i mjesec i sunce

nedjelja, 30.04.2017.

Strawberry fields podsljemenskoga kvarta

O ovome govorim,
otvorite na YTu i pogledajte komentare ispod................

Usred svega, promjenila sam ideju.
Neće biti jagodnog polja.
Svakom dobro dođe malo čarolije.......

- 10:01 - Komentari (9) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 29.04.2017.

- 14:14 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 27.04.2017.

Podsljemenski kvart, breskva

Od jedanaest cvjetića na malom stabalcu,
ovo je jedini preostali koji se pretvorio u plod.
za sada se i on presvlači.

- 20:30 - Komentari (12) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 26.04.2017.

Yanni-One Man's Dream˙

- 18:53 - Komentari (7) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 25.04.2017.

- 17:45 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 23.04.2017.

graškolike, presvlačenje

- 14:36 - Komentari (7) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 22.04.2017.

- 08:21 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 18.04.2017.

- 10:01 - Komentari (8) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 15.04.2017.

jelen (ili ne)

Jučer se je dogodila baš lijepa stvar.
Jako smo se razveselile, to je uzeto kao dobar znamen. :)
Vozile smo se Gračanskom cestom kojom prolazimo sto puta tjedno.
To je cesta u sjevernom dijelu Zagreba, ima dosta šumovitih predjela,
ali ipak, ipak je to ljudsko naselje.
Pretrčao nam je mladi jelen ili srndać pred autom cestu.
Nismo mi išle brzo, nije bilo opasnosti da se zabijemo jedni u druge,
a stigle smo ga baš dobro vidjeti.
Imao je nekako previše rogova za srndaća,
pa si nekako mislim da je to jelen sa još neizraslim rogovima.
Iako je vjerojatnije da je ono prvo?
Nema se baš puno što napisati o tome
osim da je to bila baš impresivna životinja,
mišićava i puna snage.
Jako nas je razveselila.
Do sad smo na našem teritoriju sretali ponekog zeca,
jednom nekog ogromnog,
nekoliko lisica,
jednom kune,
ježeva puno, nešto patki, ćukova i sličnog,
ali ovakvu veliku životinju još nikada :)
Biti će da se spuštala na one otvorene vode potoka Medvešćaka /Blizneca,
koje se slijevaju na Mihaljevac,
a onda podzemno, pod grad....
- 09:36 - Komentari (15) - Isprintaj - #

9,5 tona krvi i mesa

Bačena je majka svih bombi od 9,5 tona.
Ameri na ISILovce, mora biti da znate jer se ta informacija neprestance ponavlja svugdje.
S ponosom i zadovoljstvom.
Muka mi je od ljudskog roda. Od nepoljuljane normalnosti s kojim primamo takvu vijest. Od sreće da imamo takvu bombu, od podrazumijevanja da je dobro imati takvo oružje.
Od potpunog zadovoljstva da smo njome ubijali neke tamo gadove - pa oni su ubijali nas, nisu li? I neće li i još? I mi ćemo njih, naravno.
U Velikom tjednu, u kojem svi vjernici sa specijalnom žalošću polažu Isusa u grob, u kojem se sve s velikom brigom vrti oko toga kaj se jelo (da se nekaj ne bi fulalo, a i još uvijek nije jasno jel riba meso ili nije, jebiga) u kojem se bude otišlo pet puta u crkvu (a i u ponedjeljak nakon, pride), jako me raspigalo opetovano divljenje majci svih bombi, i njezinoj upotrebi kao nekom velebnom postignuću.
Koliko još Isusa mora doći i umrijeti da nam utuve u glavu misao, a u srce osjećaj, da je JAKO POGREŠNO I U POTPUNOSTI NEPRIHVATLJIVO DA SE LJUDI MEĐUSOBNO UBIJAJU?
Dokle god se svaka osoba, svaka pojedinačna duša, ne zgrči na tu pomisao, dotle nemamo kritičnu masu da konačno postanemo ljudi.

Meni je jasno da nisu hrvatski vjenici odgovorni kaj je bomba bačena, da ne biste sad pojednostavnili problem. Meni je naročito neugodno i bolesno slušati takvu vijest u Velikom tjednu a da nitko oko mene ne strigne uhom. Nitko nije šokiran tom viješću. U tjednu kada se posebno razmatra Isusova osobna žrtva za čovječanstvo. Govorimo o onom Isusu koji je rekao Ljubi bližnjega svoga kao sebe samog (a tko je moj bližnji?....), Okreni dugi obraz, Tko je bez krivnje neka baci prvi kamen......

Osobno mi je žao da sam čovjek i kao takva dio čovječanstva koje besramno trati dar Života stalno igrajući infantilnu igru 'On je prvi počeo'.
- 00:21 - Komentari (7) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 13.04.2017.

Horor san

Sanjala sam prošle noći užasan san.
Pravi je i mučni hororac, ali mi se čini važan, a ne tek neki strah pokupljen u danu prije. Ja sam mlađi muškarac u tom snu, zato nastavljam u tom rodu.

Dakle, znalo se za postojanje jednog poremećenog ubojice, monstruma koji bi komadao svoje žrtve (neću u detalje, više je nego ogavno). Bilo sam u društvu jenog starijeg muškarca. Bilo mi je zlo od straha pri pomisli da bi nas monstrum mogao napasti. Čuli smo krike i zvukove borbe i klanja iz susjedne sobe. Iz nekog razloga, znalo se da tko čuje zločin biva prije ili poslije i sam napadnut i odvratno ubijen. Ipak, nas silni strah nije natjerao na bijeg nego na neki način oduzeo, u mraku smo legli u krevet i pokrili se.
Čulo se približavanje koljača.
Muškarac do mene nekako je rezignirano govorio 'ti ništa ne brini, osjećam da on dolazi po mene, ti si siguran, samo otvori oči i uši pazi što će biti.' Nisam želio otvarati ni oči ni uši, nego sam panično žmirio i rukama stiskao uši. Ipak sam i vidio i čuo. Manijak je došao do našeg kreveta i divljačkom gestom jednim potezom strgnuo sve pokrivače. Od straha sam pao na pod sa druge strane kreveta. Moj kolega se kao reda radi pokušao malo opirati, ali vladalo je opće ozračje neizbježnosti svega toga.
Kako je ovaj njega klao, a ja ludio od straha grčevito stiščući oči i uši, tako sam ipak čuo i vidio, ali ne ono što se zbivalo na metar od mene, nego užase koji su se dogodili toj osobi, od kojih je ona takva postala. Čulo se jezivo glasno škripanje, struganje i meci su fijukali na sve strane. Doživljaji te osobe bili su neizrecivo strašni, kao i njeno ponašanje proizašlo iz svega.
Probudila sam se usred noći skroz izbezumljena.
Kasnije sam opet zaspala i sanjala nastavak.
Imao sam sina, imao je oko sedam godina, učio sam ga postupcima koji će ga štititi od susreta s tim ubojicom u životu.
Bilo je bitno da se priveže za neko uže kao mjeru sigurnosti, čak i kad su svi ostali smatrali da je dovoljno držati se. Bilo je bitno, kad na radiju ili tvu čuje određeni tekst ili određene zvuke, da apsolutno odmah stane sa slušanjem. Bilo je bitno da mu određeni pojmovi i određeni postupci ostanu trajna nepoznanica, da nikad ne čuje za njih. Bilo je to kao prekidanje lanca ubijanja, morao je iskoračiti iz općeg stanja svijesti i uvriježenog poimanja, da ostane imun na pojavu i napade monstruoznog ubojice kojem su se ljudi do tada bez borbe predavali.

Eto, to je bio san.
Ja sad odoh spavati,
nadam se da su noćas na redu lakše teme.
- 23:15 - Komentari (12) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 11.04.2017.

Još neke slike ili Prostiranje maslačaka

Editiran post, dovoljne su ove dvije, prva i bonus fotka.


Oznake: Maslači, svjetlost, sjeme na plodnom tlu

- 07:43 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 10.04.2017.

tutice & špice

- 08:23 - Komentari (9) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 09.04.2017.

Plesna haljina žutog maslačka

Špice (baletne papučice) ću pokazati u idućem postu,
za danas ova jedna, nježna .

- 14:03 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 08.04.2017.


Sve trešnje rođene su u košuljicama, i to cvjetnog uzorka :))

- 08:04 - Komentari (13) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 07.04.2017.


Poštovani svi;
hvala na komentarima,
vidim, željni ste glazbe pa da vam udovoljim,
malo za zabavu :))

Ostale pjesme će doći na red. :)
Stara Teta, uvijek je ista trešnja :))

- 16:47 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 06.04.2017.

dvije bezimene (koje su naknadno ipak imenovane)

(da ne spominjem Druga Tita i ono 'za domovinu s Titom - naprijed'
koje mi uvijek bljesne u sjećanju pri pogledu na ovaj nedužni cvjetak)


Još samija

- 10:30 - Komentari (8) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 05.04.2017.

O vodi

Ne boj'te se, narodi
kratko je
a lijepo i zanimljivo.
I prisjetite se toga kada se perete,
gledate rijeku
dajete lijek i čašu vode nekome.
Mogućnosti su brojne,
ograničenja samo u umu.
Voda, Vatra, Zrak, Zemlja,
sve su to živi entiteti,
drugačije živi nego mi
ali i isto živi kao mi.
Možda to zvuči kao bapsko bajanje
ali život je bogat i raznolik
i nije na ljudima da ga (uvijek) strpa(va)ju u kutiju razumijevanja umom
nego da ga osluškuju srcem i budu zahvalni.
Što će nam bogati vokabular, ako nam je um skučen?

- 10:01 - Komentari (20) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 04.04.2017.

....Ho cliccato like sul tuo ombelico...........

Odlična pjesma,
(iako ponekad na rubu iritantnosti
ako smo u takvom stanju)
ipak odlična.

Il tuo sguardo e una tac tvoj pogled je CT
E una risonanza magnetica magnetska rezonanca
Il tuo giudizio e liberta vigilata tvoja presuda i uvjetna sloboda
O sedia elettrica ili električna stolica
Nel cielo questa luna arroventata na nebu zarumenjeni mjesec
Che rotola lungo il piano inclinato della vita kotrlja se dugo po kosini života
Come un flipper anni 80 kao na fliperu iz osamdesetih
Che ad un certo punto della partita kada u određenom trenutku igre
Partivano due palline in simultanea prođu dvije loptice simultano
E arte contemporanea suvremena umjetnost
Ecco cos’e svegliarsi in questa epoca kakva se probudi u ovoj epohi
Big data pata pata važan datum pata, pata*
Niente zucchero nell’aranciata ništa šećera u oranžadi

Io sono pazzo di te lud sam za tobom
Bellissima selvatica prekrasna divljakuša
Vestita da signora odjevena u gospođu
Col ciondolo a forma di cuore s privjeskom u obliku srca
Che ha dentro la foto del suo grande amore u kojem je slika njezine velike ljubavi
Il suo gatto njezinog mačka

Con uno sguardo s jednim pogledom
Con uno sguardo s jednim pogledom
Mi hai imprigionato zarobila si me
Mi hai liberato oslobodila si me
Con uno sguardo s jednim pogledom
Con uno sguardo s jednim pogledom
Mi hai ammazzato ubila si me
E resuscitato i uskrsnula
Mi hai fatto sentire učinila si da se osjećam
Sul tetto del mondo (kao) na vrhu svijeta
E sul letto di noi i u našem krevetu
Con uno sguardo dei tuoi s jednim tvojim pogledom
Con uno sguardo dei tuoi s jednim tvojim pogledom

Nel giorno delle sirene na dan sirena
Io ascoltero il loro canto ja ću slušati njihovu pjesmu
Ma č scritto nelle mie vene ali zapisano je u mojim venama
Che devo proseguire da moram nastaviti
Fino a tornare da te dok se ne vratim tebi
Risalendo la linea dei tuoi pensieri uzađem ponovo u niz tvojih misli
Che spaziano koje se kreću
Dalla politica alla chirurgia estetica od politike do estetske kirurgije
Dalla magia all’informatica od magije do informatike
Dall’etica all’energetica od etike do energetike
Alla bioetica do bioetike
All’arte pratica do praktične umjetnosti

Io sono pazzo di te lud sam za tobom
Bellissima ragazza prekrasna djevojko
Lanciatrice di piatti bacačice tanjura
E di contatti i kontakata
Ho cliccato like sul tuo ombelico kliknuo sam like na tvom pupku
Non voglio essere tuo amico ne želim biti tvoj prijatelj
Ma la sella del tuo motorino nego sjedalo na tvom motoru
Con uno sguardo s jednim pogledom
Con uno sguardo s jednim pogledom
Mi hai imprigionato zarobila si me
Mi hai liberato oslobodila si me
Con uno sguardo s jednim pogledom
Con uno sguardo s jednim pogledom
Mi hai ammazzato e resuscitato ubila si me i uskrsnula
Mi hai fatto sentire učinila si da se osjećam
Sul tetto del mondo (kao) na vrhu svijeta
e sul letto di noi i u našem krevetu
Con uno sguardo dei tuoi s jednim tvojim pogledom


