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Yeah, I’ve been knocked down, counted out and forgotten.

They never really gave me a chance when life got hard.
But what they always seem to forget is that I’ve never needed their blessings or help to get where I’m going.
I’ve managed to find a way to rise from the ashes of fiery struggle time and again without anyone standing beside me or helping me back up.
I stopped counting on anyone else a long time ago because I learned that the best person to lean on …is me.
Forget handouts, charity and a cheering squad.
I need real, authentic and genuine people to share this journey with..
And I’ll take hard truths over sugarcoated pretense every day of the week.
I don’t need fancy promises or pretend friends, I’m way past all that.
I want the people who get me and accept all of my quirks, idiosyncrasies and uniqueness just as they are.
For the longest time, I held onto the past and the failures, disappointments and heartache for way too long…
Until I realized that all it was doing was keeping me from embracing my future and enjoying my present.
So, sometimes I will fall down and life will get the best of me.
Yes, I won’t always have my best day and might even cry a few tears of frustration here and there…
But that’s just part of my magic.
I fall, I stumble and I hurt…
But I always get back up and rise higher than before.
It’s never easy and it even hurts a bit sometimes, but it’s worth it.
That’s how I grow, evolve and get better.
So, let the world see and define just how they want to…It doesn’t matter to me.
What matters is that every day, I can look in the mirror and know that I’m giving it my all.
When life comes at me, I’m pouring all of myself into everything I do and leaving nothing behind.
So, if you want to find me in life, you won’t happen upon me on the sidelines, watching quietly.
Life isn’t a spectator sport, so come find me in the trenches, dirty, grinding and fighting for all that I am.
It isn’t pretty sometimes, but it’s always worth it.
Win, lose or draw, I can say that I gave it everything that I am…
And that will always be enough for me.
Strong, proud and me.

Post je objavljen 27.04.2022. u 22:11 sati.