - rapidshare
Quince - Awakenings Detroit Weekend (29-09-2007) - rapidshare


Rasmus Hedlund:

Recyver Dogs:
Recyver Dogs Live @ Tresor Reopening Weekend - Back in May 07 25-5-2007 part1, part2

Regis @ Transmissions 5 (04-11-2005)

Richard Bartz:
RICHARD BARTZ - Live At Harry Klein

Ricardo Villalobos:
Ricardo Villalobos @ Speakerplay Amsterdam 22-10-2004 - rapid

Richie Hawtin:
Richie Hawtin - Classic Mix 1989 - open in new window
Richie Hawtin @ For Those Who Like To Groove 04-04-1992 - megaupload
Richie Hawtin @ Orbit, June 5, 1993 - megaupload
Richie Hawtin @ Aufschwung Ost Kassel 03-12-1994 - sexuploader
Richie Hawtin - I Love Techno 1998 - megaupload
Richie Hawtin @ Energy Zurich 16.08.1997 - megaupload
Richie Hawtin @ Awakenings (Westergasfabriek Amsterdam 11-04-1998) - megaupload
Richie Hawtin @ Hong Kong - Club Ing 28-11-2000 - megaupload
Sven Vath - I Love Techno 2000 - megaupload
Richie Hawtin - I Love Techno 2001 - megaupload
Richie Hawtin - Live at Sonar (Barcelona) xx.xx.2001
Richie Hawtin @ Tresor Closing party, (sunday afternoon)
Richie on the John Peel (RIP) show
Richie and Ricardo at the Robert Johnson
Richie Hawtin - Live at Flex (Wien) 11.11.2005
Set By Ritchie Hawtin (M_Nus, Plus 8) 10:00 -10:55pm
Richie Hawtin @ Klubbers FM 14.06.2007. - zshare
Richie Hawtin - Klubbers Fm 21.06.2007
Richie Hawtin @ Klubbers’ Day at Telefónica Arena Madrid 7.4.2007
Richie Hawtin - Klubbers Fm 21.06.2007 - klik
Richie Hawtin - Essential Mix Miami WMC Special 01-04-2007 - mediafire
Richie Hawtin @ Klubbers FM 14.6.2007 - zshare
Richie Hawtin @ Exit Festival 007 part1, part2, part3 - rapidshare
Richie Hawtin Live Tripod Ireland 07.04.2007 - rapidshare
Green Velvet & Richie Hawtin - live @ Exit Festival 007, 12.7.2007 part1, part2, part3
Richie Hawtin @ M_Nus Bar Berlin 29-06-2007 part1, part2, part3 - rapidshare
Richie Hawtin @ Pawn Shop Miami 22.3.2007 - sendspace
Richie Hawtin - Essential Mix (01.04.2007) - rapidshare
Massi DL ‘Fruit & Salad’ (White Label)
Unknown Artist ‘Untitled (Konrad Snax Mix)’ (White Label)
The Viewer ‘Blank Images’ (Planet E)
Marco Carola ‘Apnea’ (White Label)
Unknown Artist ‘Dermoptera’ (White Label)
Dominik Eulberg ‘Gunsch’ (Traumschallplatten)
Massi DL ‘Wonderland’ (White Label)
Ambivalent ‘Nugget’ (M-nus)
Gaiser ‘Neural Block’ (M-nus)
Blackstrobe ‘I’m A Man (Audion’s Donation Remix)’ (White Label)
Dennis Karimani ‘Realtime Island’ (Smallville)

Richie Hawtin - Essential Mix Miami WMC Special 01-04-2007 - klik
01. Massi DL - Fruit & Salad (White Label)
02. Unknown Artist - Untitled (Konrad Snax Mix) (White Label)
03. The Viewer - Blank Images (Planet E)
04. Marco Carola - Apnea (White Label)
05. Unknown Artist - Dermoptera (White Label)
06. Dominik Eulberg - Gunsch (Traumschallplatten)
07. Massi DL - Wonderland (White Label)
08. Ambivalent - Nugget (M-nus)
09. Gaiser - Neural Block (M-nus)
10. Blackstrobe - Im A Man (Audions Donation Remix) (White Label)
11. Dennis Karimani - Realtime Island (Smallville)

Richie Hawtin @ Meltdown - Detroit 12-1-1996 - klik
Richie Hawtin @ Awakenings Festival 30-6-2007
Richie Hawtin @ M_nus Label Night - Cocoricň - Italy 15-8-2007 - zshare
Richie Hawtin @ M_nus Label Night - Cocoricň - Italy 15-8-2007 - rapidshare
Richie Hawtin - Minus Promo Mix Kontakt RTW - rapidshare
Richie Hawtin - Live at Anti Pop Music Festival Portugal 10-08-2007 - rapidshare
Richie Hawtin - Live at Minustour Showcase Cocorico, Riccione, Italy 15-08-2007 part1, part2 - rapidshare
Richie Hawtin - DJ Set at Dance Department 29-07-2007 - rapidshare
Richie Hawtin - Live at 10daysOff, Belgium 18-07-2007 - rapidshare
Richie Hawtin - Live at Remix Hotel, Miami WMC 23-03-2007 - rapidshare
Richie Hawtin - Essential Minimal Mix 04-02-2007 - rapidshare
Richie Hawtin - Guest Dj Set at Invasion (Sirius Area 33) - 22-02-2007 - rapidshare
Richie Hawtin - Soundcity Rich Mix - rapidshare
Richie Hawtin - Guest Dj Set at beats To Go 73 Radio 31-01-2007 - rapidshare
Richie Hawtin - DJ Set at Mint Punta Del Este, Uruguay 13-05-2005 - rapidshare
Richie Hawtin @ Welli 1996 part1, part2
Richie Hawtin Live MixMag 1995 - rapidshare
Track Listing:
Dry Ray - Lausen
Quovadis - G-Man
Empower - Octave One
Jump- Mark Broom
The Wipe - Teste
5 Mouths - Fred Fresh
Basic Needs - Goio
Substance Abuse - Fuse
Helikopter- Plastikman
Percussion Electrique - Dwarf
Spastik - Plastikman
Eye Trip - Akilah Bryant
Toddsines - X-Trak
Electricity - Naughty Tolis
Dollar - Tobias Schmidt
Live Wire - DBX
Venus Fly Trap - Too Funk
Cash Machines - Synchrojack
Key Follow - Paul Hannah
Harz- Sensorama
Altes Testament - Ramon IV

Richie Hawtin - DJ Set at Movement Detroit DEMF 29-05-2006 - ump3
Richie Hawtin - We Want Techno - 18-01-2008 - rapid
Richie Hawtin @ 10 Days Off - 18-07-2007 (71:47) - rapid
Richie Hawtin @ Anti Pop Music Festival - 10-09-2007 rapid1, rapid2
Richie Hawtin @ Dance Department - 29-07-2007 (191:57) - rapid
Richie Hawtin @ Chemistry - Amsterdam - 2000 (73:47) - rapid
Richie Hawtin @ ILT - 14-11-1998 (37:40) - rapid
Richie Hawtin @ Sonar - 2005 (58:36) - rapid
Richie Hawtin @ Witnness Festival - Ireland - 12-07-2003 (50:26)
Richie Hawtin @ Detroit Electronic Music Festival 28-05-2007 - rapid
Richie Hawtin @ X-Mas Special 2007 - Ump3 16-12-2007 - rapid
Richie Hawtin - M_Nus Night At Coccorico (Riccione) Italy 15.08.07 - zshare
Richie Hawtin @ 2 years Rave Explosion Cherrymoon - 13-05-1994 - rapid
Richie Hawtin & Luciano @ Rob Da Bank - Rob's Guide To Minimal Techno - Radio 1 5-11-2007 rapid1, rapid2, uploaded
Richie Hawtin @ Pollerwiesenboot 9-9-2007 - rapid

Robert Armani:
Robert Armani & Eddy de Clercq @ Cocorico (Italy) 1992 - megaupload
Robert Armani @ Kiss 100 FM - 19.10.1993
Robert Armani @ Cherry Moon Lokeren 12.04.1998
Robert Armani @ Cherrymoon 30.04.2000
Robert Armani @ House Torhout 2001
Robert Armani @ CHERRY MOON 11 YEARS 02.02.2002
Robert Armani @ Cherry Moon 01.01.2004
Robert Armani @ cherrymoon closing party line 31.12.2005

Robert Babicz:
Rob Acid - Warehouse Koln 24.02.2001
Robert Babicz Promo mix 2005 - 1
Robert Babicz Promo mix 2005 - 2
Tweak FM 041106 with Rob Acid
Robert Babicz - Transitions 27-05-2007 - mediafire
Transitions guest mix from Robert Babicz
1. Robert Babicz ?
2. Robert Babicz - Silver Rain
3. Gui Boratto - Mr
4. Decay (Robert Babicz Universum Disco Mix) [Kompakt]
5. Robert Babicz - Sin [Systematic]
6. ?
7. Robert Babicz - Milo’s Groove [Systematic]
8. Robert Babicz - Look [SUGA]
9. Robert Babicz - Chrystal Castle [Systematic]
10. Robert Babicz - Sonntag [K2]
11. Robert Babicz - Warsaw [Systematic]

Robert Babicz aka Rob Acid @ Audioriver Festival - Plock Poland 4-8-2007 - rapidshare

Robert Hood:

Robert Hood @ Deep Space London - 20-04-1994 - rapidshare
Robert Hood @ Deep Space London - 20-04-1994 - megaupload
1995-05-27 - Robert Hood @ Ultraschall, Munich - megaupload
1998-10-08 - Robert Hood @ Motor, Detroit - megaupload
Robert Hood @ Ostgut, Berlin 14-07-2001 - divshare
Robert Hood and Franýois K. - at Tresor Berlin, Germany 13-03-2004 - megaupload
Robert Hood - Dj Set at Switch, Studio Bruessel 21-05-2004
2005-03-12 - Robert Hood @ The Zoo, Hasselt, Belgium - megaupload
Robert Hood @ ZOO Hasselt 12-03-2005 - megaupload
Robert Hood live @ Switch -StuBru- 03.02.07 - mediafire
2007-06-30 - Robert Hood @ Awakenings Festival, 3 FM - rapidshare
2007-06-30 - Robert Hood @ Awakenings Festival, 3 FM - megaupload
Robert_Hood_-_Live_Energy_Zurich_8.96. - rapidshare
Robert Hood @ Les Ardentes Festival 6-7-2007 - klik
Robert Hood @ Deep Space - London 20-4-1994 - rapidshare
Robert Hood @ Awakenings Festival 30-6-2007 part 1
Robert Hood @ Awakenings Detroit on White Noise 3FM 13-10-2007 - megaupload
Robert Hood @ Awakenings Detroit Weekend - Amsterdam 28-9-2007
John Thomas - Magic (Logistic Records)
John Thomas - Mr Funk (Logistic Records)
Dj Julien & Gonzague - Basic Voice (Mirage)
Diego - Mind Detergent (Robert Hood mix #2) (Kanzleramt)
Jeff Mills - Skin Deep (Purpose Maker)
Fix - Flash (KMS)
Robert Hood - Unix (Axis)
Phase - Mass (Token)
Ignacio - Organa (Music Man)
Scorp - New Energy (Scorp)
Marco Carola & Adam Beyer - Back+Forth (Zenit)
Steve Rachmad - Tir Na Nog (Rotation Records)
Dan March - Sand Dune (Dan March mix) (Meta)
Steve Poindexter - Computer Madness (MUzique Records)
Robert Hood - Museum (Axis)
Pacou - All It Takes (Edit) (Cache Records)
Phase - The Hyperorganism (Token)

