Objavljeno: petak, 30.06.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Upišite ovo u Google: FAILURE

Have a nice day :)

Ovo sam natrkeljao 30.06.2006. u 18:10 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi GOOGLE IT: izjasnili su se:


Is It Raining Aliens?

Nearly 50 tons of mysterious red particles showered India in 2001. Now the race is on to figure out what the heck they are

By Jebediah Reed | June 2006

As bizarre as it may seem, the sample jars brimming with cloudy, reddish rainwater in Godfrey Louis’s laboratory in southern India may hold, well, aliens. In April, Louis, a solid-state physicist at Mahatma Gandhi University, published a paper in the prestigious peer-reviewed journal Astrophysics and Space Science in which he hypothesizes that the samples—water taken from the mysterious blood-colored showers that fell sporadically across Louis’s home state of Kerala in the summer of 2001—contain microbes from outer space.

Specifically, Louis has isolated strange, thick-walled, red-tinted cell-like structures about 10 microns in size. Stranger still, dozens of his experiments suggest that the particles may lack DNA yet still reproduce plentifully, even in water superheated to nearly 600ÚF. (The known upper limit for life in water is about 250ÚF.) So how to explain them? Louis speculates that the particles could be extraterrestrial bacteria adapted to the harsh conditions of space and that the microbes hitched a ride on a comet or meteorite that later broke apart in the upper atmosphere and mixed with rain clouds above India. If his theory proves correct, the cells would be the first confirmed evidence of alien life and, as such, could yield tantalizing new clues to the origins of life on Earth.

cijeli tekst

Ovo sam natrkeljao 30.06.2006. u 14:20 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi VANZEMALJCI SU STIGLI izjasnili su se:


Mnoge organizacije, uključujući i proizvođače mobilnih telefona skrivaju podatke o riziku od moždanih bolesti, koje mogu nastati kao posledica korištenja mobilnih telefona. Prikazuju se rezultati kratkoročnih istraživanja, na temelju kojih nije moguće dokazati povezanost tumora na mozgu i mobilnih telefona, koji se razvijaju dugoročno.

Da budemo iskreni, nitko zapravo ne zna koliko štete može nanjeti korištenje mobilnih telefona.

No, nedavno je New Media izašla sa jednim zanimljivim eksperimentom. Pomoću dva mobitela uspjeli su skuhati jaje! U eksperimentu istraživači su postavili dva mobitela, jedan naspram drugog i između njih postavili jaje u porculanski držač. Sa jednog mobitela nazvali su drugi i pustili vezu otvorenu.

Prvih 15 minuta ništa se nije događalo. Nakon 25 minuta jaje se počelo grijati, a nakon 40 minuta površina jajeta postala je tvrda i sjajna. Istraživači su ustanovili da su proteini u jajetu poprimili tvrdu strukturu, iako je ukupna unutrašnjost jajeta još uvijek bila u tekućem stanju. Nakon 65 minuta jaje je bilo tvrdo kuhano.

UPOZORENJE: Djeci koja su još u procesu rasta strogo bi trebalo biti zabranjeno korištenje mobilnih aparata, jer je njihov mozak koji je još u rastu jako ranjiv naspram tih zračenja.

Ovo sam natrkeljao 30.06.2006. u 13:23 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi KUHANJE JAJETA - MOBITELOM izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: četvrtak, 29.06.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Uhvatim sebe kako u slobodno vrijeme razmišljam o jednoj situaciji sa posla. Inače mi se to baš i ne događa. Kada zatvorim vrata za sobom, vraća se onaj osjećaj mira i slobode, onaj osjećaj koji sam imao kao nezaposleni zgubidan koji je netom završio srednju školu. Nekaj si brijem da u prirodi čovjeka nije da radi jer mora, nego da radi jer to voli. No, kak je – tak je. Dozvolili smo im da nas programiraju, da nas uvjere u ovu stvarnost i da nas uvjere da nam je puno "stvari" prijeko potrebno. Ja se osobno još dosta dobro hrvam sa svime time. Nisam u kreditima i nemam nekih velikih prohtjeva u svezi glede posjedovanja "stvari". S te strane još uvijek me ne mogu zaplašiti prijetnjama o otkazu (ili ne-produženju ugovora), jer još uvijek posjedujem svoj život. Moj život nije u rukama banaka i korporacija, kao životi 90% ljudi koje poznajem. Zato ne moram razmišljati u svoje slobodno vrijeme o poslu, jer me za njega ništa ne veže. Nisu bitno uzročno-posljedično vezani za moj život. Mogu uvijek izdržati sa lovom koju imam dok si ne nađem nešto drugo. I zato u svoje slobodno vrijeme volim razmišljati o svemu drugom, samo ne o poslu.

No, kada sam na poslu, onda sam na poslu. Mrzim što tamo moram biti 8 sati, a da mi vrijeme brže prođe – radim. Ne mogu razumjeti ljude koji na poslu – ne rade ili se trude raditi što manje. Pojma nemam što si ti ljude vrte kroz glavu dok – ne rade. O čemu briju dok glume da – rade? Što rade, dok - ne rade? Pojma nemam. Gledam ih svaki dan i čudim se. Ja – radim. Budući da svoj posao uvijek napravim, uzmem si za pravo tu i tamo uzeti barem 10 minuta duži "gablec". Ali – Ne! Jučer me dočekala šefica na ulazu u zgradu i pita me; "Kolega, koliko traje pauza?". "Pola sata", odgovorim. "A koliko dugo ste vi bili?". "40 minuta", odgovorim i vidim onaj pobjednički osmjeh na njenom licu. Pa si mislim, ma pucketa mi, biti ću na pauzi ubuduće 30 minuta, samo me jedna stvar muči. Što ću raditi – dok ne budem radio? Jer, život uvijek mora biti – u ravnoteži. Čisti - Zen. Blah!!!

