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Good Friday lasts a lifetime.

There is always someone who will sooner or later, to a greater or lesser extent, trample on your trust and betray you. Turn your back, And all that with a kiss on the cheek. There is always someone to whom you will give everything, and he will take everything from you for his own interests and leave you. As if she never knew you, as if they never had any relationship with you.

Good Friday lasts a lifetime. There will always be people who will sleep when you need it most and you will be left alone when you need someone’s company, someone’s kind words, hugs or comfort. There will always be people who will condemn you innocent whether they do not know what the real truth is, either because you bother them or because they are simply afraid for themselves. There will always be a person who will conspire against you, slander you, underestimate you, humiliate you and pretend to be perfect and infallible.

Good Friday lasts a lifetime. There will always be people who will change their minds about you, turn the way the wind blows, adjust to the opinions of the majority and not worry about what is true. There will always be those who will hit you with their words, mock your dreams, ridicule your ideals and show themselves as role models in front of others. There will always be difficulties in your path in front of which you will fall but also have the strength to get up and move on.

Good Friday lasts a lifetime. There will always be at least one person who will wipe away your tears, a person who will feel sorry for your suffering, a person who will help you carry your life cross. There will always be someone who will give you dignity even if you come to the end of your life. And then that Good Friday will pass and what you always believed in, what you always hoped for, will come, the dawn of Easter.

- Mario Žuvela

Post je objavljen 15.04.2022. u 21:41 sati.