Voglio essere un tasto želim biti gumb
Del tuo cellulare na tvom mobitelu
La frana che blocca il tuo cammino klizište koje ti blokira put
Poi ti offro un passaggio sulle mie spalle da ti ponudim vožnju na mojim ramenima
La tua gonna di petali di stelle tvoja suknja na latice zvijezda
La replicante di Blade Runner replikant u Blade Runner-u
Il tuo sguardo e un radar tvoj pogled je radar
E uno scanner i skener
Ho comprato un banner kupio sam zastavu
Per dirti che ti adoro da ti kažem da te obožavam
Non lasciarmi solo ne ostavljaj me samog
Mi ci vuole un coro potreban mi je zbor
Io sono pazzo di te lud sam za tobom

Con uno sguardo, s jednim pogledom
con uno sguardo s jednim pogledom
Mi hai imprigionato zarobila si me
E mi hai liberato oslobodila si me
Con uno sguardo s jednim pogledom
Con uno sguardo s jednim pogledom
Mi hai ammazzato ubila si me
E resuscitato i uskrsnula
Mi hai fatto sentire učinila si da se osjećam
Sul tetto del mondo (kao) na vrhu svijeta
E sul letto di noi i u našem krevetu
Con uno sguardo dei tuoi s jednim tvojim pogledom
Io sono pazzo di te lud sam za tobom


“Sta arrivanno ‘o pata pata ‘e ll’acqua!!!“
Tako se kaže u Napulju kada je pljusak približava, oblaci su niski i gusti i zrak počinje zračiti nepogrešiv miris vlažne zemlje.

evo ga, nekako sam prevela :)
tko zna bolje, ljubazno molim za ispravak!
- 07:34 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 03.04.2017.


- 19:55 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 02.04.2017.


- 15:59 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 01.04.2017.


Agni Yoga Society
iz teksta 'Brotherhood' ,
iako izričito piše da se ni djelovi tekstova,
niti tekstovi u cijelosti ne smiju nigdje javno objavljivati,
smatram da je korisno,
u svrhu općeg dobra,
makar ovako na kapaljku dijeliti misli i ideje.
Na žalost,
teksta na hrvatskom nema
i ovaj engleski (mi) je zeznut za čitati,
ali se može.

26. Appeal to the Brotherhood does not remain without a response, but there are many ways of
answering. People revolve so much within the circle of their own expressions that they do not perceive
other signs. Besides, people are unable to understand the allusions and warnings that are sometimes
contained in a single word and in a single spark. They do not wish to reflect about the reasons for such
brevity. Scholars, even very erudite ones, do not remember the law of karma. Yet when people see a
passer-by being exposed to danger, they warn him with a short outcry and do not read him lectures on the
cause of his misfortune. So, too, in the matter of karmic reactions it is usually possible to caution with a
brief exclamation without delving into the depths of karma.
Everyone has had opportunity many times to convince himself that the response of the
Brotherhood has come in signs which are outwardly very insignificant. It can be boldly affirmed that a
great majority of indications either glide over the consciousness or are incorrectly interpreted. Such
distortions of the meaning are especially harmful when they are in the hands of thoughtless people who
subject the indications to their own fortuitous frame of mind.
There are many instances when essential signs have been explained by the ignorant as something
completely opposite. In their earthly customs people often interpret letters in their own way, not being
concerned with the precise meaning of the words-such conventional egoistic practices have to be
abandoned on the paths to Brotherhood.

27. By acting attentively in their earthly relations, people will accustom themselves also to attentiveness
in the Higher Service. Do not leave the questions of people unanswered. It is better to reply as briefly as
possible than to leave behind the engendering of poison. It can be easily shown what poisonous
fermentations are begun where there is no link.

32. Psychic energy should be not only studied but consciously applied in life. Such a conscious
cooperation as Brotherhood is in need of psychic energy. It is impossible to harmonize labor without
psychic energy. It is impossible to arrive at mutual understanding without psychic energy. It is impossible
to gather patience and tolerance without psychic energy. It is impossible to rid oneself from irritation
without psychic energy. In everything there must be application of the primary energy itself.
It has already been observed that not only does the presence of an individual have an influence on
the fluctuations of the energy but even pictures of people react upon the subtle energy. One must not only
recognize the sensitiveness of the energy but also keep in mind this phenomenal quality. For people who
have not seen experiments with psychic energy, discussions about the reactions of mere images will seem
like mad fairy tales. However, for such people as these, the energy itself is under suspicion. They are not
averse to talking about spirit or soul, but this very obvious energy will be for them witchcraft.

34. It is possible for an argument to make the truth manifest, but most often it litters the space. The
teacher must know to what extent the pupil can engage in argument without introducing irritation.
These measures must be known, because Brotherhood first of all needs equilibrium.