Ovo sam natrkeljao 29.06.2006. u 21:25 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi ZEN I JA izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: utorak, 27.06.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Pojma nemam koje je pasmine, znam samo da je žut i da je štene...razigran i podosta poslušan. Vidi se da je bio sa ljudima.

Ako netko ima ideju čiji je, neka se javi...nađen je u Kustošiji.

Sutra ujutro bum ga vodil kod lokalnog vet-a, možda bu znal čiji je...

APDEJT 27/06/2006

Jutros sam uslikao malu i složio flyer u Word-u te ga zakeljio na banderu na lokalnoj autobusnoj stanici.

Negdje oko 13:00, zazvonio mi je mob. Javila se jedna malo starija gospođa i pitala me da li je pas još uvijek kod mene. Pao mi je kamen sa srca. Rekao sam da je mala OK, te da ju može doći pokupiti....tako i bi. rofl

Ovo sam natrkeljao 27.06.2006. u 00:32 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi NAĐEN PAS-KUSTOŠIJA!!! izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: ponedjeljak, 26.06.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Ovo sam natrkeljao 26.06.2006. u 18:08 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi WANTED - DEAD OR ALIVE!!! izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: petak, 23.06.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg



Ovo sam natrkeljao 23.06.2006. u 21:35 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED izjasnili su se:


Probaj OVDJE. naughty

Ovo sam natrkeljao 23.06.2006. u 15:59 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi ONLINE ANAGRAM izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: četvrtak, 22.06.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg

Ovo sam natrkeljao 22.06.2006. u 21:45 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi izjasnili su se:


"I have never seen... double and triple cancers in one patient... My wife has nine members of her family with cancer"-- Iraqi doctor.

When anyone makes nuclear energy or nuclear weapons, a massive amount of radioactive waste is created. In the U.S., Depleted Uranium is harnessed by the government as a component for bombs, shells and automatic weapons bullets.

Nuclear waste remains radioactive for billions of years, contaminating ground, water and air, causing cancer, birth defects and death, although DU is allegedly "safe" for humans, according to Pentagon scientists (irony being the weapons are still meant to kill).

D.U. is now everywhere in Iraq: (and much of Aghanistan) bullets made with uranium lay in the residential streets, neighborhoods in Baghdad and Fallujah have been bombed with uranium weapons... and doctors in Iraq have taken notice:

"Two strange phenomena have come about in Basra which I have never seen before.... double and triple cancers in one patient. We had one patient with 2 cancers one in his stomach and kidney. Months later...cancer was developing in his other kidneyhe had three different cancer types. The second is the clustering of cancer in families. We have 58 families here with more than one person affected by cancer. Dr Yasin, a general Surgeon here has two uncles, a sister and cousin affected with cancer. Dr Mazen, another specialist, has six family members suffering from cancer. My wife has nine members of her family with cancer.

"Children in particular are susceptible to DU poisoning. They have a much higher absorption rate as their blood is being used to build and nourish their bones and they have a lot of soft tissues. Bone cancer and leukemia used to be diseases affecting them the most, however, cancer of the lymph system which can develop anywhere on the body, and has rarely been seen before the age of 12 is now also common" -- Doctor Jawad-Al-Ali

Whatever is causing the cancer is probably behind the birth defects in Iraqis, which are now commonplace: babies with missing brains, sex organs, spines, tumors instead of eyes or intestines outside of the body, et cetera. Like babies born in the wake of Hiroshima & Nagasaki or near bomb-test sites.

"Did the use of Uranium weapons in Gulf War 2 result in contamination of Europe?"

"In 1979, depleted uranium particles escaped from ....National Lead Industries... near Albany, N.Y.,which was manufacturing DU weapons for the U.S military. The particles traveled 26 miles and were discovered in a laboratory filter by Dr. Leonard Dietz, a nuclear physicist. This discovery led to a shut down of the factory in 1980, for releasing morethan 0.85 pounds of DU dust into the atmosphere every month, and involved a cleanup of contaminated properties costing over 100 million dollars" -- Center for Globalization Research in Canada.

Thousands of pounds of D.U. were dropped in the bombing campaigns against Afghanistan and Iraq from 2001-2003, causing a near total incineration of the uranium and leaving its "dust" scattered. Then, British scientists Chris Busby and Saorise Morgan found:

"...the highest levels of depleted uranium ever measured in the atmosphere in Britain, were transported on air currents from the Middle East and Central Asia; of special significance were those from the Tora Bora bombing in Afghanistan in 2001, and the "Shock & Awe" bombing during Gulf War II in Iraq in 2003.

