Missing piece

srijeda , 28.10.2009.

Anyone who falls in love is searching for the missing pieces of themselves. So anyone who's in love gets sad when they think of their lover. It's like stepping back inside a room you have fond memories of, one you haven't seen in a long time.
(Haruki Murakami)


ponedjeljak , 26.10.2009.

Život je kartanje... moraš dobro paziti koje karte stavljaš na stol, jer bi se mogle okrenuti protiv tebe... a kako se braniti od krivih karata... iskreno... bojim se da smo tu nemoćni i da nam je jedina šansa da smo u tim trenucima okruženi pravim ljudima koji će prvenstveno pokušati razumijeti, a onda tek suditi!?!


četvrtak , 08.10.2009.

As everything in life, laugh has two faces!
To explain... If I tell you that you have got ugly teeth (just for an example), but not actually mean it (ofcourse, you don't know that)... would you laugh!?! In other way... If I tell you that you have got ugly teeth (just for an example), but actually mean it (ofcourse, you don't know that)... would you laugh!?! Now, what I'm pointing at... First example is just an innocent teaser and you should laugh not takeing anything for granted! In the second one... well, that's a perfect example of the mean teaser... should you laugh!?! Yes, laugh at loud cause you've just found out that that person is so rotten inside!!! As I see it... in both ways, you are putted on a test! It should be easier if you know the person that's teasing you... cause you could percept whether is just an innocent teaser or an intent of hurting you!

What the other person could read about you according to your reaction!?!
Well... that's a double blade actually! According to your reaction, you are showing your trust to that person. If you trust enough to make a difference between good intention and bad, you won't have problems, cause you would recognize innocent joke and you'll both laugh to that stupidness. If you're unsecure about that person (not feeling to be trusted)... you'll feel attacked! If the person didn't have mean intentions, it would appologize... if it had.... it would start teasing you even more, trying to hurt you harder! Now... why should you show anyone how you feel? As I see it... if you laugh in both ways... you'll be a winner! How!?! With a friend, you'll have another good time, with an enemy... well... you'll pass the unsecure situation on it actually... Try to imagine yourself trying to put someone you mislike on that kind of probation... hehe... do you see it!?! Would you feel insecure if that person laugh!?! Why? Cause it's showing you it doesn't afraid of you at all and have no feelings to you cause you can't hurt it! How scared is that, you tell me!?!

But how to defend your emotions of been attacked!?!
Just try not processing it! Simple, don't care!

And what about persons you don't know and they're teasing you?!?
What about is the answer!

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