
ponedjeljak, 26.10.2009.


Haarlem je više od HFC Haarlem

Haarlem is more then HFC Haarlem

“Ideš u Haarlem?!” reka je jedan naš prijatej.
“E” odgovorili smo.
“Imaš onda obavezno da mi doneseš štogo od HFC Haarlem!”
”Što bilo: privjesak, kemijsku, samo da je od njih.”
“To je njihov nogometni klub. Jedan put sam na njima dobro zaradi u kladionici i sad ih redovito pratim. To mi je omiljeni klub nizozemske druge lige.”
”Ma daj. Ala, ovi moji prijateji u Haarlemu će se oduševit kad čuju da niko prati njihov klub u Hrvatskoj.”
”Što je to stvarno grad? Tamo ljudi žive? To ni samo HFC Haarlem?”
”He, he. Kad se vratim napisat ću post na golly&bossy - Haarlem je više od HFC Haarlem”
“You’re going to Haarlem” a friend said.
“Yes” we replied
“Then you must bring me something from HFC Haarlem!
“Anything: a keychain, a pen, anything as long as it has HFC Haarlem on it.”
”It is the football club. Once I betted on them and they brought me lot’s of money. Ever since I follow them and they are my favourite club in Dutch second football league.”
”Really? My friends in Haarlem will be thrilled to hear there is somebody in Croatia supporting their club.”
”Haarlem is a real place? People live there? It is not just HFC Haarlem?”
”He, he. When I come back I’ll write a post on golly&bossy – Haarlem is more then HFC Haarlem

Za početak: budući da je Haarlem u Nigdjezemskoj obavezni element su kanal i biciklete. Vidiš jedan, vidiš sve. Sve isto ti je jesi li u Amsterdamu, Haarlemu, Utrechtu, Gornjem ili Donjem Van de Grachtu. Ali je svejedno slatko
To begin with: since Haarlem is in the Netherlands a mandatory elements are canals and bikes. You’ve seen one, you’ve seen all. It doesn’t matter whether you’re in Amsterdam, Haarlem, Utrecht, Upper or Lower van de Gracht. But still it is cute

Kako i svaki pravi grad Haarlem ima gradsku vijećnicu. Haarlemska je iz 17. stoljeća.
Upravo je u tijeku vjenčanje i autobus je dove uzvanike. Naravno da uopće nisu svečarski obučeni, ali to je Nigdjezemska. Tamo se za svaku priliku može obuć vrića, a to se većinom i čini.
Every town should have a town hall and so does Haarlem. this one is from the 17th century.
At this moment a wedding is taking place there and the bus brought the guests. Of course they are not formally dressed, but it is the Netherlands. There you can put a potato sack on for every occasion, and that is what most people mostly does.

Vratimo se u povijest. Nekad je Haarlem bi okružen zidinama i ovo je njihov ostatak. Amsterdamse poort tj. vrata prima Amsterdamu. Sukladno, u Amsterdamu ima Haarlemmerpoort
Back to the history. Haarlem was surrounded by walls and this is what is left of them. Amsterdamse poort. The port towards Amsterdam. In line with that there is Haarlemmerpoort in Amsterdam.

Katedrala sv. Bava, 16. stoljeće. Kao svaki pravi zaštitnik grada i Bavo je svojednobno spasi Haarlem, ali priča ni ništa posebno spektakularna ni vrijedna velikega spomena.
The cathedral of St. Bavo, 16th century. As every good town patron Bavo saved the town one time, but it wasn’t anything spectacular enough to describe here.

Još malo kanali. Ovo desno, s crvenom zastavom, je muzej Teylers, najstariji muzej u Nigdjezemskoj, osnovan u 18. stoljeću.
More canals. The building on the right, the one with the red flag is Teylers museum, the oldest museum in the Netherlands, founded in the 18th century.

Malo nigdjezemskih kućica. Čisto radi atmosfere. Dobro vidite, fasade su nagnute prima naprid jer je na vrhu uvik kuka pomoću koje se diže teret teret, npr. namještaj na gornje katove. Jer su skale unutra nevjerojatno uske i strme i preuređivanje je moguće jedino kroz punistru. A sve je jednostavnije kad je fasada malo nagnuta i tako je se i manje ošteti.
Ovo je u staren dilu grada...
More of cute Dutch houses. It is for the sake of the atmosphere. The facades are slightly slanted forward because there is hook on the top of the roof that helps lift the weight e.g. furniture on the upper floors. Because the stairs inside are incredibly narrow and steep. So the refurbishing is possible only through the window. And all that is easier if the facade is slanted forward.
This is a street in the old part of town…

...a ovo u noven. Sve šesno i redno.
…and this one is in the new part. Everything so neatly and orderly.

Ovo je Laurens Janszoon Coster. Za njega Haarlemžani viruju da je izumi tisak još prin Gutenberga i zato su mu stavili spomenik na glavni trg.
This is Laurens Janszoon Coster. Haarlemers believe that he invented the printing press before Gutenberg and so they made him a monument at the main square.

Ovo ni spomenik nego samo reklama za restoran iza. Koji se zove Koetje en Kalfjes – Kravice i telići. Nigdjezemci su ludi za umanjenicama.
This isn’t a monument but just an advertising for the restaurant behind. The restaurant’s name is Koetjes en Kalfjes – Little cows and little calves. Dutch are crazy about diminutives.

I na kraju, kafić usrid radnega dana. Prazan, naravno. Jer su Haarlemžani vridni i radišni narod. Da je ovo u nas stolovi bi bili puni bez obzira na to koja je ura.
Finally, a caffe in the middle of week day. Empty of course. Because Haarlemers are hard working and diligent people. If this was in Croatia the tables would be full no matter what time of the day it is.


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