Peaceful mind = Peaceful life

30.04.2022., subota

Always remember, your focus determines your reality.

You get more of whatever you focus on, so focus on what elevates you, neglect what depresses you, focus on what strengthens you, neglect what weakens you.
Stop spending your precious energy on what you don't want, focus on what you do want, for what you focus on grows, what you think about expands, and what you dwell on determines what you experience in life.

- 21:51 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


You came naked.
You will also leave naked.
You arrived weak.
So weak you will depart.
You came without money and things.
You will leave without money and things.

Your first bath? Someone washed you. Your last bath? Someone will wash you.

This is our fate as humans.

So why so much pride,
so much malice,
so much envy,
so much hate,
so much resentment,
so much selfishness?

We have limited time in this world.
Let's make it count.

Original Author and Artist Unknown
Shared from @rawrwomen

- 14:54 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

28.04.2022., èetvrtak

Things I wish to never lose ; passion, my dreams, my childish spirit ;
the little things that keep me going,
my curiosity to keep wondering and questioning,
my ability to get up again even when I wish not to,
the art within my soul,
the power to love against all the hatred around,
and most of all my capability to adapt, accept, change
and my will to learn and heal ..
~Yasmine Lasheen~
Artist Kerry Darlington

- 16:28 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

27.04.2022., srijeda

Yeah, I’ve been knocked down, counted out and forgotten.

They never really gave me a chance when life got hard.
But what they always seem to forget is that I’ve never needed their blessings or help to get where I’m going.
I’ve managed to find a way to rise from the ashes of fiery struggle time and again without anyone standing beside me or helping me back up.
I stopped counting on anyone else a long time ago because I learned that the best person to lean on …is me.
Forget handouts, charity and a cheering squad.
I need real, authentic and genuine people to share this journey with..
And I’ll take hard truths over sugarcoated pretense every day of the week.
I don’t need fancy promises or pretend friends, I’m way past all that.
I want the people who get me and accept all of my quirks, idiosyncrasies and uniqueness just as they are.
For the longest time, I held onto the past and the failures, disappointments and heartache for way too long…
Until I realized that all it was doing was keeping me from embracing my future and enjoying my present.
So, sometimes I will fall down and life will get the best of me.
Yes, I won’t always have my best day and might even cry a few tears of frustration here and there…
But that’s just part of my magic.
I fall, I stumble and I hurt…
But I always get back up and rise higher than before.
It’s never easy and it even hurts a bit sometimes, but it’s worth it.
That’s how I grow, evolve and get better.
So, let the world see and define just how they want to…It doesn’t matter to me.
What matters is that every day, I can look in the mirror and know that I’m giving it my all.
When life comes at me, I’m pouring all of myself into everything I do and leaving nothing behind.
So, if you want to find me in life, you won’t happen upon me on the sidelines, watching quietly.
Life isn’t a spectator sport, so come find me in the trenches, dirty, grinding and fighting for all that I am.
It isn’t pretty sometimes, but it’s always worth it.
Win, lose or draw, I can say that I gave it everything that I am…
And that will always be enough for me.
Strong, proud and me.

- 22:11 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Dr Bhawna Gautam

How do you deal with the challenges?
The way we decide to deal with the challenges greatly influences how we feel about ourselves and our lives.
When we face the challenges with courage, we trust ourselves and the creator that we will get through them. Once we tell our mind that there is a way, our mind doesn't stop until it has found it, and that is when we can overcome that challenge.
Don't doubt yourself even if the challenge seems too big. You are always stronger than the challenge; you just need to trust.

- 21:53 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

~ Lori Deschene ~

Be the person who breaks the cycle.
If you were judged, choose understanding.
If you were rejected, choose acceptance.
If you were shamed, choose compassion.
Be the person you needed when you were hurting, not the person who hurt you.
How to be better than what broke you ;
to heal instead of becoming bitter so you can act from your heart, not your pain ..

Artist Jungsuk Lee

- 20:46 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

23.04.2022., subota

If you can't make people smile, at least don't be the reason why they cry.

If you can't give people reasons to remain positive, then don't add more negativity to their lives.

Be someone's strength, someone's inspiration, someone's reason to remain hopeful. If you can't be the sunshine in people's life, at least don't cause the storm.

In times of pain and struggles, people only seek those who care and who will always be there, can you be that person people will look up to in their difficult and trying times?

If you can make a difference in someone's life, make sure it is either a positive one or none.

You will always be remembered for two things, the problem you solved or the ones you created.