35. Be not surprised that, speaking about Brotherhood, I mention the primary energy; there are two
reasons for this. The first lies in the fact that approach to Brotherhood requires the development of the
primary energy. Without this, with the centers sleeping, realization of such subtle perceptions is
impossible. On such most subtle vibrations is built Brotherly cooperation. The second thing to be
remembered is that not everyone has read the preceding writings, in which psychic energy is spoken
about. Each book must contain the basic conditions for improvement. It would be cruel not to give even
brief allusions to the preceding, wherein something invaluable has been dealt with.
Let us be attentive to each small circumstance. In the earthly way of life it is difficult to
distinguish where is the small and where the great, where the useless and where the useful. Many pearls
have been swept away with the dust. If you notice that your companion is only partially assimilating vital
principles, help him. In such patient assistance there is expressed a very important quality for

36. Psychic energy is called the organ of the fourth dimension. Indeed, the fact of this dimension is
relative; it only expresses the refined state of all feelings. Great refinement bestows the possibility of
understanding supermundane conditions. But if the fourth dimension has been established in the
nomenclature, let it be thus-so long as we do not revert to two dimensions. Likewise, let us not object if
psychic energy be called an organ. It exists, it produces powerful reactions. It assimilates cosmic currents,
it is bound up with life. Let it be called even an organ, for in such designation there already is
acknowledgment of it.

37. It must not be forgotten that, on the whole, many will not understand a single word about psychic
energy. They will not accept it. Just as a man who has never seen lightning does not recognize it. Thus,
there are to found people who do not understand on the whole what thought is. The characteristic of such
people will not be illiteracy but obduracy. Not few are such corpses!
Let investigators of psychic energy inure themselves to such petrifications. Much about an
obvious inability to assimilate will have to be noted in the diaries.

38. People await Messengers, yet they are very much frightened at a mere thought about their arrival. If
one were to ask the people in what form they would like to see a Messenger, a strange conglomeration
would emerge, even bordering upon the monstrous; bird feathers will not be last in their list of
Messenger's attributes. And when people are told that the Messenger is surrounded by Light, they take
precautions first of all not to be blinded.
True, there may occur shocks during even the most ordinary manifestations. A palpitation may be
not from unexpectedness alone, it may arise from an inequality of auras. Such a tension can be even
disastrous; therefore the appearance of Messengers does not occur frequently. Surely they come not to
kill, consequently one must accustom oneself gradually to experiencing different tensions. Investigators
of psychic energy will understand what exercise We are speaking about.
Besides experiments with psychic energy, it is necessary to accustom oneself to communion with
the Subtle World-and without resorting to magic. Everything natural is to be attained by natural methods.
Only by the way of experiment do people accustom themselves to tensions of various degrees. It may be
understood that expectation itself will be a natural preparation, or discipline, as it is customary to say.
A man in a state of preparedness is ready to receive the Messenger

40. The concept of Brotherhood stands on steadfast pillars. In it there can be no restrictions of age, race,
or of occasional moods. Indeed, above all else there is the primary energy. If it is manifest, and if contacts
through it can be harmonized, then there will be affirmed a lasting bond.

44. Let us agree on the meaning of the concept of rest. Around this concept a multitude of false and
harmful interpretations have clustered. People have become accustomed to think that rest is inaction; in
this way it has become transformed into psychic enfeeblement. Inaction is most corruptive for psychic
energy. Each spiritual immobility will fatigue, not regenerate.
Physicians prescribe rest, quiet, all kinds of inaction, and assume that in a moribund state it is
possible to restore strength. But these same physicians understand that weakness and collapse result from
violation of equilibrium. Thus, rest is nothing but equilibrium. But equilibrium is a proportionate tension
of energy. Only thus is it possible to restore and strengthen one's forces.
It is of no consequence whether equilibrium be acquired in desert or city-the main requisite is
constant tension. The path of tension is the path of striving, that is to say, the path of life.
The incompetent physician warns against expenditure of strength, but strength is dissipated
through lack of equilibrium. Truly, then, equilibrium will be the best, the only panacea. A sensible use of
fresh air is worthy of consideration as an assisting expedient, but this does not require a long period of
Let the concept of rest be rightly understood for the manifestation of Brotherhood. Unrest begets
aimless bustle.

48. Constant alertness is often indicated, but how seldom it is understood! Usually people will require it
of those surrounding them, but they will not seek it in themselves. Whereas each one should attune first of
all his own instrument. Only then is receptivity acquired. Is it possible to look forward to cooperation and
Brotherhood without receptivity? The most definite counsels are broken against the armor of negation.
The time will come when physicians will discover what conditions are most advantageous for the
action of psychic energy. One should not presume that psychic energy can act identically under all
conditions. As there are people upon whom the most powerful poisons have no effect, psychic energy
also is assimilated in different ways. If receptivity will not be developed, then man will lose his most
precious apparatus. But for receptivity one must establish in oneself constant alertness. For such a quality
nothing supernatural is required, one has only to be attentive.

49. Among one's human incarnations there is invariably found an incarnation devoted to rhythmic labor.
Whether this be some sort of craftsmanship or music, singing or farm work, every man infallibly will
cultivate in himself the rhythm which fills all of life. Upon learning of certain incarnations, people
frequently are astonished as to why they should have been so insignificant. But in them there was being
worked out the rhythm of labor. One of the greatest of qualities, this must be acquired through conflict
and patience.

50. Growing to love work is possible only by cognizing it. Likewise, rhythm can be realized only when it
has been absorbed into the nature of a man. Otherwise ignorance will rise up against lawful measures and
constant discipline. To such ignorant ones the very concept of Brotherhood will appear as an intolerable

55. It is impossible to doubt the tracings of psychic energy. As a primary force of cognition it cannot be
misread by taking a casual mood for the essence. The manifestations of thought about the significance of
psychic energy will be, as it were, a pumping of it from space.
The magnet of thought brings in most precious particles of psychic energy. One must grow to
love it. One must recognize its constant presence. Such thinking is by no means easy. A great deal of
patience must be found in order to protect it under the attack of all the unbridled currents of space.

56. Patience, patience, patience-let this not be an empty sound, let it protect one on all paths. When it
seems that all forces have been exhausted, such an illusion is most dangerous. The forces are
inexhaustible, but people themselves try to cut short their flow.
Also, the path to Brotherhood requires much patience. The same power of thought must be
applied in order to draw close to the consciousness of the three worlds.

66. Co-workers and messengers may be either conscious or unconscious ones. The entrusting of
commissions is considered honorable, but unconscious co-workers usually do not even know when they
have been inspired by a commission. They proceed in accord with a command unknown to them,
transmitting something or forewarning someone, but they themselves do not know where is the beginning
and where the end of their mission. There are many such messengers; they differ according to their
condition, but none the less they do not tarry. Also, there are particular silent commissions, when it is
needful to exert influence, not by a word, but by silence.

67. Sometimes a fixed silent gaze averts great dangers. Thought needs no words. Suggestion needs no
words. Only unskillful hypnotists try to exert influence with a loud cry and to increase it with the hands,
but neither one nor the other is needed in thought transmission. Rather can rhythmic breathing be useful,
but this too is replaced by the rhythm of the heart.
Thought is sent through the heart and is also received through the heart.

68. People who are expecting a message can also be divided into two categories. The minority know how
to wait, but the majority not only do not understand what is taking place but even exert a harmful
influence. They abandon their work. They fill space with complaints. They impede those around them.
Without noticing it they consider themselves the elect, and they begin to make arrogant assertions about
others. Much harm emanates from scant knowledge and still more from a petrified consciousness. Each
such person becomes a hotbed of confusion and doubt. He loses the rhythm of work by manifesting
confusion. Such people are very harmful for the spreading of knowledge. They wish to receive for their
personal gratification the very latest tidings, but little usefulness results from such usurpers. One should
not fail to take such weak people into account-they are as nests of treason. Nothing restrains their
intrigues. There should be no act of destruction just for the sake of good tidings. Few there are who know
how to await messages in complete magnanimity, while working, and amidst difficulties-such co-workers
are the ones who become brothers.

85. The bliss of the thinker or the torment of the thinker? It is customary to represent a thinker as in
torment, but if you ask him whether he wishes to be freed from such pangs, any thinker will reply in the
negative. In the depth of his consciousness he experiences great bliss, for the process of thinking is a
higher enjoyment. People have only two real joys-thinking and the ecstasy over beauty. The path to the
Fiery World has been affirmed by these two manifestations. Only through them can man advance to the
lofty spheres. Every higher communion will contain these two fundamentals. Therefore, it is absurd to
talk about the torments of the thinker or the creator. They are not suffering but rejoicing. However, people
understand joy in such a singular fashion! For some people joy is in thinking nothing and doing nothing.
The path to Brotherhood is in thinking and in labor.

87. There are many signs on the path to Brotherhood. The path is not a short one, and all provisions are
useful. Who dares to affirm that this or that quality is not suitable for him? It may turn out that precisely
the most neglected will be urgently needed.

