Peaceful mind = Peaceful life

07.03.2022., ponedjeljak

I know it’s been hard lately..

But keep going and dig deep.
It feels like every day gets harder and the tough times get tougher,
But you’ll get through it all…
Even if you feel like you can’t or that you want to give up..
You’re stronger than you think and more resilient than you give yourself credit for.
Don’t stop believing in yourself because you’ve failed and maybe somebody has told you that you won’t make it..
Because I’m telling you that you will.
You’re better than you realize, stronger than you know and capable of great things..
Starting with today, beginning with yourself.
Stop listening to all the noise from the naysayers and start believing in you.
Look back and see how far you’ve come and what you’ve survived and you’ll begin to understand why I say..
You’ve got this.
Push aside the doubt- and I know that’s hard to do- and keep showing up, keep fighting and keep pushing forward.
I’m not going to tell you that it will be easy, painless or quick, because it won’t be-
It will hurt like hell sometimes.
But that’s the stuff that makes you grow, evolve and get stronger…
So stop worrying about the things you can’t control and start focusing on yourself.
That’s all you can change, so lift your head, find the light and remember that you’re meant for more than just getting through the days.
The butterfly doesn’t define itself by its caterpillar beginnings, so don’t get stuck in where you’ve been or what you haven’t done yet.
Life is a journey, not a race.
Just because you’re not there yet doesn’t mean you won’t get there.
There’s great things ahead for you, but you’re going to have to find your voice, your wings and believe.
Nothing beautiful ever came to life without a dream first.
This is your day and your chance.
Turn the page and start your new story.
It’s time to rise and shine, darling.

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