You can always make a positive difference in the life of others, but it is better to do nothing than to make things worse.

- 01:33 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

21.04.2022., èetvrtak

Don’t take anything personally.

Nothing others do is because of you.
What others say and do is a projection of their own reality,
their own dream.
When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering ..

~ Don Miguel Ruiz ~

Artist Monica Fernandez

- 16:11 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

17.04.2022., nedjelja

Allow yourself to transform... rise again from a painful past, and stand firm for a beautiful tomorrow.

We all have rooms to grow, many chances to start again, and countless reasons to love life and live on.

It's inevitable to get hurt and it's understandable to move on at a slow pace.

Let's never forget that we all have our own races to run, so it's okay to do whatever we can right now as long as we're slowly moving forward.

You're doing great and your transformation will surely be a sight to behold.

- 23:10 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

The tough times don’t last forever. No feeling is final. Trust the beauty of impermanence

- 19:00 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

- Mario Žuvela

There is no greater miracle than when someone unexpectedly comes to your aid. You ask for nothing, and you get everything. You realize that there is someone whose own interest is not everything in the world. All your theses that there are no more good people fall into the water. And it surprises you that those who have been through everything always help first. Numerous disappointments, heavy blows. Relentless pranks. And which life caressed the least. They know what it’s like when you’re at the bottom and you have no hand to grab.
There are people in whose eyes you see that part of the lost sky. They don’t wait for someone to tell them what to do. Or when to come. These people won’t break into your life with the intent of just watching, or God forbid you take advantage. They meet when they need it most. Like some guardian angels. And offer you wings. To get through the crisis and move forward. There is no greater miracle than when someone unexpectedly comes to your aid. It was as if for a moment only the sky opened above you. And everything is as before.

- 18:58 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

William Shakespeare said:

I always feel happy, do you know why? Because I don't expect anything from anyone; waiting always hurts. Problems are not eternal, they always have a solution, the only thing that cannot be cured is death. Do not allow anyone to insult, humiliate or diminish your self-esteem. Shouting is an instrument of the coward, of those who do not think.
We will always meet people who blame us for their problems and everyone will get what they deserve. We must be strong and resuscitate the downfalls that life imposes on us, in order to remind us that after a dark tunnel full of loneliness, very good things are coming.
Before you talk ... Take a breath
Before you say ... Listen
Before you criticize ... look at yourself.
Before you write .... Think.
Before you hurt ... Look.
Before you give up .... Try it
Before you die ... ENJOY!
The best relationship is not a relationship with an ideal person, but a relationship in which each person learns to live with the shortcomings of the other and knows how to admire his good qualities.
He who does not appreciate what he has, will one day regret losing it, and he who suffers once, will get what he deserves.
If you want to be happy: make someone happy; if you want to receive: give yourself a little, surround yourself with good people and become one of them.
Remember: sometimes, when you least expect it, there will be those who will give you a nice experience!
Never spoil your gift from the past.
A strong person knows how to keep their life in order.
Even with tears in his eyes, he adjusts with a smile and says:
I'm fine. :)
- 13:20 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

- 13:18 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

16.04.2022., subota

What matters in your life is that you love, respect, and trust yourself completely.

Live your life with integrity, respecting others, doing what you feel is in the best interest of humanity.
What people say and do is not your responsibly, nor can you control them.
You are worthy of love and respect. Never settle.

- 22:10 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Are you the reason for someone's silence?

People often become silent for a reason. They are either sad or deeply hurt. We can't always control the situations that may lead to their sadness, but if they are hurt because of being disregarded, you can always try to make them feel worthy.

Everyone wants their opinion and ideas to be heard. Some people always disregard their partner's or loved ones' opinions. They made them feel that their suggestions, ideas or understanding of life is very little. When it happens too often, that person prefers to be silent rather than being belittled repeatedly.

Pay attention when your loved one has become silent. They are usually carrying a lot inside their heart. Listen to them, respect their opinion and value their thoughts. Every person is worthy, and everyone's life experience is worth the consideration.

Dr Bhawna Gautam

- 21:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

I dream of a better world, a world closer to the soul.

