~2010 Formula 1 World Championship~

01. Lewis Hamilton 109
02. Jenson Button 106
03. Mark Webber 103
04. Fernando Alonso 94
05. Sebastian Vettel 90
06. Nico Rosberg 74
07. Robert Kubica 73
08. Felipe Massa 67
09. Michael Schumacher 34
10. Adrian Sutil 23
11. Vitantonio Liuzzi 12
12. Rubens Barrichello 7
13. Vitaly Petrov 6
14. Sebastien Buemi 5
15. Jaime Alguersuari 3
16. Kamui Kobayashi 1
17. Nico Hulkenberg 1
18. Pedro de la Rosa 0
19. Heikki Kovalainen 0
20. Karun Chandhok 0
21. Lucas di Grassi 0
22. Jarno Trulli 0
23. Bruno Senna 0
24. Timo Glock 0

01. McLaren-Mercedes 215
02. RBR-Renault 193
03. Ferrari 161
04. Mercedes GP 108
05. Renault 79
06. Force India-Mercedes 35
07. STR-Ferrari 8
08. Williams-Cosworth 8
09. BMW Sauber-Ferrari 1
10. Lotus-Cosworth 0

01. Bahrain GP 2010: Sakhir - 14. ožujka
Pole Position: Sebastian Vettel
Pobjednik: Fernando Alonso
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Jason Button

02. Australian GP 2010: Albert Park - 28. ožujka
Pole Position: Sebastian Vettel:
Pobjednik: Jason Button
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Jason Button

03. Malaysian GP 2010: Sepang - 4. travnja
Pole Position: Mark Webber
Pobjednik: Sebastian Vettel
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Jason Button

04. Chinese GP 2010: Shanghai - 18. travnja
Pole Position: Sebastian Vettel
Pobjednik: Jenson Button
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Sebastian Vettel

05. Spanish GP 2010: Catalunya - 9. svibnja
Pole Position: Mark Webber
Pobjednik: Mark Webber
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Jason Button

06. Monaco GP 2010: Monte Carlo - 16. svibnja
Pole Position: Mark Webber
Pobjednik: Mark Webber
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Jason Button

07. Turkish GP 2010: Istanbul Park - 30. svibnja
Pobjednik: Lewis Hamilton
Pole Position: Mark Webber
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Jason Button

08. Canadian GP 2010: Gilles Villeneuve 13. lipnja
Pobjednik:Lewis Hamilton
Pole Position: Lewis Hamilton
Posljednji pobjednik (2008): Robert Kubica

< lipanj, 2010 >
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~2009 Formula 1 World Championship~

01. Jenson Button 95
02. Sebastian Vettel 84
03. Rubens Barrichello 77
04. Mark Webber 69.5
05. Lewis Hamilton 49
06. Kimi Räikkönen 48
07. Nico Rosberg 34.5
08. Jarno Trulli 32.5
09. Fernando Alonso 26
10. Timo Glock 24
11. Felipe Massa 22
12. Heikki Kovalainen 22
13. Nick Heidfeld 19
14. Robert Kubica 17
15. Giancarlo Fisichella 8
16. Sebastien Buemi 6
17. Adrian Sutil 5
18. Kamui Kobayashi 3
19. Sebastien Bourdais 2
20. Kazuki Nakajima 0
21. Nelsinho Piquet 0
22. Vitantonio Liuzzi 0
23. Romain Grosjean 0
24. Jaime Alguersuari 0
25. Luca BadoeR 0

01. Brawn-Mercedes 172
02. RBR-Renault 153.5
03. McLaren-Mercedes 71
04. Ferrari 70
05. Toyota 59.5
06. BMW Sauber 36
07. Williams-Toyota 34.5
08. Renault 26
09. Force India-Mercedes 13
10. STR-Ferrari 8

01. Australian GP 2009: Albert Park - 29.ožujka
Pole Position: Jason Button
Pobjednik: Jason Button
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Lewis Hamilton

02. Malaysian GP 2009: Sepang - 5 travanj
Pole Position: Jason Button
Pobjednik: Jason Button
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Lewis Hamilton

03. Chinese GP 2009: Shanghai - 19 travanj
Pole Position: Sebastain Vettel
Pobjednik: Sebastian Vettel
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Lewis Hamilton

04. Bahrain GP 2009: Bahrain - 26. travanj
Pole Position: Jarno Trulli
Pobjednik: Jason Button
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Felipe Massa

05. Spanish GP 2009: Catalunya - 10. svibanj
Pole Position: Jason Button
Pobjednik: Jason Button
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Kimi Raikkonen

06. Monaco GP 2009: Monte Carlo - 24. svibanj
Pole Position: Jason Button
Pobjednik: Jason Button
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Lewis Hamilton

07. Turkish GP 2009: Istanbul - 7. lipnja
Pole Positon: Sebastian Vettel
Pobjednik: Jason Button
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Felipe Massa

08. British GP 2009: Silverstone - 21 lipnja
Pole Position: Sebastian Vettel
Pobjednik: Sebastian Vettel
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Lewis Hamilton

09. German GP 2009: Nürburgring - 12. srpnja
Pole Position: Mark Webber
Pobjednik: Mark Webber
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Fernando Alonso

10 Hungarian GP 2009: Hungaroring - 26. srpnja
Pole Position: Fernano Alonso
Pobjednik: Lewis Hamilton
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Heikki Kovalainen

11. European GP 2009: Valencia - 23. kolovoza
Pole Position: Lewis Hamilton
Pobjednik: Rubens Barrichello
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Felipe Massa

12. Belgian GP 2009: Spa-Francorchamps - 30. kolovoza
Pole Position: Giancarlo Fisichella
Pobjednik: Kimi Raikkonen
Prošlogodišnji pobjednik: Felipe Massa

nedjelja, 27.06.2010.

European GP 2010 - Valencia: Race; Vettel takes victory

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Danas mi je rođendan, i to jedan od boljih, zahvaljujući najviše Vettelu i još su malo pomogli suci.
Na startu utrke Vettel je uspjeo zadržati prvu poziciju iako ga je Hamilton pokušao pretjeći u drugome zavoju tada su se dotaknuli i Hamilton je oštetio prednje krilo. Start je prošao dosta mirno, samo je Webber dosta loše startao i i zgubio oko 7 pozicija.Dobar start su imali i dva Ferrarija.
Krivac za ovako uzbudljivu utrku je Mark Webber. Nakon što je izgubio nekoliko pozicija, Webber je otišao u boks da odmah promjeni gume u 7. krugu i vratio se iza Heikkija Kovalainena. Webber se mučio kako bi ga pretekao, da bi uzavoju broj 17., Finac u svome Lotusu prerano zakočio što je iznenadilo Webbera koji je poletio preko Lotusovog bolida, prevrnuo se i udario u zaštitnu ogradu. Iako je to izgledalo stravično Marku Webberu nije ništa bilo, iako je njegov Red Bull jako oštećen.
Tada je kontrola utrke aktivirala Sigurnosni automobil (SC) gdje je bilo još drame. Vettel je prošao ispred SC i on je mogao tek u sljedećem krugu ići u boks, dok se Lewis Hamilton u McLarenu našao pored SC-a, mislio se, no ipak se odlučio da će ga prestići. Svi vozači su tada išli u boks po novi set guma uključujući i Jasona Buttona u McLarenu koji je tada niti kriv niti dužan došao na 4. mjesto. Najlošije su prošli Ferrarijevi vozači koji su bili izad SC i Alonso je lako mogao vidjeti da je Hamilton pretekao SC i zsto što su njih dvojica tako dobri prijatelji Alonso je Hamiltona "cinkao" sucima.
Jedini koji nije išao u boks je bio opet izvanredni Kamui Kobayashi koji je veći dio utrke vozio na trećem mjestu.
Vettel je imao dosta mirnu utrku koju je dobro kontrolirao.
Nakon što je kontrola utrke primila poruku od Alonsa, Hamilton je dobio kaznu prolaska kroz bokseve, no njegova prednost ispred Kobayashija je bila velika, pa je i nakon te kazne zadržao 2. mjesto. Iskreno misim da to nije fer, da Hamilton nije pretekao SC bio bii među zadnjima, a ovako je dobio jednu jadnu kaznu koja nije ništa promjenila, a još kada se sjetim koliko Hamilton ima ukora iz prijašnjih utrka, očito pravila nisu ista za sve, kao što Ferrari može testirati usred sezone tako i McLaren, ili točnije Hamilton može kršiti pravila.
Kraj je isto bio dosta uzbudljiv jer je Kobayashi koji je u tome trenutku držao treće mjesto morao obavezno ići ui boks i tada je došao na deveto mjesto iza Buemija i Alonsa te je njih dvojicu sjajno pretekao u zadnjem krugu, donio važne bodove za Sauber na 7. poziciji.
Dobar nastup imao je i Williams, Rubens Barrichello prošlogodišnji pobjednik je završio na 4. poziciji, dok je Hulkenberg zbog problema sa motorom morao odustati dok je imao poziciju koja mu je osiguravala bodove, ta činjenica je razljutila mladog Njemca.
Jako loši vikend imao je Mercedes, pogotovo Schumacher koji je završio na 15. poziciji te je čak 3 puta išao u boks.
Zanimljivo je bilo kada se na stazi dva puta našao predmet koji tamo nije trebao biti, prvo je to bila jedna plastična kesa, a poslije staklena boca. Jedan od onih ljudi što stoje sastrane u narančastome je bio dovoljno hrabar da otrči i pokupi tu bocu.
Na kraju je kontrola utrke još malo zapaprila stvari tako da je devetoricu vozača : Buttona, Barrichella, Hulkenberga, Kubicu, Petrova, Sutila, Luizzija, Buemija i de la Rosu stavila pod istragu zbog spore vožnje
iza SC-a. Nakon utrke je odlučeno da će vozači biti kažnjeni s 5 sekundi. tako su Sauber i Pedro de la Rosa izgubili zadnji bod koji je pokupio Rosberg u Mercedesu, a nesretni Alonso je promoviran na 8.mjesto. Timo Glock u Virginu je dobio kaznu od 20 sekundi jer je ignorirao
Jako zanimljiva utrka, svaka čast Vettelu, zaslužio je, opet se vratio u formu i mislim da je sada vrijeme da se Red Bull vrati tamo gdje i pripada - na vrh.

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01. S. Vettel 1:40:29:571
02. L. Hamilton +0:05:042
03. J. Button +0:07:658*
04. R. Barrichello +0:20:627*
05. R. Kubica +0:22:122*
06. A. Sutil +0:25:168*
07. K. Kobayashi +0:30:965
08. S. Buemi +0:31:299*
09. F. Alonso +0:32:809
10. P. de la Rosa +0:42:414*
11. V. Petrov +0:43:287*
12. N. Rosberg +0:44:382
13. V. Liuzzi +0:45:890*
14. F. Massa +0:46:621
15. J. Alguersuari +0:48:239
16. M. Schumacher +0:48:826
17. L. di Grassi + 1 lap
18. T. Glock + 2 laps**
19. K. Chandhokv 2 laps
20. B. Senna +2 laps
21. J. Trulli + 2 laps

Not classified:
N. Hulkenberg 49 laps*
H. Kovalainen 8 laps
M. Webber 8 laps

Fastest lap: J. Button: 1:38:766 (54. lap)

* Kažnjen s 5 sekundi zbog prespore vožnje iza sigurnosnog automobila
** Kažnjen s 20 sekundi zbog ignoriranja plavih zastava

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SV:“It’s good to be back winning and on a circuit where we didn’t expect to be that strong. But we were quick enough at all times in the race to pull away, find the gap and then guide the car home, but it wasn’t as easy as expected. It’s good to get a lot of championship points and the guys can be extremely proud, so a good weekend for them. Most important of all today is the fact that Mark had quite a big shunt but he’s fine - it shows that the cars get safer and safer but still there is a lot of risk so it’s good that he’s okay.”

Christian Horner: “The most important thing today is that Mark Webber is safe and okay. After a very nasty accident, he’s fine. Sebastian drove a very mature race and controlled his pace perfectly. After some bad luck recently, this result will be a boost for his confidence. Finally, congratulations to all members of the team for the relentless hard work that is getting performance to the car at each race. We now look forward to Silverstone in two weeks time.”

Press Conference:

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Pres konferencija najboljima iz Valencije: Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull), Lewis Hamilton (McLaren) i Jenson Button (McLaren). Kao i uvijek na blogu su objavljeni samo odgovri Vettela, ali ako želite pročitati cijelu možete OVDJE.