"...The British government facility (AWE) was taken over 3 years ago by Halliburton, which refused at first to release air monitoring data, as required by law, to Dr. Busby"

Radioactive waste doesn't discriminate. It doesn't care about your innocence, whether you're Arab or Kurd, European or Asian, baby or insurgent, American soldier or American business contractor. D.U. doesn't dissolve in water, meaning it is never excreted from an animal's body. It is passed on into any offspring and into their offspring. It is the perfect weapon, working through postmodern society's greatest enemy--time.


Ovo sam natrkeljao 22.06.2006. u 10:54 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi LUDILO MORA STATI!!! izjasnili su se:


Ajmo...kaj vam je čudnog na jučerašnjoj satelitskoj slici? bang

APDEJT 22/06/2006

A ovo je slika sa RSOE na taj dan. U tom području su se niotkuda pojavili valovi visine 3,5-4 metara. headbang

A kaj je o tome izvjestio CNN pročitaj OVDJE

Ovo sam natrkeljao 22.06.2006. u 01:35 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi OBLAK SPEEDY GONZALES izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: utorak, 20.06.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Who’s Using Colloidal Silver?

In Canada, Switzerland and the US, enlightened physicians use various forms of silver to treat multitude of infections.

In the US, silver is used in bone surgery and in 70 percent of US burn centers.

Naturopaths and chiropractors use colloidal silver to treat the effects of Cryptosporidium.

Chinese and homeopathic practitioners also regularly use silver in their treatments.

NASA and the Russians uses a silver water-purification system in there space shuttles.

Most major international airlines use silver water-filters to curtail waterborne diseases.

Swimming pools owners use it in place of chlorine because it doesn't sting the eyes.

Japanese companies are using silver to remove cyanide and nitric oxide from the air.

Swiss biochemists are studying silvers ability to interrupt the cellular replication of HIV at various stages.

Colloidal silver water-filters are approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Swiss government for use in homes and offices.


Raniji tekstovi na temu:

Ovo sam natrkeljao 20.06.2006. u 11:35 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi KOLOIDNO SREBRO - UPDATE 2 izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: ponedjeljak, 19.06.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Postojanje zida na piramidi Mjeseca objavile vodeće svjetske i domaće agencije - 18.06.2006
Na bosanskoj piramidi Mjeseca, danas je održana press konferencija na kojoj su bili prisutni domaći i strani novinari. Miran Jelenek, koji je predvodio ekipu Reutersa, zajedno sa fotoreporterom Danilom Krstanovićem, te novinari Elma Pašić, FENA, i Hidajet Delić novinar AP-a, stigli su među prvima na Plješevicu, gdje ih je dočekao g. Semir Osmanagić zajedno sa g. Dariom Andretti-jem. Ubrzo su stigle ekipe Federalne televizije, RTV Visoko, novinar Oslobođenja g. Siniša Subotić, novinari radija Q i Q produkcije, te mnogobrojni znatiželjnici koji su sa nestrpljenjem očekivali obraćanje g. Osmanagića.

Tačno u 12 časova g. Osmanagić se obratio novinarima i upoznao ih sa najnovijim rezultatima i otkrićima do kojih su došli stručnjaci Fondacije APBPS.

Nakon g. Osmanagića, prisutnim novinarima se obratio ugledni italijanski geolog, profesor na Rimskom Univerzitetu g. Dario Andretta koji je novinare informisao o nalazima u tunelu na Ravnama i pronađenom zidu na Plješevici. Prema riječima g. Andrettija tunele koji se prostiru od Ravni prema Visočici napravio je čovjek i najavio dolazak ekipe stručnjaka sa Rimskog Univerziteta, sredinom jula mjeseca, koja treba treba da napravi analizu hronološke aktivnosti u tunelu i da odredi starost starost tunela.

Na kraju svog izlaganja g. Andretti je naglasio da je pronalazak piramida u Bosni, „najvažnija stvar u novijoj historiji“ i da je za njihovo istraživanje potrebno pružiti svu neophodnu pomoć.

Nakon izlaganja uslijedila su novinarska pitanja i intervjui svih članova Fondacije.


Ovo sam natrkeljao 19.06.2006. u 16:57 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi IPAK - PIRAMIDA! :) izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: nedjelja, 18.06.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Prošla je još jedna radna nedjelja.

Dan je započeo super…probudio sam se. Otvorio sam svoje oči oko 10 sati, malčice ih protrljao, skuhao kafu i sjeo na balkon. Dan je bio zakon. Najviše zbog toga što smo za danas dogovorili vege-roštilj kod Idesbebe. Nebo vedro, tu i tamo koji sitni oblačak – idealno. Nastale su male peripetije oko samog dogovora, no ja sam potegnul onak kak je bilo dogovoreno, a ostali su se skupili putem. Obavio sam manji šoping i put Remeta.

Gore su me dočekali Idesbeba i njegova draga. Sve je bilo lijepo pripremljeno, pospremljeno, onak, baš – zakon. Čak si je dao truda i ubo novi roštilj. Krštenje je odma palo. Doduše, malo me zabrinuo oko odabira ugljena, jerbo je bio neki samospaljujući briket uvoz iz Bugarske. Kao, ne treba potpaljivati, nego samo vužgaš kuteve pakunga i on se sam zapali – i zapalio se. No, dobro…ovak i onak je od nečeg moraš krepat, pa ak' moram od radioaktivnog Bugarskog ugljena, onda neka bude.

Uz taj lijepi par, dočekao me i susjedov ljubimac, Nera. Ona se uvijek bolje osjeća kod nas nego kod gazde. Kad got bi mi gore zaružili, ona bi ružila s nama. Baš je drago pseto. Sjećam je se još dok je bila mala znatiželjna dlakava buhtla. Svaki puta bi šmugnila kroz rupu na ogradi i prava - u kuhinju. Zakon.

Pobacao sam hranu na dobro zagrijani roštilj i sjeo. Pifce u ruku, maramice među noge (znojio sam se ko kurva pred ispovijed) i peri. Dosta dugo je sve to zajedno cvrčalo, a za divno čudo ugljen je izdržao taman do zadnjeg komadića pripravka. Bilo je malo upitno, hoće li radioaktivni ugljen izdržati ili ne, ali evo - toplo preporučam. Zakon je.

Budući da je to zapravo vikendica u kojoj baš nema previše toga, naletili smo na mali problem sa muzikom, no Idesbeba je to svojski riješio. Gore su mu bili stari zvučnici od komp-a, a sa sobom je imao mp3 player, koje je lijepo spojio i eto mjuze. Iskopao sam negdje ispod sica u autu jedan prastari CD nakrcan svime i svačime, pa između ostalog i Zdravko Čolić "Druže Tito, mi ti se kunemo", na što su se svi prisutni pogledali i prasnuli u smjeh.

Spekli smo neke vegeterijanske hrenovke. No, kod njih smo skužili da bi ih trebalo prvo skuhati, pa onda ispeći, no i ovako je ispalo OK. Pečeni sojini šnicli dobro umarinirani, sa roštilj-začinom Mexicana. Onak, malo daje žešću aromu. Čak su i deklarirani mesojedi rekli da je sve super ispalo. Nemreš bolivit.

Vrhunac (bar po ocjenama prisutnih) bili su tzv. soja-burgeri. Dodao sam malo sitnog luka u smjesu i malo ulja prilikom miješanja. Ulje obavezno treba dodati, jer ako ih se peče na roštilju, ispadaju jako suhi, tak da ak dodaš ulje u smjesu, taman se dobro ispeku i ne budu suhi. Jest da je to kao za peći u tavi, al eto, volim ekperimentirati. ;)

Meni su osobno najdraži ražnjići. Njih uvijek potamanim najviše. Fora mi kad se paprika i luk na njima ispeku, pa dobiju onaj neki dobar okus (barem meni). Jedino mi je bio bad što nisam imao Tofu-a, nije ga bilo u Todorića. Moral bum mu se požaliti, to čak drže i u Getro-u, gdje mrzim ići, jer mi svi izgledaju ko skladišta (a ona su mi se smučila još u mlađim danima, jer sam u dosta njih radio).

Meni nezaobilazni prilog su – MASLINE. NE mogu živjeti bez tih malih smiješnih zelenih plodova. Mogu ih jesti uz bilo što, a mogu ih jesti i same. Nije se dogodilo jednom da sam potamanio cijelu teklicu, onak, uz film. Masline...masline...masline...:)

I na samome kraju, onak prenažderani, nabacili smo partiju Rizik-a. Ubili neka 2 sata, pobili se dobro na igraćoj ploči, pospremili sve iza sebe i uz tugu što je dan prošao, krenuli svaki svojoj kući. I tako, sada još pod dojmovima žderila i zabave, zadovoljno pišem ovaj post, dok mi Kićo prede u krilu. :)

Eto, prošla je još jedna radna nedjelja…

Ovo sam natrkeljao 18.06.2006. u 23:33 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi NEKI GLEDAJU NOGOMET, A MI... izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: subota, 17.06.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Znanstvenici ne pamte kada se zadnji puta u povijesti dogodilo ovoliko aktivnih vulkana istovremeno. Something's wrong....I'm leavening this planet...

Elem, sad, jel to ima kakve veze sa ovim tzv. globalnim zatopljenjem?

