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Life can be hard sometimes, there are times you might feel it's not worth living.

We've all had our fair share of pains and difficulties, unmet expectations, broken dreams, heartbreaks, times of uncertainties and hopelessness, defeat and failures...

They are not apart from life, they are a part of it. They don't always come to destroy you, but to build you.

The presence of suffering doesn't mean the absence of God, through the struggles, through the pain, He is preparing you for the great destiny He has for you.

He created you for a purpose, He has a plan for your life. You are still breathing because He is not done. He is still working and cheering you on. So never give up on life, because God will never give up on you.

As long as there is life, hope exists. No matter what you've gone through or that you are going through, there is always a better tomorrow, and your life still has meaning.

Post je objavljen 30.03.2022. u 22:05 sati.