92. Detested labor is not only a misery for the unsuccessful worker but it poisons the whole surrounding
atmosphere. The discontent of the worker does not permit him to find joy and to improve the quality.
Moreover, imperil born of irritation redoubles gloomy thoughts, with effects fatal to creativeness. But the
definite question may arise as to what is to be done if not everyone can find work corresponding to his
vocation. Undoubtedly, many people cannot apply themselves in the way they would like. There exists a
remedy for lifting such a blight. Scientific attainments show that above the everyday routine there is a
beautiful domain accessible to all-the realization of psychic energy. In experiments with it one may be
convinced that farmers often possess a goodly store of the energy. Likewise, many other fields of labor
aid the conservation of energy. Therefore, amid the most diverse labors one may find uplifting strength.

93. All is possible; only depression of spirit can whisper about impossibility. Each step of science does
not limit; it provides a new possibility. If something appears impossible from the earthly point of view, it
may be entirely feasible through application of subtle energies. The face of a man changes with the source
of light. Lightning can alter to the point of non-recognition the facial features and can reveal a quite
unusual expression. But there are so many rays and currents, of diverse influence, and they can transform
that which exists!
Is it not encouraging to realize that all is possible?

95. Each manifestation is multiform. It is especially erroneous to think of a manifestation as having one
single source and one single effect. Around each action there can be observed many different realms
which exert an influence and on which an influence is exerted. One must assimilate the fact that the
sphere of each action is far broader than can be defined according to earthly reasoning. Thus, by each
action and each thought people contact several spheres. It should not be forgotten that thoughts infallibly
impinge upon the Subtle World. They do not always arrive in a state of clarity, but in any case they will
produce a certain disturbance of energy. So many currents are refracted in space that it is impossible to
call human action a mere muscular reflex. Hence, one must accustom oneself to the complexity of effects.

105. In ancient treatises can be found the expression “crippled souls.” And it is explained that such
crippling can be done only by oneself. As soon as a man imagines that no further path remains for him, he
shackles his own primary energy. In such fetters there can be no advance. By cutting short the path, the
man takes upon himself a grave responsibility. This cannot be justified by despair, for of course this dark
phantom is engendered by one's own weak will. Having lodged in the spirit, this specter actually injures
the health. The phantom has nothing in it of reality. If people will investigate the true causes of despair,
the invalidity of these causes will become amazingly clear. If the concept of Brotherhood were near to
people, how many such groundless despairs would be dispelled! Yet people would rather cut short their
own progress than reflect about the healing fundamentals. The writers of the ancient treatises about
crippled souls had good grounds for this expression.

109. In Infinity there are many sensations that are inexpressible in earthly words. Some of them fill the
heart with palpitation, yet such tension will be neither terror nor rapture. It is difficult to describe the
feeling of the one who stands before the fathomless abyss. He is not frightened, yet he cannot act boldly.
He does not see any support and he does not know what is to be done in such a situation. But it is his
good fortune if behind him stands Brotherhood, completely realized. One should not understand
Brotherhood as something abstract. It is here present for the happiness of humanity.

110. If the surpassing feeling of Brotherhood is difficult in the earthly condition, nevertheless
Brotherhood is entirely accessible to each aspiring mind. There is no need to make something
complicated of it, if you are able to wish for your neighbor nothing that you do not wish for yourself.
Thus, every day, in every task, in every thought, one may be affirmed in the realization of Brotherhood.

116. Often one may hear narratives about the start or abolishment of the Brotherhood. Various countries
are pointed out, many epochs are named, but no one can say authentically when Communities have been
founded. People regard as a beautiful tale the remnants of indications about the Brotherhood. Many
disputes, many misunderstandings are caused by the details about the structure of the earthly
Brotherhood. Most often it is regarded in general as non-existent. It may be noticed that people fall into
particular irritation in discussing the structure of the Brotherhood. Especially suspicious are people who
do not admit the existence of anything higher than their imagination. They forget that the imagination is
an accumulation of actuality. Hence, they cannot admit that there is anything above and beyond their own
conception of life.
Too few are the travelers who pay attention to extraordinary manifestations. On the contrary,
frequently the most exceptional evidences are dismissed by the most trivial explanations. People, as if
blind, are unwilling to observe the evidence; they hasten away from it in order to shut themselves up in
their conventional illusions. It may be asked, “Who then is more devoted to truth, he who sinks into the
narcosis of illusion or he who is ready to encounter reality with keenness and courage?”
We esteem devotees of reality.

117. Let us not regard the skeptics as devotees of reality. Skeptics go through life muffled in a grey veil.
They think that they are rebelling against illusion, but they cover themselves constantly with cobweb.
Those people must be singled out who from early childhood have loved the truth.