Lokon Empung Sulawesi Erupting

Ambrym S.pacific Erupting

Anatahan Mariana Is. Erupting

Aoba Vanuatu Erupting

Arenal Costa Rica Erupting

Augustine Alaska Erupting

Barren Is. Indian Ocean Erupting

Bezymianny Kamchatka Erupting

Colima Mexico Erupting

Dabbahu Ethiopia Erupting

Dukono Indonesia Erupting

Ebeko Kurile Is. Erupting

Egon Indonesia Erupting

Erta Ale Ethiopia Erupting

Fuego Guatemala Erupting

Galeras Columbia Erupting

Karangetang Sangihe Is. Erupting

Karymsky Kamchatka Erupting

Karthala Indian Ocean Erupting

Kerinci Sumatra Erupting

Kilauea Hawaii Erupting

Krakatau Indonesia Erupting

Langila New Guinea Erupting

Lopevi S. Pacific Erupting

Manam New Guinea Erupting

Marapi Sumatra Erupting

Mauna Loa Hawaii Erupting

Merapi Java Erupting

Mt. Erebus Antarctica Erupting

Mt. Etna Sicily Erupting

Mt. St. Helens United States Erupting

Nyiragongo C. Africa Erupting

Ol Doinyo Lengai E. Africa Erupting

Pacaya Guatemala Erupting

Papandayan Java Erupting

Piton Dela Fournaise Indian Ocean Erupting

Popocatepetl Mexico Erupting

Rabaul New Britain Erupting

Sakura-jima Japan Erupting

San Cristobal Nicaragua Erupting

Sangay Ecuador Erupting

Santa Ana El Salvador Erupting

Santa Maria Guatemala Erupting

Semeru Java Erupting

Sheveluch Kamchatka Erupting

Sierra Negra Galapagos Is. Erupting

Soputan Sulawesi Erupting

Soufriere Hills West Indies Erupting

Stromboli Italy Erupting

Suwanose-jima Japan Erupting

Talang Sumatra Erupting

Tungurahua Ecuador Erupting

Ulawun New Britain Erupting

Veniaminof Alaska Erupting

Villarrica Chile Erupting

Yasur So. Pacific Erupting

Bulusan Erupting

Poas Erupting

Ubinas Erupting

Ovo sam natrkeljao 17.06.2006. u 23:25 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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Jebate, al' je zagrijalo!!!!

Ovo sam natrkeljao 17.06.2006. u 16:09 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi UFFFFF!!!! izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: četvrtak, 15.06.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


As seen on Break.com

Ovo sam natrkeljao 15.06.2006. u 20:30 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi DOK BUSH TRKELJA... izjasnili su se:


Amazing Water Fuel, Too Good To Be True? - VIDEO


" How else should it be done then? , was always the immediate question. The answer is simple:

Exactly in the opposite way that it is done today! "

Viktor Schauberger.

As all known effects of Orgone are seen in the functioning of a Joe cell, it is reasonable to assume that the reader should have a good working knowledge of Orgone energy. Additionally, as the cell obeys all known Orgone laws and as the cell's operation does not contradict even one Orgone effect, it is safe to assume that this is the energy that is utilised in the cell. In honour of, and respect to one of the world's great, forgotten, and scorned scientists, namely Wilhelm Reich, I will continue to use the name Orgone as used by Reich. A multitude of other scientists, great and small, have given this mysterious force a name. In a following chapter I have listed at least 70 names by various individuals for the same or a similar force.

Orgone energy is the live cosmic energy of Nature. To quote Reich ... The Cosmic OR Energy fills the universe ... and ... it is a spontaneously pulsating, mass-free energy ...

For interested readers, there is a huge collection of facts, opinions and absolute rubbish on the Internet regarding Reich and Orgone. As the aim of this book is to focus on the Joe cell, the above definition will suffice.

Some properties of Orgone energy

Thousands of properties have been observed for the life force and I would like to list and explain the main ones relating to the cell.

1. It is mass free. ie. Orgone energy has no inertia or weight etc. So conventional test equipment that requires a reaction or something to " push " against to measure a force will be ineffective.

2. It is present everywhere, but more importantly to the Joe cell user, the concentration is variable from place to place and from time to time. Therefore, if the cell is leaky and located in a low concentration area, it may stop breeding or even loose the seed. The external signs are a motor that will not produce full power or will not run at all.

3. It in constant motion. It has an uneven movement from West to East at a speed considerably greater than the earths rotation. The motion is a pulsating expansion and contraction and a flow normally along a curved path. Inside an accumulator, the energy is emitted as a spinning, pulsating wave. Both of these can be seen to varying degrees in a charging vat and/or cell. These signs are very important to the experimenter as they are his tools in the different stages of seeding and breeding of the cell.

4. It negates the laws of entropy. Orgone energy flows from lower concentrations to higher concentrations ie. Orgone attracts concentrations to itself. This is the normal process of creation and as such is a proof of Orgone being a living energy. For the experimenter, this is very important, especially in the seeding stage. If the cell is located in an unfavourable location, it may not seed or take a long time to seed. I have had cells taking 4 weeks to seed, others take only a few days.

5. Matter is created from it. Under appropriate conditions, which are not rare or unusual, I have had different minerals formed from identical cells. This in my case is usually a white or green powder that forms as very fine colloid that eventually sinks to the bottom of the cell. You definitely do not want this to occur in the Joe cell as the cell will not run the car and the only solution is to completely dismantle, repolish and clean all components. For the sceptical, you may assume that the deposits are coming out of the water. I strongly disagree.

6. It can be manipulated and controlled. We do this in the cell by forming alternate organic and non-organic " cylinders " to form an accumulator for the Orgone. Thus the organic layers attract and soak up the Orgone and the metallic layers draw it from the organic material and radiate it into the interior of the accumulator. Additionally we use electricity, magnetism and electrolysis to assist with the breeding process.

7. It comes from the sun in vast quantities. As such, allowing for thermal lag, the Orgone density peaks in the afternoon and diminishes in the early morning hours. As people have found, a leaky cell will not function as it " dies " around 3 am to 4 am.

8. It is affected by weather, ie. humidity, cloud, temperature and time of day affects the accumulation of Orgone. For the experimenter with a leaky cell this explains the weird behaviour of leaky cells ie. sometimes they work, other times not, but if you stand on one foot, talk to it, try different water, chemistry, more or less power etc. it will " come good ". This has created a whole religion of what you must do or not do, to such an extent that with the blind leading the blind, the cell in the hands of a casual constructor is doomed to failure.

