In beloved memory of Branimir Vugdelija

petak, 29.08.2008.

14 months since you left this world...I miss you Brane...R.I.P. dearest angel

I miss the look of surrender in your eyes
The way your soft brown hair would fall
I miss the power of your soul
But baby most of all

I miss my friend
The one my heart and soul confided in
The one I felt the safest with
The one who knew just what to say to make me laugh again
And let the light back in
I miss my friend

I miss the colors that you brought into my life
Your golden smile, those blue-green eyes
I miss your gentle voice in lonely times like now
Saying it'll be alright

I miss my friend
The one my heart and soul confided in
The one I felt the safest with
The one who knew just what to say to make me laugh again
And let the light back in
I miss my friend

I miss those times
I miss those nights
I even miss the silly fights
The making up
The morning talks
And those late afternoon walks

I miss my friend
The one my heart and soul confided in
The one I felt the safest with

Prejako mi falis, izgubljeni moj andjele...Gdje li si sada? Trebamo te na ovome svijetu...

29.08.2008. u 12:31 • 9 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 28.08.2008.

Tears of an Angel

Tears Of An Angel

Cover my eyes
Cover my ears
Tell me these words are a lie
It cant be true
That I'm losing you
The sun cannot fall from the sky

Can you hear heaven cry
Tears of an angel
Tears of aaaaaaaa...
Tears of an angel
Tears of an angel.

Stop every clock
Stars are in shock
The river will flow to the sea
I wont let you fly
I wont say goodbye
I wont let you slip away from me

Can you hear heaven cry
Tears of an angel
Tears of aaaaaaaa...
Tears of an angel
Tears of an angel.

So hold on
Be strong
Everyday on we'll go
I'm here, dont you fear

Little one dont let go
Dont let go
Dont let go

Cover my eyes
Cover my ears
Tell me these words are a lie


Angels Tears

You look in the mirror
Ask who is standing there
You dont recognize
Even yourself
Your life is all gone
All your good friends have flown
Your world is falling down
As you cry in your room
The world is standing by
Holding you in the doom

You cry to yourself
Trying not to fall
As this feeling inside, this feeling so cold
Take your heart and your soul
Humans falling like snow
Destroying their lives
Destroying their world
Forgiveness fades away
From it bursting our blood

With angels tears
You conquer the world
By some strangers fears
Youre a prisioner hold
With angels tears
You cry for the human race
Wait for a holy bless
You cant change the world

You close you eyes
And think of all that youve done
Where are your friends? The vanished, theyre gone
Theres nothing to find
When theres nothing to hide
With so many problems
There are so many sins
With an unconscious touch
Put an end to the dream

Now you have the scars
Of so many battles
Ones youve won ones youve lost
But you finally got
All you always wanted
For the people around you
Love and hope
Would they always remember

You open the window
Take a look at the streets
Can you still be alive? Maybe your heart beats?
As you see emotions dying
You think that youre flying
Golden wings on your back
Heading to Paradise
And the world starts to die
As you kiss it goodbye

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Moje srce krvari za tobom...

Nedostajes mi Brane, andjele...

28.08.2008. u 11:50 • 21 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 21.08.2008.

13 months R.I.P.