Robert Hood @ Mezz Breda Holland 29-12-2007 rapid1, mediafire2

Roland Casper:
Roland Casper live at the Chism Club on 30.06.2006 (a)
Roland Casper live at the Chism Club on 30.06.2006 (b)

Ron Trent:
Ron Trent - Live At Space Lab Yellow (JAPAN)
DJ RON TRENT The Groove Temple Re-Broadcast This show aired Saturday, May, 14th, 2005
Ron Trent Live at Space Lab Yellow Tokyo 2006 p2
Ron Trent - Live at Movement (Detroit) (May 29 2006)
Ron Trent - Resident Advisor Podcast #66 14-8-2007 - klik
ron trent resident advisor podcast 14-8-2007 - klik

Roy Davis Jr.:
Roy Davis Jr. @ Home Cookin' 27-12-2007 - rapid


Sam Ostyn:
Sam Ostyn - Future Pasts / A Detroit Motor City Mix - aug 2005. 47mb

Sassmouth @ Movement - Detroit Electronic Music Festival 26-5-2007 - rapidshare

Scan 7:
Scan 7 Live @ Awakenings Detroit Weekend - Amsterdam 29-9-2007 rapidshare, megaupload
2002 - Scan 7 - Live @ Paradise Massage, Rex Club, Paris, 12.02.2002 - mega
2002-02 - Scan 7 @ Rex Club, Paris rapid, mega
2005-04-15 - Scan 7 - Live @ Tresor, Tresor Closing Party - mega

Scan X:
Scan-X Live @ Sonar 14-06-2003
SCAN X - SPGROOVE 24/05/03 part1, part2
Scan X vs The Youngsters Live @ Mothership D-Edge Sao Paulo_PART1
Scan X vs The Youngsters Live @ Mothership D-Edge Sao Paulo_PART2

Scape One:
Scape One - Destination Earth - open i.n.w.
Scape One - Soulless Synthetic Heart-Steps for Unconcerned Androids

SCION + TIKIMAN : solaris : 00


Sebrok - Live @ Tresor, Berlin - September 2007 (Showroom 2007 - 11-09)

Sender Berlin:

Tweak FM 251105 dj-mix Shinedoe
Dj Shinedoe - House Detroit Minimalmix - Summer 2005
2000 and One & Shinedoe B2B @ Radio 538 Dance Department 26-8-2007 - zshare

Si Begg:
Si Begg In The Mix: Radio One Exclusive Album Preview
VIP Intro Cuts (Noodles)
Big Boy DJ (Noodles)
The Bleeps (Noodles)
Hard Like Funk (Si Begg's Controlled Disaster Mix) (Noodles)
One Two VIP (Noodles)
A Revolution In Haircare (Noodles)
Unknown (Noodles)
China Dub (Noodles)
Bangin (Noodles)
Revelation Revulsion (Noodles)
Buzzrok (Uncharted Audio)

Sound of sand / SOS Crew "Promo" mixs:
Madben - A long trip to Detroit
01.Jeff Mills - Humana - Axis
02.Dave ellesmere - 100% pure
03.Los hermanos - Lines of nasca - Submerge
04.2000 and one - Get down (Shinedoe rmx) - Intacto
05.Jeff mills - Humana - Axis
06.Steve rachmad - Darkness ignacio - Music man
07.Tyler smith - Germanium ep - Audio crash
08.Stephen brown - Sonic soul (Dj Bone rmx)
09.Joris Voorn - Shining (Hard house mix)
10.Scorp - Maluma
11.Rennie Foster - La défense - Fcom
12.Los hermanos - Olmec my bro - Submerge
13.Jeff mills - the other days ep - Axis
14.Ruffneck - All that jazz
15.Surgeon - East light - Dynamic tension
16.Dj funk - Work da body
17.Cetron 04
18.Jeff mills - Natural world
19.Laurent Garnier - The man with the red face

Madben - Another long trip to Detroit
01.Jeff Mills - Medium - Axis
02.James Brown - Sexy, sexy, sexy
03.Life recorder - Modular Emotion - Code316
04.Octave One - Blackwater (Alter Ego - Dub) - Voidcom
05.Dj Bone - Platform 9 ľ - Subject Detroit
06.Jeff mills - AX-009 A/B - Axis
07.Dj Bone - Revival - Subject Detroit
08.Maxx-t - Somewhere In The Motor City - Code316
09.Joris Voorn - Future history - Sino
10.Dave Ellesmere - Four Symbols - 100%pure
11.Los Hermanos - On Another Level - Submerge
12.Shinedoe - Feel The Space - 100% pure
13.Stephen Brown - Sonic Soul (dj bone rmx) - New Level
14.Theo parrish - Falling Up (Technasia Rmx) - Syncrophone
15.Life recorder - Follow The Tradition - Code316
16.Shinedoe - Seek And You Will Find - 100% pure
17.H&R - Weltempfaenger - Cetron
18.UR - Transition - UR
19.Fumiya Tanaka - Unknown Possibility Vol. 1 - Torema Records
20.Dj rolando - Jaguar (Octave one rmx) - UR
21.The League Of Ordinary Gentlemen - Short Life - Phil-e
22.Dj funk - XTC - Funk Records
23.X103 - Tephra EP - Axis
24.James Brown - Get on the good food

Madben - In the motor city mix (july 2k7) - klik
01.Jeff mills - Axis 009F
02.Maxx-t - Detroit
03.Parris mitchell & reggie hall - Rubber jazz band - Dance mania
04.Dj Bone - Struggle - Subject Detroit
05.Len Faki - Mekong Delta
06.Pacou - It's time - Cache records
07.Mike kuszynski - Made in detroit - Plane recordings
06.Hugh Masekela - The boy's doin'it (Carl craig rmx) - Verve
07.Carl craig - Good girls - Planet E
08.Jackmate+Oz - Short life - Phil e
09.Shinedoe - Phunk - Intacto
10.Dj bone - Break it down - Subject detroit
11.Jeff mills - If - Purpose maker
12.Lazy fat people - Pixel girl (Carl craig rmx) - Planet E
13.Los hermanos - In deeper presence - Submerge
14.Evolutive system aka Maxx-t - Somewhere in the motor city - Code 316
15.Shinedoe - Dilemna - 100% pure
16.?? - Clashback
17.Cajmere - Lookin' - ??
18.Inner city - Good life (Magic juan rmx) - Virgin

Space DJz:
Space DJz live at Colin Faver's Show (06-06-1993)
Space DJz & Bandulu @ Chemistry Amsterdam 18.01.1997.

Speedy J:
Speedy J & Maurits Paardekoper LIVE 1992
Speedy J - Live Shockers 26.04 2003 (104 MB)
Speedy J - Live In Qontrol Amsterdam 15.04.2006.
SpeedyJ & Chris Liebing @ DEMF 200605 28 collabs 3000 tour movement
Speedy J live at @ Soundstation (Belgium) - 20-01-2007
Speedy J - Live @ Decibel Festival, Seattle 2007.09.22
Speedy j @ pornographic silo 21-01-2005
Speedy J @ Dance Department - Radio 538 8-12-2007 - rapid
Speedy J live @ Colosseum,Opatija(22.11.02) - rapid

Stacey Pullen:
1996.02.11 - Essential Mix - Stacey Pullen part1, part2 - rapidshare
Stacey Pullen @ RBOM on XM80 4.5.2007
Stacey Pullen @ JJJ Mixup Radio 25-06-2006 - divshare
Stacey Pullen @ Beats in Space August 15th-2006
Stacey Pullen @ Forward - Frisky Radio 22-8-2007 - uploadpower
Stacey Pullen @ Space Of Sound 8-7-2007 part1, part2 - rapidshare
Stacey Pullen @ Rushhour Recordstore 23-9-2006 - klik
Stacey Pullen @ Forward - Frisky Radio 22-8-2007 - uploadpower
Stacey Pullen @ Club Master Split 25-12-2006 part1, part2, part3 - rapidshare
Stacey Pullen @ Awakenings Detroit Weekend - Amsterdam 29-9-2007 filefactory, uploaded
Stacey Pullen @ HotWired 4.0 Party San Francisco 01-07-1997 - rapidshare
Stacy Pullen - Resident Advisor Podcast 038 (18-12-06) - rapid

Stanny Franssen:
Stanny Franssen @ Patronaat 2006

Steve Bicknell:
Steve Bicknell - Pres. Spacebase 2007
Steve Bicknell @ Radio Newbit 02-2006
Steve Bicknell Pres. - Spacebase [2007]