9A. It moves in the direction of a magnetic field. This is highly significant to the cell builder. This factor controls the position and polarity of the cell's internal wiring as well as controlling how much residual magnetism the steel can have and still allow the cell to work. This is critical in the choice and cutting operations of the related metals. Again, a whole mythology has developed around this area. From reading previous material on the subject, it seems that the steel has to be cut by vestal virgins in the Black Forest on a moonlit night!

9B. It moves at right angle to an electrical field. Again, highly important, as it dictates polarity and wiring connection to the cell.

10. It is absorbed by water. This is one of the reasons that we use water in the cell. To be successful, the water has to be the right type of water. By the way, for example, we could have used bees wax instead of water, but as we want to encourage the breeding process with all the tricks in the book, the bees wax would have prevented the use of electrolysis.

11. It is polarised. As Orgone is polarised, that is , we can have positive or negative Orgonic force, so we can build a positive or negative cell. But, if you mix your positive and negative construction materials as most people do, then your result is a leaky or non-operational cell.

12. It will penetrate or travel along all known materials. All bodies of continuous structure are equally good conductors eg. It may travel through 70 feet or more of metal. As such, do not think that you are trapping it in the cell. The only reason it stays in the cell at all is because it wants to. It is up to the experimenter to set up a seeding and breeding environment that is conducive to Orgone and not try to create an imaginary prison that the experimenter hopes will trap the Orgone. As a side note, mankind has created synthetic materials in recent times that can greatly stop the penetration of Orgone. I am talking about polymers.

13. It has a slow conduction rate. Orgone will take 20 seconds or more to traverse 50 yards of wire. For the experimenter, this means that you should wait about 30 seconds after turning power on to the cell before you can expect to observe Orgone action at a stable rate.

14. It exhibits a constant upward tendency, raising vertically. Highly important in creating a non-leaky cell installation in an car.

15. It cannot remain in steel or water longer than about 1 hour. Simply said, if you cell is not breeding, it will die in about 1 hour. This explains the use of a 1.5 Volt battery across leaky cells to maintain a breeding process. What you achieve with the small potential across the cell, is a very low rate of electrolysis that matches the leaking of the cell and thus maintaining the breeding process.

16. It radiates a great distance. From a typical cell the radiation circumference is at least 160 feet. Think about it!

17. It follows optical laws. It can be refracted by a prism, reflected by polished surfaces, etc. This explains the reason for the mirrored or highly polished surfaces in some parts of the cell. It also allows us to control some leaking by utilising optical laws.

18. It surrounds itself with alternating spherical zones of opposite polarity. This is utilised by us to determine cylinder diameters and consequential spacing in the optimisation of the cell.

19. It is affected by living beings. Again, important, as the experimenter and his attitude can interact with the cell

20. It can only be concentrated to a finite amount. If a cell is charged to its maximum degree so that it can hold no more, the Orgone will transform itself into electricity, and in this way or form, find a discharge. By the visual observation of the bubbles, pulsations, and surface tension of the water, we utilise this fact to our advantage.

21. Torsion ( Orgone ) fields transmit information without transmitting energy, and they propagate through physical media without interacting with the media.

22. Torsion ( Orgone ) fields cannot be shielded by most materials, but can be shielded by materials having certain spin structures. As in point 12 above.

23. Each physical object, in living or non-living nature, possesses its own characteristic torsion ( Orgone ) field.

24. All permanent magnets possess their own torsion ( Orgone ) field.

25. Torsion ( Orgone ) fields can be generated as a result of a distortion of the geometry of the physical vacuum. This is demonstrated by pyramids, cones, cylinders, flat triangles, etc.

26. Torsion ( Orgone ) fields can be screened by aluminium. This allows the use of aluminium coated mirrors, or highly polished aluminium to reflect our Orgone ( Torsion ) field. See point 17 above.

27 It will pass through all materials, but at different speeds.

Ovo sam natrkeljao 15.06.2006. u 15:59 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi VODA KAO GORIVO!!! :) izjasnili su se:


Ovo sam natrkeljao 15.06.2006. u 15:55 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi ISPROBAJTE SVOJU ENERGIJU izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: srijeda, 14.06.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Ovo sam natrkeljao 14.06.2006. u 00:41 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi ABBA IZ USTIJU VELIKIH IGRAČA izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: utorak, 13.06.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


U zadnje vrijeme često naletavam na vijesti o nekakvim kometama, pa koliko će blizu proći, hoće li nas roknuti i…blah…blah…

Misliš si ono, kaj me briga, ak' rokne u Poljsku ili Češku, ne bum ni osjetil'. Je vraga…da nas pogodi onakav kakav je pao kada su izumrli dinosauri… to bi izgledalo otprilike ovako:

Ovo sam natrkeljao 13.06.2006. u 23:14 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi METEOR? KAKAV METEOR? izjasnili su se:


Ovo sam natrkeljao 13.06.2006. u 22:50 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi CONFUCIUS SAYS izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: četvrtak, 08.06.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Svi se nekaj raspisali o broju zvijeri, pa evo da i ja doprinesem toj temi. Ovo su svi brojevi vezani uz nečastivog, pa neka numerolozi računaju. headbang

