Vrtlog života!

petak , 12.03.2010.

Fascinira me preopterećenost ljudi nebitnim stvarima... pere me zadnjih dana nekakva tjeskoba... fali mi osoba koja mi je prirasla srcu i napustila me... nikada se neću znati nositi sa zidovima koje su si ljudi prišili zbog bojazni da budu povrijeđeni, isprovocirani il ne znam kaj još ne... boli me glupost, sebičnost i kriva nasađenost... vječita boljka nas sviju... dok smo mi takvi prema nekima, drugi su prema nama i tako ukrug... vrijeme je da prekinemo taj začarani proces... prepametni smo da bi se toliko vrtili... to je glupo gubljenje vremena... raširimo ta krila koja su nam s razlogom dana!


subota , 06.03.2010.

The insanity of humanity is that everybody thinks that knows something, but mostly are living in delusions. The great defection of humanity is calling prejudice. But how can you tell wich one is telling the truth!?! How can you discharge lie, delusion from the truth if you ain't gona listen!?! The only way to realize the greateness of coincidences is to stay open-minded. You can allways rely on your own power of resolution and common sense, but don't be affraid, don't close the door to all the informations that comes around, otherwise, you might get wrong conclusion about things and go on living in a lie about something, someone... honestly, do you really want this to happen!?! Be gallant to reveal the truth, cause, truth, sometimes, is just around the corner! And maybe, the person who's trying to tell you something is a little bit more down to Earth then you are... it's good to exchange the points of view. It can't hurt noone. Listen!

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