Ratni Čekić

ponedjeljak, 20.02.2012.

Chapter I - Ferlangen - pt 2

Seven Blows of SIgmar (tavern)

Large wooden structure with spacious porch separated from rest of city by collonade of massive wooden pillars reminding upon nothing more than ancient temple.
There is a sign painted on wood that represents Sigmarite warrior priest pummeling head of beastman with his trusty warhammer.
Tavern is clean and well maintained, which comes as suprise to some visitors as it's owner is large, burly ex-soldier without style for dressing. His name is Otto. Ottos short temper is legendary among locals, though he tries his best not to scare newcomers in abandoning his tavern. Despite his rough exteriour and serious lack of social skills Otto is more tolerant than some concerning non humans and strange looking, and might even be tempted to offer position at his tavern to such individual. Visitor might be suprised when he sees well maintained and furnished veteran tavern, though after a while spent there one thing becomes obvious. Otto's friend Elleryn, elvish bouncer that decided to stay in his tavern is responsible for stylish decorations of interiour. Despite his good taste visitors will soon find out about his missgivings. Elerryn is arrogant and loves to brag. Despite that fact he is loyal friend and will not betray Otto, nor leave his tavern. Inquiring might discover suprising fact about Elerryns background. By some he is considered a elvish nobleman, as his bearing is regal and his dressing in latest fashion. Disdain he shows toward everyone except Otto is palpable. Others, wiser man see him for what he truly is, an xenophobic outcast sentenced among people he consider lower race.
Elerryn isn't only employee of old Veteran. He also hired two young girls to work as his wenches, Katerine and Marget. While Katerine is shy little redhead that scurries here and there without good look at customers, Marget is well developed busty darkhaired girl that might offer special services in exchange for gold crown.
All in all Seven blows of Sigmar is tavern with good reputation maintained by rich clientele. Most noblemans and foreigners that travel through Ferlangen rent a room or stay at evenings entertainment in this tavern. Though that doesn't mean that clientele is composed completely of travelers and nobles. Seven blows of Sigmar is known as place where nobles rub shoulders with common and military man, and as such is always looking for performer of quality.

20.02.2012. u 16:25 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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