666 Biblical Number of the Beast
660 Approximate Number of the Beast
DCLXVI Roman Numeral of the Beast
665 Number of the Beast's Older Brother
667 Number of the Beast's Younger Sister
668 Number of the Beast's Neighbor
999 Number of the Australian Beast
333 Number of the Semi-Beast
66 Number of the Downsized Beast
6, uh..., I forget Number of the Blond Beast
666.0000 Number of the High Precision Beast
665.9997856 Number of the Beast on a Pentium
0.666 Number of the Millibeast
X / 666 Beast Common Denominator
0.00150150... Reciprocal of the Beast
-666 Opposite of the Beast
666i Imaginary Number of the Beast
6.66 x 102 Scientific Notation of the Beast
25.8069758... Square Root of the Beast
443556 Square of the Beast
1010011010 Binary Number of the Beast
1232 Octal of the Beast
29A Hexidecimal of the Beast
2.8235 Log of the Beast
6.5913 Ln of the Beast
1.738 x 10289 Anti-Log of the Beast
00666 Zip Code of the Beast
666@hell.org E-mail Address of the Beast
www.666.com Website of the Beast
1-666-666-6666 Phone & FAX Number of the Beast
1-888-666-6666 Toll Free Number of the Beast
1-900-666-6666 Live Beasts, available now! One-on-one pacts!
Only $6.66 per minute! [Must be over 18!]
666-66-6666 Social Security Number of the Beast
Form 10666 Special IRS Tax Forms for the Beast
66.6% Tax Rate of the Beast
6.66% 6-Year CD Interest Rate at First Beast Bank of Hell
($666 minimum deposit, $666 early withdrawal fee)
$666/hr Billing Rate of the Beast's Lawyer
$665.95 Retail Price of the Beast
$710.36 Price of the Beast plus 6.66% Sales Tax
$769.95 Price of the Beast with accessories and replacement soul
$656.66 Wal-Mart Price of the Beast (next week $646.66!)
$55.50 Monthly Payments for Beast, in 12 easy installments
Phillips 666 Gasoline Used by the Beast (regular $6.66/gal)
Route 666 Highway of the Beast (where he gets his kicks!)
666 mph Speed Limit on the Beast's Highway
6-6-6 Fertilizer of the Beast
666 lb cap Weight Limit of the Beast
666 Minutes Weekly News Show about the Beast (airs daily from
Midnight to 11:06 a.m., on Cable Channel 666, of course)
666o F Oven Temperature for Cooking "Roast Beast"
666k Retirement Plan of the Beast
666 mg Recommended Minimum Daily Requirement of Beast
Lotus 6-6-6 Spreadsheet of the Beast
Word 6.66 Word Processor of the Beast
Windows 666 Bill Gates' Personal Beast Operating System
#666666 Font Color of the Beast (the gray in this table!)
i66686 CPU of the Beast
666-I BMW of the Beast
IAM 666 License Plate Number of the Beast
Formula 666 All Purpose Cleaner of the Beast
WD-666 Spray Lubricant of the Beast
DSM-666 (rev) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the Beast
66.6 MHz FM Radio Station of the Beast
666 KHz AM Radio Station of the Beast
66 for 6 A Beastly Score for an Innings (in cricket)
6 for 66 Bowling Figures of the Beast
6/6/6 Birthday of the Beast (but in which century?)

Ovo sam natrkeljao 08.06.2006. u 00:57 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi 666, KUD SVI TURCI...TUD I MALI MUJO izjasnili su se:


Ovo sam natrkeljao 08.06.2006. u 00:18 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi CAT JUNKIE ;) izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: srijeda, 07.06.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Naletih na još jedan interesantan podatak o koloidnom srebru.

Parasites are being recognised more and more as a cause of failing health. Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D., author of "The Cure for All Cancers" and "The Cure for HIV and AIDS", tells us that neither cancer nor HIV can exist without parasites and that if we eliminate the parasites, the disease will be gone.

Health Consciousness, Vol. 15, No. 4 says: "Parasites are also killed [by colloidal silver], as they have an egg-stage in their reproductive cycle, which is one celled and therefore killed in six minutes or less." In as much as there are many kinds of parasites, this may be inconclusive.

However, tests have shown that mosquito larva are effectively killed by colloidal silver. It should be remembered that to rid oneself of parasites by killing the eggs or larvae means that one must continue the treatment until all of the adults die, probably of old age. More research is needed. But if the AIDS or Cancer and other conditions can be effectively treated with colloidal silver, then any effects on parasites is a free benefit.

In as much as AIDS is the result of a virtually destroyed immune system, it would be surprising to find that colloidal silver did not have a dramatic effect on AIDS. AIDS is a viral disease, and antibiotics seldom have any effect on any virus, but the colloidal silver ion is highly effective.

The evidence strongly supports the theory that colloidal silver is highly effective against all strains of virus, curing even the common cold in one dose. Where many drugs on the market suppress certain symptoms of a cold, colloidal silver is said to kill off the virus that causes it to hang on. AIDS, like all other viral infections, is unaffected by antibiotics, which each kill off only a few strains of bacteria and none are effective against the virus, yeast's, or fungi.

Yet, researchers are telling us that colloidal silver is highly effective against all of these.