118. In legends about Armageddon there are mentioned people with covered faces. Is there not something
similar taking place now? It can be seen that the whole world is gradually putting on a veil and brother
rises against brother. Precisely, the covered faces are marking time.

119. It may be noticed that patience is developed to the extreme in certain people while others are totally
lacking in this quality. What is the reason for this? Such a basic quality cannot be a matter of chance.
Know that the possessor of patience has built it up in many lives. A patient man is a worker of vast
experience. Only in great labors does a man cognize the worthlessness of irritation. Before the Great
Image he perceives the complete insignificance of transitory manifestations. Without many testings it is
impossible to appraise and distinguish the qualities of manifestations in life. One should not assume that
patience is a distinction conferred without reason; on the contrary, it belongs to the qualities that have
been earned with special difficulty, both in the earthly and in the subtle sojourn. Hence, the patient man is
rich in experience while the impatient one is a novice in life. Thus let us remember, for the Path.

122. Penetration into the spheres of the Subtle World will not contradict earthly life. The life of the Subtle
World is not necromancy; one must become accustomed to the right understanding. If the earthly eyes do
not yet see, nor the ears hear, still the heart does recognize reality. For progress, one needs to recognize
the Supermundane World. Such a broadened consciousness will transform the entire attitude toward life.
The time has drawn near when one must prepare the consciousness for broad perceptions. Only in a broad
understanding will it be possible to discern the process that is taking place.

130. “Brotherhood on earth is impossible!” Thus e those filled with selfhood. “Brotherhood on
Earth is impossible,” say the dark destroyers. “Brotherhood on earth is impossible,” whisper the weakwilled.
Thus do many voices try to deny the fundamentals of Be-ness. Yet, so many true Brotherhoods
have existed in different epochs, and nothing was able to cut short their existence. If people do not see
something, then for them it does not exist. Such ignorance can be traced from ancient times up to this day.
Nothing can force a man to see if he does not wish to see. It is time to understand that it is not only the
visible that exists but that the world is filled with invisible realities.

131. Through what means can Brothers be in contact? If in the earthly body, then such connection will be
a fleeting one. If in the subtle body, then, too, such unity may be frail. Only the bodies of Light can be
mutually affirmed. Only under the one ray of the focal point is it possible to find mutual understanding.
Thus, let us not consider the concept of Brotherhood superficially, as then it will remain within earthly
bounds and will be useless. The guiding magnet is encompassed not in the earthly body, nor in the subtle,
but in the seed of the spirit, in the given Light which surpasses imagination. He who does not understand
the higher mystery of Brotherhood had better not belittle this concept. Let him plunge once again into the
Subtle World and learn about the radiance of the Higher World. Perhaps the wayfarer will carry along a
spark of Light in his new ascent?
Thus, let us adopt care toward the concept of Brotherhood.

134. People who bear within themselves the element of brotherly cooperation can be observed from early
childhood. Usually they are sharply distinguished from all surrounding them. Their power of observation
is high and their impressionability strong. They are not satisfied with mediocrity and they stand apart,
eschewing commonly accepted enjoyments. It can be observed that they seem to bear within themselves
some sort of inner task. They can see much and make note of it in their consciousness. They are usually
compassionate, as if they remember the value of this quality. They are indignant at grossness of conduct,
as if realizing all the baseness of such quality. They are concentrated upon their favorite subjects, and
they are surrounded by envy and malevolence, since they are not understood and remain alien among
people. It is not easy to live one's life with an uplifted consciousness, as it cannot be content amidst the
general denial of everything that leads toward Light.
Such chosen ones are not often encountered. Often they are unrecognized. Theirs is a dream
which comes from afar, and which for other people will sometimes seem to border upon madness. From
antiquity there has come the term “sacred madness.” Wisdom is frequently spoken of as madness.
Likewise do people refer to an uplifted consciousness. Let us not regard these as axioms generally known,
for actually they remain neglected for entire ages.
Thus, the concept of Brotherhood enters the consciousness with difficulty.


Evo, tu ima raznih ideja,
odabrano je po mojoj sklonosti
nije potrebno sve čitati odjednom,
u glavu je najbolje unositi ideju po ideju
i pustiti da se to razlaže i eventualno usvoji.
Voljela bih da sam na ove tekstove naišla prije trideset godina.
Zato sad objavljujem.
Možda nekome ustreba.
Ugodan vam dan!

Vani je upravo tulila sirena ,
isprobavanje sustava za uzbunjivanje.
Nije počeo rat.

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