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Kovači sudbine
Blog od 24.06.2006 godine. Alternativne pjesme senzitivne tematike. Rokenrol materijali nastali od 2000 - 2024 godine. Nadam se da ćete pronaći nešto za svoju dušu.
(preporuka: čitati od početka)

zadnja promjena na blogu: 17.07.2024

The smiths of destiny
Blog since 24.06.2006 year. Alternative songs sensitive theme. Rock and roll materials written from 2000 - 2024 year. I hope you will find something for your soul.
(recommendation: read from the beggining)

last change on blog: 17.07.2024

kontakt - contact: tsod @ tutanota.de

povezani blogovi - connected blogs:

autor - author:

dobar Rock and Roll koji možete istražiti - good Rock and Roll that you can investigate:
mostly rock and roll
Autorska prava - Copyright
Sva prava na objavljene materijale, slike, logo i dizajn bloga su pridržana
Copyright © 2000 - 2024 Kovači sudbine, The smiths of destiny

All rights on published materials, pictures, logo and blog design are reserved
Copyright © 2000 - 2024 Kovaci sudbine, The smiths of destiny

Kovači sudbine - The smiths of destiny

21.02.2021., nedjelja

Rest in Peace, Djordje Balasevic - Farewell


- 15:57 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

<< Arhiva >>

Sadržaj - Content

Najnovije prvo - Newest first

>> Keep your knickers on!
>> Let It Shine On You
>> What kind of a man would I be?
>> Black And White
>> Programming And Reprogramming Of The Human Mind
>> I would not trust Mary
>> Hot Summer Demos - HSD
>> A film I want you to watch - H1
>> On Saint Valentine's Day
>> When The Red Dragon Came By
>> One Touch
>> Signs - The Full Moon Story
>> With some help from Above (song sketch)
>> I got d'nudes (message)
>> ‘Falling in Love’ - Magic Playlist
>> Green Scarab
>> Internal Tug Of War
>> Hardest-Sweetest Love Dilemma
>> Happy Weeks
>> DON’T SLEEP !!!
>> A picture is worth a million words
>> Eternal Love
>> Butterfly
>> Double LLong - Triple SSSweet
>> Today it finally dawned on me, Matilda
>> Zeleni Skarabej
>> Can you please, please, please…
>> COTA G4 - Noć ukradi za nas (Official Video) - Impresija, Recenzija
>> With Thoughts - audio recording
>> 20th of May - info
>> Easter Special - 2022
>> Achingly Beautiful (demo in progress)
*** DIVA - The Solution how to change the Whole World for the better
>> Deleted messages - message
>> Please, take a look...
*** Humans, what you want us to become?
*** People, what kind of World do you want?
*** Urgent Letter-Song sent to the Humankind in 2021 - v.1
>> Diversion - message
>> What is on the fourteenth of February? (demo)
>> Simply to hold (demo)
>> Perseverance - Life's Essential (demo)
>>notice Rest in Peace, Djordje Balasevic - Farewell
>> Empathy for a girl - healing
>> Anyone who consumes this important information before they see my new future single - is immature
>>message Tell me more about the trigger patchwork, Fernando - message
>> Life's Subtle Nuances
45.Sublime Nine (demo version)
44.Spiritual Home of mine
43.I'll just adore you, blindly
>>notice Logo
>>message Magic step you took - message
>>notice ...No I haven't - notice
42.Nadam se da razumiješ (demo verzija)
41.I plagiarized Rock and Roll and All
40.Kim, do you want to?
(Light Fairy tale for all the refugees from senselessness)

>>notice A small one - notice
39.Wandering blue eyes
38.When I remember
37.Please wake up (I refuse to believe)
36.Horror (Death?)
35.For You
34.Dolores's dream (Bed time story for Dollie)
33.Dolores in the Sky...
>>poruka Izvan dosega...
31.Zamišljam (Ako odeš ti)
>>Između pjesama 2 (Ona i ja)
30.Ne znam što se to dogodilo ljudima danas
>>Između pjesama 1
28.Sve ovisi o tome kakav si čovjek
27.Ovaj tren
26.Volio bih da si tu
25.Možda će to biti...
24.Odrapio sam sliku
23.Tko je ukrao moje ime?
22.Nadam se, tek tako, nadam se
21.Ljudi koji stalno padaju (ništa što bi se krilo)
20.Zašto su ubili čovjeka
19.Ja tome nisam kriv
18.Zajedno sami
17.Zli moraju pasti
16.Kovači sudbine
15.Nešto o nama
14.Što smo negoli pijuni
13.Gdje ja pripadam
12.Sve je komercijalizacija
11.Simptomi ludosti
10.Uvjerena u jednu teoriju
08.Ponekad nema svjetla
07.Bježanje za samim sobom
05.Kiša nastavlja padati
04.Crno - bijelo
03.Crni tragovi
02.Vječito (u pet sati popodne)
Srpanj 2024 (1)
Lipanj 2024 (7)
Veljača 2024 (1)
Prosinac 2023 (1)
Studeni 2023 (1)
Srpanj 2023 (1)
Svibanj 2023 (1)
Ožujak 2023 (7)
Prosinac 2022 (1)
Rujan 2022 (1)
Srpanj 2022 (7)
Lipanj 2022 (1)
Svibanj 2022 (1)
Travanj 2022 (2)
Prosinac 2021 (1)
Studeni 2021 (2)
Kolovoz 2021 (1)
Srpanj 2021 (3)
Ožujak 2021 (3)
Veljača 2021 (3)
Siječanj 2021 (2)
Listopad 2020 (1)
Rujan 2020 (2)
Lipanj 2020 (1)
Ožujak 2020 (1)
Veljača 2020 (1)
Siječanj 2020 (1)
Lipanj 2019 (1)
Ožujak 2019 (4)
Srpanj 2018 (4)
Prosinac 2016 (1)
Studeni 2016 (2)
Siječanj 2009 (1)
Kolovoz 2006 (1)
Srpanj 2006 (11)
Lipanj 2006 (22)