Neznam kako prestati osjecati ovo kaj osjecam, voljela bih biti malo veselija da drugima ne budem naporna kao drustvo ali nemogu, jednostavno neide, pred njima se drzim snazno, a onda na ovaj blog istresem sve emocije, suze...
Boli me, eto, jos 43 minute i biti ce punih 13mjeseci, a njega i dalje nema, 13mjeseci da se nismo culi je proslo, malo duze je proslo da se nismo vidjeli...
I koliko jos godina je pred nama a da cemo biti daleko od njega?
I sada pisem, i sada suze teku, lijem ih jednu za drugom, jer nema tebe, andjele...
Od odlaska na tvoj grob sve je postalo stvarnije, zapravo, nije mi to stvarno, jos te cekam, jos ti se nadam, ali me muci to da NEMOGU dokazati svijetu da si ti ziv i da na onom krizu NESMIJE pisati tvoje lijepo ime...
Branimir Vugdelija... Ime andjela...
I dusa mi se para, zar zaista nikada vise? Zar vise niti jedan 21. nece proci bez suza? Ne prodje tren da ja ne pomislim na tebe... I u Sinju, ajme majko, kada sam isla po kaficima i usla i u tvoju slavnu Brockvu... Kada sam ugledala one okice i kosicu i pomislila- ajme, nemoj se srusiti, progutaj suze, neces raditi scenu... A sjela sam, i pogled stalno bjezi prema slici, zamisljamo te svi mi, cijelo drustvo, kao da si tu, mi smo dosli u tvoj grad a tebe nema sa nama, i gomilaju se suze i kada sam dosla do ruba odjurila sam u wc da se malo maknem od tvoje slike, nisam mogla drzati suze vise u sebi, i dodjem do wc-a i vidim na onom staklu prema prostoriji gdje su instrumenti tvoju sliku... I nikako se maknuti, sve podsjeca na tebe, divnog andjela... Mislim si-ajme majko, pa do prije 13mjeseci on je tu dolazio a sada ga vise nema, on je bio tu, a sada vise nije... I bila sam u wc-u dok se nisam dobro isplakala pa se vratila, zamolila svih da popiju sto prije i svi su objerucke prihvatili tu ideju jer svima je bilo prebolno...
Na odlasku iz Sinja svi smo imali odsutne poglede pune tuge...
Svih nas boli prejako...
A ja, od kada sam se nakon tog puta zatvorila u kucu ne prestajem sa ovim stanjem... Jednostavno mi je ta tuga prevelika, nemogu se nositi sa njom kako ocekuje citav svijet... Jednostavno nemam snage za boriti se sa njom....

Volim te, andjele, prijatelju...
Ovako virtualne razgovore vodimo, dok se ne sretnemo gore...
Nadam se...

Voli te tvoja prija

21.08.2008. u 17:04 • 3 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 01.08.2008.


Koliko mi nedostajes...
Dosla sam doma i neznam, opet me ulovila tuga jace nego inace... Jos dok sam se vozila... Sjedim na motoru, vozim se, i samo odjednom suze na oci, i ona tezina u zelucu, bol u srcu, morala sam stati i zapaliti cigaru, malo setati, smiriti se prije nego nastavim voznju jer sam pukla...

I pitam se-zasto ti? Zasto tvoja obitelj mora patiti, kako mi je zao zbog toga... Neznam ti brata i mamu osim po tvojim pricama,ali tvoje price su i vise nego dovoljne da mi ih je zao, i da ih zavolim, da mi prirastu srcu...

Zao mi je i tvoje Silvije, i svih ljudi koji te vole...

A nema natrag... Kako je to bolno... Postoje samo dani pred nama, nema povratka na staro...

Zasto dobrice umiru...?

01.08.2008. u 16:01 • 48 KomentaraPrint#

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Opis bloga

This Blog is dedicated to my greatest friend,and a musician who tragicly left this world on 21.7.2007...He was only 24years old...
Brane,you will live in our hearts for all the eternity...May the Angels be with you...

I lost mi love,my life that afternoon...And now he is gone,I will never see his angelic eyes and face...
This is blog for him...

In memory of Branimir Vugdelija...Great friend,and musician...My only,best friend...My only good angel..My eternity...

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He was light in my life

Why did you left us,to go trought this darkness and sorrow alone? Without,you,our light,our guardian Angel...I know you were mine Angel and light...Miss you,my dear friend... :(

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Anathema: ''Sleepless''

And I often sigh
I often wonder why
I'm still here and I still cry

And I often cry
I often spill a tear
Over those not here
But still they are so near

Please ease my burden

And I still remember
A memory and I weep
In my broken sleep
The scars they cut so deep

Please ease my burden
Please ease my pain

Surely without war there would be no loss
Hence no mourning, no grief, no pain, no misery
No sleepless nights missing the dead... Oh, no more
No more war

Every Breath You Take Lyrics

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Ain't no mountain high
Ain't no vally low
Ain't no river wide enough, friend

If you need me, call me
No matter where you are
No matter how far
Just call my name
I'll be there in a hurry
You don't have to worry

'Cause friend,
There ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you

Remember the day
I set you free
I told you
You could always count on me
From that day on I made a vow
I'll be there when you want me
Some way,some how

'Cause friend,
There ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you

No wind, no rain

My love is alive
Way down in my heart
Although we are miles apart
If you ever need a helping hand
I'll be there on the double
As fast as I can

Don't you know that
There ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you

Don't you know that
There ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough