Not everything you want will come true in life. Sometimes you will lose trust in the people you trust the most. Sometimes not all good people will stay in your life. Sometimes you will be hurt by the people you love or you will hurt them. Sometimes you won’t win all the wars, especially the wars you wage from within. Sometimes it's life. But life also has its advantages. You will meet people who will bring a smile to your face. You will receive gifts that will be worth more than diamonds. You will find friendships that will be stronger than all your relationships. You will see places on earth that you never dreamed of, and the views of which are breathtaking. You will discover riches that cannot be seen with the naked eye, but you will feel love as it is. You will experience joys that will delight your heart and you will remember them with enthusiasm for the rest of your life. So enjoy every little happiness you see and be grateful for every person you meet on your life journey. (Author unknown) |
The only way it gets better for you is when you get better. Everything you desire also desires you. To have them, You have to become a better version of yourself. You have to grow and develop into what you want, and what you want will come looking for you. You will always attract into your life the things that reflects the growing version of you. Don't worry about what you have now or don't have, What matters is who you are now and who you're becoming! Stop chasing things. It is very stressful to chase things. Do better, atttact them by becoming someone of value. Success is what you attract because of who you are becoming. The real question you should ask yourself now is, "WHO AM I BECOMING?" |
Renowned psychotherapist Bert Hellinger said that those who call themselves black sheep in the family are actually looking for a way and ways to liberate an entire line of ancestors. Family members who do not fit the standard or tradition of the family tree mostly try to make a "revolution" in the beliefs, thoughts and actions of the family from an early age and oppose the (unhealthy) tradition. That is why they are criticized, condemned or even rejected. It is important to realize that being a black sheep is not a bad thing, on the contrary, they carry a great opportunity for the whole family tree. The black sheep is like a fresh wind for all those who do not yet know how to listen to themselves, encourage them to open themselves to their true nature and accept their diversity. Who are the black sheep? Black sheep try to heal their wounds and those passed down in the family for generations. They want to break free. They are a precious gift for the whole family. But who exactly is a black sheep? It’s simply one who bounces off and doesn’t follow a well-trodden path. Maybe the artist is in the family of a mathematician or a lawyer. Maybe someone who rejects religion in a traditionally Christian family. He can be an animal protector in a hunting family or a vegetarian in a butcher family. Maybe he is someone who is not interested materially, and was born into a wealthy family. It can be someone who openly expresses their opinion in a very closed family whose members do not know how to express themselves. It is someone who will heal unhealthy inherited patterns and that is why he brings something important into the family. These are the ones that interest areas that have not interested anyone in the family so far. They are pioneers. They have a different value system than their family, be it religion, politics, ecology, nutrition, ethics or simply life. They usually see things completely differently from other family members. And usually others don't understand them. How do they heal the whole tree? And it is they who establish balance in the family, bring something new and renew the roots of the family tree. Their diversity feeds the tree, their passion is the wind that awakens the hearts of our ancestors. Unfulfilled dreams, new values, lost talents of our ancestors are manifested and finally realized through the so-called. black sheep.New ideas, new values, new concepts ... this is what brings new, fresh blood to the family and makes sure that other members get rid of outdated patterns more easily. They shake bad foundations and break down blockages. And so they heal the whole family tree. Jung's cognition Carl G. Jung said: "When I was working on my family tree, I realized a strange common destiny that binds me to my ancestors. I have a strong feeling that I am influenced by things or questions that have remained incomplete or unanswered by my parents, grandparents , great-grandparents ... It often seems to me that there is family karma that is passed from parents to children. I kept thinking that I was the one who had to answer the questions that fate had asked my ancestors, the questions that had not yet been answered, or simply that I had to fix or learn lessons from the difficulties of our past. (C. G. Jung, Ma vie, Gallimard, Paris, 1973). It is you who make the dreams of your ancestors come true! Black sheep, therefore, bring diversity and balance the elements - a vegetarian brings awareness of ethical issues about other living beings. Someone who opposes religious dogma stops possible religious fanaticism. The artist balances and reduces over-materialism, etc. All of this allows families to skip or tear down walls they have built over generations. Diversity becomes wealth and leads to healing. It allows for prosperity and further development. If you feel like a black sheep, listen to Hellinger's advice: "Keep your uniqueness as the most valuable flower of the tree. You make your ancestors' dreams come true." |
When I realize that, in essence, nothing makes sense, I think, from somewhere I get the idea that the only point is to defy nonsense by doing good. Old, good, pathetic Good. For a displeasure to a God who allows this, or, for a displeasure to a god who does not exist. Anyway. One should do good to the point of exhaustion, one should horrify the universe with goodness as we are horrified by the amount of evil in the world. One should do good to the point of stupidity, and beyond. And when there is no reason, one should do good. One should intentionally melt someone’s soul every day. The universe needs to be confused. One should do good even when good does not return to good. It should, in spite of everything. It should, because it is the only thing and because nothing makes sense. And because it's the only blow to nonsense, that's good. We should do good even when we think that doing good does not make sense either. It just smells meaningless good to me in some sense. Perfect, pure good, no sense. |
You probably know that diet and exercise are important for your heart health. But did you know that the way you think about life also makes a difference? It’s true. A growing number of studies show that people who are optimistic (think in positive, hopeful ways, such as seeing a glass half full instead of half empty) have better heart health. For example, in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, a 2017 study of 70,021 older women showed that those who had the most positive attitude had a 38% lower risk of dying from heart disease and a 39% lower risk of dying from a stroke than those who thought negatively. In a 2011 study of almost 8000 people in the United Kingdom, having a sunny outlook was linked to a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes, even after the researchers took into account heart risk factors like high blood pressure and cholesterol. Data involving more than 5000 people had the same result: the more optimistic people were, the lower their risk for heart problems. The researchers aren’t sure why being optimistic helps heart health. It could be because positive thinking directly improves the way our body works. Or it may be because positive thinking causes people to take better care of themselves. Optimism may also protect against the harmful effects of stress that can lead to inflammation in the heart and blood vessels. The good news is that even if you don’t naturally think in positive ways, optimism can be learned. Research done with sets of twins who were raised separately shows that only about 24% of optimism and pessimism come from your parents. That means that 76% of your ability to think positive thoughts is in your control. Negative thinking is often just a bad habit that you can change. Here are some ways to develop a sunnier outlook: Practice gratitude. Counting your blessings helps you have more positive thoughts. Some people keep a notebook and jot down the things they are grateful for. Others say thanks to others as they go about their daily lives. Hang out with positive people. Optimism rubs off. Being around optimists can help you think like they do. Review what went right at the end of the day. What did you enjoy? What made you feel appreciated? This practice can help you have positive thoughts before you sleep, which affects your first thoughts in the morning. Turn off the news. The current climate of politics can make it hard to be optimistic. Being informed is important, but try to limit the amount of time you spend getting news. Just smile. It can change your mood and also helps you connect with others. Plus, smiling can lower your blood pressure and stress hormones, which are also good for your heart. Learning to think like an optimist takes practice. But it’s well worth it for your heart and well-being! |
"None of us will leave here alive, so stop treating yourself as if you will be there forever. Eat delicious food. Walk in the sun. Jump into the ocean. Tell the truth you carry in your heart as a hidden treasure. Be silly. Be kind. Be weird. You don't have time for anything else. " |
Focus on the good things. Challenging situations and obstacles are a part of life. ... Practice gratitude. ... Keep a gratitude journal. Open yourself up to humor. ... Spend time with positive people. ... Practice positive self-talk. ... Identify your areas of negativity. ... Start every day on a positive note. |
