Through your own decisions and not your conditions, you can begin to create a better life for yourself.
Until a decision is made, nothing happens, your life remains the same, and you have only yourself to blame.
Anyone can change, anything can change, it all begins with a decision to change. The proof that you have truly decided is seen by the actions you begin to take in line with your decision.
Once you've decided, things begin to fall in place to bring your desires to you. The world let you pass, even obstacles give way, once it is proven that you know where you are going and you have decided to get there at all cost.
Starting from today, decide what you want for your life, take action on what you've decided, and make the rest of your life the best of your life.
Today is the best time to decide, the new year of your life is not always in the beginning of the year, but it is in that moment you decide to begin a new life, a life you are destined to live.