In beloved memory of Branimir Vugdelija

nedjelja, 13.04.2008.

R.I.P my love...

Danas, 13.4.2008. napunilo se 5godina od kada si TI ljubavi moja, zauvjek zaklopio svoje velike, predivne okice i ostavio svoju obitelj, posebno mamu i sestricu u golemoj tuzi, i ostavio si mene...
Nikada necu zaboraviti nase snove, planove i zelje, one dane koje smo provodili skupa kod mene ili tebe u stanu, nasu ljubav...
Necu zaboraviti ni onaj prsten koji si mi poklonio na Valentinovo, 2mjeseca prije nego te ona tragedija odnjela sa ovoga svijeta i odvela od nas... Rekla sam DA i iako smo bili mladi to sam mislila i to jos mislim, moje srce kuca samo za tebe i ceka dan kada ce doci na nebo i zagrliti te ponovno i poljubiti tvoje mekane usne, osjetiti onaj zagrljaj, i biti samo tvoja potpuno...
Ja,ljubavi,nemogu voljeti drugog jer moje srce je iscupano iz prsa onog trena kada si poginuo, i onako iscupano ostalo je sacuvano na sigurnom mjestu i voli samo tebe, nitko drugi nikada nece doci u moje srce jer nemoze...
Misicu moj mali koliko mi nedostajes... Koliko te volim...
Lezala sam ti uz plocu, mazila onaj hladni kamen od groba, i plakala, plakala, plakala i pricala ti... Znam da si me cuo...
Volis li me jos Andjele moj?
5 godina mi te nema, a ja se ne oporavljam od soka!!
Boli me srce kad vidim sestricu ti koja te drzala na rukama, i koja je onaj dan polagano umirala s tobom, s tobom u zagrljaju...
Kad ti vidim mamu koja vas je vidjela takve, i kad vidim da im u ocima nema zivota, najdivnija obitelj ste bili a sad je svemu dosado kraj...

Danas bi ti bio rodjendan, a ti ga vec 5 godina ne slavis s nama...

Znam da ce nekima ovo izgledat morbidno, ali ne onima koji te poznaju, ti si ovo toliko volio, kao i ja, ljubavi moja...

My Darling Brat Prince,

I long for the day when we will be together. I can almost feel your cold lips against mine. How I long to look into those icy blue eyes and hear you whisper my name...Please come to me. Take me away from this hell called mortality. I was born to be your companion on the Devil's Road...I will be yours faithfully. Hunting by your side by night, and sleeping by your side by day. We will be like two evil children in a candy store called Zagreb. I beg you, come, taste my elixer of life, and take me into you deadly arms, and let me escape from this life, and move on to immortality. I await your arrival.

I ono najljepse, i najtuznije, koje opisuje tvoju majcicu,sestricu i mene...

Seventeen rose decorate the stone
blackened skies mourn in sorrow.
Breached upon this broken fairy tale
one year will soon make tomorrow.

His room remains sealed and closed
barred away to slowly fade away.
His mother can't bare to face the things
that her son left behind on that day.

For she still remembers his last words
they've become burned in her mind.
Something that always brings her tears
something she longs for to be left behind.

Like a sadistic lullaby the words echo
"Momma, please don't let me go
I'm sorry for all of my worthless mistakes
I just want to say I love you, I hope you know"

She remembers her sons eyes close
as a tear drop escaped his blue eyes.
She had promised to him her world
she promised she wouldn't cry..

But she prays to the skies up above
wishing she can be happy once again
Living without her son isn't the same
this battle she tries so hard to win.

For one year has soon to pass by
as seventeen roses lay across his grave.
Since that drunk driver took his life
nothing has ever been the same.

Ovim putem jos jednom Teici i mami izrazavam najiskreniju sucut...
I znajte da ga volim oduvjek i zauvjek, i uvjek sam uz vas, iako me nekada strah to reci i pokazati, ali mi smo svi dio njega, a sada kad ga nema necu vas napustit jer je to kao napustanje njega, samo me ponekad strah vidjeti vasu tugu jer onda sve postane stvarno...
Ali volim vas jako,jako, kao njega...

13.04.2008. u 22:37 • 9 KomentaraPrint#

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Opis bloga

This Blog is dedicated to my greatest friend,and a musician who tragicly left this world on 21.7.2007...He was only 24years old...
Brane,you will live in our hearts for all the eternity...May the Angels be with you...

I lost mi love,my life that afternoon...And now he is gone,I will never see his angelic eyes and face...
This is blog for him...

In memory of Branimir Vugdelija...Great friend,and musician...My only,best friend...My only good angel..My eternity...

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He was light in my life

Why did you left us,to go trought this darkness and sorrow alone? Without,you,our light,our guardian Angel...I know you were mine Angel and light...Miss you,my dear friend... :(

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Anathema: ''Sleepless''

And I often sigh
I often wonder why
I'm still here and I still cry

And I often cry
I often spill a tear
Over those not here
But still they are so near

Please ease my burden

And I still remember
A memory and I weep
In my broken sleep
The scars they cut so deep

Please ease my burden
Please ease my pain

Surely without war there would be no loss
Hence no mourning, no grief, no pain, no misery
No sleepless nights missing the dead... Oh, no more
No more war

Every Breath You Take Lyrics

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Ain't no mountain high
Ain't no vally low
Ain't no river wide enough, friend

If you need me, call me
No matter where you are
No matter how far
Just call my name
I'll be there in a hurry
You don't have to worry

'Cause friend,
There ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you

Remember the day
I set you free
I told you
You could always count on me
From that day on I made a vow
I'll be there when you want me
Some way,some how

'Cause friend,
There ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you

No wind, no rain

My love is alive
Way down in my heart
Although we are miles apart
If you ever need a helping hand
I'll be there on the double
As fast as I can

Don't you know that
There ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you

Don't you know that
There ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough