There is one African tribe that cherishes one of the most beautiful customs in the world. Namely, if it happens that one of the members of the tribe does something wrong and bad, they do not condemn that person. On the contrary, they try to help her, make it easier and remind her how much she is really worth, all in a very specific and touching way. They come for the person who sinned, take her to the center of the village, where the whole tribe then gathers and everyone spends the next two days talking to that person about all the good she has achieved and done in life. This unusual tribe believes that every human being is born as good, and that each of us wants only security, peace, happiness and love. But sometimes, in the search for these blessings, people make mistakes that this community actually sees as a cry for help from the one who makes them. Because of that, they unite in order to encourage him, to lift him up, to reconnect him with his true nature, to remind him of what he really is! They help their neighbor until he realizes the truth he forgot when he sinned, and it is "I am good." “Shikoba Nabajyotisaikia” is one of the greetings that have always lived in this tribe. “NABAJYOTISAIKIA” is a compliment that is common in South Africa, meaning “I respect you”. I nurture you. You mean me! ” In response, people usually pronounce "SHIKOBA" which translates as "I, therefore, exist for you!". |