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. • Cestitka Garavom na tako sazetim, zrelim i promisljenim zapazanjima . Kangrga je jednom rekao u TV interviuvu: "Bit ce nesto od nas" Kad se davimo svakodnevno u ovom drustvenom blatu, ponekada nade i ponestaju. Ali, ako se ima na umu da smo generacije kojma su u cjelokupnoj istoriji zapale najvece zrtvenicko odricanje ali i naj veci izazovi, ako ne i privilegije,zatecenim u dosad nevidjenim orkanskim drustvenim krizama u kojima se civilizacijska epoha petmilenjsko klasnog nadmetanja, sada napokom raspada po svim svojim drustvenim savovima Gotovo da nema vise dana ni sata u kojima se ne dozivljava tektoska rasprnuca visokih detonacija, bljeskova sto zasljepljuju, vibracije koje lome sve nejake, gomilajuci psihijatrijske ustavnove, kazemate, vjesala, lomace, robije, popravne institucije, koje Nietzsche nazire kao "Popravljanje covjecanstva", upravo tamo gdje se ono nejvise lomi, iznakazuje, gdje mu se trga inskonski duh, vjeru u sebe ( Sapere aude). Samo jaci, koji se penju na vrske lutajucih santa, sad naziru sve oko sebe, taj bljestavi lom smetisnih nanosa, koji se u vlasitom dimu i odurnom zapahu tu raspadaju u zajednickoj gomili : Klasna bestijalnost, krscanske svinjarije, liberalni uljez, demokratski lopov, ideoloski demagog,,ekonomski tiranin. • Sav taj historijski nanos se napokom nasao na svojoj nagomilanoj hrpi! Navucimo maske, promatrahjuci taj trulez koji nestaje u svoj epohalni bezdan



07.04.2010., srijeda


Reagiranje na prosli prilog „Is Capitalist Society Beyond Hitler?“. od 8. 2. 2010.

C. James Matuschka


In the March 2010. Newletters Jim Mc Hugh wrote that Hitler didn't have propaganda media efficiency capitalism has today and that capitalism may have developed beyond the need for neo-fascisme.
True, the TV media is especially effective at propagandazing U.S. workers into believing that totalitarianism is Marxim. But such propaganda also provide evidence of ruling-class fear of the posssibility of a genuine Socijalist revolution and working-clasds takeover of production and distribution.
The capitalist class are aware that technological displacement of labor and outsourcing of American jobs to cheap the labor havens is debilitating the working-class living standard. I can remember several years ago that charitable organizations compared statistic revealing that somewhwre around 24 million hungry American were fed in single year.
Evidence suggests that the capitalist class doesn't believe that their system of labor exploitation is eternal. Following are examles of what is planned in the event of systematic collapse:
Without congresssional or voter approval, President Executive Order Number 12148 create the Federation Emergency Mamagement Agency (FEMA). While made to appear as an apparatus to aid the public in an emergency, it's budget reveal somethink more sinister. Reserch shows that only about 6 per cent of FEMA's budget is used for emergencies. Hidden are vast sum of construction of secret undergroud bases possibly for civilian control during social unrest. FEMA „emergency“ powers include surveillance of citisens, restriction of public gathering and isolation of large groups of Americans.
The Nazi Germany labor conscription ensured authoritarian control and workers's couln't seek different employment without government permission. Executive Order Number 11000 give FEMA similar power over U.S. laborers. Emergency power include a national citizen registry, confiscation of railroads, public storage units and the relocation of entire communities. Executive Order Number 11921 permits takeover of the meam of production, disribution, wages and flow of bank money.
The ruling-class have been preparing for possible economic collapse for years. Detention facilities stand ready for such an event across America. Most recently Halliburtion’s Keelog Brown and Root subsidiary received a $385 million contract to build such U.S. detention camps.
In the event of social collapse something equivalent to De Leon’s industrial feudalism is likely being set in place and I agree with Jim Mc Hugh that we may be living in “dangerous time” We must never becom complacent enough to believe that authoritarianism can’t happen in America. Actually such rulling-class reaction should be encouraging the revolutionaries, for history reveals that rulling- class arrogance is a primary ingredient for development of a revolutionary environment. Formation of nationwide Socialist Industrial Union could eventually arise out of necessity to counter such rulling-class arrogance.”

SLP Newletter, April, 2010

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