Steve Bug:
Steve Bug @ Big City Beats 30-04-2005 p1
Steve Bug @ Big City Beats 30-04-2005 p2
Steve Bug @ Club 11 - Static 26-12-2005 - filefront
Steve Bug - Live at Fuse Brussels 24.02 2007 (103 MB)
Steve Bug @ Creamfields Andalucia Spain 11-08-2007 - rapidshare
Steve Bug @ Harpune - Germany 6-6-2007 part1, part2, part3
Steve Bug @ Creamfields Andalucia 11-8-2007 - rapidshare
VA - Fabric 37 Mixed By Steve Bug - (Promo) - 2007 - rapidshare
1. Sunshine Jones – Anywhere You Are – Nite Grooves
2. DJ Swap – Consequence - Smallville
3. Peace Division – In The Wall (It’s Voodoo) – Crosstown Rebels
4. Tom Pooks – Trouble (D’julz Remix) - Ovum
5. Afrilounge – Lux Dementia – Connaisseur Recordings
6. Ben Westbeech – Hang Around (Wahoo Main Mix) - Brownswood
7. Gene Hunt – Inspire (Abicah Soul Remix) – Moods and Grooves Records
8. Anja Schneider – Belize - Mobilee
9. Rework – Love Love Love Yeah (Chloe Remix) - Playhouse
10. Mikael Stavöstrand – Can You See Thru My Eyes - Spectral
11. Adultnapper – Juror No. 9 - Audiomatique
12. Lee Curtis – Over The Influence – Dumb-Unit
13. Steve Rachmad – Flow “Westpoint” - Sino
14. Mogdax – Kubik - Mezzotinto
15. Brendon Moeller – Saviour – Third Ear Recordings
16. Ryo Murakami – My Soul - Dessous
17. Matthias Tanzmann – Keep On – Moon Harbour
18. Phonique – Worked It Out feat. Ian Whitelaw and Meitz (Charles Webster’s First Remix) - Dessous
19. Echologist – Faith N.Y. - Mule
20. Ryo Murakami – Monument - Dessous
21. Rejected – Lost - Rejected
22. Gui.tar – Red Doggy – Punkt

2005-02-13 - Steve Bug - Weekender - rapidshare
Steve Bug @ Detroit Electronic Music Festival 28-05-2007 - rapid
Steve Bug @ Switch Studio Brussel 08-02-2008 - youmirror

Steve Rachmad:
Steve Rachmad - Live @ HRXXL, Frankfurt
2002-10-02 - Steve Rachmad @ LVC, Leiden, NL part1, part2 - megaupload
Steve Rachmad - Live @ HRXXL
Sterac @ Audio Sculpture - Leiden/Holanda 2006
2006-06-03 - Steve Rachmad @ Free Your Mind Festival - megaupload
Steve Rachmad @ Free Your Mind Festival Holland 02-06-2007 - megaupload
Steve Rachmad vs. Joel Mull @ Studio Brussel 19-05-2007 - filefront
2007-06-30 - Steve Rachmad @ Awakenings Festival, 3 FM - rapidshare
Steve Rachmad @ Rockit Open Air Holland 28-07-2007 - divshare
2004-04-23 - Steve Rachmad @ Shapes Of Sound, Nighttown, Rotterdam - divshare
01 ID
02 Pacou - Gloom
03 ID
04 James Ruskin - Solex
05 ID
06 ID
07 Christian Wünsch - Food For The Gods (A1)
08 Martyn Hare - Vivisection
09 1st Bass - Slam Me Down
10 Bandulu - Presence
11 ID
12 Rue East - Night Clubbin
13 James Ruskin - The Hill
14 Cristian Varela - Black Codes 4 (B1)
15 Chris Liebing - Dark Matter
16 ID
17 ID
18 Christian Wünsch - ?
19 ID
20 ID
21 Vince Watson - Aurelon (Steve Rachmad Remix)
22 ID
23 ID
24 Christian Wünsch & Oscar Mulero - Unexpected (A1)
25 ID
26 ID
27 Lionrock - Packet Of Peace (The West Side Detroit Mix)
28 DJ Lenk - 142 (Joel Mull Remix 2)
29 ID
30 Ignacio - Organa
31 ID
33 Joel Mull - IS01 (Mateo Murphy Remix)
34 Fabrice Lig - Black Stone
35 Petar Dundov - Heat
36 ID

Pepo Lanzoni & Steve Rachmad - Ibiza Dance Space - La Comunidad 17-8-2007 - klik
Steve Rachmad @ Extrema Outdoor Festival 21-7-2007 - klik
Steve Rachmad @ Awakenings Festival 30-6-2007 - rapidshare
Steve Rachmad @ Outhouse Festival - Soest 1-9-2007 - klik
Steve Rachmad - Live at Awakenings Detroit Weekend holland 29-09-2007 part1, part2 - rapidshare
Steve Rachmad Tweak FM Copenhagen 05/10/07
Steve Rachmad @ Dekmantel Club NL Amsterdam 05-10-2007
Steve Rachmad @ Dekmantel - Club NL - Amsterdam 5-10-2007
Steve Rachmad @ TweakFM - Copenhagen 5-10-2007

Steve Stoll:
Steve Stoll - Acid-mix-112301.
Steve Stoll @ BOA Radio Show 29.02.06
BOA Radio Show featuring techno legend Steve Stoll
Steve Stoll - Live at Roskilde 1998 - rapidshare
Steve Stoll @ O'Sullivans Bar - Indiana - USA 13-10-2007 - sendspace

Subhead @ HOG 1999
Subhead @ Quadrat 2002
Subhead @ Dogma 2004
Subhead @ ... A Going Away Bash?

1998-11-21 - Surgeon @ Tresor - divshare
1998-11-21 - Surgeon @ Tresor
Surgeon - Live at Ten Years of Awakenings Amsterdam 07-04-2007
Surgeon at Emergency, Bristol - open in new window
Surgeon Live @ Solid Grooves 16.05.2007 (Tivoli, Utrecht) part1, part2 - rapidshare
Surgeon-There_Are_Many_Imitators - rapidshare
Surgeon - 10 years of Birmingham Techno 1995-2005 - tinyurl --->
00.00 : Surgeon - Atol (Downwards)
01.23 : Surgeon - Magneze (Downwards)
04.10 : Regis - ModelFriendship (Downwards)
05.06 : Surgeon - Badger Bite (Downwards)
06.43 : Regis - Speak To Me (Downwards)
09.53 : Surgeon - Optic (Downwards)
10.48 : Regis - Untitled (from Hard Eduction sampler) (Downwards)
11.44 : Regis - Baptism (Downwards)
12.40 : Regis - Adolescence (Downwards)
13.35 : Female - Gayscene (Downwards)
14.31 : Female - Angel Plaque (Downwards)
15.47 : Karl O'Connor & Peter Sutton - Guiltless (Tresor)
17.11 : Surgeon - Intro (Version II) (Tresor)
19.30 : Surgeon - Return (Tresor)
20.54 : Surgeon - Credence part 2 (Dynamic Tension)
22.45 : Surgeon - Credence part 4 (Dynamic Tension)
23.40 : User - User02 b1 (User Records)
24.36 : User - User03 a2 (User Records)
25.32 : User - User05 a1 (User Records)
26.28 : User - User06 d2 (User Records)
27.23 : Surgeon - La Real (Counterbalance)
28.40 : Surgeon - Waiting For Me (Counterbalance)
30.38 : Surgeon - Midnight Club Tracks part 1.1 (Counterbalance)
31.34 : Surgeon - Midnight Club Tracks part 2.1 (Counterbalance)
32.44 : Surgeon - Midnight Club Tracks part 2.2 (Counterbalance)
33.39 : Diversion Group - All Boys, No Girls (Downwards)
34.35 : Diversion Group - Shirts and Skins (Downwards)
35.02 : Surgeon - Setting The Scene (Dynamic Tension)
36.54 : Surgeon - Sleep (Ultra Violet) (Dynamic Tension)
40.09 : Surgeon - Death Before Surrender (Downwards)
42.00 : Surgeon - Another Body (Counterbalance)
43.23 : Surgeon - Prowler (Counterbalance)
45.29 : Surgeon - Exhibit (Counterbalance)
48.16 : Surgeon - Shaper Of The Unknown (Counterbalance)
49.11 : Karl O'Connor, Peter Sutton & Ian J. Richardson - Death Head Said (Downwards)
50.35 : Regis & Ian J. Richardson - Untergang (Sandwell District)
51.58 : Regis - Get On Your Knees (Downwards)
53.04 : Regis - White Stains (Downwards)
53.32 : Vandross - Hurt Me I'm Waiting (Female RMX) (Sandwell District)
55.24 : Paul Bailey - Saturday Boy (Surgeon RMX) (1881 Records)
57.57 : Paul Bailey - Informantion Illusion (Rodz-Konez)
59.20 : British Murder Boys - Learn Your Lesson (Counterbalance)
62.35 : British Murder Boys - Don't Give Way To Fear part 2 (Counterbalance)
63.30 : British Murder Boys - Fist (Downwards)
64.26 : British Murder Boys - Father Loves Us (Counterbalance)
67.13 : British Murder Boys - Anti Inferno (Counterbalance)
69.32 : Surgeon - Klonk part 2 (Dynamic Tension)
71.23 : Surgeon - Untitled 2.3 (Counterbalance)
73.43 : Surgeon - Untitled 3.2 (Counterbalance)

Surgeon @ Spannered.org " For dog faces only " mix [28.02.2007] - open in new window
Ed Chamberlin  Trapese
Go Hiyama  Unreleased
Scion  Emerge (BMB remix2)
Anstam  Aeto_b
DJ Hell  Totmacher
Add Noise  Handwerk
Basic Channel  Enforcement (Mills mix)
Inigo Kennedy  Aching To Get Beneath
Kraddy  New World Empire (DiskChordians remix)
Radial  Premium
Oscar Mulero  Baskerbill's Dog (Regis remix)
Blackham  The Crusade
Warlock  TV controls your mind
Ed Chamberlin  Resistant
ScanOne  Trotter
Surgeon  Floorshow 1.1
Makaton  41_43
Inigo Kennedy  Kaleidoscope
Jeff Mills Humana
Monolake  Alaska (Substance remix2)
The DiskChordians  M-329 Class A
Ed Chamberlin  Charley
Go Hiyama  LisB
Anstam  Aeto_a
Ed Chamberlin  Does Ape
Joey Beltram  Drome

Surgeon - Live at Ten Years of Awakenings Amsterdam 07-04-2007 - rapidshare
Surgeon - Birminham (71 MB)
Surgeon - Glade Festival 2006 (100 MB)
Surgeon - Live at K4 Club Ljublajana Slovenia EU 9.12.2005 (130 MB)

Surgeon - Electronic Explorations Podcast - March 2008

01) - Andy Stott - Choke - [Modern Love]
(02) - The Third Man - A14 (Eastbound) - [AI Records]
(03) - Surgeon - Kroutrock - [Tresor]
(04) - DJ Shiva + Alien Pimp - Persona Non Grata - [Shutdown Audio]
(05) - Pinch - 136 Trek - [Punch Drunk]
(06) - Benga - 26 Basslines - [Tempa]
(07) - Quark - Point of Seeing - [dubplate]
(08) - British Murder Boys - Dont Give Way To Fear EP - Untitled - [Counterbalance]
(09) - British Murder Boys - Fist - [Downwards]
(10) - Moving Ninja - Uranium - [Tectonic]
(11) - Shackleton - Death Is Not Final Ft Vengeance Tenford - [Skull Disco]

