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She dazzles the world with a pretty smile and makes friends easily with her unassuming nature and warm personality.
They see exactly what she wants them to see, because that’s how she feels safest.
Letting someone behind her walls takes much more effort than most are willing to put forth.
She’s made peace with her past and let go of her baggage, though the remnants of her pain and hurt still linger in the deepest places beyond her eyes.
After all, they can’t hurt her when they can’t truly see her..and that’s how she keeps smiling through the pain and pushing through the hurt to her happiness.
The courageous ones that have recognized her truths hidden behind her smile are the souls she holds close-
They get her and love her in ways the world would never understand..
And they don’t have to understand a beautiful love that encompasses her circle.
She’ll fight for her people and love them with all her heart…and the rest of the world?
They get the most fleeting glimpses into who she really is..
Just enough for the right ones to find her and for the rest to appreciate her pretty smile and move on.
She hasn’t yet found the one who can make her feel safe or dance with her demons, but she’s not worried about finding love or chasing fairy tales.
She enjoys the beauty of her moments, loves herself and her friends in all the ways that make her happy.
She’ll never be concerned with being everything to everyone, for she’s tried that and frankly, well,
It’s exhausting.
So, if you miss the chance to dive deeper into her depths, you’ll be missing a woman of the most amazing qualities-
The kind you can spend a lifetime trying to unravel..
But she’s worth every moment, each smile and all the joy in the world.
And one thing is for certain-
She’ll never be the one seeking the limelight..
She’s the one stealing your heart away before you ever even knew it was gone.

Post je objavljen 19.03.2022. u 21:20 sati.