A world where you will not need to remind others to respect you, but it will be taken for granted as well as other things. A world in which you will apologize to yourself when you underestimate, neglect or convince yourself that you can't do something, understanding it as an unavoidable step in your growth. A world where you will realize that most annoyances are unnecessary, because it neither gives you anything, nor prepares you for anything, except that in the end you realize that you just lost time.
I dream of a better world, a world closer to the soul. A world where people won’t disappear when you’re having a hard time and where you don’t have to remind them of promises and words. I dream of a world in which more traces will leave love, and fewer injuries we inflict on each other, a world in which tenderness will be a real hit and honesty something that is not given up at any cost. There is already something of that world in all of us, we just need to nurture it and not let the world suffocate it in us.
- Mario Žuvela

- 19:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Living your life believing you are worthy, enough, and lovable is living a life true to who you are within.

People are attracted to authenticity, truth, confidence, and love.
Go to your bathroom mirror today and write the words:
“I believe in myself and all that I came here to be and do. I love and accept myself completely.”

- 19:33 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

She’s the strongest person everyone knows, A beautiful soul who always seems to be smiling and laughing..

But they know what she wants them to know, they see what she wants them to see.
She accepts and loves people for who they are, without judgement or expectation.
Her battles are the quiet ones no one knows about, behind closed doors and silent tears.
She cries from inexplicable sadness, momentary angst and absolute weariness.
Not the sort of tired that sleep can satisfy, but the deeper kind- a soulful fatigue that needs much more than rest.
She seeks no pity from those in her life, for she is the strong one..
Because sometimes, being strong is her only choice.
She loves with all her heart, lives every day to its fullest and gives everything her all.
She’s learned to temper her expectations and depend on herself.
Strong willed, sassy and feisty, she’s the woman that people never forget..and she makes sure her voice is heard.
Not just to talk, but because her words have meaning and her thoughts matter.
She’s not a candle in the wind, she’s a roaring wildfire.
It doesn’t mean she doesn’t fight her internal battles of insecurities, fears and worry, only that she knows her strength and never gives up.
She’s not a fighter because she always wins, but because she never stays down.
She’s okay with being a beautiful mess and a wonderful disaster,
Because she’s not defined by all the things others focus on-flaws and imperfections.
She knows who she is, what she wants and she won’t stop until she’s happy.
She’s the strongest of women, but not in the way that people think-
She’s tough in heart and hardy of soul.
She loves when she shouldn’t, more than they’ll ever love her back..
And yet, she still keeps pouring out her heart.
That’s the beauty and blessing of a strong and soulful woman.

- 15:29 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Yasmine Lasheen.

Some bad things will happen and you won't know why it happened now and maybe you will never will, but also some good unexpected things will cross your way but you wouldn't stop to wonder its reason, you are not here to know everything, you are not here to see the whole picture in everything, you are here to grow, adapt, accept and live, you are here to count the little blesses, immerse in those tiny unnoticeable beauties, to stay still when the storm passes by, when your whole world is turned upside down and you have nothing to do about it, in that specific point your whole perception will change, you will change and goodness will come out of the dark to tell you, you have survived.

- 15:27 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

- 15:25 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Control your anger, it's a step away from danger. Control your anger, before it destroys you!

Anger is a very negative emotion, It blinds the eyes and Shuts the brain, And at the end, all it brings is pain.

Don't let your emotions make your decision, subject it to reasoning.

Before you react out of anger, think of the consequences. Don't do things you will later regret!

People will always offend you, annoy you, provoke you. But never let them control you!
Their actions shouldn't determine your reaction.

One of the remedies for anger is delay, Take a moment, breathe in deeply before you reply.
Don't act until your senses are back.

As Buddha rightly said, "You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger."

Anger doesn't solve anything, it destroys everything and whoever Angers you conquers you.

- 14:01 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

15.04.2022., petak

Sometimes we love
And our hearts are broken
We dream
And our hopes are shattered
We wish
And our desires are unfulfilled
We give freely
And are left empty-handed
And we care for others
And aren’t loved in return
And those who we once most admired and valued
Do not reciprocate our affection.
Sometimes we undergo a process of loss and heartbreak
And are left feeling broken
And lacking hope
As we fail to realise
That we are not destined to remain stuck in this cycle indefinitely
And that in life
What lets go of you
Leads you home
What rejects you
Empowers you to embrace yourself fully
And that someone’s lack of love for you
Is ultimately a reflection of them rather than you.
And we feel most hurt
Not when we are rejected
But when we reject ourselves
We feel most sad
Not when others upset us
But when we seek happiness in sources that are unable to provide it and are left feeling let down
And we feel most alone
When we are strangers to ourselves
And so in order to find peace in our surroundings
We must first find peace within
In order to find joy outside of us
We must first experience joy internally
In order to feel fully accepted
We must first learn to fully accept ourselves
And that
Not every race is worth running
Not every battle is worth fighting
Not every adventure is worth embarking upon
And not every relationship is worth pursuing
And rejection is simply redirection
Allowing us to become more in touch with ourselves
And more awakened to our own self-acceptance and self-love.