Always put your trust in God alone, He called you His very own. At night, give your fears and worries to Him. No matter how hard or difficult they seem. The one who guards you neither sleep nor slumber. Whatever makes you sad or sober, Give it to God and go to sleep, He's going to be up all night anyway. |
"I want you to be persistent and steadfast. I want you to be loyal to yourself. Because true loyalty is first and foremost devotion to oneself. " |
You will surely lose some friends when you start focusing on yourself, on your goals, on becoming a better version of yourself. But it's absolutely okay. Average people will resist your desire to change, to become more, but never let them stop you. You are made for so much more. Resolve to find yourself, even though some people will leave you for not being like them, but choose to find yourself and that will be the end of your misery and pain. This life is solely your responsibility. You came alone, you will leave alone. What happens in between is depended on what you choose to do with your life, not what you let others choose for you. The more you find yourself, you lose some people, but its absolutely okay. It means you are evolving, you are improving, you are not who you used to be, you are becoming more of who you are destined to be. Some steps need to be take alone. It's the only way to figure out where you really need to be, what you really need to do, and who you really need to be. He who looks around wanders, but he who looks within awakens! |
Through your own decisions and not your conditions, you can begin to create a better life for yourself. Until a decision is made, nothing happens, your life remains the same, and you have only yourself to blame. Anyone can change, anything can change, it all begins with a decision to change. The proof that you have truly decided is seen by the actions you begin to take in line with your decision. Once you've decided, things begin to fall in place to bring your desires to you. The world let you pass, even obstacles give way, once it is proven that you know where you are going and you have decided to get there at all cost. Starting from today, decide what you want for your life, take action on what you've decided, and make the rest of your life the best of your life. Today is the best time to decide, the new year of your life is not always in the beginning of the year, but it is in that moment you decide to begin a new life, a life you are destined to live. |
Take the first step, it's usually the hardest, but once you do, you break the resistance and things begin to change. Start that business, Apply for that training, Start writing that book, learn that skill, make that important call, meet that person, start that savings, make that investment. Whatever it is you want to do with your life, just start, do something. No matter how little, do it. You've been planning and preparing for it, You've thought about it, you really want to do it, you are waiting for the perfect time, and here is it, the perfect time is now, Get started. You may be worried that you are not qualified enough, you don't know enough to get started, you don't have enough resources to begin, don't let those excuses stop you, instead, let it drive you, let it push you to action. You will never be perfect to start but you can start to be perfect. You will learn more and know more as you go along the way. Mark Zukerberg rightly said, "Ideas don't come out fully formed, they become clearer as you begin to work on them!" What is that one thing you are always putting off but you really want to do. Today is a good day to begin! |
"I'm not asking you to kiss me, nor to apologize to me when I think you're wrong. I won't even ask you to hug me when we do is most needed, nor to take me out to dinner on our anniversary. I'm not going to ask to go around the world live new experiences, even less to ask you to extend your hand to me when we are in that city. I'm not asking you to tell me how beautiful I am, even if it was a lie, nor do you write me anything nice. I'm not even going to ask you to call me to tell me how your day went, nor to tell me that you miss me. I will not ask you to thank me for everything I do for you, nor to take care of me when my soul aches and of course I will not ask you to support me in my decisions. I won't even ask you to listen to me when I have a thousand stories to tell you. I will not ask you to do anything even to be with me forever. ... Because if I have to ask you, I don't want you anymore! ” |
Some people could be given an entire field of roses and only see the thorns in it. Others could be given a single weed and only see the wildflower in it. Perception is a key component of gratitude, and gratitude is a key component to joy. |
1. Excessive thinking 2. Fear of change 3. life in the past 4. Trying to please everyone |
"There will be days, my friend. When you feel like you can't go on You just keep swimming. Inhale, exhale and wait for the light of a new day at dawn. There will be days, my friend. When nothing seems to make sense to you. It doesn't have to be that way Cleanse your mind and open your heart, the answers will come in time. There will be days, my friend ... When the pain will grow and affect you. Then be good to yourself. Lie down and let the tears flow like a river, let go, open the dams, let them go. It will be given to my friend When you feel like the whole world is against you. Then you will be powerless as if there is nothing you can do. Just sit down. Tomorrow is a new day and those feelings will pass. I promise. You see, life is lived day by day. Sometimes life is beautiful, wonderful, amazing and joyful - and then again it is horrible, painful and miserable And so it goes round and round. Everything is as it should be. You'll be fine too. He does not lose hope and faith. May both hope and faith anchor in your heart. Tomorrow is a new day. |
Don't confuse difficulty with impossibility, because it's hard doesn't mean it can't be done. Put more efforts, not more doubts. It always seem impossible until it done, the only impossible journey is the one you never begin. Believe me, nothing is impossible, that you can imagine it is a proof that it can be done. It can be difficult, and that's okay, if it's not hard, it can't be great. Your determination to go through the difficulty, to endure the stress and pain, to face doubts but not let go of the goal is what makes the impossible become possible. There is no feeling as good as doing things in front of people who once said it can't be done, but the only way to experience that feeling is to take the first step. Launch into the impossibile, and the impossible will give way. If there is anything I have learned from life, it is that in every impossibilities lies possibilities only waiting for you to give it a try. It can be hard, but it can be done. March towards the impossible, and you will see there is none. |
You will have good days, you will also have the bad. You will be strong sometimes, but not all the time. You will be ready to give up, but instead you will choose to try one more time, Because there is a voice within that keep saying, "carry on". Times are hard, sometimes things get worse, work won't always be fun, but hold on to that voice within that keep saying, "carry on". You didn't prepare for this, but you are born for this. There's so much inside of you that the world needs. Sometimes things doesn't go as you planned, and you are tired up to your bone, but still... choose to leave your comfort zone, for in this struggle you are not alone, for there is a voice within that keep saying, "carry on". Carry on, you are not where you used to be. I know again you've been hit, now it's time to quit, but this is not how it's meant to end, there's still a way, this is just a bend. Rise again, don't be crushed by the pain. Just showing up is also a part of winning, you never can tell what your next move will bring. When things get hard and you can't smile or sing, remember the voice within that keep saying, "carry on", my friend, carry on. |
You don't have to do everything for others, you don't have to be the best parent, the best worker in the company, be in top shape ... When your body gets tired, few people will remember what you do. Do your best for others, but don't forget about yourself either. Do something for yourself, do what you love, walk, go to the park, go to the cinema, sleep, take care of yourself, love yourself and do something from the heart just for yourself. Caring for others is nice, but if you don’t take care of yourself, who will? The children will grow up, the job will always find a replacement, the house will get dirty again, but you will not have another chance for yourself ... Take a break, you deserve it. |
You either get bitter - or you get better. It's that simple. You either take what's been dealt to you, and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate; it belongs to you. |
You don't need anyone's approval to be good enough. When someone judges, rejects you or abandons you, it's isn't about you. It is all about them and their insecurities. Your worth is not based other people's acceptance of you. You exist; therefore, you matter. Hold onto the truth that who you are. . . is exactly enough. |
You are the apple of God's eyes, you are His treasure, He called you His own. Attack is the proof that your breakthrough is coming, even your enemies are anticipating your success, and trying all means to ensure you give up, but don't, keep moving. After the darkest night, the sun always rises, the dark cloud is a proof that the showers of blessing is coming, so keep your hope alive, this is the best time to be alive. The enemies are after you because they know what you are capable of, they keep attacking you because they believe in you. If you can't become all God has destined you to be, they would have let you be, they know you can, you too must believe you can. Never be discouraged, don't give up now, your blessing is coming, you are God's treasure, you are the apple of His eyes. |
