
četvrtak, 24.09.2009.

Samarske stijene - vodič za preživljavanje/survival guide

Dragi Naši,
ovo lito smo bili na Samarske stijene. Nismo imali pojma di je to uopće i što nas tamo čeka. Zapravo, mislili smo da će to bit ugodna šetnjica tipa Sljeme, ali ne, ne... ...bilo je puno ekstremnije. Zato smo sastavili vodič za preživljavanje po Samarskim stijenama. Ergo, treba znat da...

This summer we went hiking to Samarske stijene. We had no idea how does it looks there. We thought it will be a pleasant walk, but no, no… …it was much more extreme. So we arranged a little survival guide for Samarske stijene. Therefore, you should know…

...da je MPP kao Mrkopaljski planinarski put, ali zapravo znači Medvjedi papaju planinare. E, tamo ima stvarno ima medvjeda. Jednega malega smo i vidili!
samarske stijene
...that there are bears on these hikes. MPP means Hiking trail of Mrkoplje (nearby town) but one friend interpreted it as Bears eat hikers

...da medvjedi ipak valjda ne papaju planinare, ali ovo gnjilo drvo puno crvi i ličinki im je pravi švedski stol. Vidite di su grebali.
...that bears hopefully do not eat hikers, but this rotten tree full of worms is a real buffet for them. You can see where they grabbed in.

...da ako ne volite zelenu ne grete tamo
...that you shouldn't go there if you don't like green

...da ako piše Samarske stijene 3/4 h to zapravo znači duplo više
...that if it says Samarske stijene 3/4 h it means twice that much

...jer je staza malo zahtjevnija
...because the hike is a bit demanding

…da treba poć s puno ekipe. Jer tamo nema ničega, nema ljudi, nema puta ni staze. Ako vam se nedajbože štogo dogodi nema tamo pomoći, samo vas Stipe Božić i GSS mogu spasit. Ako ih uspijete dozvat dimnim signalima jer tamo nema ni signala za mobitel
...that you should go there in a large group. Because there is nothing, no people, no path or track. If something happens there is no help, nobody but Croatian Mountain Rescue Service can save you. And only if you manage to contact them with smoke signals. Because there is no signal for mobile phones

…da ako grete prima Ratkovem skloništu skupite usput drva i ostavite ih u skloništu. Jer se nikad ne zna kojem nesrićniku će trebat.
…then on your way towards Ratko's shelter you should pick up some woods and leave it in the shelter. Because, you never know when will it help somebody

…da u Ratkoven skloništu ne tičete hranu za krajnju nuždu. Ali ko određuje što je krajnja nužda?
…that when in the shelter you shouldn’t touch the food in this box. It is just for the cases of extreme emergency. But, who decides what is extreme emergency

…da je priroda puna čudnih oblika. Redom: vrata, slomljeni zupčanik, a na trećoj slici kapa i stepenica (kliknite na slike)
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
…that the nature is full of strange forms. Here are: the doors, the broken gear and on the third photo the cap and the step (click for larger images)

…da kad piše Teže i Lakše i kad na putu za Teže ima i znak upozorenja da to valjda nešto stvarno i znači

…then when it says Harder (Teže) and Easier (Lakše) and when on the way to Harder there is a warning sign that really means something

…da je Teže zapravo nemoguće. Gremo nazad.
…that Harder is actually impossible. We’re going back

...a da ni Lakše ni baš lagano. Ovo je uspon na spomenutu stepenicu. Ivana je već gore, ostatak ekipe je odluči pričekat ispod.

…that Easier isn’t easy at all. This is the way towards the mentioned step. Ivana is already up there, the rest of the group decided to wait down.

...da je pogled sa stepenice veličanstven
…that the view from the step is magnificient

...i da uvik treba ostavit pisani trag. Verba volant, scripta manent.
…that you should always leave a written mark. Verba volant, scripta manent. (Translation: Ivana, Vjeko, Miro, Marija, Vica i Ana hardly made it up)

...da se na 1302 m osjećate u najmanju ruku kako da ste na Everestu
…that 1302 m high one feels like on Mount Everest

...da se na kraju treba spustit na Sabljake, jezero ku Ogulina. Nakon onih gudura ovo je pravi odmor za oči.
…that et the end you should come down to Sabljak, a lake next to Ogulin. After those ravines, it’s real treat for the eyes

...da se na Sabljacima ji dobro i jeftino.
Photobucket Photobucket
…that food is good and cheap there

... i da se bez dobre ekipe nema smisla ni penjat ni jist.
…that without good company there is no point in neither hiking nor eating


P.S. Ponavljamo da smo vidili medvjeda. Bi je mali, trča je od ceste u brig i vidili smo mu samo guzicu. Mi smo bili sritni što smo u autu jer di je mali medo tu je i mama, a tu gospođu stvarno ne bi htili upoznat.
Sad kad smo vidili medvjeda u divljini na našon listi želja ostaje još samo lav, slon, žirafa, kukubara, koala, klokan, čudnovati kljunaš, sredozemna medvjedica, tasmanijska neman i Ptica Trkačica.
We repeat we saw a bear. It was a baby bear, running away from the road so we only saw his behind. We were happy that we are in the car because every baby bear comes with mama bear, and we really don't want to meet her.
Now when we saw the bear in the wilderness there are only elephant, lion, giraffe, kookaburra, kangaroo, platypus, mediterranean monk seal, tasmanian devil and Road Runner left on our wish list.

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