Ratni Čekić

srijeda, 15.02.2012.

Chapter I- Ferlangen

Ispričavam se zbog svih stilskih i gramatičkih grešaka, umoran sam i nemam volje lektorirati ;) Ovo je dio namijenjen igračima kako bi se lakše uživjeli u svijet u kojem igraju i možda si olakšali život ingame.
Igrači koji su objavili priču za sad : Karlo ; 3 mjesta prazna, početak igre za tjedan i pola.

Ferlangen is prosperous town north from eastern part of mountain range called Middlemountains by man of the Empire. Despite the fact that storm of Chaos wasn't that long ago, little town has kept its bearing what cannot be said of Ostlands Capital Wulfenberg that stil lies in ruins.
Man of Ferlangen survive by trading wood they have in abudance. But there is one other branch that also flourishes in Ferlangen, and that is trade in antiquities. Person could find anything from ancient rune weapons to forbidden manuscripts, though not many will admit that as witch hunters are ever vigilant, here even more than in other places, for memory of Chaos invasion is still fresh in Ostlanders mind.

Defenses: Despite it's size, Ferlangen has large amount of imperial troops stationed within its sturdy Dwarf made walls. As they live within confines of forest most of Ferlangen troops are composed of well trained and armoured imperial swordsman, while rest falls to halberdieers and rifleman.
Ferlangen is City with six large towers, each equiped with one large catapult and two balistas, and filled with arrows and gunpowder to sustain long siege. Each day there are soldiers marching walls tirelesly as they are well aware of danger that threatens them all. Threat of Chaos has always been foremost thought in Ostlanders mind, and when Northern winds blow they look at each other with steel in their eyes and hands firmly grasping hilts of their swords.
Nightlife: Ferlangen has almost nil criminal rate, because this far north any crime is payed with life. Depending upon crime person might be executed on spot or sent to first line of battle. Despite it's harsh laws, courtesans are known to profit from many soldiers passing this way.
There are two majot taverns. Sevens blows of Sigmar and Barons Grail.

– to be continued -

15.02.2012. u 01:06 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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