A few years ago, the famous Italian diver Enzo Mallorca (died in 2016) dived into the warm seas of Syracuse, and just as he was getting ready to dive, he felt something hit him in the back ... He turned and saw a dolphin. He immediately realized that the dolphin did not want to play, but was trying to say something. The dolphin dived, Enzo followed him ... At a depth of 15 meters, in a fishing net, another dolphin was captured. Enzo returned to the surface and told his daughter Rosana to take the knives. They both dived and began to tear the net with knives, to free the dolphins. It took them a few minutes to do it ... All the while, the captured dolphin made a sound similar to a human cry. He allegedly began to choke, because the dolphin can be under water for five to ten minutes, after which it must be inhaled to the surface. The dolphin they rescued was a female. She was pregnant and gave birth immediately after her release. A male dolphin circled around them and finally approached Enzo and touched his cheek with the tip of his nose - he gave a KISS, as a sign of gratitude. Immediately after that, both dolphins swam away with their cub. After this unusual event, Enzo Mallorca said: 2 2 Until man learns to respect and communicate with the animal world, he will never understand his role on this planet! I remembered this wonderful story, this morning, when I read this completely different news: 2 2 Mass hunting of dolphins and whales was again organized in the Faroe Islands, in which 1,428 animals were killed during the day. Slaughtering dolphins is considered a tradition in this country, and prey is shared equally among all residents. This year’s scene is considered particularly brutal, as a record number of animals are believed to have been killed. Images of dead dolphins on the shore and bloody waters have traveled the world. This was preceded by an organized hunt in which the animals were directed towards the largest fjord in that part of the North Atlantic. When dolphins and whales were chased into the shallows near Scalabotnur beach in Esturoy, locals began killing them by slaughtering them with knives. " Yes, Enzo, you're right ... Man will never understand his role on this planet ... |
There is one African tribe that cherishes one of the most beautiful customs in the world. Namely, if it happens that one of the members of the tribe does something wrong and bad, they do not condemn that person. On the contrary, they try to help her, make it easier and remind her how much she is really worth, all in a very specific and touching way. They come for the person who sinned, take her to the center of the village, where the whole tribe then gathers and everyone spends the next two days talking to that person about all the good she has achieved and done in life. This unusual tribe believes that every human being is born as good, and that each of us wants only security, peace, happiness and love. But sometimes, in the search for these blessings, people make mistakes that this community actually sees as a cry for help from the one who makes them. Because of that, they unite in order to encourage him, to lift him up, to reconnect him with his true nature, to remind him of what he really is! They help their neighbor until he realizes the truth he forgot when he sinned, and it is "I am good." “Shikoba Nabajyotisaikia” is one of the greetings that have always lived in this tribe. “NABAJYOTISAIKIA” is a compliment that is common in South Africa, meaning “I respect you”. I nurture you. You mean me! ” In response, people usually pronounce "SHIKOBA" which translates as "I, therefore, exist for you!". |
(When someone says, "After all I've done for you..." they are revealing that what they did for you was not for you at all, but for their own need to control you. Their generosity was just a contract with hidden terms of compliance. Breach that contract, and you become the problem. -Wade Mullen) |
In your singleness, build wholeness. You don't need someone else to complete you, You don't need someone else to make you happy, You don't need someone else to give you a sense of worth! If you can't do all that for yourself, no one will do that for you. You must understand this. With or without someone, you have worth. With or without someone, you are complete, with or without someone, you can still shine. So Man, find yourself before you find a wife, Woman, get a life before you become somebody’s wife. Discover your purpose, start living it out, and as you walk this path, you will find who is for you. Singleness can be a blessing, if you choose to see it that way and take advantage of all the benefits it brings. Two heads are better than one, especially when the two heads are right. If you've not developed wholeness with yourself, you can get married and still be lonely. Two will only chase ten thousand when one has successfully chased one thousand alone. Together, they can then do greater works. In his lonely solitude, a wise man feeds upon himself, develops himself and become a better man, the same goes for a woman. Never confuse loneliness with being alone. Loneliness is what happens to you, being alone is what you chose to make happen for you. You will always need people but if you base all your life desires and hopes on someone else, you will always end up disappointed. Have in you what you seek in others, for whatever you become, you will always attract to yourself. Singleness is not a disadvantage, but a blessing. If you can be alone and remain whole, when you find the one, together you will do greater exploits. |
The professor started the lesson by taking a glass full of water in his hand. He lifted her so that everyone could see her and asked: - How heavy do you think this glass is? - 50 g… 100 g… 125 g… - the students guessed. - The truth is, in fact, that I don't know myself. And until we weigh it, we can't be sure - said the professor. But I wanted to ask you something else. What happens if I hold a glass like this for, say, a few minutes? - Nothing! Replied the students. - Good. And what happens if I hold a glass like this for an hour? The professor asked again. "Your hand will start to hurt," one student replied quickly. - Exactly. And now, what happens if I keep her like this for a whole day? - Your arm will start to hurt a lot, and such an effort may stiffen your muscles, and it is even possible that your arm will become paralyzed. And you will most likely have to go to the doctor urgently. "Very well," the professor continued calmly. - And while all this is happening, do you think the weight of the glass has changed? - No! Everyone answered aloud. - So what is the cause of pain in the arm and muscle spasms ?! The students found themselves confused, the situation already looked like a riddle to them, and they all eagerly began to look for an answer. - What should I do to get rid of the pain and burden in this situation? The professor continued. - RELEASE THE GLASS! - Suddenly there was an answer from the amphitheater. - Yeah, that's it. That is the answer. Let go of the glass! The professor jumped. - The same thing happens with your problems in life and with your difficult thoughts. Thinking about them for a few minutes is a normal thing, and there is nothing wrong or wrong with that. But if you keep them in your mind for a long time, you will feel PAIN. And if you do it for a very long time, too long - you will feel paralyzed, ie you will not be able to do anything else. It is very important to think about certain events or experiences in your lives and draw conclusions from them, but it is even more important to know how to free your mind from these problems at the end of each day. No matter what situation you find yourself in, drop a glass at the end of each day. |
My grandmother once gave me a tip: In difficult times, you move forward in small steps. Do what you have to do, but little by little. Don't think about the future, or what may happen tomorrow. Wash the dishes. Remove the dust. Write a letter. Make a soup. You see? You are advancing step by step. Take a step and stop. Rest a little. Praise yourself. Take another step. Then another. You won't notice, but your steps will grow more and more. And the time will come when you can think about the future without crying. |
"Our life is a constant journey, from birth to death. The environment is changing, people are changing, needs are changing, but the train is still going. Life is a train, not a train station. It’s important to let some things go, to disappear. Let them go and get rid of them. Don’t expect them to come back to you, acknowledge your efforts, reveal that you are a genius, and understand your love. Close the circles, not because of pride or arrogance, but because it no longer fits into your life. Close the door, change the plate, sweep the house, wipe the dust. Stop being what you were and become what you are. " |
