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wish box :) (reminder)

- želim putovati! :-)
- i dalje želim crtati, slikati, ne zaboraviti tu stranu sebe jer je to ono što volim
- želim naučiti svirati bubnjeve! freet je bio zauzet cijelo ljeto, smrc, ali ostaje neispunjena želja :)
- MORAM odigrati Metal Gear Solid 3 i 4 i ponovno se zaljubiti u adrenalin, snagu, hrabrost...ne znam možete li to shvatiti dok ne odigrate. najtoplije preporuke. :)
- imala sam nekoliko novogodišnjih odluka, pa da i njih upišem. dakle,
1.bit ću manje Ljutko.
2.bit ću manje Ljubomorko.
3.bit ću zdrava. Mali Rambo. :)
- želim ptice jednog dana u svojoj kući/stanu. obožavam ptice. prekrasne su.
- ...


najduža cimersko-prijateljska veza :P
moja injica
truth defender dasha!
ultrazanimljiv blog jedne callgirl
čovjek s dušom :)
moja spaljena lijena za pisati postove! :)
KUD Tomislav


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Ljubav je kad posudim od tebe 12 kuna
Za plavi oglasnik
Pa u njemu potražim posao
A ne potrošim ih na 2 kave ili pivu

Ljubav je kad ne gledam
Tvoje poznanike s gađenjem i šutim
Nego imam jaja bit pred njima
Jer znam da me voliš
Pa ćeš ih stjerat u kurac
Ako će ti srat zbog mene

Ljubav je kad se ne bojim
Da ćeš me ikad ostavit
Iako bih tu opciju smatrao
Apsolutno shvatljivom

Ljubav je kad ti ne dođem
U 5 ujutro iznimno pijan
I kažem da sam slupao auto
I tako ostanem pijano smrdit
Dok ne odeš na posao

I ne operem suđe ujutro
Jer me boli glava
Pa ga moraš oprat ti
Kad dođeš s posla

Ljubav je kad na tebi volim
Sva sranja koja mi se inače gade
I radi kojih bi neku drugu
Promptno dekapitirao
Motornom pilom Stihl

Ljubav je kad ti znaš koliko sam glup
I nije da me samo voliš i zanemaruješ to
Nego te ne jebe to pol posto
I guba ti je imat takvog kripla
Pored sebe

Ljubav je kad kažeš da te zagrlim
A ja to učinim
Bez da kažem, još samo malo bum na netu
I tako zagrljeni zaspemo
Istovremeno, bez da razmišljam
Kaj sam propustil tim zagrljajem
Jer se stignemo grlit i sutra

Ljubav je dok glumim
Malu retardiranu žirafu
I totalno sam glup
A ti se smiješ
Jer razumiješ da sam
Jebena retardirana žirafa

Ljubav je kad sa mnom igraš Wormse
I ne ide mi toliko na kurac to
Kaj ti moram narihtat
Neograničeno vrijeme poteza
A znam da nikad nećeš naučit
I svejedno mi je

Ljubav je kad me puštaš
Da se ganjam po gradu
Ko zadnja seljačina
I na moju glupu facu
I na pitanje 'timater sam najbrži, si vidla?'
Me samo stjeraš u kurac il veliš 'aha'
I nasmiješ se

Ljubav je kad te probudim
Glomaznom erekcijom i poljupcem
A ti ne kazeš
Smrdi ti iz usta
I ja bih još malo spavala.

Lay beside me, tell me what they've done
Speak the words I want to hear, to make my demons run
The door is locked now, but it's open if you're true
If you can understand the me, than I can understand the you.

Lay beside me, under wicked sky
Through black of day, dark of night, we share this pair of lives
The door cracks open, but there's no sun shining through
Black heart scarring darker still, but there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you?

What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there?, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?

Come lay beside me, this won't hurt I swear
She loves me not, she loves me still, but she'll never love again
She lay beside me, but she'll be there when I'm gone
Black heart scarring darker still, yes she'll be there when I'm gone
Yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
Dead sure she'll be there!

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you?

What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there?, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?


Lay beside me, tell me what I've done
The door is closed, so are your eyes
But now I see the sun, now I see the sun
Yes now I see it!

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you?

What I've felt, what I've known
So sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there?, 'cause I'm the one who waits,
The one who waits for you

Oh what I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you?
(So I dub thee unforgiven)

Oh, what I've felt
Oh, what I've known!

I take this key (never free)
And I bury it (never me) in you
Because you're unforgiven too

Never free
Never me
'Cause you're unforgiven too!
(metallica, the unforgiven II)

My eyes seek reality
My fingers seek my veins
There's a dog at your back step
He must come in from the rain
I fall 'cause I let go
The net below has rot away
So my eyes seek reality
And my fingers seek my veins

The trash fire is warm
But nowhere safe from the storm
And I can't bear to see
What I've let me be
So wicked and worn

So as I write to you
Of what is done and to do
Maybe you'll understand
And won't cry for this man
'cause low man is due

Please forgive me

My eyes seek reality
My fingers feel for faith
Touch clean with a dirty hand
I touched the clean to the waste

The trash fire is warm
But nowhere safe from the storm
And I can't bear to see
What I've let me be
So wicked and worn

So as I write to you, yeah
Of what is done and to do, yeah
Maybe you'll understand
And won't cry for this man
'cause low man is due

Please forgive me
Please forgive me
Please forgive me

So low the sky is all I see
All I want from you is forgive me
So you bring this poor dog in from the rain
Though he just wants right back out again

And I cry to the alleyway
Confess all to the rain
But I lie, lie straight to the mirror
The one I've broken to match my face

The trash fire is warm
But nowhere safe from the storm
And I can't bear to see
What I've let me be
So wicked and worn

So as I write to you, yeah
Of what is done and to do, yeah
Maybe you'll understand
And won't cry for this man
'cause low man is due

Please forgive me
Please forgive me

So low the sky is all I see
All I want from you is forgive me
So you bring this poor dog in from the rain
Though he just wants right back out again

My eyes seek reality
My fingers seek my veins
(metallica, low man's lyric)

krik frustracije

u ispitima do grla malo me deprimiraju ti ogromni zalogaji učenja i fascinirana sam činjenicom da sam tek sad udarila bijesno onu vreću za boksanje.

ne pije mi se nikakav mirisni čaj- rooibos s cimetom i šljivom, crna snježna pahuljica ni višnja koja razbuđuje...pije mi se onaj gorki, uz dvije kockice tamnog Madagaskara...ipak sam i žena, zar ne?

crtaju mi se ljudi i upijaju mi se ljudi , stvara mi se jer želim izići iz učenja...rekoh: dosta!
i nakon što sam se smijala kao nikad kad su šalabahteri frcali na sve strane (a i moj je izdajnički ispao ispod klupe u sedmici, i bio stavljen iza mene od ruke lovranski spaljene asistentice) shvaćam da je KIT prevelik za mene...prevelik za mene umornu i jadnu, te ga odbacujem sa svojih leđa i odlučujem da je ipak vrijeme da prestanem biti brucošica :-)

Vrijeme drago...kamo bježiš? Nadam se Urbanom spasenju za Valentinovo u obliku zelenih oblačaka i glazbe za moju dušu. Žeđam za pivom...
u obliku male crne djevojčice vidim jednu moju davnu tugu iz djetinjstva i kao da proživljavam njene strahove...mala crna djevojčica kojoj ne znam kako pomoći...

toliko za sad jer se bacam u zadatke...sve u nadi da u ovoj veljači vidim i udahnem more...

06.02.2008. u 19:58

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