- 22:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Show you care, meet people's needs... not just by words, but by deeds.

- 22:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Good Friday lasts a lifetime.

There is always someone who will sooner or later, to a greater or lesser extent, trample on your trust and betray you. Turn your back, And all that with a kiss on the cheek. There is always someone to whom you will give everything, and he will take everything from you for his own interests and leave you. As if she never knew you, as if they never had any relationship with you.

Good Friday lasts a lifetime. There will always be people who will sleep when you need it most and you will be left alone when you need someone’s company, someone’s kind words, hugs or comfort. There will always be people who will condemn you innocent whether they do not know what the real truth is, either because you bother them or because they are simply afraid for themselves. There will always be a person who will conspire against you, slander you, underestimate you, humiliate you and pretend to be perfect and infallible.

Good Friday lasts a lifetime. There will always be people who will change their minds about you, turn the way the wind blows, adjust to the opinions of the majority and not worry about what is true. There will always be those who will hit you with their words, mock your dreams, ridicule your ideals and show themselves as role models in front of others. There will always be difficulties in your path in front of which you will fall but also have the strength to get up and move on.

Good Friday lasts a lifetime. There will always be at least one person who will wipe away your tears, a person who will feel sorry for your suffering, a person who will help you carry your life cross. There will always be someone who will give you dignity even if you come to the end of your life. And then that Good Friday will pass and what you always believed in, what you always hoped for, will come, the dawn of Easter.

- Mario Žuvela

- 21:41 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Nothing heals wounds like love.

Unconditional love. The deepest thing in man that is covered with thousands of deposits. But you will not find such love at every step. Nor in the places you visit most often. Nor will those who talk about it the most show it to you. Someone completely different. And different. The one who takes the burden off your back shows you love and says, "Let's go together." The one who shakes your hand and says, "I believe you can do it."

How many things have hurt you through this life? People to whom you meant nothing. How much pain have you gone through in silence? Anger. Anger. Dissatisfaction. For how long have you been invisible? How many fears, doubts, insecurities have accumulated in the space of your soul? It can't even be counted. And then someone comes back. And he says: "We will be together!" There are few of them. Very, very little. But there are. And they come from God.

- Mario Žuvela

- 21:40 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

When God promise you something, don't focus on what's stopping the promise, focus only on the promise. That's Faith.

Faith doesn't make things easy, it makes things possible. It doesn't give you something so you can believe, it wants you to believe so you can receive something.

You must therefore learn to make God's word and not your circumstances your reality.

If God tells you He will do it, don't bother about how He will. If He tells you to go, don't ask "where?", If He told you to take, don't ask "What?" If the only thing you see is all you see, you are not seeing with the sight of faith.

You can't get God's blessing from the realm of unbelief, you receive them by faith. You can't access His promises by sitting around your obstacles, you must rise in faith.

You don't need to bother about where it leads you, if God tells you to go, leap in faith.

Whether you have wings or not, if He tells you to fly, just fly. He controls the wind, and he will ensure you land safely.

It's not that God can't give you what you want, but do you even believe He can?

You can't doubt God in your heart and think your prayers will work. If you can't rise to the realm of Faith, your blessings will never reach your hands.

Faith is acting as if it is so, even when it is not so, in order that it might be so simply because God said so.

- 16:19 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

14.04.2022., èetvrtak

There is something miraculous about people touching you without touching you.

With a look. With a smile. Nice words. To people who fix your day without doing anything. People who are not trying to change the world, and they succeed the most. And you know why. Because these people love, because they don't prove themselves, because they are the way they are. Simple, spontaneous and honest. These are people of hope. While they are here among us, I know that for this world and me there is always a chance that something beautiful will happen. And I believe he will.

I also learned one important thing from them. Enjoy life as it is now. Don’t wait for some fairytale moment whose time will never come. Stop going back to the past that is forever over. I realized that I had been late for that knowledge for years. I actually got lost the moment I stopped being a kid and thought some important change had happened. And it did happen, but the change for the worse. I want to live from scratch. Unencumbered by what they say you have to. The beautiful road is before me again. The path of hope and good people.