One day someone rang the doorbell. "Do i interfere?" "Are you coming to visit without bothering?" "I know, I'm reluctant to be seen," my guest told me, "but what's left for me is to ring the bell, knock, and say, 'It's time. I have to take one of you, or your wife. You decide.' "Listen, my friend," I said, "I love my wife too much, and she's looking forward to life so much - if she has to die, take me instead." “You speak without thinking seriously,” my guest, a friend of Death’s, told me. "The decision is not so simple. Whoever dies has the advantage. He has got rid of all earthly worries. Everything that still bothers you today, the struggle for life, the quarrel with the neighbor, the money you borrowed but did not return, the fear of illness. "it will all disappear with your death." "That's how you see it," I said, "it's your job to comfort the man you want to take away. As far as I'm concerned, if I'm going to die before my wife, I won't be at an advantage, because I love her." Death looked at me and said, "Just because you love her, think again. In a happy marriage you've lived in for 45 years, where you've cared for each other, where you've shared everything, there will be the one who stays, harder hit than the one "You're leaving. Don't you believe me? Think about what your wife's life will look like. Her heart is broken because of your departure. She has to live with it. Common worries will only fall on her shoulders. Her life will be hard if you don't stand by her." There is no one to comfort her, to wipe away her tears, to ease her suffering. With whom to share her sorrow? The memory of you will torment her. She will be lonely. Your friends will retire, because who has been friends with both of you, in most cases he doesn't know what to do with just one. , her lips will thin and she will remember what she missed in your life; She never thanked you for taking her as your wife and for being a good husband to her. Unspoken words of love lie on her soul like a lead weight pulling her down and not letting her breathe. Every minute is like an eternity to her. She will talk to the objects around her because there is no one to whom she would open her heart. Later, he will stay in bed longer every day. That's why he should get up. Nobody is waiting for her ... Do you really want to leave her in that pain? " "Not!" I shouted. "She must not live like that. I love her more than myself. Let me rather live so miserably, and take her in peace. She sleeps upstairs. Take her gently, lest you wake her. Let her open her eyes only before God, lest she she would ask for me if I could do without her. " Death nodded and walked up the stairs to the room where my wife slept. “No!” I shouted again. "Leave her to me, or take me! I couldn't bear not to hear her voice anymore, her footsteps in the house. I can't sit alone at the table, I can't lie in bed without hearing her breathing. What joys if she doesn't participates in it: the armchair she preferred to sit on, her coat on the hanger, every shirt I take out of the closet and she washed and ironed it, every sock she patched, even the bench in the church where we knelt and prayed together "How can I bear to look at all this? My mind would be clouded by the thought of missing everything; how many tender words remained unspoken. Why did I read the newspaper so many times, or stare at the television instead of chatting with her, admiring her?" beauty. I have never said to her in recent years: Thank you for being here. Thank you for wanting me for a husband. I have never thanked her for the love, patience, smile with which she greeted me. Now I know the word "my wife", which I have just uttered, that it is the most beautiful word I love he knows the Danish language. Let me go to her one more time before you take her from me, give me three days, three hours, to do at least some of what I have missed for decades ... " Death came down the stairs and said to me, "I just looked in my diary and found I was mistaken in the house number. You two are written a few pages away. And take the time until then, because when I come again, I won't give you three days, not even three minutes to fix what you've missed in the last 45 years. " |
Failure is what happened, Not who you are. Anyone who attempts anything worthwhile while others are afraid to dare should be called 'a success'. Don't embody yourself and label yourself a 'failure' because you didn't meet up to your target or you made mistakes along the way. It is better to try and fail than not to try at all. The real failures are those who refuse to try anything for the fear of failing at something. So don't call your loss 'failure', Simply see it as 'unfinished success'. The great Winston Churchill once said, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that matters" Don't be afraid to fail, don't waste energy trying to cover up your failure, Learn from your failure and go on to the next challenge. IT'S OK. YOU'RE NOT FAILING, YOU'RE GROWING! After every defeat, don't bother to cry, Rise up on your feet, and give it one more try. For you are not a failure trying to succeed, YOU'RE A SUCCESS WORKING OUT THAT SUCCESS! |
Who says you cannot hold the moon in your hands? Don’t you know what you are made of? There is greatness inside of you, never let anyone belittle you. Aim high, farther than you can imagine, you can become because you were made for more. Let go of Doubts and every self-limiting beliefs, you are not what the world says you are, you are who God says you are. He says you are created for dominion, don’t look down on yourself. He says you are created for greatness, never you take yourself for granted. "Most people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss, but they aim too low and hit!" ~Les Brown You will always get what you aim at. Aim for greatness and settle for nothing less. Dream big, believe it and you will achieve it You are stronger than you think, more powerful than you can imagine. |
No one who set his mind to do something, something significant to his life and unique to his purpose and talents, and then looks back is fit to get the prize of greatness. Your glorious destiny is ahead, it will never be found behind you, So keep moving forward. Every new day, keep making progress. Look for what today has to offer, not what yesterday has taken away. The success or failures of the past is in the past, don't let it hold you back. There are new battles to fight, more mountains to climb, new frontiers to conquer, when you look back, you lose what is in front. Yes, as you move forward, You will surely meet obstacles on your path, Things will get difficult, sometimes you might encounter more failures than success. The road ahead will be filled with countless challenges, disappointments from men, new problems will arise, that's because you are going after a worthwhile cause. Sometimes, even your strength will fail you but that shouldn't stop you. If you truly believe in the beauty of your dream, You must do all that you must do, give it all that it takes, go through all that you need to go through until that dream comes true. Always remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr, "If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl but by all means, keep moving forward and never look back! N.B: Lot’s wife is a biblical character who was turned into a pillar of salt for looking back to see the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. |
Pay attention to gestures, not words. Gestures show, words seduce Daniela Husar |
To all the wonderful people in my life, this is my wish for you. . May you always have happiness to keep you smiling, trials to keep you strong, success to keep you confident, faith to keep you going, and believe that each day is a gift! |
Don't pray for an easy life, Instead pray for strength to go through a difficult one. Don't wish things were easier, things worth having will never be gotten easily. Work on yourself, become stronger, and go after what you want. The harder it is, the better you become. Don't always run from difficult things, the difficult things you're running from is what houses the treasure you seek. Nothing good in life comes easy, so grow stronger and go after all that you desire. Without problems and hardship on the way, Accomplishments has no value. If it costs nothing, it means nothing. |
There is no comparison between the sun and the star, they shine when it’s their time. No one is better than the other, no one life is the same, everyone function differently, everyone is unique in their own way. Your life is too precious to be lived based on how other’s life is. Because the grass is greener on the other side shouldn’t be an excuse to stop watering your grass. The more you compare your life with others doing better than you, the more sad you will become. The key to happiness is to work on being better than you were yesterday, not how someone else is today. We are all children of God, we are all going to be great, Whether you arrived early or late, in the end it will be worth the wait. Believe your time will come, let go of every form of fear, Stop comparing, start preparing, your time to shine is near. |
An elderly gentleman, about 80 years old, entered the waiting room. He had a wound on his thumb that needed to be examined. He immediately said he was in a hurry because he had a meeting at 9 p.m. I asked him to sit down and wait knowing it might be more than an hour before someone examined him. He kept looking at his watch. Since I had no other patients, I decided to examine him. I looked at his wound, and then talked to another doctor and got the necessary material to remove the sutures and heal the wound. As I healed his wound, I asked him why he was in such a hurry. It was weird to me because old people have a lot of time for everything they want. He replied that he was rushing to the nursing home for breakfast with his wife. I asked him how her health was. He told me that she had been there for a long time and that she had Alzheimer's disease. I was wondering if his wife would get angry if she was a little late… He replied that she no longer knew who he was and had not recognized him for five years. I was surprised and asked him, "And you still come to her every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?" He laughed, patted my hand and said: "She doesn't know me, but I know her„ " |
Remember, you are in control of your thoughts and how you feel. Choose happiness. Choose positivity over negativity. Choose laughter over anger. Choose to smile. Choose to live with more joy. The choice to be happy is all yours! |
