Peaceful mind = Peaceful life

30.03.2022., srijeda

Do you celebrate each day of life?

Celebrating each day of life means that you are grateful for another chance of life and try to make the best of the chance you are given.
If you wake up to your day with gratitude, you will see life as a gift. When we open any gift, there is a sense of enthusiasm and excitement. So, every day becomes a reason to look forward. With a high level of energy, your day becomes more fulfilling, and even if you have minor setbacks, you can overcome them with much ease.
Welcome every day with zeal, appreciate it by using it to create, build and connect Once you start being grateful for the gift of life, you will find few reasons to complain.
Dr Bhawna Gautam

- 22:17 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Always remember one thing.

Never compromise on how much you are worth. Who is the one who thinks he is called to determine your worth? Or diminish it? Because of some of his accomplishments or successes. Turn around now and go! You don't need people like that in your life. Who will put you on a ladder and say: You are here and I am there. For whatever reason you are with such, make a cut right away and show that your value is not something to be compromised about.
Maybe people won't tell you that directly. But he will tell you from his behavior. You will see. When in something you need to be completely equal they put themselves forward and you back. You will feel it in their words. In looks and gestures. And don't think you thought so. If you just thought so, then so be it. Because people are ready for all sorts of things. And they turn out good and nice. Whatever he always remembers. Never compromise on how much you are worth.
- Mario Žuvela

- 22:12 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Life can be hard sometimes, there are times you might feel it's not worth living.

We've all had our fair share of pains and difficulties, unmet expectations, broken dreams, heartbreaks, times of uncertainties and hopelessness, defeat and failures...

They are not apart from life, they are a part of it. They don't always come to destroy you, but to build you.

The presence of suffering doesn't mean the absence of God, through the struggles, through the pain, He is preparing you for the great destiny He has for you.

He created you for a purpose, He has a plan for your life. You are still breathing because He is not done. He is still working and cheering you on. So never give up on life, because God will never give up on you.

As long as there is life, hope exists. No matter what you've gone through or that you are going through, there is always a better tomorrow, and your life still has meaning.

- 22:05 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

23.03.2022., srijeda

We never know the journey another person has walked...

... and how difficult it could have been, so be kind to everyone you meet, we are all travellers on the journey of life.

Everyone's journey is accompanied with it's own pain, no one ever travels a smooth path.
We are here to help one another along life's journey, let's always strive to do our part.

Everyone's life is different, and everyone's journey is not the same, if at all our paths cross, may we have the courage to encourage each other and not try to pull another down.

Life is fleeting, life is short, the earth is not the goal. The brief time we have to live, let's help others believe that they are not alone.

Though the path is your own and we can't walk it for you, but we will always be there to help each other through.

- 17:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

19.03.2022., subota

She dazzles the world with a pretty smile and makes friends easily with her unassuming nature and warm personality.
They see exactly what she wants them to see, because that’s how she feels safest.
Letting someone behind her walls takes much more effort than most are willing to put forth.
She’s made peace with her past and let go of her baggage, though the remnants of her pain and hurt still linger in the deepest places beyond her eyes.
After all, they can’t hurt her when they can’t truly see her..and that’s how she keeps smiling through the pain and pushing through the hurt to her happiness.
The courageous ones that have recognized her truths hidden behind her smile are the souls she holds close-
They get her and love her in ways the world would never understand..
And they don’t have to understand a beautiful love that encompasses her circle.
She’ll fight for her people and love them with all her heart…and the rest of the world?
They get the most fleeting glimpses into who she really is..
Just enough for the right ones to find her and for the rest to appreciate her pretty smile and move on.
She hasn’t yet found the one who can make her feel safe or dance with her demons, but she’s not worried about finding love or chasing fairy tales.
She enjoys the beauty of her moments, loves herself and her friends in all the ways that make her happy.
She’ll never be concerned with being everything to everyone, for she’s tried that and frankly, well,
It’s exhausting.
So, if you miss the chance to dive deeper into her depths, you’ll be missing a woman of the most amazing qualities-
The kind you can spend a lifetime trying to unravel..
But she’s worth every moment, each smile and all the joy in the world.
And one thing is for certain-
She’ll never be the one seeking the limelight..
She’s the one stealing your heart away before you ever even knew it was gone.

- 21:20 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Dr Bhawna Gautam

Do you have a winning attitude?
Our success in life is greatly defined by our attitude towards life. Life can bring opportunities to us, but how we make use of those opportunities ultimately dictates how successful we are.
Sometimes people miss chances in life because they feel the opportunity they have is too little for the big they want to create. They forget that every opportunity lost is a chance lost to win. To achieve success, one must embrace every opportunity with an open and positive mind. Even with small opportunities, you can make big; it depends upon how skillfully you use it.
To succeed in life, you must take every opportunity. Even if you don't reach where you want, you will learn skills, meet people and find other pathways that can lead you closer to your destination.

