Red Moon D Watch

utorak, 28.08.2007.

Zvuk usporava mrežni promet u Visti

Problemi s Vistom u mrežnom radu su poznati. Nedavno sam pročitao kako sviranje običnih MP3 datoteka može usporiti mrežni promet. Činilo mi se da je mala vjerojatnost za to, ali ipak su korisnici dokazali suprotno. Na kraju priče je Microsoft priznao da postoje problemi...

Adrian je detaljno obradio tu temu, a zanimljivi su neki isječci iz odgovora koji je stigao iz Redmonda.

Please note that some of what we are seeing is expected behavior, and some of it is not. In certain circumstances Windows Vista will trade off network performance in order to improve multimedia playback. This is by design.

The connection between media playback and networking is not immediately obvious. But as you know, the drivers involved in both activities run at extremely high priority. As a result, the network driver can cause media playback to degrade. This shows up to the user as things like popping and crackling during audio playback. Users generally hate this, hence the trade off.

IZVOR: Microsoft responds to Vista network performance issue

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