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Moving away is an art.

Of things that don't concern you. From people who say one thing and do another. A step, two steps, a hundred steps from someone who mocks your dreams and to whom your feelings mean nothing. Moving away is an art. From the one that exhausts, and actually presents itself as your medicine. Of all that is not for you, that you do not deserve and after which only one bitter taste remains in your heart. A sad sigh in his chest.

Moving away is an art. From everything he wants to adapt to himself and not let you be who you are. From everything where you once experienced an injury, a blow or a disappointment. Because people repeat things. Even when they say they will change and be different. Moving away is an art. To learn to be alone for once. You feel the priceless gift of freedom. And without the fear of loneliness you live life to the fullest. Grateful for all that you are and have.

- Mario Žuvela

Post je objavljen 12.03.2022. u 12:20 sati.