Two men in prison shared the same cell. They had exactly the same conditions, but one was always in a good mood and the other constantly unhappy. - Why are you so sad? - asked the optimistic and satisfied one. - What will I look forward to? I just don’t have any luck in life. Until recently, I was free and had everything I wanted, spent my life in resorts, on trips… and now I am trapped here, while life passes - the unfortunate man replied. "And why are you so pleased?" - You see, I was in another, much worse prison recently. The food was bad, the cells horrible, and I had a roommate who was violent and constantly beat me, this here is a resort compared to the prison I was transferred from. Many of the prisoners there dream of being here, but only I got the transfer. Why wouldn't I be happy? Happiness is relative. For the sick, happiness is to be healthy. For one who is poor, happiness is wealth. The concept of happiness varies from person to person - everyone experiences it in their own way. |
The road that leads to success is always under construction, the discipline and commitment to the building is the difference between what becomes great and what remains small. For whatever you have the patience to build, always end up building you, whatever good thing you work on, will end up working for your good. Don't wait for problems to come before you start working, don't wait for the rain, before you build cover. It is what you've built that will come to your aid in the days of adversity, when you fail in the days of adversity, nobody made you fail, you failed because you've built nothing. Start building, Keep building, Whatever you consistently build, as long as it is on the right foundation; will always last and pass the test of time. There is always dignity in labor, get your hands dirty, put in the work, take no day off, soon all your efforts will pay off. Amid adversity lies opportunity, While others are playing, keep building. While others are partying, keep building. While others are sleeping, keep building. For whatever you have the patience to build, end up building you, whatever good things you work on will always end up working for your good. |
It's simple, be good for others. And if others aren't good to you, let them go. Don't seek revenge, or allow yourself to be put in a position that hurts your soul. Keep peace on your side. |
Between a thousand yesterdays and a million tomorrows, there's only one today... So count your blessings, begin and end each day with hope, joy, love and peace. . . Make the most of this day! |
Let go of "trying" to be perfect, let go of the the quest to be always loving, peaceful and happy... There is a misguided notion circulating that this is how enlightenment shows up. If you are occupying a human body, to experience just one side of the pole is impossible, we are a part of nature therefor not different from nature... We too must experience the sunny days and the stormy weather, we too are subject to the the polarities, the cycles and rhythms of change. There is a time for birthing, growth, flowering, decay, death, shedding and a time for composting in order to feed new life. To embody wholeness is to accept, fully feel and experience all that comes... The light and the dark, and in so doing raise our phoenix of peace, love and understanding from the flames of both pleasure and pain. Be the one who is courageous enough to be authentic... be the one that no longer sweeps the dirt under the carpet through misguided shame... Sweep it out into the open, feel it, accept it, reclaim the power that you have given it, absorb its wisdom and use it to fertilize your own self love. This is how we integrate all of our conflicting parts and embody wholeness. Let go of "trying" to be perfect, let go of the quest to be always loving, peaceful and happy... the art of nature therefore not different from nature... We too must experience the sunny days and the stormy weather, we too are subject to the polarities, the cycles and rhythms of change. ~ Caroline de Lisser |
• which cannot be bought or sold, • who are honest and honorable in the depths of their souls, • who are not afraid to call sin by its real name, • whose conscience is faithful to its duty as a magnetic needle to the pole, • who will remain on the side of righteousness even if heaven falls. Elen G. Whit |
In an interview, the journalist asked an elderly man who had been a shepherd all his life to tell her about an event in his life that he remembered. The old man began the story: “I was 20 and when I came across a puppy in the forest I took it to myself and adopted it. Months passed and the neighbors started telling me that she looked more and more like a wolf and that I needed to get rid of her. I was young and I didn’t want to listen to anyone, she was attached to me, wherever I went she would go with me and wait for me. And years have passed… We have been inseparable. One day when I was lying down in my sleep I heard some noise, growling and whining, while I came to myself and got up, everything fell silent, I went out and saw a whole flock of sheep slaughtered, and the wolf was sitting in blood and looking me straight in the eye, mixed fear and anger can be seen in her eyes. I ran into the house, took the rifle and without thinking I fired a few bullets into it. I didn’t know what to do with the sheep so I called the neighbors to take them away before the meat had spoiled. By sheltering the sheep, we found three slaughtered adult wolves among them and only then did I realize what I had done! I loved her so much, she risked her life to save the sheep from her species, other wolves, and I took her life, the old man said sadly with his head bowed ... This event taught me to never react recklessly and too quickly, because the consequences they can be large. |
I watched the ones I love the most in the world go away forever. I saw the ones I loved turning their backs on me. I also saw those who never loved me approaching me, quietly, on their toes. It was hard for me, I broke into pieces, so I put it together ... She was falling, getting up, crawling ... However, the worst thing for me was when I looked at the figure of an unknown woman in the mirror and begged her to give me back ... the old one ... The man survives everything, grits his teeth and forgives ... But surviving yourself in the worst moments and coping with yourself ... hard ... No waiting is harder than waiting to get back to yourself ... Marilyn Monroe |
Wisdom is not always expressed in the abundance of words but in the ability to exercise restraint when words aren't needed. Even a fool is considered to be wise when he keeps silent, and intelligent when he holds his tongue. The wise speak because they have something to say, fools speak because they have to say something. When you have nothing to say, it's wisdom to say nothing. |
They say that the director of one of the big companies survived on September 11 because he accompanied his son to kindergarten for the first time. Some man is alive because he has been standing in line at the station for a long time. Some woman was late for work because her alarm clock didn't ring. Someone was late because he was stuck in a traffic jam on a New Jersey highway. Someone’s waiter accidentally spilled coffee on his shirt before he left. He didn't start someone's car. Someone was stopped by a baby. The other could not catch a taxi. I pay special attention to a woman who was scratched by a shoe on the way to work and had to stop at a to buy patches. That’s why he enjoys life and grandchildren today! When all our little corners of the world happen and I get annoyed because I have to postpone something or I fail to get somewhere. The next time you think the day started tragically because the kids are slowly getting dressed, you can’t find the car keys, or your bus has escaped, don’t lose your nerve, maybe that’s just how it should have been. September 11, 2001. Let’s not forget. |
At 44, I started learning English. At 49, I created my own pantomime group. At 50, I entered the gym for the first time. When I was 57, I represented on stage and created a unique art form called “living sculpture”. At 70, I really started working on my body. At the age of 79, I climbed on the podium for the first time. I am now in my 80s and I still have plans. There are dreams I aspire to. Wang Deshun It is never too late for dreams, for a fulfilled life. The freest are those who truly rule themselves. Life is crazy and beautiful and full of possibilities. Grab them every day. |
We all have times when life seems hard, when we're frustrated and tired, and just want to hide away. It that's you now, don't worry. Every caterpillar has to rest to become a butterfly, and soon, you'll find your wings again. In the meantime, let the angels wrap you in theirs. You are so loved. |
It’s not about fancy restaurants and the best shopping. About brands of clothes, tuned cars and luxury travel. Life is about embracing after a hard day, about mutual support. About the strength we have together. About having someone to have tea or coffee with and rejoice in the success of another. Life is to have someone you can talk to, but if you need to you can be silent together. (Author unknown) |
The dog enters the butcher shop and the owner chases him outside. But the dog came back again. He looked at his boss and saw that the dog was holding a note in his teeth. He takes a note and it says: - "Pack a dog in a bag of half a kilo of sausages and half a kilo of beef. The money is there. " Open it when the money is inside. The butcher puts the required items in the bag, the dog grabbed the bag with his teeth and walked out of the store. Curious, the butcher locked the shop and followed the dog. This one came to the pedestrian crossing, waited for it to turn green, so he crossed the street. He reached the bus station. He waited for a bus and got on it. The butcher follows him. After a dozen stops, the dog comes down, and the butcher follows him. The dog crosses the street again, comes to a house, so he starts scratching at the door. No one opens, so the dog jumps to the side several times and starts scratching the window. Only then does the boss come out, take the bag from the dog and start yelling at him. The butcher rebels: - "What are you yelling at the dog, so this dog is super smart, he could be on television! " - "He's smart?" says the boss. - "For the second time this week, he's forgetting the key!" |
