Dragi čitatelji i Obožavatelji,
u svijetu gollyh&bossyh jedni golly&bossy su u Starom kraju dok su drugi u Australiji. U stvarnosti su jedni u Starom kraju, a drugi su u Zagrebu, ali to nema veze. Australija zvuči bolje.
Okovani u zagrebačkoj zimi i studeni nismo klonuli duhom upravo zato što se naš duh ravna prema lokalnom vremenu države Novi Južni Wales.
In the world of golly&bossy one of us are in the Old Country, the other are in Australia. In reality, one of us are in the Old Country, and the other one in Zagreb, but that doesn’t matter. Australia simply sounds better.
Trapped in Zagreb snowmageddon our spirit lives in harmony with the local weather of the state of New South Wales.
Nismo klonuli duhom, ali nan je tilu ipak zima da batamo okolo po snigu i ledu. Zato kupujemo priko interneta zamotani u dekicu. I naravno da nismo kupili šal, kapu i rukavice. Ne, ne, kupili smo vestu od najtanjega pamuka za temperature priko 30°. Prema gornoj prognozi, obut ćemo je u četvrtak.
Although our spirit is far away our body still feels cold of the Zagreb winter. So we shop on the interenet, wraped in a cosy blanket. Of course we didn’t buy a scarf, a hat and the gloves. No, no, no, we bought a dress made of the lightest cotton fabric, for the over 30° days. According to the weather forecast above we will wear it on Thursday