Nastavna cjelina: Solun i zašto se isplati poć tamo
Thessaloniki and why it pays to return there
Kad smo prošli put stavili slike iz Grčke i Turske završili smo na naslovnici Bloga. U nadi da će nam se javit stara slava, a i da nastavimo fotoreportažu s našega putovanja Balkanom pišemo ovi post.
Ovi put smo se posvetili samo Solunu, genijalnom gradu u koji se kroz koji misec i vraćemo. Zašto je genijalan? Pogledajte naš opis kroz sliku i riječ.
Last time we've placed the photos from
Greece and Turkey we ended up on the cover page of Hoping that this will help us to become famous again we are continuing our story from the Balkans. This time we are focusing on Thessaloniki alone - the great city we are soon going back to. Why it is great? Take our word and photo for that.
Prvo, kako se dođe do Soluna. Ovo ni toliko bitno za temu, ali mi stvarno volimo gledat na kartu kad negdi idemo. Tako lakše stavljamo stvari u kontekst.
First, how to get there by car. This isn't so relevant for the subject, but we really like to look at the maps when travelling. It helps us put things in perspective.
Prva stvar kad se dođe u Solun, a subota je ujutro - poć na špicu popit kavu. Ovo je pogled s elitnog mjesta za ispijanje kavu. Terasa hotela
Electra Palace
First thing you have to do once you arrive in Thessaloniki, and it is Saturday, is to go to have a coffee, to see and be seen. This is the view from the elite place to enjoy such coffee. The terrace of the
Electra Palace Hotel.
Nakon kave može đir po gradu. Solunska riva duga je 12 km! Zamislite koliko je to samo štekati.
After the coffee you can go for a walk. Thessaloniki waterfront is 12 km long! Imagine how many cafés fit there.
Bijela kula - simbol Soluna.
The symbol of the Thessaloniki - the
White Tower.
Spomenik Aleksandru Velikom.
The monument of Alexander the Great.
Mi smo ga prozvali Trg lamina.
We named it Bucket square.
Već smo spominjali divovske ulične pse u Solunu. Izgledaju zastrašujuće, ali su zapravo mirni.
Street dogs in Thessaloniki are giant! They look quite intimidating but actually they are very cool and calm.
Solun je ogroman, a veličina je važna!
Thessaloniki is huge, and size does matter!
Kao prava muzeologinja, pohrlili smo u najbolji gradski muzej -
Muzej bizantske kulture.
As a true museologist we readily visited the best city museum -
Museum of Byzantine Culture.
Muzej ima prekrasan restoran s dvorištem u kojem će, kao prava muzeologinja, ovo lito naša prijateljica Zoe imat pir. Vjerojatno je ovo ulaz u restoran, sigurno ste promislili…
The museum has a beautiful restaurant with the courtyard where our friend Zoe, as a true museologist, is going to have her wedding reception. This must be the entrance to the restaurant, you must be thinking…
A-a… Ne, ovo je ulaz u zahod!
No… this hall leads to the toilettes.
Grčki alfabet, koji je za Nas do tada pripada uzvišenoj sferi matematike, odjedanput se naša svugdi oko nas, čak i na najprofanijim stvarima tipa portafon.
Up to then, the Greek alphabet was for us the part of the higher world of mathematics. Suddenly, it was all around us, even on the most profane things such as doorbells.
“Ma što je to Paok 4”, pitali smo Zoe, “to viđamo po cilen gradu?” “To ti je nogometni klub, a 4 je ulaz na koji ulaze ogrezli navijači.”
“What is Paok 4”, we asked Zoe, “I’ve been seeing it all over the city?” “It is the football club, and 4 is the number of the entrance the real supporters enter through.”
U šetnji smo došli i do pazara. A na njemu svega blaga božjega. Balkan je inače gurmanska Meka, to smo otkrili na putovanju. Na slici su dolmadakije (sarmice u listu vinove loze), butarga od ribe, pečene hubotnice, slana riba…
Our city walk brought us to the market. And there were all the imaginable delights. In general, the Balkans is the gastronomic Mecca, that is what we discovered on our trip. The photo shows dolmadakias (stuffed grapevine leaves with rice), salted roe, roasted octopus, salted fish…
I s ovim dolazimo do posebne priče Soluna - njegove slastičarne. Daleky, mi smo se tamo totalno raspametili, skoro dobili cukarozu i sigurno dobili 2 kila! Ovo je početak. Grčka vrsta sirnice ili pince. Ali, za svaki slučaj, njihove su još obložene šećernim ili čokoladnim glazurama.
This brings us to the special story of Thessaloniki - their pastry shops. Daleky, we’ve totally freaked out there, almost got the sugarose and certainly got 2 kilos! This is the beginning. Similar type of this sweet bread is made in Croatia too. But, just in case, Greeks coat it in sugar or chocolate!
Unutra Zoe za nas bira baklave razne.
Inside, Zoe is taking us different kinds of baklavas.
Na ovu smo slastičarnu nabasali na Uskrs. Bila je otvorena, jer kako bi Grci bez slatkoga. Slastičarna je veličine prosječnega kvartovskega Konzuma (a takve su većinom tamo), a ovo je dil sa suhim keksima.
We found this pastry shop open for Easter. It is huge (as most of them are there), and this is the biscuits part.
Čokoladni kolači i praline.
Chocolate biscuits and pralines.
Torte i to.
Kreme, musevi i sl. Uh….
Creams, mousses, etc. Uh…
I na kraju slikovno-zvučni zapis sa solunske rive za Uskrs. U pozadini trešti njihov Mišo Kovač pretpostavljamo.