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I always knew I’d find my person, I just didn’t know when or one does, do they?

I realize that I’m a handful, I’ve been through hard times and I’m still here, standing strong and smiling.
My friends think I’m crazy for still believing in love after all the dead ends that broke my heart..
But that’s just who I am-
I believe in soulful love, intense passion and real feelings.
I don’t need anyone to complete me, fix me or make me whole..
I can do all that on my own.
But I do want someone who understands me, loves me unconditionally and makes me feel at peace..
More than that, I want the one whose kiss excites me while their touch soothes and electrifies me simultaneously.
Everyone tells me I’ll never find someone like that, but I know differently.
I’ve seen it all around me- friends, parents and family, so I know that kind of love is real and exists-
And you have to be willing to risk it all when the love of your life shows up.
Sometimes, you only get one chances to fulfill your destiny and I’m never going to be the person saying “if only.”
They might even show up ten thousand miles away from me, that won’t matter..
What’s meant to be will always be, but I’m going to do my part..
And when they look in my eyes, I’ll know just why they’re the one...more than likely, probably long before that.
I'll know from our first exchange..
Because they get me- really get me.
They see all of me and accept me for everything that I am..
And even as he picks up the unlovable pieces of me that everyone else walked away from, he’ll still be there..
Strong, loyal and loving.
So, how will I know when love comes calling?
Because he’ll embrace my heart, mind, body and soul..
And in that instant, I’ll know.
He’s the one I want for always..
And we’ll never look back.

Post je objavljen 03.03.2022. u 12:46 sati.