- Mario Žuvela

- 18:24 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

13.04.2022., srijeda

A Portuguese soap maker said to the priest:
- Christianity has not achieved anything, even though it has been preached for almost two thousand years, the world has not improved. There are still evil and corrupt people.

The priest points to a very dirty child playing in the mud by the road:
"Soap didn't accomplish anything." There are still mud and dirty people in the world.
"But soap is only used if it is used," said the maker.
"Christianity, too," the priest replied.

- 10:06 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

12.04.2022., utorak

Everything happens for a reason...

...none of your life experience is a waste, they have hidden purposes, they carry meaningful lessons and in some way they will help you to become the person you are meant to be.

It may not be clear yet, but someday you will look back and understand why it happened the way it did. It's for you, not against you.

See the happenings in your life as a glimpse of the greater things to come, sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful way to prepare you for what you truly need.

It can be difficult to grasp now, but soon you will look back and see why things happened the way they did. It's for you, not against you.

Their true intention is to make you better and not bitter, it is to develop your strength for the blessings you are about to receive.

You only become strong when you put in more efforts, your growth will always come through some level of struggles.

But every struggle is shaping you into the person you are now, and the person you will be tomorrow.

To take possession of your coming breakthrough, you must develop capacity now.

It usually takes time, the preparation is usually hard, yes, but be patient, endure, the strength you've built will save you in the days to come.

Hard times can only bring out the best of you, the only thing difficult times does is to make you stronger.

- 13:40 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

11.04.2022., ponedjeljak

Yasmine Lasheen

They say that pain, tough days, real struggles allow us to grow and they certainly do, but what about forgiveness, care, the ability to accept the other, the thought of helping someone, that brutal word kept, that tender smile coming out of tears for the sake of another tired soul, knowing the value of shared moments, appreciating the love you are recieving is also another way of growing.

- 16:21 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Yasmine Lasheen

I was lost between the words my heart ached to say and what my mind told me not to even whisper, I was trapped between my desire to let go all my supressed feelings and my logic to keep them silent, I drowned in the waves of those eyes and the reality shore I knew I would end up alone on it, I was dragged between my eternal wishes to reside In those arms and between me knowing it would never last, in a way or another we find ourselves stuck between the things we want and the logical truth, between our heart desires and our mind decisions, we turn in carroussel between here and there and we pray we choose right.

- 16:20 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Yasmine Lasheen

May we never regret the last chances we skipped to see someone, may we never feel sorry for the unsaid words we kept till it became too late to spit them out, may we never skip the special moments that may take our breath away, may we remember to let our loved ones know how valued they are to us, may we don't waste our time and energy in useless roads and people, may we have the courage to equally confront and forgive ourselves, may we never hesitate to spread goodness and kindness even when our hearts are broken, may we know our way back when we get lost, and finally may we never stop trying.

- 13:45 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

09.04.2022., subota

Simply be true to yourself, of course without harming others, and wish people well who misunderstand you.

- 15:56 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

- 15:54 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

When someone says "I'm tired" I know one thing.

That person went through many injuries and blows. Disappointments and humiliations. And it didn't stay the same. She learned first hand what human malice is and what it’s like when you need someone’s hand and you don’t have it. When someone says "I'm tired" I know that behind that sentence is a person who wants to be more loved, accepted, appreciated. Someone who has wiped away tears for a long time and who just wants to hear that it means something to someone.
When someone says "I'm tired" I know that behind it is a person who has worked long hours to please others, and avoided what makes her happy. And now she was left without strength. She was a person who had long been without words of support, a touch of tenderness, a gesture of love. And now she has had enough of a life that was not life. She just wanted to feel someone close, a nice word, a handshake. And just a little to be rested again. Healed. New.
- Mario Žuvela

- 15:53 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

08.04.2022., petak

Over the years, you will see that some bad people do better in life.

They act, they cheat, they pretend to be something they are not and surprisingly no bad things happen to their lives. And then you will remember that they told you that everything comes back and pays off. And you will look at them and see how they strengthen, grow, gain a reputation. And how in their lives everything looks better. And you will wonder where that justice is. And you may be tempted to live the same way.
But don't try that! Not all things are seen. No one knows what really happens in a man when his smile is spread from ear to ear. And how he really feels when his pockets are full. And when there are a bunch of people around him who they just flatter, flatter and praise him. Evening is coming. And he remains a man alone. And with it some battles that once lost, can never be won again. To be or not to be human? That is the only question that remains. When all other dilemmas pass.
- Mario Žuvela

- 19:24 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

02.04.2022., subota

- 13:07 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Do you know…..?