Ovo sam natrkeljao 07.06.2006. u 23:52 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi KOLOIDNO SREBRO – UPDATE izjasnili su se:


Joan Osborne, meni jedna od dražih pjevačica. Između ostalog imala je onaj hitić; „What if God is one of us“, ma sigurno ste je čuli. Nedavno sam si skinul obradu te pjesme, sa malo izmijenjenim tekstom, pa sad šokiram ekipu na poslu…svi pjevuše, al' nekak se ne slaže s riječima koje dopiru iz zvučnika…pa svi blijedo gledaju… :)

What If God Smoked Cannabis

If God had long hair
And a goatee,
And if his eyes looked pretty glazed...
If He looked spaced out
Would you buy his story?
Would you believe he had an eye infection?

And yeah, yeah, God he looks baked
And yeah, yeah, God He smells good,
And yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah...

What if God smoked cannabis?
Hit the bong like some of us?
Drove a tie-dyed microbus,
And he subscribed to Rolling Stone?

When God made this place,
In the beginning,
Did He plant any seeds?
Or did he put them there for Adam and Eve,
So they'd be hungry for the apple that the snake
Was always offering?

And yeah, yeah... God rolls great,
And yeah, yeah, God he smells good,
And yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah...

What if God smoked cannabis?
Do you suppose he had a buzz
When he made the platypus
When he created earth, our home?
Does He like Pearl Jam or the Stones?
And do you think He rolls His own
Up there in heaven on the throne?

And when the saints go marching home,
Does he just sit and smoke a bong

Ovo sam natrkeljao 07.06.2006. u 00:09 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi ONE OF US izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: ponedjeljak, 05.06.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Baš sam si danas malo razmišljao. I razmišljao i razmišljao…i zaključio – nekada je bilo bolje. Nemojte mi sad one spike "Ma, bio si mlađi", "To su bila druga vremena" i blah, blah, blah.

Bilo je bolje, da ga j#$&š. Sjećam se, kada smo izlazili u "Jabuku", ispred "Saloona" i kod Dežmanovog prolaza nažicali bi love toliko da ju nismo mogli potrošiti tu večer. Ko da sada u sat vremena skupiš cca. 200 kn. Nije da nam je ta lova trebala, imali smo love, ali to je bio kao neki običaj. Bilo je guba gledati šminkerčiće kako nam uvaljuju lovu pred svojim komadima i ispadaju frajeri, kao ne jebe ih lova.

Na svakom koraku duty-free-shop-ovi, kupovale se pljuge, cuga i sve ostale đinđe. Sjećam se da smo jedno vrijeme trusili samo Smirnoff vodku. Ubodeš litru-dvije i onda na Štros ili u Ribnjak ili na Rokov perivoj. Ma ono, ludilo. Svugdje je bilo ekipe, sa svima si se mogel lagano skompati (pogotovo ak je trgovina bila u pitanju, mi njima cugu, oni nama travuljagu i obratno). Tulumarilo se više nego danas, barem koliko sada slušam od klinaca. Ovi danas nemaju pojma kaj bi sa sobom. Ne idu van ak' im stari ne da auto (kao sve im je daleko i naporno), slušaju tamo neku im nametnutu mjuzu-kuruzu, uzimaju preopasne droge, ma ono, žas-u!

Bila su bolja vremena.

Duvaš u ribnjaku, neki klinac te ocinkari milicajcu, a ovaj mu uz obrazloženje "Titova omladina se ne drogira!" opali pljusku da bi mu 3 dana zvonilo u glavi. Sjećam se da me jednom legitimirao neki policajac usred noći. Ja mrtav pijan, sa džoksom u ruci, dajem mu osobnu, on me bez riječi zapiše i kaže – "Ajde mali, begaj kući spavati, vidi se našto ličiš!".

Definitivno je bilo bolje.

Bio sam tada inventar u "Jabuci" (kao i stotine drugih), svi smo se znali i bila je neka sasvim druga energija u zraku. Nekako smo si svi bili bliži, nego ova današnja omladina, koja u većini slučajeva samo gleda kak da se pošoraju ili kak da se ubiju nekom kemijom dok im mozgovi ne zakuhaju.

Kaj je je, bilo je bolje…i hebe mi se kaj si sad bilo tko misli…BILO JE BOLJE!!!

Ovo sam natrkeljao 05.06.2006. u 20:35 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi MALA RETROSPEKTIVA izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: nedjelja, 04.06.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


...ili samo dobra iluzija? bang

Ovo sam natrkeljao 04.06.2006. u 21:08 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi NIŠTA NIJE NEMOGUĆE... izjasnili su se:


James Blunt - No Bravery Lyrics

There are children standing here,
Arms outstretched into the sky,
Tears drying on their face.
He has been here.
Brothers lie in shallow graves.
Fathers lost without a trace.
A nation blind to their disgrace,
Since he's been here.

And I see no bravery,
No bravery in your eyes anymore.
Only sadness.

Houses burnt beyond repair.
The smell of death is in the air.
A woman weeping in despair says,
He has been here.
Tracer lighting up the sky.
It's another families' turn to die.
A child afraid to even cry out says,
He has been here.

And I see no bravery,
No bravery in your eyes anymore.
Only sadness.

There are children standing here,
Arms outstretched into the sky,
But no one asks the question why,
He has been here.
Old men kneel and accept their fate.
Wives and daughters cut and raped.
A generation drenched in hate.
Yes, he has been here.

And I see no bravery,
No bravery in your eyes anymore.
Only sadness.

No Bravery - VIDEO

Ovo sam natrkeljao 04.06.2006. u 16:37 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi BEZ RIJEČI... izjasnili su se:

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