Q: Sebastian, fourth time of asking and you finally convert one of those poles into a race win.
Sebastian Vettel: Yeah, it is about time I would say. It wasn’t the easiest way so far but what happened, happened. We cannot change it but it is good to be back and on a circuit where we didn’t expect to be that strong, to be quick enough all the time in the race to slightly pull away, find the gap, and then carry the car home. It wasn’t as easy as expected. When I saw the safety car board it was just on the main straight and I thought this will be tough as the cars that follow might get a stop for free. But I was lucky the first couple of cars were in the same situation that I was and after the safety car I had a huge lock up into last corner trying to brake as late as I could. The tyres when you go around slowly and after the pit stop you never really have the chance to bring them up to temperature. They were colder than I expected and a big lock up but I could stay in front. After that I had a bit of a flat spot but it was alright. Obviously a lot of laps to do but I tried not to do push too hard. When I got the message that Lewis had to go to the pits to get his drive-through I backed off a bit and finally we are back here. It is good to get a lot of points. It is good for the championship and very pleased with today. I think the guys can be extremely proud. Another tough weekend for them. As I said already yesterday, very little sleep but it pays off, so we keep our head in and focus on the next one. It is our home grand prix. I think it is more or less everybody’s home grand prix but it is good for the team. We had a sensational race weekend last year and we try to repeat that. One more thing. Most important of today is the fact that Mark (Webber) had quite a big shunt but he is fine. It shows that the cars get safer and safer but still there is a lot of risk. I am happy. I asked on the radio, so I am happy to hear he is all good.

Q: Sebastian, we should mention the football as Jenson has brought that up as well. I think whatever happens in Bloemfontein there will be smiles when you go back to Milton Keynes and the factory on Monday morning.
SV: Yeah definitely, whatever we had today in our hands we were successful. We worked as a team. When it comes to racing we have the same opinion most of the time. When it comes to football, especially this afternoon I think we go two ways. Obviously I support Germany. The majority of the team backs up England, so we will see. It will be an exciting match. Of course I wish all the best to the German boys. I think if we manage at least a draw, then in penalties we should be fine.

Q: Sebastian, tell us about the start as it was pretty close with Lewis down into the first corner.
SV: Yes, I thought I had a very good initial launch and then I saw in the mirrors Mark and Lewis fighting. I think Lewis passed him right away and then braking for turn one I had no reason to try something stupid as I had nothing really to defend. I saw that Lewis was quite late on the brakes on the inside, so I tried to give as much room as I could. Once you set your braking point it is difficult to react and say okay I delay it. It was getting quite close. I think there wasn’t much I could have done to go further on the left. I think we touched. I was quite lucky. I felt the hit but a couple of corners later I felt there was nothing wrong with the car. I think he hit the inside kerb a little bit, so there is not much you can do. You get a bit of a jump from the cars. But it was closer than I expected, closer than I wanted. After that I was very happy with the car. I pulled away. Managed a very good gap at that time. I was a bit afraid when I saw the safety car boards when I entered the main straight as obviously 20 seconds earlier or 10 seconds earlier I would have been able to react right. I thought I don’t know where the guys are behind me, so depending on the gaps they might get a stop for free. But it worked out all pretty well. I think we managed the situation well. Restart was tight again. I had a big lock up. I was trying to defend and probably was a little bit too late plus underestimated the tyre temperature at that stage, so I had a bit of a front right flat spot after that. But when I knew that Lewis had to get the drive through I could adjust the pace and just try to bring the car home. I think as we said already before and seeing the pictures of the race, the most important fact is that Mark is fine. For some people they miss a little bit the attraction sometimes of the cars and they say at this time in Formula One compared to 30 years back it is boring, nothing happens and so on but I think on days like this you get reminded that still the speeds are extremely high and if something goes wrong it can go terribly wrong, so I think the most important is that he is fine and not much more to say.

Q: What about the tyres? Everyone said it was all about tyre management here.
SV: I think everyone was positively surprised. The options at the start worked really, really well. I did not try to push too hard. You don’t know the reaction after five or 10 laps. I tried to manage the tyres. I have to say they really worked well and I never got the feeling that they are dropping away, so towards the end I think the circuit got better and better and better, so it was improving, so therefore for the tyres it was an easier life today, this Sunday, than two weeks ago.