Suburban Knight:
http://rapidshare.com/files/57655660/2006-05-25_-_Suburban_Knight___DJ_3000___Maida_Vale__1_Music_-_MixesDB.com.mp3 - rapidshare

Sven Vath:
Sven Väth - Live @ OMEN 01-04-92
Sven Vaeth - Cherry Moon, Belgien 31.03.1995 Part 1
Sven Vaeth - Cherry Moon, Belgien 31.03.1995 Part 2
Sven Väth live @ Belly Cloud Nürnber 19-03-95 A - megaupload
Sven Vath - HR3 Clubnight 26-08-1995 (Part 1)
Sven Vath - HR3 Clubnight 26-08-1995 (Part 2)
1997.04.06 - Essential Mix - Sven Vath part1, part2 - rapidshare
Sven Väth, Bandulu, Atok @ Cosmium - Enemy Mind Special, Evosonic Radio, 1998-06-27, Pt.1
Sven Väth, Bandulu, Atok @ Cosmium - Enemy Mind Special, Evosonic Radio, 1998-06-27, Pt.2.
Sven Vath - Live @ WIRE 2000 Yokohama Arena Tokyo
Sven Väth - Live @ Sensation [01-07-2000]
Sven Vath - HR3 Clubnight 29-04-2000 (Part 1)
Sven Vath - HR3 Clubnight 29-04-2000 (Part 2)
Sven Vath - live at concept 2001 statenhal the hague-twc
Sven Vath - Live at M47 Sarand Hungary 18102002
Sven Vath - Sound_of_the_fifth_season_studio_brussel-cable-01-08-2005-hsalive
Sven Väth @ Awakenings 29-04-1999 - rapidshare
Sven Vath - DJ Set at BigCityBeats 02-09-2007 - rapidshare
Sven Vath - Live at SonneMondSterne 11-08-2007 - rapidshare
Sven Vath - Live at Cocoon Amnesia Ibiza 23-07-2007 - rapidshare
Sven Vath - Higher Frequency Promo Mix 08-06-2007 - rapidshare
Sven Vath - DJ Set at Big City Beats 26-05-2007 - rapidshare
Sven Vath - Live at Magazzini Generali Milan 24-04-2007 part1, part2, part3 - rapidshare
Sven Vath - Live at Amnesia Trinity 30-06-2006 part1, part2, part3, part4 - rapidshare
Sven Vath - Live at Dissonanza Roma 20-05-2006 part1, part2, part3 - rapidshare
Sven Vath - DJ Set at big FM 22.00 - 23.00 Uhr 23-12-2006 - rapidshare
Underworld + Sven Vath - Live at Cocoon Club 10-12-2006 part1, part2 - rapidshare
Sven Väth and Richie Hawtin - DJ Ste at Cocoon Club Amnesia, Ibiza 2008-2006 part1, part2 - rapidshare
Sven Vath - Live at Tresor Club Berlin Fire Worldtour 2002 - rapidshare
Sven Vath - HR3 Clubnight 29-04-2000 part1, part2 - rapidshare
Sven Vath - HR3 Clubnight 26-08-1995 part1, part2 - rapidshare
Sven Väth @ Amsterdam Dance Event 2007 part1, part2, part3 - rapidshare
Sven Vath @ EinsLive Partyservice 1999 (elektro set) - rapid
Sven Vaeth - Clubnight (HR-XXL) 05-09-1992 Remastered rapid1, rapid2 pass: lostinlivesets.

Sven Väth @ ADE Goes Cocoon - The Sand 20-10-2007 rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
Part 1
01.Dubfire - Ribcarge (Desolat 01)
02.Track 02???
03.Simon Baker - Confused (Infant Ltd. 01)
04.Martin Buttrich - Hunter (Cocoon 39)
05.John Spring - Lava Lava (Substatic 66)
06.Christian Smith & John Selway - Transit Me,Dubfire (Sino 17)

Part 2
01.Christian Smith & John Selway - Transit Me,Dubfire (Sino 17)
02.Denis Karimani - Strange But Cool,2000 And One Remix (Curle 05)
03.Heckmann - Silverscreen (Afu Ltd. 01)
04.J.T.C. - Take 'em Off (Crčme Jak 01)
05.Paul Woolford presents Bobby Peru - Lies (20:20 Vision146)
06.The Amazing - Quest Ce Que Vous Voulez (Promo)
07.Argy - Unreliable Virgin (Cocoon 36)
08.Worthy - Irst_te? (Dirtybird 011)
09.Chrom - Cygnet Glace,Raudive Remix (Sushitech Purple 05)
10.Steve Rachmad - Moog On Acid (Music Man 131)

Part 3
01.Steve Rachmad - Moog On Acid (Music Man 131)
02.Alloy Mental - God is Green (Skint 131)
03.Fausto Messina & Dariush - Compulsive Disorder (Maschine 11)
04.Radical Majik - Dub Rider (Klang 11)
05.Len Faki - Odyssee I (Podium 04)
06.Alter Ego - Why Not? (Klang 123 Ltd.)
07.Italoboyz - Viktor Casanova,Original (Mothership 01)
08.Rune & Sydenham – Elephant (Avocado 16)
10.Steve Rachmad - Levigi (Sino LP 102Ltd.)

Sven Vaeth live from the Amsterdam Dance Event Goes Cocoon (Freakshow) Held in The Sand Amsterdam 20-10-2007 rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
Sven Vaeth-In the Mix@Big City Beats-10-21-CABLE-2007 rapid1, rapid2

Swayzak - Resident Advisor Podcast #69 10-9-2007 - klik
Swayzak @ Dour Festival Belgium 12-7-2007 - rapidshare
Swayzak @ Love Parade - Essen 25-8-2007 - filefactory
Swayzak - Resident Advisor Podcast #69 10-9-2007
Swayzak - Resident Advisor Podcast #69 10-9-2007 - rapidshare
Swayzak Live @ The Butterfly Effect - ProtonRadio 24-9-2007 - filefront
01 Terry Riley - Poppy Nogood
02 Poisson Chat - Une Nuit Americaine
03 Konrad Black - Untitled
04 Swayzak - Slave To The Hard Drive
05 Cassy - Marilyn's Wake
06 Marcel Dettman - A Req
07 Swayzak - ý Smile And Receive (Cassy Rework)
08 Roger 23 - Elemental 7
09 Throbbing Gristle - Hot On The Heels Of Love (Carl Craig Edit)
10 Swayzak - Smile And Receive (Richard Davis Mix)
11 Beanfield - Tides (Carl Craig Mix)
12 Petter - Robotfood
13 Parris Mitchell - Life In The Underground
14 K-alexi - Stick Music
15 Emptyset - Acuphase
16 Will Saul / Tam Cooper Will Saul / Tam Cooper - Sequential Circuits ( Konrad Black Mix)
17 Thom Yorke - Harrowdown Hill

Swayzak - Studio Mix 19/10/2007 - rapidshare


T. Linder & DJ Seoul @ 3voor12 White Noise 3FM 02-02-2008 - rapid

Taho - Detroit Sessions Ep. #7

Takaaki Itoh:
Takaaki Itoh @ Clapper Osaka Japan 15062007
Takaaki Itoh Live @ Awakenings 12-05-2007
Takaaki Itoh presents 'Sky is Falling' 06 2007
Takaaki Itoh - Live at Aixa Galiana Avila, Spain 03-03-2007
Takaaki Itoh - Live at Awakenings Festival Rotterdam NL 12-05-2007
Takaaki Itoh - Cassette 06/01/2008 - klik
Takaaki Itoh @ Cassette - Madrid - Spain 6-1-2008 - klik
Takaaki Itoh @ Cassette (Madrid, Spain) 06 01 2008

Takkyu Ishino:
Takkyu Ishino - Live @ We Love Neon, Maria Club, Berlin - 16.06.2007
Takkyu Ishino live at 3headz Radio Show (Berlin) 25/07/2007 - filefront
Takkyu Ishino @ 3headz Radio Show - Berlin - 25-07-2007 rapid1, rapid2, rapid3
Takkyu Ishino @ We Love Neon - Maria Club - Berlin - 16-06-2007 rapid1, rapid2


Charles Siegling @ Noumatrouf Mulhouse 25-01-2003
Technasia-Live@Skyrave(on skyrock)14-12-2002-dc
Technasia-Live at International Talent(Oldriverpark)30.6.07
Technasia @ Welcome to the Future Amsterdam 04-08-2007 - rapidshare
Technasia - Live at Tomorrowland Festival Boom (B) 29-07-2007 - rapidshare
2001 - Charles Siegling @ Skyrave, 11-02-2001 - uploaded
2002-12-14 - Charles Siegling @ Skyrave, Skyrock Radio
2003 - Charles Siegling @ Nature One - rapidshare
2003-12-13 - Charles Siegling @ Sa Da Bandeira, Porto
2005-09-17 - Charles Siegling @ Le 4 Sans, Bordeaux
2006-09-30 - Charles Siegling @ Lov.Express, Lov.e Club, Brazil
2007-06-30 - Charles Siegling @ International Talent, Old River Park
2007-07-29 - Charles Siegling @ Tomorrowland - rapidshare
2007-11-10 - Charles Siegling @ I Love Techno - xirror

