
ponedjeljak, 09.04.2007.


Etogac... odlazim...

U Prag na 5 dana. Donijeću svima nešto kojima sam reko da hoću. Onima kojima nisam neću donijeti ništa. Zakon! Imam dovoljno novaca, samo što mi je razred pun cajkaroša, pa neću imati društvo no

ali dobro, u subotu se vraćam tako da kissssss!!

John Frusciante - Chances

This is the time to die
I'm not someone on whom to rely
Chances come and chances go
This is letting go
I feel the tightening of the dawn
The creation of something I've sung
No one goes back 'cause they're all there
Are you everywhere
Becoming who you think you are
In order to do your part
In the multi-dimensional scheme
You'll know what I mean
This is the time to die
I'm not someone on whom to rely
Chances come and chances go
This is letting you know
I'm almost where I'll never be
This cutting off of fare like a string
A line that falls to the floor
And I'm not me anymore

Pozdrav, i zbogom i sve! Šaljem jedan masni poljubac Dini, Robertu, Filipu, Marini, Mami, Tati, Romani, Damiru Časaru, Đeliji, Tanji iz 53nje, svoj dječurliji iz jezične (sandra, veky) i iz matematičke (ja,ja) neispričavam se ako sam koga zaboravio!


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