Peaceful mind = Peaceful life

27.02.2022., nedjelja

Somewhere along the way, I lost myself and my magic that meant so much to me.
I really couldn’t tell you how or when, only that the little sparkle in my eye that inspired me just started to disappear.
Maybe it was life and all its challenges, maybe it was the broken hearts I endured chasing love..
I really couldn’t tell you.
But one day, I realized I wasn’t the person I had set out to be and I wasn’t okay with that anymore.
I had been simply existing and not thriving for so long, I had lost my way.
It’s hard to find that spark that makes your passions burn brightly when it’s gone..
But I knew that I had to dig deep and revitalize my spirit and find the missing girl who had been missing for far too long.
The one that loved music as it filled her soul, inspiring her to dance and lose herself to the peace as she immersed herself in song.
I stopped rushing and started truly paying attention to the beauty all around me in my had been there all along, I just got too busy living life for all the wrong reasons.
The more I started to rekindle the things that moved my soul and stoked my heart, the more that girl came out and reminded me who I once was so long ago..
The girl that dreamed endlessly, loved intensely and saw the beauty and magic in everything and everyone around her.
The person that would roll her windows down and turn her music up, letting the breeze billow through her hair as she let go of the world and reveled in the moment.
Little by little, day by day, that girl started to stop by more often and stay a little longer each time...
In fact, I think she’s found that magic that she misplaced long ago.
Who knows?
Maybe one day soon, she’ll even remember her wings and find the courage to fly again as she once did..
And she can’t wait to soar again.
I think this time, that girl might just stick around for a while.

- 17:22 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
And the most things I ever fought were always within my ownself, I fight my own weaknesses, my endless self doubts, my melancholy attacks, my illogical fears, my sometimes ego, my so much underestimating self, my lack of controlling my rush of emotions, my regrets of past mistakes and my failure to stop repeating them, my tiring contradicting mind, my impulsive heart, my judgmental pieces that show up sometimes, I fight and fight, so if you saw me shuttered, angry, sad or akward, it's because I'm trapped into my own myths of struggles, because I want to grow, I want to be a better version of myself, I want just to be a better human being.
Yasmine Lasheen.

- 17:21 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

There is one rule in life.

Keep what makes you happy. Don't give it to anyone. Don't hurt. When you lose all support you will see how much it means to have someone on whose shoulder you can lean. How hard life is when you don’t have someone you can tell the day to. Confide in. Because there are many difficult days that sometimes it seems that there are no others. And there are. You just don't make enough of them. I don't enjoy them.

Learn to believe. But choose who. And not everyone. People say one thing and do another. Not everyone is always as they appear. Be careful! Life is not just honey and milk. Beautiful and difficult days alternate as if on a strip. And sometimes life breaks you so much that you wonder what it has against you. But don't forget: Others go through the same thing. Just grit your teeth and move on. And stay on your feet. You'll see, everything can end nicely. Just a lot of faith. And patience.

- Mario Žuvela

- 17:16 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
I’ve spent too much of my life worrying what was okay with everyone else..
Instead of what was okay with me.
Starting over is okay- getting rid of the partners that never really treated me right all along.
Moving on and leaving behind the people that never cared about me is okay.
Setting boundaries and saying no is more than okay because it’s my life and my body..
And if people can’t respect me and my choices, then they don’t deserve to be around me.
But no one will decide that for me, so I have to be strong enough and brave enough to decide when I’ve had enough of people mistreating me and taking me for granted.
I’d rather be alone with my own company than to spend my time with those people who don’t value me or treat me the way I deserve.
I’ve worked hard to become the best version of myself, so I’m not going to settle or sacrifice any longer.
I’ve given too many people too many chances when I should’ve cut them off and walked away..
I’m not staying anymore in the places with the people who don’t appreciate me for me.
Being there makes me unhappy and if I’ve learned anything, it’s that I shouldn’t disregard my feelings or let anyone do that either.
This is my life and if I want to be truly happy, I need to go where I’m valued, loved and appreciated for the person that I am..
No less.
I’m surrounding myself with the people who love me just the way that I am.
And that’s more than okay with me.
It’s what I’ve always wanted ..but haven’t always had the courage to fight for.
That ends now.
I’m turning the page and starting a new chapter:
This one is called simply:
My life, my way, my choices.
And it’s more than just okay.
It’s great..
Just the way I deserve.
I’m worth it..
And from here on, I’ll accept nothing less.