Sunflowers rotate according to the position of the sun. In other words, sunflowers "chase light." You probably know that, but there’s another fact you may not know. Have you ever wondered what happens on cloudy and rainy days when the sun is completely covered with clouds?
You may think that the sunflower withers or turns its head towards the ground. Did this come to your mind? Wrong thinking. The following happens, they turn to each other to share their energy.
Nature is amazing. Imagine what it would be like to apply this reflection in our lives. Many people are in a bad mood, and the most vulnerable sometimes become depressed. How about following the example of beautiful sunflowers? They support and empower each other. Nature teaches us so much.
Spread kindness and smiles, it will come back to you ..
Let's be like sunflowers!

- 13:07 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

01.04.2022., petak

Allow yourself to take a break from bad people.

Look away, your thoughts somewhere clear. And look at life in its simplicity. Nature, beauty. Good old customs. You don't need those who make dramas out of ordinary things every day. Nor subtle humiliations through some verbal discussions. Find a small harbor of peace, a place where you can create beautiful memories. For yourself and for people close to your heart.
Allow yourself to take a break from fake people. Imaginary sizes. From looking at a world that sees everything as a tragedy. There are no good times per se. We create them. By what we dream, by what we build. The way we feel. Allow yourself to come out of all the stories where you were just an extra and realize that just one story of your life is enough for you. Invest in it. He is proud of her. Live a life that is long remembered.
- Mario Žuvela

- 18:54 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Be comfortable in your own skin.

Know who you are.
Understand deeply that what people do is never a reflection of you, and it is always related to their perception of life.
You are not for everyone, and they are not always for you.
When you are not included, invited, or considered, whisper to yourself, “Thank you for the space necessary in my life for the people that matter most to me. I am blessed.”

- 18:05 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

You opened your eyes this morning and stayed in bed for a while, just wondering how you’d manage to find a way to do everything.

The endless tasks, the places to go, the bills to pay with money you don’t was almost suffocating.
It all just weighed heavily on you, didn’t it?
Instead of seeing a beautiful morning full of wonder and opportunity, all you could see is struggle.
Day after day, problem after problem, the challenges just seemed to keep coming.
I know it’s hard to be in that place when you can’t find the light and the hope becomes harder to hold onto.
Honestly, I’ve been there so many times, I didn’t think I’d be able to keep going.
I know you need these words, because I needed them, too, once..and still do.
You’ve been fighting for so long just to keep your head above water, your heart has become heavy.
You know you have good things in your life, but the bad stuff just keeps you down sometimes, doesn’t it?
I can’t tell you it gets easier, that the storms stop coming or that everything magically works out.
But what I can tell you is that you’re not alone.
That tomorrow can be beautiful, that you can conquer today.
How, you wonder..
How can you do everything for everyone?
How can you get it all done?
How can you find hope again?
Truth is, the joy and happiness haven’t gone anywhere, you’ve just gotten bogged down in life’s battles and forgotten how to rise above the storms.
You’ve lost sight of your hope, cast aside your dreams and taken steps off the path meant for you.
Breathe in and let it all go, if only for a moment.
You’re meant for more than just going through the motions..
You’ve just forgotten the way.
Whatever has happened before- the mistakes you made and the things that happened ..
That’s over now.
I know changing your direction isn’t easy..everyone would if it were.
But you can.
You will.
Stop focusing on what’s wrong with your life and start finding a way to believe in what could go right.
A journey doesn’t happen in a single step or a day, but a continual move towards something you choose.
Choose to let go of everything that is weighing you down and start embracing the possibilities.
You can’t hold the promises of tomorrow if you’re still holding onto yesterday’s burdens.
This is your chance and you’re capable of so much more than you have chosen to accept.
Stop believing the worst and start believing you can.
Open your mind, free your heart and lift your head.
All the love, hope and happiness has been waiting for you all along.
Close the chapter of times past and start writing a new chapter..
One of triumph, of growth..of becoming the person you once believed you could be.
I can’t go there for you, but I can walk beside you.
Take my hand, find your reasons and let’s go somewhere where hope springs eternal and love is all around.
Don’t tell me you can’t , it’s not real and life isn’t like that..
Because I’m telling you that it can be.
I’ve seen it, felt it and embraced it.
Now, it’s all up to you.
Let’s go discover the beauty and possibilities that are waiting for us.
Starting with today,

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