2004-06-19 - Charles Siegling @ Hessentag 2004 - The Techno Edition part1, part2, part3 - rapidshare
2:07 Uhr Lost In Space - 83 West (83 West - ET 43)
2:08 Uhr In The Morning - Kelli Hand (Sino - 8)
2:09 Uhr Boogie Down - G-Flame & Henk (Alpha - 8)
2:11 Uhr Droppin' A Feeling - The Floorfillaz (Color - 9)
2:12 Uhr Promo - Ade Fenton (Promo - PERN 001)
2:14 Uhr No Return - John Thomas (Sino - 6)
2:15 Uhr Blackstage - John Thomas (Sino - 6)
2:16 Uhr Yotm - Zephir Global (Sino - 101)
2:18 Uhr Let Your Body Learn (Rmx) - Nitzer Ebb (Promo - Promo)
2:20 Uhr Women Beat Their Men - Killa Productions (KB - 201)
2:21 Uhr What To Do - Thomas Bangalter (Roule - 301)
2:23 Uhr Ventura - Thomas Bangalter (Roule - 301)
2:24 Uhr Spect To The Man - Mark Broom (Pure Plastic - PP 053)
2:25 Uhr Where Ya At, Now? - Derrick Carter (The Classic Music Company - CMC 55)
2:27 Uhr Incident - Joris Voorn (Sino - 10)
2:30 Uhr Promo - Danilo Vigorito (Orion Muzik - ORION 03)
2:32 Uhr 2 Da' Flo - DJ Godfather (DJ Funk - DJ 008)
2:34 Uhr Sunsetter - Andrei Morant (Scope - SCP 001)
2:35 Uhr Alarms (Ben Sims Rmx) - Jeff Mills (Axis - 34)
2:37 Uhr Monke Groove - Shadow Dancers (King Of The Snakes - KS 002)
2:38 Uhr Arena - Joey Beltram (STX - 1)
2:41 Uhr Untitled - Marco Carola (Question - QUEST 11)
2:42 Uhr Way Of Life - Dave Clarke (Skint - 93)
2:45 Uhr Completed - Sterac (Promo - ION 003)
2:47 Uhr Untitled - Damon Wild (Synewave - SW 064)
2:48 Uhr Bitches & Money - Parris Mitchell (Promo - Promo)
2:50 Uhr Easy Filters - FLR (Reel Musiq - RL EP 017)
2:50 Uhr Passion Drums - Ben Sims (Ingoma - 15)
2:52 Uhr Lessons Learnt - Mark Broom (Pure Plastic - PP 053)
2:53 Uhr Promo - Promo (Nine - 2)
2:55 Uhr Deebeephunky - Beroshima (Müller - 2003)
2:58 Uhr Soul Heaven - The Goodfellas (Azuli - 144)
3:02 Uhr Women Beat Their Men - Killa Productions (KB - 201)
3:04 Uhr Central 3 (Hardgrooves Rmx) - Ratio (Hardgroove - 5)
3:05 Uhr Din Daa Daa - Darien's (Dance Mania - DM 210)
3:06 Uhr Krispy Kranz - Promo (Krispy Kranz - KRISPY 001)
3:11 Uhr Anthilles - Monologic (TBL - 3)
3:11 Uhr Stop Screaming - Tha West Siders (Dance Mania - DM 126)
3:14 Uhr Club Hell - Dave Angel (Fourth & Broadway - BR LP 625)
3:18 Uhr Higher - Chris Anderson (Bug Eyed Tunes - FIX 009)
3:19 Uhr Big Funk Blaster - JB 3 (Royal Flush - RF 025)
3:22 Uhr Industrial - Manu Kenton vs. DJ H.S. (Virtual - 3)
3:25 Uhr Ecstasy - DJ Boogie (Databass - DB 033)
3:28 Uhr Playstation CD Rom - DJ Amar (DJ Funk - DJ 002)
3:29 Uhr Indian File - Percy X & Mark Broom (Soma - 140)
3:31 Uhr The Wiggie - Dave Clarke (Devils - 4)
3:33 Uhr Two Month Off - Underworld (Junior Boys Own - JBO 5020096)
3:38 Uhr Daddy - Mark Williams (Pure Plastic - BDMC 001)
3:40 Uhr Chase - Giorgio Moroder (Casablanca - NB LP 7114)
3:41 Uhr Fuk-U-Later - DJ Funk (DJ Funk - DJ 000)
3:42 Uhr My Casio - Brett Johnson (DJ Magazine - CD 334)
3:44 Uhr Player Eight (Joey Beltram Rmx) - Player (Player - PLAY 008 R)
3:44 Uhr Archieve One - Dave Clarke (Bush - 74321 32067 1)
3:48 Uhr Love Express (Umek Rmx) - Mateo Murphy (Turbo - 12)
3:49 Uhr Fly Like Extra - Basement Jaxx (Promo - Promo)
3:53 Uhr Paradise - Jeff Mills (Music Man - MM 108)
3:55 Uhr Wilbee Wilbee - Co-Fusion (Sublime - SBL LP 13)
3:57 Uhr Silvery Sounds - Sound Of K (F Communications - F 087)
3:59 Uhr Hit & Run - Loleatta (Lost Acapellas - LA 7002)

I Love Techno 2007 - Yellow Room - Technasia - rapid
Charles Siegling @ Big Cansil Santa Maria Feira 03-11-2007 rapid1, rapid2
Charles Siegling @ MedellinStyle.com (07.12.07) rapid1, rapid2
Technasia @ Medellin 7-12-2007 - filefactory
Technasia @ I Love Techno - Flanders Expo - Gent - Belgium 10-11-2007 - rapid

Telle - Detroitesque with a touch of minimalism - rapidshare
Acid Jesus - Radium
Audion - Mouth to Mouth Remixes
Anthony Shakir - The Random Hustle
$tinkworkx - Ain't-Chit History - Misscha (Italo Remix)
Jeff Samuel - Awt
Fred Giannelli - Delirious Original Mix

Terrace Live @ Model One Dublin 26112005

Terrence Dixon:

Terrence Parker :
Terrence Parker @ Oslo Detroit 17-01-2008 - rapid
Terrence Parker @ Chicago 2007 - sharebee
Terrence Parker @ Oslo Detroit 17-1-2008 - rapid

The Advent:
The Advent - Live @ Motor Lounge liveact (9-11-98)
The Advent - Live @ Gazometer, Vienna, 1998-05-16
The Advent live @ Atlantis (15 May 1999)(2)
The advent live - nature one 2003 - 08022003
The Advent - Live @ Secret Society, Club Lua, Lisbon 20051210
The Advent From Show: OseaO Special Guests 07.01.2005
The Advent @ ALBENIZ DANCE CLUB [23.Dec-2006]
The Advent @ Hi-Tech Octopus Club Pontevedra Spain 10.6.2006
The Advent - Live @ Ostfunk Berlin 18.03.2006
The Advent - Live @ Fuse (DJ-Files Switch) 20060204
The Advent - Live @ Brancaleone Roma Italy 28.02 2007 (60.1 MB)
The Advent - LiveAct @ Tresor, Berlin 20050404
The Advent - Live PA at Awakenings Festival 25-11-2006
The Advent - live a 14 years tresor berlin - 12-03-2005
The Advent @ Danube Rave, Linz, Austria 20-09-1997 - uploaded
The Advent @ Awakenings - 24-11-2007

The Hacker:
The Hacker @ live at Cassero part1, part2 -> klik
The Hacker - Remedy Ireland Podcast #01- Feb. 2007

Theo Parrish:
Theo Parrish @ Soulsearching Radio Podcast 2007
Theo Parrish - Flying II (1997)
01. Theo Parrish - Smile - Music Is 002
02. Redhook Dreams - Your Love - Powermusic
03. ?? - ??
04. Lenny Williams - Running
05. ?? - ??
06. Rick Wade - Angry Pimp - Harmonie Park
07. Kevin Yost - Filtered Luv
08. ?? - ??
09. Patrice Rushen - Haven't You Heard ? - Elektra
10. Gary's Gang - Spirits - Polydor
11. Three Chairs - War On Woodward Ave. - Three Chairs
12. ?? - ??
13. Atjazz - Slide It In -Diy
14. Theo Parrish - Moonlite - Ss
15. Sheila E. - Love Bizarre - Warner+Lil' Louis
16. "Daphne (Tenaglia Mix) Maxi Records
17. Deep South - Lemon Puff [Low Pressings]
18. Unit 2 - Keep Your Head Up_430 West
19. Loosejoints - Is It All Over My Face ? - WestEnd
20. Tata Vega - Give It Up For Love
21. ?? - ??
22. The Dells - No Way Back (ron hardy reedit)
23. Marvin Gaye - Funky Space Reincarnation - Motown

Theo Parrish - Live in Detroit (1999)
01. Larry Heard - Carla's Dance (Mecca)
02. Theo Parrish - First Floor Metaphor(Peacefrog)
03. Herbie Hancock - Stars In Your Eyes (Columbia)
04. Players Association - Hustlin' (Vanguard)
05. Larry Heard - Music Takes Me Up (La Casa Records)
06. ??? - ???
07. Chip E - It's House (Gotta Dance Records)
08. Five Special - Why Leave Us Alone (Elektra)
09. Cameo - It's Serious (Casablanca)
10. Fingers Inc. - Washing Machin (Jack Trax)
11. Theo Parrish - Night Of The Sagittarius (Ss)
12. Blaze Team - Who Can Luv U (Area Code)
13. Theo Parrish – Overyohead (Sound Signature)
14. Erotic Drum Band - Jerky Rhythms (Prism)
15. Men From The Nile - Watch Them Come (Undaground Therapy Muzik)
16. Theo Parrish - Selector’s Theme (Ss)
17. Theo Parrish - Dance Of The Drunken Drums (Ss)
18. Whatnauts - Help Is On The Way (Harlem Records)
19. Made In The Usa - Shake Your Body (De-Lite)
20. Marvin Gaye - Heavy Love Affair (Motown)
21. Bumblebee Unlimited – Lovebug (Red Greg)
22. Roy Ayers - Can't You See Me (Polydor)

Theo Parrish - Eclectic Asthetic (Part 1/2) - Mixed CDr (2001)
Part 1/2
01. Chaka Khan - Papillon (aka Hot Butterfly)
02. Mos Def - May-December
03. Groove Theory - 10 Minute High
04. David Axelrod - Mucho Chupar
05. Fred Wesley & The JB's - Damn Right I Am Somebody
06. Shuggie Otis - XL-30
07. Prince - She's Always In My Hair
08. Savage Progress - Heart Begins To Beat
09. Fela Kuti - Who No Know Go Now
10. Bob Marley - Concrete Jungle
11. Moodymann - Shattered Dreams
12. Roy Ayers - Life Is Just A Moment (Part 1)
13. 3 Chairs - Underwater People
14. Erykah Badu - Bag Lady
15. Incognito - Fearless
16. Tony Allen vs. Kraked Unit - The Man With The Drum
17. Theo Parrish - Lights Down Low
18. Unknown Artist - Untitled
19. Liaisons Dangereuses - Avant Aprčs Mars
20. Theo Parrish - Untitled
21. James Mason - Sweet Power Your Embrace

Theo Parrish - Eclectic Asthetic (Part 2/2) - Mixed CDr (2001)
Part 2/2
01. James Mason - Sweet Power Your Embrace
02. Herbie Hancock - Magic Number
03. Stevie Wonder - Boogie On Reggae Woman
04. Convertion - Let's Do It
05. People's Choice - Do It Any Way You Wanna
06. Willie Hutch - Slick
07. Jungle Wonz - The Jungle
08. Rahsaan Patterson - It Ain't Love
09. Carl Hancock Rux - Intro To (R)Evolution
10. Pavel Kostiuk - Brand New Day
11. CVO - Mighty Real Groove
12. Nature Love - Speak Softly
13. The Players Association - We're Almost There
14. Night Moves - Transdance
15. Moodymann - J.A.N.
16. Theo Parrish - Insane Asylum
17. Donnie - Holiday
18. Theo Parrish - I Can Take It
19. Theo Parrish - You Forgot

