We are all creators

petak , 10.11.2023.

...but still unaware of our potential. I wonder why that is? Those whom we allow to rule with us know this truth well. They also know that we cannot create anything by ourselves, we need others to create something. That is why they keep knowledge and share it among themselves. That's how they rule. That's how they become richer. They are also smart, they know our nature, which is the main source of their manipulation of us. They put us in the position of "blind" followers and we accepted it because they seem so advanced and superior to us, not knowing that we are the ones who are actually powering their system. We are their batteries. However, we cannot do anything while we are divided.

Svi smo mi kreatori

...ali još uvijek nesvjesni našeg potencijala. Pitam se zašto je to tako? Oni, kojima dopuštamo da sa nama vladaju, dobro znaju ovu istinu. Znaju i da ne možemo ništa stvoriti sami, da nam trebaju drugi da bi nešto stvorili. Zato čuvaju znanje i dijele ga među sobom. Tako vladaju. Tako postaju sve bogatiji. Također su pametni, poznaju našu prirodu koja je glavni izvor njihove manipulacije nama. Stavili su nas u poziciju "slijepih" sljedbenika i mi smo to prihvatili jer nam se čine toliko napredni i superiorni, ne znajući da smo mi ti koji zapravo napajamo njihov sustav. Mi smo njihove baterije. Ipak, ne možemo ništa dok smo podijeljeni tj. razdijeljeni.

The intuitive knows how to read where the master does not write and listen where the master does not speak. (Samael Aun Weor)

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