
ponedjeljak, 02.04.2007.

Einsamkeit, Zweisamkeit

Ovo je više onakav by the way post koje mrzim čitati i pisati ali eto, nemam pametnijeg posla. U ponedjeljak odoh sa školom u Prag, 5 dana, i na to će mi otići cijeli prokleti praznici -.- radije bih proveo kod kuće, sa đevojkom i društvom ali ne, moram ja ić gledati dvorce i cigane -.-

Al dobro, tješim se slušajući slijedeću pjesmu od Oasisa

Oasis - Cigarettes and Alcohol

Is it my imagination
Or have I finally found something worth living for?
I was looking for some action
But all I found was cigarettes and alcohol

You could wait for a lifetime
To spend your days in the sunshine
You might as well do the white line
Cos when it comes on top . . .

You gotta make it happen!

Is it worth the aggravation
To find yourself a job when theres nothing worth working for?
Its a crazy situation
But all I need are cigarettes and alcohol!

You could wait for a lifetime
To spend your days in the sunshine
You might as well do the white line
Cos when it comes on top . . .

You gotta make it happen!

Više uopće neznam čime da se smatram... najviše volim rock, i volim se smatrati recimo rockerom, ali sad vidim da je glupo ograničavati se na bilošta. Nema više granica, slušam što mi se sviđa! thumbup

I zato evo tri slike

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