Theo Parrish - Live at DubLab (10.10.2001)
01. Marvin Gaye - Life Is For Learning (Motown)
02. Dfa - Microstructural Characterization (Surveillance Rec.)
03. ??? - ???
04. Trip Do Brasil – Jelba Small
05. Moodymann - ???
06. ??? - ???
07. Daryk Cura - Wide Open (Eargasmic)
08. Dwele - The Sun (Virgin)
09. Larry Heard - Missing You (Son Dexter Django Version) (Trackmode)
10. Ron Trent - ???
11. Hipnotic - Naima Laws Of Motion
12. Reggie Dokes - Black Thoughts (Psychostasia)
13. Larry Heard - Missing You (Tp Remix) (Trackmode)
14. Unknown Artist - Prescription Underground (Prescription 113)
15. Son Dexter - Sonrise Dance (Alleviated)
16. Herbie Hancock - The Essence (Joe Claussell mix) (Transparentmusic)
17. James Mason - Sweet Power (Soulbrother)
18. Nina Simone - See Line Woman
19. Herbie Hancock - Watermelon Man (Columbia)
20. Brothers Johnson - Caught Up
21. Braxton Holmes - 12 Inches Of Pleasure (Clubhouse)
22. Screamin Rachel - Rock Me (Westbrook)
23. Larry Heard/Mr Fingers - Closer
24. Nature Love - Speak Softly (Nite Life Collective)
25. Chaka Khan - What U Did
26. Undisputed Truth – Sandman (Gordy)
27. Dwele - The Sun (Virgin)
28. Tony Allen vs. Kraked Unit - The Man With The Drum
29. Marvin Gaye - Heavy Love Affair (Motown)
30. Herbie Hancock - Stars In Your Eyes (CBS)
31. Gil Scott Heron - Home Is Where The Hatred Is (Arista)

Theo Parrish - Methods of Movement (cd-r / 2000)
Playlist :
01. Undisputed Truth – Sandman (Gordy)
02. Tullio De Piscopo - Stop Bajon
03. Lil' Louis & The World - Funny How U Luv
04. Outside - The Plan (kton mix) (Dorado)
05. Level 42 - Love Meeting Love
06. Skyy - First Time Around (Larry Levan remix)
07. First Choice - Love Having You Around (Salsoul)
08. Luther Vandross - Never Too Much
09. Tony Allen - Hustlers
10. James Brown - Give Me Some Skin (Polydor)
11. Joe R. Lewis - Love MisteryV (of love #2) (Target records 002)
12. Kenny Dixon jr – I Like It (Kdj02)
13. Erb - The Weekend (Clubhouse)
14. Theo Parrish - China Trax (Ss)
15. Theo Parrish - Reaction To Plastic
16. Incognito - I Can See The Future
17. George Benson - The World Is A Ghetto (Warner)
18. Two Tons Of Fun - Make Someone Feel Happy
19. One Way - Do Your Thang

Theo Parrish - Live at Paradise Massage (Rex Club / Paris, Oct03) 2 hours live mix from Paris in October 2003.
01. Dj Gregory - Tropical Soundclash (Faya Combo)
02. Recloose - Spelunking (Planet E)
03. Les Liaisons Dangereuses - Peut Etre ... Pas (Roadrunner)
04. Phuture - Acid Tracks (Trax)
05. Harold Melvin - The Love I Lost (Uget / Ugly Edit 02)
06. Billy Paul - Only The Strong Survive (Philadelphia International)
07. Roy Ayers - Sweet Tears (Polydor)
08. Diviniti - Find A Way (Women On Wax)
09. Johny Hammond - Los Conquistadores Chocolates - Cti 10 Billy Ocean - (Nights-Gto)
11. Atmosfear - Motivation (Elite)
12. Dee Dee Sharp Gamble - Nobody Can't Take (Edit??)
13. Lil' Louis - Frequency (Dance Mania)
14. Nature Love - Speak Softly (Nite Life)
15. Rotating Assembly - Them Drums (Ss)
16. Rotating Assembly - Mess I Made (Ss)
17. The Housefactors (L. Heard) - Play It Loud (Black Market)
18. Oscar Scully - Bukom Mashie (Soundway)
19. ??? - ???
20. Reuben Wilson - Got To Get Your Own
21. Cymande - Bra (Edit)
22. No Way Back (Ugly Edit03)
23. Infinity Feat Malik - Back To Chicago (King Street)
24. Gherkin Jerks (L. Heard) - Acid Indigestion (Gherkin)
25. Rotating Assembly - Orchestra Hall (Ss)
26. The Chi-Lites - Are You My Woman ? (Brunswick)

Theo Parrish - And Rick Wilhite - Live at the Baltic Room (Seattle) (12/03/05)
Playlist :
??? - ???
Mr. Fingers - Byond the Clouds
Master C & J - Face It
Diviniti - Love Will Stay
Robert Owens - I'm Strong
Oasis - #1
Fred Wesley & The J.B.'s - Doing It To Death
Theo Parrish - Galactic Ancestors (sound sculptures 1)
Rinder And Lewis - Anger
James Brown - Ain't It Funky
Loleatta Holloway - Catch Me On The Rebound
Was (Not Was) - Wheel Me Out
??? - ???
Kem - Without You (Kenny Dixon Jr. Remix)
Triola - Leuchtturm (Wighnomy's Polarzipper Remix)
Oasis - #14
Marlon D. - The UC Anthem
Hardrive 2000 - Never Forget (When You Touch Me)
Various - Mike Clark - Disco Re-Edits
??? - ???
Company B - Fascinated
Peter Brown - Baby Get High
Donnie - Cloud 9 (Quentin Harris Remix)
??? - ???
??? - ???
T.O.M. Project - Renaissance
Gary bartz - Carnaval de l'esprit
??? - ???
Peven Everett - Easy Livin'
Marcellus Pittman - Cherry Lee (Down Syndrome Mix) (M. Pittman EP)

Theo Parrish - Live Netcast on Turning Point, Netmusique, Detroit
INTRO. Barfly - Street Talk - Rong Music
01. First Choice - Love And Happiness Intro - Philly Groove Records
02. Theo Parrish - Second Chances - SS
03. Pure Filth - Movements In Sound - Pure Filth Records
04. Omar-S - 007 (Simple But Sorry Main Mix) - FXHE
05. Deep Chord - Electromagnetic Dowsing - Synth
06. Kerri Chandler - Back To The Boonies
07. John Beltram - Kissed By The Sun - Ubiquity
08. Blaze?
09. Jack Master - Basement Trax Vol. 1 - Jack records
10. Pierre's Pfantasy Club - Fantasy Girl
11. Mike Dearborn - Sexual X-perience (original mix) - muzique records
12. Convertion - Let's Do It - Sam Records
13. Eastbound Expressway - Never Let Go - AVI
14. Bohannon?
15. James Brown - Give Me Some Skin - Polydor
16. Third World - Dancing On The Floor (Hooked On Love) - CBS
17. Patrice Rushen - Right Now - Prestige
18. Don Blackman - Never Miss A Thing - Arista
19. Mr. Fingers - Slam Dance - Alleviated Records
20. Skyy - First Time Around (Larry Levan Remix)
21. Theo Parrish - Overyohead - SS
22. ?? - ??
23. ?? - ??
24. Ron Trent - Love To The World - Future Vision
25. ?? - ??
26. ?? - ??
27. The Urban Cru - Go (Chez Damier Classic Mix) - Atal
29. Master C & J - Face It - State Street
30. ?? - ??
31. ?? - ??
32. Hex - Tricky Jazz - Deep South Recordings
33. ?? - ??
34. Johnny Guitar Watson - I'm Gonna Get You Baby
35. ?? - ??
36. Atmosphere?
37. ?? - ??
38. ?? - ??
39. Chaka Kahn?
40. Skip Jackson - Microwave Boogie
41. ?? - ??
42. Herbie Hancock - Nobu - Sony Music (Japan)
43. Theo Parrish - Synthetic Flemm - SS
44. Virgo - Free Yourself - Trax
45. Phlash - Chaos In The Boardroom
46. ?? - ??
47. GQ - Lies - Ugly Edit 7
48. ?? - ??
49. Tower Of Power - Only So Much Oil In The Ground - Warner Brothers

Theo Parrish - Extended Boundaries
01. Dj Genesis - Back In The Middle (Tp Mix) (Dynamite)
02. Anne Clark - Our Darkness
03. Armando – Jupiter (Lil Louis Remix) Warehouse
04. Loose Joints - Is It All Over My Face ? (West End)
05. ?? - ??
06. Aquarian Dream - You're A Star (Elektra)
07. Ltg Exchange – Waterbed (Atco Disco)
08. Dj Kent- In The Bush (Tp Mix) (Bearfunk)
09. Theo Parrish - Friendly Children (Ss)
10. Block 16 - Find An Oasis (Nuphonic)
11. Lil’louis – How I Feel (Dancemania)
12. Peven Everett- Can't Believe I Loved Her (King Street)
13. De La Soul- Stakes Is High (Dj Spinna Remix)
14. Theo Parrish – Timeislafinacharunninout (Ss)

Theo Parrish - Live at Universal Playground
01. Caron Wheeler - Living In The Light
02. Waajeed – Tron (Blink 147)
03. Jaydee - Ritmo Suave Bossa Nova
04. Whatnauts - Help Is On The Way
05. Slave feat. Steve Arrington - Way Out
06. Antibalas- Che Che Colo (Makossa Mix)
07. Gary Byrd Feat Stevie Wonder - The Crown
08. Georges Benson - Lovexlove
09. Mighty Ryeders - Evil Vibration
10. 100% Pure Poison - Windy C
11. Markus Enochson - Feeling Fine (Maw Records)
12. Donnie - Cloud 9 (Quentin Harris Remix)
13. Cesaria Evora - Angola (C. Craig Mix)
14. Adonis - We're Rocking Down The House
15. ?? - ??
16. Shaun Escoffery - Let It Go (Lp Version)
17. Roland Brival - Off The Waka Lp
18. Eastbound Expressway - Never Let Go
19. Jacksons - Mirrors Of My Mind (Moton Edit)
20. Roberta Flack & Donny Hattaway - Back 2gether Again
21. George Benson - The World Is A Ghetto
22. Dee Dee Sharp - Nobody Could Ever Take Your Place (re-edit?)
23. Main Ingredient- Rolling Down A Mountainside (Rca)
24. Jodi Cardwell - Be Yourself
25. Jungle Wonz - The Jungle (Trax)