One day, a mouse watched through a crack in the wall of a farmer and his wife as they opened a package. What kind of food could that contain? he wondered. But when he discovered it was a mousetrap, he was horrified. Running through the yard, he warned the others: “There is a mousetrap in the house! There's a mousetrap in the house! ” The hen said, "Mr. Mouse, that's a serious problem for you, but it's not really affecting me," and kept boiling and rummaging in the yard. The mouse turned to the pig and shouted, “The mousetrap is in the house! The mousetrap is in the house! ” The pig sympathized: “I am very sorry, Mr. Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it. Fortunately, it's none of my business. ” The mouse then moves towards the cow: “The mousetrap is in the house! The mousetrap is in the house! " The cow said, "Oh, Mr. Mouse, I'm sorry about you, but my nose won't lose skin." So the mouse returned with its head bowed to the house to face the mousetrap on its own. That night a strange sound was heard of a mousetrap catching its prey The farmer's wife hurried to see what had been caught. In the dark, she didn't see the mousetrap catch the tail of the venomous snake. The snake bit her. The farmer quickly drove her to the hospital and returned home with a fever. We know the fever was treated with fresh chicken broth, so the farmer slaughtered the chicken. But his wife’s illness continued so they came to visit friends and neighbors. To feed them, the farmer slaughtered a pig. Unfortunately, the woman did not recover. So many people came to her funeral, that the farmer had to slaughter a cow to provide enough meat for all of them. The mouse watched everything with great sadness through the crack in the wall. So, the next time you hear someone face a problem and you think it's none of your business, remember - when one of us is in danger, we are all in danger. |
Thought changes structure… I've seen people change their brains with thoughts, to heal a previously incurable obsession and trauma, says Norman Doidge, a psychiatrist and author of The Self-Changing Brain. The human brain is incredibly flexible. It can be shaped almost like plasticine, only with a little more time and effort. In the last 20 years, thanks to rapid developments in brain imaging and neuroscience, it can now be said with certainty that the brain is capable of reengineering - and that we are engineers ourselves. To a large extent, neuroplasticity - a general term that describes permanent changes in the brain during human life - is a great thing. Here are some reasons why: We can increase our intelligence. We can learn new skills that can change our lives. We can recover from certain types of brain damage. We can increase emotional intelligence. We can get rid of harmful behaviors, beliefs, and habits. On the other hand, we can redesign our brain upwards! Fortunately, thanks to our ability to let go of harmful behaviors, beliefs, and habits, we can always get back on track. Beliefs change the brain Donald Hebb, an early pioneer of neurolasticity and neuropsychology, said that neurons that function together are interconnected. Dr. Michael Merzenich, who is perhaps the world’s most famous neuroscientist today, upgraded Hebb’s work, proving the relationship between thought and structural changes in the brain. Our experiences, behavior, thinking, habits and the way you react are inseparable from how our brain is shaped. Negative habits change our brain upwards. Positive habits change our brain for the better. Moaning and changes in the brain How does negative behavior such as whining change the structure of the brain? We all know someone who is always negative. A person who seems never satisfied. Negative people almost always complain about something. Worse, people who are constantly whining are not content to keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves, but are looking for some reluctant listener. Undoubtedly, they irritate their friends and family, but they should not be blamed but understood. We all complain about something from time to time. In fact, researchers at Clemson University have empirically proven that we all grumble from time to time. Some just do it more often than others. Some people complain in order to attract attention in this way and always think about how it is harder for them than for others. Some are chronically dissatisfied. If they are not talking about their problem, then they are probably thinking about it. Psychologists call this compulsive behavior rumination, which is defined as repetitive thinking about a problem without end. Rumination is, unfortunately, directly related to the depressed and anxious brain. People who constantly complain have a lower emotional coefficient, which is necessary to understand emotions. They are not interested in your point of view, thoughts or feelings. They will use every opportunity to annoy you. Is the brain to blame? The answer is mostly - yes. Most negative people don’t want to feel this way. Who would want to? Harmful behavior such as whining, if we allow it to take place continuously in the brain, will inevitably alter thought processes. Altered thoughts lead to altered beliefs, which leads to changes in behavior. Our brain by nature tends to focus more on negative circumstances than on positive ones. Dr. Rick Hanson, a neuroscientist and author of Buddha’s Brain, explains it this way: Negative stimuli produce more neural activity than equally intense positive stimuli. They are also easier and faster to spot. Repetition is the mother of knowledge. When we repeat the focus on the negative, complaining constantly, we use the neurons responsible for the negative tendency. So we create negative behavior through repetition. It is not possible to be happy and positive all the time, nor should it be tried. However, we need to take concrete steps to combat negative thinking. Research shows that meditation is one way. |
The days when you realize you are powerless and limited. And you cry. And you break. It doesn't matter to you anything but to get up, to be like before again. And only later, when everything is over, you realize that neither you nor anything around you is the same. That you got a second look. And it can never be like before. And it's good that it's not. You realize that all the weight of life that was and follows is not in vain. The only battles you fight are the ones with yourself, when you are struggling to become a better man. You realize you’re misunderstood, that you can’t talk to a friend you’ve talked to before. One about wars, the other about the stars. We look at each other, we don't know if we're still on the same street. We are not. But we are in the same world. Which we have to go through, each on his own path. I hope we meet again in the end. And that our hands won't hurt from the luggage we carry. Because on the way to the Goal, we will realize that it is superfluous. Ana Jusić |
“The only way we can live is to grow. The only way we can grow is to change. The only way we can change is to learn. The only way we can learn is to be committed. And the only way to be committed is to open up. “- |
“I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think that’s the thing I love the most, laughing. Laughter cures a multitude of diseases. That's probably the most important thing about a person. " Audrey Hepburn |
People will want to teach you how to hate, but you teach to forgive and love others. People will want to teach you how to hurt another, but you teach how to help another and how to be a good person. People will want to teach you how to deceive another, but you teach how to live in truth and how to be grateful for what you have. People will want to teach you many bad things, but you teach to do only what your heart tells you is good. People will teach you to appreciate another man for his outward beauty. And that he is valuable who is young, athletically built, has a lot of friends, rich, but you see if he has a good heart and nothing more. Do not listen to the advice of people who live in fear, anger and jealousy. Don't worry about them. Let them not love you for what you are, let them criticize you, let them laugh at you. Let them do it. What they do does not belong to you, but will return to them. Be free, be your own and develop your sensitivity, your passion and make your dreams come true. And as for beauty, ... a man of good heart, no matter what he looks like and what he has, is the most beautiful man in the world. |
. The world, no matter who you are, will always highlight your weaknesses, shortcomings and mistakes. Some people are just like that, "friendly", towards you, don't let that discourage you. Instead of looking in the mirror and dealing with their lives, they prefer to rummage through other people’s lives and hide their trash under the carpet. They have a need to tell you their opinion from above, even though no one has asked them to, they belittle your every step and discourage your decisions. Just let them go ... Don't apologize for what you are, because the world doesn't know your pains, fears, joys, failures, successes ... It doesn't know how much you sacrificed to be here where you are now. The world just condemns you and drags you down and will never change, so don’t worry, relax and do your own thing - you’ll never be able to please everyone anyway. The most important thing is to be a man who is happy with what he has become. A good man, a man who does not oppress others and does not interfere in other people's lives, except with a sincere intention to help them even when he is welcome. Happy is the man who lives his life. All that was left were words in the wind. Words that are usually worth nothing ... Be your own, because that is how you are most valuable. (Author unknown) |