Q: (Michael Schmidt - Auto, Motor und Sport) I missed the beginning and maybe Sebastian has answered this question but how much was your car affected after the little collision with Lewis in the second corner, and later on when you braked after the restart?
SV: Obviously I felt the hit in turn two. Obviously what I was most afraid of was that his front wing touched my rear tyre. I didn’t know what part of his car touched me and where exactly. I was a bit afraid that maybe I caught a puncture but after the first lap, and after a couple of corners I felt that everything was alright. When I came back now after the race and stopped the car here I saw that the right hand side floor was quite damaged a little bit. It didn’t seem to make that great a difference. We obviously need to see in the numbers if we have lost something. Balance-wise, I was extremely happy. I think the circuit ramped up a lot and it got quicker and quicker. Regarding the flat spot, it was obviously a bit easier when Lewis had to come in and was losing about fifteen seconds at this stage, so I could control my pace and carry the car home. Yeah, basically try to prevent any further front right locking up. With higher speed, I was taking care of the tyres. It’s difficult to say how much it really cost. Obviously at the end, I never really tried to push hard because I didn’t want to try anything stupid but I think looking at the first stint and then after the restart, when we were in the pushing mode, let’s say I was very happy and the pace seemed to be very strong and we were able to pull away a bit more initially at the beginning of the race and afterwards at two or three tenths a lap, something like that.

Q: (Livio Oricchio - O Estado de Sao Paulo) Sebastian, it seems that the circuits in the second part of the season will suit your car more. What do you think?
SV: We hope that the next couple of circuits are more in our direction but as Jenson said before, everyone is pushing hard, bringing updates, so we need to see what steps the other teams make. We know what we have in our hands, so I think naturally our car suits those kinds of tracks, but we still need to go out there and get the job done, working well at the weekend, managing the tyres, finding the pace and everything. Even though the car sometimes suits the track, you might not face the easiest type of weekend. There’s still a long, long way, it’s a tough job, you need to be there all the time. I think this is what we have learned so far. It’s quite easy for the next couple of races, knowing that what we have to do is just finish up high all the time.

Q: (Ivan Martin - La Gaceta) Sebastian, how was it to race and manage the F-duct at the same time?
SV: In terms of the F-duct, you can ask these two guys because they have more experience with it. It’s our first race with it. I think you get used to it quite quickly and not operating it seems harder than actually operating it, because it becomes automatic and you just put your hand down there and close the hole, close the hole. I think many drivers will have the same opinion about the system. It was a very smart idea, it’s a big benefit if you manage to set it up right but obviously you don’t have your hands on the steering wheel all the time; I was managing to drink, I used the right hand side to press a button on the left. It also depends on how many adjustments you make per lap, brake balance and so on… you get used to it but it’s not the most comfortable thing.

Q: (Ivan Martin - La Gaceta) For all three of you, you just saw Webber’s crash for the first time, how do you personally feel when you see something like that?
SV: As we said, motor sport is dangerous. It’s what is written on every ticket, even on yours. There’s always a bit of a risk. Obviously when we go out there we go hard, we go racing, so we try our best and try to overtake the car that we are racing in front, try to pass. Sometimes it’s close and if things go wrong, I think it shows how high the speeds are and what can happen, so you should never lose respect. From the public point of view, as I said, many times it’s been criticised that Formula One is boring compared to the past and so on. I think that as a racing driver today, you seem to need the same qualities as thirty or fifty years ago. You need to deliver, you need to be fast, you need to be brave and get everything together.

Q: (Marco Degli’Innocenti - La Gazzetta dello Sport) For you all: following up Livio’s question, do you think that at this stage of the championship the battle for the title is restricted to Red Bull and McLaren?
SV: Well, there’s a long way (to go). I can only repeat what I’ve said so far. Two races can change a lot. Obviously in terms of team ranking McLaren had a very good run in the last two races with two one-two finishes. Looking at how it looks now, if you look at the points only, I think it’s between us and McLaren, but still Ferrari have made a step forward this weekend. They were probably struggling a little bit yesterday, I don’t know what was going on. They seemed a bit stronger in the morning and on Friday. There’s no time to rest, they will come back, there’s no question about that. It will be tight. At the moment it probably looks as if Mercedes are losing out a little bit but even they can play a role, even if they don’t score points but if they have a very strong car at the end, you obviously fight I don’t know who. In the case that we fight against the McLaren drivers, if they are also around, they can obviously play a big part. We will see. It’s not even half time, so there’s a long way to go.

JB: A živio ti meni još sto godina :P
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SV: Skupio ja lipo sve pokale hh :)
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Najbolji trenuci Europskog GP vikenda u Valenciji:

Sjajan vikend, malo mi je žao Webbera no dobro je da mu se ništa nije dogodilo, da nema ozljeda. Vettel se sada prbližio McLarenu u poretku i u još boljoj poziciji da postane prvak. Za dva tjedna nas čeka prepravljeni Silverstone, još jedna lijepa destinacija Formule 1.

Source: formula1.com / f1racing.com.hr / f1-hr.com / vimeo.com / motorsport.com

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