Peaceful mind = Peaceful life

01.04.2022., petak

You opened your eyes this morning and stayed in bed for a while, just wondering how you’d manage to find a way to do everything.

The endless tasks, the places to go, the bills to pay with money you don’t was almost suffocating.
It all just weighed heavily on you, didn’t it?
Instead of seeing a beautiful morning full of wonder and opportunity, all you could see is struggle.
Day after day, problem after problem, the challenges just seemed to keep coming.
I know it’s hard to be in that place when you can’t find the light and the hope becomes harder to hold onto.
Honestly, I’ve been there so many times, I didn’t think I’d be able to keep going.
I know you need these words, because I needed them, too, once..and still do.
You’ve been fighting for so long just to keep your head above water, your heart has become heavy.
You know you have good things in your life, but the bad stuff just keeps you down sometimes, doesn’t it?
I can’t tell you it gets easier, that the storms stop coming or that everything magically works out.
But what I can tell you is that you’re not alone.
That tomorrow can be beautiful, that you can conquer today.
How, you wonder..
How can you do everything for everyone?
How can you get it all done?
How can you find hope again?
Truth is, the joy and happiness haven’t gone anywhere, you’ve just gotten bogged down in life’s battles and forgotten how to rise above the storms.
You’ve lost sight of your hope, cast aside your dreams and taken steps off the path meant for you.
Breathe in and let it all go, if only for a moment.
You’re meant for more than just going through the motions..
You’ve just forgotten the way.
Whatever has happened before- the mistakes you made and the things that happened ..
That’s over now.
I know changing your direction isn’t easy..everyone would if it were.
But you can.
You will.
Stop focusing on what’s wrong with your life and start finding a way to believe in what could go right.
A journey doesn’t happen in a single step or a day, but a continual move towards something you choose.
Choose to let go of everything that is weighing you down and start embracing the possibilities.
You can’t hold the promises of tomorrow if you’re still holding onto yesterday’s burdens.
This is your chance and you’re capable of so much more than you have chosen to accept.
Stop believing the worst and start believing you can.
Open your mind, free your heart and lift your head.
All the love, hope and happiness has been waiting for you all along.
Close the chapter of times past and start writing a new chapter..
One of triumph, of growth..of becoming the person you once believed you could be.
I can’t go there for you, but I can walk beside you.
Take my hand, find your reasons and let’s go somewhere where hope springs eternal and love is all around.
Don’t tell me you can’t , it’s not real and life isn’t like that..
Because I’m telling you that it can be.
I’ve seen it, felt it and embraced it.
Now, it’s all up to you.
Let’s go discover the beauty and possibilities that are waiting for us.
Starting with today,

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