- 20:56 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

When you begin to feel afraid ask yourself, “What am I afraid of right now? Is this fear real?”

If the answer is no, take a deep breath and repeat a helpful affirmation like,
“I am safe and confident. I have what I need in this moment.”
If the answer is yes, assess your options, put your fear in your pocket, and take the safe appropriate action that serves you in the moment.

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We’re here to learn from every experience we have and then use the teachings to grow and become the greatest version of who we are.

You’re ability to see gets much better because you become more aware of the energy and truth people bring to the table.
Remember the great Maya Angelou said, “When people show you who they are believe them.”

- 20:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

I get that maybe some people don’t always care for my bold opinions and outspoken personality.

It’s okay- I didn’t sign up to impress anyone or ask for the approval of who I am or how I choose to live my life.
Maybe my blunt honesty and sometimes sarcastic humor may offend people too, but that’s just part of my personality…
I like to see the brighter side of things, and I often do that with an edgy sense of humor.
I’ll just have to live with the idea that some people don’t want to hear the truth and prefer to surround themselves with fake kindness and sugarcoated nonsense..
And that’s their right and I respect that, even if I don’t agree with their outlook.
If that’s what makes me happy and helps them get through their days, then that’s all that matters.
I’m going to keep doing what I do and enjoying my life- honest, blunt and sometimes hilariously outrageous.
That’s just me.
But don’t think for a second I’ll be hanging around the people pretending to be happy doing things for all the wrong reasons in ways that aren’t real.
No thanks.
Give me the genuine, gritty souls that are brave enough to stand in their own light and forge their individual paths.
The beautiful spirits that seek happiness, help others and do the right thing…even if no one is watching.
The people that just love their best and deepest, always leaving people and places better than they found them.
That’s my tribe of hardy and amazing folks that I’m standing beside…
Not the crowd off chasing ridiculous ideas or terrible reasons and never really being happy.
I’ll pass.
There’s a lot of beauty in this life and so many reasons to be happy, be true to myself and he real…
And I’m going to find as much of it as I can.
So, if you want to find me, look often the beaten path, away from the crowds with the people that don’t always fit in.
You’ll always catch me doing the things that make me happy..
Road trips just because.
Spontaneous dance parties in the kitchen.
Having a midnight conversation about life’s wonder and depth.
In my world, the only rule is to love my life, appreciate the moments and cherish the journey..
Because one day, we’ll all run out of time.
Might as well make the most of the chances and time we’re given..
Starting with love, starting with today.

- 18:57 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

We’re in this lifetime to learn from every experience and then use the teachings to grow and become our truest self.

Be unapologetically you, and allow others to do the same.

- 18:56 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

18.03.2022., petak

This is your one precious life so choose the people you walk the path with carefully.

Make sure they love you unconditionally, support your life dreams completely, laugh with you often, and listen with a compassionate ear when you need one.
It’s your space, protect it.

- 22:06 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
When you wake up close your eyes before getting out of bed and whisper,
“Thank you for the gift of this new day."
With a foundation of gratitude to begin the day you have more strength, perseverance, and confidence to manage the stresses and unpredictable events that life sends your way.
Keep something beautiful in your mind as a reminder of what you have instead of what is missing.

- 22:05 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

17.03.2022., èetvrtak

The tough times don’t last forever!

We are usually inspired by the story of those who despite the unbelievable pain and hardship they went through ensured all their dreams come true.

It's not the difficulty itself but your response to the difficulty that determines how your life's story will be told.

Will you back down in the face of every difficult situation that comes or will you keep going choosing not to surrender?

There is no success without hardship, there is no victory without a fight, nothing worth having in life comes easy, you have to endure all the bad days to earn the good days of your life.

The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory, and the more interesting the story. Keep going!

- 12:44 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

13.03.2022., nedjelja

Sometimes you have to STOP!

Stop complaining, stop worrying, stop being afraid, stop weeping, just stop and when you do, LOOK BACK at what God has done for you in the past, how far He has brought you and remember if He did it then, He will do it again.

He has brought you through before, and He will bring you through again.
So make a decision each day, to choose faith over fear, to choose Joy over sorrow, to choose thanksgiving over grumbling.

The presence of the storm doesn't mean the absence of God. He is always at work. You may not see it but He knows what He's doing. He has a plan. He will do His part, only do yours, which is simply to trust Him.

God is not a man that He should lie, hold on to His word, everything in the world may fail but His word will always prevail.

