Peaceful mind = Peaceful life

30.03.2022., srijeda

Always remember one thing.

Never compromise on how much you are worth. Who is the one who thinks he is called to determine your worth? Or diminish it? Because of some of his accomplishments or successes. Turn around now and go! You don't need people like that in your life. Who will put you on a ladder and say: You are here and I am there. For whatever reason you are with such, make a cut right away and show that your value is not something to be compromised about.
Maybe people won't tell you that directly. But he will tell you from his behavior. You will see. When in something you need to be completely equal they put themselves forward and you back. You will feel it in their words. In looks and gestures. And don't think you thought so. If you just thought so, then so be it. Because people are ready for all sorts of things. And they turn out good and nice. Whatever he always remembers. Never compromise on how much you are worth.
- Mario Žuvela

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