Peaceful mind = Peaceful life

16.04.2022., subota

I dream of a better world, a world closer to the soul.

A world where you will not need to remind others to respect you, but it will be taken for granted as well as other things. A world in which you will apologize to yourself when you underestimate, neglect or convince yourself that you can't do something, understanding it as an unavoidable step in your growth. A world where you will realize that most annoyances are unnecessary, because it neither gives you anything, nor prepares you for anything, except that in the end you realize that you just lost time.
I dream of a better world, a world closer to the soul. A world where people won’t disappear when you’re having a hard time and where you don’t have to remind them of promises and words. I dream of a world in which more traces will leave love, and fewer injuries we inflict on each other, a world in which tenderness will be a real hit and honesty something that is not given up at any cost. There is already something of that world in all of us, we just need to nurture it and not let the world suffocate it in us.
- Mario Žuvela

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