Trust Him even when it doesn't make sense. Be at peace even when everything around you is crumbling. God can deliver you few minutes before disgrace, He can save you few minutes into disgrace, He can save you few minutes after disgrace, but one thing is sure, HE WILL SAVE YOU.

He will be there with you always, He will never leave you nor forsake. He has promised to be with you even till the end of the age.

Only Trust Him. Be calm and know that He is your God!

- 19:46 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

12.03.2022., subota

Moving away is an art.

Of things that don't concern you. From people who say one thing and do another. A step, two steps, a hundred steps from someone who mocks your dreams and to whom your feelings mean nothing. Moving away is an art. From the one that exhausts, and actually presents itself as your medicine. Of all that is not for you, that you do not deserve and after which only one bitter taste remains in your heart. A sad sigh in his chest.

Moving away is an art. From everything he wants to adapt to himself and not let you be who you are. From everything where you once experienced an injury, a blow or a disappointment. Because people repeat things. Even when they say they will change and be different. Moving away is an art. To learn to be alone for once. You feel the priceless gift of freedom. And without the fear of loneliness you live life to the fullest. Grateful for all that you are and have.

- Mario Žuvela

- 12:20 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

07.03.2022., ponedjeljak

Sometimes you need to go through things to realize what's the real thing, only then will you value what you discover as real.

Life has a way of revealing to you what truly counts, sometimes it takes you through a journey, and the experience defines what you begin to believe.

Sometimes you tend to hold on to every thing you find, but miss the main thing you should seek.

Always seek God first, let Him be your first choice, and you will never end up last in life.

When God is your source in everything, you will never run out of anything.

You only find peace when you find God.

- 23:46 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

I know it’s been hard lately..

But keep going and dig deep.
It feels like every day gets harder and the tough times get tougher,
But you’ll get through it all…
Even if you feel like you can’t or that you want to give up..
You’re stronger than you think and more resilient than you give yourself credit for.
Don’t stop believing in yourself because you’ve failed and maybe somebody has told you that you won’t make it..
Because I’m telling you that you will.
You’re better than you realize, stronger than you know and capable of great things..
Starting with today, beginning with yourself.
Stop listening to all the noise from the naysayers and start believing in you.
Look back and see how far you’ve come and what you’ve survived and you’ll begin to understand why I say..
You’ve got this.
Push aside the doubt- and I know that’s hard to do- and keep showing up, keep fighting and keep pushing forward.
I’m not going to tell you that it will be easy, painless or quick, because it won’t be-
It will hurt like hell sometimes.
But that’s the stuff that makes you grow, evolve and get stronger…
So stop worrying about the things you can’t control and start focusing on yourself.
That’s all you can change, so lift your head, find the light and remember that you’re meant for more than just getting through the days.
The butterfly doesn’t define itself by its caterpillar beginnings, so don’t get stuck in where you’ve been or what you haven’t done yet.
Life is a journey, not a race.
Just because you’re not there yet doesn’t mean you won’t get there.
There’s great things ahead for you, but you’re going to have to find your voice, your wings and believe.
Nothing beautiful ever came to life without a dream first.
This is your day and your chance.
Turn the page and start your new story.
It’s time to rise and shine, darling.

- 22:44 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

03.03.2022., èetvrtak

I always knew I’d find my person, I just didn’t know when or one does, do they?

I realize that I’m a handful, I’ve been through hard times and I’m still here, standing strong and smiling.
My friends think I’m crazy for still believing in love after all the dead ends that broke my heart..
But that’s just who I am-
I believe in soulful love, intense passion and real feelings.
I don’t need anyone to complete me, fix me or make me whole..
I can do all that on my own.
But I do want someone who understands me, loves me unconditionally and makes me feel at peace..
More than that, I want the one whose kiss excites me while their touch soothes and electrifies me simultaneously.
Everyone tells me I’ll never find someone like that, but I know differently.
I’ve seen it all around me- friends, parents and family, so I know that kind of love is real and exists-
And you have to be willing to risk it all when the love of your life shows up.
Sometimes, you only get one chances to fulfill your destiny and I’m never going to be the person saying “if only.”
They might even show up ten thousand miles away from me, that won’t matter..
What’s meant to be will always be, but I’m going to do my part..
And when they look in my eyes, I’ll know just why they’re the one...more than likely, probably long before that.
I'll know from our first exchange..
Because they get me- really get me.
They see all of me and accept me for everything that I am..
And even as he picks up the unlovable pieces of me that everyone else walked away from, he’ll still be there..
Strong, loyal and loving.
So, how will I know when love comes calling?
Because he’ll embrace my heart, mind, body and soul..
And in that instant, I’ll know.
He’s the one I want for always..
And we’ll never look back.

- 12:46 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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