
utorak, 24.04.2007.

Pjesma i rođ blogu

Ovo bih htio reći jednoj osobi...

Rammstein - Ohne Dich (Without You)

I'm going to go into the fir trees
There where I last saw her
But the evening is throwing a cloth upon the land
and upon the ways behind the edge of the forest
And the forest it is so black and empty
Woe is me, oh woe
And the birds sing no more

Without you I cannot be
Without you
With you I am alone too
Without you
Without you I count the hours without you
With you the seconds stand still
They aren't worth it

On the branches in the ditches
it's now silent and without life
And breathing becomes oh so hard for me
Woe is me, oh woe
And the birds sing no more

Without you I cannot be
Without you
With you I am alone too
Without you
Without you I count the hours without you
With you the seconds stand still
They aren't worth it without you

(Ich werde in die Tannen gehen
Dahin wo ich sie zuletzt gesehen
Doch der Abend wirft ein Tuch aufs Land
und auf die Wege hinterm Waldesrand
Und der Wald er steht so schwarz und leer
Weh mir, oh weh
Und die Vögel singen nicht mehr

Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein
Ohne dich
Mit dir bin ich auch allein
Ohne dich
Ohne dich zähl ich die Stunden ohne dich
Mit dir stehen die Sekunden
Lohnen nicht

Auf den Ästen in den Gräben
ist es nun still und ohne Leben
Und das Atmen fällt mir ach so schwer
Weh mir, oh weh
Und die Vögel singen nicht mehr

Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein
Ohne dich
Mit dir bin ich auch allein
Ohne dich
Ohne dich zähl ich die Stunden ohne dich
Mit dir stehen die Sekunden
Lohnen nicht ohne dich)

Čudno je katkada što sve ljudi mogu proživjeti...

btw večeras u ponoć mi je blog star godinu dana, jee party

- 21:41 - Komentari (13) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 23.04.2007.


Evo nešto iz starih vremena, postanem nostalgičan kad to gledam...

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Davno to bješe...

The Slaughter

I'll know her face a mile away
You'll be there in the slaughter
Freeing me when I'm cornered
Being arrested by the mind cops
They're the only ones worth changing what you do for
And I try to be in line
And what it's good for there's no telling
It's blood
It's a flood
I'll know her face a mile away
She'll take me through that gate
Living there in a flower
You wouldn't have made it without her
Though she seems to stay in one place
She grows with your life
So cry for time
What's slow is fast at the same time
It comes to life
And if it dies
You'd never notice cuz it
It slides as it climbs
I'll know her face a mile away
And I'll know my pains a life away

- 23:55 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 19.04.2007.

Glavni Zakon!

Danas je 21.4 i kobajage moj rođendan, tako da vou jea, evo prikladnog teksta dolje -.- nevolim rođendane

Auto škola "Topolovec" nalazi se u ulici Augusta Šenoe 11 u Donjem Miholjcu. Ima pet zaposlenika, a sa radom počinje u prvoj polovici 2000.-te godine. Nastala je raspadom dugogodišnje i dobro znane auto škole "Zeleni signal". Stjepan Topolovec (jedan od vlasnika bivše auto škole "Zeleni signal") sa ukupno 80% bivših zaposlenika otvara ovu novu auto školu koja teži suvremenom usavršavanju kandidata vozača. Odlično "uigrana" ekipa uz dugogodišnje iskustvo nastoji zadržati visoku prolaznost i povjerenje kandidata.

Jedini u Donjem Miholjcu i široj okolici tečaj iz prometnih i sigurnosnih pravila u cijelosti provodimo pomoću računala. Na takav način moguće je jednostavno i ugodno, pomoću slika, kandidatu predočiti razne prometne situacije i druge podatke radi lakšeg savladavanja gradiva. Također, prateći suvremene načine prezentiranja poduzeća, prva smo auto škola u gradu koja je postavila vlastite stranice na Internet čime želimo omogućiti potencijalnim kandidatima da saznaju što više informacija i upoznaju se s prednostima koje nudi upravo naša auto škola pred konkurencijom.

Kao priznanje o uspješnosti poslovanja vlasnik auto škole Stjepan Topolovec je već drugu godinu za redom uvršten u "Zlatnu knjigu istaknutih hrvatskih obrtnika" koju realizira Zavod za poslovna istraživanja. Naravno, do ovog uspjeha se došlo predanim radom, ali i zaslugom svih kandidata koji su prepoznali kvalitetu našeg pristupa i obuke u cijelosti.

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- 23:12 - Komentari (8) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 16.04.2007.

odličan post

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odličan post, nema šta!

- 22:30 - Komentari (11) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 14.04.2007.

ja se vratio iz Praga, dodati ću slike kad mi se bude dalo.

- 12:25 - Komentari (10) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 09.04.2007.


Etogac... odlazim...

U Prag na 5 dana. Donijeću svima nešto kojima sam reko da hoću. Onima kojima nisam neću donijeti ništa. Zakon! Imam dovoljno novaca, samo što mi je razred pun cajkaroša, pa neću imati društvo no

ali dobro, u subotu se vraćam tako da kissssss!!

John Frusciante - Chances

This is the time to die
I'm not someone on whom to rely
Chances come and chances go
This is letting go
I feel the tightening of the dawn
The creation of something I've sung
No one goes back 'cause they're all there
Are you everywhere
Becoming who you think you are
In order to do your part
In the multi-dimensional scheme
You'll know what I mean
This is the time to die
I'm not someone on whom to rely
Chances come and chances go
This is letting you know
I'm almost where I'll never be
This cutting off of fare like a string
A line that falls to the floor
And I'm not me anymore

Pozdrav, i zbogom i sve! Šaljem jedan masni poljubac Dini, Robertu, Filipu, Marini, Mami, Tati, Romani, Damiru Časaru, Đeliji, Tanji iz 53nje, svoj dječurliji iz jezične (sandra, veky) i iz matematičke (ja,ja) neispričavam se ako sam koga zaboravio!


- 11:08 - Komentari (8) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 02.04.2007.

Einsamkeit, Zweisamkeit

Ovo je više onakav by the way post koje mrzim čitati i pisati ali eto, nemam pametnijeg posla. U ponedjeljak odoh sa školom u Prag, 5 dana, i na to će mi otići cijeli prokleti praznici -.- radije bih proveo kod kuće, sa đevojkom i društvom ali ne, moram ja ić gledati dvorce i cigane -.-

Al dobro, tješim se slušajući slijedeću pjesmu od Oasisa

Oasis - Cigarettes and Alcohol

Is it my imagination
Or have I finally found something worth living for?
I was looking for some action
But all I found was cigarettes and alcohol

You could wait for a lifetime
To spend your days in the sunshine
You might as well do the white line
Cos when it comes on top . . .

You gotta make it happen!

Is it worth the aggravation
To find yourself a job when theres nothing worth working for?
Its a crazy situation
But all I need are cigarettes and alcohol!

You could wait for a lifetime
To spend your days in the sunshine
You might as well do the white line
Cos when it comes on top . . .

You gotta make it happen!

Više uopće neznam čime da se smatram... najviše volim rock, i volim se smatrati recimo rockerom, ali sad vidim da je glupo ograničavati se na bilošta. Nema više granica, slušam što mi se sviđa! thumbup

I zato evo tri slike

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