
utorak, 19.09.2006.

Alone, together

Eto, imao sam priliku da hodam sam samcat gradom... slušajući pjesmu, promatrajući nebo, ignorirajući ljude, zgrade, svjetla... gledam kroz sve što me sputava tu dolje... razmišljam što činim krivo... gdje griješim, koje me to sranje najviše zajebava u životu... ali nije me briga hoću li shvatiti ili neću... jer sam jednostavno prokleto umoran od toliko toga...

nemam više volje... samo me par stvari drži ovdje gdje jesam...

0:48 4.9.2006

I am no longer happy
I am no longer the person you know
Fading away

Don't you know that it is you who's killing me
Silently, without knowing it

I see the light before me
I can reach out to catch it
But it will always beat me down

It will always beat me down

I know your face
It's all out of place

I know your face
It's all out of place

It's getting darker
I'm cold, I can't feel your warmth
I can't feel you there
You're not here with me

I am afraid of crying
And there are no more dreams of love
And there is nothing that can save me
I'm losing myself

The picture is fading
I can't see anything
I can only hear myself crying
I can only hope to waste away
before you see me like this

Before you see what you've done to me

I don't want to live through this
but there is nothing I can do
There is nothing
My mind is fading
My love for you is alone, full of despair
My love for you is tortured
My love for you is calling
It is dying
It is wasting away, along with everything else

And I can't dream anymore
I can't love anymore


You don't know
You think I love
You think I am here
You couldn't be more wrong

I want to find you
I want to see your face one more time
Before I forget it again
Before I choke on the tears in my breath

I need you
I want you
And I know that it is all for nothing
You will never be mine
You will fade away
Same as the rest of myself

And the love will be gone...

Jednoga dana ću dati ljudima na znanje što točno osjećam... istresti ću sve, neću se ustručavati, jer će mi tada biti savršeno svejedno

do tada........ tražim sreću u ljudima ludima ko ja zujo lud zujo

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