Help Me-Very Urgent! (kradljivci yahoo identiteta...)
Ovakav mail su neki dan dobili svi mail adresanti jednog mog znanca, koji koristi yahoo email adresu, pa tako i ja... "How's everything on your end? This has had to come in a hurry and it has left me in a devastating state. I travelled to UK for a Training Program (UTP), unfortunately for me my wallet was stolen at the hotel where I lodged. The Embassy only cleared me of my travelling documents and ticketing since I came in on official purpose. I only need to clear the hotel bills before I can leave but ofcourse they stopped billing me since the incident. I didn't bring my phones here and the hotel telephone lines were disconnected during the robbery, so I have access to only emails. Please can you send me Ł1,360 as early as possible so I can return home. As soon as I get home I would refund it immediately. Western Union or Money Gram seems to be the safest and quickest option for now, please send to the details: Name: Ime Prezime Address: Milltown Rd, Shaw's Bridge City: Belfast ZIP Code: BT8 7XP Country: United Kingdom Please as soon as you are done help me write out the MTCN and the details you used in sending me the money. Thank you so much as I would be waiting to hear from you. Regards And God Bless You. Ime Prezime" Naime, prethodni dan mu je kao iz yahoo centrale stigao mail u kojem ažuriraju podatke o svojim korisnicima, ime, prezime, adresa, lozinka i sl, što im je kao potrebno kako bi se izbjegle tehničke smetnje s njihovim mail računima...On im je naivno poslao sve podatke, jer su doista imali yahoo logo i sve je izgledalo vjerodostojno...A sljedeći dan smo svi dobili "njegov" urgentni email gornjeg sadržaja : ) A njemu je, uz onemogućen pristup vlastitim mailovima, još i cijeli dan zvonio telefon od strane zabrinutih prijatelja... Pa, eto, ako netko od vas dobije "Yahoo" upit toga tipa, nemojte nasjedati... |