Love God and live according to His plans and purpose for your life, and you are guaranteed a life of constant victory. With God on your side, you've already won the battle even before the fight begins. With God on your side, your worries is a waste of time, He will do that for you. Therefore you must not lose hope, though there are troubles all around, and your back is against the wall, but God got your back, and He will work things out. Though darkness seems to have prevailed, but light has come, it's a new beginning for you. Though the problem seems lasting, but you can never lack, because the everlasting God got your back. Never lose hope, when you are down to nothing, remember God is up to something. You think you are finished, and the battle is lost? No, just trust, since God is involved, It is just a bend, this is not how your story will end. God knows the end, He is the beginning and the end, you don't need worry or be afraid, He already promised you victory, and His promise is all you need. Go through your tough times, go through your challenges with peace in your heart, because in the end you will win. You are destined for dominion, you are born to win. When you think it's over, that's when God takes over. |
In every given moment in time, you have the power to say, "This is not how my story will end!" You have no control over whatever life throws at you but you have absolute control over what you choose to do with it. You have the power to choose what you will make of it. MAN DID NOT CREATE HIS CIRCUMSTANCES, BUT MAN HAS ABSOLUTE POWER TO MAKE HIS CIRCUMSTANCES; whether good or bad, WORK FOR HIM. Now, will you keep complaining about how unfair life is to you Or will you start working on bringing out the best from what you've been given? Wherever you are in your life right now, your decision brought you there, whether you intentionally chose it or not, your action or inaction is a decision on it's own. Wherever you want to go, it's also your decision that will take you there. God created you and handed control to you, He built you and gave you the keys. If you ask, He can tell you what to do but He will never choose what you do for you. The decision is up to you. He can direct you on where to go but He won't control where you go, that's up to you. You can't blame God. He will do His part, but you also got to do yours. He is always on your side, you can choose to be on His side or not. Whatever you decide to do with your life, the whole story is the same, you have only yourself to blame. IN THE END, THE CHOICE IS ALWAYS YOURS. What you choose to do or not do determines how your life ends. |
Amy Beth Gardner, on the eve of the start of the school year, decided to teach her daughter one thing. She told her to sit down, take the toothpaste and squeeze it onto a plate. She did not do it out of boredom, but to prepare her daughter before going to school and she learned one important life lesson. "My daughter is going to school tomorrow. We bought new uniforms, arranged her closet and surprised her with a new backpack. But tonight, before going to bed, we did another task, much more important than the others, ”Amy wrote next to a photo of a plate of toothpaste. “After Breonna squeezed all the toothpaste out of the tube, I told her to put all the toothpaste back in the tube. She said, ‘But I can’t,’ and ‘It won’t be the same as before.’ I waited for him to say everything he had, and then I said. ‘You will remember this toothpaste for the rest of your life. Your words have the power of life and death. When you go to school, you will realize the weight of your words. You will have the opportunity to utter words that will hurt, humiliate, slander someone. You will also have the opportunity to use words that will heal others, encourage, inspire, show them that you love them. Just like toothpaste, once they come out of your mouth, you can’t put them back. Choose your words carefully, Breonna. When others don't care what they say, be the one to choose what they say. Every morning, choose to let only positive words come out of your mouth. Let people know you by your tenderness and compassion. Use your life to breathe life into the world that needs it so desperately. You will never, ever regret choosing your kindness. ” |
Nothing in your life has happened TO you. It has happened FOR you. Every disappointment. Every wrong. Even every closed door ... has helped make you into who you are. |
We live in a generation where people desire the fruits that grow on a tree but neglects the seeds they have in their hands. You want more but you've not used the little you have. You're not managing it effectively, how then will more be added? To do great things, do the little things well. To get more, do more with the little you currently have. Your cup will never be full if you keep wasting every drop that comes. Manage it well, more will be added and in time your cup will be full even to overflowing. Many are so much focused on the big things that they let the little things in their hands die out of neglect. They end up losing the little things and as a result miss out on the big things they longed for. No matter how little It is, use what you have, for what you have is more than enough for the moment. I know you want more and with time you will get it if only you use the little well. It's the little things that birth the big things. If you can't do the little things right, you will never be able to do the big things right. So what are you doing with the little in your hands? The relationships, the money, the business, the job, the position, the opportunities, the skills, and talents... Are you wasting them because they are not enough or are you using and wisely investing them to build capacity for more? Take advantage of what you have, treasure what's in your hands, for what you care for grows and whatever you neglect dies. Don't wait till the end of your life to realize how time flies and how the little things you took for granted are where the big things actually lies. |
You don't decide your future, you decide your habits, and your habits decide your future. You must understand that you become what you repeatedly do. Whatever it is you do, if you do it long enough, you will become very good at it. Whatever you become good at has the power to lift you up or cast you down, it can empower you or destroy you. You choose. Choose what you do carefully, you can tell what you will become. You can predict your future simply by observing what you do daily. Choose your habits wisely, again I say, they create your future. You are a creature of habits, to live the life God has destined you to live, you must intentionally break negative habits, and embrace the positive ones. If there is anything I have learned from life, it is that you can make anything happen, if you do it long enough. |
When our time on Earth is through, money or material things will not matter. But the love, time and kindness we've given others will shine and live on forever. |
As long as we have memories, yesterday remains. As long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits. As long as we have love, today is beautiful. |
In the time between the continuous "Mamaaaaa!", living together on the toilet, constant wiping of the nose, your cry of fatigue, rolling your eyes from exhaustion, blissful feeling of peace when you are close… Among all these extremes of everyday life, your connection is born. A connection that binds you to the years to come. The basis for your evening conversations over tea, serious discussions about important decisions, moments when you will mend a broken heart together, the sincere need of your child, that you will ALWAYS stand by him in the joyful and difficult moments of life. It’s all being born right now. An invisible thread of love, intimacy and trust which you create is born, grows and it will intertwine your hearts. Every day. Forever. (Author unknown) |
-Barb Schmidt We can dislike someone and still be the highest version of ourselves and be kind. This doesn’t mean be a door mat, or feel the need to spend time with them, it means hold the door when they’re about to walk in behind you, offer a napkin if they’ve spilled something, give them directions to the nearest coffee shop when asked. Disliking someone, or disagreeing with people doesn’t mean we need to be unkind. Be you. Be kind. Show up in your life with grace and in alignment with your integrity and full humanity. This is your superpower. |
Make a list of the things that bring you joy and make you feel connected. Like calling a friend, walk in nature, taking a bath, reading a good book, watching a funny movie, or doing some stretching exercises. Often when we move the body we feel better instantly. Use this list when you begin to feel lonely. Remember feelings come and go, they do not last unless you feed them with negative, false thoughts that end up making them grow bigger than needed. Feel the feeling of loneliness, ask yourself what could help you in the moment, take out your list and do one of those things. Often the feeling will pass. Never reach back to a person who has caused you suffering, and ultimately you ended up losing yourself in the relationship. If you connect with the "poisonous person" you may feel a very brief temporary relief, and then a deeper loneliness will set in, and you will ultimately feel very angry with yourself. Have a go-to list when loneliness creeps in. Be prepared. ~xoxo Michelle & Barb |
