Peaceful mind = Peaceful life

15.04.2022., petak

Nothing heals wounds like love.

Unconditional love. The deepest thing in man that is covered with thousands of deposits. But you will not find such love at every step. Nor in the places you visit most often. Nor will those who talk about it the most show it to you. Someone completely different. And different. The one who takes the burden off your back shows you love and says, "Let's go together." The one who shakes your hand and says, "I believe you can do it."

How many things have hurt you through this life? People to whom you meant nothing. How much pain have you gone through in silence? Anger. Anger. Dissatisfaction. For how long have you been invisible? How many fears, doubts, insecurities have accumulated in the space of your soul? It can't even be counted. And then someone comes back. And he says: "We will be together!" There are few of them. Very, very little. But there are. And they come from God.

- Mario Žuvela

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