
petak, 05.03.2010.

Ja srce čaj/I heart tea

Dragi Naši,
zatočeni zimom i snigom prisiljeni smo mjesečnu dozu šopinga dobivat priko interneta. Što ćemo.
I zato smo kao osvjedočeni i ovisni čajopija te šopingholičarka naručili majicu od Društva ljubitelja čaja. Na kojoj piše Ja srce čaj.

Poštar je zazvoni na vrata samo jedanput i kuverta je bila u našim rukama. Juhu, juhu, skakali smo po kući od sriće. Raspakirali paket, svarili čaj, prigodno izvadili najbolju porculansku ćikaru koju smo jednom prilikom dovukli iz Londona.

I tako smo jili kekse i pijuckali čaj i općenito pratili upute s majice: Enjoy life sip by sip, not gulp by gulp. Ali...
...ali kad smo išli isprobat majicu razočarali smo se. OK, ona izgleda cool i sve, ali stvarno je loša kvaliteta i robe i tiska. Za svoje obožavatelje golly&bossy su napravili majice (klik) kvalitetnije u svakom pogledu. Mislim, nosit ćemo min ponosno svoju majicu Ja srce čaj, ali tc-tc-tc, Tea Appreciation Society, od vas smo očekivali više.


P.S. Ovo je samo još jedna potvrda da golly&bossy rulaju : )


Photobucket Photobucket

The bad weather and the persistent winter keep us at home so we are forced to get our monthly dose of shopping online.
So as a notorious tea lover and a shoppingholic we ordered a T-shirt from Tea Appreciation Society. With the sign I heart tea.

The postmen rang only once and the envelope was in our hands. Woo hoo, we were jumping with joy around the house. We unpacked the package, made a pot of tea, took out our best china bone cup bought on the Notting Hill flea market.

And then we enjoyed the cookies and tea following the direction from the t-shirt: Enjoy life sip by sip, not gulp by gulp. But...
...but, when we tried on our new t-shirt we were quite disapointed. OK, it does look cool, but it is of really bad quality. Both the print and the fabric. The t-shirts we, golly&bossy, made for our fans were much better in every way. Of course, we will proudly wear I heart tea t-shirt, but dear Tea Appreciation Society, we expected more from you.
P.S. This is just yet another proof that golly&bossy rule : )

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