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Sometimes you have to STOP!

Stop complaining, stop worrying, stop being afraid, stop weeping, just stop and when you do, LOOK BACK at what God has done for you in the past, how far He has brought you and remember if He did it then, He will do it again.

He has brought you through before, and He will bring you through again.
So make a decision each day, to choose faith over fear, to choose Joy over sorrow, to choose thanksgiving over grumbling.

The presence of the storm doesn't mean the absence of God. He is always at work. You may not see it but He knows what He's doing. He has a plan. He will do His part, only do yours, which is simply to trust Him.

God is not a man that He should lie, hold on to His word, everything in the world may fail but His word will always prevail.

Trust Him even when it doesn't make sense. Be at peace even when everything around you is crumbling. God can deliver you few minutes before disgrace, He can save you few minutes into disgrace, He can save you few minutes after disgrace, but one thing is sure, HE WILL SAVE YOU.

He will be there with you always, He will never leave you nor forsake. He has promised to be with you even till the end of the age.

Only Trust Him. Be calm and know that He is your God!

Post je objavljen 13.03.2022. u 19:46 sati.