Prof. Dr. Vladimir Trajkovski

petak, 07.01.2011.

Important breakthrough for the disability sector: European Union ratifies UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

On 5th January 2011, the European Union ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which constitutes the first time that the EU has become a party to an international human rights treaty. Moreover, the European Union is the first international organisation which has become a formal party of the UN Convention. For the European Union, this means ensuring that all legislation, policies and programmes at EU level comply with the Convention's provisions on disability rights, within the limits of EU competences.

EASPD applauds this important political step towards more equality for persons with disabilities in Europe facilitated by high quality support systems and services.

“The ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by the European Union is a positive sign for the disability and social and health services sector. It clearly shows the political willingness and dedication of the European Union to ensure the full enjoyment of human rights of persons with disabilities,” Luk Zelderloo, Secretary General of EASPD said. “This clear commitment of the European Union will certainly encourage those European Member States that haven’t yet ratified the UN Convention to take the necessary steps. Furthermore, the compliance of European legislation and policies with the UN Convention, such as State Aid or Public Procurement legislation or the Structural Funds programmes, should help the Member States to correctly implement this human rights instrument. It will also help the European Institutions to guarantee equal opportunities for all and full accessibility of their own bodies, infrastructure and information.”

The EU signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on 30 March 2007. It has since been signed by all 27 EU countries and a further 120 states worldwide.


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