- 00:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

26.02.2022., subota

Life is filled with joy and hardship. This is a great truth, so make sure every day you spend time doing one thing that brings you joy and a smile to your face.

Today choose to do one thing that will bring you laughter and peace in your heart.
Don't wait until everything in your life is sorted out, and then you will relax and enjoy your day, no, find moments of fun and happiness now. Don’t wait for tomorrow.
My ex-husband Mickey, @michellemaros dad went to sleep on August 6, 2007 and did not wake up on August 7.
The reality and Truth that “no one is guaranteed tomorrow” is etched in my consciousness.
The way you live life is changed forever when you realize the ordinary moments of life are an extraordinary gift.

- 20:22 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

You are a hero in your life when you stand up for yourself and expect nothing less than respect, unconditional love, and kindness from another person in your life, always. Time is irrelevant.

- 20:18 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

20.02.2022., nedjelja

I know you think you ruined my life when you broke my heart, and for a while, I might have agreed with you.
There were days when I didn’t want to get out of bed and nights when I cried myself to sleep.
But it’s an amazing thing how something so devastating can tear you apart…but then makes you realize who you really are.
I know you always underestimated me the whole time we were together, thinking I couldn’t make it without you and that I needed you to be happy..
But when you decided to take that away from me, I took a good hard look at myself.
Yes, my heart was in pieces.
Yes, I was down and out.
Yes, I couldn’t see the light..
But then, you see, something inside me woke up.
Maybe being completely lost in the darkness helped me finally see the light I hadn’t found for so long.
But in those days when I was falling apart,
I realized I was falling into something better.
The real me.
Every day, I put another piece of myself back together and forged my armor stronger.
Every time I thought I couldn’t do it, I found a way and grew braver.
I stopped dwelling in what had been and started envisioning what I could become.
No more wallowing or feeling sorry for myself.
You thought you destroyed me, but all you did was give me the fire to become better, wiser and stronger.
You showed me what I don’t want out of a relationship and most importantly,
That I’d forgotten who I was and how to love myself.
Pretty soon, I won’t think of you and cry, I’ll smile instead.
Thanking you for setting me free and fueling my drive to rise again better than ever.
I’m not going to let anyone ever cage my spirit again, because some hearts were meant to stay wild..
And I’m just one of those creatures.
So, you did more for me letting me go than you ever did pretending to love me.
Not only did you show me the way to become better,
But I took every piece of my heart that you shattered and built it into the most formidable armor ever.
Because of you, I lost myself..
But because of you, I was forced to evolve.
After all, you’ll never keep a good person down.

- 00:12 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

05.02.2022., subota

- 22:48 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
Let go. Nothing is yours. And don't try to tie anyone to yourself. Give freedom to everyone who enters your life so they can choose whether to stay or leave. And you will see that life is better. Simpler. More dignified. You are calmer because you don't hold anyone close to you. You never press to stay when it's hard for you. You live day by day no matter what. You look at the beautiful in people, and when they show you another face, you know that with your honesty, they will leave on their own.

Let go. No one is yours. All you can do is make the people around you feel good. So let them choose. It doesn't cost you a smile. Nice word. A handshake. It costs you nothing to be someone's consolation in trouble. Helper's hand. Signpost. Because you are aware that you got all this yourself, so it is not a problem to give it to you. He lives open to people who come, but also open to people who leave. Those who want to be with you will stay. Those who want to leave will leave. All the wisdom of life is in that.

- Mario Žuvela

- 22:44 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

- 17:13 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Anna Dymna

One of the lies of this world is that if you are kind to people they will sooner or later retaliate. That's a stupid lie. There are those who seem to enjoy hurting others. However, no matter how many rotten hearts you meet, it pays to be good, not because someone will reciprocate, but to show the world that humanity still exists.

- 17:12 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

01.02.2022., utorak

Not everything is as it seems at first.

Not every homeless person is an alcoholic and not every "perfect" couple from the media lives in an idyll.
Someone gave up because he lacked strength, not because he didn’t want to fight.
People differ for different reasons, and they are together for different reasons.
It’s not like everyone who doesn’t have kids doesn’t want to have kids. Some would, but can't.
Someone you call fat or skinny can be seriously ill, not lazy or neglected.
Someone who has an ear-to-ear smile can actually be deeply unhappy inside.
He who has everything at first sight often has nothing.
We often judge by what is visible to the eye, and we forget that we can only see some things with the heart.
A person can perfectly cover wounds, hide pain, illness, broken heart ...
(Unknown author)

- 13:54 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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