Theo Parrish - Live at The Temple
01. Roy Ayers - Running Away (Polydor)
02. The B52's – Mesopotamia (Island)
03. Cameo - I Just Wanna Be (Casablanca)
04. Virgo - Go Wild Rhythm (Trax)
05. Yellow Magic Orchestra - Computer Games (Horizon)
06. Tyree - Acid Over (Ffrr)
07. Kerri Chandler - For The Love Of Heaven (West Nyc Moody Dub)
08. Blaze - Wishing You Were Here (Slip'n'slide)
09 Kemetic Just - Wishin' (King Street)
10. Gemini - Don't You Know (Cajual)
11. Abstract Truth - (We Had) A Thing
12. Mr Fingers - A Path (La Casa Records)
13. Cricco Castelli - Life Has Changed (Kult Records)
14. Chaka Kahn - Clouds (Warner)
15. Mr Fingers - Mystery Of Love
16. Lil Louis – Frequency (Diamond)
17. Rare Essence- Disco Fever (Atco Disco)
18. Willie Hutch – Slick (Motown)

Theo Parrish - Live In Japan part1, part2
Part 1/2
01. Kym Mazelle - Taste My Love (Police)
02. Chaka Khan - What You Did
03. Gil Scott Heron - Home Is Where The Hatred Is
04. Roy Ayers - 2000 Blacks Got To Be Free
05. First Choice - Love Having You Around (Salsoul)
06. Brass Construction - Happy People (Ua)
07. Positive Force - We Got The Funk
08. Braxton Holmes - 12" Of Pleasure (Ron Trent Mix)
09. Blue Six - Pure
10. Larry Heard - Missing You-Trackmode
11. Mr. Fingers - What About This Love ?
12. Blaze - Lovely Ones
13. George Duke - I Want You For Myself
01. Brides Of Funkenstein - Never Buy Texas From A Cowboy (Casablanca)
02. Ltg Exchange - Waterbed (Atco Disco)
03. Made In Usa - Never Let You Go (Tp Edit) (Uget01)
04. Roy Ayers - Rock Your Roll (Polydor)
05. Charles Earland - Leaving This Planet (Soulbrother)
06. Jill Scott - Sweet Justice
07. 3 Chairs - 3 Chairs Theme (3 Chairs)
08. Herbert - The Audience
09. ?? - ??
10. Theo Parrish - Sun Of Osiris (Ss)
11. ?? - ??
12. ?? - ??

Theo Parrish - Live On Radio Nova
Live on the french radio "Radio Nova".
01. Neville Brothers - Fly Like An Eagle
02. 3 Chairs: Midday Blues At Midnight_3Chairs
03. Phuture : Phuture Jacks (B-Side Acid Trax)
04. Tama Waipura: Felice_Obliqsound
05. Theo Parrish - Jb's Edit-Peacefrog
06. Moxie#2 - Its A Peach Melba-Moxie
07. Kym Mazelle - Taste My Love-Police
08. Mt Aka Bayaka: Mi Latino..._Lifeline
09. Georg Levin - In Your Car-Sonar Collectiv
10. Night Moves - Trance Dance
11. Theo Parrish - Friendly Children-Ss
12. Candido - Dancin' & Prancin'-Salsoul
13. War - The World Is A Ghetto-Mca
14. Theo Parrish - Ugly Edit 4 (The Dells)
15. Rotating Assembly - Orchestra Hall
16. Interlude
17. Theo Parrish - Timeislafinacharunninout-Ss
18. Lil Louis : Club Lonely (Floorplay Re-Edit)
19. Incognito: On The Road (Dk Edit)
20. Herbie Hancock - Chameleon-Columbia
21. ?? - ??
22. Chi-Lites - My Kind Of Woman -White
23. Fingers Inc - A Path-La Casa Records
24. ?? - ??
25. ?? - ??
26. Larry Heard - Missing You-Trackmode

Theo Parrish - Forgotten Future
Excellent session PURE Theo Parrish style' !
01. Main Ingredient - Rolling Down A Mountainside (Rca)
02. Herbie Hancock - Thought It Was You (Columbia)
03. Bohannon - The Groove I Feel (Dakar)
04. Patrice Rushen - What's The Story (Prestige)
05. Gary Bartz - Carnival De L'esprit
06. Oscar Scully - Bukom Mashie (Soundway)
07. Pleasure - Straight Ahead (Fantasy)
08. Todd Terry presents The Dream Team - Love Is What We Need" (Freeze Records)
09. ? Mr Fingers - I'm Strong + ?? + Martin Luther King
11. Three Chairs - All Over (Three Chairs)
12. Rotating Assembly - Illumination (Ss)
13. Meg - Kouro (Theo Parrish Mix)
14. Rich Medina - Minstrel Speak (Diaspora)
15. Rotating Assembly - Them Drums (Ss)
16. Theo Parrish - Timeislafinacharunninout (Ss)
17. Larry Heard - Trackmode
18. The Dells - Uget04
19. Gap Band - Out Of The Blue (Tattoo)

The Orb:

The Sentinel:
I Can't Believe it's Not mnml (Classic Detroit mix) by The Sentinel
The Calling (Reprise) - Fade To Black
Ritual Beating System (Systematic Mix) - Bango
R-Theme (Mayday Mix) - R-Tyme
It Is What It Is - Rhythim Is Rhythim
Good Girls - Designer Music
Pump The Move - E-Dancer
Cambio - Ican
Plugged In - Shake
Ascesion - The Aztec Mystic
A Groove La Chord - Aril Brikha
Rock My Soul (Octave One Mix) - Random Noise Generation
Ahnonghay (Dave Clarke Mix) - Inner City
Orietta’s Theme - Alan Oldham
Star Dancer - Red Planet
Water Dance - Silent Phase
Barrage - Kaotic Special Rhythms
Playground Swing - Mike Grant
Disfunction - Neil Landstrumm
Nature Of The Beast (Mix 2) - Black Noise
Black Is The Number - Purpose Maker
Step To Enchantment - Millsart
The Seawolf - World Power Alliance
Psalm 83:13 - D-Knox
Give Your Body - Random XS

Thomas Fehlmann:
Thomas Fehlmann @ Alvin's Detroit 24-09-2005 - megaupload
Thomas Fehlmann @ Northern Lights Lounge - Detroit 6-10-2007 - rapid

Thomas Schumacher:
Thomas Schumacher @ Patronaat 2005

Tiefschwarz @ Creamfields - Buenos Aires - Argentina 10-11-2007 - rapid

Tobias Schmidt:
Tobias Schmidt Live @ Giessen 2004
Tobias Schmidt and Stewart Walker @ Neue Heimat (15-07-2000)

Todd Bodine:
Tweak FM 230307 with Todd_Bodine

Todd Terry:
Todd Terry - Live On Radio FG (05-09-21) - PART1
Todd Terry - Live On Radio FG (05-09-21) - PART2
Todd Terry @ BAY FM Japan 1992 - rapidshare

Trentemoller IBiza_Voice_podcast_20-May-2007
Trentemoller-LaNocheEscabrosa Li

Tresor Tributes:

Reversed's Tresor Tribute Track-list:
1. 175 DJ Shufflemaster - Angel Gate
2. 54 Neil Landstrumm - Praline Horse
3. 66 Cristian Vogel - All Music Has Come To An End
4. 110 Cristian Vogel - Busca Invisibles
5. 103 Neil Landstrumm - Pro Audio
6. 161 Dave Tarrida - Paranoid
7. 60 Blue Arsed Fly - Knackered EP
8. 152 Subhead - Neon Rocka
9. 191 Dave Tarrida - Plays Records
10.192 Cristian Vogel - Dungeon Master
11. 82 Neil Landstrumm - Bedrooms And Cities
12. 86 Tobias Schmidt - The Black Arts EP
13. 120 Cristian Vogel - General Arrepientase
14. 53 Neil Landstrumm - Understanding Disinformation
15. 45 Cristian Vogel - Body Mapping
16. 125 Tobias Schmidt - Dark Of Heartness
17. 222 Bill Youngman - Born EP
18. 126 Dave Tarrida - Postmortem Pop EP
19. 81 Neil Landstrumm - Scandinavia Sessions
20. 65 Cristian Vogel - (Don't) Take More

Trevor's Tresor Tribute Track-list:
Savva Ysatis "Mars Bar" Tresor
Stewart Walker "Cleopatra's Needle" Tresor
Sterac "No Hats Required" Tresor
Sterac "Rolling Thunder Tresor
Holy Ghost "Hand Of God (Advent Mix)" Tresor
James Ruskin "Paranoia" Tresor
Surgeon "Black Jackal Throwback" Tresor
Cristian Vogel "Mad Sex" Tresor
Shufflemaster "Angel Gate" Tresor
Jeff Mills "Changes Of Life" Tresor
Drexciya "Bottom Feeders" Tresor
Joey Beltram "Gameform" Tresor
Neil Landstrumm "Praline Horse" Tresor
Tobias Schmidt "Stress" Tresor
Cristian Vogel "Lock Onto A Signal" Tresor
Chrislo "L'eau (Surgeon Mix)" Tresor
Pacou "Patterns Of Force" Tresor
Diskordia "So Big And So Close" Tresor
Neil Landstrumm "Down On The A" Tresor
Holy ghost "Zizi" Tresor
Neil Landstrumm "Bullet Proof" Tresor
Infiniti "Game One" Tresor
Infiniti "Skyway" Tresor
Robert Hood "Rek" Tresor
3ST "Crunch Time" Tresor
Cristian Vogel "Backwards S" Tresor
Cristian Vogel "Backwards S" Tresor
Dave Tarraida "Terminally Yours" Tresor

Trevor Rockcliffe:
Trevor Rockliffe @ Checkpoint 09-09-1999 - rapidshare

Trias @ Tresor Reopening Weekend - Back in May 07 27-5-2007 - rapidshare


Umek @ Ambasada Gavioli 1997
Umek - Live at Propaganda Slowenien 1999
Umek Promo Mix - 10-05-2007
Umek - March 2007 - Promo Mix
1.Stefan Bodzin vs. Marc Romboy – Telesto “Systematic”
2.Tanzmann & Stefanik – Basic Needs “Moon Harbour”
3.Matew Jonson – Magic Through Music “It is what it is”
4.Martinez -Cosmic dubster “Dub 101”
5.Kupon – Zoom in “Curfew”
6.Cosmic Sandwich – Battle Twig “My best friend”
7.Mijk van Dijk – Closer “Kling Klong”
8.Gui Boratto – Gate 7 “Kompakt”
9.Sami Koivikko – Paajaasa “Spectral Sound”
10.Oliver Bondzio & Ramon Zenker – Hitchhiker Habits “HardFloor”
11.Samuel L. Session – Sinister “Klap Klap”
12.Solee – Impressed “Parquet”
13.Julian Jeweil – Aircondittionne “Skryptom”
14.H.O.S.H – Substof “Stil Vor Talent”
16.James Holden – The idiots are winning “Border

