Objavljeno: ponedjeljak, 09.02.2009. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Lutajući bespućima interneta, naletio sam i na ovu problematiku. Knjiga koja JE u Hrvatskoj prije tjedan-dva dana digla veliku prašinu ipak je možda na kraju samo obična - fikcija.

"Dnevnik Ane Frank"

Ta je knjiga prodavana i predstavljana kao izvorni dnevnik židovske djevojke Ane Frank, koja je umrla u nacističkom logoru nakon 2 godine mučenja.

Puno nas je knjigu pročitalo i uglavnom nam se urezala u sjećanje i duboko nas je dirnula njena priča. No, nikada se nitko od nas nije pitao, da li se možda radilo o fikciji?

Kako je Švedski Fri Ord u svoja dva velika članka komentirao „Dnevnik Ane Frank“, pojavio se sumarum ta dva članka u „Economic Council Letter“-u, 15. travnja 1959., gdje je jedan od osvrta bio:

„History has many examples of myths that live a longer and richer life than truth. and may become more effective than truth.“


„Any informed literary inspection of this book has shown it to have been impossible as the work of a teenager.“

New York Supreme Court dosudio je 1962. da otac Ane Frank, plati poznatom američkom piscu židovskog porijekla Meyer Levin-u, 50 000$ kao honorar za knjigu „Dnevnik Ane Frank“.

Gospodin Otto Frank pristao je na isplatu tog iznosa, jer je godinama koristio Levinovu kreaciju i prodavao ju kao originalne zapise svoje kčerke.

Cijela stvar je dobro zataškana i bilo kakav pokušaj dokazivanja istinitosti iste bila je prozivana anti-semitizmom i gadno osuđivana.

„File number 2241-1956 in the New York County Clerk’s office should be opened to the public view and its content thoroughly publicized. Misrepresentation, exaggeration, and falsification has too often colored the judgment of good citizens. If Mr. Frank used the work of Meyer Levin to present to the world what we have been led to believe is the literary work of his daughter, wholly or in part, then the truth should be exposed.“

Predstavljati fikciju kao stvaran događaj, uvijek je bila stvar za osudu, pa tako i u ovom slučaju.

"In 1980, Otto sued two Germans, Ernst Romer and Edgar Geiss, for distributing literature denouncing the diary as a forgery. The trial produced a study by official German handwriting experts that determined everything in the diary was written by the same person. The person that wrote the diaries had used a ballpoint pen throughout. Unfortunately for Herr Frank, the ballpoint pen was not available until 1951 whereas Anne was known to have died of typhus in 1944.

Because of the lawsuit in a German court, the German state forensic bureau, the Bundes Kriminal Amt [BKA] forensically examined the manuscript, which at that point in time consisted of three hardbound notebooks and 324 loose pages bound in a fourth notebook, with special forensic equipment.

The results of tests, performed at the BKA laboratories, showed that “significant” portions of the work, especially the fourth volume, were written with a ballpoint pen. Since ballpoint pens were not available before 1951, the BKA concluded those sections must have been added subsequently.

In the end, BKA clearly determined that none of the diary handwriting matched known examples of Anne's handwriting. The German magazine, Der Spiegel, published an account of this report alleging that (a) some editing postdated 1951; (b) an earlier expert had held that all the writing in the journal was by the same hand; and thus (c) the entire diary was a postwar fake.

The BKA information, at the urgent request of the Jewish community, was redacted at the time but later inadvertently released to researchers in the United States."

Cijela priča, doduše na engleskom, može se naći na ovom linku: The Anne Frank Diary Fraud

No, kako stvari stoje, morat ćemo se još malo strpiti do objavljivanja prave istine o Ani Frank, a do tada najviše podataka koje sam našao nalaze se ovdje: Documents on Anne Frank and her Diary


Baš svratih kod feby, pa vidjeh da nisam samo na njenom popisu "banned" (kakav je do sada bio), nego je popis proširen na: UGLY, DIRTY, BAD & BANNED. Za one koji muče muku sa engleskim, prijevod bi bio: Ružni, prljavi, zli i zabranjeni. Kako ta uvreda stiže s njene strane, prihvatit ću to ipak kao - kompliment. ;)

Ovo sam natrkeljao 09.02.2009. u 17:35 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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