Let go. Nothing is yours. And don't try to tie anyone to yourself. Give freedom to everyone who enters your life so they can choose whether to stay or leave. And you will see that life is better. Simpler. More dignified. You are calmer because you don't hold anyone close to you. You never press to stay when it's hard for you. You live day by day no matter what. You look at the beautiful in people, and when they show you another face, you know that with your honesty, they will leave on their own.
Let go. No one is yours. All you can do is make the people around you feel good. So let them choose. It doesn't cost you a smile. Nice word. A handshake. It costs you nothing to be someone's consolation in trouble. Helper's hand. Signpost. Because you are aware that you got all this yourself, so it is not a problem to give it to you. He lives open to people who come, but also open to people who leave. Those who want to be with you will stay. Those who want to leave will leave. All the wisdom of life is in that.
- Mario Žuvela