Unedrground Resistance:

Underground Resistance live @ Limelight-NY-1992
Underground Resistance @ Vanha Helsinki Finland 16-09-1995
UR live @ Timeline
Underground Resistance @ Radio Nova - Novamix 22-05-2003 - megaupload
UR - live_at_fuse-in_festival_(detroit) 05-30-2005.
Underground Resistance @ Todaysart Festival 2006 [Part 2]
Underground Resistance @ Todaysart Festival Holland 2006
Todays Art podcast : Underground Resistance 12.06.2007 pt1
Todays Art podcast : Underground Resistance 13.06.2007 pt2
Underground Resistance (Live) @ DEAF 4'05 Pt 1 320Kbps part1, part2
Underground Resistance (Live) @ DEAF 4'05 High 640x480 770MB - VIDEO
Underground Resistance (Live) @ DEAF 4'05 Med 320x240 430MB - VIDEO
Underground Resistance (Live) @ DEAF 4'05 Low 320X240 350MB - VIDEO

Underground Resistance Vs Plus 8 - klik
The Martian - Search your feelings - Red Planet
Hard Trax - Hardphunk - Probe
Tomahawk - Power Move EP - Shockwave
FUSE - FU - Probe
Aztech Mystic - Jaguar - UR
FUSE - Mantrax - Plus 8
Underground Resistance - The Light - Shockwave
Plastikman - Lasttrak - Plus 8
Underground Resistance - The Illuminator - UR
Plastikman - I don’t Care - Minus
Octave One - Daystar Rising - UR/430 West
Plastikman - Electrostatik - Plus 8
Underground Resistance - Windchime - UR
Chrome - My Reflection - Plus 8
Underground Resistance - Inspiration - UR
Kenny Larkin - Colonise - Plus 8
The Deacon - Fuji - Somewhere in Detroit
FUSE - Substance Abuse - Plus 8
Underground Resistance - Mutiny+9 - UR
Speedy J - Spikkels - Plus 8
Underground Resistance - Hi tech Jazz - UR
Circuit Breaker - Open your Mind - Probe
The Martian - Particle Shower - Red Planet
Cybersonik - Technarchy - Plus 8
THe martian - 808 degrees - Red Planet


Vince Watson:
Vince Watson - Detroit Sessions Ep. #9
Vince Watson - Detroit Classics Vol 2
1. 69 - Microlover - Planet e
2. Fix - Diligent - Ignitor
3. Carl Craig - Twilight - Planet e
4. Rhythim is Rhythim - Kaotic Harmony - Transmat
5. The Martian - Skypainter - Red Planet
6. Speedy J - Rise - Plus 8
7. The Martian - Stardancer - Red Planet
8. Aril Brikha - Grove la Chord - Transmat
9. Carl Craig - Science Fiction - Blanco Y Negro
10. Robert Hood - The Grey Area - M-Plant
11. Galaxy 2 Galaxy - Journey of the Dragons - UR
12. Yennek - War of the Worlds - Buzz/Transmat/Art of Dance
13. The Martian - Journey to the Martian Polar Ice Caps - Red Planet
14. Blake Baxter - Altitude - ESP
15. Lfo - Dial - Planet e
16. Robert Hood - Make a Wish - M-Plant
17. Robert Hood - Interior Suspect - M-Plant

Vince Watson - Resident Advisor podcast No. 047 (05-03-2007)
01. Intro
02. Renassance (Planet E)
03. Mystical rhythm (ibadan)
04. Rendezvous (Planet E)
05. Influenced Pt 1 (Influenced)
06. Lola (Delsin)
07. Untitled (Unreleased)
08. Untitled (Unreleased)
09. Untitled (Unreleased)
10. O

Vladislav Delay:
vladislav delay - demf-28.05.07


Westbam - Rezerection 28 May 1994
Westbam @ Mayday - New Euphoria - Poland 10-11-2007 - rapid

Wighnomy Brothers:
Wighnomy Brothers @ Awakenings Festival 30-06-2007




Zero - Frequency (2007 - 10-28) - rapid
01 Ambivalent - R U Ok (Marco Carola 4 Beats Remix)[M_nus]
02 Christian Smith & John Selway - Transit Time (Dubfire Remix)[Sino]
03 Rino Cerrone - Exnovo[Rilis Special]
04 Goldfish Und Der Dulz - Elkino (Tadeo Mix)[Boxer]
05 Dominik Eulberg - Bleuten Sind... (Adam Beyer 'mad Eye Dub' Remix)[Traum] 06 Samuel L. Session - Morpheme[Drumcode]
07 Marko Nastić - Guess What[Recon Warriors]
08 Petar Dundov - Match Box[Music Man]
09 Valentino Kanzyani - Summer In Slovenia[Vezotonik]
10 Marko Nastić - Ara[Decoded Unreleased]
11 Valentino Kanzyani - Thrilling[Circle]
12 Deetron Feat. Dj Bone - Life Soundtrack (Radio Slave Remix)[Music Man] 13 False - Fed On Youth[M_nus]
14 Tadeo - Segundo Azul[Cyclical Tracks]
15 Anton Pieete & Bark Skils - The Running Man (Adam Beyer Remix Part 2)[100% Pure]
16 D.diggler - Incidence (Pascal Feos Remix)[Resopal Schallware]
17 Adam Beyer & Henrik B. - The Conversation A[Mad Eye]
18 Chris Liebing - B[Clr]

12.05.2007. u 08:14 • 5 KomentaraPrintnatrag na vrh stranice



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Ovaj blog je isključivo posvećen elektronskoj glazbi. Na njemu ću vam kroz glazbu i tekstove pokušati predstaviti neke od, po mom mišljenju, velikana tog glazbenog pravca, a samim time ću vam jednim djelom približiti samu elektronsku glazbu i sve što se oko nje događalo ili događa. Tu ću se poglavito usredotočiti na glazbu koja se počela razvijati u Detroitu početkom osamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Uživajte...


objavljeni tekstovi...

>> Musik Links - Downloads <<
last update 01.06.2008.

Area Code 313: Alan D. Oldham aka DJ T-1000 [Generator, Pure Sonik]
Area Code 313: Anthony "Shake" Shakir (Frictional Recordings – Detroit)
Area Code 313: Carl Craig (Planet E Communications, Detroit)
Area Code 313: Charles "The Electrifying Mojo" Johnson
Area Code 313: Claude Young (7th City, Friction, Cynet:Media)
Area Code 313: Cratesavers Muzik (Detroit)...
Area Code 313: Drexciya (UR, Tresor; Detroit)
Area Code 313: Eddie "Flashin" Fowlkes (City Boy / Detroit)
Area Code 313: Mad Mike Banks / Underground Resistance (Detroit)
Area Code 313: Octave One / Random Noise Generation (430 West Records, Detroit)
Area Code 313: Robert Hood (M-Plant, Detroit)
Area Code 313: Trackmasta Lou / Scan 7 (Underground Resistance, Tresor, Elypsia)
Area Code 313: Underground Resistance sets
Cristian Vogel (Station55, Tresor)
Delsin Records (Amsterdam; Nizozemska)
Diego (Kanzleramt, K20 / SUI)
Joey Beltram (STX, Nova Mute, Tresor / NY)
Moritz Von Oswald & Mark Ernestus (Maurizio, Basic Channel, Burial Mix / Berlin)
Neil Landstrumm (Scandinavia, Tresor)
Pacou (Tresor, Cache; Berlin)
Peter Sliwinski aka Echoplex (Soleil, Synewave / Poljska-Kanada)
Phuture / Phuture303 (Trax records / Chicago)
Mad Max i Stevie D aka Recyver Dogs (Tresor / Berlin)
Saskia Slegers aka Miss Djax (Djax Records / Nizozemska)
Sender Berlin (Tresor, unGleich; Berlin)
Tresor (Berlin)

mp3 preporuke...

Aril Brikha @ Electrosonic Festival, Burgos 2007-08-25

Cedric T - Vortex Mix

Cedric T - Aquatic Resistance mix

Delsin New Season Mix Autumn 2006 Mixed by Tim Nieburg

Delsin Summer 2007 Mix Mixed by Raymon Hollander

Der Drexciyan Effekt

Drexciyan DJ Stingray - Bootleg DJ Cafe

Drexciya (UR) mix (3h)

Echoplex Live PA 2006 (62 MB)

Feebles - Technophilia Type B. Fall 2005 | 74:11 min.

Feebles - Technophilia Type D. Spring 2007 | 79:28 min.

Electrosonic_Festival_-_Jeff_Mills_Live_(Burgos)-LINE-08-25-2007 - uploaded

Jeff Mills @ Semifinal, Sweden 18.06.2002 rapid

Kammy @ Tresor Berlin - 23-02-2008

Kriss kortz - code316 records - Tribute to Detroit

Octave One LivePa - Melkweg Club Amsterdam 19.10.2006. - rapidshare

Octave One LivePa - Melkweg Club Amsterdam 19.10.2006. - megaupload

Optic Nerve (Live) @ DEAF 2002

Pacou - Mix 20.02.07. - medifire

Pacou - Technomix Nov 2005 - open inw

Robert Hood - Live Energy Zurich 8.96. - rapid

SvenVaeth-Live @ Awakenings 29-04-1999

Taho - Detroit Sessions Ep. #7

I Can't Believe it's Not mnml (Classic Detroit mix) by The Sentinel

Trevor's Tresor Tribute

Telle - Detroitesque with a touch of minimalism - rapidshare

Vince Watson - Detroit Sessions Ep. #9

Xed & N_ter - Tribute 2 Juan Atkins mix (56 mb)

Xed - Aux 88 mix (70.3 mb)

Xed - Detroit is the Party Place!

Xed - Anthony Rother mix

Dj Xed's Ultimate Megamix Volume 2



labeli, organizacije...
worldofdeep.com (kms)

producenti, dj-i...
electrostep.com (bill youngman)
no-future.com - christian vogel
classicmusiccompany.com - derrick carter


partyspongyabob.hu !!!
techno-sets.szm.com !!!