Prijatelju dragi gdje si? Sanjam te cesto a nema te da ti to kazem... Nemogu zamislit da je proslo ovoliko vremena a da se nismo vidjeli jer smo se prije uvijek vidjali i culi....
Pitam se dali je ovo stvarnost jer se uvjeravam da nije ali opet je previse vremena da bi sve bila zabluda...
Tesko je vise pisati i naci rijeci jer iako te stalno nosim u mislima nikakve rijeci nemaju svrhe...
Sina cu do kraja zivota tvojim imenom zvati i odgajati ga pricajuci i o tebi, nikada te se nece zaboravit dragi moj prijatelju jer si bio previse vrijedan ovome svijetu da te se preda zaboravu...
Koga bi mogli zakinut za spoznaju da je postojao mladi covjek, predivni andjeo prepun dobrote koji je otisao premlad i ostavio patnju za sobom...
Pustam ti pjesmicu, mali, neznam kaj pisat, placem ko budala, sada bi se ljutio jer sam nesretna a imam toliko toga divnog u zivotu ali nema tebe i nemogu se strogo radovat...
Jesam,sretna sam jer sam majka i jer mi se makar povrsinski zivot vratio u normalu ali dusa ne moze zacijelit jer mi previse nedostajes...
"Gone With The Sin"
I love your skin oh so white
I love your touch cold as ice
And I love every single tear you cry
I just love the way you're losing your life
Ohohohohoh my Baby, how beautiful you are
Ohohohohoh my Darling, completely torn apart
You're gone with the sin my Baby and beautiful you are
So gone with the sin my Darling
I adore the despair in your eyes
I worship your lips once red as wine
I crave for your scent sending shivers down my spine
I just love the way you're running out of life
Ohohohohoh my Baby, how beautiful you are
Ohohohohoh my Darling, completely torn apart
You're gone with the sin my Baby and beautiful you are
So gone with the sin my Darling
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This Blog is dedicated to my greatest friend,and a musician who tragicly left this world on 21.7.2007...He was only 24years old...
Brane,you will live in our hearts for all the eternity...May the Angels be with you...
I lost mi love,my life that afternoon...And now he is gone,I will never see his angelic eyes and face...
This is blog for him...
In memory of Branimir Vugdelija...Great friend,and musician...My only,best friend...My only good angel..My eternity...
He was light in my life
Why did you left us,to go trought this darkness and sorrow alone? Without,you,our light,our guardian Angel...I know you were mine Angel and light...Miss you,my dear friend... :(
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Anathema: ''Sleepless''
And I often sigh
I often wonder why
I'm still here and I still cry
And I often cry
I often spill a tear
Over those not here
But still they are so near
Please ease my burden
And I still remember
A memory and I weep
In my broken sleep
The scars they cut so deep
Please ease my burden
Please ease my pain
Surely without war there would be no loss
Hence no mourning, no grief, no pain, no misery
No sleepless nights missing the dead... Oh, no more
No more war