The Story: There was once a man who lived with his three sons. His sons were hard workers, but they constantly fought with each other. Even though the man continuously tried to help his sons make peace with each other, he was never successful. In fact, their fighting got to a point where their neighbors would make fun of them. Eventually, the father became ill. He begged his sons to learn how to work together because of his impending death, but they didn’t listen. The father then decided to teach his sons a practical lesson to help his sons forget their differences and become a united team. The father called his sons and said, “I’ll give you each an equal collection of sticks to break in half. Whoever breaks the sticks the fastest will be rewarded.” After agreeing to the task, the father gave each of his sons 10 sticks and instructed them to break each stick in half. This task took the sons mere minutes to complete, but once they were finished, they started to fight about who finished first. The father said, “Dear sons, the task isn’t finished. Now I’ll give each of you 10 more sticks, however, you must break the sticks in half as a bundle rather than snapping each one separately.” His sons agreed and attempted to do what he had asked. They each tried their best, but none could break the bundle in half. They told their father that they had failed. In response, their father said, “See, it was easy to break the sticks in half individually, but you couldn’t break all 10 of them at the same time. Similarly, if the three of you stay united as a team, nobody will be able to harm you. However, if you fight all the time, anyone will be able to defeat you. Please come together as a united team.” This lesson helped the man’s sons understand the power of being a team and promised their father that, moving forward, they would work together as a team, no matter what the situation was. The Moral: Being an effective member of a team helps contribute to the overall moral and motivation of the team. Strong teams are naturally aligned to work harder, support each other, and be cooperative with working toward a mutual goal. Individuals each have diverse talents, strengths, and weaknesses to contribute to teamwork, so staying focused on the task at hand rather than allowing personal disputes to get in the way will help you achieve your desired results. |
"Grandma how do you deal with pain?" "With your hands, dear. When you do it with your mind, the pain hardens even more." “With your hands, grandma?" "Yes, yes. Our hands are the antennas of our Soul. When you move them by sewing, cooking, painting, touching the earth or sinking them into the earth, they send signals of caring to the deepest part of you and your Soul calms down. This way she doesn't have to send pain anymore to show it. "Are hands really that important?" "Yes my girl. Think of babies: they get to know the world thanks to their touch. When you look at the hands of older people, they tell more about their lives than any other part of the body. Everything that is made by hand, so it is said, is made with the heart because it really is like this: hands and heart are connected. Think of lovers: When their hands touch, they love each other in the most sublime way." "My hands grandma... how long since I used them like that!" "Move them my love, start creating with them and everything in you will move. The pain will not pass away. But it will be the best masterpiece. And it won't hurt as much anymore, because you managed to embroider your Essence.”~ |
One of the greatest gifts you can bestow upon another. If someone is in need, lend them a helping hand. Do not wait for a thank you. True kindness lies within the act of giving without the expectation of something in return. |
I struggled to allow myself to rest for a very long time. I've always been VERY GOOD at being busy. I used to wear “busy” like a badge of honor - as evidence that my life was full. As a very ambitious woman, resting would make me feel guilty and lazy. Having a "full" life made me feel good about myself. But, in reality, I was overachieving things I didn't even wanted. I wanted to create and share and express so much from my heart space, but I used to feel so drained that my mind was completely burned out. Sometimes, even just entertaining the idea of being creative would create overwhelm. YET, I couldn't stop DOING. Achieving. Being productive. I felt it was my responsibility. I felt it was my duty, what I had to do to be accepted and valued as a human being. I wasn't spending much time on things I loved to do (mostly creative stuff). I wasn't expressing myself in anyway that was truly, really, ONLY MINE. I was draining my creative energy to do something that honestly, deep down, I had zero connection with. It wasn't mine. It wasn't authentic. It was almost being squeezed out of me. And, instead of slowing down to create more time, I kept speeding up, believing that the only way to finally get some free time was to be faster and more efficient. Then... I understood I had to slow down, instead of speeding up. And that's when my creativity really started to bloom. |
You have to decide who you want to be, the kind of life you want to live, then say no to everything which isn't what you see. The first step in getting what you want from life is deciding what you want. Every path might appeal to you, but not every path is destined for you. You will never reach your destination if you are yet to decide where you are going and what it takes to get there. The minute you decide who you want to be, and where you want to go, your world shifts in the direction of that decision. |
The path with no obstacles most likely leads nowhere. There is no victory without a fight, there is no star without a scar. A difficult path always leads to a glorious end. Obstacles are often a stepping stone, they are designed to make you stronger. The more you overcome them, the stronger you become. You can climb it, go through it, or go around it, but never turn back. There is gain at the end, don't run from the pain. |
One day at a time is all we need to deal with. We can't go back to yesterday, and we can't control tomorrow. So live for today, and be thankful! |
Learn from your failure, try a different approach. It's not always our failure that weary us but our receptiveness to change. Doing the same thing over and over again only guarantees the same result. If you want something different, you will have to do something different. Whether you like it or not, the world is changing, you either become an agent of change or a victim of change, the choice is yours and whether you choose or not, change is here to stay. This new month can be the month you have always been praying for, where your long-lasting problems are solved, but that will only happen if you have the courage and the humility to let go of the old, and embrace the new. Change can be difficult, but it can change everything for you. It can move you forward in life, if only you dare to try. Repetition is easy, change is hard. It's not enough to be busy, it's progress that makes one glad. |
I have long believed that there is no good man, although we all regularly use this and similar phrases. What does it even mean to be a good man? Is he a man with more quality and "good" qualities? Some will consider a good man one who is compassionate and kind to everyone, while others consider one who, say, has raised children well or has dedicated his entire life to orphans and the adoption of abandoned animals. Others think that a good one is one who is dedicated to his parents or one who has never quarreled with anyone. What would our people say? ” He didn't step on an ant either! ” Does that angel have something "devilish" in him? Does it have any socially undesirable traits? Is he good to himself? Can someone who is not good to himself be a good man? Can a good man have conflicts? Does he have to be good to everyone? A man who does not please the people or "cares too much about himself" is by default bad, unscrupulous? There are many questions. Can a "good man" put himself first in his life? Isn’t the point of life to make others happy? Is a good man allowed to balance and be important to himself in order to be good to others? There are many questions. Does kindness depend on circumstances, priorities, knowledge, capacity? Do we receive instruction for life at birth? "Do this and that, and you'll be a bad man!" "Don't do this and that, and you'll be a good man!" Where does it say that? There are many questions. We are all good and bad. An angel and a devil sleep in each of us. Let us awaken them as needed, according to the demands we have on ourselves, the world, or other people. When the angels sleep in us, it does not mean that we are bad, but that we need a reset. You need to communicate your desires, needs, dreams, redefine priorities, live in balance, dedicate yourself to mental hygiene. Maybe he is a good man - one who lives in harmony with himself, who has given meaning and significance to his life, even though he has not been instructed to do the same. How can someone be good and not have a "guide to life?" And how can he be good and sometimes do bad things? Doesn’t that come bundled with the devil? There are many questions. The answers are hidden where the devil sleeps. |
One day a snake entered a carpentry workshop. As she dragged herself, she accidentally scratched herself on the saw. She got scared and started biting the saw. She was bleeding harder and harder. Confused and panicked, she wrapped herself around the saw and wanted to suffocate with her body. As she squeezed the saw harder and harder, her wounds grew deeper. Eventually she bled to death. When someone hurts us in life, we too can fall into the trap and want to take revenge and retaliate with the same measure, thus deepening our wounds even more. It is much harder to forgive, but forgiveness is the only right way to heal our wounds. "My revenge is forgiveness" and St. In the Epistle to the Romans, Paul calls us: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Rom 12:21). |