
utorak, 20.03.2007.


Nisam dugo pisao post, a ljudi vole vršiti pritisak "napiši novi, napiši novi" ali glupo mi je pisati nešto tek reda radi, ako nemam ništa pametno za reći (ako sam ikada išta imao).

Al evo mogu par svinjarija napisati...

U zadnje vrijeme sve više i više slušam Industrial Metal... većinom njemačke grupe koje su dio NDH glazbene direkcije.

Savršena je glazba, nabrijane gitare bez puno solaža, često spuštenih štimunga, jaki basovi, udarački bubnjevi sa ritmičkim, katkada i disko-tip zvukom, i sveprisutne klavijature, sve to uz duboke, duboke vokale.

Neke od grupa koje su mi savršene:

1. Rammstein
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2. Megaherz
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3. Oomph!
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4. Die Krupps
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I to vrlo dobra glazba uistinu jeste!

Die Krupps - The Last Flood

Rammstein - Adios

He lays the needle in the vein
and he asks the music to come inside
between his throat and forearm
the melody travels softly in the bones

Go! Go! Go!
Bop bop shu bop

He has closed his eyes
a battle rages in his blood
an army marches through his bowel
the intestines become warm slowly

Go! Go! Go!
Bop bop shu bop

Nothing is for you
nothing was for you
nothing remains for you

He takes the needle from the vein
the melody travels out of the skin
violins burn with shrieking
harps cut the flesh
he has opened his eyes
but he is not awake

Nothing is for you
nothing was for you
nothing remains for you

- 22:09 - Komentari (26) - Isprintaj - #