Nepotrebno dokazivanje
Ponekad uhvatim sebe da radim neke stvari što drugi ljudi ne bi jer nemam neki interes da to uradim. Radim to obično jer mislim da je to ispravno. Međutim, mislim da nekada i pretjeram i da se bavim stvarima samo da bi «dokazao» da sam fin, pošten i dobar čovjek. Najsvježiji primjer je da sam odlučio probono voditi idalje jedan projekat za firmu koju sam napustio. Radi se o kompleksnom projektu pa sam mislio da je to najbolje i za bivšu firmu i klijenta. Na kraju je klijent pitao zašto nisam delegirao projekat nekom drugom... I sad kontam, što nisam. Samo sam na sebe nabacio breme posla bez potrebe i na kraju balade opet neću valjat. Samo da isporučimo ovu verziju i da nam plate, onda ću se izvući.
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Utisci nakon prve sedmice
Prenijeti osjćaje, utiske, doživljaje i događaje na engleskom jeziku baš i nije lako. Nije u pitanju znanje jezika, nego jednostavno ne osjećam da sam uspio zapisati svoje misli na papir. Kao da su izgubljene negdje u prevodu. Zato, dalje pišem na svom jeziku.
Uglavnom, Amerika je zaista drugi svijet. Ima sranja kao i svugdje ali taj zapadni mind set-up mi baš odgovora. Ove sedmice mogu primjetiti sljedeće lekcije:
- Pakovanje malih stvari da izgledaju velike - to je nešto u čemu sam ja zaista slab. Oni to ovdje baš puno koriste, tako da male stvari izgledaju veliko. Volio bih naučiti tu vještinu.
- Sastanci su većinom neformalni (jedu kokice na sastancima)
- Koliko sam mogao shvatiti, ovdje se na poslu ne pokazuju puno emocije čak i kada su pod najvećim stresom. Kada je sranje, jednostavno se pokušava naći najbolje rješenje da se ide dalje i to je to.
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It is near 5 PM and it is period of the day with low energy level. I have just scrolling the Facebook and Bryan Tracy says: “You are where you are and what you are because you have decided to be there”. Well, I am not sure how much is it true but in my case it is.
I quit my job and I am in the new company. At the moment, I am in that period when I question myself was that a good decision? I must admit that my former boss made me sick and that is the main reason I quit. Probably, I wouldn’t do it in any other case. Last 5 years, I think that only I cared about that company. Former owner did not because it was his hobby, not a profession.
Then, he sold company to his friend and it happened it most difficult time for the company. We weren’t earning enough money to pay our bills and salaries. I proposed that we fire all staff or get loan until we get some projects we had already in pipeline. New owner didn’t accept any of these options so employees were very unhappy. For creative organization it is very dangerous. In two months 1/3 of your staff quit. Quality of our work dropped dramatically.
I was on real pressure and I couldn’t do anything. I could just watch that everything I built in few years is collapsing. Then I decided to move on.
Now I am in new company but it is temporary solution. I am thinking about starting my own business in field of content development and education. My former colleague already started that kind of business and I planned to join him. So current plan is to leave this new job when I come from US.
At the moment I so confused because I am wishy-washy... I don’t know which way to choose. This company doesn’t have clear business model and I doubt it will succeed. Founder of the company is really nice guy and I will help him during following two months after that I will quit. After that I will put my whole energy on business started with my colleague.
There is a problem with that new company as well. Actually, it is not problem with the company it is about colleague. He has some freelance jobs and he makes money from that but I don’t. So, he is in some way secured and I am not. So it is very important that things are getting done fast so I can start selling our services.
There is always option to find a new job in some kind of corporation. But I would like to try myself whether I am able to do own business. I give myself 6 months to see what happens. If there is not enough work, than I will find new job and that is it.
So, conclusion:
Step 1: Enjoy and get as many contacts and knowledge in US
Step 2: Leave current company
Step 3: Do my best for my own company
Step 4: See what happens.
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